
Defines functions VDJ_Vgene_usage

Documented in VDJ_Vgene_usage

#'V(D)J gene usage stacked barplots
#' @description Produces a matrix counting the number of occurences for each VDJ and VJ Vgene combinations for each list enty in VDJ.clonotype.output or for each sample_id in VDJ.matrix
#' @param VDJ For platypus.version = "v2" output from VDJ_analyze function. This should be a list of clonotype dataframes, with each list element corresponding to a single VDJ repertoire. For platypus.version = "v3" output VDJ dataframe from VDJ_GEX_matrix function (VDJ_GEX_matrix.output[[1]])
#' @param group.by Character. Defaults to "sample_id". Column name of VDJ to group plot by.
#' @param platypus.version Character. Defaults to "v3". Can be "v2" or "v3" dependent on the input format
#' @return Returns a list of matrices containing the number of Vgene heavy/light chain combinations per repertoire.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' example.vdj.vgene_usage <- VDJ_Vgene_usage(VDJ =
#' Platypus::small_vgm[[1]], platypus.version = "v3")
VDJ_Vgene_usage <- function(VDJ,
    Nr_of_VDJ_chains <- NULL
    Nr_of_VJ_chains <- NULL
    sample_id <- NULL

    if(missing(platypus.version)) platypus.version <- "v3"
    #naming compatibility
    if(platypus.version == "v2"){
      VDJ.clonotype.output <- VDJ
      if(missing(VDJ.clonotype.output)) stop("When using platypus version v2 please provide an input list to VDJ.clonotype.output. If using a VDJ matrix from the function VDJ_GEX_matrix, please switch platypus.version to 'v3'")

    if(platypus.version == "v3"){
      #naming compatibility
      VDJ.matrix <- VDJ
      if(missing(VDJ.matrix)) stop("When using platypus version v3 please provide an input list to VDJ.matrix. If using the output from VDJ_clonotype, please switch platypus.version to 'v2'")

    if(platypus.version == "v2"){ #old

    Vgene_usage_matrix <- list()
    dummy_df <- list()

    for (k in 1:length(VDJ.clonotype.output)){

      #make a new column with both IgH and IgL/K V genes
      VDJ.clonotype.output[[k]]$vgenes <- paste(VDJ.clonotype.output[[k]]$HC_vgene, VDJ.clonotype.output[[k]]$LC_vgene, sep = "_")

      #Create a matrix with rows being heavy chain and columns being light chain v genes
      Vgene_usage_matrix[[k]] <- matrix(nrow = length(unique(VDJ.clonotype.output[[k]]$HC_vgene)), ncol = length(unique(VDJ.clonotype.output[[k]]$LC_vgene)))

      #give the row names and col names
      rownames(Vgene_usage_matrix[[k]]) <- unique(VDJ.clonotype.output[[k]]$HC_vgene)
      colnames(Vgene_usage_matrix[[k]]) <- unique(VDJ.clonotype.output[[k]]$LC_vgene)

      #create dummy df which will contain the counts for each combination
      dummy_df[[k]] <- as.data.frame(table(VDJ.clonotype.output[[k]]$vgenes))
      colnames(dummy_df[[k]]) <- c("vgene", "count")

      #go elementwise in the matrix and count the occurancies of each combination in the VDJ.clonotype.output$vgenes column
      for (i in 1:nrow(Vgene_usage_matrix[[k]])){
        for (j in 1:ncol(Vgene_usage_matrix[[k]])){

          if (paste0(rownames(Vgene_usage_matrix[[k]])[i], "_",colnames(Vgene_usage_matrix[[k]])[j]) %in% dummy_df[[k]]$vgene){
            Vgene_usage_matrix[[k]][i,j] <- dummy_df[[k]][which(dummy_df[[k]]$vgene == paste0(rownames(Vgene_usage_matrix[[k]])[i], "_",colnames(Vgene_usage_matrix[[k]])[j])),"count"]
          } else {
            Vgene_usage_matrix[[k]][i,j] <- 0



    } else if(platypus.version == "v3"){ #new

      Vgene_usage_matrix <- list()
      dummy_df <- list()

      #filtering for max 1VDJ 1VJ chain
      VDJ.matrix <- subset(VDJ.matrix, Nr_of_VDJ_chains == 1 & Nr_of_VJ_chains == 1)

      if(missing(group.by)) group.by <- "sample_id"
      if(group.by != "sample_id"){
        if(group.by %in% names(VDJ.matrix)){
          VDJ.matrix$sample_id <- as.character(VDJ.matrix[,group.by])
          if(any(is.na(VDJ.matrix$sample_id)) == T){
            VDJ.matrix <- VDJ.matrix[!is.na(VDJ.matrix$sample_id),]
            warning(paste0("Filtered out cells with 'NA' in grouping column"))
          message(paste0("Grouping by: ", group.by))
        } else {
        warning(paste0("Group_id '",group.by, "' was not found in VDJ. Grouping by 'sample_id'"))}

      sample_list <- list()
      for(i in 1:length(unique(VDJ.matrix$sample_id))){
        sample_list[[i]] <- subset(VDJ.matrix, sample_id == unique(VDJ.matrix$sample_id)[i])
        #removing extra cells cells to leave only 1 per clonotype
        sample_list[[i]] <- sample_list[[i]][duplicated(sample_list[[i]]$clonotype_id_10x) == F,]

      for (k in 1:length(sample_list)){

        #make a new column with both IgH and IgL/K V genes
        sample_list[[k]]$vgenes <- paste(sample_list[[k]]$VDJ_vgene, sample_list[[k]]$VJ_vgene, sep = "_")

        #Create a matrix with rows being heavy chain and columns being light chain v genes
        Vgene_usage_matrix[[k]] <- matrix(nrow = length(unique(sample_list[[k]]$VDJ_vgene)), ncol = length(unique(sample_list[[k]]$VJ_vgene)))

        #give the row names and col names
        rownames(Vgene_usage_matrix[[k]]) <- unique(sample_list[[k]]$VDJ_vgene)
        colnames(Vgene_usage_matrix[[k]]) <- unique(sample_list[[k]]$VJ_vgene)

        #create dummy df which will contain the counts for each combination
        dummy_df[[k]] <- as.data.frame(table(sample_list[[k]]$vgenes))
        colnames(dummy_df[[k]]) <- c("vgene", "count")

        #go elementwise in the matrix and count the occurancies of each combination in the sample_list$vgenes column
        for (i in 1:nrow(Vgene_usage_matrix[[k]])){
          for (j in 1:ncol(Vgene_usage_matrix[[k]])){

            if (paste0(rownames(Vgene_usage_matrix[[k]])[i], "_",colnames(Vgene_usage_matrix[[k]])[j]) %in% dummy_df[[k]]$vgene){
              Vgene_usage_matrix[[k]][i,j] <- dummy_df[[k]][which(dummy_df[[k]]$vgene == paste0(rownames(Vgene_usage_matrix[[k]])[i], "_",colnames(Vgene_usage_matrix[[k]])[j])),"count"]
            } else {
              Vgene_usage_matrix[[k]][i,j] <- 0

      names(Vgene_usage_matrix) <- unique(VDJ.matrix$sample_id)

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Platypus documentation built on Aug. 15, 2022, 9:08 a.m.