#' Making the trimmed reference and concatenating fr1-fr4
#' @description Function that takes the VDJ and the fr1-fr4 sequence per antibody
#' Based on the ref argument, if TRUE it also returns the returns in the VDJ/VJ_ref.nt/aa the trimmed reference based
#' on the alignement with the consensus.
#' @param VDJ VDJ or vgm[[1]] object, as obtained from the VDJ_GEX_matrix function in Platypus.
#' @param n_clones integer, denoting the top n clones to get the reference. If NA it is performed in all clones
#' @param samples list of sample names, with the same order as they were accessed to make the VGM
#' @param ref bool, denoting whether or not we trim the reference of the antibodies.
#' @param path_toData str, denoting the folder containing the VDJ folder with VDJ information per sample
#' @return $vdj: VDJ containing the VDJ/VJ_ref.nt/aa columns if ref = TRUE and the full_VDJ, full_VJ columns with the fr1-fr4. $clones: clone_ids for which a reference was made.
#' @importFrom magrittr %<>%
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' try({
#' samples = c('LCMV', 'TNFR')
#' vgm = read("VGM.RData")
#' n_clones = 20
#' result = VDJ_extract_germline_consensus_ref(vgm$VDJ, n_clones,
#' samples, ref = TRUE,
#' path_toData="../Data/")
#' VDJ = result[1]$vdj
#' clone_counts = result[2]$clones
#' })
#' }
VDJ_extract_germline_consensus_ref<- function(VDJ, n_clones = NA, samples = NA, ref = TRUE, path_toData = "../Data/"){
if(missing(VDJ)) stop("Please input your VDJ data frame!")
if(missing(n_clones)) n_clones <- NA
if(missing(samples)) samples <- NA
if(missing(ref)) ref <- TRUE
if(missing(path_toData)) path_toData <- "../Data/"
barcode <- NULL
chain <- NULL
VDJ_barcode <- NULL
trim_ref <- function(consensus, reference){
#Trims the reference based on the first and last codon
# consensus: Consensus sequence for the clonotype and chain
# reference: Full reference sequence for the clonotype and chain
if ( |{
return ("")
#Since I make consensus with the concatenation of fr1-fr4 consensus, it shouldnt need to be trimmed since it is already at apropriate shape
s1 <- Biostrings::DNAString(consensus)
s2 <- Biostrings::DNAString(reference)
globalAlign <- Biostrings::pairwiseAlignment(s1, s2, type="global-local")
new_reference <- as.character(globalAlign@subject)
return (new_reference)
ref_per_cell = function(row, consensus_data, examined_refs){
#Functions that does the reference trimming for one cell on both chains
# row: Vgm row for the cell to be examines
# consensus_data: The consensus information for the specific cell
# examined_refs: A names list with existed computed references per clone, so that we don't trim the same reference more than once.
# output: A list with [[1]] containing the VDJ.nt VDJ.aa VJ.aa VJ.nt
# [[2]] containing the examined_refs updated with new trimmed references
#Subset the vgm on one specific cell and extract the barcode, to map the results to the original vgm
vgm_barcode = row
barcode = vgm_barcode["barcode"]
#if(nrow(VDJ[VDJ$barcode == barcode,])!=0){
output = list(VDJ_ref.aa = "", VDJ_ref.nt = "", VJ_ref.aa = "", VJ_ref.nt = "")
for (chain in c("VDJ","VJ")){
#Due to the issue with the consensus id of th VGM, take it from the reference id
con_id = stringr::str_sub(vgm_barcode[[paste(chain,"_raw_consensus_id",sep="")]],-1,-1)
clonotype_cons = vgm_barcode[[paste(chain,"_raw_consensus_id",sep="")]]
#In case the cell has only light or only heavy chain, skip the process
if(clonotype_cons == ""){
reference_n = ""
if(!clonotype_cons %in% names(examined_refs)){
#Get the first sequence in the clonotype and start trimming the ref
reference_n = vgm_barcode[[paste(chain, "_raw_ref", sep="")]]
consensus_n = consensus_data[consensus_data["consensus_id"] == paste(clone, "_consensus",con_id,sep=""),]
consensus_n = paste(consensus_n["fwr1_nt"], consensus_n["cdr1_nt"], consensus_n["fwr2_nt"], consensus_n["cdr2_nt"],
consensus_n["fwr3_nt"], consensus_n["cdr3_nt"], consensus_n["fwr4_nt"],sep = "")
#Trim reference
reference_n = trim_ref(consensus_n, reference_n)
examined_refs[clonotype_cons] = reference_n
reference_n = examined_refs[[clonotype_cons]]
output[paste(chain,"_ref.nt",sep = "")] = reference_n
output[paste(chain,"_ref.aa",sep = "")] = translate_DNA(reference_n)
#VDJ[VDJ$barcode == barcode,paste(chain,"_ref_trimmed_nt",sep = "")] = reference_n
#VDJ[VDJ$barcode == barcode,paste(chain,"_ref_trimmed_aa",sep = "")] = translate_DNA(reference_n)
return(list(output, examined_refs))
translate_DNA<- function(sequence){
#Gets a nucleotide sequence with also "-" and turns it into an aminonacid sequence
if (sequence == ""){
genetic_code <- list(
"TTT"="F", "TTC"="F", "TTA"="L", "TTG"="L",
"TCT"="S", "TCC"="S", "TCA"="S", "TCG"="S",
"TAT"="Y", "TAC"="Y", "TAA"="*", "TAG"="*",
"TGT"="C", "TGC"="C", "TGA"="*", "TGG"="W",
"CTT"="L", "CTC"="L", "CTA"="L", "CTG"="L",
"CCT"="P", "CCC"="P", "CCA"="P", "CCG"="P",
"CAT"="H", "CAC"="H", "CAA"="Q", "CAG"="Q",
"CGT"="R", "CGC"="R", "CGA"="R", "CGG"="R",
"ATT"="I", "ATC"="I", "ATA"="I", "ATG"="M",
"ACT"="T", "ACC"="T", "ACA"="T", "ACG"="T",
"AAT"="N", "AAC"="N", "AAA"="K", "AAG"="K",
"AGT"="S", "AGC"="S", "AGA"="R", "AGG"="R",
"GTT"="V", "GTC"="V", "GTA"="V", "GTG"="V",
"GCT"="A", "GCC"="A", "GCA"="A", "GCG"="A",
"GAT"="D", "GAC"="D", "GAA"="E", "GAG"="E",
"GGT"="G", "GGC"="G", "GGA"="G", "GGG"="G"
codons <- strsplit(sequence, "(?<=.{3})", perl=TRUE)[[1]] #Break into codons
for (codon_id in 1:length(codons)){
if(nchar(codons[codon_id]) < 3){ #If codon is less than 2 chars, ignore it
codons[codon_id] = ""
}else if (grepl("-", codons[codon_id], fixed = TRUE)){ #If it contains missing nucleotides ignore it
codons[codon_id] = "-" #Maybe i should remove it altogether and not leave a dash
} else{
codons[codon_id] = genetic_code[[codons[codon_id]]]
sequence <- paste(codons, collapse="")
VDJ_merge_chain <- function(VDJ, samples, path_toData) {
#Merges cell entries per chain, into one entry per cell.
#Author: Aurora
#Binding all contig annotations files in a unique file
all_contig_annotations = data.frame()
for (x in samples) {
x = paste(path_toData,"VDJ/",x,"/",sep="")
contig_annotations <- utils::read.csv(paste(x,"filtered_contig_annotations.csv",sep="")) %>%
#Removing final -1 from barcodes
dplyr::mutate(VDJ_barcode = substr(barcode,1,nchar(barcode)-2))
all_contig_annotations = rbind(all_contig_annotations, contig_annotations)#CHANGE BECAUSE OF DIFFERENT collumns LCMV TNFR2 files
#Dividing into heavy and light chain
contigs_HC <- subset(all_contig_annotations, chain == "IGH") %>%
#Selecting columns of interest
dplyr::select("fwr1", "fwr1_nt", "cdr1", "cdr1_nt",
"fwr2", "fwr2_nt", "cdr2", "cdr2_nt",
"fwr3", "fwr3_nt", "cdr3", "cdr3_nt",
"fwr4", "fwr4_nt", "umis", "VDJ_barcode")
#Adding prefix to differentiate
colnames(contigs_HC)[0:15] <- paste('HC', colnames(contigs_HC)[0:15], sep = '_')
#Repeating for light chain
contigs_LC <- subset(all_contig_annotations, chain %in% c("IGK","IGL")) %>%
dplyr::select("fwr1", "fwr1_nt", "cdr1", "cdr1_nt",
"fwr2", "fwr2_nt", "cdr2", "cdr2_nt",
"fwr3", "fwr3_nt", "cdr3", "cdr3_nt",
"fwr4", "fwr4_nt", "umis", "VDJ_barcode")
colnames(contigs_LC)[0:15] <- paste('LC', colnames(contigs_LC)[0:15], sep = '_')
#Removing sample nr from barcode from VDJ
VDJ %<>% dplyr::mutate(VDJ_barcode = sub(".*_","",barcode))
#Joining columns of interest to the initial VDJ
VDJ_HC_contigs <- dplyr::left_join(VDJ, contigs_HC, by="VDJ_barcode")
VDJ_contigs <- dplyr::left_join(VDJ_HC_contigs, contigs_LC, by="VDJ_barcode") %>%
VDJ_contigs$full_VDJ <- paste0(VDJ_contigs$HC_fwr1_nt,
VDJ_contigs$full_VJ <- paste0(VDJ_contigs$LC_fwr1_nt,
#Master function code
if(ref == FALSE){
#Just keep the 1 light 1 heavy chain and find the FULL VDJ
VDJ <- VDJ[grepl(";",VDJ$VDJ_chain_contig) == FALSE,]
VDJ <- VDJ[grepl(";",VDJ$VJ_chain_contig) == FALSE,]
VDJ = VDJ_merge_chain(VDJ, samples, path_toData)
if("VDJ_ref.nt" %in% names(VDJ) | "VDJ_ref.aa" %in% names(VDJ) | "VJ_ref.nt" %in% names(VDJ) | "VJ_ref.aa" %in% names(VDJ)){
message("Reference is already trimmed")
sample_id = 0
VDJ["VDJ_ref.nt"] = "None"
VDJ["VJ_ref.nt"] = "None"
VDJ["VDJ_ref.aa"] = "None"
VDJ["VJ_ref.aa"] = "None"
VDJ["rank_post_filter"] = -1
clone_counts_all = c()
for (i in samples){
#Path to the sample data
path = paste(path_toData, "VDJ/",i,"/",sep = "")
#Examined sample_id
sample_id = sample_id + 1
#read the consensus
consensus = utils::read.csv(paste(path,"consensus_annotations.csv",sep=""), sep=",")
vgm_subset = VDJ[VDJ$sample_id == paste("s",sample_id,sep = ""),]
#Filtering for one light one heavy chain
VDJ <- VDJ[grepl(";",VDJ$VDJ_chain_contig) == FALSE,]
VDJ <- VDJ[grepl(";",VDJ$VJ_chain_contig) == FALSE,]
clone_counts = table(vgm_subset$clonotype_id)
total_clones = length(clone_counts)
used_clones = n_clones
message("Computing ref for all ", total_clones," clones")
used_clones = total_clones
}else if(n_clones>total_clones){
message("Wanted clones exceed the clones in the VDJ. Computing ref for the top ", total_clones," clones instead")
used_clones = total_clones
topn_clones = names(clone_counts[order(-clone_counts)][1:used_clones])
clone_counts_all[[i]] = topn_clones
#for each clonotype find the reference
clone_rank = 1
for (clone in topn_clones){
VDJ[(VDJ$sample_id == paste("s",sample_id,sep = "") & VDJ$clonotype_id == clone), "rank_post_filter"] = clone_rank
#Fetching the light and heavy reference IS IT REALLY 2-LIGHT AND 1-HEAVY?
vgm_clone = vgm_subset[(vgm_subset$clonotype_id == clone),]#CHANGE NOT TO BE DONE ONCE PER ITEM
consensus_curr = consensus[consensus$clonotype_id == clone,]
#In case clone does not exist
if (is.null(vgm_clone)){
#Trim consensus and map to reference
examined_refs = c()
for (row_n in rownames(vgm_clone)){
vgm_cell = vgm_clone[row_n,]
out = ref_per_cell(vgm_cell,consensus_curr,examined_refs)
examined_refs = out[[2]]
output = out[[1]]
for(name in names(output)){
VDJ[VDJ$barcode == vgm_cell$barcode,name] = output[name]
clone_rank = clone_rank + 1
VDJ = VDJ_merge_chain(VDJ, samples, path_toData)
return(list(vdj = VDJ,clones = clone_counts_all))
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