### Plot a symmetric heatmap as a triangle
### @param values values to plot on the heatmap.
### @param palette color palette to interpolate over.
### @param palette.vlim range of values to use when mapping values to the \code{palette}.
### @param mas ordered subset of the moduleAssignments vector.
### @param na.indices indices of missing values on the x axis.
### @param na.col color of missing values to plot.
### @param xaxt character vector of names to print along the x axis.
### @param plotModuleNames logical; if \code{TRUE} the names of the modules are
### plotted along the x axis.
### @param main title for the plot.
### @param main.line the number of lines into the top margin at which the plot
### title will be drawn.
### @param plotLegend logical; if \code{TRUE} a legend is added to the right
### side of the plot.
### @param legend.vlim range of values to actually show on the legend (e.g. the whole
### palette space, or just the range of values occuring in the data?)
### @param legend.main title for the legend.
### @param legend.main.line distance from the legend to render the legend
### title.
### @param xaxt.line the number of lines into the margin at which the x axis
### labels will be drawn.
### @param maxt.line the number of lines into the margin at which the module
### names will be drawn.
### @param laxt.tck size of the ticks on the axis legend as a proportion
### of the horizontal size of the plot window.
### @param laxt.line the distance from the legend to render the legend axis
### labels, as multiple of \code{laxt.tck}.
### @param legend.line the distance from the left of the plot to render the
### legend as a proportion of the horizontal size of the plot window.
### @param lwd line width for borders.
### @param dryRun logical; if \code{TRUE} only the axes and borders will be
### drawn.
### @keywords internal
plotTriangleHeatmap <- function(
values, palette, palette.vlim, mas, na.indices=NULL, na.col="#bdbdbd", xaxt=NULL,
plotModuleNames=TRUE, main="", main.line=0, plotLegend=TRUE, legend.vlim=NULL,
legend.main="", legend.main.line=1, xaxt.line=-0.5, maxt.line=3, laxt.tck=0.04,
laxt.line=2.5, legend.line=0.1, lwd=2, dryRun=FALSE
) {
nNodes <- ncol(values) + length(na.indices)
palette <- colorRampPalette(palette)(255)
if (length(palette.vlim) == 1) {
palette.vlim <- c(0, max(values[lower.tri(values)]))
# Map indices in the drawn matrix to indices in the value matrix
if (length(na.indices) > 0) {
map <- rep(NA, nNodes)
map[-na.indices] <- 1:ncol(values)
} else {
map <- 1:nNodes
# Use a fixed width/height for all plots so that offsets and margin lines
# are the same regardless of the number of nodes shown
unitSize <- 1/nNodes
halfUnit <- unitSize/2
ph <- (nNodes * unitSize)/2
pw <- nNodes * unitSize
# Create empty plot
emptyPlot(xlim=c(halfUnit, pw + halfUnit), ylim=c(0, ph), bty="n")
# render triangles row by row
if (!dryRun) {
for (plotRow in 1:nNodes) {
startPlotCol <- nNodes - (plotRow - 1)
for (ii in 1:plotRow) {
jj <- startPlotCol + (ii - 1)
topy <- (nNodes - (plotRow - 1))/2
# If we're on the diagonal, plot a triangle, otherwise a diamond
if (plotRow == nNodes) {
boty <- 0
} else {
boty <- topy - 1
xOffset <- (nNodes - (plotRow - 1))/2
rightx <- ii + xOffset
leftx <- rightx - 1
if (![ii]) && ![jj])) {
col <- getColFromPalette(values[map[ii], map[jj]], palette, palette.vlim)
} else {
col <- na.col
leftx <- leftx * unitSize
rightx <- rightx * unitSize
boty <- boty * unitSize
topy <- topy * unitSize
x=c(leftx, leftx+halfUnit, rightx, leftx+halfUnit, leftx),
y=c(topy-halfUnit, topy, topy-halfUnit, boty, topy-halfUnit),
col=col, border=col
# render module boundaries
if (length(unique(mas)) > 1) {
breaks <- getModuleBreaks(mas)
mids <- getModuleMidPoints(mas)
for (mi in seq_along(mids)) {
height <- (breaks[mi + 1] - mids[mi]) * unitSize
leftx <- breaks[mi] * unitSize
rightx <- breaks[mi+1] * unitSize
midx <- mids[mi] * unitSize
x=c(leftx, rightx, midx, leftx),
y=c(0, 0, height, 0), lwd=lwd
if (plotModuleNames) {
side=1, las=1,
labels=unique(mas), line=maxt.line, tick=FALSE,
cex.axis=par("cex.lab"), font=2
# render border of plot
x=c(halfUnit, pw + halfUnit, ph + halfUnit, halfUnit),
y=c(0, 0, ph, 0),
lwd=lwd, xpd=NA
# Render axes
if (!is.null(xaxt)) {
side=1, las=2, tick=FALSE, line=xaxt.line,
at=(1:nNodes) * unitSize, labels=xaxt
mtext(main, side=3, cex=par("cex")*par("cex.main"), font=2, line=main.line)
# Add legend if specified
if (plotLegend) {
if (is.null(legend.vlim)) {
legend.vlim <- palette.vlim
if (dryRun) {
data.vlim <- legend.vlim
} else {
data.vlim <- range(values)
palette, legend.vlim, palette.vlim, data.vlim, TRUE, legend.main,
xlim=c(halfUnit - pw*legend.line, pw*0.25),
ylim=c(ph/2 + ph*0.17, ph/2 + ph*0.25), tck=laxt.tck,
axis.line=laxt.line, lwd=lwd
### Plot a square heatmap
### @param values values to plot on the heatmap.
### @param palette color palette to interpolate over.
### @param palette.vlim range of values to use when mapping values to the \code{palette}.
### @param mas ordered subset of the moduleAssignments vector.
### @param na.indices.x indices of missing values on the x axis.
### @param na.indices.y indices of missing values on the y axis.
### @param na.col color of missing values to plot.
### @param xaxt character vector of names to print along the x axis.
### @param yaxt character vector of names to print along the y axis.
### @param plotModuleNames logical; if \code{TRUE} the names of the modules are
### plotted along the x axis if \code{values} is not symmetric, and along both
### axes if \code{values} is symettric.
### @param main title for the plot.
### @param main.line the number of lines into the top margin at which the plot
### title will be drawn.
### @param plotLegend logical; if \code{TRUE} a legend is added to the right
### side of the plot.
### @param legend.vlim range of values to actually show on the legend (e.g. the whole
### palette space, or just the range of values occuring in the data?)
### @param legend.main title for the legend.
### @param legend.main.line distance from the legend to render the legend
### title.
### @param xaxt.line the number of lines into the margin at which the x axis
### labels will be drawn.
### @param yaxt.line the number of lines into the margin at which the y axis
### labels will be drawn.
### @param maxt.line the number of lines into the margin at which the module
### names will be drawn.
### @param laxt.tck size of the ticks on the axis legend as a proportion
### of the horizontal size of the plot window.
### @param laxt.line the distance from the legend to render the legend axis
### labels, as multiple of \code{laxt.tck}.
### @param legend.line the distance from the plot to render the legend as a
### proportion of the horizontal size of the plot window.
### @param lwd line width for borders.
### @param dryRun logical; if \code{TRUE} only the axes and borders will be
### drawn.
### @param yLine draw a line at height=yLine.
### @keywords internal
plotSquareHeatmap <- function(
values, palette, palette.vlim, mas, na.indices.x=NULL, na.indices.y=NULL,
na.col="#bdbdbd", xaxt=NULL, yaxt=NULL, plotModuleNames=TRUE,
main="", main.line=0, plotLegend=TRUE, legend.vlim=NULL, legend.main="",
legend.main.line=1, xaxt.line=-0.5, yaxt.line=-0.5, maxt.line=3, laxt.tck=0.04,
laxt.line=2.5, legend.line=0.1, lwd=2, dryRun=FALSE, yLine=0
) {
nX <- ncol(values) + length(na.indices.x)
nY <- nrow(values) + length(na.indices.y)
palette <- colorRampPalette(palette)(255)
if (length(palette.vlim) < 2) {
palette.vlim <- c(0, max(c(values[lower.tri(values)], values[upper.tri(values)])))
# Use a fixed width/height for all plots so that offsets and margin lines
# are the same regardless of the number of nodes shown
xUnitSize <- 1/nX
xHalfUnit <- xUnitSize/2
yUnitSize <- 1/nY
yHalfUnit <- yUnitSize/2
pw <- nX * xUnitSize
ph <- nY * yUnitSize
# Create empty plot
emptyPlot(xlim=c(xHalfUnit, pw + xHalfUnit),
ylim=c(yHalfUnit, ph + yHalfUnit),
# render squares
if (!dryRun) {
ci <- 1
for (ii in 1:nY) {
cj <- 1
for (jj in 1:nX) {
if (ii %nin% na.indices.y && jj %nin% na.indices.x) {
col <- getColFromPalette(values[ci, cj], palette, palette.vlim)
cj <- cj + 1
} else {
col <- na.col
xleft <- jj * xUnitSize - xHalfUnit
xright <- jj * xUnitSize + xHalfUnit
ybottom <- (nY - (ii - 1)) * yUnitSize - yHalfUnit
ytop <- (nY - (ii - 1)) * yUnitSize + yHalfUnit
rect(xleft=xleft, xright=xright, ybottom=ybottom, ytop=ytop, col=col,
if (ii %nin% na.indices.y) {
ci <- ci + 1
# render module boundaries
if (length(unique(mas)) > 1) {
breaks <- getModuleBreaks(mas)
for (mi in seq_along(breaks)[-1]) {
xleft <- breaks[mi - 1] * xUnitSize
xright <- breaks[mi] * xUnitSize
if (nX != nY) {
ybottom <- yHalfUnit
ytop <- ph + yHalfUnit
} else {
ybottom <- (pw + xHalfUnit) - (breaks[mi] * yUnitSize - yHalfUnit)
ytop <- (pw + xHalfUnit) - (breaks[mi - 1] * yUnitSize - yHalfUnit)
rect(xleft=xleft, xright=xright, ybottom=ybottom, ytop=ytop,
border="black", lwd=lwd)
if (plotModuleNames) {
if(!(nX == nY && is.null(xaxt) && !is.null(yaxt))) {
side=1, las=1,
at=getModuleMidPoints(mas) * xUnitSize,
labels=unique(mas), line=maxt.line, tick=FALSE,
cex.axis=par("cex.lab"), font=2
if (nX == nY) {
side=2, las=2,
at=ph + yHalfUnit - getModuleMidPoints(mas) * yUnitSize,
labels=unique(mas), line=maxt.line, tick=FALSE,
cex.axis=par("cex.lab"), font=2
# render border of plot
# Render axes
if (!is.null(xaxt)) {
side=1, las=2, tick=FALSE, line=xaxt.line,
at=(1:nX)*xUnitSize, labels=xaxt
if (!is.null(yaxt)) {
side=2, las=2, tick=FALSE, line=yaxt.line,
at=(nY:1)*yUnitSize, labels=yaxt
mtext(main, side=3, cex=par("cex")*par("cex.main"), font=2, line=main.line)
if (yLine != 0) {
# Add legend if specified
if (plotLegend) {
if (is.null(legend.vlim)) {
legend.vlim <- palette.vlim
if (dryRun) {
data.vlim <- legend.vlim
} else {
data.vlim <- range(values)
palette, legend.vlim, palette.vlim, data.vlim, FALSE,
legend.main, legend.main.line=legend.main.line,
xlim=c(pw - xHalfUnit + pw*legend.line, pw - xHalfUnit + pw*(legend.line+0.05)),
ylim=c(ph/3, ph - yHalfUnit - ph*0.1), tck=laxt.tck,
axis.line=laxt.line, lwd=lwd
### Plot a color palette legend
### Add a legend to a plot window.
### @param palette color palette.
### @param legend.vlim limits of the values to display on the legend
### @param palette.vlim range of values the palette spans across
### @param data.vlim actual range of values present in the corresponding heatmap
### @param horizontal logical; if \code{TRUE} the legend is plotted horizontally,
### otherwise vertically.
### @param main title of the legend.
### @param xlim xlim relative to the plotting region of the rest of the plot.
### @param ylim ylim relative to the plotting region of the rest of the plot.
### @param tck size of the legend axis ticks relative to the size of the
### plot window.
### @param axis.line distance from the axis to render the axis labels as a
### multiple of \code{tck}.
### @param legend.main.line distance from the plot to render the legend title.
### @param lwd line width for borders.
### @param srt angle of text labels
### @import graphics
### @import grDevices
### @keywords internal
addGradientLegend <- function(
palette, legend.vlim, palette.vlim, data.vlim, horizontal, main, xlim,
ylim, tck=0.04, axis.line=3, legend.main.line=1, lwd=2, srt
) {
palette <- colorRampPalette(palette)(255)
if (missing(xlim))
xlim <- par("usr")[1:2]
if (missing(ylim))
ylim <- par("usr")[3:4]
# Handle legends where the range of values doesn't map to the palette range
plim <- c(
head(which(palette == getColFromPalette(
legend.vlim[1], palette, palette.vlim
)), 1),
tail(which(palette == getColFromPalette(
legend.vlim[2], palette, palette.vlim
)), 1)
palette <- palette[plim[1]:plim[2]]
# Draw gradient bar
if (horizontal) {
breaks <- seq(xlim[1], xlim[2], length=length(palette) + 1)
for (pi in seq_along(palette)) {
xright=breaks[pi + 1],
} else {
breaks <- seq(ylim[1], ylim[2], length=length(palette) + 1)
for (pi in seq_along(palette)) {
# Render bounding box
xleft=xlim[1], xright=xlim[2], ybottom=ylim[1], ytop=ylim[2],
border="black", lwd=lwd, xpd=NA
# Make sure axis ticks are centred at 0 if within the range of legend.vlim
at <-[1L], legend.vlim[2L], length.out=5)
if (legend.vlim[1L] < 0 & legend.vlim[2L] > 0) {
# Which axis tick is closest to zero?
zero_tick <- which.min(abs(at))
# The first and last axis tick must always be at the extremeties of the range,
# set zero to the next closest in this case:
if (zero_tick == 1) {
zero_tick <- 2
} else if (zero_tick == 5) {
zero_tick <- 4
# Respace axis ticks around zero accordingly
below_zero_ticks <-[1L], 0L, length.out=length(1:zero_tick))
above_zero_ticks <-, legend.vlim[2L], length.out=length(zero_tick:5))
at <- c(below_zero_ticks, above_zero_ticks[-1]) # [-1] makes sure the 0 tick isnt repeated
labels <- format(at, digits=2)
# If the legend does not span the entire range of values present in the data
# indicate so in the legend.
if (data.vlim[1] < at[1]) {
labels[1] <- paste("<", labels[1])
if (data.vlim[2] > tail(at, 1)) {
labels[length(labels)] <- paste(">", labels[length(labels)] )
if (horizontal) {
tck <- (par("usr")[4] - par("usr")[3])*tck
# Map the legend coordinate space to the plot coordinate space
v.per.x <- (xlim[2] - xlim[1])/(legend.vlim[2] - legend.vlim[1])
at <- at * v.per.x # scale to right width (xlim[1] -- xlim[2])
at <- at - at[1] + xlim[1] # shift to right starting location (xlim[1])
# Now plot the lines and text
sapply(at, function(aa) {
lines(x=c(aa, aa), y=c(ylim[1], ylim[1]-tck), lwd=lwd, xpd=NA)
if (missing(srt))
srt <- 45
text(labels, x=at, y=ylim[1]-tck*axis.line, cex=par("cex.axis"), xpd=NA,
srt=srt, adj=1)
} else {
tck <- (par("usr")[2] - par("usr")[1])*tck
# Map the legend coordinate space to the plot coordinate space
v.per.y <- (ylim[2] - ylim[1])/(legend.vlim[2] - legend.vlim[1])
at <- at * v.per.y # scale to right width (ylim[1] -- ylim[2])
at <- at - at[1] + ylim[1] # shift to right starting location (ylim[1])
# draw axis ticks
sapply(at, function(aa) {
lines(x=c(xlim[1], xlim[1]-tck), y=c(aa, aa), lwd=lwd, xpd=NA)
if (missing(srt))
srt <- 0
text(labels, x=xlim[1]-tck*axis.line, y=at, cex=par("cex.axis"), xpd=NA)
# Render title
offset <- (par("usr")[4] - par("usr")[3]) * 0.05 * legend.main.line
main, x=xlim[1]+(xlim[2]-xlim[1])/2, y=ylim[2]+offset, font=2, xpd=NA,
### Custom bar plot function
### Plot bars around 0
### @param heights heights of the bars.
### @param heights.lim limits of the height axis.
### @param mas ordered subset of the moduleAssignments vector
### @param cols colors of each bar.
### @param bar.width value between 0 and 1 controlling the proportion of space
### taken by each bar.
### @param drawBorders logical; if \code{TRUE} a border is drawn around each bar.
### @param na.col color of missing values to plot.
### @param xaxt logical; If \code{TRUE}, the names of \code{heights} will be
### rendered underneath the bar chart
### @param plotModuleNames logical; if \code{TRUE} the names of the modules are
### plotted along the x axis.
### @param main title for the plot.
### @param main.line the number of lines into the top margin at which the plot
### title will be drawn.
### @param xaxt.line the number of lines into the margin at which the x axis
### labels will be drawn.
### @param yaxt.line the number of lines into the margin at which the y axis
### tick labels will be drawn.
### @param yaxt.tck the size of the y-axis tick marks.
### @param maxt.line the number of lines into the margin at which the module
### names will be drawn.
### @param ylab label for the y axis
### @param ylab.line the number of lines into the left margin at which the
### y axis label will be drawn.
### @param lwd line width for borders.
### @param dryRun logical; if \code{TRUE} only the axes and borders will be
### drawn.
### @keywords internal
plotBar <- function(
heights, heights.lim, mas, cols, bar.width=1, drawBorders=FALSE,
na.col="#bdbdbd", xaxt=TRUE, plotModuleNames=TRUE, main="", main.line=0,
xaxt.line=-0.5, yaxt.line=0, yaxt.tck=-0.15, maxt.line=3, ylab="",
ylab.line=2.5, lwd=2, dryRun=FALSE
) {
# Create vector of colors, one for each bar
if (length(cols) == 1) {
colvec <- rep(cols, length(heights))
} else if (length(cols) == 2) { # Assume positive and negative
colvec <- character(length=length(heights))
colvec[heights > 0] <- cols[1]
colvec[heights <= 0] <- cols[2]
} else {
stop("invalid length for 'cols'")
ylim <- heights.lim
ylim[2] <- ylim[2] + (ylim[2] - ylim[1])*0.01
ylim[1] <- ylim[1] - (ylim[2] - ylim[1])*0.01
xlim=c(0.5, length(heights)+0.5), ylim=ylim, bty="n", ylab="", xpd=NA
# Draw y-axis label
mtext(ylab, side=2, cex=par("cex")*par("cex.lab"), font=1, line=ylab.line)
# draw NAs
if (!dryRun) {
for (ii in seq_along(heights)) {
if ([ii])) {
xleft=ii - 0.5,
xright=ii + 0.5,
for (ii in seq_along(heights)) {
if (![ii])) {
border=ifelse(drawBorders, "black", NA),
abline(h=0, col="black", lwd=lwd)
# draw axis
axis(side=2, labels=FALSE, tck=yaxt.tck, lwd=lwd, at=axTicks(side=2))
axis(side=2, tick=FALSE, line=yaxt.line, las=2, at=axTicks(side=2),
# render module boundaries
if (length(unique(mas)) > 1) {
breaks <- getModuleBreaks(mas)
for (bi in head(breaks[-1], -1)) {
lines(x=rep(bi, 2), y=heights.lim, lwd=lwd)
if (plotModuleNames) {
side=1, las=1,
labels=unique(mas), line=maxt.line, tick=FALSE,
cex.axis=par("cex.lab"), font=2, xpd=NA
# Render axes
if (xaxt) {
side=1, las=2, tick=FALSE, line=xaxt.line,
at=1:length(heights), labels=names(heights)
mtext(main, side=3, cex=par("cex")*par("cex.main"), font=2, line=main.line)
### Plot multiple horizontal bar plots
### @param lengths a matrix whose columns contain the lengths of each bar for
### the given property (e.g. each column should be a module, or phenotype).
### @param lengths.lim a list of limits for the lengths axes.
### @param cols a matrix of colors for each bar.
### @param bar.width value between 0 and 1 controlling the proportion of space
### taken by each bar.
### @param drawBorders logical; if \code{TRUE} a border is drawn around each bar.
### @param main title for the plot
### @param main.line the number of lines into the top margin at which the plot
### title will be drawn.
### @param na.col color of missing values to plot.
### @param yaxt logical; If \code{TRUE}, the rownames of \code{heights} will be
### rendered to the left of the bars.
### @param plotModuleNames logical; if \code{TRUE} the names of the modules are
### plotted along the x axis.
### @param yaxt.line the number of lines into the margin at which the y axis
### labels will be drawn.
### @param maxt.line the number of lines into the margin at which the module
### labels will be drawn.
### @param xaxt.line the number of lines into the margin at which the x axis
### labels will be drawn
### @param xaxt.tck the size of the x-axis ticks.
### @param xlab x axis label
### @param xlab.line the number of lines into the bottom margin at which the
### x axis label will be drawn.
### @param cex.modules relative size of module names.
### @param lwd line width for borders.
### @param dryRun logical; if \code{TRUE} only the axes and borders will be
### drawn.
### @param yLine draw a line at height=yLine.
### @keywords internal
plotMultiBar <- function(
lengths, lengths.lim, cols, bar.width=1, drawBorders=FALSE, main="",
main.line=1, na.col="#bdbdbd", yaxt=TRUE, plotModuleNames=TRUE, yaxt.line=0,
maxt.line=2.5, xaxt.line=0, xaxt.tck=-0.025, xlab="", xlab.line=2.5,
cex.modules=0.7, lwd=2, dryRun=FALSE, yLine=0
) {
if (!is.matrix(lengths))
lengths <- matrix(lengths, ncol=lengths)
if (missing(lengths.lim)) {
lengths.lim <- lapply(seq_len(ncol(lengths)), function(ci) {
range(lengths[,ci], na.rm=TRUE)
if (!is.list(lengths.lim))
lengths.lim <- list(lengths.lim)
# Create vector of colors, one for each bar
if (length(cols) == 1) {
colmat <- matrix(cols, nrow=nrow(lengths), ncol=ncol(lengths))
} else if (length(cols) == 2) { # Assume positive and negative
colmat <- matrix("", nrow=nrow(lengths), ncol=ncol(lengths))
colmat[lengths > 0] <- cols[1]
colmat[lengths <= 0] <- cols[2]
} else {
stop("invalid length for 'cols'")
pw <- 0.7 # width of each plot within the 0-1 space
xlim=c(0, ncol(lengths)), ylim=c(0, nrow(lengths)*1.01), bty="n", xlab="",
# Draw y-axis label
mtext(xlab, side=1, cex=par("cex")*par("cex.lab"), font=1, line=xlab.line)
# draw NAs
if (!dryRun) {
for (jj in seq_len(nrow(lengths))) {
if (all([jj,]))) {
ybottom=nrow(lengths) - jj,
ytop=nrow(lengths) - (jj - 1),
for (ii in seq_len(ncol(lengths))) {
# we need to map from the value range to a range of 0-1
rr <- lengths.lim[[ii]]
rr.size <- rr[2] - rr[1]
if (min(rr) > 0) {
ax <- min(rr)
} else if (max(rr) < 0) {
ax <- max(rr)
} else {
ax <- 0
# Get x position for an value in range rr
getX <- function(val) {
(ii - 1) + (1-pw)/2 + pw/rr.size * (val - rr[1])
# Only draw bars if dryRun is FALSE
if (!dryRun) {
for (jj in seq_len(nrow(lengths))) {
if (![jj,ii])) {
ybottom=nrow(lengths) - jj + (1 - bar.width)/2,
ytop=nrow(lengths) - (jj - 1) - (1 - bar.width)/2,
col=colmat[jj, ii],
border=ifelse(drawBorders, "black", NA),
if (yLine != 0) {
# draw 0 axis
lines(x=rep(getX(ax), 2), y=c(0, nrow(lengths)), lwd=lwd)
# draw axis
side=1, labels=FALSE, tck=xaxt.tck, lwd=lwd,
at=unique(c(getX(rr[1]), getX(ax), getX(rr[2])))
side=1, tick=FALSE, line=xaxt.line, las=2,
at=unique(c(getX(rr[1]), getX(ax), getX(rr[2]))),
labels=prettyNum(unique(c(rr[1], ax, rr[2])), digits=2)
if (plotModuleNames) {
colnames(lengths)[ii], side=3, at=ii-0.5, cex=par("cex")*cex.modules,
font=2, line=maxt.line
# Draw title
main, side=3, at=ncol(lengths)/2, cex=par("cex")*par("cex.main"), font=2,
adj=0.5, line=main.line
# Draw sample names
if (yaxt) {
side=2, tick=FALSE, las=2, at=1:nrow(lengths)-0.5,
labels=rev(rownames(lengths)), line=yaxt.line
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