nroPreprocess <- function(
trim=FALSE) {
# Convert input to numeric matrix.
data <- nroRcppMatrix(data, trim=trim[[1]])
binary <- attr(data, "binary")
# Check if any rows or columns were excluded.
if(length(attr(data, "excl.rows")) > 0)
warning("Unusable rows excluded.")
if(length(attr(data, "excl.columns")) > 0)
warning("Unusable columns excluded.")
# Check input size.
if(nrow(data) < 1) {
warning("No usable data.")
# Check method.
method <- as.character(method[[1]])
# Check resolution.
resolution <- as.integer(resolution[[1]])
if(resolution < 20) # see downsampling
stop("Unusable resolution.")
# Standardize location and scale. <- data
ds.out <- NA*
for(vn in colnames(ds.out))
ds.out[,vn] <- nroPreprocess.std([,vn], method)
# Downsample data model.
model <- nroPreprocess.down(, ds.out, resolution, method)
# Truncate extreme values.
if(length(clip) > 0) {
for(vn in colnames(ds.out))
ds.out[,vn] <- nroPreprocess.clip(ds.out[,vn], method, clip)
# If no preprocessing, binary variables remain binary.
if(method == "") {
binary <- intersect(binary, colnames(ds.out))
attr(ds.out, "binary") <- binary
# Return results.
attr(ds.out, "mapping") <- model
nroPreprocess.std <- function(x, method) {
# Check variance.
sigma <- stats::sd(x, na.rm=TRUE)
if(!is.finite(sigma)) return(x)
if(sigma <= .Machine$double.eps) return(x)
# No standardization.
if(length(method) < 1) return(x)
if(nchar(method) < 1) return(x)
# Rank-based standardization.
if((method == "uniform") || (method == "tapered")) {
z <- rank(x, na.last="keep")
z <- (z - min(z, na.rm=TRUE))
z <- (2*z/max(z, na.rm=TRUE) - 1)
if(method == "tapered") z <- (z + 2*z^3)/3
if(method == "normal") {
nvals <- sum(is.finite(x), na.rm=TRUE)
z <- rank(x, na.last="keep")
z <- stats::qnorm(z/(nvals + 1))
# Default method left.
if(method != "standard") stop("Unknown method.")
# Protect against extreme outliers.
t <- nroPreprocess.clip(x, method="standard", clip=5.0)
t <- stats::na.omit(t)
# Check if logarithm is useful.
tmin <- min(t, na.rm=TRUE)
if((tmin >= 0) && (sum(is.finite(t)) >= 10)) {
t.log <- log(t + 1e-20)
# Downsample for Shapiro test.
mask <- which(0*t.log == 0)
if(length(mask) > 5000)
mask <- sample(mask, size=5000)
# Test for normality.
suppressWarnings(w <- stats::shapiro.test(t[mask]))
suppressWarnings(w.log <- stats::shapiro.test(t.log[mask]))
if((w$p.value < 0.05) && (w$statistic < w.log$statistic)) {
x <- log(x + 1e-20)
t <- t.log
# Basic statistics.
mu <- mean(t, na.rm=TRUE)
sigma <- stats::sd(t, na.rm=TRUE)
# Standardize scale and location.
z <- (x - mu)/max(sigma, 1e-20)
nroPreprocess.clip <- function(x, method, clip) {
if(length(clip) < 1) return(x)
if(!is.finite(clip)) return(x)
if((method != "standard") && (method != "")) return(x)
med <- stats::median(x, na.rm=TRUE)
sigma <- stats::sd(x, na.rm=TRUE)
xmin <- (med - clip*sigma)
xmax <- (med + clip*sigma)
x[which(x < xmin)] <- xmin
x[which(x > xmax)] <- xmax
nroPreprocess.down <- function(x, y, resol, method) {
if(method == "") return(NULL)
# Nothing to do.
results <- list()
results$input <- x
results$output <- y
if(nrow(x) <= resol) return(results)
# Prepare result matrices.
results$input <- matrix(NA, nrow=resol, ncol=ncol(x))
results$output <- matrix(NA, nrow=resol, ncol=ncol(x))
colnames(results$input) <- colnames(x)
colnames(results$output) <- colnames(x)
# Reduce resolution.
ranked <- (method == "uniform") || (method == "tapered")
for(vn in colnames(x)) {
rows <- is.finite(x[,vn]*y[,vn])
u <- x[rows,vn]
v <- y[rows,vn]
# Remove duplicates.
mask <- which(!duplicated(u))
u <- u[mask]
v <- v[mask]
n <- length(u)
if(n < 2) next
# Sort by input value.
sorted <- order(u)
u <- u[sorted]
v <- v[sorted]
# Set sentinel points.
if(!ranked) {
q <- c(1, 10, (resol - 10), (resol - 1))/resol
sigma.u <- stats::quantile(u, c(0.01, 0.1, 0.9, 0.99), na.rm=T)
sigma.v <- stats::quantile(v, c(0.01, 0.1, 0.9, 0.99), na.rm=T)
delta.u <- diff(sigma.u)
delta.v <- diff(sigma.v)
u <- c((u[1] - 3*delta.u[1]), u, (u[n] + 3*delta.u[3]))
v <- c((v[1] - 3*delta.v[1]), v, (v[n] + 3*delta.v[3]))
# Select sampling points.
n <- length(u)
pivots <- seq(from=2, to=(n-1), length.out=(resol-2))
pivots <- c(1, pivots, n)
u.pivots <- stats::approx(x=(1:n), y=u, xout=pivots)$y
# Interpolate output values.
results$input[,vn] <- u.pivots
results$output[,vn] <- stats::approx(x=u, y=v, xout=u.pivots)$y
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