
Defines functions origin_multiple origin_multiple origin_bayesian TimeMin origin_centrality origin_backtracking var_wtd_mean_cochran origin_edm

Documented in origin_backtracking origin_bayesian origin_centrality origin_edm origin_multiple var_wtd_mean_cochran

#' @include origin_helper.r
globalVariables(c("id", "bcount"))

######################### origin detection methods #############################

#origin_edm <- function(x) UseMethod("origin_edm")
#' @title Origin Estimation for Propagation Processes on Complex Networks
#' @description 
#' \code{origin_edm} for effective distance-median origin estimation (Manitz et al., 2016)
#' @param distance numeric matrix specifying the distance matrix (for \code{type='edm'})
#' @return \code{origin_edm} returns an object of class \code{origin}, list with 
#' \itemize{
#'  \item \code{est} origin estimate
#'  \item \code{aux} \code{data.frame} with auxiliary variables 
#'    \itemize{
#'       \item \code{id} as node identifier, 
#'       \item \code{events} for event magnitude, 
#'       \item \code{wmean} for weighted mean, 
#'       \item \code{wvar} for weighted variance, and 
#'       \item \code{mdist} mean distance from a node to all other nodes.
#'    }
#'  \item \code{type = 'edm'} effective distance median origin estimation
#'  }
#' @examples
#' data(delayGoe)
#' # compute effective distance
#' data(ptnGoe)
#' goenet <- igraph::as_adjacency_matrix(ptnGoe, sparse=FALSE)
#' p <- goenet/rowSums(goenet)
#' eff <- eff_dist(p)
#' # apply effective distance median source estimation
#' om <- origin(events=delayGoe[10,-c(1:2)], type='edm', distance=eff)
#' summary(om)
#' plot(om, 'mdist',start=1)
#' plot(om, 'wvar',start=1)
#' performance(om, start=1, graph=ptnGoe)
#' @rdname origin
#' @import igraph 
#' @export
origin_edm <- function(events, distance, silent=TRUE){    
    ### error handling
    if(!is.vector(events)) events <- as.vector(events)
    # NA handling in events
    nas <- which(is.na(events))
        events <- events[-nas]
#        distance <- distance[-nas,-nas]
        if(!silent) message(cat('missing values in data events at nodes:\n',nas))
    # Inf handling in distance
    if(any(distance == Inf, na.rm=TRUE)){
        distance[which(distance == Inf)] <- max(distance[which(distance < Inf)]) * 1000
    # check events/distance matching 
      if(!silent) message('Note: events and distance cannot be matched, ensure they are in the same order')
      names(events) <- rownames(distance)
      order.events <- match(names(events),colnames(distance))
      # remove nodes with events that are not in the network
      nas <- which(is.na(order.events))
      if(length(nas) > 0){
        if(!silent) message(cat('Note: data events for nodes given that are not in the network:\n',names(events)[nas]))
        events <- events[-nas]
        order.events <- order.events[-nas]
      # sort distance + remove unneeded information
      distance <- distance[order.events, order.events]

    ### convert input
    # define dimension
    K <- nrow(distance)    
    # convert event vector into dat matrix object
    dat <- matrix(as.numeric(events),ncol=1, nrow=K)

    ### compute source detection measures
    # weighted mean and variance
    wmean <- (distance %*% dat) / sum(dat)
    wvar <- apply(distance, MARGIN=2, FUN=var_wtd_mean_cochran, w=dat)

    # return argument; add mdist - mean distance from a node to all other nodes
    aux = data.frame(name = names(events), id=1:length(events), events=dat, 
                     wmean = wmean, wvar = wvar, mdist = colMeans(distance))
    # source estimate
    k0.hat <- aux %>% dplyr::slice_min(wmean) %>% dplyr::slice_min(wvar) #which.min(wmean)
    if(nrow(k0.hat)==0) k0.hat <- NA

    ### return
    ret <- list(est = k0.hat, aux = aux, type = 'edm')
    class(ret) <- 'origin'

# Computes the variance of a weighted mean
#' Computes the variance of a weighted mean following the definition by Cochran (1977; see Gatz and Smith, 1995)
#' This is a helper method for weighted variance computation in \code{\link{origin_edm}}, which is the closest to the bootstrap.
#' @param x numeric vector of values
#' @param w numeric vector of weights
#' @return numeric value of weighted variance
#' @references \itemize{
#'   \item Gatz, D. F., and Smith, L. (1995). The standard error of a weighted mean concentration-I. Bootstrapping vs other methods. Atmospheric Environment, 29(11), 1185-1193. <DOI: 10.1016/1352-2310(94)00210-C>
#'   \item Gatz, D. F., and Smith, L. (1995). The standard error of a weighted mean concentration-II. Estimating confidence intervals. Atmospheric Environment, 29(11), 1195-1200. <DOI: 10.1016/1352-2310(94)00209-4>
#   \item \url{https://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Problem-with-Weighted-Variance-in-Hmisc-td826437.html}
#' }
#' @export
var_wtd_mean_cochran <- function(x,w){
  n = length(w)
  xWbar = Hmisc::wtd.mean(x,w, na.rm=TRUE)
  wbar = mean(w, na.rm=TRUE)
  out = n/((n-1)*sum(w)^2)*(sum((w*x-wbar*xWbar)^2) -
#  if(out < 0){
#    var <- NA
#    if(!silent) warning('Negative value in var.wtd.mean.cochran:sqrt() NAs produced')
#  }else{
#    var <- sqrt(out*n)
#  }
#  return(var)

#' \code{origin_backtracking} for recursive backtracking origin estimation (Manitz et al., 2016)
#' @param start_with_event_node logical specifying whether backtracking only starts from nodes that experienced events (for \code{type='backtracking'})
#' @return \code{origin_backtracking} returns an object of class \code{origin}, list with 
#' \itemize{
#'  \item \code{est} origin estimate
#'  \item \code{aux} \code{data.frame} with auxiliary variables 
#'    \itemize{
#'       \item \code{id} as node identifier, 
#'       \item \code{events} for event magnitude, and
#'       \item \code{bcount} for backtracking counts, how often backtracking identifies this source node.
#'    }
#'  \item \code{type = 'backtracking'} backtracking origin estimation
#'  }
#' @examples
#' # backtracking origin estimation (Manitz et al., 2016)
#' ob <- origin(events=delayGoe[10,-c(1:2)], type='backtracking', graph=ptnGoe)
#' summary(ob)
#' plot(ob, start=1)
#' performance(ob, start=1, graph=ptnGoe)
#' @rdname origin
#' @import igraph
#' @export
origin_backtracking <- function(events, graph, start_with_event_node = TRUE, silent = TRUE){
   # input errors
   if(!is.vector(events)) events <- as.vector(events)
#    if(is.null(names(events))) warning('\nWarning: events and node names cannot be matched - we assume that events and graph nodes have the same order')

   # match events and graph names
   idm <- match(names(events), V(graph)$name) #<FIXME> correct order?

   # remove events that not have nodes in the network
   nas <- which(is.na(idm))
   if(length(nas) > 0){
      if(!silent) message(cat('\nNote: data events for nodes given that are not in the network are removed:\n',names(events)[nas]))
      events <- events[-nas]
      idm <- idm[-nas]

   # add events to graph
      V(graph)$events <- events[idm]
      V(graph)$events <- events 
      names(events) <- V(graph)$name
      if(!silent) warning('\nWarning: events and node names cannot be matched - we assume that events and graph nodes have the same order')

   # initialize result object
   result <- integer(length(events))

   K <- vcount(graph)

   for(k in 1:K){
        current_node <- k
        # NA handling
        if(is.na(V(graph)[current_node]$events)){ next }
        # check starting node   
        if(V(graph)[current_node]$events > 0 | !start_with_event_node){
            changed <- TRUE
            # as long there is a connected node with larger events
                changed <- FALSE
                # check neighbors events
                nb <- neighbors(graph, current_node)
                current <- V(graph)[current_node]$events
                nb_delay <- unlist(V(graph)[nb]$events)
                # compare neighbours events with events at current node
                if(current < max(c(0, nb_delay), na.rm=TRUE)){
                    changed <- TRUE
                    current_node <- nb[which.max(nb_delay)]
                    break # for secruity if all NA
            # update result object
            if( V(graph)[current_node]$events > 0){          
                result[current_node] <- result[current_node] + 1

    # return argument
    aux <- data.frame(name = names(events), id=1:length(events), events = as.numeric(events), bcount=result) #name = names(events),
    k0.hat <- aux %>% dplyr::slice_max(bcount) %>% dplyr::slice_max(events)#which.max(result)
    # colnames(aux) <- c('id', 'events','bcount')
    ret <- list(est = k0.hat, aux = aux, type='backtracking')
    class(ret) <- 'origin'

#origin_centrality <- function(x) UseMethod("origin_centrality")
#' \code{origin_centrality} for centrality-based origin estimation (Comin et al., 2011)
#' @param graph igraph object specifying the underlying network graph (for \code{type='backtracking'} and \code{type='centrality'})
#' @param silent locigal, should the messages be suppressed?
#' @return \code{origin_centrality} returns an object of class \code{origin}, list with 
#' \itemize{
#'  \item \code{est} origin estimate
#'  \item \code{aux} \code{data.frame} with auxiliary variables 
#'    \itemize{
#'       \item \code{id} as node identifier, 
#'       \item \code{events} for event magnitude, and
#'       \item \code{cent} for node centrality (betweenness divided degree).
#'    }
#'  \item \code{type = 'centrality'} centrality-based origin estimation
#'  }
#' @examples
#' # centrality-based origin estimation (Comin et al., 2011)
#' oc <- origin(events=delayGoe[10,-c(1:2)], type='centrality', graph=ptnGoe)
#' summary(oc)
#' plot(oc, start=1)
#' performance(oc, start=1, graph=ptnGoe)
#' @rdname origin
# @import igraph dplyr
#' @export
origin_centrality <- function(events, graph, silent=TRUE){

    # input errors
    if(is.null(names(events))) stop('\nError: events and node names cannot be matched')
    # if(!is.vector(events)) events <- as.vector(events)
    idm <- match(names(events), V(graph)$name)
    # remove events that not have nodes in the network
    nas <- which(is.na(idm))
    if(length(nas) > 0){
       if(!silent) message(cat('\nNote: data events for nodes given that are not in the network are removed:\n',names(events)[nas]))
       events <- events[-nas]
       idm <- idm[-nas]

    # prepare auxiliary information of return argument
    aux <- data.frame(name = names(events), id=1:length(events), events=as.numeric(events))

    # add event info to network graph
    idv <- aux %>% dplyr::filter(events>0) %>% dplyr::select(id)

    # no delays generated
       k0.hat <- NULL
    }else{ # more than two nodes are infected
    # trivial solution
       k0.hat <- idv
    }else{ # for two-node networks betweenness cannot be computed
       k0.hat <- aux %>% dplyr::slice_max(events) #%>% dplyr::select(id)
    }else{ # more than two nodes are infected

      # induced subgraph
      gsub <- igraph::induced_subgraph(graph, vids=idv$id)

      # compute centrality
      cent <- igraph::betweenness(gsub)/igraph::degree(gsub) 
      cent_dt <- as.data.frame(cent) %>% tibble::rownames_to_column(var="name")
      # update return argument
      aux <- dplyr::left_join(aux, cent_dt, by = "name")
      # estimate source
      # k0.hat <- match(names(which.max(cent)), names(events))
      k0.hat <- aux %>% dplyr::slice_max(cent) #%>% dplyr::select(id)
    # finalize return argument
    # colnames(aux) <- c('id', 'events','cent')
    ret <- list(est = k0.hat, aux = aux, type='centrality')
    class(ret) <- 'origin'

TimeMin <- function(num.cases, thres = NA){
  # Compute the time when a node is infected, for function 'origin_bayesian'
  ifelse(any(cumsum(num.cases) > thres),
         min(which(cumsum(num.cases) > thres)), 

#origin_bayesian <- function(x) UseMethod("origin_bayesian")
#' \code{origin_bayesian} Inference Source via Gaussian source estimation with prior information
#' @param thres.vec vector, length represents number of cities/nodes, representing thresholds for cities/nodes that they are infected
#' @param obs.vec list of cities ids used as observers
#' @param mu.mat matrix- number of cities/nodes x number of observers, each row represents - if this node is the source, the mean of arrival time vector
#' @param lambda.list a length-number of cities/nodes list, each element is a number of observers x number of observers matrix - if a node is the source, the covariance matrix for arrival time vector
#' @param poss.candidate.vec a boolean vector indicating if a node has the potential to be the source
#' @param prior vector, length - number of cities/nodes, prior for cities
#' @param use.prior boolean, TRUE or FALSE, if use prior, default TRUE
#' @return a dataframe with columns 'nodes' and 'probab', indicating nodes indices and their posteriors
#' @examples
#' # fake training data, indicating format
#' nnodes <- 851
#' max.day <- 1312
#' nsimu <- 20
#' max.case.per.day <- 10
#' train.data.fake <- list()
#' for (j in 1:nnodes) {
#'   train.data.fake[[j]] <- matrix(sample.int(max.day, 
#'     size = nsimu*nnodes, replace = TRUE), nrow = nsimu, ncol = nnodes)
#' }
#' obs.vec <- (1:9)
#' candidate.thres <- 0.3
#' mu.lambda.list <- compute_mu_lambda(train.data.fake, obs.vec, candidate.thres)
#' # matrix representing number of cases per node per day
#' cases.node.day <- matrix(sample.int(max.case.per.day, 
#'   size = nnodes*max.day, replace = TRUE), nrow = nnodes, ncol = max.day)
#' nnodes <- dim(cases.node.day)[1] # number of nodes
#' # fixed threshold for all nodes - 10 infected people
#' thres.vec <- rep(10, nnodes)
#' # flat/non-informative prior
#' prior <- rep(1, nnodes) 
#' result2.df <- origin(events = cases.node.day, type = "bayesian",
#'                      thres.vec = thres.vec,
#'                      obs.vec = obs.vec,
#'                      mu.mat=mu.lambda.list$mu.mat, lambda.list = mu.lambda.list$lambda.list, 
#'                      poss.candidate.vec=mu.lambda.list$poss.candidate.vec,
#'                      prior=prior, use.prior=TRUE)
#' @rdname origin
#' @author Jun Li
#' @import mvtnorm
#' @export
origin_bayesian <- function(events, thres.vec, obs.vec, mu.mat, lambda.list, poss.candidate.vec, prior, use.prior = TRUE){
  ## constant parameters
  cases.node.day <- events
  nnodes <- dim(cases.node.day)[1]
  ## extract 'observed.time.all'
  observed.time.all <- rep(NA, 851)
  for (node.num in 1:851) {
    if (length(which(cases.node.day[node.num, ] > thres.vec[node.num])) > 0) {
      observed.time.all[node.num] <- which(cases.node.day[node.num, ] > thres.vec[node.num])[1]
    } else {
      observed.time.all[node.num] <- NA
  ## extract info from 'poss.candidate.vec'
  num.source.candidate = sum(poss.candidate.vec)
  nodes.canbe.detected <- (1:851)[poss.candidate.vec]
  ## prepare 'prob.vec'
  logprob.vec <- rep(NA, num.source.candidate)
  for (j in 1:num.source.candidate) {
    if (is.na(lambda.list[[nodes.canbe.detected[j]]][1])) {
      logprob.vec[j] <- (-Inf)
    } else {
      logprob.vec[j] <-
                mean = mu.mat[
                  nodes.canbe.detected[j], ],
                sigma = lambda.list[[
                log = TRUE)
  if (!use.prior) {
    prob.vec <- exp(logprob.vec)
  } else {
    prob.vec <- exp(logprob.vec) * prior[poss.candidate.vec]
  ## prepare final 'df'
  probnorm.vec <- prob.vec / sum(prob.vec)
  df <- data.frame(probab = probnorm.vec,
                   nodes = nodes.canbe.detected)
  df <- df[rev(order(df$probab)), ]
  ## return

origin_multiple <- function(events, ...) UseMethod("origin_multiple")
#' Multiple origin estimation using community partitioning
#' @param events numeric vector of event counts at specific time point
#' @param type character specifying the method, \code{'edm'}, \code{'backtracking'} and \code{'centrality'} are available.
#' @param fast logical specifying community partitioning algorithm, default is \code{'TRUE'} that uses \code{\link{fastgreedy.community}}, \code{'FALSE'} refers to \code{\link{leading.eigenvector.community}} 
#' @param graph igraph object specifying the underlying network graph
#' @param no numeric specifying the number of supposed origins
#' @param distance numeric matrix specifying the distance matrix
#' @param ... parameters to be passed to origin methods \code{\link{origin_edm}}, \code{\link{origin_backtracking}} or \code{\link{origin_centrality}}
#' @return \code{origin_multiple} returns an list object with objects of class \code{\link{origin}} of length \code{no}
#' @family origin-est
#' @references Zang, W., Zhang, P., Zhou, C. and Guo, L. (2014) Discovering Multiple Diffusion Source Nodes in Social Networks. Procedia Computer Science, 29, 443-452. <DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2014.05.040>
#' @import igraph
#' @export
origin_multiple <- function(events, type=c('edm', 'backtracking', 'centrality'), graph, no=2, distance, fast=TRUE, ...){
    # prepare graph
    K <- length(events)
    V(graph)$delay <- events
    V(graph)$station <- 1:K
    # define subgraph
    gsub <- induced_subgraph(graph, which(V(graph)$delay>0))

    # define communities 
    com <- if(fast) fastgreedy.community(gsub) else leading.eigenvector.community(gsub)
    comC <- cutat(com, no=no)

    # run source detection for each community
    res <- list()
    for(i in 1:no){
	       res[i] <- unlist(V(gcom)$station)
      # subset graph and distance
      gcom <- induced.subgraph(gsub, which(comC==i))
      # apply source detection
      if(type == 'edm'){
        distC <- distance[unlist(V(gcom)$station),unlist(V(gcom)$station)]
        res[[i]] <- origin_edm(events = unlist(V(gcom)$delay), distance = distC, ...)
#        res[i] <- unlist(V(gcom)$station)[fo.con(unlist(V(gcom)$delay), dist=distC)]
      if(type == 'backtracking'){
        res[[i]] <- origin_backtracking(events = unlist(V(gcom)$delay), graph = gcom, ...) 
      if(type == 'centrality'){
        res[[i]] <- origin_centrality(events = unlist(V(gcom)$delay), graph = gcom, ...) 

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NetOrigin documentation built on Sept. 8, 2023, 5:58 p.m.