#' Replication and preservation of network modules across datasets
#' Quantify the preservation of network modules (sub-graphs) in an independent
#' dataset through permutation testing on module topology. Seven network
#' statistics (see details) are calculated for each module and then tested by
#' comparing to distributions generated from their calculation on random subsets
#' in the test dataset.
#' @inheritParams common_params
#' @inheritParams simplify_param
#' @param selfPreservation logical; if \code{FALSE} (default) then module
#' preservation analysis will not be performed within a dataset (\emph{i.e.}
#' where the \code{discovery} and \code{test} datasets are the same).
#' @param nThreads number of threads to parallelise the calculation of network
#' properties over. Automatically determined as the number of cores - 1 if
#' not specified.
#' @param nPerm number of permutations to use. If not specified, the number of
#' permutations will be automatically determined (see details). When set to 0
#' the permutation procedure will be skipped and the observed module
#' preservation will be returned without p-values.
#' @param null variables to include when generating the null distributions.
#' Must be either "overlap" or "all" (see details).
#' @param alternative The type of module preservation test to perform. Must be
#' one of "greater" (default), "less" or "two.sided" (see details).
#' @details
#' \subsection{Input data structures:}{
#' The preservation of network modules in a second dataset is quantified by
#' measuring the preservation of topological properties between the
#' \emph{discovery} and \emph{test} datasets. These properties are calculated
#' not only from the interaction networks inferred in each dataset, but also
#' from the data used to infer those networks (e.g. gene expression data) as
#' well as the correlation structure between variables/nodes. Thus, all
#' functions in the \code{NetRep} package have the following arguments:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{network}:}{
#' a list of interaction networks, one for each dataset.
#' }
#' \item{\code{data}:}{
#' a list of data matrices used to infer those networks, one for each
#' dataset.
#' }
#' \item{\code{correlation}:}{
#' a list of matrices containing the pairwise correlation coefficients
#' between variables/nodes in each dataset.
#' }
#' \item{\code{moduleAssignments}:}{
#' a list of vectors, one for each \emph{discovery} dataset, containing
#' the module assignments for each node in that dataset.
#' }
#' \item{\code{modules}:}{
#' a list of vectors, one for each \emph{discovery} dataset, containing
#' the names of the modules from that dataset to analyse.
#' }
#' \item{\code{discovery}:}{
#' a vector indicating the names or indices of the previous arguments'
#' lists to use as the \emph{discovery} dataset(s) for the analyses.
#' }
#' \item{\code{test}:}{
#' a list of vectors, one vector for each \emph{discovery} dataset,
#' containing the names or indices of the \code{network}, \code{data}, and
#' \code{correlation} argument lists to use as the \emph{test} dataset(s)
#' for the analysis of each \emph{discovery} dataset.
#' }
#' }
#' The formatting of these arguments is not strict: each function will attempt
#' to make sense of the user input. For example, if there is only one
#' \code{discovery} dataset, then input to the \code{moduleAssigments} and
#' \code{test} arguments may be vectors, rather than lists.
#' }
#' \subsection{Analysing large datasets:}{
#' Matrices in the \code{network}, \code{data}, and \code{correlation} lists
#' can be supplied as \code{\link{disk.matrix}} objects. This class allows
#' matrix data to be kept on disk and loaded as required by \pkg{NetRep}.
#' This dramatically decreases memory usage: the matrices for only one
#' dataset will be kept in RAM at any point in time.
#' Additional memory usage of the permutation procedure is directly
#' proportional to the sum of module sizes squared multiplied by the number
#' of threads. Very large modules may result in significant additional memory
#' usage per core due to extraction of the correlation coefficient sub-matrix
#' at each permutation.
#' }
#' \subsection{Module Preservation Statistics:}{
#' Module preservation is assessed through seven module preservation statistics,
#' each of which captures a different aspect of a module's topology; \emph{i.e.}
#' the structure of the relationships between its nodes \emph{(1,2)}. Below is
#' a description of each statistic, what they seek to measure, and where their
#' interpretation may be inappropriate.
#' The \emph{module coherence} (\code{'coherence'}), \emph{average node
#' contribution} (\code{'avg.contrib'}), and \emph{concordance of node
#' contribution} (\code{'cor.contrib'}) are all calculated from the data used
#' to infer the network (provided in the \code{'data'} argument). They are
#' calculated from the module's \emph{summary profile}. This is the eigenvector
#' of the 1st principal component across all observations for every node
#' composing the module. For gene coexpression modules this can be interpreted
#' as a "summary expression profile". It is typically referred to as the
#' "module eigengene" in the weighted gene coexpression network analysis
#' literature \emph{(4)}.
#' The \emph{module coherence} (\code{'coherence'}) quantifies the proportion
#' of module variance explained by the module's "summary profile". The higher
#' this value, the more "coherent" the data is, \emph{i.e.} the more similar
#' the observations are nodes for each sample. With the default alternate
#' hypothesis, a small permutation \emph{P}-value indicates that the module is
#' more coherent than expected by chance.
#' The \emph{average node contribution} (\code{'avg.contrib'}) and
#' \emph{concordance of node contribution} (\code{'cor.contrib'}) are calculated
#' from the \emph{node contribution}, which quantifies how similar each node is
#' to the modules's \emph{summary profile}. It is calculated as the Pearson
#' correlation coefficient between each node and the module summary profile. In
#' the weighted gene coexpression network literature it is typically called the
#' "module membership" \emph{(2)}.
#' The \emph{average node contribution} (\code{'avg.contrib'}) quantifies how
#' similar nodes are to the module summary profile in the test dataset. Nodes
#' detract from this score where the sign of their node contribution flips
#' between the discovery and test datasets, \emph{e.g.} in the case of
#' differential gene expression across conditions. A high \emph{average node
#' contribution} with a small permutation \emph{P}-value indicates that the
#' module remains coherent in the test dataset, and that the nodes are acting
#' together in a similar way.
#' The \emph{concordance of node contribution} (\code{'cor.contrib'}) measures
#' whether the relative rank of nodes (in terms of their node contribution) is
#' preserved across datasets. If a module is coherent enough that all nodes
#' contribute strongly, then this statistic will not be meaningful as its value
#' will be heavily influenced by tiny variations in node rank. This can be
#' assessed through visualisation of the module topology (see
#' \code{\link{plotContribution}}.) Similarly, a strong
#' \code{'cor.contrib'} is unlikely to be meaningful if the
#' \code{'avg.contrib'} is not significant.
#' The \emph{concordance of correlation strucutre} (\code{'cor.cor'}) and
#' \emph{density of correlation structure} (\code{'avg.cor'}) are calculated
#' from the user-provided correlation structure between nodes (provided in the
#' \code{'correlation'} argument). This is referred to as "coexpression" when
#' calculated on gene expression data.
#' The \code{'avg.cor'} measures how strongly nodes within a module are
#' correlation on average in the test dataset. This average depends on the
#' correlation coefficients in the discovery dataset: the score is penalised
#' where correlation coefficients change in sign between datasets. A high
#' \code{'avg.cor'} with a small permutation \emph{P}-value indicates that the
#' module is (a) more strongly correlated than expected by chance for a module
#' of the same size, and (b) more consistently correlated with respect to the
#' discovery dataset than expected by chance.
#' The \code{'cor.cor'} measures how similar the correlation coefficients are
#' across the two datasets. A high \code{'cor.cor'} with a small permutation
#' \emph{P}-value indicates that the correlation structure within a module is
#' more similar across datasets than expected by chance. If all nodes within a
#' module are very similarly correlated then this statistic will not be
#' meaningful, as its value will be heavily influenced by tiny, non-meaningful,
#' variations in correlation strength. This can be assessed through
#' visualisation of the module topology (see \code{\link{plotCorrelation}}.)
#' Similarly, a strong \code{'cor.cor'} is unlikely to be meaningful if the
#' \code{'avg.cor'} is not significant.
#' The \emph{average edge weight} (\code{'avg.weight'}) and \emph{concordance
#' of weighted degree} (\code{''}) are both calculated from the
#' interaction network (provided as adjacency matrices to the \code{'network'}
#' argument).
#' The \code{'avg.weight'} measures the average connection strength between
#' nodes in the test dataset. In the weighted gene coexpression network
#' literature this is typically called the "module density" \emph{(2)}. A high
#' \code{'avg.weight'} with a small permutation \emph{P}-value indicates that
#' the module is more strongly connected in the test dataset than expected by
#' chance.
#' The \code{''} calculates whether the relative rank of each node's
#' \emph{weighted degree} is similar across datasets. The \emph{weighted
#' degree} is calculated as the sum of a node's edge weights to all other nodes
#' in the module. In the weighted gene coexpression network literature this is
#' typically called the "intramodular connectivity" \emph{(2)}. This statistic
#' will not be meaningful where all nodes are connected to each other with
#' similar strength, as its value will be heavily influenced by tiny,
#' non-meaningful, variations in weighted degree. This can be assessed through
#' visualisation of the module topology (see \code{\link{plotDegree}}.)
#' Both the \code{'avg.weight'} and \code{''} assume edges are
#' weighted, and that the network is densely connected. Note that for sparse
#' networks, edges with zero weight are included when calculating both
#' statistics. Only the magnitude of the weights, not their sign, contribute to
#' the score. If the network is \emph{unweighted}, \emph{i.e.} edges indicate
#' presence or absence of a relationship, then the \code{'avg.weight'} will be
#' the proportion of the number of edges to the total number of possible edges
#' while the \emph{weighted degree} simply becomes the \emph{degree}. A high
#' \code{'avg.weight'} in this case measures how interconnected a module is in
#' the test dataset. A high \emph{degree} indicates that a node is connected to
#' many other nodes. The interpretation of the \code{''} remains
#' unchanged between weighted and unweighted networks. If the network is
#' directed the interpretation of the \code{'avg.weight'} remains unchanged,
#' while the \emph{} will measure the concordance of the node
#' \emph{in-}degree in the test network. To measure the \emph{out-}degree
#' instead, the adjacency matrices provided to the \code{'network'} argument
#' should be transposed.
#' }
#' \subsection{Sparse data:}{
#' Caution should be used when running \code{NetRep}
#' on sparse data (\emph{i.e.} where there are many zero values in the data
#' used to infer the network). For this data, the \emph{average node contribution}
#' (\code{'avg.contrib'}), \emph{concordance of node contribution}
#' (\code{'cor.contrib'}), and \emph{module coherence} (\code{'coherence'})
#' will all be systematically underestimated due to their reliance on the
#' Pearson correlation coefficient to calculate the \emph{node contribution}.
#' Care should also be taken to use appropriate methods for inferring the
#' correlation structure when the data is sparse for the same reason.
#' }
#' \subsection{Proportional data:}{
#' Caution should be used when running \code{NetRep} on proportional data (
#' \emph{i.e.} where observations across samples all sum to the same value,
#' \emph{e.g.} 1). For this data, the \emph{average node contribution}
#' (\code{'avg.contrib'}), \emph{concordance of node contribution}
#' (\code{'cor.contrib'}), and \emph{module coherence} (\code{'coherence'})
#' will all be systematically overestimated due to their reliance on the
#' Pearson correlation coefficient to calculate the \emph{node contribution}.
#' Care should also be taken to use appropriate methods for inferring the
#' correlation structure from proportional data for the same reason.
#' }
#' \subsection{Hypothesis testing:}{
#' Three alternative hypotheses are available. "greater", the default, tests
#' whether each module preservation statistic is larger than expected by
#' chance. "lesser" tests whether each module preservation statistic is smaller
#' than expected by chance, which may be useful for identifying modules that
#' are extremely different in the \emph{test} dataset. "two.sided" can be used
#' to test both alternate hypotheses.
#' To determine whether a module preservation statistic deviates from chance, a
#' permutation procedure is employed. Each statistic is calculated between the
#' module in the \emph{discovery} dataset and \code{nPerm} random subsets of
#' the same size in the \emph{test} dataset in order to assess the distribution
#' of each statistic under the null hypothesis.
#' Two models for the null hypothesis are available: "overlap", the default,
#' only nodes that are present in both the \emph{discovery} and \emph{test}
#' networks are used when generating null distributions. This is appropriate
#' under an assumption that nodes that are present in the \emph{test} dataset,
#' but not present in the \emph{discovery} dataset, are unobserved: that is,
#' they may fall in the module(s) of interest in the \emph{discovery} dataset
#' if they were to be measured there. Alternatively, "all" will use all nodes
#' in the \emph{test} network when generating the null distributions.
#' The number of permutations required for any given significance threshold is
#' approximately 1 / the desired significance for one sided tests, and double
#' that for two-sided tests. This can be calculated with
#' \code{\link{requiredPerms}}. When \code{nPerm} is not specified, the number
#' of permutations is automatically calculated as the number required for a
#' Bonferroni corrected significance threshold adjusting for the total number
#' of tests for each statistic, i.e. the total number of modules to be analysed
#' multiplied by the number of \emph{test} datasets each module is tested in.
#' Although assessing the replication of a small numberof modules calls for
#' very few permutations, we recommend using no fewer than 1,000 as fewer
#' permutations are unlikely to generate representative null distributions.
#' \strong{Note:} the assumption used by \code{\link{requiredPerms}} to
#' determine the correct number of permtutations breaks down when assessing the
#' preservation of modules in a very small dataset (e.g. gene sets in a dataset
#' with less than 100 genes total). However, the reported p-values will still
#' be accurate (see \code{\link{permutationTest}}) \emph{(3)}.
#' }
#' @references
#' \enumerate{
#' \item{
#' Ritchie, S.C., \emph{et al.}, \emph{A scalable permutation approach
#' reveals replication and preservation patterns of network modules in
#' large datasets}. Cell Systems. \strong{3}, 71-82 (2016).
#' }
#' \item{
#' Langfelder, P., Luo, R., Oldham, M. C. & Horvath, S. \emph{Is my
#' network module preserved and reproducible?} PLoS Comput. Biol.
#' \strong{7}, e1001057 (2011).
#' }
#' \item{
#' Phipson, B. & Smyth, G. K. \emph{Permutation P-values should never be
#' zero: calculating exact P-values when permutations are randomly drawn.}
#' Stat. Appl. Genet. Mol. Biol. \strong{9}, Article39 (2010).
#' }
#' \item{
#' Langfelder, P. & Horvath, S. \emph{WGCNA: an R package for weighted
#' correlation network analysis.} BMC Bioinformatics \strong{9}, 559
#' (2008).
#' }
#' }
#' @return
#' A nested list structure. At the top level, the list has one element per
#' \code{'discovery'} dataset. Each of these elements is a list that has one
#' element per \code{'test'} dataset analysed for that \code{'discovery'}
#' dataset. Each of these elements is also a list, containing the following
#' objects:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{observed}:}{
#' A matrix of the observed values for the module preservation statistics.
#' Rows correspond to modules, and columns to the module preservation
#' statistics.
#' }
#' \item{\code{nulls}:}{
#' A three dimensional array containing the values of the module
#' preservation statistics evaluated on random permutation of module
#' assignment in the test network. Rows correspond to modules, columns to
#' the module preservation statistics, and the third dimension to the
#' permutations.
#' }
#' \item{\code{p.values}:}{
#' A matrix of p-values for the \code{observed} module preservation
#' statistics as evaluated through a permutation test using the
#' corresponding values in \code{nulls}.
#' }
#' \item{\code{nVarsPresent}:}{
#' A vector containing the number of variables that are present in the test
#' dataset for each module.
#' }
#' \item{\code{propVarsPresent}:}{
#' A vector containing the proportion of variables present in the test dataset
#' for each module. Modules where this is less than 1 should be
#' investigated further before making judgements about preservation to
#' ensure that the missing variables are not the most connected ones.
#' }
#' \item{\code{contingency}:}{
#' If \code{moduleAssignments} are present for both the \emph{discovery}
#' and \emph{test} datasets, then a contingency table showing the overlap
#' between modules across datasets is returned. Rows correspond to modules
#' in the \emph{discovery} dataset, columns to modules in the \emph{test}
#' dataset.
#' }
#' }
#' When \code{simplify = TRUE} then the simplest possible structure will be
#' returned. E.g. if module preservation is tested in only one dataset, then
#' the returned list will have only the above elements.
#' When \code{simplify = FALSE} then a nested list of datasets will always be
#' returned, i.e. each element at the top level and second level correspond to
#' a dataset, e.g. \code{results[["Dataset1"]][["Dataset2"]]} indicates an
#' analysis where modules discovered in "Dataset1" are assessed for
#' preservation in "Dataset2". Dataset comparisons which have not been
#' assessed will contain \code{NULL}.
#' @seealso
#' Functions for:
#' \link[=plotModule]{visualising network modules},
#' \link[=networkProperties]{calculating module topology},
#' \link[=permutationTest]{calculating permutation test P-values}, and
#' \link[=combineAnalyses]{splitting computation over multiple machines}.
#' @examples
#' # load in example data, correlation, and network matrices for a discovery and test dataset:
#' data("NetRep")
#' # Set up input lists for each input matrix type across datasets. The list
#' # elements can have any names, so long as they are consistent between the
#' # inputs.
#' network_list <- list(discovery=discovery_network, test=test_network)
#' data_list <- list(discovery=discovery_data, test=test_data)
#' correlation_list <- list(discovery=discovery_correlation, test=test_correlation)
#' labels_list <- list(discovery=module_labels)
#' # Assess module preservation: you should run at least 10,000 permutations
#' preservation <- modulePreservation(
#' network=network_list, data=data_list, correlation=correlation_list,
#' moduleAssignments=labels_list, nPerm=1000, discovery="discovery",
#' test="test", nThreads=2
#' )
#' @importFrom parallel detectCores
#' @import foreach
#' @import RhpcBLASctl
#' @export
modulePreservation <- function(
network, data, correlation, moduleAssignments, modules=NULL,
backgroundLabel="0", discovery=1, test=2, selfPreservation=FALSE,
nThreads=NULL, nPerm=NULL, null="overlap", alternative="greater",
simplify=TRUE, verbose=TRUE
) {
# always garbage collect before the function exits so any loaded
# disk.matrices get unloaded as appropriate
on.exit({ gc() }, add = TRUE)
# Input processing and sanity checking
vCat(verbose, 0, "Validating user input...")
# Identify the null hypothesis to use
nullModels <- c("overlap", "all")
if (, nullModels))) {
stop("overlap must match one of ", paste(nullModels, collapse=" "))
model <- nullModels[pmatch(null, nullModels)]
# Identify the alternate hypothesis to use
validAlts <- c("two.sided", "less", "greater")
altMatch <- pmatch(alternative, validAlts)
if (
stop("Alternative must be one of ", validAlts)
alternative <- validAlts[altMatch]
# Validate 'nPerm'. If 'NULL', we need to process the rest of the input to
# determine.
if (!is.null(nPerm) && (!is.numeric(nPerm) || length(nPerm) > 1 || nPerm < 0)) {
stop("'nPerm' must be a single number >= 0")
# Validate 'nThreads'
maxThreads <- detectCores()
if (is.null(nThreads)) {
if ( {
stop("'nThreads' must always be supplied by the user on this machine")
nThreads <- maxThreads - 1; # Leave a core for interactive use
if (!is.numeric(nThreads) || length(nThreads) > 1 || nThreads < 1)
stop("'nThreads' must be a single number greater than 0")
if (! && nThreads > maxThreads) {
"Number of threads requested (", nThreads, ") exceeds the reported ",
"maximum number of concurrent threads supported by the current ",
"hardware (", maxThreads, ")."
# Disable implicit parallelism (i.e. through multithreaded BLAS libraries).
# The permutation procedure will spawn its own threads.
oldOMPThreads <- omp_get_max_threads()
oldBLASThreads <- blas_get_num_procs()
# Restore to previous state
}, add=TRUE)
# For the other functions this isn't necessary.
if (missing(moduleAssignments))
moduleAssignments <- NULL
if (is.null(moduleAssignments))
stop("'moduleAssignments' must be provided for each 'discovery' dataset")
# Now try to make sense of the rest of the input
finput <- processInput(discovery, test, network, correlation, data,
moduleAssignments, modules, backgroundLabel,
verbose, "preservation")
data <- finput$data
correlation <- finput$correlation
network <- finput$network
moduleAssignments <- finput$moduleAssignments
modules <- finput$modules
discovery <- finput$discovery
test <- finput$test
nDatasets <- finput$nDatasets
datasetNames <- finput$datasetNames
nodelist <- finput$nodelist
loadedIdx <- finput$loadedIdx
dataEnv <- finput$dataEnv
correlationEnv <- finput$correlationEnv
networkEnv <- finput$networkEnv
# We don't want a second copy of these environments when we start
# swapping datasets.
finput$dataEnv <- NULL
finput$correlationEnv <- NULL
finput$networkEnv <- NULL
# If NULL, automatically determine.
if (is.null(nPerm)) {
# If missing, set as the required number for Bonferroni correction.
# Bonferonni correct for the total number of modules, multiplied the number
# of datasets each module is tested in.
multiplier <- sum(sapply(modules, length) * sapply(test, length))
nPerm <- max(10000, requiredPerms(0.05/multiplier))
vCat(verbose, 0, "Input ok!")
if (!is.null(dataEnv$matrix)) {
dataEnv$matrix <- Scale(dataEnv$matrix)
# Set up return list
res <- foreach(di = seq_len(nDatasets)) %do% {
res2 <- foreach(ti = seq_len(nDatasets)) %do% {}
names(res2) <- datasetNames
names(res) <- datasetNames
# Set up variables for running module preservation analysis
# The following declarations are for iterators declared inside each foreach
# loop. Declarations are required to satisfy NOTES generated by R CMD check,
# and also serve as useful documentation for the reader of the source code.
di <- NULL # discovery dataset
ti <- NULL # test dataset
mi <- NULL # iterator over the modules
si <- NULL # iterator over the statistics
pi <- NULL # iterator over the permutations
# Pairwise iteration over the datasets
for (di in discovery) {
for (ti in test[[di]]) {
if (!selfPreservation && di == ti) {
verbose, 0, sep="", "skipping module preservation analysis for modules",
" from dataset ", '"', datasetNames[di], '"', " within dataset ", '"',
datasetNames[di], '"', "."
verbose, 0, sep="",
"Calculating preservation of network subsets from dataset ", '"',
datasetNames[di], '"', " in dataset ", '"', datasetNames[ti], '"', "."
# Calculate the overlap between datasets
ct <- contingencyTable(moduleAssignments[c(di, ti)], modules[[di]],
contingency <- ct$contingency
propVarsPres <- ct$propVarsPres
overlapVars <- ct$overlapVars
varsPres <- ct$varsPres
overlapModules <- ct$overlapModules
overlapAssignments <- ct$overlapAssignments
nStatistics <- ifelse(!is.null(data[[di]]) && !is.null(data[[ti]]), 7, 4)
nModules <- length(overlapModules)
# Calculate the intermediate properties of the discovery dataset
# These are needed at every permutation, but we can cut runtime by
# calculating them once, and cut memory by loading and unloading the
# the discovery dataset if provided as 'disk.matrix' objects.
if (di != loadedIdx) {
# Unload previous dataset
anyDM <- any.disk.matrix(data[[loadedIdx]], correlation[[loadedIdx]],
vCat(verbose && anyDM, 1, "Unloading dataset from RAM...")
dataEnv$matrix <- NULL
correlationEnv$matrix <- NULL
networkEnv$matrix <- NULL
anyDM <- any.disk.matrix(data[[di]], correlation[[di]], network[[di]])
vCat(verbose && anyDM, 1, 'Loading matrices of dataset "',
datasetNames[di], '" into RAM...', sep="")
if (!is.null(data[[di]])) {
dataEnv$matrix <- Scale(loadIntoRAM(data[[di]]))
} else {
dataEnv$matrix <- NULL
correlationEnv$matrix <- loadIntoRAM(correlation[[di]])
networkEnv$matrix <- loadIntoRAM(network[[di]])
loadedIdx <- di
# Calculate the intermediate properties
vCat(verbose, 1, 'Pre-computing network properties in dataset "',
datasetNames[di], '"...', sep="")
if (is.null(data[[di]]) || is.null(data[[ti]])) {
discProps <- IntermediatePropertiesNoData(
correlationEnv$matrix, networkEnv$matrix, nodelist[[ti]],
moduleAssignments[[di]], modules[[di]]
} else {
discProps <- IntermediateProperties(
dataEnv$matrix, correlationEnv$matrix, networkEnv$matrix,
nodelist[[ti]], moduleAssignments[[di]], modules[[di]]
# Run the permutation procedure
# Load matrices into RAM if they are 'disk.matrix' objects.
if (ti != loadedIdx) {
# Unload previous dataset
anyDM <- any.disk.matrix(data[[loadedIdx]], correlation[[loadedIdx]],
vCat(verbose && anyDM, 1, "Unloading dataset from RAM...")
dataEnv$matrix <- NULL
correlationEnv$matrix <- NULL
networkEnv$matrix <- NULL
anyDM <- any.disk.matrix(data[[ti]], correlation[[ti]], network[[ti]])
vCat(verbose && anyDM, 1, 'Loading matrices of dataset "',
datasetNames[ti], '" into RAM...', sep="")
if (!is.null(data[[ti]])) {
dataEnv$matrix <- Scale(loadIntoRAM(data[[ti]]))
} else {
dataEnv$matrix <- NULL
correlationEnv$matrix <- loadIntoRAM(correlation[[ti]])
networkEnv$matrix <- loadIntoRAM(network[[ti]])
loadedIdx <- ti
# Run the permutation procedure
if (is.null(data[[di]]) || is.null(data[[ti]])) {
perms <- PermutationProcedureNoData(
discProps, correlationEnv$matrix, networkEnv$matrix,
moduleAssignments[[di]], modules[[di]], nPerm, nThreads, model,
verbose, vCat
} else {
perms <- PermutationProcedure(
discProps, dataEnv$matrix, correlationEnv$matrix, networkEnv$matrix,
moduleAssignments[[di]], modules[[di]], nPerm, nThreads, model,
verbose, vCat
observed <- perms$observed
if (nPerm > 0) {
nulls <- perms$nulls
} else {
nulls <- NULL
# Calculate permutation p-value
if (nPerm > 0) {
vCat(verbose, 1, "Calculating P-values...")
if (model == 'overlap') {
totalSize <- length(overlapVars)
} else {
totalSize <- ncol(correlation[[ti]])
p.values <- permutationTest(nulls, observed, varsPres, totalSize, alternative)
} else {
p.values <- NULL
totalSize <- NULL
# Collate results
vCat(verbose, 1, "Collating results...")
res[[di]][[ti]] <- list(
nulls = nulls,
observed = observed,
p.values = p.values,
nVarsPresent = varsPres,
propVarsPresent = propVarsPres,
totalSize = totalSize,
alternative = alternative,
contingency = contingency
# remove NULL outputs
res[[di]][[ti]] <- res[[di]][[ti]][
!sapply(res[[di]][[ti]], is.null)
}, error=function(e) {
"Failed with error:\n", e$message, "\nSkipping to next comparison",
immediate. = TRUE
# Free up memory
anyDM <- any.disk.matrix(data[[loadedIdx]], correlation[[loadedIdx]],
vCat(verbose && anyDM, 0, "Unloading dataset from RAM...")
rm(dataEnv, correlationEnv, networkEnv)
# Simplify the output data structure where possible
if (simplify) {
res <- simplifyList(res, depth=2)
on.exit({vCat(verbose, 0, "Done!")}, add=TRUE)
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