#' Tests how much each element increases the specificity of all combinations it
#' is in
#' The function takes all elements and dyadic combinations of elements in a
#' netfacs object, goes through all combinations these elements are in, and
#' compares the specificity (strength with which the combination identifies the
#' test condition) of all combinations with the element and the same
#' combinations without the element, to test how much specificity the element
#' adds when added to a signal. Only works for netfacs objects based on
#' comparison between conditions.
#' @param object resulting from netfacs() function
#' @return Function returns a list with two data frames that include all
#' elements and first-order combinations that occur at all, the number of
#' combinations that each element/combination is part of, and how much adding
#' this element to a combination adds on average to its specificity, and how
#' often it occurs
#' @importFrom Rfast rowmeans
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ### how do angry facial expressions differ from non-angry ones?
#' \donttest{
#' data(emotions_set)
#' angry.face <- netfacs(
#' data = emotions_set[[1]],
#' condition = emotions_set[[2]]$emotion,
#' test.condition = "anger",
#' null.condition = NULL,
#' ran.trials = 100,
#' combination.size = 4
#' )
#' head(mutual.information.condition(angry.face), 20)
#' }
mutual.information.condition <- function({ <-$$data
condition <-$$condition
combinations <-$result$combination
combinations.unlist <- unlist(lapply($result$combination,
strsplit, split = '_'), recursive = F)
condition.probs <-, lapply(unique(condition), function(z){
Aall <- mean(condition == z)
combination.probs <-
rbind, lapply(1:length(combinations), function(x){
if(length(combinations.unlist[[x]]) == 1){
Ball <- mean([,combinations.unlist[[x]]] == 1)
AandB <- sum([condition == z,combinations.unlist[[x]]] == 1)/nrow(
BgivenA <- mean([condition == z,combinations.unlist[[x]]] == 1)
count <- sum([condition == z,combinations.unlist[[x]]] == 1)
if(length(combinations.unlist[[x]]) > 1){
Ball <- mean(rowmeans([,combinations.unlist[[x]]]) == 1)
AandB <- sum(rowmeans([condition == z,combinations.unlist[[x]]]) == 1)/nrow(
BgivenA <- mean(rowmeans([condition == z,combinations.unlist[[x]]]) == 1)
count <- sum(rowmeans([condition == z,combinations.unlist[[x]]]) == 1)
mi <- round(
(Aall * Ball))/
(-1 * log(AandB)), 3)
mi <- ifelse(, -1, mi)
return(data.frame(condition = z,
combination = combinations[x],
combination.size = length(combinations.unlist[[x]]),
count = count,
conditional.probability = round(BgivenA, 3),
mutual.information = mi))
condition.probs <- condition.probs[order(condition.probs$mutual.information, decreasing = T),]
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