
Defines functions parseEventClipName psxToChar oneUpper writeOneClip writeEventClips

Documented in parseEventClipName writeEventClips

#' @title Create Wav Clips of Data
#' @description Creates audio clips containing sounds from events or detections
#' @details \code{parseEventClipName} parses the file names created to pull out
#'   event names or file start times
#' @param x \linkS4class{AcousticStudy} object containing data to make wav clips for
#' @param buffer amount before and after each event to also include in the clip, in seconds.
#'   Can either be a vector of length two specifying how much to buffer before and after
#'   (first number should be negative), or a single value if the buffer amount should be identical.
#' @param outDir directory to write clips to, defaults to current directory
#' @param mode either \code{'event'} or \code{'detection'} specifying whether to create
#'   wav clips of entire events or individual detections
#' @param channel channel(s) of clips to write
#' @param filter filter to apply to wav clips before writing, values in kHz. A value of \code{0}
#'   applies no filter. A single value applies a highpass filter at that value. A vector of two
#'   values applies a lowpass filter if the first number is \code{0}, or a bandpass filter if
#'   both are non-zero.
#' @param useSample logical flag to use startSample information in binaries instead of UTC
#'   time for start of detections. This can be slightly more accurate (~1ms) but will take
#'   longer
#' @param fixLength logical flag to fix the output clip length to a constant value. If
#'   \code{TRUE}, then output clip length is entirely determined by the buffer value, as
#'   if the detection or event had zero length. E.g. \code{buffer=c(-2,1)} will produce clips
#'   3 seconds long, starting 2 seconds before the detection/event start time.
#' @param progress logical flag to show progress bar
#' @param verbose logical flag to show summary messages
#' @return A vector of file names for the wav clips that were successfully
#'   created, any that were not able to be written will be \code{NA}. Note
#'   that currently this can only write clips with up to 2 channels. File names
#'   will be formatted as
#'   [Event or Detection]_[Id]CH[ChannelNumber(s)]_[YYYYMMDD]_[HHMMSS]_[mmm].wav
#'   The last numbers are the start time of the file in UTC, accurate to milliseconds.
#'   The Id is either the event ID or the detection UID.
#' @examples
#' data(exStudy)
#' recs <- system.file('extdata', 'Recordings', package='PAMpal')
#' exStudy <- addRecordings(exStudy, folder=recs, log=FALSE, progress=FALSE)
#' \dontrun{
#' # not running so that no wav clips are written to disk
#' wavs <- writeEventClips(exStudy, outDir='WavFolder', mode='event')
#' }
#' @author Taiki Sakai \email{taiki.sakai@@noaa.gov}
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_rows arrange group_by summarise ungroup
#' @importFrom tuneR readWave writeWave MCnames bind
#' @export
writeEventClips <- function(x, buffer = c(0, 0.1), outDir='.', mode=c('event', 'detection'),
                            channel = 1, filter=0, useSample=FALSE, progress=TRUE, verbose=TRUE,
                            fixLength=FALSE) {
    if(!dir.exists(outDir)) dir.create(outDir)
    if(length(channel) > 2) {  #### WAV CLIP SPECIFIC
        message('R can only write wav files with 2 or less channels, channels will be split',
                ' across multiple files.')
        allFiles <- character(0)
        for(i in 1:(ceiling(length(channel)/2))) {
            ix <- (i-1)*2 +1
            if((ix+1) <= length(channel)) {
                thisChan <- channel[ix:(ix+1)]
            } else {
                thisChan <- channel[ix]
            allFiles <- c(allFiles, writeEventClips(x, buffer=buffer, outDir=outDir, mode=mode, filter=filter,
                                                    channel = thisChan, useSample=useSample,progress=progress,
                                                    verbose=verbose, fixLength=fixLength))
    getClipData(x, buffer=buffer, mode=mode, channel=channel, useSample=useSample,
                progress=progress, verbose=verbose, FUN=writeOneClip, outDir=outDir,
                filter=filter, fixLength=fixLength)

writeOneClip <- function(wav, name, time, channel, mode, outDir='.', filter) {
    fileName <- paste0(oneUpper(mode), '_', name, 'CH', paste0(channel, collapse=''))
    fileName <- paste0(fileName, '_',psxToChar(time[1]))
    fileName <- paste0(gsub('\\.wav$', '', fileName), '.wav')
    # timeRange[1] is actual start time in posix
    fileName <- file.path(outDir, fileName)
    if(length(filter) == 1) {
        filterFrom <- filter * 1e3
        filterTo <- NULL
    } else {
        filterFrom <- filter[1] *1e3
        filterTo <- filter[2] * 1e3
    if(filterFrom == 0) {
        filterFrom <- NULL
    if(!is.null(filterFrom) ||
       !is.null(filterTo)) {
        for(i in 1:ncol(wav@.Data)) {
            wav@.Data[, i] <- round(seewave::bwfilter(wav@.Data[, i], f=wav@samp.rate, from=filterFrom, to=filterTo)[, 1], 0)
    writeWave(wav, fileName, extensible = FALSE)

oneUpper <- function(x) {
    paste0(toupper(substr(x, 1, 1)),
           tolower(substr(x, 2, nchar(x))))

psxToChar <- function(x) {
    psFloor <- as.character(as.POSIXct(floor(as.numeric(x)), origin='1970-01-01 00:00:00', tz='UTC'))
    psMilli <- round(as.numeric(x)-floor(as.numeric(x)), 3)
    psMilli <- sprintf('%.3f',psMilli)
    psMilli <- substr(psMilli, 3, 5)
    psFloor <- gsub('-| |:', '', psFloor)
    paste0(substr(psFloor, 1, 8), '_',
           substr(psFloor, 9, 14), '_',
           gsub('^0\\.', '', psMilli))

#' @rdname writeEventClips
#' @param file file name to parse
#' @param part part of file name to return
#' @export
parseEventClipName <- function(file, part=c('event', 'time')) {
    pattern <- '(Event|Detection)_(.*)CH[0-9]{1,2}_([0-9]{14}_[0-9]{3}|[0-9]{8}_[0-9]{6}_[0-9]{3})\\.wav$'
           'event' = {
               return(gsub(pattern, '\\2', file))
           'time' = {
               result <- gsub(pattern, '\\3', file)
               milli <- gsub('(.*)_([0-9]{3})$', '\\2', result)
               result <- gsub('(.*)_([0-9]{3})$', '\\1', result)
               result <- gsub('_', '', result)
               result <- as.POSIXct(result, format='%Y%m%d%H%M%S', tz='UTC')
               result <- result + as.numeric(milli)/1e3
               # result <- sapply(strsplit(result, '_'), function(t) {
               #     time <- as.POSIXct(t[1], format='%Y%m%d%H%M%S', tz='UTC')
               #     time <- time + as.numeric(t[2])/1e3
               #     time
               # })
               # as.POSIXct(result, origin='1970-01-01 00:00:00', tz='UTC')

# writeEventClips <- function(x, buffer = c(0, 0.1), outDir='.', mode=c('event', 'detection'),
#                             channel = 1, useSample=FALSE, progress=TRUE, verbose=TRUE) {
#     if(!is.AcousticStudy(x)) {
#         stop('"x" must be an AcousticStudy object.')
#     }
#     fileExists <- checkRecordings(x)
#     mode <- match.arg(mode) #### WAV CLIP SPECIFIC
#     if(length(channel) > 2) {  #### WAV CLIP SPECIFIC
#         message('R can only write wav files with 2 or less channels, channels will be split',
#                 ' across multiple files.')
#         allFiles <- character(0)
#         for(i in 1:(ceiling(length(channel)/2))) {
#             ix <- (i-1)*2 +1
#             if((ix+1) <= length(channel)) {
#                 thisChan <- channel[ix:(ix+1)]
#             } else {
#                 thisChan <- channel[ix]
#             }
#             allFiles <- c(allFiles, writeEventClips(x, buffer, outDir, mode, channel = thisChan, progress))
#         }
#         return(allFiles)
#     }
#     if(!dir.exists(outDir)) dir.create(outDir)
#     evDbs <- sapply(events(x), function(e) files(e)$db)
#     dbMap <- split(files(x)$recordings, files(x)$recordings$db)
#     if(length(buffer) == 1) {
#         buffer <- buffer * c(-1, 1)
#     }
#     buffer <- abs(buffer) * c(-1, 1)
#     # each database can have a different set of assigned recordings,
#     # so we break up by DB
#     # setup warning storage
#     noMatch <- character(0)
#     multMatch <- character(0)
#     nonConsec <- character(0)
#     fileDNE <- character(0)
#     noChan <- character(0)
#     result <- character(0)
#     on.exit({  #### WAV CLIP SPECIFIC just the secific messages
#         if(length(noMatch) > 0) {
#             warning('Could not find matching wav files for ', mode, ' ', printN(noMatch, 6), call.=FALSE)
#         }
#         if(length(multMatch) > 0) {
#             warning(oneUpper(mode), ' ', printN(multMatch, 6),
#                     ' matched more than 1 possible wav file, could not create clip.', call.=FALSE)
#         }
#         if(length(nonConsec) > 0) {
#             warning(oneUpper(mode), ' ', printN(nonConsec, 6),
#                     ' spanned two non-consecutive wav files, could not create clip.', call.=FALSE)
#         }
#         if(length(fileDNE) > 0) {
#             warning('Wav files for ', mode, ' ', printN(fileDNE, 6), ' could not be found on disk.',
#                     ' Function "updateFiles" can help relocate files that have moved.', call. = FALSE)
#         }
#         if(length(noChan) > 0) {
#             warning('Wav files for ', mode, ' ', printN(noChan, 6),
#                     ' did not have the desired channels.', call.=FALSE)  #### WAV CLIP SPECIFIC
#         }
#     })
#     # one DB at a time
#     for(d in seq_along(dbMap)) {
#         thisDbData <- x[which(evDbs == names(dbMap)[d])]
#         if(length(events(thisDbData)) == 0) next
#         wavMap <- dbMap[[d]]
#         allTimes <- getTimeRange(thisDbData, mode=mode, sample=useSample)
#         allFiles <- vector('character', length = length(allTimes))
#         names(allFiles) <- names(allTimes)
#         if(progress) {
#             cat('Writing wav files for database ', basename(names(dbMap)[d]),
#                 '(', d, ' of ', length(dbMap),') ...\n', sep='') #### WAV CLIP SPECIFIC
#             pb <- txtProgressBar(min=0, max=length(allFiles), style = 3)
#         }
#         for(i in seq_along(allFiles)) {
#             # browser()
#             timeRange <- c(allTimes[[i]]$start, allTimes[[i]]$end) + buffer
#             # for start and end check if in range. if we buffered, try undoing that first.
#             # so like if buffer put us before first file, start and beginning of first file instead.
#             startIx <- checkIn(timeRange[1], wavMap)
#             if(length(startIx) > 1) {
#                 multMatch <- c(multMatch, names(allFiles)[i])
#                 allFiles[[i]] <- NA
#                 if(progress) {
#                     setTxtProgressBar(pb, value=i)
#                 }
#                 next
#             }
#             if(is.na(startIx)) {
#                 startIx <- checkIn(timeRange[1] - buffer[1], wavMap)
#                 if(is.na(startIx)) {
#                     noMatch <- c(noMatch, names(allFiles)[i])
#                     # warning('Could not find matching wav files for ', mode, names(allFiles)[i])
#                     allFiles[[i]] <- NA
#                     if(progress) {
#                         setTxtProgressBar(pb, value=i)
#                     }
#                     next
#                 }
#                 timeRange[1] <- wavMap$start[startIx]
#             }
#             endIx <- checkIn(timeRange[2], wavMap)
#             if(length(endIx) > 1) {
#                 multMatch <- c(multMatch, names(allFiles)[i])
#                 allFiles[[i]] <- NA
#                 if(progress) {
#                     setTxtProgressBar(pb, value=i)
#                 }
#                 next
#             }
#             if(is.na(endIx)) {
#                 endIx <- checkIn(timeRange[2] - buffer[2], wavMap)
#                 if(is.na(endIx)) {
#                     # warning('Could not find matching wav files for ', mode, names(allFiles)[i])
#                     noMatch <- c(noMatch, names(allFiles)[i])
#                     allFiles[[i]] <- NA
#                     if(progress) {
#                         setTxtProgressBar(pb, value=i)
#                     }
#                     next
#                 }
#                 timeRange[2] <- wavMap$end[endIx]
#             }
#             if(wavMap$fileGroup[startIx] != wavMap$fileGroup[endIx]) {
#                 nonConsec <- c(nonConsec, names(allFiles)[i])
#                 # warning(oneUpper(mode), names(allFiles)[i],
#                 #         ' spanned two non-consecutive wav files, could not create clip.', call.=FALSE)
#                 allFiles[[i]] <- NA_character_
#                 if(progress) {
#                     setTxtProgressBar(pb, value=i)
#                 }
#                 next
#             }
#             if(any(!file.exists(wavMap$file[startIx:endIx]))) {
#                 fileDNE <- c(fileDNE, names(allFiles)[i])
#                 # warning('Wav files for ', mode, names(allFiles)[i], ' could not be found on disk.',
#                 #         ' Function "updateFiles" can help relocate files that have moved.', call. = FALSE)
#                 allFiles[[i]] <- NA_character_
#                 if(progress) {
#                     setTxtProgressBar(pb, value=i)
#                 }
#                 next
#             }
#             startTime <- as.numeric(difftime(timeRange[1], wavMap$start[startIx], units='secs'))
#             endTime <- as.numeric(difftime(timeRange[2], wavMap$start[endIx], units='secs'))
#             wavResult <- vector('list', length = endIx)
#             for(w in startIx:endIx) {
#                 readStart <- 0
#                 readEnd <- Inf
#                 if(w == startIx) {
#                     readStart <- startTime
#                 }
#                 if(w == endIx) {
#                     readEnd <- endTime
#                 }
#                 wavResult[[w]] <- readWave(wavMap$file[w], from = readStart, to = readEnd, units = 'seconds', toWaveMC = TRUE)
#             }
#             wavResult <- wavResult[!sapply(wavResult, is.null)]
#             wavResult <- do.call(bind, wavResult) # [, 1:min(2, ncol(wavResult))]
#             chanIn <- channel <= ncol(wavResult@.Data)
#             if(!any(chanIn)) {
#                 noChan <- c(noChan, names(allFiles)[i])
#                 # warning('Wav files for ', mode, names(allFiles)[i], ' did not have the desired channels',
#                 #         ' (file had ', ncol(wavResult), ' channels, you wanted ',
#                 #         paste0(channel, collapse=', '))
#                 allFiles[[i]] <- NA_character_
#                 if(progress) {
#                     setTxtProgressBar(pb, value = i)
#                 }
#                 next
#             }
#             if(!all(chanIn)) {
#                 noChan <- c(noChan, names(allFiles)[i])
#             }
#             wavResult <- wavResult[, channel[chanIn]]
#             colnames(wavResult) <- MCnames$name[1:ncol(wavResult)]
#             fileName <- paste0(oneUpper(mode), '_', names(allFiles)[i], 'CH', paste0(channel[chanIn], collapse=''))
#             fileName <- paste0(fileName, '_',psxToChar(timeRange[1]))
#             fileName <- paste0(gsub('\\.wav$', '', fileName), '.wav')
#             # timeRange[1] is actual start time in posix
#             fileName <- file.path(outDir, fileName)
#             writeWave(wavResult, fileName, extensible = FALSE)
#             allFiles[[i]] <- fileName
#             if(progress) {
#                 setTxtProgressBar(pb, value=i)
#             }
#         }
#         isNa <- is.na(allFiles)
#         if(verbose) {
#             cat('\n', paste0('Wrote ', sum(!isNa), ' wav file(s).\n'))
#         }
#         # names(allFiles) <- sapply(event, function(x) x@id)
#         result <- c(result, allFiles)
#     }
#     invisible(result)
# }

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PAMpal documentation built on Aug. 12, 2023, 1:06 a.m.