#' Fits a piecewise glm model with lags
#' This function fits a piecewise poisson model to the frequency data of different Species. It assumes that the data
#' contains columns Year, Frequency and Specimens.
#' @param data a dataframe containing the columns Species (optional), Year, Frequency and Specimens.
#' @param yeardata a dataframe containing the columns Year and Specimens giving the total number of Specimens for each Year.
#' @param species list of species for which the model is to be fitted. Default is NULL, which fits the model for all species in the data.
#' @param knots a list of knots to be used for the piecewise model. Default is NULL, which chooses the optimal model with 0-4 knots.
#' @param zeros logical. Specifies whether missing year for the species will be filled with zeros. Default is TRUE.
#' @param plotlag logical. If TRUE a plot of the fitted model will be produced for each species.
#' @param plotfreq logical. If TRUE frquency plots will be created for each species.
#' @return If the model is fit for a single species following are returned as a list
#' \itemize{
#' \item Species - Species name
#' \item Scene - Different scenario of the fit between the knots. A sequence of 0, + or - is returned. A 0 indicates constant, + indicates increasing and a - indicates decreasing.
#' \item Lag - Logical. Is there a lag present or not.
#' \item Laglength - Length of the first lag. Position of the First Knot - the first year for that species
#' \item FirstYear - The first year for that species for which data is available.
#' \item EndYear - The first knot position.
#' \item fit - the fitted model.
#' }
#' @return If the number of species is more than one, then a list is returned with following items:
#' \itemize{
#' \item fitdata - dataframe is returned with the items in the above list except for the fitted model.
#' \item fitcoefs - list of coefficients for the piecewise fits for each Species
#'#Run lagfit for 1 species only
#'Species = unique(fdata$Species) #List of all species
#'fit1 = lagfit(fdata, yeardata, species=Species[1])
#'#Run lagfit for multiple species
#'fit2 = lagfit(fdata, yeardata, species=Species[1:3])
#'fitdata = fit2$fitdata #Dataframe containing fits
#'fitcoefs = fit2$fitcoefs #List containing slopes of the fitted splines
#'#Run lagfit for the whole dataset
#'fitall = lagfit(fdata, yeardata)
#' @importFrom graphics abline lines polygon rug
#' @importFrom stats fitted glm na.omit optim poisson predict quantile vcov
#' @export
lagfit = function(data, yeardata, species = NULL, knots=NULL, zeros=TRUE, plotlag=FALSE, plotfreq=FALSE){
# plotlag - TRUE if you want plot.lagphase for each species
# plotfreq - TRUE if you want frequency plot for each species
outscene <- NULL
outslopes <- NULL
outlag <- NULL
outlaglength <- NULL
outfirstyear <- NULL
outendyear <- NULL
Species = unique(as.character(data$Species))
else Species = species
# Run the main loop
for( i in 1: length(Species)){
sdata = get.species(data,yeardata, species = Species[i], zeros = zeros)
if(length(sdata$Year) >= 2) { #Insufficient data check to fit models
#outisland = c(outisland,island)
outspecies = c(outspecies, Species[i])
fit0 = lagphase(sdata, knots, zeros=zeros, order=1)
# Check for the scenario
endyear = NA
scene = '0'
slopes ='0'
if(fit0$coef[2] >0) scene = '+'
if(fit0$coef[2] <0) scene = '-'
slopes = as.character(round(fit0$coef[2],3))
coefl = fit0$coef
nknots = length(fit0$knots)
vcoef = vcov(fit0)
scene = NULL
slopes = NULL
coefl = fit0$coef[1]
for(iknot in 1:(nknots+1)){
beta = sum(fit0$coef[2:(iknot+1)])
coefl = c(coefl,beta)
varbeta = 0.0
for(j in 2:(iknot+1)){
varbeta = varbeta + sum(vcoef[j, 2:(iknot+1)])
sebeta = sqrt(varbeta)
if( {
else tstat = beta/sebeta
if(tstat > 2.0) {
scene = paste0(scene,'+')
slopes = paste(slopes, round(beta,3), ';')
else {
if(tstat < -2.0) {
scene = paste0(scene,'-')
slopes = paste(slopes, round(beta,3), ';')
else {
scene = paste0(scene,'0')
slopes = paste(slopes, '0', ';')
firstscene = substr(scene,1,1)
firstyear = fit0$Year[1]
if(firstscene != '0'){
fit0$lagphase = FALSE
fit0$lengthlag = NA
endyear = fit0$knots[1]
else endyear = NA
outlag = c(outlag, fit0$lagphase)
outlaglength = c(outlaglength,fit0$lengthlag)
outfirstyear = c(outfirstyear, firstyear)
outendyear = c(outendyear, endyear)
outscene = c(outscene, scene)
outslopes = c(outslopes, slopes)
if(plotlag) growthplot(fit0)
if(plotfreq) freqplot(fit0)
sname= Species[i]
coeflist = list(coefl)
fitlist = append(fitlist, coeflist)
if (length(Species) > 1){
fitdata = data.frame(Species = outspecies, Scene = outscene, Lag =outlag, Laglength = outlaglength, FirstYear=outfirstyear, EndYear=outendyear, Slopes = outslopes)
out = list(fitdata=fitdata, fitcoefs = fitlist)
if(length(sdata$Year) >= 2) {
out = list(Species = outspecies, Scene = outscene, Lag =outlag, Laglength = outlaglength, FirstYear=outfirstyear, EndYear=outendyear)
out$fit = fit0
else {
print('There is insufficient data')
# Extract Frequency data for given island and Species from data
# If zeros=TRUE, include zeros in returned data
get.species <- function(x, y, species, zeros=TRUE)
if ("Species" %in% colnames(x)) out <- subset(x, x$Species==species)
else out = x
out <- out[,c("Year","Frequency", "Specimens")]
# Sort the data by Year
yorder = order(out$Year)
out = out[yorder,]
indx = which(diff(out$Year)==0)
out = out[-(indx+1),]
yrs <- min(out$Year):max(out$Year)
zeros <-,nrow=length(yrs),ncol=3))
colnames(zeros) <- colnames(out)
zeros[,"Year"] <- yrs
j <- is.element(zeros[,"Year"],out[,"Year"])
zeros[j,"Frequency"] <- out[,"Frequency"]
j1 <- is.element(y[,"Year"],zeros[,"Year"])
j2 <- is.element(zeros[,"Year"], y[,"Year"])
zeros[j2,"Specimens"] <- y[j1,"Specimens"]
out <- zeros
# Either way, Frequency is missing if Specimens=0
#out$Frequency[out$Specimens==0] <- NA
out <- as.list(out)
out$Species <- species
#out$Island <- island
# Main function. Give it a set of data where the columns include
# Year
# Frequency
# Specimens
# It will find appropriate knots if not specified
# It will choose an appropriate order if not specified
# Just don't give it knots but no order
# If gam=TRUE, it will return a gam model instead.
lagphase <- function(data, knots=NULL, order=1, gam=FALSE,zeros=TRUE)
# Set zeros to missing
data$Frequency[data$Frequency==0] <- NA
data$Frequency[data$Specimens==0] <- NA
# Fit gam
gamfit <- gam(Frequency ~ s(Year), offset=log(data$Specimens), data=data, family=poisson)
gamfit$Year <- data$Year
gamfit$name <- data$Species
# Otherwise fit a glm
# Check if knots==0 meaning no knots to be included
if(knots==0) # i.e., no knots to be included
# Fit model with no knots
suppressWarnings(fit <- glm(Frequency ~ 1, offset=log(data$specimens), data=data, family=poisson, na.action=na.omit))
fit$Year <- data$Year
fit$name <- data$Species
fit$data <- data
fit$lengthlag <- NA
fit$lagphase <- FALSE
class(fit) <- c("lagphase","glm","lm")
# Otherwise proceed
# Choose order if not provided
stop("Not implemented. If you specify the knots, you need to specify the order.")
fit1 <- lagphase(data, order=1)
fit3 <- lagphase(data, order=3)
bestfit <- fit1
if(AICc(fit3) < AICc(bestfit))
bestfit <- fit3
# Otherwise proceed with specified order
return(lagphase.knots(knots, data, order))
# Otherwise order specified but knots unspecified
# Choose some initial knots
knots <- quantile(data$Year,prob=c(0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8))
names(knots) <- NULL
# Fit best 4, 3, 2, 1 and 0 knot models
fit4 <- optim(knots, tryknots, data=data, order=order)
fit3 <- optim(knots[2:4], tryknots, data=data, order=order)
fit2 <- optim(knots[c(2,4)], tryknots, data=data, order=order)
fit1 <- optim(knots[2], tryknots, data=data, order=order, method="Brent",
lower=min(data$Year), upper=max(data$Year))
suppressWarnings(fit0 <- glm(Frequency ~ 1, offset=log(data$Specimens), family=poisson, data=data, na.action=na.omit))
fitl <- glm(Frequency ~ Year, offset=log(data$Specimens), family=poisson, data=data, na.action=na.omit)
# Find best of these models:
bestfit <- fit4
if(fit3$value < bestfit$value)
bestfit <- fit3
if(fit2$value < bestfit$value)
bestfit <- fit2
if(fit1$value < bestfit$value)
bestfit <- fit1
if(AICc(fit0) < bestfit$value)
bestfit <- fit0
bestfit$Year <- data$Year
bestfit$name <- data$Species
bestfit$data <- data
bestfit$scene <- "constant"
else if(AICc(fitl) < bestfit$value)
bestfit <- fitl
bestfit$Year <- data$Year
bestfit$name <- data$Species
bestfit$data <- data
bestfit$scene <- "linear"
else { # Refit best model
bestfit$par = round(bestfit$par)
bestfit <- lagphase.knots(bestfit$par, data=data, order=order)
bestfit$lagphase <- FALSE
bestfit$lengthlag <- NA
# Fit model with lag phase followed by growth
# where knots and order are specified
lagphase.knots <- function(knots, data, order=1)
x <- matrix(NA,ncol=length(knots)+1,nrow=length(data$Year))
x[,1] <- data$Year
for(i in 1:length(knots))
x[,i+1] <- pmax((data$Year-knots[i])^order,0)
suppressWarnings(fit <- glm(Frequency ~ x, offset=log(data$Specimens), family=poisson, data=data, na.action=na.omit))
fit$knots <- knots
names(fit$knots) <- paste("K",1:length(knots),sep="")
fit$Year <- data$Year
fit$order <- order
fit$name <- data$Species
fit$data <- data
# Check if there is a lag phase and record it
fit$lengthlag <- NA
if(length(fit$knots) > 0)
if(fit$coef[2] != 0)
fit$lengthlag <- fit$knots[1] - min(data$Year)
fit$lagphase <- !$lengthlag)
class(fit) <- c("lagphase","glm","lm")
# Check that the specified knots make sense.
# Then use lagphase.knots to fit the model
# Returns AIC of fitted model
tryknots <- function(knots, data, order)
# Knots must be interior to the data
knots = round(knots)
if(min(knots) < min(data$Year))
if(max(knots) > max(data$Year))
# Knots must be five Years apart and ordered
if(length(knots) > 1)
dk <- diff(knots)
if(min(diff(knots)) < 5)
# Number of points in between each knots must at least 2
if(length(knots) > 0)
npoint = tapply(data$Frequency, cut(data$Year, breaks=unique(c(min(data$Year), knots, max(data$Year)))), function(x) sum(x!=0))
if(all( return(1e50)
if (min(npoint, na.rm=TRUE) < 2) return(1e50)
# OK. Now fit the model
fit <- lagphase.knots(knots, data, order)
# Return the AICc of the fitted model
# Function to return corrected AIC from a fitted object
AICc <- function(object)
aic <- object$aic
k <- length(object$coefficients)
n <- object$df.residual+k
aicc <- aic + 2*k*(k+1)/(n-k-1)
if(aicc == Inf) aicc=1e50
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