
Defines functions NbClust

Documented in NbClust

NbClust <-function(data = NULL, diss=NULL, distance ="euclidean", min.nc=2, max.nc=15, method =NULL, index = "all", alphaBeale = 0.1)
    min_nc <- min.nc
    max_nc <- max.nc
      stop("method is NULL")
    method <- pmatch(method, c("ward.D2", "single", "complete", "average", 
                               "mcquitty", "median", "centroid", "kmeans","ward.D"))
    indice <- pmatch(index, c("kl","ch","hartigan","ccc","scott","marriot","trcovw","tracew","friedman",
                              "ptbiserial","gap", "frey", "mcclain",  "gamma", "gplus", "tau", "dunn", 
                              "hubert", "sdindex", "dindex", "sdbw", "all","alllong"))
    if (is.na(indice))
      stop("invalid clustering index")
    if (indice == -1)
      stop("ambiguous index")
    if ((indice == 3)|| (indice == 5)|| (indice == 6)|| (indice == 7)|| (indice == 8)|| (indice == 9)|| (indice == 10)|| (indice == 11)|| (indice == 18)|| (indice == 27)|| (indice == 29)|| (indice == 31)|| (indice == 32))
        stop("The difference between the minimum and the maximum number of clusters must be at least equal to 2")
        stop("\n","method = kmeans, data matrix is needed")
        if ((indice == 1 )|| (indice == 2)|| (indice == 3 )|| (indice == 4 )|| (indice == 5)|| (indice == 6)|| (indice == 7)|| (indice == 8)|| (indice == 9)|| (indice == 10)|| (indice == 12)|| (indice == 14)|| (indice == 15)|| (indice == 16)|| (indice == 17)|| (indice == 18)
          || (indice == 19)|| (indice == 20)|| (indice == 23)|| (indice == 24)|| (indice == 25) || (indice == 27)|| (indice == 28)
          || (indice == 29) || (indice == 30)|| (indice == 31) || (indice == 32))
          stop("\n","Data matrix is needed. Only frey, mcclain, cindex, sihouette and dunn can be computed.", "\n")
          stop("data matrix and dissimilarity matrix are both null")
          cat("\n","Only frey, mcclain, cindex, sihouette and dunn can be computed. To compute the other indices, data matrix is needed","\n") 
      jeu1 <- as.matrix(data)
      numberObsBefore <- dim(jeu1)[1]
      jeu <- na.omit(jeu1) # returns the object with incomplete cases removed 
      nn <- numberObsAfter <- dim(jeu)[1]
      pp <- dim(jeu)[2]    
      TT <- t(jeu)%*%jeu   
      sizeEigenTT <- length(eigen(TT)$value)
      eigenValues <- eigen(TT/(nn-1))$value
      # Only for indices using vv : CCC, Scott, marriot, tracecovw, tracew, friedman, rubin
      if (any(indice == 4) || (indice == 5) || (indice == 6) || (indice == 7) || (indice == 8) || (indice == 9) || (indice == 10) || (indice == 31) || (indice == 32))
        for (i in 1:sizeEigenTT) 
          if (eigenValues[i] < 0) {
            #cat(paste("There are only", numberObsAfter,"nonmissing observations out of a possible", numberObsBefore ,"observations."))
            stop("The TSS matrix is indefinite. There must be too many missing values. The index cannot be calculated.")
        s1 <- sqrt(eigenValues)
        ss <- rep(1,sizeEigenTT)
        for (i in 1:sizeEigenTT) 
          if (s1[i]!=0) 
        vv <- prod(ss)  
  #                                                                                                                      #
  #                                              Distances                                                               #
  #                                                                                                                      #
  distanceM <- pmatch(distance, c("euclidean", "maximum", "manhattan", "canberra", "binary", "minkowski"))
if (is.na(distanceM)) 
  stop("invalid distance")
    if (distanceM == 1) 
    		md <- dist(jeu, method="euclidean")	# "dist" function computes and returns the distance matrix computed by using the specified distance measure to compute the distances between the rows of a data matrix.
    if (distanceM == 2) 
    		md <- dist(jeu, method="maximum")	
    if (distanceM == 3) 
    		md <- dist(jeu, method="manhattan")	
    if (distanceM == 4) 
    		md <- dist(jeu, method="canberra")	
    if (distanceM == 5) 
    		md <- dist(jeu, method="binary")	
    if (distanceM == 6) 
    		md <- dist(jeu, method="minkowski")	

   if (distanceM == 7) 
     stop("dissimilarity matrix and distance are both NULL")		

  if((distanceM==1)||(distanceM==2)|| (distanceM==3)|| (distanceM==4)|| (distanceM==5)|| (distanceM==6))
    stop("dissimilarity matrix and distance are both not null")
    md <- diss

    #                                                                                                                      #
    #                                              Methods                                                                 #
    #                                                                                                                      #
    res <- array(0, c(max_nc-min_nc+1,30))
    x_axis <- min_nc:max_nc
    resCritical <- array(0, c(max_nc-min_nc+1,4))
    rownames(resCritical) <- min_nc:max_nc
    colnames(resCritical) <- c("CritValue_Duda", "CritValue_PseudoT2", "Fvalue_Beale", "CritValue_Gap")
    rownames(res) <- min_nc:max_nc
    colnames(res) <- c("KL","CH","Hartigan","CCC","Scott","Marriot", "TrCovW", "TraceW","Friedman","Rubin","Cindex","DB",
                       "Silhouette", "Duda", "Pseudot2", "Beale", "Ratkowsky", "Ball", "Ptbiserial", "Gap", "Frey", "McClain","Gamma", "Gplus", "Tau", "Dunn", 
                       "Hubert", "SDindex", "Dindex", "SDbw")   
    if (is.na(method))
	     stop("invalid clustering method")
    if (method == -1)
	     stop("ambiguous method")
    if (method == 1) 
        hc<-hclust(md,method = "ward.D2")      
    if (method == 2) 
        hc<-hclust(md,method = "single")		
    if (method == 3)
        hc<-hclust(md,method = "complete")		
    if (method == 4) 
        hc<-hclust(md,method = "average")
    if (method == 5) 
        hc<-hclust(md,method = "mcquitty")
    if (method == 6) 
        hc<-hclust(md,method = "median")
    if (method == 7) 
        hc<-hclust(md,method = "centroid")
    if (method == 9) 
      hc<-hclust(md,method = "ward.D")


#                                                                                                                      #
#                                              Indices                                                                 #
#                                                                                                                      #

#                            #
#        SD and SDbw         #
#                            #

    x <- as.matrix(x)
    n <- length(cl)
    k <- max(cl)
    centers <- matrix(nrow = k, ncol = ncol(x))
        for (i in 1:k) 
            for (j in 1:ncol(x)) 
                centers[i, j] <- mean(x[cl == i, j])

Average.scattering <- function (cl, x)
    x <- as.matrix(x)
    n <- length(cl)
    k <- max(cl)
    centers.matrix <- centers(cl,x)
    cluster.size <- numeric(0)  
    variance.clusters <- matrix(0, ncol = ncol(x), nrow = k)
    var <- matrix(0, ncol = ncol(x), nrow = k)
    for (u in 1:k) 
      cluster.size[u] <- sum(cl == u)

    for (u in 1:k) 
   		for (j in 1:ncol(x)) 
			   for(i in 1:n) 
              variance.clusters[u,j]<- variance.clusters[u,j]+(x[i, j]-centers.matrix[u,j])^2 

    for (u in 1:k) 
       for (j in 1:ncol(x)) 
          variance.clusters[u,j]= variance.clusters[u,j]/ cluster.size[u]   
     variance.matrix <- numeric(0)
     for(j in 1:ncol(x)) 

      for (u in 1:k) 

      # Standard deviation
      #Average scattering for clusters  
      scat<- (1/k)* (Somme.variance.clusters /sqrt(variance.matrix %*% variance.matrix))
      scat <- list(stdev=stdev, centers=centers.matrix, variance.intraclusters= variance.clusters, scatt=scat)

density.clusters<-function(cl, x)
   x <- as.matrix(x)
   k <- max(cl)
   n <- length(cl)
   distance <- matrix(0, ncol = 1, nrow = n)
   density <-  matrix(0, ncol = 1, nrow = k)
   for(i in 1:n) 
       while(cl[i] != u )
       for (j in 1:ncol(x))   
           distance[i]<- distance[i]+(x[i,j]-centers.matrix[u,j])^2 
       if (distance[i] <= stdev)
          density[u]= density[u]+1                      
    dens<-list(distance=distance, density=density)    

density.bw<-function(cl, x)
   x <- as.matrix(x)
   k <- max(cl)
   n <- length(cl)   
   density.bw<- matrix(0, ncol = k, nrow = k)
   for(u in 1:k)
     for(v in 1:k)
          distance<- matrix(0, ncol = 1, nrow = n)
          for(i in 1:n)
              for (j in 1:ncol(x))   
                 distance[i]<- distance[i]+(x[i,j]-moy[j])^2 
              distance[i]<- sqrt(distance[i])
              if(distance[i]<= stdev)
     for(u in 1:k)
       for(v in 1:k)
         if(max(density.clust[u], density.clust[v])!=0)
            S=S+ (density.bw[u,v]/max(density.clust[u], density.clust[v]))

Dis <- function (cl, x)
{   # Dis : Total separation between clusters

    x <- as.matrix(x)
    k <- max(cl)
    centers.matrix <- centers(cl,x)
    for (u in 1:k)
       for(j in 1:ncol(Distance.centers))
       {s1<-s1 + Distance.centers[u,j]       

#                                #  
#         Hubert index           #
#                                #
Index.Hubert<-function(x, cl)
      k <- max(cl)
      y <- matrix(0, ncol = dim(x)[2], nrow = n)
      P<- as.matrix(md)
      variance.matrix <- numeric(0)
      md <- dist(x, method="euclidean")
      for(j in 1:n) 
      varP<-sqrt(variance.matrix %*% variance.matrix)
      for(i in 1:n)
        for(u in 1:k)
      Q<- as.matrix(dist(y, method="euclidean"))
      for(j in 1:n) 
      varQ<-sqrt(variance.matrix %*% variance.matrix)
      for(i in 1:n1)

#                                #  
#   Gamma, Gplus and Tau         #
#                                #

Index.sPlussMoins <- function (cl1,md)
    cn1 <- max(cl1)
    n1 <- length(cl1)
    dmat <- as.matrix(md)
    average.distance <- median.distance <- separation <- cluster.size <- within.dist1 <- between.dist1 <- numeric(0)
    separation.matrix <- matrix(0, ncol = cn1, nrow = cn1)
    di <- list()
    for (u in 1:cn1) {
        cluster.size[u] <- sum(cl1 == u)
        du <- as.dist(dmat[cl1 == u, cl1 == u])
        within.dist1 <- c(within.dist1, du)
        average.distance[u] <- mean(du)
        median.distance[u] <- median(du)
        bv <- numeric(0)
        for (v in 1:cn1) {
            if (v != u) {
                suv <- dmat[cl1 == u, cl1 == v]
                bv <- c(bv, suv)
                if (u < v) {
                  separation.matrix[u, v] <- separation.matrix[v,u] <- min(suv)
                  between.dist1 <- c(between.dist1, suv)

    nwithin1 <- length(within.dist1)
    nbetween1 <- length(between.dist1)
    meanwithin1 <- mean(within.dist1)
    meanbetween1 <- mean(between.dist1)
    s.plus <- s.moins <- 0 
    #s.plus  <-sum(rank(c(-within.dist1,-between.dist1),ties="first")[1:nwithin1]-rank(-within.dist1,ties="first"))
    for (k in 1: nwithin1)
      s.plus <- s.plus+(colSums(outer(between.dist1,within.dist1[k], ">")))
      s.moins <- s.moins+(colSums(outer(between.dist1,within.dist1[k], "<")))
    Index.Gamma <- (s.plus-s.moins)/(s.plus+s.moins)
    Index.Gplus <- (2*s.moins)/(n1*(n1-1))
    t.tau  <- (nwithin1*nbetween1)-(s.plus+s.moins)
    Index.Tau <- (s.plus-s.moins)/(((n1*(n1-1)/2-t.tau)*(n1*(n1-1)/2))^(1/2))

    results <- list(gamma=Index.Gamma, gplus=Index.Gplus, tau=Index.Tau)

#                                #  
#      Frey and McClain          #
#                                #

Index.15and28  <- function (cl1,cl2,md)
    cn1 <- max(cl1)
    n1 <- length(cl1)
    dmat <- as.matrix(md)
    average.distance <- median.distance <- separation <- cluster.size <- within.dist1 <- between.dist1 <- numeric(0)
    separation.matrix <- matrix(0, ncol = cn1, nrow = cn1)
    di <- list()
    for (u in 1:cn1) 
        cluster.size[u] <- sum(cl1 == u)
        du <- as.dist(dmat[cl1 == u, cl1 == u])
        within.dist1 <- c(within.dist1, du)
        #average.distance[u] <- mean(du)
        #median.distance[u] <- median(du)
        #bv <- numeric(0)
        for (v in 1:cn1) {
            if (v != u) {
                suv <- dmat[cl1 == u, cl1 == v]
                #bv <- c(bv, suv)
                if (u < v) {
                  separation.matrix[u, v] <- separation.matrix[v,u] <- min(suv)
                  between.dist1 <- c(between.dist1, suv)
    cn2 <- max(cl2)
    n2 <- length(cl2)
    dmat <- as.matrix(md)
    average.distance <- median.distance <- separation <- cluster.size <- within.dist2 <- between.dist2 <- numeric(0)
    separation.matrix <- matrix(0, ncol = cn2, nrow = cn2)
    di <- list()
    for (w in 1:cn2) {
        cluster.size[w] <- sum(cl2 == w)
        dw <- as.dist(dmat[cl2 == w, cl2 == w])
        within.dist2 <- c(within.dist2, dw)
        #average.distance[w] <- mean(dw)
        #median.distance[w] <- median(dw)
        bx <- numeric(0)
        for (x in 1:cn2) {
            if (x != w) {
                swx <- dmat[cl2 == w, cl2 == x]
                bx <- c(bx, swx)
                if (w < x) {
                  separation.matrix[w, x] <- separation.matrix[x,w] <- min(swx)
                  between.dist2 <- c(between.dist2, swx)
    nwithin1 <- length(within.dist1)
    nbetween1 <- length(between.dist1)
    meanwithin1 <- mean(within.dist1)
    meanbetween1 <- mean(between.dist1)
    meanwithin2 <- mean(within.dist2)
    meanbetween2 <- mean(between.dist2)
    Index.15 <- (meanbetween2-meanbetween1)/(meanwithin2-meanwithin1)
    Index.28 <- (meanwithin1/nwithin1)/(meanbetween1/nbetween1)

    results <- list(frey=Index.15,mcclain=Index.28)

#                                #  
#      Point-biserial            #
#                                #
Indice.ptbiserial <- function (x,md,cl1)
	nn <- dim(x)[1]
	pp <- dim(x)[2]

	md2 <- as.matrix(md)
	m01 <- array(NA, c(nn,nn))
	nbr <- (nn*(nn-1))/2
	pb <- array(0,c(nbr,2))
	m3 <- 1
	for (m1 in 2:nn)
	     m12 <- m1-1
	   for (m2 in 1:m12)
		if (cl1[m1]==cl1[m2]) m01[m1,m2]<-0
		if (cl1[m1]!=cl1[m2]) m01[m1,m2]<-1
		pb[m3,1] <- m01[m1,m2]
		pb[m3,2] <- md2[m1,m2]
		m3 <- m3+1

	y <- pb[,1]
	x <- pb[,2] 

	biserial.cor <- function (x, y, use = c("all.obs", "complete.obs"), level = 1) 
	    if (!is.numeric(x)) 
	        stop("'x' must be a numeric variable.\n")
	    y <- as.factor(y)
	    if (length(levs <- levels(y)) > 2) 
	        stop("'y' must be a dichotomous variable.\n")
	    if (length(x) != length(y)) 
	        stop("'x' and 'y' do not have the same length")
	    use <- match.arg(use)
	    if (use == "complete.obs") {
	        cc.ind <- complete.cases(x, y)
	        x <- x[cc.ind]
	        y <- y[cc.ind]
	    ind <- y == levs[level]
	    diff.mu <- mean(x[ind]) - mean(x[!ind])
	    prob <- mean(ind)
	    diff.mu * sqrt(prob * (1 - prob))/sd(x)

    ptbiserial <- biserial.cor(x=pb[,2], y=pb[,1], level = 2)

#                                        #
#       Duda, pseudot2 and beale         #
#                                        #

Indices.WKWL <- function (x,cl1=cl1,cl2=cl2)
   dim2 <- dim(x)[2]
   wss <- function(x) 
	      x <- as.matrix(x)
        n <- length(x)
        centers <- matrix(nrow = 1, ncol = ncol(x))

        if (ncol(x) == 1) 
          {	centers[1, ] <- mean(x) 	}
        if (is.null(dim(x))) 
		      bb <- matrix(x,byrow=FALSE,nrow=1,ncol=ncol(x))
        	centers[1, ] <- apply(bb, 2, mean)
                centers[1, ] <- apply(x, 2, mean)

        x.2 <- sweep(x,2,centers[1,],"-")
        withins <- sum(x.2^2)
        wss <- sum(withins)

     ncg1 <- 1
     ncg1max <- max(cl1)
     while((sum(cl1==ncg1)==sum(cl2==ncg1)) && ncg1 <=ncg1max) 
     { ncg1 <- ncg1+1 }
     g1 <- ncg1

     ncg2 <- max(cl2)
     nc2g2 <- ncg2-1
     while((sum(cl1==nc2g2)==sum(cl2==ncg2)) && nc2g2 >=1) 
	     ncg2 <- ncg2-1 
	     nc2g2 <- nc2g2-1
     g2 <- ncg2

     NK <- sum(cl2==g1)
     WK.x <- x[cl2==g1,]
     WK <- wss(x=WK.x)

     NL <- sum(cl2==g2)
     WL.x <- x[cl2==g2,]
     WL <- wss(x=WL.x)

     NM <- sum(cl1==g1)
     WM.x <- x[cl1==g1,]
     WM <- wss(x=WM.x)

     duda <- (WK+WL)/WM

     BKL <- WM-WK-WL
     pseudot2 <- BKL/((WK+WL)/(NK+NL-2))

     beale <- (BKL/(WK+WL))/(((NM-1)/(NM-2))*(2^(2/dim2)-1))

    results <- list(duda=duda,pseudot2=pseudot2,NM=NM,NK=NK,NL=NL,beale=beale)

#                                                                      #
#       ccc, scott, marriot, trcovw, tracew, friedman and rubin        #
#                                                                      #

Indices.WBT <- function(x,cl,P,s,vv) 
  n <- dim(x)[1]
  pp <- dim(x)[2]
  qq <- max(cl)
  z <- matrix(0,ncol=qq,nrow=n)
  clX <- as.matrix(cl)

  for (i in 1:n)
    for (j in 1:qq)
	    if (clX[i,1]==j) 

  xbar <- solve(t(z)%*%z)%*%t(z)%*%x
  B <- t(xbar)%*%t(z)%*%z%*%xbar
  W <- P-B
  marriot <- (qq^2)*det(W)
  trcovw <- sum(diag(cov(W)))
  tracew <- sum(diag(W))
     scott <- n*log(det(P)/det(W))
  else {cat("Error: division by zero!")}
  friedman <- sum(diag(solve(W)*B))
  rubin <- sum(diag(P))/sum(diag(W))

  R2 <- 1-sum(diag(W))/sum(diag(P))
  v1 <- 1
  u <- rep(0,pp)
  c <- (vv/(qq))^(1/pp)
  u <- s/c
  k1 <- sum((u>=1)==TRUE)
  p1 <- min(k1,qq-1)
  if (all(p1>0,p1<pp))
    for (i in 1:p1)
    v1 <- v1*s[i]
    c <- (v1/(qq))^(1/p1)
    u <- s/c
    b1 <- sum(1/(n+u[1:p1]))
    b2 <- sum(u[p1+1:pp]^2/(n+u[p1+1:pp]),na.rm=TRUE)
    E_R2 <- 1-((b1+b2)/sum(u^2))*((n-qq)^2/n)*(1+4/n)
    ccc <- log((1-E_R2)/(1-R2))*(sqrt(n*p1/2)/((0.001+E_R2)^1.2))
    b1 <- sum(1/(n+u))
    E_R2 <- 1-(b1/sum(u^2))*((n-qq)^2/n)*(1+4/n)
    ccc <- log((1-E_R2)/(1-R2))*(sqrt(n*pp/2)/((0.001+E_R2)^1.2))
 results <- list(ccc=ccc,scott=scott,marriot=marriot,trcovw=trcovw,tracew=tracew,friedman=friedman,rubin=rubin)


    #                                                                      #
    #                   Kl, Ch, Hartigan, Ratkowsky and Ball               #
    #                                                                      #

Indices.Traces <- function(data, d, clall, index = "all") 
	x <- data
	cl0 <- clall[,1]
	cl1 <- clall[,2]
	cl2 <- clall[,3]
	clall <- clall
	nb.cl0 <- table(cl0)
	nb.cl1 <- table(cl1)
	nb.cl2 <- table(cl2)
	nb1.cl0 <- sum(nb.cl0==1)
	nb1.cl1 <- sum(nb.cl1==1)
	nb1.cl2 <- sum(nb.cl2==1)

  gss <- function(x, cl, d) 
        n <- length(cl)
        k <- max(cl)
        centers <- matrix(nrow = k, ncol = ncol(x))
        for (i in 1:k) 

            	  if (ncol(x) == 1)
                  	centers[i, ] <- mean(x[cl == i, ])
                if (is.null(dim(x[cl == i, ])))
		                bb <- matrix(x[cl == i, ],byrow=FALSE,nrow=1,ncol=ncol(x))
        	          centers[i, ] <- apply(bb, 2, mean)
                    centers[i, ] <- apply(x[cl == i, ], 2, mean)

    	allmean <- apply(x, 2, mean)
    	dmean <- sweep(x, 2, allmean, "-")
    	allmeandist <- sum(dmean^2)
      withins <- rep(0, k)
      x.2 <- (x - centers[cl, ])^2
      for (i in 1:k) {
            withins[i] <- sum(x.2[cl == i, ])
      wgss <- sum(withins)
    	bgss <- allmeandist - wgss

    results <- list(wgss=wgss,bgss=bgss, centers=centers)

    vargss <- function(x, clsize, varwithins) 
        nvar <- dim(x)[2]
        n <- sum(clsize)
        k <- length(clsize)
        varallmean <- rep(0, nvar)
        varallmeandist <- rep(0, nvar)
        varwgss <- rep(0, nvar)
        for (l in 1:nvar) varallmean[l] <- mean(x[, l])
        vardmean <- sweep(x, 2, varallmean, "-")
        for (l in 1:nvar) {
            varallmeandist[l] <- sum((vardmean[, l])^2)
            varwgss[l] <- sum(varwithins[, l])
        varbgss <- varallmeandist - varwgss
        vartss <- varbgss + varwgss
        zvargss <- list(vartss = vartss, varbgss = varbgss)
    varwithinss <- function(x, centers, cluster) {
        nrow <- dim(centers)[1]
        nvar <- dim(x)[2]
        varwithins <- matrix(0, nrow, nvar)
        x <- (x - centers[cluster, ])^2
        for (l in 1:nvar) {
            for (k in 1:nrow) {
                varwithins[k, l] <- sum(x[cluster == k, l])

    indice.kl <- function (x, clall, d = NULL, centrotypes = "centroids"){
	if (nb1.cl1 > 0){
		KL <- NA
    	    if (sum(c("centroids", "medoids") == centrotypes) == 0) 
       	     stop("Wrong centrotypes argument")
    	    if ("medoids" == centrotypes && is.null(d)) 
             stop("For argument centrotypes = 'medoids' d cannot be null")
    	   if (!is.null(d)) {
            if (!is.matrix(d)) {
               d <- as.matrix(d)
            row.names(d) <- row.names(x)
    	    #if (is.null(dim(x))) {
            #	    dim(x) <- c(length(x), 1)
    	    m <- ncol(x)
    	    g <- k <- max(clall[, 2])
    	    KL <- abs((g - 1)^(2/m) * gss(x, clall[, 1], d)$wgss - 
        	g^(2/m) * gss(x, clall[, 2], d)$wgss)/abs((g)^(2/m) * 
       	 	gss(x, clall[, 2], d)$wgss - (g + 1)^(2/m) * 
       		gss(x, clall[, 3], d)$wgss)

    indice.ch <- function (x, cl, d = NULL, centrotypes = "centroids"){
	if (nb1.cl1 > 0){
		CH <- NA
    	    if (sum(c("centroids", "medoids") == centrotypes) == 0) 
       	     stop("Wrong centrotypes argument")
    	    if ("medoids" == centrotypes && is.null(d)) 
             stop("For argument centrotypes = 'medoids' d cannot be null")
    	   if (!is.null(d)) {
            if (!is.matrix(d)) {
               d <- as.matrix(d)
            row.names(d) <- row.names(x)
    	    #if (is.null(dim(x))) {
            #	    dim(x) <- c(length(x), 1)
    	    n <- length(cl)
    	    k <- max(cl)
	    CH <- (gss(x, cl, d)$bgss/(k-1))/
		(gss(x, cl, d)$wgss/(n-k))

# hartigan

    indice.hart <- function(x, clall, d = NULL, centrotypes = "centroids"){
    	if (sum(c("centroids", "medoids") == centrotypes) == 0) 
    	    stop("Wrong centrotypes argument")
    	if ("medoids" == centrotypes && is.null(d)) 
    	    stop("For argument centrotypes = 'medoids' d cannot be null")
    	if (!is.null(d)) {
    	    if (!is.matrix(d)) {
    	        d <- as.matrix(d)
    	    row.names(d) <- row.names(x)
    	#if (is.null(dim(x))) {
    	#    dim(x) <- c(length(x), 1)
    	n <- nrow(x)
    	g <- max(clall[, 1])
    	HART <- (gss(x, clall[, 2], d)$wgss/gss(x, clall[, 3],d)$wgss - 1) * (n - g - 1)

    indice.ball <- function(x, cl, d = NULL, centrotypes = "centroids"){
  	wgssB <- gss(x, cl, d)$wgss
  	qq <- max(cl)
	  ball <- wgssB/qq

    indice.ratkowsky <- function(x, cl, d, centrotypes = "centroids"){
	  qq <- max(cl)
	  clsize <- table(cl)
	  centers <- gss(x, cl, d)$centers
    varwithins <- varwithinss(x, centers, cl)
    zvargss <- vargss(x, clsize, varwithins)
    ratio <- mean(sqrt(zvargss$varbgss/zvargss$vartss))
    ratkowsky <- ratio/sqrt(qq)

    indice <- pmatch(index, c("kl", "ch", "hart", "ratkowsky", "ball", "all"))
    if (is.na(indice)) 
        stop("invalid clustering index")
    if (indice == -1) 
        stop("ambiguous index")
    vecallindex <- numeric(5)
    if (any(indice == 1) || (indice == 6)) 
        vecallindex[1] <- indice.kl(x,clall,d)
    if (any(indice == 2) || (indice == 6)) 
        vecallindex[2] <- indice.ch(x,cl=clall[,2],d)
    if (any(indice == 3) || (indice == 6)) 
        vecallindex[3] <- indice.hart(x,clall,d)
    if (any(indice == 4) || (indice == 6)) 
        vecallindex[4] <- indice.ratkowsky(x,cl=cl1, d)
    if (any(indice == 5) || (indice == 6)) 
        vecallindex[5] <- indice.ball(x,cl=cl1,d)
    names(vecallindex) <- c("kl", "ch", "hart", "ratkowsky", "ball")
    if (indice < 6) 
        vecallindex <- vecallindex[indice]


    #                                                                      #
    #                              C-index                                 #
    #                                                                      #
Indice.cindex <- function (d, cl) 
    d <- data.matrix(d)
    DU <- 0
    r <- 0
    v_max <- array(1, max(cl))
    v_min <- array(1, max(cl))
    for (i in 1:max(cl)) {
        n <- sum(cl == i)
        if (n > 1) {
            t <- d[cl == i, cl == i]
            DU = DU + sum(t)/2
            v_max[i] = max(t)
            if (sum(t == 0) == n) 
                v_min[i] <- min(t[t != 0])
            else v_min[i] <- 0
            r <- r + n * (n - 1)/2
    Dmin = min(v_min)
    Dmax = max(v_max)
    if (Dmin == Dmax) 
        result <- NA
    else result <- (DU - r * Dmin)/(Dmax * r - Dmin * r)

    #                                                                      #
    #                                 DB                                   #
    #                                                                      #
Indice.DB <- function (x, cl, d = NULL, centrotypes = "centroids", p = 2, q = 2) 
    if (sum(c("centroids") == centrotypes) == 0) 
        stop("Wrong centrotypes argument")
    if (!is.null(d)) {
        if (!is.matrix(d)) {
            d <- as.matrix(d)
        row.names(d) <- row.names(x)
    if (is.null(dim(x))) {
        dim(x) <- c(length(x), 1)
    x <- as.matrix(x)
    n <- length(cl)
    k <- max(cl)
    dAm <- d
    centers <- matrix(nrow = k, ncol = ncol(x))
    if (centrotypes == "centroids") {
        for (i in 1:k) {
            for (j in 1:ncol(x)) {
                centers[i, j] <- mean(x[cl == i, j])
    else {
        stop("wrong centrotypes argument")
    S <- rep(0, k)
    for (i in 1:k) {
        ind <- (cl == i)
        if (sum(ind) > 1) {
            centerI <- centers[i, ]
            centerI <- rep(centerI, sum(ind))
            centerI <- matrix(centerI, nrow = sum(ind), ncol = ncol(x), 
                byrow = TRUE)
            S[i] <- mean(sqrt(apply((x[ind, ] - centerI)^2, 1, 
        else S[i] <- 0
    M <- as.matrix(dist(centers, p = p))
    R <- array(Inf, c(k, k))
    r = rep(0, k)
    for (i in 1:k) {
        for (j in 1:k) {
            R[i, j] = (S[i] + S[j])/M[i, j]
        r[i] = max(R[i, ][is.finite(R[i, ])])
    DB = mean(r[is.finite(r)])
    resul <- list(DB = DB, r = r, R = R, d = M, S = S, centers = centers)

    #                                                                      #
    #                             Silhouette                               #
    #                                                                      #

Indice.S <- function (d, cl) 
    d <- as.matrix(d)
    Si <- 0
    for (k in 1:max(cl)) {
        if ((sum(cl == k)) <= 1) 
            Sil <- 1
        else {
            Sil <- 0
            for (i in 1:length(cl)) {
                if (cl[i] == k) {
                  ai <- sum(d[i, cl == k])/(sum(cl == k) - 1)
                  dips <- NULL
                  for (j in 1:max(cl)) if (cl[i] != j) 
                    if (sum(cl == j) != 1) 
                      dips <- cbind(dips, c((sum(d[i, cl == j]))/(sum(cl == 
                    else dips <- cbind(dips, c((sum(d[i, cl == 
                  bi <- min(dips)
                  Sil <- Sil + (bi - ai)/max(c(ai, bi))
        Si <- Si + Sil

    #                                                                      #
    #                                  Gap                                 #
    #                                                                      #
Indice.Gap <- function (x, clall, reference.distribution = "unif", B = 10, 
    method = "ward.D2", d = NULL, centrotypes = "centroids") 
    GAP <- function(X, cl, referenceDistribution, B, method, d, centrotypes) 
        simgap <- function(Xvec) 
            ma <- max(Xvec)
            mi <- min(Xvec)
            Xout <- runif(length(Xvec), min = mi, max = ma)
          pcsim <- function(X, d, centrotypes) 
            if (centrotypes == "centroids") 
                Xmm <- apply(X, 2, mean)
            for (k in (1:dim(X)[2])) 
                X[, k] <- X[, k] - Xmm[k]
            ss <- svd(X)
            Xs <- X %*% ss$v
            Xnew <- apply(Xs, 2, simgap)
            Xt <- Xnew %*% t(ss$v)
            for (k in (1:dim(X)[2])) {
                Xt[, k] <- Xt[, k] + Xmm[k]
        if (is.null(dim(x))) 
            dim(x) <- c(length(x), 1)
        ClassNr <- max(cl)
        Wk0 <- 0
        WkB <- matrix(0, 1, B)
        for (bb in (1:B)) {
            if (reference.distribution == "unif") 
                Xnew <- apply(X, 2, simgap)
            else if (reference.distribution == "pc") 
                Xnew <- pcsim(X, d, centrotypes)
            else stop("Wrong reference distribution type")
            if (bb == 1) {
                pp <- cl
                if (ClassNr == length(cl)) 
                  pp2 <- 1:ClassNr
                else if (method == "k-means") 
                { set.seed(1)
                  pp2 <- kmeans(Xnew, ClassNr, 100)$cluster
                else if (method == "single" || method == "complete" || 
                  method == "average" || method == "ward.D2" || 
                  method == "mcquitty" || method == "median" || 
                  method == "centroid"|| method=="ward.D") 
                  pp2 <- cutree(hclust(dist(Xnew), method = method), 
                else stop("Wrong clustering method")
                if (ClassNr > 1) {
                  for (zz in (1:ClassNr)) {
                    Xuse <- X[pp == zz, ]
                    Wk0 <- Wk0 + sum(diag(var(Xuse))) * (length(pp[pp == 
                      zz]) - 1)/(dim(X)[1] - ClassNr)
                    Xuse2 <- Xnew[pp2 == zz, ]
                    WkB[1, bb] <- WkB[1, bb] + sum(diag(var(Xuse2))) * 
                      (length(pp2[pp2 == zz]) - 1)/(dim(X)[1] - 
                if (ClassNr == 1) 
                  Wk0 <- sum(diag(var(X)))
                  WkB[1, bb] <- sum(diag(var(Xnew)))
             if (bb > 1) {
                if (ClassNr == length(cl)) 
                  pp2 <- 1:ClassNr
                else if (method == "k-means")
                  pp2 <- kmeans(Xnew, ClassNr, 100)$cluster
                else if (method == "single" || method == "complete" || 
                  method == "average" || method == "ward.D2" || 
                  method == "mcquitty" || method == "median" || 
                  method == "centroid"||method == "ward.D") 
                  pp2 <- cutree(hclust(dist(Xnew), method = method), 
                else stop("Wrong clustering method")
                if (ClassNr > 1) {
                  for (zz in (1:ClassNr)) {
                    Xuse2 <- Xnew[pp2 == zz, ]
                    WkB[1, bb] <- WkB[1, bb] + sum(diag(var(Xuse2))) * 
                      length(pp2[pp2 == zz])/(dim(X)[1] - ClassNr)
                if (ClassNr == 1) {
                  WkB[1, bb] <- sum(diag(var(Xnew)))
        Sgap <- mean(log(WkB[1, ])) - log(Wk0)
        Sdgap <- sqrt(1 + 1/B) * sqrt(var(log(WkB[1, ]))) * sqrt((B - 
        resul <- list(Sgap = Sgap, Sdgap = Sdgap)
    if (sum(c("centroids", "medoids") == centrotypes) == 0) 
        stop("Wrong centrotypes argument")
    if ("medoids" == centrotypes && is.null(d)) 
        stop("For argument centrotypes = 'medoids' d can not be null")
    if (!is.null(d)) {
        if (!is.matrix(d)) {
            d <- as.matrix(d)
        row.names(d) <- row.names(x)
    X <- as.matrix(x)
    gap1 <- GAP(X, clall[, 1], reference.distribution, B, method, 
        d, centrotypes)
    gap <- gap1$Sgap
    gap2 <- GAP(X, clall[, 2], reference.distribution, B, method, 
        d, centrotypes)
    diffu <- gap - (gap2$Sgap - gap2$Sdgap)
    resul <- list(gap = gap, diffu = diffu)

    #                                                                      #
    #                              SD, sdbw, dunn                          #
    #                                                                      #
    Index.sdindex<-function(x, clmax, cl)
      x <- as.matrix(x)
      SD.indice<-Alpha*Scatt + Dis0
    Index.SDbw<-function(x, cl)
      x <- as.matrix(x)
    #                                                                      #
    #                              D index                                 #
    #                                                                      #
    Index.Dindex<- function(cl, x)
      x <- as.matrix(x)
      distance<-density.clusters(cl, x)$distance
      for(i in 1:n)
    #                                                                   #
    #                            Dunn index                             #
    #                                                                   #

    Index.dunn <- function(md, clusters, Data=NULL, method="euclidean")
      distance <- as.matrix(md)
      nc <- max(clusters)
      interClust <- matrix(NA, nc, nc)
      intraClust <- rep(NA, nc)
      for (i in 1:nc) 
        c1 <- which(clusters==i)
        for (j in i:nc) {
          if (j==i) intraClust[i] <- max(distance[c1,c1])
          if (j>i) {
            c2 <- which(clusters==j)
            interClust[i,j] <- min(distance[c1,c2])
      dunn <- min(interClust,na.rm=TRUE)/max(intraClust)


 for (nc in min_nc:max_nc)
	   if (any(method == 1) || (method == 2) || (method == 3) || (method == 4) || 
		  (method == 5) || (method == 6) || (method == 7)||(method == 9)) 
	      cl1 <- cutree(hc, k=nc)
	      cl2 <- cutree(hc, k=nc+1)
        clall <- cbind(cl1, cl2)
        clmax <- cutree(hc, k=max_nc) 
	      if (nc >= 2)
		      cl0 <- cutree(hc, k=nc-1)
          clall1 <- cbind(cl0, cl1, cl2)
	      if (nc == 1)
		      cl0 <-rep(NA,nn)
		      clall1 <- cbind(cl0, cl1, cl2)
  	if (method == 8) 
		  cl2 <- kmeans(jeu,nc+1)$cluster
		  clmax <- kmeans(jeu,max_nc)$cluster
      if (nc > 2)
		    cl1 <- kmeans(jeu,nc)$cluster
		    clall <- cbind(cl1, cl2)
		    cl0 <- kmeans(jeu,nc-1)$cluster
		    clall1 <- cbind(cl0, cl1, cl2)
	    if (nc == 2)
	      cl1 <- kmeans(jeu,nc)$cluster
		    clall <- cbind(cl1, cl2)
		    cl0 <- rep(1,nn)
		    clall1 <- cbind(cl0, cl1, cl2)
	    if (nc == 1)
	      stop("Number of clusters must be higher than 2")


	j <- table(cl1)  # table uses the cross-classifying factors to build a contingency table of the counts at each combination of factor levels.
	s <- sum(j==1)    
	j2 <- table(cl2)
	s2 <- sum(j2==1)
  ########### Indices.Traces-hartigan - 3e colonne de res ############ 
 	if (any(indice == 3) || (indice == 31) || (indice == 32))
	  res[nc-min_nc+1,3] <- Indices.Traces(jeu, md, clall1, index = "hart")	
   ########### Cubic Clustering Criterion-CCC  - 4e colonne de res ############
  if (any(indice == 4) || (indice == 31) || (indice == 32))
	  res[nc-min_nc+1,4] <- Indices.WBT(x=jeu, cl=cl1, P=TT,s=ss,vv=vv)$ccc

  ########### Scott and Symons - 5e colonne de res ############
	if (any(indice == 5) || (indice == 31) || (indice == 32))
	  res[nc-min_nc+1,5] <- Indices.WBT(x=jeu, cl=cl1, P=TT,s=ss,vv=vv)$scott

	########### Marriot - 6e colonne de res ############
	if (any(indice == 6) || (indice == 31) || (indice == 32))
	  res[nc-min_nc+1,6] <- Indices.WBT(x=jeu, cl=cl1, P=TT,s=ss,vv=vv)$marriot
	########### Trace Cov W - 7e colonne de res ############
	if (any(indice == 7) || (indice == 31) || (indice == 32))
	  res[nc-min_nc+1,7] <- Indices.WBT(x=jeu, cl=cl1, P=TT,s=ss,vv=vv)$trcovw	  

  ########### Trace W - 8e colonne de res ############
	if (any(indice == 8) || (indice == 31) || (indice == 32))
	  res[nc-min_nc+1,8] <- Indices.WBT(x=jeu, cl=cl1, P=TT,s=ss,vv=vv)$tracew
	########### Friedman - 9e colonne de res ############
 	if (any(indice == 9) || (indice == 31) || (indice == 32))
	  res[nc-min_nc+1,9] <- Indices.WBT(x=jeu, cl=cl1, P=TT,s=ss,vv=vv)$friedman
  ########### Rubin - 10e colonne de res ############
   if (any(indice == 10) || (indice == 31) || (indice == 32))
    res[nc-min_nc+1,10] <- Indices.WBT(x=jeu, cl=cl1, P=TT,s=ss,vv=vv)$rubin
  ########### Indices.WKWL-duda - 14e colonne de res ############
	if (any(indice == 14) || (indice == 31) || (indice == 32))
	  res[nc-min_nc+1,14] <- Indices.WKWL(x=jeu,cl1=cl1,cl2=cl2)$duda	
  ########### Indices.WKWL-pseudot2 - 15e colonne de res ############
	if (any(indice == 15) || (indice == 31) || (indice == 32))
      res[nc-min_nc+1,15] <- Indices.WKWL(x=jeu,cl1=cl1,cl2=cl2)$pseudot2	
  ########### Indices.WKWL-beale - 16e colonne de res ############
	if (any(indice == 16) || (indice == 31) || (indice == 32))
	  res[nc-min_nc+1,16] <- beale <- Indices.WKWL(x=jeu,cl1=cl1,cl2=cl2)$beale

  ########### Indices.WKWL- duda or pseudot2 or beale ############   
  if (any(indice == 14) || (indice == 15) || (indice == 16) || (indice == 31) || (indice == 32))
	  NM <- Indices.WKWL(x=jeu,cl1=cl1,cl2=cl2)$NM
  	NK <- Indices.WKWL(x=jeu,cl1=cl1,cl2=cl2)$NK
	  NL <- Indices.WKWL(x=jeu,cl1=cl1,cl2=cl2)$NL
  	zz <- 3.20 # Best standard score in Milligan and Cooper 1985
  	zzz <- zz*sqrt(2*(1-8/((pi^2)*pp))/(NM*pp))

	  if (any(indice == 14) || (indice == 31) || (indice == 32))
	     	resCritical[nc-min_nc+1,1] <- critValue <- 1-(2/(pi*pp))-zzz
	  if ((indice == 15)|| (indice == 31) || (indice == 32))
	      critValue <- 1-(2/(pi*pp))-zzz
	      resCritical[nc-min_nc+1,2] <- ((1-critValue)/critValue)*(NK+NL-2)
	  if (any(indice == 16) || (indice == 31) || (indice == 32))
	  	df2 <- (NM-2)*pp
	  	resCritical[nc-min_nc+1,3] <- 1-pf(beale,pp,df2)

  ########### Indices.TracesL-ball - 18e colonne de res ############
	if (any(indice == 18) || (indice == 31) || (indice == 32))
	  res[nc-min_nc+1,18] <- Indices.Traces(jeu, md, clall1, index = "ball")

  ########### Indice.Point-Biserial - 19e colonne de res ############ 
	if (any(indice == 19) || (indice == 31) || (indice == 32))
	  res[nc-min_nc+1,19] <- Indice.ptbiserial(x=jeu, md=md, cl1=cl1)     
  ########### Gap - 20e colonne de res ############       	
	if (any(indice == 20) || (indice == 32))
	  if (method == 1) {
		resultSGAP <- Indice.Gap(x=jeu, clall=clall, reference.distribution = "unif", B = 10, method = "ward.D2", d = NULL, centrotypes = "centroids")
	  if (method == 2) {
	    	resultSGAP <- Indice.Gap(x=jeu, clall=clall, reference.distribution = "unif", B = 10, method = "single", d = NULL, centrotypes = "centroids")
	  if (method == 3) {
	    	resultSGAP <- Indice.Gap(x=jeu, clall=clall, reference.distribution = "unif", B = 10, method = "complete", d = NULL, centrotypes = "centroids")
	  if (method == 4) {
	    	resultSGAP <- Indice.Gap(x=jeu, clall=clall, reference.distribution = "unif", B = 10, method = "average", d = NULL, centrotypes = "centroids")
	  if (method == 5) {
	    	resultSGAP <- Indice.Gap(x=jeu, clall=clall, reference.distribution = "unif", B = 10, method = "mcquitty", d = NULL, centrotypes = "centroids")
	  if (method == 6) {
	    	resultSGAP <- Indice.Gap(x=jeu, clall=clall, reference.distribution = "unif", B = 10, method = "median", d = NULL, centrotypes = "centroids")
	  if (method == 7) {
	    	resultSGAP <- Indice.Gap(x=jeu, clall=clall, reference.distribution = "unif", B = 10, method = "centroid", d = NULL, centrotypes = "centroids")
		if (method == 9) {
		  resultSGAP <- Indice.Gap(x=jeu, clall=clall, reference.distribution = "unif", B = 10, method = "ward.D", d = NULL, centrotypes = "centroids")
	  if (method == 8) {
		resultSGAP <- Indice.Gap(x=jeu, clall=clall, reference.distribution = "unif", B = 10, method = "k-means", d = NULL, centrotypes = "centroids")
    	res[nc-min_nc+1,20] <- resultSGAP$gap
	resCritical[nc-min_nc+1,4] <- resultSGAP$diffu

	if (nc >=2)
	   ########### Indices.Traces-kl - 1e colonne de res ############ 	  
 	   if (any(indice == 1) || (indice == 31) || (indice == 32)) 
        res[nc-min_nc+1,1] <- Indices.Traces(jeu, md, clall1, index = "kl")

     ########### Indices.Traces-ch - 2e colonne de res ############
 	   if (any(indice == 2) || (indice == 31) || (indice == 32)) 
	      res[nc-min_nc+1,2] <- Indices.Traces(jeu, md, clall1, index = "ch")
	   ########### Indice.cindex - 11e colonne de res ############
	   if (any(indice == 11) || (indice == 31) || (indice == 32)) 
	      res[nc-min_nc+1,11] <- Indice.cindex(d=md, cl=cl1)

     ########### Indice.DB  - 12e colonne de res ############
 	   if (any(indice == 12) || (indice == 31) || (indice == 32)) 
	      res[nc-min_nc+1,12] <- Indice.DB(x=jeu, cl=cl1, d = NULL, centrotypes = "centroids", p = 2, q = 2)$DB

     ########### Silhouette - 13e colonne de res ############
 	   if (any(indice == 13) || (indice == 31) || (indice == 32)) 
	      res[nc-min_nc+1,13] <- Indice.S(d=md, cl=cl1)
	   ########### Indices.Traces-ratkowsky- 17e colonne de res ############
	   	if (any(indice == 17) || (indice == 31) || (indice == 32))
	      res[nc-min_nc+1,17] <- Indices.Traces(jeu, md, clall1, index = "ratkowsky")
     ########### Indice.Frey - 21e colonne de res ############
      if (any(indice == 21) || (indice == 31) || (indice == 32))
        res[nc-min_nc+1,21] <- Index.15and28(cl1=cl1,cl2=cl2,md=md)$frey

     ########### Indice.McClain - 22e colonne de res ############
	   if (any(indice == 22) || (indice == 31) || (indice == 32))
	     res[nc-min_nc+1,22] <- Index.15and28(cl1=cl1,cl2=cl2,md=md)$mcclain
	   ########### Indice.Gamma - 23e colonne de res ############ 
	     if (any(indice == 23) || (indice == 32))
	       res[nc-min_nc+1,23] <- Index.sPlussMoins(cl1=cl1,md=md)$gamma

     ########### Indice.Gplus- 24e colonne de res ############
	   if (any(indice == 24) || (indice == 32))
	     res[nc-min_nc+1,24] <- Index.sPlussMoins(cl1=cl1,md=md)$gplus

     ########### Indice.Tau  - 25e colonne de res ############
	   if (any(indice == 25) || (indice == 32))
	     res[nc-min_nc+1,25] <- Index.sPlussMoins(cl1=cl1,md=md)$tau
     ########### Indices.Dunn  - 26e colonne de res ############
     if (any(indice == 26 ) || (indice == 31) || (indice == 32))
	     res[nc-min_nc+1,26] <- Index.dunn(md, cl1, Data=jeu, method=NULL)	
     ########### Indices.Hubert - 27e colonne de res ############
     if (any(indice == 27 ) || (indice == 31) || (indice == 32))
	     res[nc-min_nc+1,27] <- Index.Hubert(jeu, cl1)	
	   ########### Indices.SD - 28e colonne de res ############
     if (any(indice == 28 ) || (indice == 31) || (indice == 32))
	    res[nc-min_nc+1,28] <- Index.sdindex(jeu, clmax, cl1)
	   ########### Indices.Dindex - 29e colonne de res ############ 
	   	if (any(indice == 29 ) || (indice == 31) || (indice == 32))
	        res[nc-min_nc+1,29] <- Index.Dindex(cl1, jeu)	
	    ########### Indices.SDbw - 30e colonne de res ############
	   if (any(indice == 30 ) || (indice == 31) || (indice == 32))
	       res[nc-min_nc+1,30] <- Index.SDbw(jeu, cl1)	

	res[nc-min_nc+1,1] <- NA
	res[nc-min_nc+1,2] <- NA
	res[nc-min_nc+1,11] <- NA
	res[nc-min_nc+1,12] <- NA
	res[nc-min_nc+1,13] <- NA
	res[nc-min_nc+1,17] <- NA
	res[nc-min_nc+1,21] <- NA
	res[nc-min_nc+1,22] <- NA
	res[nc-min_nc+1,23] <- NA
	res[nc-min_nc+1,24] <- NA
	res[nc-min_nc+1,25] <- NA
	res[nc-min_nc+1,26] <- NA
	res[nc-min_nc+1,27] <- NA
	res[nc-min_nc+1,28] <- NA
	res[nc-min_nc+1,29] <- NA
	res[nc-min_nc+1,30] <- NA

#######################                      Best Number of Clusters                  ###################

   if (any(indice == 1) || (indice == 31) || (indice == 32)) 
     # KL - The value of u, which maximizes KL(u), is regarded as specifying the number of clusters [ClusterSim package].
     nc.KL <- (min_nc:max_nc)[which.max(res[,1])]
     indice.KL <- max(res[,1],na.rm = TRUE)
   if (any(indice == 2) || (indice == 31) || (indice == 32)) 
     # CH - The value of u, which maximizes CH(u), is regarded as specifying the number of clusters [ClusterSim package].
     nc.CH <- (min_nc:max_nc)[which.max(res[,2])]
     indice.CH <- max(res[,2],na.rm = TRUE)
  if (any(indice == 4) || (indice == 31) || (indice == 32))
    # CCC - The maximum value accross the hierarchy levels is used to indicate the optimal number of clusters in data [29].
    nc.CCC <- (min_nc:max_nc)[which.max(res[,4])]
    indice.CCC <- max(res[,4],na.rm = TRUE)
  if (any(indice == 12) || (indice == 31) || (indice == 32)) 
    # DB - The value of u, which minimizes DB(u), is regarded as specifying the number of clusters [clusterSim package].
    nc.DB <- (min_nc:max_nc)[which.min(res[,12])]
    indice.DB <- min(res[,12],na.rm = TRUE)
  if (any(indice == 13) || (indice == 31) || (indice == 32)) 
    # SILHOUETTE - The value of u, which maximizes S(u), is regarded as specifying the number of clusters [ClusterSim package].
    nc.Silhouette <- (min_nc:max_nc)[which.max(res[,13])]
    indice.Silhouette <- max(res[,13],na.rm = TRUE)

  # GAP - Choose the number of clusters via finding the smallest q such that: Gap(q)=Gap(q+1)-Sq+1 (q=1,\u{85},n-2) [ClusterSim package].
  if (any(indice == 20) || (indice == 32))
    found <- FALSE
    for (ncG in min_nc:max_nc){
      if ((resCritical[ncG-min_nc+1,4] >=0) && (!found)){
          ncGap <- ncG
     	  indiceGap <- res[ncG-min_nc+1,20]
    	  found <- TRUE
     if (found){
  	 nc.Gap <- ncGap
  	 indice.Gap <- indiceGap
  	    nc.Gap <- NA
  	    indice.Gap <- NA


  # DUDA - Choose the number of clusters via finding the smallest q such that: duda >= critical_value [Duda and Hart (1973)].
   if (any(indice == 14) || (indice == 31) || (indice == 32))
        foundDuda <- FALSE
        for (ncD in min_nc:max_nc)
           if ((res[ncD-min_nc+1,14]>=resCritical[ncD-min_nc+1,1]) && (!foundDuda))
             ncDuda <- ncD
     	       indiceDuda <- res[ncD-min_nc+1,14]
    	       foundDuda <- TRUE
        if (foundDuda)
  	      nc.Duda <- ncDuda
  	      indice.Duda <- indiceDuda
  	        nc.Duda <- NA
  	        indice.Duda <- NA
  # PSEUDOT2 - Chooses the number of clusters via finding the smallest q such that: pseudot2 <= critical_value [SAS User's guide].
	if (any(indice == 15) || (indice == 31) || (indice == 32))
     foundPseudo <- FALSE
     for (ncP in min_nc:max_nc)

      if ((res[ncP-min_nc+1,15]<=resCritical[ncP-min_nc+1,2]) && (!foundPseudo))
          ncPseudo <- ncP
     	  indicePseudo <- res[ncP-min_nc+1,15]
    	  foundPseudo <- TRUE
      if (foundPseudo)
  	 nc.Pseudo <- ncPseudo
  	 indice.Pseudo <- indicePseudo
  	    nc.Pseudo <- NA
  	    indice.Pseudo <- NA
  	if (any(indice == 16) || (indice == 31) || (indice == 32))
  # BEALE - Chooses the number of clusters via finding the smallest q such that: Fvalue_beale >= 0.1 [Gordon (1999)].
     foundBeale <- FALSE
     for (ncB in min_nc:max_nc)
      if ((resCritical[ncB-min_nc+1,3]>=alphaBeale) && (!foundBeale)){
          ncBeale <- ncB
     	  indiceBeale <- res[ncB-min_nc+1,16]
    	  foundBeale <- TRUE
       if (foundBeale){
  	 nc.Beale <- ncBeale
  	 indice.Beale <- indiceBeale
  	    nc.Beale <- NA
  	    indice.Beale <- NA
  if (any(indice == 19) || (indice == 31) || (indice == 32))
    # POINT-BISERIAL - The maximum value was used to suggest the optimal number of clusters in the data [29].
    nc.ptbiserial <- (min_nc:max_nc)[which.max(res[,19])]
    indice.ptbiserial <- max(res[,19],na.rm = TRUE)

   if (any(indice == 21) || (indice == 31) || (indice == 32))
  # FREY AND VAN GROENEWOUD - The best results occured when clustering was continued until the ratio fell below 1.00 for the last 
  #			      series of times. At this point, the cluster level before this series was taken as the optimal partition. 
  #			      If the ration never fell below 1.00, a one cluster solution was assumed [29].
     foundFrey <- FALSE
     for (ncF in min_nc:max_nc)
          if (res[ncF-min_nc+1,21] < 1) 
              ncFrey <- ncF-1               
     	        indiceFrey <- res[ncF-1-min_nc+1,21]
     	        foundFrey <- TRUE
     if (foundFrey)
  	   nc.Frey <- foundNC[1]
  	   indice.Frey <- foundIndice[1]
  	    nc.Frey <- NA
  	    indice.Frey <- NA
  	    print(paste("Frey index : No clustering structure in this data set"))
   if (any(indice == 22) || (indice == 31) || (indice == 32))
  # MCCLAIN AND RAO - The minimum value of the index was found to give the best recovery information [29].
  nc.McClain <- (min_nc:max_nc)[which.min(res[,22])]
  indice.McClain <- min(res[,22],na.rm = TRUE)
   if (any(indice == 23) || (indice == 31) || (indice == 32))
       # GAMMA - Maximum values were taken to represent the correct hierarchy level [29].
       nc.Gamma <- (min_nc:max_nc)[which.max(res[,23])]
       indice.Gamma <- max(res[,23],na.rm = TRUE)

   if (any(indice == 24) || (indice == 31) || (indice == 32))
  # GPLUS - Minimum values were used to determine the number of clusters in the data [29].
  nc.Gplus  <- (min_nc:max_nc)[which.min(res[,24])]
  indice.Gplus <- min(res[,24],na.rm = TRUE)

   if (any(indice == 25) || (indice == 31) || (indice == 32))
  # TAU - The maximum value in the hierarchy sequence was taken as indicating the correct number of clusters [29].
  nc.Tau <- (min_nc:max_nc)[which.max(res[,25])]
  indice.Tau <- max(res[,25],na.rm = TRUE)
#Some indices need to compute difference between hierarchy levels to identify relevant number of clusters
  if((indice==3)||(indice == 5)||(indice == 6)||(indice == 7)||(indice == 8)||(indice == 9)||(indice == 10)||(indice == 18)||(indice == 27)||(indice == 11)||(indice == 29)||(indice == 31)||(indice == 32))
    DiffLev <- array(0, c(max_nc-min_nc+1,12))
    DiffLev[,1] <- min_nc:max_nc
       for (nc3 in min_nc:max_nc)      
        if (nc3==min_nc)
	       DiffLev[nc3-min_nc+1,2] <- abs(res[nc3-min_nc+1,3]-NA)   # Hartigan
	       DiffLev[nc3-min_nc+1,3] <- abs(res[nc3-min_nc+1,5]-NA)   #Scott
	       DiffLev[nc3-min_nc+1,4] <- abs(res[nc3-min_nc+1,6]-NA)   # Marriot
	       DiffLev[nc3-min_nc+1,5] <- abs(res[nc3-min_nc+1,7]-NA)   #Trcovw
	       DiffLev[nc3-min_nc+1,6] <- abs(res[nc3-min_nc+1,8]-NA)   #Tracew
	       DiffLev[nc3-min_nc+1,7] <- abs(res[nc3-min_nc+1,9]-NA)   #Friedman
	       DiffLev[nc3-min_nc+1,8] <- abs(res[nc3-min_nc+1,10]-NA)  #Rubin
	       DiffLev[nc3-min_nc+1,9] <- abs(res[nc3-min_nc+1,18]-NA)  # Ball
         DiffLev[nc3-min_nc+1,10] <- abs(res[nc3-min_nc+1,27]-NA) # Hubert   
         DiffLev[nc3-min_nc+1,12] <- abs(res[nc3-min_nc+1,29]-NA) # D index
            DiffLev[nc3-min_nc+1,2] <- abs(res[nc3-min_nc+1,3]-res[nc3-min_nc,3])
            DiffLev[nc3-min_nc+1,3] <- abs(res[nc3-min_nc+1,5]-res[nc3-min_nc,5])
            DiffLev[nc3-min_nc+1,4] <- abs(res[nc3-min_nc+1,6]-NA) # Marriot
            DiffLev[nc3-min_nc+1,5] <- abs(res[nc3-min_nc+1,7]-res[nc3-min_nc,7])  # trcovw
            DiffLev[nc3-min_nc+1,6] <- abs(res[nc3-min_nc+1,8]-NA) #traceW            
            DiffLev[nc3-min_nc+1,7] <- abs(res[nc3-min_nc+1,9]-res[nc3-min_nc,9])
            DiffLev[nc3-min_nc+1,8] <- abs(res[nc3-min_nc+1,10]-NA) #Rubin
            DiffLev[nc3-min_nc+1,9] <- abs(res[nc3-min_nc+1,18]-res[nc3-min_nc,18])
            DiffLev[nc3-min_nc+1,10] <- abs(res[nc3-min_nc+1,27]-NA)
            DiffLev[nc3-min_nc+1,12] <- abs(res[nc3-min_nc+1,29]-NA) # D index  

           DiffLev[nc3-min_nc+1,2] <- abs(res[nc3-min_nc+1,3]-res[nc3-min_nc,3]) # Hartigan              
	         DiffLev[nc3-min_nc+1,3] <- abs(res[nc3-min_nc+1,5]-res[nc3-min_nc,5]) 
           DiffLev[nc3-min_nc+1,4] <- ((res[nc3-min_nc+2,6]-res[nc3-min_nc+1,6])-(res[nc3-min_nc+1,6]-res[nc3-min_nc,6]))
           DiffLev[nc3-min_nc+1,5] <- abs(res[nc3-min_nc+1,7]-res[nc3-min_nc,7])
           DiffLev[nc3-min_nc+1,6] <- ((res[nc3-min_nc+2,8]-res[nc3-min_nc+1,8])-(res[nc3-min_nc+1,8]-res[nc3-min_nc,8]))
           DiffLev[nc3-min_nc+1,7] <- abs(res[nc3-min_nc+1,9]-res[nc3-min_nc,9])
           DiffLev[nc3-min_nc+1,8] <- ((res[nc3-min_nc+2,10]-res[nc3-min_nc+1,10])-(res[nc3-min_nc+1,10]-res[nc3-min_nc,10]))
           DiffLev[nc3-min_nc+1,9] <- abs(res[nc3-min_nc+1,18]-res[nc3-min_nc,18])  
           DiffLev[nc3-min_nc+1,10] <- abs((res[nc3-min_nc+1,27]-res[nc3-min_nc,27]))             
           DiffLev[nc3-min_nc+1,12] <-((res[nc3-min_nc+2,29]-res[nc3-min_nc+1,29])-(res[nc3-min_nc+1,29]-res[nc3-min_nc,29])) #Dindex     

  if (any(indice == 3) || (indice == 31) || (indice == 32))
	# HARTIGAN - The maximum differences between hierarchy levels were taken as indicating the correct number of clusters in the data [29].
	 nc.Hartigan <- DiffLev[,1][which.max(DiffLev[,2])]
	 indice.Hartigan <- max(DiffLev[,2],na.rm = TRUE)
  if (any(indice == 17) || (indice == 31) || (indice == 32))
  # RATKOWSKY - The optimal number of groups is taken as the level where this criterion exhibits its maximum value [29].
    nc.Ratkowsky <- (min_nc:max_nc)[which.max(res[,17])]
    indice.Ratkowsky <- max(res[,17],na.rm = TRUE)
    if (any(indice == 11) || (indice == 31) || (indice == 32)) 
      #CINDEX - The minimum value across the hierarchy levels was used to indicate the optimal number of clusters [29].
      nc.cindex <- (min_nc:max_nc)[which.min(res[,11])]
      indice.cindex <- min(res[,11],na.rm = TRUE)
  if (any(indice == 5) || (indice == 31) || (indice == 32))
 	# SCOTT - The maximum difference between hierarchy levels was used to suggest the correct number of partitions [29].
	 nc.Scott <- DiffLev[,1][which.max(DiffLev[,3])]
	 indice.Scott <- max(DiffLev[,3],na.rm = TRUE)
  if (any(indice == 6) || (indice == 31) || (indice == 32))
	# MARRIOT - The maximum difference between successive levels was used to determine the best partition level [29].
	 nc.Marriot <- DiffLev[,1][which.max(DiffLev[,4])]
	 round(nc.Marriot, digits=1)
	 indice.Marriot <- max(DiffLev[,4],na.rm = TRUE)
  if (any(indice == 7) || (indice == 31) || (indice == 32))
	nc.TrCovW <- DiffLev[,1][which.max(DiffLev[,5])]
	indice.TrCovW <- max(DiffLev[,5],na.rm = TRUE)
  if (any(indice == 8) || (indice == 31) || (indice == 32))
  	# TRACE W - To determine the number of clusters in the data, maximum difference scores were used [29].
	  nc.TraceW <- DiffLev[,1][which.max(DiffLev[,6])]
  	indice.TraceW <- max(DiffLev[,6],na.rm = TRUE)
  if (any(indice == 9) || (indice == 31) || (indice == 32))
  	# FRIEDMAN - The maximum difference in values of trace W-1B criterion was used to indicate the optimal number of clusters [29].
  	nc.Friedman <- DiffLev[,1][which.max(DiffLev[,7])]
  	indice.Friedman <- max(DiffLev[,7],na.rm = TRUE)
  if (any(indice == 10) || (indice == 31) || (indice == 32))
	  # RUBIN - The difference between levels was used [29].
	  nc.Rubin <- DiffLev[,1][which.min(DiffLev[,8])]
	  indice.Rubin <- min(DiffLev[,8],na.rm = TRUE)
  if (any(indice == 18) || (indice == 31) || (indice == 32))
	  # BALL - The largest difference between levels was used to indicate the optimal solution [29].
	  nc.Ball <- DiffLev[,1][which.max(DiffLev[,9])]
	  indice.Ball <- max(DiffLev[,9],na.rm = TRUE)

   if (any(indice == 26) || (indice == 31) || (indice == 32)) 
     # Dunn - 
     nc.Dunn <- (min_nc:max_nc)[which.max(res[,26])]
     indice.Dunn <- max(res[,26],na.rm = TRUE)
   if (any(indice == 27) || (indice == 31) || (indice == 32)) 
	   # Hubert - 
     nc.Hubert  <- 0.00
     indice.Hubert  <- 0.00
     par(mfrow = c(1,2))
     plot(x_axis,res[,27], tck=0, type="b", col="red", xlab= expression(paste("Number of clusters ")), ylab= expression(paste("Hubert Statistic values")))
     plot(DiffLev[,1],DiffLev[,10], tck=0, type="b", col="blue", xlab= expression(paste("Number of clusters ")), ylab= expression(paste("Hubert statistic second differences")))
     cat(paste ("*** : The Hubert index is a graphical method of determining the number of clusters.
                In the plot of Hubert index, we seek a significant knee that corresponds to a 
                significant increase of the value of the measure i.e the significant peak in Hubert
                index second differences plot.", "\n", "\n"))
   if (any(indice == 28) || (indice == 31) || (indice == 32)) 
     # SD - 
     nc.sdindex <- (min_nc:max_nc)[which.min(res[,28])]
     indice.sdindex<- min(res[,28],na.rm = TRUE)
    if (any(indice == 29) || (indice == 31) || (indice == 32)) 

     nc.Dindex <- 0.00
     indice.Dindex<- 0.00
     par(mfrow = c(1,2))
     plot(x_axis,res[,29], tck=0, type="b", col="red", xlab= expression(paste("Number of clusters ")), ylab= expression(paste("Dindex Values")))
     plot(DiffLev[,1],DiffLev[,12], tck=0, type="b", col="blue", xlab= expression(paste("Number of clusters ")), ylab= expression(paste("Second differences Dindex Values")))
     cat(paste ("*** : The D index is a graphical method of determining the number of clusters. 
                In the plot of D index, we seek a significant knee (the significant peak in Dindex
                second differences plot) that corresponds to a significant increase of the value of
                the measure.", "\n", "\n"))
    if (any(indice == 30) || (indice == 31) || (indice == 32)) 
       # SDbw - 
       nc.SDbw <- (min_nc:max_nc)[which.min(res[,30])]
       indice.SDbw<- min(res[,30],na.rm = TRUE)  

########################                Displaying results             #########################################
 if (indice < 31)
     res <- res[,c(indice)]
     if (indice == 14) { resCritical <- resCritical[,1]  }
     if (indice == 15) { resCritical <- resCritical[,2] }
     if (indice == 16) { resCritical <- resCritical[,3] }
     if (indice == 20) { resCritical <- resCritical[,4] }        

 if (indice == 31) 
      res <- res[,c(1:19,21:22,26:30)]
		  resCritical <- resCritical[,c(1:3)]        

 if (any(indice == 20) || (indice == 23) || (indice == 24) || (indice == 25) || (indice == 32))
  results <- c(nc.KL, indice.KL, nc.CH, indice.CH, nc.Hartigan, indice.Hartigan, nc.CCC, indice.CCC, nc.Scott, indice.Scott,
		nc.Marriot, indice.Marriot, nc.TrCovW, indice.TrCovW, nc.TraceW, indice.TraceW, nc.Friedman, 
		indice.Friedman, nc.Rubin, indice.Rubin, nc.cindex, indice.cindex, nc.DB, indice.DB, nc.Silhouette,
		indice.Silhouette, nc.Duda, indice.Duda, nc.Pseudo, indice.Pseudo, nc.Beale, indice.Beale, nc.Ratkowsky,
		indice.Ratkowsky, nc.Ball, indice.Ball, nc.ptbiserial, indice.ptbiserial, nc.Gap, indice.Gap, 
		nc.Frey, indice.Frey, nc.McClain, indice.McClain, nc.Gamma, indice.Gamma, nc.Gplus, indice.Gplus,
		nc.Tau, indice.Tau, nc.Dunn, indice.Dunn, nc.Hubert, indice.Hubert, nc.sdindex, indice.sdindex, nc.Dindex, indice.Dindex, nc.SDbw, indice.SDbw)
  resultats <- matrix(c(results),nrow=2,ncol=30,dimnames = list(c("Number_clusters","Value_Index"),
		     c("KL","CH","Hartigan","CCC", "Scott", "Marriot", "TrCovW",
		       "TraceW", "Friedman", "Rubin", "Cindex", "DB", "Silhouette",
			"Duda","PseudoT2", "Beale", "Ratkowsky", "Ball", "PtBiserial",
			"Gap", "Frey", "McClain", "Gamma", "Gplus", "Tau", "Dunn", 
      "Hubert", "SDindex", "Dindex", "SDbw")))
    results <- c(nc.KL, indice.KL, nc.CH, indice.CH, nc.Hartigan, indice.Hartigan, nc.CCC, indice.CCC, nc.Scott, indice.Scott,
		nc.Marriot, indice.Marriot, nc.TrCovW, indice.TrCovW, nc.TraceW, indice.TraceW, nc.Friedman, indice.Friedman, 
    nc.Rubin, indice.Rubin, nc.cindex, indice.cindex, nc.DB, indice.DB, nc.Silhouette, indice.Silhouette,
    nc.Duda, indice.Duda, nc.Pseudo, indice.Pseudo, nc.Beale, indice.Beale, nc.Ratkowsky, indice.Ratkowsky,
    nc.Ball, indice.Ball, nc.ptbiserial, indice.ptbiserial, nc.Frey, indice.Frey, nc.McClain, indice.McClain, 
    nc.Dunn, indice.Dunn, nc.Hubert, indice.Hubert, nc.sdindex, indice.sdindex, nc.Dindex, indice.Dindex, nc.SDbw, indice.SDbw 
    resultats <- matrix(c(results),nrow=2,ncol=26,dimnames = list(c("Number_clusters","Value_Index"),
		c("KL","CH","Hartigan","CCC", "Scott", "Marriot", "TrCovW",
		"TraceW", "Friedman", "Rubin", "Cindex", "DB", "Silhouette",
		 "Duda","PseudoT2", "Beale", "Ratkowsky", "Ball", "PtBiserial",
		"Frey", "McClain", "Dunn", 		"Hubert", "SDindex", "Dindex", "SDbw")))
 if (any(indice <= 20)||(indice == 23)||(indice == 24)||(indice == 25)) 
   resultats <- resultats[,c(indice)]   
 if (any(indice == 21)|| (indice == 22)) 
  indice3 <-indice-1
  resultats <- resultats[,c(indice3)]   
 if (any(indice == 26) || (indice == 27) || (indice == 28) || ( indice == 29)|| ( indice == 30)) 
  indice4 <- indice-4     
  resultats <- resultats[,c(indice4)] 
  resultats<-round(resultats, digits=4)
  res<-round(res, digits=4)
  resCritical<-round(resCritical, digits=4)

#  if (numberObsAfter != numberObsBefore) 
#  {
#     cat(paste(numberObsAfter,"observations were used out of", numberObsBefore ,"possible observations due to missing values."))
#  }
#  if (numberObsAfter == numberObsBefore) 
#  {
#     cat(paste("All", numberObsAfter,"observations were used.", "\n", "\n"))
#  }
    ######################## Summary results #####################################
    if(any(indice == 31) || (indice == 32))
      cat("*******************************************************************", "\n")
      cat("* Among all indices:                                               ", "\n")
      for(i in min.nc:max.nc)
        cat("*",length(vect), "proposed", i,"as the best number of clusters", "\n")
        cat("\n","                  ***** Conclusion *****                           ", "\n", "\n")
        cat("* According to the majority rule, the best number of clusters is ",j , "\n", "\n", "\n")
        cat("*******************************************************************", "\n")
      ########################## The Best partition    ###################
        if (any(method == 1) || (method == 2) || (method == 3) || (method == 4) || 
          (method == 5) || (method == 6) || (method == 7)||(method == 9))         
            partition<- cutree(hc, k=j)
    if (any(indice==1)||(indice==2)||(indice==3)||(indice==4)||(indice==5)||(indice==6)||(indice==7)
      if (any(method == 1) || (method == 2) || (method == 3) || (method == 4) || 
            (method == 5) || (method == 6) || (method == 7) || (method == 9)) 
        partition<- cutree(hc, k=best.nc)
    #########################  Summary results   ############################
    if ((indice == 14)|| (indice == 15)|| (indice == 16)|| (indice == 20)|| (indice == 31)|| (indice == 32))
      results.final <- list(All.index=res,All.CriticalValues=resCritical,Best.nc=resultats, Best.partition=partition)
    if ((indice == 27)|| (indice == 29))
       results.final <- list(All.index=res)
    if (any(indice==1)||(indice==2)||(indice==3)||(indice==4)||(indice==5)||(indice==6)||(indice==7)
      results.final <- list(All.index=res,Best.nc=resultats, Best.partition=partition)

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NbClust documentation built on May 2, 2022, 5:08 p.m.