.isInteger <- function(x){
is.numeric(x) && all(is.finite(x)) && !any( && all(trunc(x) == x)
.isPoint <- function(M){
is.numeric(M) && length(M) == 2L && !any( && all(is.finite(M))
.toCplx <- function(M){
if(isTRUE(all.equal(M, Inf, check.attributes = FALSE))){
complex(real = M[1L], imaginary = M[2L])
.fromCplx <- function(z){
c(Re(z), Im(z))
.Mod2 <- function(z){
Re(z)*Re(z) + Im(z)*Im(z)
.distance <- function(A, B){
.dot <- function(u, w = NULL){
c(crossprod(u, w))
.vlength <- function(v){
.isAlmostZero <- function(x){
isTRUE(all.equal(x + 1, 1, tol = 1e-6))
.LineLineIntersection <- function (P1, P2, Q1, Q2) {
dx1 <- P1[1L] - P2[1L]
dx2 <- Q1[1L] - Q2[1L]
dy1 <- P1[2L] - P2[2L]
dy2 <- Q1[2L] - Q2[2L]
D <- det(rbind(c(dx1, dy1), c(dx2, dy2)))
if (D == 0) {
return(c(Inf, Inf))
D1 <- det(rbind(P1, P2))
D2 <- det(rbind(Q1, Q2))
det(rbind(c(D1, dx1), c(D2, dx2))),
det(rbind(c(D1, dy1), c(D2, dy2)))
) / D
.collinear <- function(A, B, C, tol = 0) {
notdistinct <-
isTRUE(all.equal(A, B, check.attributes = FALSE)) ||
isTRUE(all.equal(A, C, check.attributes = FALSE)) ||
isTRUE(all.equal(B, C, check.attributes = FALSE))
if(notdistinct) return(TRUE)
AB <- B-A; AC <- C-A
z <- (AB[1] - 1i*AB[2]) * (AC[1] + 1i*AC[2])
re <- Re(z); im <- Im(z)
1 / (1 + im*im/re/re) >= 1 - tol
.CircleLineIntersection00 <- function(A1, A2, r) {
x1 <- A1[1L]; y1 <- A1[2L]
x2 <- A2[1L]; y2 <- A2[2L]
dx <- x2 - x1; dy <- y2 - y1
dr2 <- dx*dx + dy*dy
D <- det(cbind(A1,A2))
Delta <- r*r*dr2 - D*D
if(Delta < 0){
if(Delta < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)){
return(D/dr2 * c(dy, -dx))
sgn <- ifelse(dy < 0, -1, 1)
Ddy <- D*dy
sqrtDelta <- sqrt(Delta)
I1 <- c(
Ddy + sgn*dx * sqrtDelta,
-D*dx + abs(dy)*sqrtDelta
) / dr2
I2 <- c(
Ddy - sgn*dx * sqrtDelta,
-D*dx - abs(dy)*sqrtDelta
) / dr2
list(I1 = I1, I2 = I2)
.SteinerChain_phi0 <- function(c0, n, shift){
R <- c0$radius; O <- c0$center
sine <- sin(pi/n)
Cradius <- R / (1+sine)
Cside <- Cradius*sine
circles0 <- vector("list", n+1)
for(i in 1:n){
beta <- (i-1+shift)*2*pi/n
pti <- Cradius*c(cos(beta), sin(beta)) + O
circ1 <- Circle$new(pti, Cside)
circles0[[i]] <- circ1
circles0[[n+1]] <- Circle$new(O, R-2*Cside)
.inversion2conjugateMobius <- function(iota){
C <- .toCplx(iota$pole)
k <- iota$power
Mobius$new(rbind(c(C, k-C*Conj(C)), c(1, -Conj(C))))
.MobiusMappingThreePoints2ZeroOneInf <- function(z1, z2, z3){
if(z1 == Inf){
K <- z2 - z3
if(z2 == Inf){
if(z3 == Inf){
K <- 1 / (z2 - z1)
return(Mobius$new(rbind(c(K, -K*z1),c(0,1))))
K <- (z2 - z3) / (z2 - z1)
Mobius$new(rbind(c(K, -K*z1),c(1,-z3)))
.ellipsePoints <- function(t, O, a, b, alpha){
x <- a*cos(t); y <- b*sin(t)
cosalpha <- cos(alpha); sinalpha <- sin(alpha)
x = O[1L] + cosalpha*x - sinalpha*y,
y = O[2L] + sinalpha*x + cosalpha*y
.ellipsePointsOuter <- function(closed, O, a, b, alpha, n) {
x0 <- O[1L]; y0 <- O[2L]
if(!closed) {
n <- n + 1L
theta <- c(seq(0, 2 * pi, length.out = n), 0)
sintheta <- sin(theta); costheta <- cos(theta)
cosalpha <- cos(alpha); sinalpha <- sin(alpha)
slopes <- (-a * sintheta * sinalpha + b * costheta * cosalpha) /
(-a * sintheta * cosalpha - b * costheta * sinalpha)
crds <- cbind(
a * costheta * cosalpha - b * sintheta * sinalpha + x0,
a * costheta * sinalpha + b * sintheta * cosalpha + y0
intercepts <- crds[, 2L] - slopes * crds[, 1L]
i <- 1L:(n-1L)
x <- (intercepts[i] - intercepts[i+1L]) / (slopes[i+1L] - slopes[i])
y <- slopes[i]*x + intercepts[i]
out <- cbind(x = x, y = y)
if(closed) {
out <- rbind(out, c(x = x[1L], y = y[1L]))
.circlePoints <- function(t, O, r){
x = O[1] + r*cos(t),
y = O[2] + r*sin(t)
.solveTrigonometricEquation <- function(a, b, D = 0){
# solve a*cos(x) + b*sin(x) = D
if(D == 0){
return((atan2(b, a) + c(pi, -pi)/2) %% (2*pi))
d <- sqrt(a*a+b*b)
if(abs(D)/d > 1) return(NULL)
if(D == d) return(atan2(b,a) %% (2*pi))
if(D == -d) return((atan2(b,a)+pi) %% (2*pi))
e <- acos(D/d)
(atan2(b,a) + c(e, -e)) %% (2*pi)
# D = sqrt(a*a+b*b) * cos(x - atan2(b,a))
# cos(x - atan2(b,a)) = D / sqrt(a*a+b*b)
# x - atan2(b,a) = acos(D / sqrt(a*a+b*b)) or -acos(D / sqrt(a*a+b*b))
.circleAsEllipse <- function(circ){
Ellipse$new(circ$center, circ$radius, circ$radius, 0)
.EllipseFromCenterAndEigen <- function(center, e){
v <- e$vectors[,2L]
alpha <- (atan2(v[2L],v[1L]) * 180/pi) %% 180
a <- 1/sqrt(e$values[2L])
b <- 1/sqrt(e$values[1L])
Ellipse$new(center, a, b, alpha)
# .Jordan2x2 <- function(M){
# detM <- det(M)
# trM <- M[1L,1L] + M[2L,2L]
# if(abs(trM*trM - 4*detM) < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)){
# lambda <- trM/2
# if(isTRUE(all.equal(M, diag(c(lambda,lambda))))){
# list(P = diag(2L), J = M)
# }else{
# N <- M - diag(c(lambda,lambda))
# if(isTRUE(all.equal(N[,2L], c(0,0)))){
# v2 <- c(1,0)
# v1 <- N[,1L]
# }else{
# v2 <- c(0,1)
# v1 <- N[,2L]
# }
# list(P = cbind(v1,v2), J = rbind(c(1,lambda),c(0,1)))
# }
# }else{
# eig <- eigen(M)
# list(P = eig$vectors, J = diag(eig$values))
# }
# }
`%**%` <- function(M, k){
Reduce(`%*%`, replicate(k, M, simplify = FALSE))
.htrigonometricEquation <- function(a, b, D) {
# solution of a*cosh(x) + b*sinh(x) = D
a2 <- a * a
b2 <- b * b
if(a2 > b2) {
acosh(D / (a * sqrt(1 - b2/a2))) - atanh(b/a)
} else if(a2 < b2) {
asinh(D / (b * sqrt(1 - a2/b2))) - atanh(a/b)
} else if(a == b) {
} else {
.good_t <- function(H, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) {
OAB <- H$OAB()
O <- OAB[["O"]]
A <- OAB[["A"]]
B <- OAB[["B"]]
L1 <- H$L1
L2 <- H$L2
theta1 <- L1$directionAndOffset()$direction
theta2 <- L2$directionAndOffset()$direction
sgn <- if(theta2 > pi) -1 else 1
t1 <- .htrigonometricEquation(sgn*A[1L], B[1L], xmin - O[1L]) # prendre -g1 car branche ouest
if(is.nan(t1)) t1 <- 0 # -> voir ça selon la direction de l1 ou l2
t2 <- .htrigonometricEquation(A[1L], B[1L], xmax - O[1L])
if(is.nan(t2)) t2 <- 0
sgn <- if(theta1 > pi) 1 else -1
t3 <- .htrigonometricEquation(sgn*A[2L], B[2L], ymin - O[2L])
if(is.nan(t3)) t3 <- 0
t4 <- .htrigonometricEquation(A[2L], B[2L], ymax - O[2L])
if(is.nan(t4)) t4 <- 0
print(c(t1, t2, t3, t4))
#min(max(t1, t2), max(t3, t4)) # take absolute values?
min(max(abs(t1), abs(t2)), max(abs(t3), abs(t4)))
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