
Defines functions merge_formula gather_msm_sets enforce_lead_restrictions clean_leads handle_ps_match handle_ps_weighted handle_mahalanobis_calculations find_ps build_ps_data handle.missing.data handle_distance_matrices build_maha_mats expand.treated.ts parse_and_prep perform_refinement

# File contains helper functions written in R for PanelMatch functionality
perform_refinement <- function(lag, time.id, unit.id, treatment, refinement.method, size.match,
                               ordered.data, match.missing, covs.formula, verbose,
                               mset.object = NULL, lead, outcome.var = NULL,
                               forbid.treatment.reversal = FALSE, qoi = "",
                               matching = TRUE, exact.matching.variables = NULL,
                               use.diag.covmat = FALSE, caliper.formula = NULL,
                               continuous.treatment.info = NULL,
                               network.caliper.info = NULL,
                               network.refinement.info = NULL,
                               placebo.test = FALSE,
                               restrict.control.period = NULL)

  if ( !is.null(mset.object) ) stop('This should never run!')
  if (inherits(ordered.data[, unit.id], "numeric"))
    warning("converting unit id variable data to integer")
    class(ordered.data[, unit.id]) <- "integer"
  continuous.treatment <- !is.null(continuous.treatment.info) #to make this easier
  if (continuous.treatment)

    temp.treateds <- findContinuousTreated(dmat = ordered.data, treatedvar = treatment, time.var = time.id,
                          unit.var = unit.id, qoi = qoi,
                          continuous.treatment.info = continuous.treatment.info)

      indx <- temp.treateds[, treatment] >= continuous.treatment.info[["minimum.treatment.value"]]
      temp.treateds <- temp.treateds[indx,]
      indx <- temp.treateds[, treatment] <= continuous.treatment.info[["maximum.treatment.value"]]
      temp.treateds <- temp.treateds[indx,]
    ## add filter in here
  } else
    temp.treateds <- findBinaryTreated(ordered.data, qoi.in = qoi,
                                       treatedvar = treatment, 
                                       time.var = time.id,
                                       unit.var = unit.id, 
                                       hasbeensorted = TRUE)

  idx <- !((temp.treateds[, time.id] - lag) < min(ordered.data[, time.id]))
  temp.treateds <- temp.treateds[idx, ]
  if (nrow(temp.treateds) == 0)
    warn.str <- paste0("no viable treated units for ", qoi, " specification")
  msets <- get.matchedsets(temp.treateds[, time.id], temp.treateds[, unit.id], data = ordered.data,
                           L = lag, t.column = time.id, id.column = unit.id,
                           treatedvar = treatment, hasbeensorted = TRUE,
                           match.on.missingness = match.missing, matching = TRUE,
                           continuous = continuous.treatment,
                           continuous.treatment.info = continuous.treatment.info,
                           qoi.in = qoi,
                           restrict.control.period = restrict.control.period)
  e.sets <- msets[sapply(msets, length) == 0]
  msets <- msets[sapply(msets, length) > 0 ]
  if (length(msets) == 0)
    t.attributes <- attributes(e.sets)[names(attributes(e.sets)) != "names"]
    msets <- e.sets
    for (idx in names(t.attributes))
      attr(msets, idx) <- t.attributes[[idx]]
    attr(msets, "covs.formula") <- covs.formula
    attr(msets, "match.missing") <- match.missing

  msets <- clean_leads(msets, ordered.data, max(lead), time.id, unit.id, outcome.var)

  if (placebo.test)
    treated.ts <- as.integer(sub(".*\\.", "", names(msets)))
    treated.ids <- as.integer(sub("\\..*", "", names(msets)))

    rownames(ordered.data) <- paste0(ordered.data[, unit.id],".", ordered.data[, time.id])
    msets2 <- filter_placebo_results(expanded_data = as.matrix(ordered.data[, c(unit.id, time.id)]),
                                     ordered_outcome_data = ordered.data[, outcome.var],
                                     treated_ids = treated.ids,
                                     treated_ts = treated.ts,
                                     sets = msets,
                                     lag = lag)
    msets2 <- msets2[sapply(msets2, length) > 0 ]
    attr(msets2, "lag") <- lag
    attr(msets2, "t.var") <- time.id
    attr(msets2, "id.var" ) <- unit.id
    attr(msets2, "treatment.var") <- treatment
    class(msets2) <- "matched.set"

  if (forbid.treatment.reversal)
    msets <- enforce_lead_restrictions(msets, ordered.data, max(lead), time.id, unit.id, treatment.var = treatment)
  if (length(msets) == 0)
    warn.str <- paste0("no matched sets for ", qoi, " specification")

  if (!is.null(exact.matching.variables))
    msets <- do_exact_matching(msets, ordered.data, exact.matching.variables)

    e.sets <- c(e.sets, msets[sapply(msets, length) == 0])
    msets <- msets[sapply(msets, length) > 0 ]

  ####apply calipers here
  if (!is.null(caliper.formula))
    msets <- handle_calipers(plain.ordered.data = ordered.data, caliper.formula,
                             matched.sets = msets, lag.window = 0:lag)



  # always calculate the treatment change, not just for continuous treatment cases

  if (length(msets) > 0)
    msets <- identifyDirectionalChanges(msets, ordered.data,
                                        unit.id, time.id, treatment, qoi)
  if (length(e.sets) > 0)
    e.sets <- identifyDirectionalChanges(e.sets, ordered.data,
                                         unit.id, time.id, treatment, qoi)

  if (!is.null(continuous.treatment.info))
    if (continuous.treatment.info[["direction"]] == "positive")
      idx <- sapply(msets, function(x) attr(x, "treatment.change")) >= 0
      msets <- msets[idx]
      if (length(e.sets) > 0)
        idx <- sapply(e.sets, function(x) attr(x, "treatment.change")) >= 0
        e.sets <- e.sets[idx]

    } else if (continuous.treatment.info[["direction"]] == "negative")
      idx <- sapply(msets, function(x) attr(x, "treatment.change")) <= 0
      msets <- msets[idx]
      if (length(e.sets) > 0)
        idx <- sapply(e.sets, function(x) attr(x, "treatment.change")) >= 0
        e.sets <- e.sets[idx]
    } else
      stop("direction not well specified")

  if(refinement.method == "none")
    for(i in 1:length(msets))
      attr(msets[[i]], "weights") <- rep(1/length(msets[[i]]), length(msets[[i]]))
      names(attr(msets[[i]], "weights")) <- msets[[i]]
    attr(msets, "refinement.method") <- refinement.method
    t.attributes <- attributes(msets)[names(attributes(msets)) != "names"]
    msets <- c(msets, e.sets)
    for(idx in names(t.attributes))
      attr(msets, idx) <- t.attributes[[idx]]
    attr(msets, "covs.formula") <- covs.formula
    attr(msets, "match.missing") <- match.missing


  treated.ts <- as.integer(sub(".*\\.", "", names(msets)))
  treated.ids <- as.integer(sub("\\..*", "", names(msets)))


  ordered.data <- parse_and_prep(formula = covs.formula, data = ordered.data)
  if (any(c("character", "factor") %in% sapply(ordered.data, class)))
    stop("please convert covs.formula variables to numerical data")
  if(any(apply(ordered.data, 2, FUN = function(x) any(is.infinite(x)))))
    stop("Data needed for refinement contains infinite values. Code cannot proceed!")
  if(listwise.deletion) #code will just return from here when listwise.deletion = T
    msets <- lwd_refinement(msets, ordered.data, treated.ts, treated.ids, lag,
                            time.id, unit.id, lead, refinement.method, treatment, size.match,
                            match.missing, covs.formula, verbose, outcome.var, e.sets,
                            use.diag.covmat = use.diag.covmat)
    ordered.data <- as.matrix(handle.missing.data(ordered.data, 4:ncol(ordered.data)))

  if (refinement.method == "mahalanobis")

    old.lag <- lag
    lag <- 0
    tlist <- expand.treated.ts(lag, treated.ts = treated.ts)

    idxlist <- get_yearly_dmats(ordered.data, treated.ids, tlist, matched_sets = msets, lag)

    mahalmats <- build_maha_mats(ordered_expanded_data = ordered.data, idx =  idxlist)

    msets <- handle_mahalanobis_calculations(mahalmats, msets, size.match, verbose, use.diagonal.covmat = use.diag.covmat)

    lag <- old.lag
  if(refinement.method == "ps.msm.weight" | refinement.method == "CBPS.msm.weight")
    store.msm.data <- list()
    for(i in 1:length(lead))
        f <- lead[i]
        tf <- expand.treated.ts(lag, treated.ts = treated.ts + f)
        tf.index <- get_yearly_dmats(ordered.data, treated.ids, tf, matched_sets = msets, lag)
        expanded.sets.tf <- build_ps_data(tf.index, ordered.data, lag)
        #pre.pooled <- ordered.data[ordered.data[, time.id] %in% (treated.ts + f), ]
        pre.pooled <- rbindlist(expanded.sets.tf)
        pooled <- pre.pooled[complete.cases(pre.pooled), ]
        pooled <- unique(as.data.frame(pooled))
        #do the column removal thing
        cols.to.remove <- which(unlist(lapply(pooled, function(x){all(x[1] == x)}))) #checking for columns that only have one value
        cols.to.remove <- unique(c(cols.to.remove, which(!colnames(pooled) %in% colnames(t(unique(t(pooled))))))) #removing columns that are identical to another column
        cols.to.remove <- cols.to.remove[cols.to.remove > 3] #leave the first three columns alone
        if(length(cols.to.remove) > 0)
          class(pooled) <- c("data.frame")
          pooled <- pooled[, -cols.to.remove]
          rmv <- function(x, cols.to.remove_)
            return(x[, -cols.to.remove_])
          expanded.sets.tf <- lapply(expanded.sets.tf, rmv, cols.to.remove_ = cols.to.remove)
        if(qr(pooled)$rank != ncol(pooled))
          # print("Data used to generate propensity scores is not linearly independent. Calculations cannot be completed.
          #       Would you like to save the problematic matrix to file for manual inspection? File and variable will be saved as 'problematic_matrix.rda'. ")
          # inkey <- readline("Press 'y' to save and any other key to do nothing: ")
          # if(inkey == "y")
          # {
          #   problematic_matrix <- pooled
          #   save(problematic_matrix, file = "problematic_matrix.rda")
          #   stop("PanelMatch terminated")
          # }
          # else
          # {
          stop("Error: Provided data is not linearly independent so calculations cannot be completed. Please check the data set for any redundant, unnecessary, or problematic information.")

        if (refinement.method == "CBPS.msm.weight") #obviously update these conditionals
          dummy <- capture.output(fit.tf <- (CBPS::CBPS(reformulate(response = treatment, termlabels = colnames(pooled)[-c(1:3)]),
                                                family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = pooled)))
        if(refinement.method == "ps.msm.weight")
          fit.tf <- glm(reformulate(response = treatment, termlabels = colnames(pooled)[-c(1:3)]),
                        family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = pooled)
        store.msm.data[[i]] <- find_ps(expanded.sets.tf, fit.tf)


    msm.sets <- gather_msm_sets(store.msm.data)
    #can only have weighting in these situations
    msets <- handle_ps_weighted(msm.sets, msets, refinement.method)
  }  #not msm
  if(all(refinement.method %in% c("CBPS.weight", "CBPS.match", "ps.weight", "ps.match")))

    if(!all(refinement.method %in% c("CBPS.weight", "CBPS.match", "ps.weight", "ps.match"))) stop("please choose valid refinement method")
    tlist <- expand.treated.ts(lag, treated.ts = treated.ts)
    idxlist <- get_yearly_dmats(ordered.data, treated.ids, tlist, matched_sets = msets, lag)
    expanded.sets.t0 <- build_ps_data(idxlist, ordered.data, lag)
    pre.pooled <- rbindlist(expanded.sets.t0)
    pooled <- unique(pre.pooled[complete.cases(pre.pooled), ])

    cols.to.remove <- which(unlist(lapply(pooled, function(x){all(x[1] == x)}))) #checking for columns that only have one value
    cols.to.remove <- unique(c(cols.to.remove, which(!colnames(pooled) %in% colnames(t(unique(t(pooled))))))) #removing columns that are identical to another column
    cols.to.remove <- cols.to.remove[cols.to.remove > 3] #leave the first three columns alone
    if(length(cols.to.remove) > 0)
      class(pooled) <- c("data.frame")
      pooled <- pooled[, -cols.to.remove]
      rmv <- function(x, cols.to.remove_)
        return(x[, -cols.to.remove_])
      expanded.sets.t0 <- lapply(expanded.sets.t0, rmv, cols.to.remove_ = cols.to.remove)
    if(qr(pooled)$rank != ncol(pooled))

      stop("Error: Provided data is not linearly independent so calculations cannot be completed. Please check the data set for any redundant, unnecessary, or problematic information.")

    if(refinement.method == "CBPS.weight" | refinement.method == "CBPS.match")
      dummy <- capture.output(fit0 <- (CBPS::CBPS(reformulate(response = treatment, termlabels = colnames(pooled)[-c(1:3)]),
                                          family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = pooled)))
    if(refinement.method == "ps.weight" | refinement.method == "ps.match")
      fit0 <- glm(reformulate(response = treatment, termlabels = colnames(pooled)[-c(1:3)]),
                  family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = pooled)

    just.ps.sets <- find_ps(expanded.sets.t0, fit0)

    if(refinement.method == "CBPS.weight" | refinement.method == "ps.weight")
      msets <- handle_ps_weighted(just.ps.sets, msets, refinement.method)
    if(refinement.method == "CBPS.match" | refinement.method == "ps.match")
      msets <- handle_ps_match(just.ps.sets, msets, refinement.method, verbose, size.match)
      attr(msets, "max.match.size") <- size.match
  t.attributes <- attributes(msets)[names(attributes(msets)) != "names"]
  msets <- c(msets, e.sets)
  for(idx in names(t.attributes))
    attr(msets, idx) <- t.attributes[[idx]]
  attr(msets, "covs.formula") <- covs.formula
  attr(msets, "match.missing") <- match.missing

#data has unit, time, treatment, everything else column order at this point
parse_and_prep <- function(formula, data)
  internal.lag <- function (x, n = 1L, default = NA)
    if (n == 0) return(x)
    xlen <- length(x)
    n <- pmin(n, xlen)
    out <- c(rep(default, n), x[seq_len(xlen - n)])
    attributes(out) <- attributes(x)

  lag <- function(y, lwindow)

    sapply(lwindow, internal.lag, x = y)

  apply_formula <- function(x, form)
    attr(form, ".Environment") <- environment()
    tdf <- model.frame(form, x, na.action = NULL)

    cbind(x[, c(1, 2, 3)], model.matrix(form, tdf)[, -1])

  #by(data, as.factor(data[, unit.id]), FUN = tfunc, form = formula)
  t.data <- do.call(rbind, by(data, as.factor(data[, 1]), FUN = apply_formula, form = formula))
  #may not be necessary?
  t.data <- t.data[order(t.data[,1], t.data[,2]), ]
  rownames(t.data) <- NULL

# builds a list that contains all times in a lag window that correspond to a particular treated unit. This is structured as a list of vectors. Each vector is lag + 1 units long. The overall list will
# be the same length as the number of matched sets
expand.treated.ts <- function(lag, treated.ts)
  helper <- function(treated.t)
    return(seq(from =  (treated.t - lag), to = treated.t, by = 1))
  lapply(treated.ts, helper)

#builds the matrices that we will then use to calculate the mahalanobis distances for each matched set
build_maha_mats <- function(idx, ordered_expanded_data)
  subset.per.matchedset <- function(sub.idx)
  unnest <- function(mset.idx)
    lapply(mset.idx, subset.per.matchedset)
  result <- lapply(idx, unnest)

#modified version of build mahah mats but with refinement handled immediately
handle_distance_matrices <- function(ordered_expanded_data, matched.sets, calipervalue,
                                     calipermethod, isfactor, use.sd, id.var,
                                     time.var, lag.in, continuous.matching = FALSE,
                                     control.threshold = NULL)

  unnest <- function(matched.set, treated.unit.info,
                     lag.in_, ordered_expanded_data_, is.continuous.matching = FALSE,
                     idvar, timevar, all.treated.info, control.threshold = NULL)
    treated.ts <- as.integer(sub(".*\\.", "", treated.unit.info))
    treated.ids <- as.integer(sub("\\..*", "", treated.unit.info))

    all.treated.ts <- as.integer(sub(".*\\.", "", all.treated.info))
    all.treated.ids <- as.integer(sub("\\..*", "", all.treated.info))
    if (is.continuous.matching)

      matched.set <- prepContinuousControlUnits(ordered_expanded_data_, idvar,
                                                time.var, all.treated.ids,
                                                all.treated.ts, treated.ids,
                                                treated.ts, control.threshold)
      #full.controls <- unique(ordered_expanded_data_[, idvar])
      #not.valid.ids <- all.treated.ids[all.treated.ts %in% treated.ts] #cant include other treated units from the same time
      #matched.set <- full.controls[!full.controls %in% not.valid.ids] # start with everything, then remove any units that are treated
      # during the same period as the current t/id pair under consideration
    tlist <- expand.treated.ts(lag.in_, treated.ts = treated.ts)

    idxlist <- get_yearly_dmats(ordered_expanded_data_, treated.ids, tlist,
                                matched_sets = list(matched.set), lag.in_)
    rr <- lapply(unlist(idxlist, recursive = FALSE), function(x) {ordered_expanded_data_[x, ]})

    tset <- handle_perlag_caliper_calculations(rr, matched.set, calipermethod, calipervalue,
                                        isfactor, use.sd,
                                        id.var, time.var, names(matched.sets)) #sloppy style, fix later

  result <- mapply(FUN = unnest, matched.set = matched.sets, treated.unit.info = names(matched.sets),
                   MoreArgs = list(lag.in_ = lag.in,
                                   ordered_expanded_data_ = ordered_expanded_data,
                                   is.continuous.matching = continuous.matching,
                                   idvar = id.var,
                                   timevar = time.var,
                                   all.treated.info = names(matched.sets),
                                   control.threshold = control.threshold),
                   SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
  #result <- mapply(FUN = unnest, mset.idx = idx, matched.set = matched.sets, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
  names(result) <- names(matched.sets)
  if (!continuous.matching)
    result <- result[sapply(result, length) > 0]



#use col.index to determine which columns we want to "scan" for missing data
# Note that in earlier points in the code, we rearrange the columns and prepare the data frame such that cols 1-4 are bookkeeping (unit id, time id, treated variable, unlagged outcome variable)
# and all remaining columns are used in the calculations after going through parse_and_prep function, so col.index should usually be 5:ncol(data)
# In practice, this function just looks over the data in the specified columns in the "data" data frame for missing data. Then it creates columns with indicator variables about the missingness of those variables
# 1 for missing data, 0 for present
handle.missing.data <- function(data, col.index)

  new.names <- paste0(colnames(data)[col.index], "_NA")
  if(length(col.index) == 1)
    new.col <- is.na(data[, col.index]) * 1
    data <- cbind(data, new.col)
    colnames(data)[ncol(data)] <- new.names
    missing.mat <- as.data.frame(apply(data[, col.index], 2, is.na)) * 1
    colnames(missing.mat) <- new.names
    data <- cbind(data, missing.mat)

  data[is.na(data)] <- 0

# prepares the data for calculating propensity scores. Will return a list of length equal to the number of matched sets. Each item is a data frame and each data frame contains information at time = t + 0
# for each treated unit and their corresponding controls.
build_ps_data <- function(idxlist, data, lag)
  obtain.t.rows <- function(idx)
  unnest <- function(subidxlist,  lag)
    temp <- sapply(subidxlist[[lag + 1]], obtain.t.rows)
    return(data.frame(data[temp, ]))
  results <- lapply(idxlist, unnest, lag = lag)
  #results <- rbindlist(results)
  #results <- results[complete.cases(results), ]

#returns a list of data frames with propensity scores for each unit in a matched set. Each element in the list is a data frame which corresponds to a matched set of 1 treatment and all
find_ps <- function(sets, fitted.model)

  apply_formula <- function (x, B)
    xx <- cbind(1, as.matrix(x[, 4:ncol(x)]))
    x[, (ncol(x) + 1)] <- 1 - 1/(1+exp(xx %*% B))
    names(x)[ncol(x)] <- "ps"
    return(x[, c(1:3, ncol(x))])
  sets_with_ps <- lapply(sets, apply_formula, B = fitted.model$coefficients)

# Each of the following similarly named functions carry out the refinement procedures -- using either propensity scores or mahalanobis distances according to the paper. Each of these functions
# will return a matched.set object with the appropriate weights for control units assigned and new, additional attributes (such as refinement method).
# These functions could use some work to be better optimized. For instance, when the "verbose" argument is set to true, they will essentially do all of the refinement calculations twice.
handle_mahalanobis_calculations <- function(mahal.nested.list, msets, max.size, verbose, use.diagonal.covmat)
  do.calcs <- function(year.df)
    if(nrow(year.df) == 2)
    cov.data <- year.df[1:(nrow(year.df) - 1), 4:ncol(year.df), drop = FALSE]
      cov.matrix <- diag(apply(cov.data, 2, var), ncol(cov.data), ncol(cov.data))
    } else
      cov.matrix <- cov(cov.data)

    center.data <- year.df[nrow(year.df), 4:ncol(year.df), drop = FALSE]
    if(isTRUE(all.equal(det(cov.matrix), 0, tolerance = .00001))) #might not be the conditions we want precisely
      cols.to.remove <- which(apply(cov.data, 2, function(x) isTRUE(length(unique(x)) == 1))) #checking for columns that only have one value
      cols.to.remove <- unique(c(cols.to.remove, which(!colnames(cov.data) %in% colnames(t(unique(t(cov.data))))))) #removing columns that are identical to another column
      if(length(cols.to.remove) > 0 & length(cols.to.remove) < ncol(cov.data))
        cov.data <- cov.data[, -cols.to.remove, drop = FALSE]
        center.data <- center.data[-cols.to.remove, drop = FALSE]
          cov.matrix <- diag(apply(cov.data, 2, var), ncol(cov.data), ncol(cov.data))
        } else {
          cov.matrix <- cov(cov.data)


    result = tryCatch({
      mahalanobis(x = cov.data, center = center.data, cov = cov.matrix)
    }, warning = function(w) {

    }, error = function(e) {
      cov.matrix <- cov(cov.data)
      cov.matrix <- ginv(cov.matrix)
      mahalanobis(x = cov.data, center = center.data, cov = cov.matrix, inverted = TRUE)
    }, finally = {
      #(mahalanobis(x = cov.data, center = center.data, cov = cov.matrix))


  handle_set <- function(sub.list, max.set.size, idx)

    results.temp <- lapply(sub.list, do.calcs)
    tmat <- do.call(rbind, results.temp)
    colnames(tmat) <- NULL
    dists <- colMeans(tmat)
    #n.dists <- dists[dists > 0]
    n.dists <- dists

    if(length(n.dists) < max.set.size) #case where total number of units in matched set < max.set size
      w <- 1 / length(n.dists)
      newdists <- dists
      newdists <- rep(w, length(newdists))
      #newdists[newdists > 0 ] <- w
      ordered.dists <- sort(n.dists)
      scoretobeat <- max(utils::head(ordered.dists, n = max.set.size + 1))
      # might have situation where the Mth largest distance is the same as the Mth - 1 distance. This means that we either choose to leave out both and have a matched set smaller than the max,
      # or include both of them and relax the size of our maximum set size
      # if(sum(dists < scoretobeat & dists > 0) < max.set.size) #change this if we want to be more strict about max.set.size enforcements
      # {
      #   new.denom <- sum(dists <= scoretobeat & dists > 0)
      #   newdists <- ifelse(dists <= scoretobeat & dists > 0, 1 / new.denom, 0)
      # }
      # else
      # {
      #   newdists <- ifelse(dists < scoretobeat & dists > 0, 1 / max.set.size, 0)
      # }
      # bcheck <- sub.list[[1]]
      # if (bcheck[nrow(bcheck), 1] == 12 && bcheck[nrow(bcheck), 2] == 1991){
      # }
      dists <- round(dists, 5)
      scoretobeat <- round(scoretobeat, 5)
      if(sum(dists < scoretobeat) < max.set.size) #change this if we want to be more strict about max.set.size enforcements
        new.denom <- sum(dists <= scoretobeat)
        newdists <- ifelse(dists <= scoretobeat, 1 / new.denom, 0)
        newdists <- ifelse(dists < scoretobeat, 1 / max.set.size, 0)

    names(newdists) <- NULL


  scores <- mapply(FUN = handle_set, sub.list = mahal.nested.list,
                   idx = 1:length(msets),
                   MoreArgs = list(max.set.size = max.size), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
  for(i in 1:length(msets))
    names(scores[[i]]) <- msets[[i]]
    attr(msets[[i]], "weights") <- scores[[i]]
  if(verbose) #in future versions, avoid doing the same calculations twice
    handle_set_verbose <- function(sub.list)
      results.temp <- lapply(sub.list, do.calcs)
      dists <- colMeans(do.call(rbind, results.temp))
      names(dists) <- NULL

    full.scores <- mapply(FUN = handle_set_verbose, sub.list = mahal.nested.list, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

    for(i in 1:length(msets))
      names(full.scores[[i]]) <- msets[[i]]
      attr(msets[[i]], "distances") <- full.scores[[i]]

  attr(msets, "refinement.method") <- "mahalanobis"

handle_ps_weighted <- function(just.ps.sets, msets, refinement.method)
  handle_set <- function(set)
    control.ps.set <- set[1:(nrow(set) - 1), ncol(set)]
    if(length(control.ps.set) == 1)
    vec.ratio <- control.ps.set / (1 - control.ps.set) #just for clarity
    if(sum(vec.ratio) == 0)
      wts <- rep(1 / length(control.ps.set), length(control.ps.set))
      wts <- ( vec.ratio ) / sum( vec.ratio )
  wts <- lapply(just.ps.sets, handle_set)
  for(i in 1:length(msets))
    names(wts[[i]]) <- msets[[i]]
    attr(msets[[i]], "weights") <- wts[[i]]
  attr(msets, "refinement.method") <- refinement.method

handle_ps_match <- function(just.ps.sets, msets,
                            verbose, max.set.size)
  handle_set <- function(set, max.size)
    treated.ps <- as.numeric(set[nrow(set), "ps"])
    control.ps.set <- as.numeric(set[1:(nrow(set) - 1), "ps"])
    if(length(control.ps.set) == 1)
    dists <- abs(treated.ps - control.ps.set)
    dists.to.consider <- dists[dists > 0]
    if(length(dists.to.consider) < max.size)
      dists[ dists > 0 ] <- 1 / length(dists.to.consider)
      wts <- dists
      dist.to.beat <- max(utils::head(sort(dists.to.consider), max.size + 1))
      if(sum(dists < dist.to.beat & dists > 0) < max.set.size)
        new.denom <- sum(dists <= dist.to.beat & dists > 0)
        wts <- ifelse(dists <= dist.to.beat & dists > 0, 1 / new.denom, 0)

        wts <- ifelse(dists < dist.to.beat & dists > 0, (1 / max.size), 0)

      #wts <- ifelse(dists < dist.to.beat & dists > 0, (1 / max.size), 0)
  wts <- lapply(just.ps.sets, handle_set, max.size = max.set.size)
  for(i in 1:length(msets))
    names(wts[[i]]) <- msets[[i]]
    attr(msets[[i]], "weights") <- wts[[i]]
  if(verbose) #again this is not well designed, would want to avoid having to do everything again, but works for now.
    handle_set <- function(set, max.size)
      treated.ps <- as.numeric(set[nrow(set), "ps"])
      control.ps.set <- as.numeric(set[1:(nrow(set) - 1), "ps"])
      if(length(control.ps.set) == 1)
      dists <- abs(treated.ps - control.ps.set)
    dts <- lapply(just.ps.sets, handle_set, max.size = max.set.size)
    for(i in 1:length(msets))
      names(dts[[i]]) <- msets[[i]]
      attr(msets[[i]], "distances") <- dts[[i]]

  attr(msets, "refinement.method") <- refinement.method
#right now this function just checks outcome data and cleans up based on that, but when msm is implemented, we will also need to check reversion of treatment
clean_leads <- function(matched_sets, ordered.data, max.lead, t.var, id.var, outcome.var)

  old.attributes <- attributes(matched_sets)[names(attributes(matched_sets)) != "names"]

  ts <- as.numeric(sub(".*\\.", "", names(matched_sets)))
  tids <- as.numeric(sub("\\..*", "", names(matched_sets)))
  class(matched_sets) <- "list" #so that Rcpp::List is accurate when we pass it into cpp functions

  idx <- check_missing_data_treated_units(subset_data = as.matrix(ordered.data[, c(id.var,t.var,outcome.var)]),
                                           sets = matched_sets,
                                          tid_pairs = paste0(ordered.data[, id.var], ".", ordered.data[, t.var]),
                                          treated_tid_pairs = names(matched_sets),
                                           treated_ids = tids, lead =  max.lead)

  if(all(!idx)) stop("estimation not possible: All treated units are missing data necessary for the calculations to proceed")
    class(matched_sets) <- c("matched.set", "list") #to get the matched.set subsetting with attributes
    matched_sets <- matched_sets[idx]
    ts <- ts[idx]

  #colnames must be numeric in some form because we must be able to sort them into an ascending column order
  class(matched_sets) <- "list" # for rcpp reasons again

  if(any(idx)) #bit of a trivial condition, if there are any treated units with matched sets left
    create_control_maps <- function(matched_set, time)
      return(paste0(matched_set, ".", time))

    prepped_sets <- mapply(create_control_maps, matched_set = matched_sets, time = ts, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

    tpx <- check_missing_data_control_units(subset_data = as.matrix(ordered.data[, c(id.var,t.var,outcome.var)]),
                                            sets = matched_sets,
                                            prepared_sets = prepped_sets,
                                            tid_pairs = paste0(ordered.data[, id.var], ".", ordered.data[, t.var]),
                                            lead =  max.lead)

    create_new_sets <- function(set, index)
    sub_sets <- mapply(FUN = create_new_sets, matched_sets, tpx, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

    if(all(sapply(sub_sets, length) == 0)) stop('estimation not possible: none of the matched sets have viable control units due to a lack of necessary data')

    matched_sets <- sub_sets[sapply(sub_sets, length) > 0]

    for(idx in names(old.attributes))

      attr(matched_sets, idx) <- old.attributes[[idx]]

  class(matched_sets) <- c("matched.set")




enforce_lead_restrictions <- function(matched_sets, ordered.data, max.lead, t.var, id.var, treatment.var)
  ordered.data <- ordered.data[order(ordered.data[,id.var], ordered.data[,t.var]), ]
  compmat <- data.table::dcast(data.table::as.data.table(ordered.data),
                               formula = paste0(id.var, "~", t.var), value.var = treatment.var)
  ts <- as.numeric(sub(".*\\.", "", names(matched_sets)))
  tids <- as.numeric(sub("\\..*", "", names(matched_sets)))
  class(matched_sets) <- "list" #so that Rcpp::List is accurate when we pass it into cpp functions
  compmat <- data.matrix(compmat)

  idx <- check_treated_units_for_treatment_reversion(compmat = compmat, compmat_row_units = as.numeric(compmat[, 1]),
                                                     compmat_cols = as.numeric(colnames(compmat)[2:ncol(compmat)]),
                                                     lead = max.lead, treated_ids = tids, treated_ts = ts)
  if (all(!idx)) stop("estimation not possible: All treated units are missing data necessary for the calculations to proceed")
  if (any(!idx))
    class(matched_sets) <- c("matched.set", "list") #to get the matched.set subsetting with attributes
    matched_sets <- matched_sets[idx]
    ts <- ts[idx]

  #colnames must be numeric in some form because we must be able to sort them into an ascending column order
  class(matched_sets) <- "list" # for rcpp reasons again
  ll <- check_control_units_for_treatment_restriction(compmat = compmat,
                                                      compmat_row_units = as.numeric(compmat[, 1]),
                                                      compmat_cols = as.numeric(colnames(compmat)[2:ncol(compmat)]),
                                                      lead = max.lead, sets = matched_sets, control_start_years = ts)
  #probably should rename this function, but working in a similar context here so seeing if it works
  idx <- needs_renormalization(ll)
  class(matched_sets) <- c("matched.set", "list")
  if (any(idx))
    sub.index <- ll[idx]
    sub.set <- matched_sets[idx]
    create_new_sets <- function(set, index)
    sub.set.new <- mapply(FUN = create_new_sets, sub.set, sub.index, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
    attributes(sub.set.new) <- attributes(sub.set)
    all.gone.counter <- sapply(sub.set.new, function(x){sum(x)})
    if (sum(all.gone.counter == 0) > 0) #case in which all the controls in a particular group were dropped
      #warning("all controls in a particular matched set were removed due to missing data")
      idx[all.gone.counter == 0] <- FALSE
      sub.index <- ll[idx]
      sub.set <- matched_sets[idx]
      create_new_sets <- function(set, index)
      sub.set.new <- mapply(FUN = create_new_sets, sub.set, sub.index, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
      attributes(sub.set.new) <- attributes(sub.set)
    if (all(sapply(sub.set.new, length) == 0)) stop('estimation not possible: none of the matched sets have viable control units due to a lack of necessary data')
    #pm2 <- perform_refinement(ordered.data = ordered.data, mset.object = sub.set.new)
    #matched_sets[idx] <- pm2
    matched_sets[idx] <- sub.set.new
    matched_sets <- matched_sets[sapply(matched_sets, length) > 0]


gather_msm_sets <- function(lead.data.list)
  number.of.sets <- sapply(lead.data.list, length)
  if (length(unique(number.of.sets)) != 1) stop("error with matched sets in msm calculations")
  number.of.sets <- unique(number.of.sets)
  long.data.lead.list <- unlist(lead.data.list, recursive = FALSE)

  long.weights.list <- lapply(long.data.lead.list, function(x){return(as.vector(x[, 4]))})
  multiplied.weights <-  multiply_weights_msm(long.weights.list, number.of.sets)
  reassembled.sets <- long.data.lead.list[1:number.of.sets]
  reassemble.weights <- function(set, weights)
    set[, "ps"] <- weights #again this ps is misleading but for consistency with the other functions lets go with it
  reassembled.sets <- mapply(FUN = reassemble.weights, set = reassembled.sets,
                             weights = multiplied.weights, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)


merge_formula <- function(form1, form2)

  rhs1 <- trimws(unlist(strsplit(as.character(form1)[2], "\\+")))
  rhs2 <- strsplit(deparse(form2[[2]]), " \\+ ")[[1]]

  # create the merged rhs and lhs in character string form
  rhs <- c(rhs1, rhs2)

  # put the two sides together with the amazing
  # reformulate function
  out <- reformulate(rhs)

  # set the environment of the formula (i.e. where should
  # R look for variables when data aren't specified?)
  environment(out) <- environment(form1)


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