#' @keywords raw
#' @export
#' @import graphics
#' @title Create Timeseries Plot from a Raw Dataframe
#' @param df enhanced, raw dataframe as created by the raw_enhance() function
#' @param parameter raw parameter to plot
#' @param tlim optional vector with start and end times (integer or character representing YYYYMMDD[HH])
#' @param localTime logical specifying whether \code{tlim} is in local time or UTC
#' @param shadedNight add nighttime shading
#' @param shadedBackground add vertical lines for a second parameter
#' @param sbLwd shaded background line width
#' @param add logical specifying whether to add to the current plot
#' @param gridPos position of grid lines either \code{'over'}, \code{'under'} or \code{''} for no grid lines
#' @param gridCol grid line color
#' @param gridLwd grid line width
#' @param gridLty grid line type
#' @param dayLwd day marker line width
#' @param hourLwd hour marker line width
#' @param hourInterval interval for grid (max=12)
#' @param ... additional arguments to pass to lines() function
#' @description Creates a plot of raw monitoring data as generated using raw_enhance().
#' Other options for \code{parameter} include
#' \code{"temperature", "humidity", "windSpeed", "windDir", "pressure"}
#' or any of the other raw
#' parameters (try \code{names(df)} to see list of options)
#' @details
#' Note that for multiple deployments, \code{shadedNight} defaults to use the lat/lon for the first deployment, which in theory
#' could be somewhat unrepresentative, such as if deployments have a large range in latitude.
#' @note If more than one timezone is found, \code{localTime} is ignored and UTC is used.
# This function creates a plot of raw monitoring data, with various bells and
# whistles per user input.
rawPlot_timeseries <- function(
parameter = "pm25",
tlim = NULL,
localTime = TRUE,
shadedNight = TRUE,
shadedBackground = NULL, #specify parameter to shade, e.g. 'windSpeed'
sbLwd = 1,
add = FALSE,
gridPos = '',
gridCol = 'black',
gridLwd = 1,
gridLty = 'solid',
dayLwd = 0,
hourLwd = 0,
hourInterval = 6,
) {
# ----- Initial coherency checks -------------
# Verify plot parameter exists
if ( !(parameter %in% names(df)) ) {
stop(paste0("'",parameter,"' does not exist in names(",deparse(substitute(df)),")",sep=""))
# Verify shadedBackground parameter exists
if ( !(is.null(shadedBackground)) ) {
if ( !(shadedBackground %in% names(df)) ) {
warning(paste0("Shaded background parameter '",shadedBackground,"' does not exist in names(",deparse(substitute(df)),")",sep=""))
shadedBackground <- NULL
# ----- Data Preparation ----------------------------------------------------
# Identify timezone(s)
timezone <- unique(df$timezone)
# Force timezone to UTC and disable shadedNight if >1 timezone in metadata for monitorIDs
if ( length(timezone)>1 ) { # note that we will only enter this condition if localTime==TRUE
if ( localTime ) {
warning(">1 timezone in data: Timezone (including tlim, if specified) forced to UTC")
timezone <- "UTC"
if ( shadedNight ) {
warning(">1 timezone in metadata for selected monitorIDs: Shaded Night disabled")
shadedNight <- FALSE
# Set timezone to UTC if localTime==FALSE
if ( !localTime ) {
timezone <- "UTC"
# Set time axis data
df$datetime <- lubridate::with_tz(df$datetime, tzone=timezone)
# Time limit application
# TODO: add logic to check for tlim format
# TODO: warn if tlim is outside range of datetime data
if ( !is.null(tlim) ) {
# When tlim is specified in whole days we add hours to get the requsted full days
tlimStrings <- as.character(tlim)
if ( stringr::str_length(tlimStrings)[1] == 8 ) {
tlim[1] <- paste0(tlim[1],'00')
if ( stringr::str_length(tlimStrings)[2] == 8 ) {
tlim[2] <- paste0(tlim[2],'23')
tlim <- MazamaCoreUtils::parseDatetime(tlim, timezone = timezone)
# Create time mask and subset data
timeMask <- df$datetime >= tlim[1] & df$datetime <= tlim[2]
if ( sum(timeMask)==0 ) {
stop("No data contained within specified time limits, please try again.")
df <- df[timeMask,]
# Pull out key data
times <- df$datetime
data <- df[[parameter]]
# Cap hour interval
if ( hourInterval>12 ) {
warning("Hour interval capped at 12 hours")
hourInterval <- min(hourInterval,12)
# ----- Style / Argument List -----------------------------------------------
argsList <- list(...) #TODO: add ... in parens when finished...
# Prep the data to plot, based on parameter selection by user (default = "pm25")
argsList$x <- times
argsList$y <- data
# xlab
if ( !('xlab' %in% names(argsList)) ) {
if ( timezone=="UTC" ) {
argsList$xlab <- "Date and Time (UTC)"
} else {
argsList$xlab <- "Date and Time (local)"
# ylab
if ( !('ylab' %in% names(argsList)) ) {
if (parameter == "temperature") {
argsList$ylab <- "Air Temperature (Deg C)"
} else if (parameter == "humidity") {
argsList$ylab <- "Relative Humidity (%)"
} else if (parameter == "windSpeed") {
argsList$ylab <- "Wind Speed (m/s)"
} else if (parameter == "windDir") {
argsList$ylab <- "Wind Direction (degrees)"
} else if (parameter == "pm25") {
argsList$ylab <- expression(paste("PM"[2.5]*" (",mu,"g/m"^3*")"))
} else if (parameter == "pressure") {
argsList$ylab <- "Barometric Pressure (hPa)"
} else {
argsList$ylab <- parameter
# main (Title)
if ( !('main' %in% names(argsList)) ) {
if (parameter == "temperature") {
argsList$main <- "Air Temperature"
} else if (parameter == "humidity") {
argsList$main <- "Relative Humidity"
} else if (parameter == "windSpeed") {
argsList$main <- "Wind Speed"
} else if (parameter == "windDir") {
argsList$main <- "Wind Direction"
} else if (parameter == "pm25") {
argsList$main <- expression("PM"[2.5]*" Concentration")
} else if (parameter == "pressure") {
argsList$main <- "Atmospheric Pressure"
} else {
argsList$main <- parameter
# type
if ( !('type' %in% names(argsList)) ) {
if ( parameter== "windDir" ) {
argsList$type <- "p"
} else {
argsList$type <- "l"
# ylim TODO: better ylim smarts
if ( !('ylim' %in% names(argsList)) ) {
argsList$ylim <- max(c(data,0), na.rm=TRUE)
argsList$ylim <- c(0, argsList$ylim*1.1)
# ----- Plotting ------------------------------------------------------------
if ( !add ) {
# Set up argsList for blank to ensure everything captured
argsListBlank <- argsList
argsListBlank$col <- 'transparent'
argsListBlank$axes <- FALSE
# Create blank plot canvas,argsListBlank)
# Shaded Night
# Based on first deployment lat/lon if >1 deployment; breaks if >1 time zone
if ( shadedNight ) {
if ( length(unique(df$timezone))>1 ) {
stop("Can't do shaded night for more than one time zone!!")
} else {
# Lat/lon for shadedNight
lat <- df$latitude[1]
lon <- df$longitude[1]
timeInfo <- PWFSLSmoke::timeInfo(times, lon, lat, timezone)
# Add vertical lines to denote days and/or hour breaks
hour_indices <- which(as.numeric(strftime(times,format="%H",tz=timezone)) %% hourInterval == 0)
day_indices <- which(as.numeric(strftime(times,format="%H",tz=timezone)) %% 24 == 0)
# NOTE: Windows doesn't support lwd=0
if ( hourLwd > 0 ) {
abline(v=times[hour_indices], lwd=hourLwd) # at beginning of hour
if ( dayLwd > 0 ) {
abline(v=times[day_indices], lwd=dayLwd) # at beginning of day
# Add horizontal grid lines (before points if grid=='under')
if ( gridPos == 'under' && gridLwd > 0 ) {
abline(h=axTicks(2)[-1], col=gridCol, lwd=gridLwd, lty=gridLty)
# Put a box around the plot area
# Add axes if we are not adding points on top of an existing plot
axis(2, las=1)
axis.POSIXct(1, times) # TODO: better x axis smarts, e.g. keep from saying "Monday, Tuesday" etc...
# Shaded background
if ( !is.null(shadedBackground) ) {
dataSB <- df[[shadedBackground]]
PWFSLSmoke::addShadedBackground(param=dataSB, timeAxis=times, lwd=sbLwd)
# Add lines,argsList)
if ( gridPos == 'over' && gridLwd > 0 ) {
# Horizontal lines
abline(h=axTicks(2)[-1], col=gridCol, lwd=gridLwd, lty=gridLty)
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