#' @title Match Data From an Existing Netcdf File or Download and Match
#' @description Extracts all variables from a netcdf file matching Longitude,
#' Latitude, and UTC coordinates in given dataframe
#' @param data dataframe containing Longitude, Latitude, and UTC to extract matching
#' variables from the netcdf file
#' @param nc name of a netcdf file, ERDDAP dataset id, or an edinfo object
#' @param var (optional) vector of variable names
#' @param buffer vector of Longitude, Latitude, and Time (seconds) to buffer around
#' each datapoint. All values within the buffer will be used to report the mean,
#' median, and standard deviation
#' @param FUN a vector or list of functions to apply to the data. Default is to apply
#' mean, median, and standard deviation calculations
#' @param fileName (optional) file name to save downloaded nc file to. If not provided,
#' then no nc files will be stored, instead small temporary files will be downloaded
#' and then deleted. This can be much faster, but means that the data will need to be
#' downloaded again in the future. If \code{fileName} is provided, then the function
#' will attempt to download a single nc file covering the entire range of your data.
#' If your data spans a large amount of time and space this can be problematic.
#' @param progress logical flag to show progress bar
#' @param depth depth values (meters) to use for matching, overrides any \code{Depth} column
#' in the data or can be used to specify desired depth range when not present in data.
#' Variables will be summarised over the range of these depth values. \code{NULL}
#' uses all available depth values
#' @param \dots other parameters to pass to \link{ncToData}
#' @return original dataframe with three attached columns for each variable in the netcdf
#' file, one for each of mean, median, and standard deviation of all values within the buffer
#' @author Taiki Sakai \email{}
#' @name matchEnvData
#' @examples
#' data <- data.frame(Latitude = 32, Longitude = -117,
#' UTC = as.POSIXct('2004-12-31 09:00:00', tz='UTC'))
#' \dontrun{
#' # Not run because downloads files
#' # default calculates mean, median, and standard deviation
#' matchEnvData(data, nc='jplMURSST41', var=c('analysed_sst', 'analysis_error'))
#' # get just mean within a buffer around coordinates
#' matchEnvData(data, nc='jplMURSST41', var=c('analysed_sst', 'analysis_error'),
#' FUN = mean, buffer = c(.01, .01, 86400))
#' }
#' # Can also work from an existing nc file
#' nc <- system.file('extdata', '', package='PAMmisc')
#' matchEnvData(data, nc = nc)
#' # Using a custom function
#' meanPlusOne <- function(x) {
#' mean(x, na.rm=TRUE) + 1
#' }
#' matchEnvData(data, nc=nc, FUN=c(mean, meanPlusOne))
#' @importFrom stats median sd
#' @importFrom methods setGeneric setMethod
#' @export
function(data, nc=NULL, var=NULL, buffer=c(0,0,0), FUN = c(mean),
fileName = NULL, progress=TRUE, depth=0, ...) standardGeneric('matchEnvData')
#' @rdname matchEnvData
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_rows bind_cols
#' @export
setMethod('matchEnvData', 'data.frame',
function(data, nc=NULL, var=NULL, buffer=c(0,0,0), FUN = c(mean),
fileName = NULL, progress=TRUE, depth=0, ...) {
# First just get an edinfo
if(is.null(nc)) {
nc <- browseEdinfo()
if(!all(c('Latitude', 'Longitude') %in% standardCoordNames(colnames(data)))) {
stop('Data must have columns "Latitude" and "Longitude"')
if(is.character(nc) &&
!file.exists(nc)) {
nc <- try(erddapToEdinfo(nc, chooseVars = FALSE))
if(inherits(nc, 'try-error')) {
stop(paste0(nc, ' must be a valid nc file or erddap dataset id.'))
# browser()
if(is.list(FUN) &&
is.null(names(FUN))) {
names(FUN) <- as.character(substitute(FUN))[-1]
} else if(is.function(FUN)) {
tmpName <- as.character(substitute(FUN))
FUN <- list(FUN)
names(FUN) <- tmpName
# if pointing to an ncfile, just do that
if(is.character(nc) &&
file.exists(nc)) {
return(ncToData(data=data, nc=nc, var=var, buffer=buffer, FUN=FUN, progress=progress, depth=depth, ...))
if(!inherits(nc, 'edinfo')) {
stop(paste0('"nc" must be a valid nc file or erddap dataset id.'))
if('UTC' %in% names(nc$limits) &&
!'UTC' %in% standardCoordNames(colnames(data))) {
stop('Data must have column "UTC"')
if(is.null(nc$varSelect) ||
!any(nc$varSelect)) {
nc <- varSelect(nc, var)
# browser()
if(inherits(nc, 'hycomList')) {
whichHy <- sapply(data$UTC, function(t) {
whichHycom(t, nc$list)
naHy <-
if(any(naHy)) {
message(sum(naHy), ' rows could not be matched to a HYCOM dataset, they will',
' be removed from returned result.')
whichHy[naHy] <- -1
hys <- unique(whichHy)
result <- vector('list', length=length(hys))
fixer <- numeric(0)
for(i in seq_along(result)) {
if(hys[i] == -1) next
thisHy <- nc$list[[hys[i]]]
thisHy$varSelect <- nc$varSelect
result[[i]] <- matchEnvData(data[whichHy == hys[i], ], nc=thisHy, var, buffer, FUN, fileName, progress, depth, ...)
fixer <- c(fixer, which(whichHy == hys[i]))
fixer <- sort(fixer, index.return=TRUE)$ix
# browser()
if([[1]])) {
result <- bind_rows(result)
return(result[fixer, ])
} else if(is.list(result[[1]])) {
result <- unlist(result, recursive = FALSE)
result <- fillNA(result[fixer], which(naHy))
# no filename provided means dont download all, do smaller
if(is.null(fileName)) {
plan <- as.character(planDownload(data, nc, thresh=20))
if(progress) {
cat('Downloading data...\n')
pb <- txtProgressBar(min=0, max = length(unique(plan)), style=3)
pbix <- 0
planFiles <- vector('list', length=length(unique(plan)))
names(planFiles) <- unique(plan)
for(p in unique(plan)) {
if(p == '-1') {
if(progress) {
pbix <- pbix + 1
setTxtProgressBar(pb, value = pbix)
thisFile <- fileNameManager(suffix=p)
planFiles[[p]] <- downloadEnv(data=data[plan == p, ],fileName = thisFile, edinfo = nc, buffer = buffer, ...)
tmpFiles <- list.files(getTempCacheDir(), full.names=TRUE)
unlink(tmpFiles, force=TRUE)
# on.exit(DELETEYOUR PAMMISC TEMP DIR HERE) cache_delete_all from rerddap checkit
if(progress) {
pbix <- pbix + 1
setTxtProgressBar(pb, value = pbix)
result <- vector('list', length = nrow(data))
for(i in seq_along(result)) {
if(plan[i] == '-1') {
result[[i]] <- data[i, ]
result[[i]] <- ncToData(data=data[i, ], nc=planFiles[[plan[i]]], var=var, buffer=buffer, FUN=FUN, progress=FALSE, depth=depth, ...)
if(progress) {
if([[1]])) {
result <- bind_rows(result)
} else if(is.list(result[[1]])) {
result <- unlist(result, recursive = FALSE)
# file name provided means get big all at once
if(!grepl('\\.nc$', fileName)) {
fileName <- paste0(fileName, '.nc')
ncData <- downloadEnv(data=data, edinfo = nc, fileName = fileName, buffer = buffer, ...)
# browser()
if(length(ncData) > 1) {
message('Data crossed the dateline, download split into two files: ',
ncData[1], ' and ', ncData[2])
oldNames <- colnames(data)
colnames(data) <- standardCoordNames(colnames(data))
left <- to180(data$Longitude) > 0
colnames(data) <- oldNames
dataLeft <- data[left, ]
dataRight <- data[!left, ]
return(bind_rows(ncToData(data=dataLeft, nc=ncData[1], var=var, buffer=buffer, FUN=FUN, progress=progress, depth=depth, ...),
ncToData(data=dataRight, nc=ncData[2], var=var, buffer=buffer, FUN=FUN, progress=progress, depth=depth, ...))
return(ncToData(data=data, nc=ncData, var=var, buffer=buffer, FUN=FUN, progress=progress, depth=depth, ...))
fillNA <- function(x, ix) {
if(length(ix) == 0) {
lessIx <- seq_along(x) < ix[1]
fillNA(c(x[lessIx], NA, x[!lessIx]), ix[-1])
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