nroSummary <- function(
capacity=10) {
# Convert vector to data matrix.
if(is.vector(data)) {
keys <- names(data)
data <- data.frame(X=data, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
if(!is.null(keys)) rownames(data) <- keys
if(nrow(data)*ncol(data) < 1) {
warning("Empty input.")
# Check input sizes.
if(length(districts) != nrow(data))
stop("Incompatible inputs.")
# Check if districts data are named.
names(districts) <- rownames(data)
# Check data consistency.
keys <- intersect(names(districts), rownames(data))
if(length(keys) < 1) stop("Incompatible inputs.")
districts <- districts[keys]
data <- data[keys,,drop=FALSE]
# Check if regions are available.
if(is.null(regions)) regions <- sort(unique(districts))
if(is.vector(regions)) {
labls <- as.integer(as.factor(regions))
regions <- data.frame(REGION=regions, REGION.label=labls,
rownames(regions) <- regions$REGION
# Check other inputs.
categlim <- as.integer(categlim[[1]])
capacity <- as.integer(capacity[[1]])
# Replace districts with regions.
pos <- match(districts, rownames(regions))
mask <- which(pos > 0)
if(length(mask) < length(pos))
warning("Unusable districts or regions excluded.")
g <- regions[pos[mask],"REGION"]
g.label <- regions[pos[mask],"REGION.label"]
data <- data[mask,,drop=FALSE]
# Check subgroups.
t <- table(g)
if(length(t) < 2) {
warning("Less than two subgroups.")
if(length(t) > capacity) {
warning("Subgroup capacity exceeded.")
# Process data columns.
output <- NULL
for(vn in colnames(data)) {
x <- data[,vn]
nlev <- nlevels(as.factor(x))
# Unusable values.
if(nlev < 2) {
warning(paste(vn, ": Unusable values.", sep=""))
# Categorical data.
if((nlev <= categlim) || (is.numeric(x) == FALSE)) {
stats <- nroSummary.categ(x, g)
if(is.character(stats)) {
warning(paste(vn, ": ", stats, sep=""))
else {
stats <- data.frame(VARIABLE=vn, stats,
output <- rbind(output, stats)
# Numerical data.
stats <- nroSummary.real(x, g)
if(is.character(stats)) {
warning(paste(vn, ": ", stats, sep=""))
else {
stats <- data.frame(VARIABLE=vn, stats,
output <- rbind(output, stats)
# Add region labels.
pos <- match(output$SUBGROUP, regions$REGION)
rows <- which(pos > 0)
output$LABEL[rows] <- regions[pos[rows],"REGION.label"]
# Finish results.
attr(output, "regions") <- g
attr(output, "labels") <- g.label
attr(output, "subgroups") <- split(1:nrow(data), g)
rownames(output) <- NULL
nroSummary.categ <- function(x, g) {
# Check if enough data.
mask <- which(( == FALSE) & ( == FALSE))
if(length(mask) < 10) return("Too few usable data.")
x <- x[mask]
g <- g[mask]
# Split into subgroups.
xsets <- split(x, g)
if(length(xsets) < 2) return("Only one subgroup.")
# Recode if binary.
xfact <- as.factor(x)
xlevs <- levels(xfact)
nlevs <- length(xlevs)
if(nlevs == 2) {
xsets <- lapply(xsets, function(v, l) {
v <- (v == l)
}, xlevs[2])
xlevs <- c(TRUE, FALSE)
xfact <- (as.integer(xfact) - 1)
# Subgroup sizes.
stats <- list()
stats$N <- lapply(xsets, function(v) {
return(sum( == FALSE))
# Estimate basic subgroup stats.
stats$MEAN <- rep(NA, length(xsets))
stats$SD <- rep(NA, length(xsets))
stats$MEDIAN <- rep(NA, length(xsets))
stats$MAD <- rep(NA, length(xsets))
stats$Q025 <- rep(NA, length(xsets))
stats$Q250 <- rep(NA, length(xsets))
stats$Q750 <- rep(NA, length(xsets))
stats$Q975 <- rep(NA, length(xsets))
if(nlevs == 2) stats$MEAN <- lapply(xsets, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
# Add extra class labels to every subgroup to ensure tests
# work (this will slightly dilute the results).
for(j in 1:length(xsets))
xsets[[j]] <- c(xsets[[j]], xlevs)
# Convert to data frame.
stats <- lapply(stats, as.double)
stats <-, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
stats <- data.frame(SUBGROUP=names(xsets), LABEL=NA, stats,
# Add P-value columns.
stats$TYPE <- "categ"
if(nlevs == 2) stats$TYPE <- "binary"
stats$P.chisq <- NA
stats$P.t <- NA
stats$P.anova <- NA
# Find the biggest subgroup.
ind <- which.max(stats$N)
if(length(ind) < 1) return("Unusable subgroups.")
# Chi-squared test by subgroup.
stats$P.chisq <- lapply(xsets, function(v, v0) {
bits <- c(rep(0, length(v)), rep(1, length(v0)))
st <- stats::chisq.test(c(v, v0), bits)
}, xsets[[ind]])})
stats$P.chisq <- as.double(stats$P.chisq)
# Chi-squared test for whole data.
suppressWarnings(st <- stats::chisq.test(x, g))
# Add extra row for full test.
stats <- rbind(stats[1,], stats)
stats[1,c("SUBGROUP", "MEAN","SD",
"MEDIAN","MAD","P.t","P.anova")] <- NA
if(nlevs == 2) stats$MEAN[1] <- mean(xfact, na.rm=TRUE)
stats$N[1] <- length(x)
stats$P.chisq[1] <- st$p.value
# Return results.
nroSummary.real <- function(x, g) {
suppressWarnings(x <- as.numeric(x))
# Check if enough data.
mask <- which(0*x == 0)
if(length(mask) < 10) return("Too few data.")
sigma <- stats::sd(x[mask], na.rm=TRUE)
if(!is.finite(sigma)) return("Unusable data.")
if(sigma < 1e-9) return("Too low variance.")
x <- x[mask]
g <- g[mask]
# Convert to tapered ranks.
z <- (rank(x, na.last="keep") - 1)
z <- (2*z/max(z, na.rm=TRUE) - 1)
z <- 0.5*(z + z^3)
# Split into subgroups.
xsets <- split(x, g)
zsets <- split(z, g)
if(length(xsets) < 2) return("Only one subgroup.")
# Subgroup sizes.
stats <- list()
stats$N <- lapply(xsets, function(v) {
return(sum(0*v == 0))
# Estimate basic subgroup stats.
stats$MEAN <- lapply(xsets, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
stats$SD <- lapply(xsets, stats::sd, na.rm=TRUE)
stats$MEDIAN <- lapply(xsets, stats::median, na.rm=TRUE)
stats$MAD <- rep(NA, length(xsets))
stats$Q025 <- rep(NA, length(xsets))
stats$Q975 <- rep(NA, length(xsets))
for(j in 1:length(xsets)) {
xj <- as.double(xsets[[j]])
muj <- as.double(stats$MEDIAN[j])
stats$MAD[j] <- stats::median(abs(xj - muj), na.rm=TRUE)
qi <- stats::quantile(xj, c(0.025, 0.25, 0.75, 0.975), na.rm=TRUE)
stats$Q025[j] <- qi[1]
stats$Q250[j] <- qi[2]
stats$Q750[j] <- qi[3]
stats$Q975[j] <- qi[4]
# Convert to data frame.
stats <- lapply(stats, as.double)
stats <-, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
stats <- data.frame(SUBGROUP=names(xsets), LABEL=NA, stats,
# Add P-value columns.
stats$TYPE <- "real"
stats$P.chisq <- NA
stats$P.t <- NA
stats$P.anova <- NA
# Find the "most average" subgroup.
mu <- mean(x, na.rm=TRUE)
ind <- which.min(abs(stats$MEAN - mu))
if(length(ind) < 1) return("Unusable subgroups.")
# Rank-regulated T-tests against the reference group.
stats$P.t <- lapply(zsets, function(v, v0) {
xsigma <- stats::sd(v, na.rm=TRUE)
ysigma <- stats::sd(v0, na.rm=TRUE)
if(!is.finite(xsigma)) return(1.0)
if(!is.finite(ysigma)) return(1.0)
if(xsigma < 1e-20) return(1.0)
if(ysigma < 1e-20) return(1.0)
return(stats::t.test(x=v, y=v0)$p.value)
}, zsets[[ind]])
stats$P.t <- as.double(stats$P.t)
# Analysis of variance with randomized design.
p.anova <- 1.0
tmp <- data.frame(Z=as.double(z), G=as.factor(g))
fit <- stats::aov(formula=Z~G, data=tmp)
p.anova <- unlist(summary(fit))["Pr(>F)1"]
p.anova <- as.double(p.anova)
}, silent=TRUE)
# Add extra row for ANOVA.
stats <- rbind(stats[1,], stats)
stats[1,c("SUBGROUP", "MEAN","SD",
"MEDIAN","MAD","P.t","P.chisq")] <- NA
stats$N[1] <- length(x)
stats$MEAN[1] <- mean(x, na.rm=TRUE)
stats$SD[1] <- stats::sd(x, na.rm=TRUE)
stats$MEDIAN[1] <- stats::median(x, na.rm=TRUE)
stats$MAD[1] <- stats::median(abs(x - stats$MEDIAN[1]), na.rm=TRUE)
stats$Q025[1] <- stats::quantile(x, 0.025, na.rm=TRUE)
stats$Q250[1] <- stats::quantile(x, 0.250, na.rm=TRUE)
stats$Q750[1] <- stats::quantile(x, 0.750, na.rm=TRUE)
stats$Q975[1] <- stats::quantile(x, 0.975, na.rm=TRUE)
stats$P.anova[1] <- p.anova
# Return results.
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