
Defines functions imxCheckMatrices imxPreprocessModel zapExtraneousMatrices LocateOptionalMatrix imxLocateIndex clearModifiedSinceRunRecursive updateModelEntitiesHelper updateModelEntitiesTargetModel updateModelData updateModelExpectations updateModelAlgebras updateModelMatrices removeTail updateModelValuesHelper imxUpdateModelValues generateValueHelper generateDefinitionList definitionDependencyList generateParameterList buildFreeVarGroupList parameterDependencyList isExpectation findDependencies generateAlgebraList generateMatrixList generateMatrixTypes extractJoinKey extractJoinModel

Documented in imxCheckMatrices imxLocateIndex imxPreprocessModel imxUpdateModelValues

#   Copyright 2007-2021 by the individuals mentioned in the source code history
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
#        http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#   limitations under the License.

extractJoinModel <- function(model, matList) {
	if (length(matList) == 0) return(NULL)
	rawJoinModel <- sapply(matList, function(x) ifelse(.hasSlot(x, 'joinModel'), x@joinModel, NA))
	joinModel <- match(paste0(rawJoinModel, imxSeparatorChar, 'expectation'),
	mismatch <- !is.na(rawJoinModel) & is.na(joinModel)
	if (any(mismatch)) {
		matNames <- names(matList)
		msg <- paste("The references", omxQuotes(rawJoinModel[mismatch]), "do not exist.",
			     "It is used by", matNames[mismatch])
		stop(msg, call. = FALSE)

extractJoinKey <- function(model, matList) {
	sapply(matList, function(x) {
		if (!.hasSlot(x, 'joinKey') || is.na(x@joinKey)) return(NA_integer_)
		modelName <- unlist(strsplit(x@name, imxSeparatorChar, fixed = TRUE))[1]
		dataName <- paste0(modelName, imxSeparatorChar, 'data')
		data <- model@datasets[[ dataName ]]
		fkCol <- match(x@joinKey, colnames(data@observed))
		if (is.na(fkCol)) {
			msg <- paste("Foreign key", omxQuotes(x@joinKey), "not found in ", dataName)
			stop(msg, call. = FALSE)

generateMatrixTypes <- function(matList) {
	got <- match(sapply(matList, class),
		c("DiagMatrix", "FullMatrix", "IdenMatrix", "LowerMatrix",
			"SdiagMatrix", "StandMatrix", "SymmMatrix",
			"UnitMatrix", "ZeroMatrix"))
	if (any(is.na(got))) {
		stop(paste("Unknown matrix class",

generateMatrixList <- function(model) {
	matvalues <- lapply(model@matrices, generateMatrixValuesHelper)
	if (!length(matvalues)) return(NULL)
	names(matvalues) <- names(model@matrices)
	joinModel <- extractJoinModel(model, model@matrices)
	joinKey <- extractJoinKey(model, model@matrices)
	references <- generateMatrixReferences(model)
	types <- generateMatrixTypes(model@matrices)
	retval <- mapply(function(x1,x2,x3,x4,x5) { c(list(x1), x2, x3, x4, x5) },
		matvalues, joinModel, joinKey, types, references,

generateAlgebraList <- function(model) {
	joinModel <- extractJoinModel(model, model@algebras)
	joinKey <- extractJoinKey(model, model@algebras)
	mNames <- names(model@matrices)
	aNames <- append(names(model@algebras), names(model@fitfunctions))
	mNumbers <- as.list(as.integer(-1 : (-length(mNames))))
	aNumbers <- as.list(as.integer(0 : (length(aNames) - 1)))
	names(mNumbers) <- mNames
	names(aNumbers) <- aNames
	retval <- mapply(generateAlgebraHelper, model@algebras, joinModel, joinKey,
			 MoreArgs=list(mNumbers, aNumbers), SIMPLIFY=FALSE, USE.NAMES=TRUE)

findDependencies <- function(triple, flatModel, dependencies) {
	mNames <- names(flatModel@matrices)
	matrixNum <- triple[[1]] + 1
	matrixName <- mNames[[matrixNum]]

isExpectation <- function(name) {
	return(length(grep("expectation", name, fixed=TRUE)) > 0)

parameterDependencyList <- function(pList, flatModel, dependencies) {
	if (length(pList) == 3) {
	locations <- pList[4:length(pList)]
	deps <- lapply(locations, findDependencies, flatModel, dependencies)
	depnames <- Reduce(union, deps, character())
	depnames <- Filter(Negate(isExpectation), depnames)
	depnumbers <- sapply(depnames, doLocateIndex, flatModel, flatModel@name, USE.NAMES=FALSE)
	depnumbers <- as.integer(depnumbers)
	retval <- append(pList[1:3], list(depnumbers))
	append(retval, locations)

buildFreeVarGroupList <- function(flatModel) {
	if (is.null(flatModel@compute)) return()
	got <- getFreeVarGroup(flatModel@compute)
	if (length(got)) {
		if (anyDuplicated(unlist(got[seq(1,length(got),2)]))) {
			stop("freeSet IDs are not unique") #for debugging
		members <- unlist(got[seq(2,length(got),2)])
		recog <- match(members, names(flatModel@matrices))
		if (any(is.na(recog))) {
			stop(paste("freeSet component", omxQuotes(members[is.na(recog)]), "not found"))

generateParameterList <- function(flatModel, dependencies, freeVarGroups) {
	mList <- flatModel@matrices
	pList <- list()
	if (length(mList)) for(i in 1:length(mList)) {
		matrix <- mList[[i]]
		pList <- generateParameterListHelper(matrix, pList, i - 1L, freeVarGroups)
	pList <- lapply(pList, parameterDependencyList, flatModel, dependencies)

	if (length(pList)) for(i in 1:length(pList)) {
		original <- pList[[i]]
    bounds <- unlist(original[1:2])
    if (all(!is.na(bounds)) && diff(bounds) <= 0) {
      stop(paste("Parameter", omxQuotes(names(pList)[i]),
                 "has a lower bound (", bounds[1], ") greater than or",
                 "equal to an upper bound (", bounds[2], ")"), call.=FALSE)
		svalues <- original[5:length(original)]
		svalue <- NA
		if (length(svalues) > 1) {
			values <- sapply(svalues, generateValueHelper, mList)
			values <- values[!is.na(values)]
			if (length(values) == 0) {
				svalue <- NA
			} else {
				if (!all(values == values[[1]])) {
					warning(paste('Parameter',names(pList)[i],'has multiple start values.',
						      'Selecting', values[[1]]))
				svalue <- values[[1]]
		} else {
			svalue <- generateValueHelper(svalues[[1]], mList)
		if (is.na(svalue)) {
			stop(paste("Parameter '",names(pList)[i],"' has no starting value",sep=""))
		pList[[i]] <- c(original, svalue)
	flatModel@parameters <- pList

definitionDependencyList <- function(pList, defVarName, flatModel, dependencies) {
	depnames <- findDependencies(pList[3], flatModel, dependencies)
	depnames <- Filter(Negate(isExpectation), depnames)
	depnumbers <- sapply(depnames, doLocateIndex, flatModel, flatModel@name, USE.NAMES=FALSE)
	depnumbers <- as.integer(depnumbers)
	retval <- c(unlist(pList), depnumbers)

generateDefinitionList <- function(flatModel, dependencies) {
	if (length(flatModel@matrices) == 0) return(list())
	result <- list()
	for(i in 1:length(flatModel@matrices)) {
		result <- matrixDefinitions(flatModel,
			result, i - 1L)
	result <- mapply(definitionDependencyList, result, names(result),
			 MoreArgs=list(flatModel, dependencies), SIMPLIFY=FALSE, USE.NAMES = TRUE)
	# data number, column number, matrix, row, col,
	# integer vector of dependencies (doLocateIndex coded)

generateValueHelper <- function(triple, mList) {
	mat <- triple[1] + 1
	row <- triple[2] + 1
	col <- triple[3] + 1
	val <- mList[[mat]]@values[row,col]

##' imxUpdateModelValues
##' Deprecated. This function does not handle parameters with equality
##' constraints. Do not use.
##' @param model model
##' @param flatModel flat model
##' @param values values to update
imxUpdateModelValues <- function(model, flatModel, values) {
	pList <- flatModel@parameters
	if(length(pList) != length(values)) {
		stop(paste("This model has", length(pList),
			"parameters, but you have given me", length(values),
	if (length(pList) == 0) {
	for(i in 1:length(pList)) {
		parameters <- pList[[i]]
		parameters <- parameters[5:(length(parameters)-1)]
		model <- updateModelValuesHelper(parameters, values[[i]], flatModel, model)

updateModelValuesHelper <- function(triples, value, flatModel, model) {
	for(i in 1:length(triples)) {
		triple <- triples[[i]]
		mat <- triple[1] + 1
		row <- triple[2] + 1
		col <- triple[3] + 1
		name <- flatModel@matrices[[mat]]@name
		model[[name]]@values[row,col] <- value

removeTail <- function(lst, tailSize) {
    newEnd <- length(lst) - tailSize
    if (newEnd == 0) {
    } else {
        return(lst[1 : newEnd])

updateModelMatrices <- function(model, flatModel, values) {
	mList <- names(flatModel@matrices)
	if (length(mList) != length(values)) {
		stop(paste("This model has", length(mList),
			"matrices, but the backend has returned", length(values),
	if (length(values) == 0) {
	model <- updateModelEntitiesHelper(mList, values, model)

updateModelAlgebras <- function(model, flatModel, values) {
	aNames <- names(flatModel@algebras)
	oNames <- names(flatModel@fitfunctions)
	pNames <- names(flatModel@penalties)
	aList <- append(aNames, append(oNames, pNames))
	if(length(aList) != length(values)) {
		stop(paste("This model has", length(aList),
			"algebras, but the backend has returned", length(values),
	if (length(aList) == 0) {
	model <- updateModelEntitiesHelper(aList, values, model)

updateModelExpectations <- function(model, flatModel, values) {
	if (length(values) == 0) return(model)
	eNames <- names(flatModel@expectations)
	if (length(eNames) != length(values)) {
		stop(paste("This model has", length(eNames),
			   "expectations, but the backend has returned", length(values),
	if (length(eNames) == 0) return(model)
	updateModelEntitiesHelper(eNames, values, model)

updateModelData <- function(model, flatModel, values) {
	dNames <- names(flatModel@datasets)
	if (length(dNames) != length(values)) {
		stop(paste("This model has", length(dNames),
			   "data, but the backend has returned", length(values),
	if (length(dNames) == 0) return(model)
	updateModelEntitiesHelper(dNames, values, model)

updateModelEntitiesTargetModel <- function(model, entNames, values, modelNameMapping) {
    nextName <- model@name
    selectEnt <- entNames[modelNameMapping == nextName]
    selectVal <- values[modelNameMapping == nextName]
    if (length(selectEnt) > 0) {
		for(i in 1:length(selectEnt)) {
			name <- selectEnt[[i]]
			candidate <- model[[name]]
			value <- selectVal[[i]]
			if (!is.null(candidate) && length(value)) {
				if (is(candidate, "MxAlgebra")) {
					cdim <- sapply(dimnames(candidate), length)
					mask <- cdim != 0
					if (any(cdim[mask] != dim(value)[mask])) {
						warning(paste(paste(model@name, candidate@name, sep="."),
							      "is dimension", omxQuotes(dim(value)),
							      "but the dimnames imply dimension",
					} else {
						dimnames(value) <- dimnames(candidate)
					candidate@result <- value
					if (candidate@fixed && all(dim(value) == dim(candidate@initial)) &&
						    all(value == candidate@initial)) {
							"is set for onDemand recompute yet is still at",
							"initial values"))
				} else if (is(candidate,"MxFitFunction")) {
						candidate@MLfit <- attr(value,"MLfit")
						candidate@result <- as.matrix(as.numeric(value))
            candidate@numObsAdjust <- attr(value,"numObsAdjust")
					} else{
						candidate@result <- as.matrix(value)
						attr <- attributes(value)
						attr$dim <- NULL
						candidate@info <- attr
				} else if (is(candidate,"MxPenalty")) {
          candidate@result <- as.matrix(value)
				} else if(is(candidate, "MxMatrix")) {
					if(candidate@name=="filteredDataRow" && !candidate@.persist){next} #bit of a hack
					if (any(dim(candidate@values) != dim(value))) {
						msg <- paste("Backend returned a", omxQuotes(dim(value)),
							     "matrix for a", omxQuotes(dim(candidate@values)),
							     "matrix. Not sure how to proceed.",
							     "Please report this error to the OpenMx support team.")
					} else {
						dimnames(value) <- dimnames(candidate)
						candidate@values <- value
				} else if (is(candidate, "MxExpectation")) {
					for (sl in names(attributes(value))) {
						slot(candidate, sl) <- attr(value, sl)
				} else if (is(candidate, "MxDataStatic")) {
					value$numObs <- NULL
					if (!is.null(value[['rawData']])) {
						candidate@observed <- value[['rawData']]
						value[['rawData']] <- NULL
					if (length(value)) candidate@observedStats <- value
				} else if (is(candidate, "MxDataDynamic")) {
					candidate@numObs <- value$numObs
				model[[name]] <- candidate
    if (length(model@submodels) > 0) {
        model@submodels <- lapply(model@submodels,
            updateModelEntitiesTargetModel, entNames, values, modelNameMapping)

updateModelEntitiesHelper <- function(entNames, values, model) {
    modelNameMapping <- sapply(entNames, getModelNameString)
    model <- updateModelEntitiesTargetModel(model, entNames,
		values, modelNameMapping)

clearModifiedSinceRunRecursive <- function(model) {
	if (length(model@submodels) > 0) {
		model@submodels <- lapply(model@submodels, clearModifiedSinceRunRecursive)
	model@.wasRun <- TRUE
	model@.modifiedSinceRun <- FALSE

##' imxLocateIndex
##' This is an internal function exported for those people who know
##' what they are doing.
##' @param model model
##' @param name name
##' @param referant referant
imxLocateIndex <- function(model, name, referant) {
	if (length(name) == 0) return(name)
#	if (length(name) > 1) browser()
	if (all(is.na(name))) { return(as.integer(name)) }
  if (any(is.integer(name))) stop("imxLocateIndex called more than once, OpenMx bug")
	mNames <- names(model@matrices)
	aNames <- names(model@algebras)
	fNames <- names(model@fitfunctions)
  pNames <- names(model@penalties)
	eNames <- names(model@expectations)
	dNames <- names(model@datasets)
	matrixNumber <- match(name, mNames)
	algebraNumber <- match(name, append(aNames, c(fNames, pNames)))
	dataNumber <- match(name, dNames)
	expectationNumber <- match(name, eNames)
	if (all(is.na(matrixNumber)) && all(is.na(algebraNumber)) &&
        all(is.na(dataNumber)) && all(is.na(expectationNumber))) {
		reftype <- "named reference"
		if (typeof(referant) == "S4") {
			reftype <- 'object'
		msg <- paste("The reference", omxQuotes(name),
			"does not exist.  It is used by",
			     reftype, omxQuotes(referant), ".")
		stop(msg, call.=FALSE)
	} else if (all(!is.na(matrixNumber))) {
		return(- matrixNumber)
	} else if (all(!is.na(dataNumber))) {
		return(dataNumber - 1L)
	} else if (all(!is.na(expectationNumber))) {
		return(expectationNumber - 1L)
	} else {
		return(algebraNumber - 1L)

LocateOptionalMatrix <- function(model, name, referant) {
	if (is.na(name)) { return(as.integer(name)) }
	mNames <- names(model@matrices)
	aNames <- names(model@algebras)
	fNames <- names(model@fitfunctions)
	matrixNumber <- match(name, mNames)
	algebraNumber <- match(name, append(aNames, fNames))
	if (is.na(matrixNumber) && is.na(algebraNumber)) {
	} else if (!is.na(matrixNumber)) {
		return(- matrixNumber)
	} else {
		return(algebraNumber - 1L)

zapExtraneousMatrices <- function(model){
  keepers <- unlist(lapply(model@matrices,function(x){
    class(try(x@.persist,silent=T))=="try-error" || x@.persist}))
  #^^^^^For the sake of backward compatibility, treat matrices with no .persist slot as having that slot be TRUE.
  if(is.logical(keepers)){model@matrices <- model@matrices[which(keepers)]}
  if(length(model@submodels)>0){model@submodels <- lapply(model@submodels,zapExtraneousMatrices)}

##' imxPreprocessModel
##' This is an internal function exported for those people who know
##' what they are doing.
##' @param model model
imxPreprocessModel <- function(model) {
	model@matrices <- lapply(model@matrices, findSquareBrackets)
	model@submodels <- lapply(model@submodels, imxPreprocessModel)

##' imxCheckMatrices
##' This is an internal function exported for those people who know
##' what they are doing.
##' @param model model
imxCheckMatrices <- function(model) {
	matrices <- model@matrices
	lapply(matrices, imxVerifyMatrix)
	submodels <- imxDependentModels(model)
	lapply(submodels, imxCheckMatrices)

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