
Defines functions recNA checkRecordings checkIn clipAroundPeak wavToGram doContrast doBrightness binToSpecMat myDownsample myGram

# utils for wav file stuff

# get spectrum or cepstrum of a signal
myGram <- function(x, channel=1, wl = 512, window = TRUE, sr=NULL,
                   from=0, to=NULL, noise=FALSE, mode=c('spec', 'ceps'),
                   decimate=1) {
    if(is.list(x)) {
        wave <- x$wave[, channel]
        if(is.null(sr)) {
            sr <- x$sr
    } else if(is.vector(x)) {
        wave <- x
    } else if(inherits(x, 'Wave')) {
        wave <- switch(channel,
                       '1' = x@left,
                       '2' = x@right,
        if(is.null(sr)) {
            sr <- x@samp.rate
    } else if(inherits(x, 'WaveMC')) {
        if(channel > ncol(x@.Data)) {
        wave <- x@.Data[, channel]
        if(is.null(sr)) {
            sr <- x@samp.rate
    if(decimate > 1) {
        wave <- decimate(wave, q=decimate)
        sr <- sr / decimate
    if(from > 0) {
        # kinda janky because NULL * 1e3 is not NULL anymore, its numeric(0)
        if(!is.null(to)) {
            to_hz <- to * 1e3
        } else {
            to_hz <- NULL
        wave <- bwfilter(wave, f=sr, n=4, from=from*1e3, to = to_hz, output='sample')
    wave <- clipAroundPeak(wave, wl, noise=noise)
    if(window) {
        # wave <- wave * hanning(length(wave)) / mean(hanning(length(wave))^2)
        w <- hanning(length(wave))
    } else {
        w <- rep(1, length(wave))
    wave <- wave * w
    # wave <- wave - mean(wave)
           'spec' = {
               FUN <- function(x) {
                   result <- Mod(fft(x))^2
                   # computing power spectrum, normalize by sum(w)^2
                   # PSD would be norm by sr * sum(w^2)
                   result <- 2 * result[1:(wl%/%2)]
                   result <- result / sum(w)^2
               y <- (1:(wl)) / wl * sr
           'ceps' = {
               FUN <- function(x) {
                   result <- Mod(fft(x))^2
                   result <- ifelse(result == 0, 1e-15, result)
                   result <- log(result)
                   # browser()
                   result <- result - mean(result)
                   result <- fft(result, inverse=TRUE)
                   # abs(Re(result))

               y <- (1:wl) / sr

    ans <- matrix(NA, nrow=wl%/%2, ncol=2)
    ans[, 1] <- y[1:(wl%/%2)]
    dB <- FUN(wave)
    isInf <- is.infinite(dB)
    if(all(isInf)) {
    if(any(isInf)) {
        dB[dB == Inf] <- max(dB[!isInf], na.rm=TRUE)
        dB[dB == -Inf] <- min(dB[!isInf], na.rm=TRUE)
    ans[, 2] <- dB[1:(wl%/%2)]
    # list(dB = dB[1:(wl%/%2)], freq=y[1:(wl%/%2)])

#' @importFrom signal filtfilt cheby1
myDownsample <- function(wav, srFrom=NULL, srTo) {
    if(inherits(wav, 'Wave')) {
        x <- wav@left
        srFrom <- wav@samp.rate
    } else if(inherits(wav, 'WaveMC')) {
        x <- wav@.Data[, 1]
        srFrom <- wav@samp.rate
    } else {
        if(is.null(srFrom)) {
            warning('Must provide original sample rate')
        x <- wav
    if(srFrom <= srTo) {
    q <- srFrom / srTo
    y <- filtfilt(cheby1(8, 0.05, 0.8/q), x)
    y <- y[seq(1, length(x), length.out = length(x) / q)]
    if(inherits(wav, 'Wave')) {
        wav@left <- y
        wav@samp.rate <- srTo
    } else if(inherits(wav, 'WaveMC')) {
        wav@.Data <- matrix(y, ncol=1)
        wav@samp.rate <- srTo
    } else {
        wav <- y

# list of binary files to matrix of spectra
binToSpecMat <- function(bin, channel=1, freq, wl, filterfrom_khz, filterto_khz,
                         sr, decimate, mode, noise=FALSE, calFun, ...) {
    lapply(bin, function(x) {
        if(is.null(x$wave)) {
            return(rep(NA, wl%/%2))
        hasChan <- 1:ncol(x$wave)
        useChan <- hasChan[hasChan %in% channel]
        chanTemp <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(freq), ncol=length(useChan))
        for(c in seq_along(useChan)) {
            chanTemp[, c] <- myGram(x, channel = useChan[c], wl=wl,
                                    sr = sr, noise=noise,
                                    decimate = decimate,
                                    mode=mode, ...)[, 2] + calFun(freq)
        chanTemp <- chanTemp[, apply(chanTemp, 2, function(x) !any(is.na(x)))]
        if(all(chanTemp == 0)) {
            return(rep(NA, wl%/%2))
        doLogAvg(chanTemp, log = mode=='spec')

# these two adjus 0-255 scale matrices for brightness/contrast
doBrightness <- function(x, val=0) {
    if(val == 0) {
    val <- val * -1
    x <- x + val
    x[x > 255] <- 255
    x[x < 0] <- 0

doContrast <- function(x, val=0) {
    if(val == 0) {
    factor <- (259 * (val + 255)) / (255 * (259 - val))
    x <- factor * (x - 128) + 128
    x[x > 255] <- 255
    x[x < 0] <- 0

# Wave class object or vector waveform to a spectrogram of signal
wavToGram <- function(wav, sr=NULL, wl=1024, hop=.5, mode=c('spec', 'ceps'), axes=FALSE, ...) {
    if(inherits(wav, 'Wave')) {
        if(is.null(sr)) {
            sr <- wav@samp.rate
        wav <- wav@left
    } else if(inherits(wav, 'WaveMC')) {
        if(is.null(sr)) {
            sr <- wav@samp.rate
        wav <- wav@.Data[, 1]
    mode <- match.arg(mode)
    if(hop <= 1) {
        hop <- wl * hop
    nSlices <- ceiling((length(wav) - wl)/(hop)) + 1
    slices <- seq(from=1, by=hop, length.out=nSlices)
    mat <- t(apply(as.matrix(slices), 1, function(s) {
        thisWav <- wav[s:(s+wl-1)]
        thisWav[is.na(thisWav)] <- 0
        thisWav <- thisWav - mean(thisWav)
        if(all(thisWav == 0)) {
            return(rep(NA, wl/2))
        thisGram <- myGram(thisWav, mode=mode, wl=wl, sr=sr, ...)
        thisGram[, 2]
    if(!axes) {
    yAxis <- myGram(wav[1:wl], mode=mode, wl=wl, sr=sr, ...)[, 1]
           'spec' = {
               yAxis <- yAxis / 1e3
           'ceps' = {
               yAxis <- yAxis * 1e3
    xAxis <- slices / sr
    list(mat=mat, x=xAxis, y=yAxis)

# clip of fixed length, zeropads if needed and deals with edge case
clipAroundPeak <- function(wave, length, noise=FALSE, ixReturn=FALSE) {
    if(length(wave) < length) {
        if(ixReturn) {
            return(list(wav=c(wave, rep(0, length - length(wave))),
        return(c(wave, rep(0, length - length(wave))))
    peak <- which.max(abs(wave))
    low <- peak - floor(length/2)
    if(low < 1) {
        low <- 1
    high <- low + length - 1
    if(high > length(wave)) {
        high <- length(wave)
        low <- high - length + 1
    ix <- low:high
    if(noise) {
        before <- if(low == 1) {
        } else {
            # (low-1):1
        after <- if(high == length(wave)) {
        } else {
        during <- low:high
        ix <- c(before, after, during)[1:length]
        ix <- sort(ix)
        # return(wave[c(before, after, during)[1:length]])
        # if(low - length > 1) {
        #     return(wave[(low-length):(low-1)])
        # } else {
        #     return(wave[1:length])
        # }
    # if(low < 1) {
    #     return(wave[1:length])
    # }
    # if(high > length(wave)) {
    #     return(wave[(length(wave)-length+1):length(wave)])
    # }
    if(ixReturn) {
        return(list(wav=wave[ix], ix=ix))

checkIn <- function(time, map) {
    time <- as.numeric(time)
    possible <- (time >= map$numStart) & (time < map$numEnd)
    if(!any(possible)) {

checkRecordings <- function(x) {
    recs <- files(x)$recordings
    if(is.null(recs)) {
        stop('No recordings found, use function "addRecordings" first.', call.=FALSE)
    exists <- file.exists(recs$file)
    if(all(!exists)) {
        stop('Recording files could not be located on disk, try ',
             '"updateFiles" first.', call.=FALSE)
    # check if any important cols have NAs from partially failed addRecordings
    isNA <- recNA(recs)
    if(any(isNA)) {
        pamWarning('Recording files ', recs$file[isNA], ' do not have all necessary',
                   ' information and cannot be used, add these again with "addRecordings".')
    recs[!isNA, ]

# check if important cols have NAs from partially failed addRecordings
recNA <- function(rec) {
    is.na(rec$start) | is.na(rec$end) | is.na(rec$sr)

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