
many.pval <- function(stat.indices, law.index, n = 100, M = 10^5, N = 100, alter = create.alter(stat.indices), law.pars = NULL,
                      parstats = NULL, null.dist = 2, null.pars = NULL, method = c("direct","MC"), Rlaw.index = NULL, Rnull.dist = NULL,
                      Rstats = NULL, center=FALSE, scale = FALSE) {

    if (any(stat.indices == 0) & is.null(Rstats)) stop("'Rstats' should be a list whose components are R functions.")
    if (any(stat.indices == 0)) {
        if (!is.list(Rstats)) stop("'Rstats' should be a list whose components are R functions.")
        for (i in 1:length(stat.indices)) if ((stat.indices[i] == 0) & !is.function(Rstats[[i]])) stop(paste("The ", i, "th component of 'Rstats' should be an R function", sep = ""))
    if(is.null(Rstats)) Rstats <- list(NULL)
    if (is.function(Rlaw.index) & (law.index != 0)) stop("You should set 'law.index' to 0 when 'Rlaw.index' is a (random generating) function.")
    if (is.function(Rnull.dist) & (null.dist != 0)) stop("You should set 'null.dist' to 0 when 'Rnull.dist' is a (random generating) function.")
    if (is.null(Rlaw.index) & (law.index == 0)) stop("If 'law.index' is set to 0 then 'Rlaw.index' should be a (random generating) function.")
    if (is.null(Rnull.dist) & (null.dist == 0)) stop("If 'null.dist' is set to 0 then 'Rnull.dist' should be a (random generating) function.")

    if(getRversion() < "3.1.0") dontCheck <- identity
    method <- match.arg(method)
    nbstats <- length(stat.indices)
    if (!is.null(parstats)) {
        if (!is.list(parstats)) stop("'parstats' should be a named list")
    if (!is.list(alter)) stop("'alter' should be a named list")
    if (!all(alter %in% 0:4)) stop("'alter' should take values in {0,1,2,3,4}!")
    stats.index <- as.numeric(sub("stat", "", names(alter)))
    if (!(any(stats.index %in% stat.indices))) stop("Indices of statistic in 'stat.indices' and 'alter' should match!")
    if (!is.null(law.pars)) {    
        nblaw.pars <- length(law.pars)
        if (nblaw.pars > 4) stop("The maximum number of law parameters is 4. Contact the package author to increase the value!")
    if (!is.null(null.pars)) {    
        nbnull.pars <- length(null.pars)
        if (nbnull.pars > 4) stop("The maximum number of null.dist parameters is 4. Contact the package author to increase the value!")
    if ((law.index == 0) & is.null(law.pars)) {  law.pars <- formals(match.fun(match.call()$Rlaw.index))[-1]}
    if ((null.dist == 0) & is.null(null.pars)) {  null.pars <- formals(match.fun(match.call()$Rnull.dist))[-1]}
    nbparstatsvec <- rep(NA, nbstats)
    for (i in 1:nbstats) {nbparstatsvec[i] <- length(parstats[[i]])}        
### when method is "direct", we check if any of p-values is NA. If yes we stop and suggest to change to "MC" method.
    if (method == "direct") {
        for (i in 1:nbstats) {
            xtmp <- rnorm(10)
            if (stat.indices[i] != 0) {
              # call .C function to obtain a p-value
                Cstat.name <- "tmp" # To remove a NOTE at R CMD check
                Cstat.name <- paste("stat", stat.indices[i], sep = "")
                pvaluetmp <- (.C(dontCheck(Cstat.name), as.double(xtmp), as.integer(length(xtmp)),0.05,
                                 1L, rep(" ", 50), 0L, statistic = 0.0, pvalcomp = 1L, pvalue = 0.0, cL = 0.0,
                                 cR = 0.0, 0L, alter = 3L, decision = 0L,
                                 paramstat = 0.0, nbparamstat = 0L, PACKAGE = "PoweR"))$pvalue
            } else {
                pvaluetmp <- .Call("statcomputeRcpp", as.function(Rstats[[i]]), as.double(xtmp), as.double(0.05), PACKAGE = "PoweR")$pvalcomp
            if (pvaluetmp == 0L) stop("No direct method exists to compute test statistic (", stat.indices[i], ")'s p-value. You should use MC method instead!")
        if ((law.index == 0) | any(stat.indices == 0)) {
            if (!is.function(Rlaw.index)) stop("'Rlaw.index' should be a function.")
            matrix.pval <- matrix(.Call("matrixpvalRcpp", as.integer(N), as.integer(law.index), as.integer(n),
                                        nbparams = as.integer(length(law.pars)), as.double(law.pars), as.integer(stat.indices),
                                        as.integer(nbstats), as.integer(unlist(alter)), as.double(unlist(parstats)),
                                        as.integer(nbparstatsvec), res = as.double(rep(0.0, N * nbstats)), Rlaw.index = Rlaw.index, Rstats,
                                        as.integer(center), as.integer(scale),
                                        PACKAGE = "PoweR"), nrow = N, ncol = nbstats)
        } else {
            matrix.pval <- matrix(.C("matrixpval", as.integer(N), as.integer(law.index), as.integer(n),
                                     nbparams = as.integer(length(law.pars)), as.double(law.pars), as.integer(stat.indices),
                                     as.integer(nbstats), as.integer(unlist(alter)), as.double(unlist(parstats)),
                                     as.integer(nbparstatsvec), res = as.double(rep(0.0, N * nbstats)), as.integer(center),
                                     as.integer(scale), DUP = TRUE, # Before, there was DUP=FALSE. I hope I do not introduce a problem here!!!
                                     PACKAGE = "PoweR")$res, nrow = N, ncol = nbstats)
### MC method
    if (method == "MC") {
        if ((law.index == 0) | (null.dist == 0) | any(stat.indices == 0)) {
            if ((law.index == 0) & !is.function(Rlaw.index)) stop("'Rlaw.index' should be a function.")
            if ((null.dist == 0) & !is.function(Rnull.dist)) stop("'Rnull.dist' should be a function.")
            if (is.null(Rlaw.index)) Rlaw.index <- function(){}
            if (is.null(Rnull.dist)) Rnull.dist <- function(){}
            matrix.pval <- matrix(.Call("matrixpvalMCRcpp", as.integer(n), law.index = as.integer(law.index), as.integer(nbstats),
                                        as.integer(M), as.integer(stat.indices), as.integer(nbparstatsvec), as.double(unlist(parstats)),
                                        funclist = list(function(){}), as.integer(N), null.dist = as.integer(null.dist),
                                        nbparams = as.integer(length(law.pars)), as.integer(unlist(alter)), as.double(unlist(parstats)),
                                        as.integer(nbparstatsvec), res = as.double(rep(0, N * nbstats)), Rlaw.index = Rlaw.index, Rnull.dist = Rnull.dist, Rstats,
                                        as.integer(center), as.integer(scale), PACKAGE = "PoweR"), nrow = N, ncol = nbstats)
        } else {
            matrix.pval <- matrix(.C("matrixpvalMC", as.integer(n), law.index = as.integer(law.index), as.integer(nbstats),
                                     as.integer(M), as.integer(stat.indices), as.integer(nbparstatsvec), as.double(unlist(parstats)),
                                     funclist = list(function(){}), as.integer(N), null.dist = as.integer(null.dist),
                                     nbparams = as.integer(length(law.pars)), as.integer(unlist(alter)), as.double(unlist(parstats)),
                                     as.integer(nbparstatsvec), res = as.double(rep(0, N * nbstats)), as.integer(center), as.integer(scale), PACKAGE = "PoweR")$res, nrow = N, ncol = nbstats)
  ## set names for rows and columns of matrix.pval
    colnames(matrix.pval) <- c(getindex()$mat.stats[stat.indices, 2])
    if (law.index == 0) {
        rownames(matrix.pval)[1:N] <- paste(match.call()$Rlaw.index, "(", paste(law.pars, collapse = ","), ")", sep = "")
    } else {
        rownames(matrix.pval)[1:N] <- law.cstr(law.index, law.pars)$name
    return(list(pvals = matrix.pval, stat.indices = stat.indices, n = n, M = M, alter = alter, parstats = parstats, null.dist = null.dist, method = method))

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PoweR documentation built on May 2, 2019, 2:09 p.m.