
Defines functions crossRatio MobiusMappingCircle MobiusMappingThreePoints MobiusSwappingTwoPoints

Documented in crossRatio MobiusMappingCircle MobiusMappingThreePoints MobiusSwappingTwoPoints

#' @title R6 class representing a Möbius transformation.
#' @description A Möbius transformation is given by a matrix of complex numbers
#' with non-null determinant.
#' @seealso \code{\link{MobiusMappingThreePoints}} to create a Möbius
#' transformation, and also the \code{compose} method of the
#' \code{\link{Inversion}} R6 class.
#' @export
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
Mobius <- R6Class(


  private = list(
    .a = NA_complex_,
    .b = NA_complex_,
    .c = NA_complex_,
    .d = NA_complex_

  active = list(
    #' @field a get or set \code{a}
    a = function(value) {
      if (missing(value)) {
      } else {
        a <- as.vector(value)
          is.numeric(a) || is.complex(a),
          length(a) == 1L,
        private[[".a"]] <- as.complex(a)

    #' @field b get or set \code{b}
    b = function(value) {
      if (missing(value)) {
      } else {
        b <- as.vector(value)
          is.numeric(b) || is.complex(b),
          length(b) == 1L,
        private[[".b"]] <- as.complex(b)

    #' @field c get or set \code{c}
    c = function(value) {
      if (missing(value)) {
      } else {
        c <- as.vector(value)
          is.numeric(c) || is.complex(c),
          length(c) == 1L,
        private[[".c"]] <- as.complex(c)

    #' @field d get or set \code{d}
    d = function(value) {
      if (missing(value)) {
      } else {
        d <- as.vector(value)
          is.numeric(d) || is.complex(d),
          length(d) == 1L,
        private[[".d"]] <- as.complex(d)

  public = list(
    #' @description Create a new \code{Mobius} object.
    #' @param M the matrix corresponding to the Möbius transformation
    #' @return A new \code{Mobius} object.
    initialize = function(M) {
        nrow(M) == 2L,
        ncol(M) == 2L,
        is.numeric(M) || is.complex(M),
      M[] <- as.complex(M)
      if(M[1L,1L]*M[2L,2L]-M[1L,2L]*M[2L,1L] == 0){
        stop("The determinant of `M` is zero.")
      private[[".a"]] <- M[1L,1L]
      private[[".b"]] <- M[1L,2L]
      private[[".c"]] <- M[2L,1L]
      private[[".d"]] <- M[2L,2L]

    #' @description Show instance of a \code{Mobius} object.
    #' @param ... ignored
    #' @examples Mobius$new(rbind(c(1+1i,2),c(0,3-2i)))
    print = function(...) {
      cat("M\u00f6bius transformation (az+b)/(cz+d)\n")
      cat(" a: ", toString(private[[".a"]]), "\n", sep = "")
      cat(" b: ", toString(private[[".b"]]), "\n", sep = "")
      cat(" c: ", toString(private[[".c"]]), "\n", sep = "")
      cat(" d: ", toString(private[[".d"]]), "\n", sep = "")

    #' @description Get the matrix corresponding to the Möbius transformation.
    getM = function() {
      M <- matrix(NA_complex_, 2L, 2L)
      private[[".a"]] -> M[1L,1L]
      private[[".b"]] -> M[1L,2L]
      private[[".c"]] -> M[2L,1L]
      private[[".d"]] -> M[2L,2L]

    #' @description Compose the reference Möbius transformation with another
    #' Möbius transformation
    #' @param M1 a \code{Mobius} object
    #' @param left logical, whether to compose at left or at right (i.e.
    #' returns \code{M1 o M0} or \code{M0 o M1})
    #' @return A \code{Mobius} object.
    compose = function(M1, left = TRUE) {
      stopifnot(is(M1, "Mobius"))
      A <- self$getM(); B <- M1$getM()
      if(left) Mobius$new(B %*% A) else Mobius$new(A %*% B)

    #' @description Inverse of the reference Möbius transformation.
    #' @return A \code{Mobius} object.
    inverse = function() {
      M <- matrix(NA_complex_, 2L, 2L)
      private[[".a"]] -> M[2L,2L]
      -private[[".b"]] -> M[1L,2L]
      -private[[".c"]] -> M[2L,1L]
      private[[".d"]] -> M[1L,1L]

    #' @description Power of the reference Möbius transformation.
    #' @param k an integer, possibly negative
    #' @return The Möbius transformation \code{M^k},
    #' where \code{M} is the reference Möbius transformation.
    power = function(k){
      stopifnot(.isInteger(k), length(k) == 1L)
      if(k == 0){
      }else if(k >= 0){
        M <- self$getM()
        Mobius$new(M %**% k)
        M <- matrix(NA_complex_, 2L, 2L)
        private[[".a"]] -> M[2L,2L]
        -private[[".b"]] -> M[1L,2L]
        -private[[".c"]] -> M[2L,1L]
        private[[".d"]] -> M[1L,1L]
        Mobius$new(M  %**% (-k))

    #' @description Generalized power of the reference Möbius transformation.
    #' @param k a real number, possibly negative
    #' @return A \code{Mobius} object, the generalized \code{k}-th power of
    #'   the reference Möbius transformation.
    #' @examples M <- Mobius$new(rbind(c(1+1i,2),c(0,3-2i)))
    #' Mroot <- M$gpower(1/2)
    #' Mroot$compose(Mroot) # should be M
    gpower = function(k){
      stopifnot(is.numeric(k), length(k) == 1L)
      M <- self$getM()
      detM <- M[1L,1L]*M[2L,2L] - M[1L,2L]*M[2L,1L]
      trM <- M[1L,1L] + M[2L,2L]
      if(Mod(trM*trM - 4*detM) < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)){
        lambda <- trM/2
        if(isTRUE(all.equal(M, diag(c(lambda,lambda))))){
          N <- M - diag(c(lambda,lambda))
          if(isTRUE(all.equal(N[,2L], c(0,0)))){
            v2 <- c(1,0)
            v1 <- N[,1L]
            v2 <- c(0,1)
            v1 <- N[,2L]
          P <- cbind(v1,v2)
          Jk <- rbind(c(lambda^k,k*lambda^(k-1)), c(0,lambda^k))
          Mobius$new(P %*% Jk %*% solve(P))
        eig <- eigen(M)
        Mobius$new(eig$vectors %*% diag(eig$values^k) %*% solve(eig$vectors))

    #' @description Transformation of a point by the reference Möbius transformation.
    #' @param M a point or \code{Inf}
    #' @return A point or \code{Inf}, the image of \code{M}.
    #' @examples Mob <- Mobius$new(rbind(c(1+1i,2),c(0,3-2i)))
    #' Mob$transform(c(1,1))
    #' Mob$transform(Inf)
    transform = function(M) {
      M <- as.vector(M)
      if(!(isinf <- isTRUE(all.equal(M, Inf, check.attributes = FALSE)))){
          length(M) == 2L,
      private[[".a"]] -> a
      private[[".b"]] -> b
      private[[".c"]] -> c
      private[[".d"]] -> d
        if(c == 0) Inf else .fromCplx(a/c)
        z <- .toCplx(M)
        if(c != 0 && z == -d/c){

    #' @description Returns the fixed points of the reference Möbius transformation.
    #' @return One point, or a list of two points, or a message in the case when the transformation is the identity map.
    fixedPoints = function() {
      private[[".a"]] -> a
      private[[".b"]] -> b
      private[[".c"]] -> c
      private[[".d"]] -> d
      M_is_identity <- (a == d) && b == 0 && c == 0
        message("This Mobius transformation is the identity map, every point ",
                "is a fixed point.")
      if(c == 0){
        if(a == d){
          return(.fromCplx(-b / (a-d)))
      Delta <- (a-d)^2 + 4*b*c
      if(Delta == 0){
        .fromCplx((a-d + sqrt(Delta))/2/c),
        .fromCplx((a-d - sqrt(Delta))/2/c)

    #' @description Transformation of a circle by the reference Möbius transformation.
    #' @param circ a \code{Circle} object
    #' @return A \code{Circle} object or a \code{Line} object.
    transformCircle = function(circ) {
      stopifnot(is(circ, "Circle"))
      private[[".c"]] -> c
      private[[".d"]] -> d
      R <- circ$radius
      z0 <- .toCplx(circ$center)
      x1 <- .Mod2(d+c*z0)
      x2 <- R*R*.Mod2(c)
      if(x1 != x2){ # we are in this case if c=0
        if(x1 > 0){
          z <- if(c == 0) z0 else (z0 - R^2/Conj(d/c+z0))
          w0 <- self$transform(.fromCplx(z))
          w0 <- self$transform(Inf)
        Circle$new(w0, Mod(.toCplx(w0 - self$transform(.fromCplx(z0+R)))))
        if(c != 0 && circ$includes(M <- .fromCplx(-d/c))){
          alpha <- 0
            P <- circ$pointFromAngle(alpha, degrees = FALSE)
            if(!all(P == M)){
            alpha <- alpha + 0.1
            Q <- circ$pointFromAngle(alpha+3)
            if(!all(Q == M)){
            alpha <- alpha + 0.1
          A <- self$transform(P); B <- self$transform(Q)
          A <- self$transform(circ$pointFromAngle(0))
          B <- self$transform(circ$pointFromAngle(180))
        Line$new(A, B)

    #' @description Transformation of a line by the reference Möbius transformation.
    #' @param line a \code{Line} object
    #' @return A \code{Circle} object or a \code{Line} object.
    transformLine = function(line) {
      stopifnot(is(line, "Line"))
      private[[".a"]] -> a
      private[[".b"]] -> b
      private[[".c"]] -> c
      private[[".d"]] -> d
      do <- line$directionAndOffset()
      theta <- do$direction
      gamma0 <- cos(theta) + 1i*sin(theta)
      D0 <- 2 * do$offset
      A <- -2 * Re(gamma0*c*Conj(d)) - D0*.Mod2(c)
      gamma <- Conj(gamma0)*b*Conj(c) + gamma0*Conj(d)*a + D0*Conj(c)*a
      D <- D0*.Mod2(a) + 2*Re(gamma0*Conj(b)*a)
      if(abs(A) > sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)){
        Circle$new(.fromCplx(-gamma/A), sqrt(.Mod2(gamma)/A/A + D/A))
        P <- self$transform(line$A)
        Q <- self$transform(line$B)
        Line$new(P, Q)

    #' @description Transformation of a generalized circle (i.e. a circle or a
    #'   line) by the reference Möbius transformation.
    #' @param gcirc a \code{Circle} object or a \code{Line} object
    #' @return A \code{Circle} object or a \code{Line} object.
    transformGcircle = function(gcirc) {
      stopifnot(is(gcirc, "Circle") || is(gcirc, "Line"))
      if(is(gcirc, "Circle")){

#' Möbius transformation swapping two given points
#' @description Return a Möbius transformation which sends
#'   \code{A} to \code{B} and \code{B} to \code{A}.
#' @param A,B two distinct points, \code{Inf} not allowed
#' @return A \code{Mobius} object.
#' @export
MobiusSwappingTwoPoints <- function(A, B){
  z1 <- .toCplx(A); z2 <- .toCplx(B)
  if(z1 == z2){
    stop("`A` and `B` must be distinct.")
  p <- z1*z2
  s <- z1+z2
  mat <- rbind(
    c(Im(p), Re(p)*Im(s)-Im(p)*Re(s)),
    c(Im(s), -Im(p))

#' Möbius transformation mapping three given points to three given points
#' @description Return a Möbius transformation which sends
#' \code{P1} to \code{Q1}, \code{P2} to \code{Q2} and \code{P3} to \code{Q3}.
#' @param P1,P2,P3 three distinct points, \code{Inf} allowed
#' @param Q1,Q2,Q3 three distinct points, \code{Inf} allowed
#' @return A \code{Mobius} object.
#' @export
MobiusMappingThreePoints <- function(P1, P2, P3, Q1, Q2, Q3){
  z1 <- .toCplx(P1); z2 <- .toCplx(P2); z3 <- .toCplx(P3) # Inf allowed !
  if(z1 == z2 || z1 == z3 || z2 == z3){
    stop("`P1`, `P2` and `P3` must be distinct.")
  Mob1 <- .MobiusMappingThreePoints2ZeroOneInf(z1, z2, z3)
  w1 <- .toCplx(Q1); w2 <- .toCplx(Q2); w3 <- .toCplx(Q3)
  if(w1 == w2 || w1 == w3 || w2 == w3){
    stop("`Q1`, `Q2` and `Q3` must be distinct.")
  Mob2 <- .MobiusMappingThreePoints2ZeroOneInf(w1, w2, w3)

#' @title Möbius transformation mapping a given circle to a given circle
#' @description Returns a Möbius transformation mapping a given circle to
#'   another given circle.
#' @param circ1,circ2 \code{Circle} objects
#' @return A Möbius transformation which maps \code{circ1} to \code{circ2}.
#' @export
#' @examples library(PlaneGeometry)
#' C1 <- Circle$new(c(0, 0), 1)
#' C2 <- Circle$new(c(1, 2), 3)
#' M <- MobiusMappingCircle(C1, C2)
#' C3 <- M$transformCircle(C1)
#' C3$isEqual(C2)
MobiusMappingCircle <- function(circ1, circ2){
  stopifnot(is(circ1, "Circle"))
  stopifnot(is(circ2, "Circle"))
  z1 <- .toCplx(circ1$pointFromAngle(0))
  z2 <- .toCplx(circ1$pointFromAngle(90, degrees = TRUE))
  z3 <- .toCplx(circ1$pointFromAngle(270, degrees = TRUE))
  MT1 <- Mobius$new(rbind(c(z2-z3, -z1*(z2-z3)), c(z2-z1, -z3*(z2-z1))))
  z1 <- .toCplx(circ2$pointFromAngle(180, degrees = TRUE))
  z2 <- .toCplx(circ2$pointFromAngle(90, degrees = TRUE))
  z3 <- .toCplx(circ2$pointFromAngle(270, degrees = TRUE))
  MT2 <- Mobius$new(
    rbind(c(z2-z3, -z1*(z2-z3)), c(z2-z1, -z3*(z2-z1)))

#' @title Cross ratio
#' @description The cross ratio of four points.
#' @param A,B,C,D four distinct points
#' @return A complex number. It is real if and only if the four points lie on
#'   a generalized circle (that is a circle or a line).
#' @export
#' @examples c <- Circle$new(c(0, 0), 1)
#' A <- c$pointFromAngle(0)
#' B <- c$pointFromAngle(90)
#' C <- c$pointFromAngle(180)
#' D <- c$pointFromAngle(270)
#' crossRatio(A, B, C, D) # should be real
#' Mob <- Mobius$new(rbind(c(1+1i,2),c(0,3-2i)))
#' MA <- Mob$transform(A)
#' MB <- Mob$transform(B)
#' MC <- Mob$transform(C)
#' MD <- Mob$transform(D)
#' crossRatio(MA, MB, MC, MD) # should be identical to `crossRatio(A, B, C, D)`
crossRatio <- function(A, B, C, D){
  stopifnot(.isPoint(A), .isPoint(B), .isPoint(C), .isPoint(D))
  z1 <- .toCplx(A)
  z2 <- .toCplx(B)
  z3 <- .toCplx(C)
  z4 <- .toCplx(D)
  if(length(unique(c(z1, z2, z3, z4))) < 4L){
    stop("The four points must be distinct.")

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