
### R code from vignette source 'ch-tcltk.Rnw'

### code chunk number 1: ch-tcltk.Rnw:3-28

noPrompt <- function() {
  options(prompt=" ")
  options(continue=" ")
doPrompt <- function() {
  options(prompt="> ")
  options(continue="+ ")
noTclPrint <- function(x, ...) {
  y <- try(as.character(x))
  if(inherits(y,"try-error")) {
  } else if(length(y) == 0 ||
            (length(y) == 1 && nchar(y) == 0 )) {
print.tclObj <- noTclPrint

### code chunk number 2: simpleExample
window <- tktoplevel()
tkwm.title(window, "Simple dialog")
frame <- ttkframe(window, padding = c(3,3,12,12))
tkpack(frame, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")
nested_frame <- ttkframe(frame); tkpack(nested_frame)
label <- ttklabel(nested_frame, text = "Enter your name:")
tkpack(label, side = "left")
text_var <- tclVar("")
entry <- ttkentry(nested_frame, textvariable = text_var)
button_frame <- ttkframe(frame)
tkpack(button_frame, anchor = "ne")
button <- ttkbutton(button_frame, text = "Click")
tkpack(button, side = "right")
handler <- function() {
  msg <- sprintf("Hello %s", tclvalue(text_var))
tkconfigure(button, command = handler)

### code chunk number 3: Overview.Rnw:170-173
.Tcl("set x {some text}")               # assignment
.Tcl("puts $x")                         # prints to stdout

### code chunk number 4: Overview.Rnw:181-182
.Tcl("string length $x")                # call a command

### code chunk number 5: Overview.Rnw:210-212
## To simplify coercion to logical, we define a new method:
as.logical.tclObj <- function(x, ...) as.logical(as.numeric(x))

### code chunk number 6: Overview.Rnw:227-231
## set up label for Sweave below. Not shown
window <- tktoplevel()
label <- ttklabel(window)

### code chunk number 7: Overview.Rnw:234-235
tkconfigure(label, text = "new text")

### code chunk number 8: eval
window <- tktoplevel()

### code chunk number 9: Overview.Rnw:350-351
label <- ttklabel(nested_frame, text = "Enter your name:")

### code chunk number 10: Overview.Rnw:389-390
head(as.character(tkconfigure(label)))      # first 6 only

### code chunk number 11: Overview.Rnw:400-402
tkcget(label, "-text")               # retrieve text property
tkcget(label, text = NULL)           # alternate syntax

### code chunk number 12: Overview.Rnw:409-410
as.character(tkcget(label, text = NULL))

### code chunk number 13: Overview.Rnw:414-415
tclvalue(tkcget(label, text = NULL))

### code chunk number 14: str

### code chunk number 15: Overview.Rnw:453-457 (eval = FALSE)
## tkpack(frame, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")
## tkpack(label, side = "left")
## tkpack(entry)
## tkpack(button_frame, anchor = "ne")

### code chunk number 16: Overview.Rnw:485-487 (eval = FALSE)
## text_var <- tclVar("")
## entry <- ttkentry(g, textvariable = text_var)

### code chunk number 17: Overview.Rnw:502-504
tclvalue(text_var) <- "Somebody's name"

### code chunk number 18: Overview.Rnw:508-509

### code chunk number 19: tclVarExample (eval = FALSE)
## x <- tclVar(1)
## print(x)                           # a tclVar object
## tclvalue(x)                        # internal name
## as.numeric(tclvalue(x))            # get value then coerce

### code chunk number 20: tclArrayExample
x <- tclArray()                    # no init
x$one <- 1; x[[2]] <- 2            # $<- and [[<-
x[[1]]                             # no match by index
names(x)                           # the stored names
x[['2']]                           # match by name, not index

### code chunk number 21: Overview.Rnw:550-557
button <- ttkbutton(button_frame, text = "Click")
handler <- function() {
  msg <- sprintf("Hello %s", tclvalue(text_var))
tkconfigure(button, command = handler)

### code chunk number 22: Overview.Rnw:594-597 (eval = FALSE)
## window <- tktoplevel()
## frame <- ttkframe(window, padding = c(3,3,12,12))
## tkpack(frame, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")

### code chunk number 23: Overview.Rnw:626-627
.Tcl("ttk::style theme names")

### code chunk number 24: Overview.Rnw:631-632
.Tcl("ttk::style theme use clam")

### code chunk number 25: has-focus
as.logical(tcl(button, "instate", "focus"))

### code chunk number 26: Overview.Rnw:646-647
tcl(button, "state", "disabled")             # not sensitive

### code chunk number 27: Overview.Rnw:650-651
tcl(button, "state", "!disabled")            # sensitive again

### code chunk number 28: WindowClass
tkwinfo("class", label)

### code chunk number 29: Overview.Rnw:756-759
window <- tktoplevel()

### code chunk number 30: classOfChildren
(children <- tkwinfo("children", window))
sapply(as.character(children), function(i) tkwinfo("class",i))

### code chunk number 31: Overview.Rnw:796-798
tkconfigure(label, foreground = "red")
tkconfigure(label, foreground = "#00aa00")

### code chunk number 32: Overview.Rnw:819-820
tkconfigure(label, font = "TkFixedFont")

### code chunk number 33: Overview.Rnw:827-841
DF <- rbind(
            c("\\code{TkDefaultFont}","Default font for all GUI items not otherwise specified"),
            c("\\code{TkTextFont}","Font for text widgets"),
            c("\\code{TkFixedFont}","Fixed-width font"),
            c("\\code{TkMenuFont}","Menu bar fonts"),
            c("\\code{TkHeadingFont}","Font for column headings"),
            c("\\code{TkCaptionFont}","Caption font (dialogs)"),
            c("\\code{TkSmallCaptionFont}","Smaller caption font"),
            c("\\code{TkIconFont}","Icon and text font")
colnames(DF) <- c("Standard font name", "Description")
             caption="Standard font names defined by a theme.",

### code chunk number 34: Overview.Rnw:846-849
tkfont.create("our_font", family = "Helvetica", size = 12, 
              weight = "bold")
tkconfigure(label, font = "our_font")

### code chunk number 35: fontSizes
font_measure <- tcl("font", "measure", "TkTextFont", "M")
font_width <- as.integer(tclvalue(font_measure))
tmp <- tkfont.metrics("TkTextFont", "linespace" = NULL)
font_height <- as.numeric(tclvalue(tmp))
c(width = font_width, height = font_height)

### code chunk number 36: Overview.Rnw:912-913
tkimage.create("photo", "::img::tclLogo", file = "tclp.gif")

### code chunk number 37: Overview.Rnw:938-940
label <- ttklabel(window, image = "::img::tclLogo", 
                  text = "logo text", compound = "top")

### code chunk number 38: Overview.Rnw:942-943

### code chunk number 39: Overview.Rnw:958-959
tkconfigure("::img::tclLogo", palette = 16)

### code chunk number 40: Overview.Rnw:964-966
## redo changing of palette
tkconfigure("::img::tclLogo", palette = "fullcolor")

### code chunk number 41: Ctrl-q-binding
window <- tktoplevel()
button <- ttkbutton(window, text = "Some widget with focus")
tkbind(window, "<Control-q>", function() tkdestroy(window))

### code chunk number 42: bind_examples
window <- tktoplevel()
label <- ttklabel(window, text = "Click Ok for a message")
button1 <- ttkbutton(window, text = "Cancel", 
                command = function() tkdestroy(window))
button2 <- ttkbutton(window, text = "Ok", command=function() {
  print("initiate an action")
sapply(list(label, button1, button2), tkpack)
tkbind(window, "C", function() tcl(button1, "invoke"))
tkconfigure(button1, underline = 0)
tkbind(window, "O", function() tcl(button1, "invoke"))
tkconfigure(button2, underline = 0)
tkbind("TButton", "<Return>", function(W) {
  tcl(W, "invoke")

### code chunk number 43: Overview.Rnw:1112-1114
 tkevent.add("<<Paste>>", "<Control-y>")
 tkevent.add("<<Save>>", "<Control-x><Control-s>")

### code chunk number 44: Overview.Rnw:1123-1124
tkevent.generate(button, "<<Save>>")

### code chunk number 45: Overview.Rnw:1192-1201
window <- tktoplevel()
button <- 
  ttkbutton(window, text = "Click me for the x,y position")
tkbind(button, "<ButtonPress-1>", function(W, x, y, X, Y) {
  print(W)                              # an ID
  print(c(x, X))                        # character class
  print(c(y, Y))

### code chunk number 46: ReturnValueDoesNotStopPropogation (eval = FALSE)
## ## This example illustrates how handlers are different in tcltk than Tk
## ## In this case we can't break out of the chain of handlers called in tcltk
## library(tcltk)
## window <- tktoplevel()
## button <- ttkbutton(window, text = "click me", command = function() {
##   ## default command: bind Button <1> {tk::ButtonDown %W}
##   print("hi")
## })
## tkpack(button)
## tkbind(button, "<Button-1>", function() {
##   print("hello")
##   .Tcl("return -code break") ## doesn't suppress call of other
## })
## ## in Tcl returning -code break suppresses call to next handler
## .Tcl("toplevel .w")
## .Tcl("wm title .w {title}")
## .Tcl("button .w.b -text {Click me} -command {puts hi}")
## .Tcl("pack .w.b")
## #.Tcl("bind .w.b <Button-1> {puts hello}")
## .Tcl("bind .w.b <Button-1> {puts hello; return -code break}") ## no hi

### code chunk number 47: Overview.Rnw:1246-1261 (eval = FALSE)
## after_ID <- ""
## some_flag <- TRUE
## repeat_call <- function(ms = 100, f) {
##   after_ID <<- tcl("after", ms, function() {
##     if(someFlag) {                      
##       f()
##       after_ID <<- repeat_call(ms, f)
##     }  else {
##       tcl("after", "cancel", after_ID)
##     }
##   })
## }
## repeat_call(2000, function() {
##   print("Running. Set someFlag <- FALSE to stop.")
## })

### code chunk number 48: ex-tcltk-dnd.Rnw:19-23
## ex-tcltk-dnd
## Example of drag and drop
## idea from

### code chunk number 49: ex-tcltk-dnd.Rnw:29-35
window <- tktoplevel()
b_drag <- ttkbutton(window, text = "Drag me")
b_drop <- ttkbutton(window, text = "Drop here")
tkpack(ttklabel(window, text = "Drag over me"))

### code chunk number 50: dndGlobalVariables
.dragging <- FALSE                 # currently dragging?
.drag_value <- ""                  # value to transfer
.last_widget_id <- ""              # last widget dragged over

### code chunk number 51: defineDragLabel
## make a drag label to pop up during dragging to show text
## label idea from
## not shown in text, but here as an example if desired
tcl("image", "create", "photo", "::dnd::icon",
    data = paste(                         # uuencode gif image of document
      sep = ""))
drag_label <- tktoplevel()
tkwm.title(drag_label, "")
tkwm.resizable(drag_label, FALSE,FALSE)  # no size handler in Mac OS X
tkwm.withdraw(drag_label)                # minimize window
tclServiceMode(TRUE)                    # back to redrawing
tkwm.overrideredirect(drag_label, TRUE)  # Should remove title bar (not in Mac OS X)
## can set this using tkconfigure
drag_label_label <- ttklabel(drag_label, image = "::dnd::icon", text = "this space for rent", compound = "left")

### code chunk number 52: buttonPressEvent
tkbind(b_drag,"<ButtonPress-1>",function(W) {
  .dragging <<-  TRUE
  .drag_value <<- as.character(tkcget(W,text = NULL))
  .last_widget_id <<- as.character(W)

### code chunk number 53: ex-tcltk-dnd.Rnw:84-86
## If using drag_label, you can add this line to handler code:
## tkconfigure(drag_label_label, text = .drag_value)

### code chunk number 54: ex-tcltk-dnd.Rnw:103-122
tkbind(window, "<B1-Motion>", function(W, X, Y) {
  if(!.dragging) return()
  ## see cursor help page in API for more options
  ## For custom cursors cf. 
  tkconfigure(W, cursor = "coffee_mug")  # set cursor

  win <- tkwinfo("containing", X, Y)    # widget mouse is over
  if(as.logical(tkwinfo("exists", win))) # does widget exist?
    tkevent.generate(win, "<<DragOver>>")

  ## generate drag leave if we left last widget
  if(as.logical(tkwinfo("exists", win)) &&
     nchar(as.character(win)) > 0 && 
     length(.last_widget_id) > 0) {     # if not character(0) 
    if(as.character(win) != .last_widget_id) 
      tkevent.generate(.last_widget_id, "<<DragLeave>>")
  .last_widget_id <<- as.character(win)

### code chunk number 55: ex-tcltk-dnd.Rnw:125-129
## if doing example with drag label, include the following in the motion event callback
## XXX Doesn't raise window above
##  tkwm.deiconify(drag_label)
##  tkwm.geometry(drag_label, paste("+",X,"+",Y, sep = "")) # put in offset if desired

### code chunk number 56: ex-tcltk-dnd.Rnw:136-149
 tkbind(b_drag, "<ButtonRelease-1>", function(W, X, Y) {
  if(!.dragging) return()
  w <- tkwinfo("containing", X, Y)
  if(as.logical(tkwinfo("exists", w))) {
    tkevent.generate(w, "<<DragLeave>>")
    tkevent.generate(w, "<<DragDrop>>")
    tkconfigure(w, cursor = "")
  .dragging <<- FALSE
  .last_widget_id <<- "" 
  tkconfigure(W, cursor = "")

### code chunk number 57: ex-tcltk-dnd.Rnw:152-154
## if doing drag_label, we have this as well:
## tkwm.withdraw(drag_label)

### code chunk number 58: ex-tcltk-dnd.Rnw:161-165
tkbind(b_drop,"<<DragOver>>",function(W) {
    tcl(W, "state", "active")

### code chunk number 59: ex-tcltk-dnd.Rnw:170-176
tkbind(b_drop,"<<DragLeave>>", function(W) {
  if(.dragging)  {
    tkconfigure(W, cursor = "")
    tcl(W, "state", "!active")  

### code chunk number 60: ex-tcltk-dnd.Rnw:182-186
tkbind(b_drop,"<<DragDrop>>", function(W) {
  tkconfigure(W, text = .drag_value)
  .drag_value <- ""

### code chunk number 61: BasicContainers.Rnw:119-125
## set up window etc. for example
window <- tktoplevel()
tkwm.title(window, "Simple text entry example")
entry <- tktext(window)

### code chunk number 62: example-wm-delete-window
tkwm.protocol(window, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", function() {
  modified <- tcl(entry, "edit", "modified")
  if(as.logical(modified)) {
    response <- 
      tkmessageBox(icon = "question",
                   message = "Really close?",
                   detail = "Changes need to be saved",
                   type = "yesno",
                   parent = window)
    if(as.character(response) == "no")
  tkdestroy(window)                     # otherwise close

### code chunk number 63: newWindow
newWindow <- function(title, command, parent,
                      width, height) {
  window <- tktoplevel()

  if(!missing(title)) tkwm.title(window, title)

    tkwm.protocol(window, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", function() {
      if(command())            # command returns logical

  if(!missing(parent)) {
    parent_window <- tkwinfo("top-level", parent)
    if(as.logical(tkwinfo("viewable", parent_window))) {
      tkwm.transient(window, parent)
  if(!missing(width)) tkconfigure(window, width = width)
  if(!missing(height)) tkconfigure(window, height = height)

  window_system <- tclvalue(tcl("tk", "windowingsystem"))
  if(window_system == "aqua") {
    frame <- ttkframe(window, padding = c(3,3,12,12))
  } else {
    int_frame <- ttkframe(window, padding = 0)
    tkpack(int_frame, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")
    frame <- ttkframe(int_frame, padding = c(3,3,12,0))
    sizegrip <- ttksizegrip(int_frame)
    tkpack(sizegrip, side = "bottom", anchor = "se")
  tkpack(frame, expand = TRUE, fill = "both", side = "top")


### code chunk number 64: rotateLabels
window <- tktoplevel()
frame <- ttkframe(window, padding = c(3,3,12,12))
tkpack(frame, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")
x <- strsplit("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ...", "\\s")[[1]]
labels <- lapply(x, function(i) ttklabel(frame, text = i))
sapply(labels, function(i) tkpack(i, side = "left"))
rotateLabel <- function() {
  children <- as.character(tkpack("slaves", frame))
  tkpack(children[1], after = children[length(children)], 
         side = "left")

### code chunk number 65: BasicContainers.Rnw:341-342 (eval = FALSE)
## for(i in 1:20) {rotateLabel(); Sys.sleep(1)}

### code chunk number 66: padding-pady-ipady
## Code to make padding/pady/ipady figure
## padding
w <- tktoplevel();
tkwm.title(w, "Padding/pady/ipady")
f1 <- ttkframe(w, padding = c(3,3,12,12))  # Some breathing room
tkpack(f1, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")     # For window expansion

f <- ttkframe(f1,padding = 20, border = 1);
tkpack(f, side = "left", expand = TRUE, fill = "x")
tkpack(ttkbutton(f, text = "padding"))
tkpack(ttkbutton(f, text = "padding"))

tkpack(ttkseparator(f1, orient = "vertical"), expand = TRUE, fill = "y", side = "left")

##  pady outside border
f <- ttkframe(f1, border = 1)
tkpack(f, side = "left", expand = TRUE, fill = "both")
tkpack(ttkbutton(f, text = "pady"), pady = 10)
tkpack(ttkbutton(f, text = "pady"), pady = 10)

tkpack(ttkseparator(f1, orient = "vertical"), expand = TRUE, fill = "y", side = "left")
## ipady within border
f <- ttkframe(f1, border = 1)
tkpack(f, side = "left", expand = TRUE, fill = "both")
tkpack(ttkbutton(f, text = "ipady"), ipady = 10)
tkpack(ttkbutton(f, text = "ipady"), ipady = 10)

### code chunk number 67: BasicContainers.Rnw:404-416
## not shown
## sets up window with some child components to illustrate
## tkpack("configure", ...)
window <- tktoplevel()
tkwm.title(window, "tkpack configure example")
frame <- ttkframe(window, padding = 5)
tkpack(frame, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")
l <- list()
for(i in 1:5) {
  l[[i]] <- ttklabel(frame, text = i)
  tkpack(l[[i]], side = "left")

### code chunk number 68: BasicContainers.Rnw:423-426
all_children <- as.character(tkwinfo("children", frame))
sapply(all_children, tkpack.configure,  padx = 10, pady = 5)

### code chunk number 69: anchorPoints
## Example of anchor arguments
## not shown in text
w <- tktoplevel()
tkwm.title(w, "anchor arguments")
f <- ttkframe(w, padding = c(3,3,12,12)); tkpack(f, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")
tr <- ttkframe(f); mr <- ttkframe(f); br <- ttkframe(f)
sapply(list(tr, mr, br), tkpack, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")
tkpack(ttklabel(tr, text = "nw"), anchor = "nw", expand = TRUE, side = "left")
tkpack(ttklabel(tr, text = "n"),  anchor = "n",  expand = TRUE, side = "left")
tkpack(ttklabel(tr, text = "ne"), anchor = "ne", expand = TRUE, side = "left")
tkpack(ttklabel(mr, text = "w"),       anchor = "w",       expand = TRUE, side = "left")
tkpack(ttklabel(mr, text = "center"),  anchor = "center",  expand = TRUE, side = "left")
tkpack(ttklabel(mr, text = "e"),       anchor = "e",       expand = TRUE, side = "left")
tkpack(ttklabel(br, text = "sw"), anchor = "sw", expand = TRUE,  side = "left")
tkpack(ttklabel(br, text = "s"),  anchor = "s",  expand = TRUE,  side = "left")
tkpack(ttklabel(br, text = "se"), anchor = "se", expand = TRUE,  side = "left")

### code chunk number 70: expandFill
window <- tktoplevel()
tkwm.title(window, "Expand/Fill arguments")
frame <- ttkframe(window, padding = c(3,3,12,12))
tkpack(frame, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")
pack_btn <- function(txt, ...) 
  tkpack(button <- ttkbutton(frame, text = txt), ...)
pack_btn("Top",    side="top",    expand=TRUE, fill="both") 
pack_btn("Bottom", side="bottom", expand=TRUE, fill="both") 
pack_btn("Left",   side="left",   expand=TRUE, fill="both") 
pack_btn("Right",  side="right",  expand=TRUE, fill="both") 

### code chunk number 71: BasicContainers.Rnw:537-539
children <- as.character(tkwinfo("children", frame))
sapply(children, tkpack.configure, fill = "none")

### code chunk number 72: BasicContainers.Rnw:554-555 (eval = FALSE)
## tkwm.geometry(window, "")

### code chunk number 73: BasicContainers.Rnw:560-561 (eval = FALSE)
## tkwinfo("top-level", button)

### code chunk number 74: NotEnoughSpace
## example of last in first covered
## Create this GUI, then shrink window with the mouse
w <- tktoplevel()
f <- ttkframe(w); tkpack(f, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")

g1 <- ttkframe(f); tkpack(g1, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")
g2 <- ttkframe(f); tkpack(g2, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")

b11 <- ttkbutton(g1, text = "first")
b12 <- ttkbutton(g1, text = "second")
b21 <- ttkbutton(g2, text = "first")
b22 <- ttkbutton(g2, text = "second")

tkpack(b11, side = "left"); tkpack(b12, side = "left")
tkpack(b21, side="right"); tkpack(b22, side = "right")
## Now shrink window

### code chunk number 75: ex-tcltk-pack.Rnw:1-4
## pack examples
## how to pack in buttons

### code chunk number 76: ex-tcltk-pack.Rnw:7-11
window <- tktoplevel()
tkwm.title(window, "Examples using pack as a geometry manager")
frame <- ttkframe(window, padding = c(3,3,12,12))
tkpack(frame, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")

### code chunk number 77: ex-tcltk-pack.Rnw:31-36
frame_1 <- ttklabelframe(frame, text="plain vanilla")
tkpack(frame_1, expand = TRUE, fill = "x")
l <- function(f) 
  list(ttkbutton(f, text="cancel"), ttkbutton(f, text="ok"))
sapply(l(frame_1), tkpack, side = "left")

### code chunk number 78: moveRight
frame_2 <- ttklabelframe(frame, text = "push to right")
tkpack(frame_2, expand = TRUE, fill = "x")
tkpack(ttklabel(frame_2, text = " "), 
       expand = TRUE, fill = "x", side = "left")
sapply(l(frame_2), tkpack, side = "left")

### code chunk number 79: appleSays
frame_3 <- ttklabelframe(frame, text="push right with space")
tkpack(frame_3, expand = TRUE, fill = "x")
tkpack(ttklabel(frame_3, text = " "), expand=TRUE, fill="x", 
       side = "left")
sapply(l(frame_3), tkpack, side = "left", padx = 6)

### code chunk number 80: ex-tcltk-simple-dialog.Rnw:11-15
## example of  simple non-modal dialog
## much taken from msgbox.tcl in tk source


### code chunk number 81: ex-tcltk-simple-dialog.Rnw:19-25
title <- "message dialog"
message <- "Do you like tcltk so far?"
parent <- NULL
tkimage.create("photo", "::img::tclLogo", 
               file = system.file("images","tclp.gif",
                 package = "ProgGUIinR"))

### code chunk number 82: ex-tcltk-simple-dialog.Rnw:30-35
window <- tktoplevel()
tkwm.title(window, title)
tkwm.state(window, "withdrawn")
frame <- ttkframe(window,  padding = c(3, 3, 12, 12))
tkpack(frame, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")

### code chunk number 83: ex-tcltk-simple-dialog.Rnw:45-58
if(!is.null(parent)) {
  parent_window <- tkwinfo("toplevel", parent)
  if(as.logical(tkwinfo("viewable", parent_window))) {
    tkwm.transient(window, parent)
    ## have fun with OS X
    if(as.character(tcl("tk", "windowingsystem")) == "aqua") {
      tcl("wm","attributes", parent_window, notify = TRUE)
      tkbind(parent_window, "<Enter>", function() 
             tcl("wm","attributes", parent_window, 
                 notify = FALSE))       # stop bounce

### code chunk number 84: ex-tcltk-simple-dialog.Rnw:63-65
label <- ttklabel(frame, image = "::img::tclLogo", padding=5) 
tkpack(label, side = "left")

### code chunk number 85: ex-tcltk-simple-dialog.Rnw:71-76
frame_1 <- ttkframe(frame)
tkpack(frame_1, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")
m <- ttklabel(frame_1, text = message)
tkpack(m, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")

### code chunk number 86: ex-tcltk-simple-dialog.Rnw:80-82
frame_2 <- ttkframe(frame_1)

### code chunk number 87: ex-tcltk-simple-dialog.Rnw:86-97
ok_callback <- function() {
  print("That's great")
ok_button <- ttkbutton(frame_2, text = "OK", 
                       command = ok_callback)
cancel_button <- ttkbutton(frame_2, text = "Cancel", 
                    command = function() tkdestroy(window))
tkpack(ok_button, side = "left", padx = 12)  # give some space

### code chunk number 88: ex-tcltk-simple-dialog.Rnw:105-110
tkbind("TButton", "<Return>", function(W) tcl(W, "invoke"))
tkbind("TButton", "<FocusIn>", function(W) 
       tcl(W, "state", "active"))
tkbind("TButton", "<FocusOut>", function(W) 
       tcl(W, "state", "!active"))

### code chunk number 89: ex-tcltk-simple-dialog.Rnw:115-118
tkwm.state(window, "normal")
tkwm.resizable(window, FALSE, FALSE)

### code chunk number 90: BasicContainers.Rnw:639-644
window <- tktoplevel()
tkwm.title(window, "tkgrid.rowconfigure example")
parent <- ttkframe(window); tkpack(parent)
child <- ttklabel(parent, text = "test")

### code chunk number 91: BasicContainers.Rnw:647-648
tkgrid.rowconfigure(parent, 0, weight = 1)

### code chunk number 92: ex-tcltk-toolbar.Rnw:1-4
## Toolbar example in Tk
## tbFrame and Frame are key containers

### code chunk number 93: ex-tcltk-toolbar.Rnw:18-21
window <- tktoplevel(); tkwm.title(window, "Toolbar example")
frame <- ttkframe(window, padding = c(3,3,12,12))
tkpack(frame, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")

### code chunk number 94: ex-tcltk-toolbar.Rnw:27-29
tool_bar_frame <- ttkframe(frame, padding = 0)
content_frame <- ttkframe(frame, padding = 4)

### code chunk number 95: ex-tcltk-toolbar.Rnw:36-44
tkgrid(tool_bar_frame, row = 0, column = 0, sticky = "we")
tkgrid(content_frame, row = 1, column = 0, sticky  =  "news")
tkgrid.rowconfigure(frame, 0, weight = 0)
tkgrid.rowconfigure(frame, 1, weight = 1)
tkgrid.columnconfigure(frame, 0, weight = 1)
txt <- "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..." # sample text
tkpack(ttklabel(content_frame, text = txt))

### code chunk number 96: ex-tcltk-toolbar.Rnw:50-52
tcl("ttk::style", "configure", "Toolbar.TButton", 
    font = "helvetica 12", padding = 0, borderwidth = 0)

### code chunk number 97: ex-tcltk-toolbar.Rnw:58-75
make_icon <- function(parent, stock_name, command = NULL) {
  icon_file <- system.file("images", 
                          paste(stock_name,"gif",sep = "."), 
                          package = "gWidgets")
  if(nchar(icon_file) == 0) {
    b <- ttkbutton(parent, text = stock_name, width = 6)
  } else {
    icon_name <- paste("::img::",stock_name, sep = "")
    tkimage.create("photo", icon_name, file = icon_file)
    b <- ttkbutton(parent, image = icon_name, 
                   style = "Toolbar.TButton", text=stock_name, 
                   compound = "top", width = 6)
      tkconfigure(b, command = command)

### code chunk number 98: addButtons
sapply(c("ok", "quit", "cancel"), function(i)
       tkpack(make_icon(tool_bar_frame, i), side = "left"))

### code chunk number 99: ex-tcltk-toolbar.Rnw:90-93
setState <- function(W, state) tcl(W, "state", state)
tkbind("TButton","<Enter>",function(W) setState(W, "active"))
tkbind("TButton","<Leave>",function(W) setState(W, "!active"))

### code chunk number 100: checkStyle
function(W) {
  if(as.character(tkcget(W, "-style")) == "Toolbar.TButton")
    cat("... do something for toolbar buttons ...")

### code chunk number 101: ex-tcltk-grid-layout.Rnw:7-34
##' from chron with slight change to arguments
day.of.week <- function (year, month, day) {
    ix <- year + trunc((month - 14)/12)
    jx <- (trunc((13 * (month + 10 - (month + 10)%/%13 * 12) - 
        1)/5) + day + 77 + (5 * (ix - (ix%/%100) * 100))%/%4 + 
        ix%/%400 - (ix%/%100) * 2)

## is this a valid date
validDate <- function(year, month, day) 
  !"%s-%s-%s", year, month, day), format = "%Y-%m-%d"))

## how many days in a month <- function(year, month) {
  for(i in c(31, 30, 29, 28)) {
    if(validDate(year, month, i))
## 0-based week of month
week.of.month <- function(year, month, day) { <- day.of.week(year, month, 1)
  ( + day - 1) %/% 7

### code chunk number 102: ex-tcltk-grid-layout.Rnw:47-64
make_month <- function(parent, year, month) {
  ## add headers
  days <- c("S","M","T","W","Th","F","S")
  sapply(1:7, function(i) {
    label <- ttklabel(parent, text = days[i])       
    tkgrid(label, row = 0, column = i-1, sticky = "")
  ## add days
  sapply(seq_len(, month)), 
         function(day) {
           label <- ttklabel(parent, text = day)
           row <- ProgGUIinR:::week.of.month(year, month, day)
           col <- ProgGUIinR:::day.of.week(year, month, day)
           tkgrid(label, row = 1 + row, column = col,
                  sticky = "e")

### code chunk number 103: ex-tcltk-grid-layout.Rnw:69-70
year <- 2000; month <- 1

### code chunk number 104: ex-tcltk-grid-layout.Rnw:75-82
window <- tktoplevel()
frame <- ttkframe(window, padding = c(3,3,12,12))
tkpack(frame, expand = TRUE, fill = "both", side = "top")
c_frame <- ttkframe(frame)
cal_frame <- ttkframe(frame)
tkpack(c_frame, fill = "x", side = "top")
tkpack(cal_frame, expand = TRUE, anchor = "n")

### code chunk number 105: ex-tcltk-grid-layout.Rnw:88-96
previous_button <- ttklabel(c_frame, text = "<")
next_button <- ttklabel(c_frame, text = ">")
current_month <- ttklabel(c_frame)
tkpack(previous_button, side = "left", anchor = "w")
tkpack(current_month, side = "left", anchor = "center", 
       expand = TRUE)
tkpack(next_button, side = "left", anchor = "e")

### code chunk number 106: stackedWidget
set_month <- function() {
  tkpack("forget", cal_frame)
  cal_frame <<- ttkframe(frame)
  make_month(cal_frame, year, month)
  tkconfigure(current_month,              # month label
              text = sprintf("%s %s",[month], year))
set_month()                              # initial calendar

### code chunk number 107: connectSignal
tkbind(previous_button, "<Button-1>", function() {
  if(month > 1) {
    month <<- month - 1
  } else {
    month <<- 12; year <<- year - 1

### code chunk number 108: ex-tcltk-grid-layout.Rnw:132-140
tkbind(next_button, "<Button-1>", function() {
 if(month < 12) {
    month <<- month + 1
  } else {
    month <<- 1; year <<- year + 1

### code chunk number 109: ex-tcltk-grid-layout.Rnw:146-151
tkbind("TLabel", "<Button-1>", function(W) {
  day <- as.numeric(tkcget(W, "-text"))
    print(sprintf("You selected: %s/%s/%s", month, day, year))

### code chunk number 110: panedWindowExample
window <- tktoplevel()
tkwm.title(window, "Paned window example")
paned <- ttkpanedwindow(window, orient = "horizontal")
tkpack(paned, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")
left <- ttklabel(paned, text = "left")
right <- ttklabel(paned, text = "right")
tkadd(paned, left, weight = 1)
tkadd(paned, right, weight = 2)

### code chunk number 111: BasicContainers.Rnw:732-734
tcl(paned, "forget", right)
tkadd(paned, right, weight = 2) ## how to add back

### code chunk number 112: BasicContainers.Rnw:743-745
width <- as.integer(tkwinfo("width", paned))  # or "height"
tcl(paned, "sashpos", 0, floor(0.75*width))

### code chunk number 113: BasicContainers.Rnw:754-758
## ttknotebook example
window <- tktoplevel();
tkwm.title(window, "Notebook example")
notebook <- ttknotebook(window); tkpack(notebook, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")

### code chunk number 114: notebookExample
icon_file <- system.file("images",paste("help","gif",sep="."),
                        package = "gWidgets")
icon_name <- "::tcl::helpIcon"
tkimage.create("photo", icon_name, file = icon_file)
page2_label <- ttklabel(notebook, text = "Page 2")
tkadd(notebook, page2_label, sticky = "nswe", text="label 2", 
    image = icon_name, compound = "right")
## put page 1 label first (a tabID of 0); use tkinsert
page1_label <- ttklabel(notebook, text = "Page 1")
tkinsert(notebook, 0, page1_label, sticky = "nswe", 
         text = "label 1")

### code chunk number 115: BasicContainers.Rnw:817-822
tcl(notebook, "index", "current")    # current page for tabID
length(as.character(tcl(notebook,"tabs")))  # number of pages
tcl(notebook, "select", 0)           # select by index
tcl(notebook, "forget", page1_label) # "forget" removes a page
tcl(notebook, "add", page1_label)    # can be managed again.

### code chunk number 116: notebookTraversal
tcl("ttk::notebook::enableTraversal", notebook)

### code chunk number 117: tkMessageBox (eval = FALSE)
## tkmessageBox(title = "Confirm", message = "Really exit?", 
##              detail = "Changes need saving.", 
##              icon = "question", type = "okcancel")

### code chunk number 118: tkwait
msg <- "We care ..."
dialog <- tktoplevel(); tkwm.withdraw(dialog)
tkwm.overrideredirect(dialog, TRUE)   # no decoration
frame <- ttkframe(dialog, padding = 5)
tkpack(frame, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")
tkpack(ttklabel(frame, text = msg), pady = 5)

### code chunk number 119: waitVariable
flag <- tclVar("")
tkpack(ttkbutton(frame, text="dismiss", command=function() {
  tclvalue(flag) <- "Destroy"

### code chunk number 120: Dialogs.Rnw:72-74 (eval = FALSE)
## tkwm.deiconify(dialog)
## tkwait.variable(flag)

### code chunk number 121: getOpen (eval = FALSE)
## tkgetOpenFile(filetypes = paste(
##                 "{{jpeg files} {.jpg .jpeg} }",
##                 "{{png files} {.png}}",
##                 "{{All files} {*}}", sep = " ")) # needs space

### code chunk number 122: Dialogs.Rnw:121-147
window <- tktoplevel()
tkwm.title(window, "File menu example")
menu_bar <- tkmenu(window)
tkconfigure(window, menu = menu_bar)
file_menu <- tkmenu(menu_bar)
tkadd(menu_bar, "cascade", label="File", menu = file_menu)

tkadd(file_menu,"command", label = "Source file...",
      command =  function() {
        file_name <- tkgetOpenFile(filetypes=
                        "{{R files} {.R}} {{All files} *}")
        if(file.exists(file_name <- as.character(file_name)))
tkadd(file_menu, "command", label = "Save workspace as...",
      command = function() {
        file_name <- tkgetSaveFile(defaultextension = "Rsave")
        if(nchar(fname <- as.character(file_name)))
          save.image(file = file_name)
tkadd(file_menu, "command", label="Set working directory...",
      command = function() {
        dir_name <- tkchooseDirectory()
        if(nchar(dir_name <- as.character(dir_name)))

### code chunk number 123: ColorSelection
window <- tktoplevel()
tkwm.title(window, "Select a color")
frame <- ttkframe(window, padding = c(3,3,3,12))
tkpack(frame, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")
color_well <- tkcanvas(frame, width = 40, height = 16, 
                      background = "#ee11aa",
                      highlightbackground = "#ababab") 
tkpack(ttklabel(frame, text = "Click color to change"))
tkbind(color_well,"<Button-1>", function(W) {
  color <- tcl("tk_chooseColor", parent = W, 
               title = "Set box color")
  color <- tclvalue(color)
    tkconfigure(W, background = color)

### code chunk number 124: Widgets.Rnw:34-37
value <- tclVar(TRUE)
tclvalue(value) <- FALSE

### code chunk number 125: setup-window
window <- tktoplevel(); tkwm.title(window, "Check button example")
frame <- ttkframe(window); tkpack(frame, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")

### code chunk number 126: make-TCL-variables
value_var <- tclVar(TRUE)
callback <- function() print(tclvalue(value_var)) # uses global
label_var <- tclVar("check button label")
check_button <- 
  ttkcheckbutton(frame, variable = value_var, 
                 textvariable = label_var, command = callback)

### code chunk number 127: Widgets.Rnw:99-100
tkconfigure(check_button, style = "Toolbutton")

### code chunk number 128: Widgets.Rnw:112-113
tkcget(check_button, "variable" = NULL)

### code chunk number 129: ourTclVar
our_tcl_var <- function(...) {
  var <- tclVar(...)
  .TkRoot$env[[as.character(var)]] <- var
## lookup function
get_tcl_var_by_id <- function(id) {

### code chunk number 130: our_tcl_varExample
window <- tktoplevel(); tkwm.title(window, "Check button example")
frame <- ttkframe(window); tkpack(frame, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")
value_var <- our_tcl_var(TRUE)

### code chunk number 131: Widgets.Rnw:142-146
callback <- function(W) {
  id <- tkcget(W, "variable" = NULL)

### code chunk number 132: Widgets.Rnw:149-155
label_var <- tclVar("check button label")
  ttkcheckbutton(frame, variable = value_var, 
                 textvariable = label_var)
tkbind(check_button, "<Button-1>", callback)

### code chunk number 133: radio-button-1
window <- tktoplevel(); tkwm.title(window, "Radio example")
frame <- ttkframe(window, padding = c(3,3,12,12)); tkpack(frame, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")

### code chunk number 134: radio-button-2
values <- c("less", "greater", "two.sided")
var <- tclVar(values[3])                # initial value
callback <- function() print(tclvalue(var))
sapply(values, function(i) {
  radio_button <- ttkradiobutton(frame, variable = var, 
                                 text = i, value = i, 
                                 command = callback)
  tkpack(radio_button, side = "top", anchor = "w")

### code chunk number 135: entryExample
window <- tktoplevel()
tkwm.title(window, "Entry widget test")
frame <- ttkframe(window, padding = c(3,3,12,12)); tkpack(frame, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")

### code chunk number 136: entryExampleDef
txt_var <- tclVar("initial value")
entry <- ttkentry(window, textvariable = txt_var)

### code chunk number 137: Widgets.Rnw:228-230
tclvalue(txt_var) <- "set value"

### code chunk number 138: tkget

### code chunk number 139: tkinsert
tkinsert(entry, "end", "new text")

### code chunk number 140: Widgets.Rnw:254-255
tkdelete(entry, 0, 4)

### code chunk number 141: Widgets.Rnw:263-264
tkicursor(entry, 0)                         # move to beginning

### code chunk number 142: Widgets.Rnw:272-273
tkselection.range(entry, 0, "end")

### code chunk number 143: InitialMsg
## "R5" class for ttk entry with initial message

### code chunk number 144: ex-tcltk-initial-message.Rnw:16-23
setOldClass(c("tkwin", "tclVar"))
TtkEntry <- setRefClass("TtkEntry",
                        fields = list(
                          entry = "tkwin",     # entry
                          tcl_var  = "tclVar", # text variable
                          init_msg = "character"

### code chunk number 145: init-msg-style
.Tcl("ttk::style configure Gray.TEntry -foreground gray") 

### code chunk number 146: init-msg-methods
                 is_init_msg = function() {
                   "Is the init text showing?"
                   as.character(tclvalue(tcl_var)) == init_msg
                 hide_init_msg = function() {
                   "Hide the initial text"
                   if(is_init_msg()) {
                     tkconfigure(entry, style = "TEntry")
                     set_text("", hide = FALSE)
                 show_init_msg = function() {
                   "Show the initial text"
                   tkconfigure(entry, style = "Gray.TEntry")
                   set_text(init_msg, hide = FALSE)

### code chunk number 147: get-set-text
                 set_text = function(text, hide = TRUE) {
                   "Set text into widget"
                   if(hide) hide_init_msg()
                   tcl_var_local <- tcl_var   # avoid warning
                   tclvalue(tcl_var_local) <- text
                 get_text = function() {
                   "Get the text value"

### code chunk number 148: add-bindings
                 add_bindings = function() {
                   "Add focus bindings to make this work"
                   tkbind(entry, "<FocusIn>", hide_init_msg)
                   tkbind(entry, "<FocusOut>", function() {
                     if(nchar(get_text()) == 0)

### code chunk number 149: ex-tcltk-initial-message.Rnw:96-109
   initialize = function(parent, text, init_msg = "", ...) {
     tcl_var <<- tclVar()
     entry <<- ttkentry(parent, textvariable = tcl_var)
     init_msg <<- init_msg

### code chunk number 150: ex-tcltk-initial-message.Rnw:116-126
window <- tktoplevel()
widget <- TtkEntry$new(parent = window, 
                       init_msg = "type value here")
button <- ttkbutton(window, text = "focus out onto this", 
               command = function() {

### code chunk number 151: ex-tcltk-validation.Rnw:6-40
## Example of using validation to adjust the date
## in case a user doesn't use desired format

## Docs on validation
## The -validate, -validatecommand, and -invalidcommand options are used to enable entry widget validation.
## There are two main validation modes: prevalidation, in which the -validatecommand is evaluated prior to each edit and the return value is used to determine whether to accept or reject the change; and revalidation, in which the -validatecommand is evaluated to determine whether the current value is valid.

## The -validate option determines when validation occurs; it may be set to any of the following values:

## none
##     Default. This means validation will only occur when specifically requested by the validate widget command.

## key
##     The entry will be prevalidated prior to each edit (specifically, whenever the insert or delete widget commands are called). If prevalidation fails, the edit is rejected.

## focus
##     The entry is revalidated when the entry receives or loses focus.

## focusin
##     The entry is revalidated when the entry receives focus.

## focusout
##     The entry is revalidated when the entry loses focus.

## all
##     Validation is performed for all above conditions.

## The -invalidcommand is evaluated whenever the -validatecommand returns a false value.

## The -validatecommand and -invalidcommand may modify the entry widget's value via the widget insert or delete commands, or by setting the linked -textvariable. If either does so during prevalidation, then the edit is rejected regardless of the value returned by the -validatecommand.

## If -validatecommand is empty (the default), validation always succeeds.

### code chunk number 152: ex-tcltk-validation.Rnw:44-49
## test of validation command
## tricky bit is that validation commands must return TRUE or FALSE
## we can do this with tcl("eval","FALSE") or .Tcl("expr false")


### code chunk number 153: ex-tcltk-validation.Rnw:85-92
date_patterns <- c()
for(i in list(c("%m","%d","%Y"),        # U.S. style
              c("%m","%d","%y"))) {
  for(j in c("/","-"," ") )
    date_patterns[length(date_patterns)+1] <- 
      paste(i,sep = "", collapse = j)

### code chunk number 154: setValidDateCallback
is_valid_date <- function(W, P) { # P is the current value
  for(i in date_patterns) {
    date <- try( as.Date(P, format = i), silent = TRUE)
    if(!inherits(date, "try-error") && ! {
      tkconfigure(W, foreground = "black")  # or use style
      tkdelete(W, 0,"end")
      tkinsert(W, 0, format(date, format = "%m/%d/%y"))

### code chunk number 155: setInvalidCallback
indicate_invalid_date <- function(W) {
  tkconfigure(W, foreground = "red")
  tcl("expr", "TRUE")

### code chunk number 156: notShown
## A simple GUI to show the entry widget.
window <- tktoplevel(); tkwm.title(window, "Validation of date example")
frame <- ttkframe(window, padding = c(3,3,12,12)); tkpack(frame, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")
tkpack(ttklabel(frame, text = "Enter a date (mm/dd/yy):"), side = "left", padx = 2)

### code chunk number 157: entryWidgetWithValidation
entry <- ttkentry(frame, validate = "focusout",
                  validatecommand = is_valid_date,
                  invalidcommand = indicate_invalid_date)
button <- ttkbutton(frame, text = "click")  # focus target
sapply(list(entry, button), tkpack, side = "left", padx = 2)

### code chunk number 158: Widgets.Rnw:327-330
window <- tktoplevel(); tkwm.title(window, "Combo box example")
frame <- ttkframe(window, padding = c(3,3,12,12))
tkpack(frame, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")

### code chunk number 159: Widgets.Rnw:333-335
values <-
var <- tclVar(values[1])              # initial value

### code chunk number 160: Widgets.Rnw:339-345
combo_box <- ttkcombobox(frame,
                         values = values,
                         textvariable = var,
                         state = "normal",     # or "readonly"
                         justify = "left")

### code chunk number 161: Combobox-set-values
tkconfigure(combo_box, values = tolower(values))

### code chunk number 162: combobox-set-length-1 (eval = FALSE)
## tkconfigure(combo_box, values = as.tclObj("New York"))

### code chunk number 163: Combobox-set
tclvalue(var) <- values[2]              # using tcl variable
tkset(combo_box, values[4])             # by value
tcl(combo_box, "current", 4)            # by index

### code chunk number 164: Combobox-get
tclvalue(var)                           # TCL variable
tkget(combo_box)                        # get subcommand
tcl(combo_box, "current")               # 0-based index

### code chunk number 165: combobox-selection-binding
tkbind(combo_box, "<<ComboboxSelected>>", function() {

### code chunk number 166: Combobox-binding-to-return
tkbind(combo_box, "<Return>", function(W) {
  val <- tkget(W)
  cat(as.character(val), "\n")

### code chunk number 167: ttkscale
ttkscale <- function(parent, ...) 
  tkwidget(parent, "ttk::scale", ...)

### code chunk number 168: ttksliderclass
Slider <-
     fields = c("frame", "widget", "var", "x", "FUN"),
     methods = list(
       initialize = function(parent, x, ...) {
         initFields(x = x, var = tclVar(1),
                    FUN = NULL, frame = ttkframe(parent))
         widget <<- ttkscale(frame, from = 1, to = length(x),
                       variable = var, orient = "horizontal")
         ## For this widget, the callback is passed a value 
         ## which we ignore here
         tkconfigure(widget, command = function(...) {
           if(is.function(FUN)) FUN(.self)
       layout_gui = function() {         
         tkgrid(widget, row = 0, column = 0, columnspan = 3, 
                sticky = "we")
         tkgrid(ttklabel(frame, text = x[1]), 
                row = 1, column = 0)
         tkgrid(ttklabel(frame, text = x[length(x)]), 
                row = 1, column = 2)
         tkgrid.columnconfigure(frame, 1, weight = 1)
       add_callback = function(FUN) FUN <<- FUN,
       get_value = function() x[as.numeric(tclvalue(var))],
       set_value = function(value) {
         "Set value. Value must be in x"
         ind <- match(value, x)
         if(! {
           var_local <- var
           tclvalue(var_local) <- ind

### code chunk number 169: Widgets.Rnw:496-506
window <- tktoplevel()
frame <- ttkframe(window, padding = c(3,3,12,12))
tkpack(frame, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")
x <- seq(0,1,by = 0.05)
slider <- Slider$new(parent = window, x = x)
tkpack(slider$frame, expand = TRUE, fill = "x", anchor = "n")

### code chunk number 170: use-slider-command
slider$add_callback(function(obj) print(obj$get_value()))

### code chunk number 171: tkspinbox
tkspinbox <- function(parent, ...) 
    tkwidget(parent, "tk::spinbox", ...)

### code chunk number 172: Widgets.Rnw:553-555
window <- tktoplevel()
spin_box <- tkspinbox(window, values =, wrap=TRUE)

### code chunk number 173: Widgets.Rnw:559-560
spin_box1 <- tkspinbox(window, from=1, to = 10, increment = 1)

### code chunk number 174: Widgets.Rnw:563-565

### code chunk number 175: ex-tcltk-t-test.Rnw:16-19
## t.test dialog
## using basic widgets -- no entry widgets yet

### code chunk number 176: ex-tcltk-t-test.Rnw:22-40
## helper functions
## not shown

get_numeric_vars <- function(DF) {
  ProgGUIinR:::find_vars(DF, is.numeric)
get_two_level_factor <- function(DF) {
  nms <- names(DF)
  ind <- sapply(DF, function(i) length(levels(as.factor(i))) == 2)
  if(length(ind) > 0)

### code chunk number 177: dataModel
e <- new.env()
e$x <- tclVar(""); e$f <- tclVar(""); e$data <- tclVar("")
e$mu <- tclVar(0); e$alternative <- tclVar("two.sided")
e$conf.level <- tclVar(95); e$var.equal <- tclVar(FALSE)

### code chunk number 178: ex-tcltk-t-test.Rnw:58-88
## We don't show the function runTTest.
## It is a bit long, as care must be taken as it isn't clear if a formula should be used.  
runTTest <- function() {
  l <- lapply(e, tclvalue)
  ## ugly function to run t test
  if(l$data == "" || l$x == "")

  l$data <- get(l$data, envir = .GlobalEnv)

  if(l$f != "") {
    l$formula <- formula(paste(l$x,l$f, sep = "~"))
    l$x <- l$f <- NULL
    l$mu <- NULL
    l$var.equal <- as.logical(as.numeric(l$var.equal))

    TTest <- stats:::t.test.formula
  } else {
    l$x <- l$data[, l$x]
    l$f <- NULL
    l$mu = as.numeric(l$mu)
    l$var.equal <- NULL
    TTest <- stats:::t.test.default
  l$conf.level <- as.numeric(l$conf.level)/100
  ret <- capture.output("TTest", l))
  cat(paste(ret, collapse = "\n"))

### code chunk number 179: notShown
### GUI Our standard setup
window <- tktoplevel()
tkwm.title(window, "t-test Dialog")
frame <- ttkframe(window, padding = c(3,3,12,12))
tkpack(frame, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")

### code chunk number 180: layout
label_frame <- ttklabelframe(frame, text = "t.test()", 
                             padding = 10)
tkpack(label_frame, expand = TRUE, fill = "both", 
       padx = 5, pady = 5)

### code chunk number 181: ex-tcltk-t-test.Rnw:115-119
tkgrid.columnconfigure(label_frame, 0, weight = 1)
tkgrid.columnconfigure(label_frame, 1, weight = 10)
tkgrid.columnconfigure(label_frame, 2, weight = 1)
tkgrid.columnconfigure(label_frame, 1, weight = 10)

### code chunk number 182: tkgridHelper
put_label <- function(parent, text, row, column) {
  label <- ttklabel(parent, text = text)
  tkgrid(label, row = row, column = column, sticky = "e")

### code chunk number 183: readonly
put_label(label_frame, "data:",0,0)
data_combo <- ttkcombobox(label_frame, state = "readonly", 
                         values = ProgGUIinR:::avail_dfs(), 
                         textvariable = e$data)
tkgrid(data_combo, row = 0, column = 1, sticky="ew", padx = 2)
tkfocus(data_combo)                      # give focus

### code chunk number 184: notShown
## not shown
put_label(label_frame, "x:",1,0)
x_combo <-  ttkcombobox(label_frame, 
                       values = get_numeric_vars(), textvariable = e$x)
tkgrid(x_combo, row = 1, column = 1, sticky = "ew", padx = 2)

### code chunk number 185: notShown
## not shown
put_label(label_frame, "~ f:",1,2)
factor_combo <-  ttkcombobox(label_frame, values = get_two_level_factor(), textvariable = e$f)
tkgrid(factor_combo, row = 1, column = 3, sticky = "ew", padx = 2)

### code chunk number 186: mu
put_label(label_frame, "mu:", 2, 0)
mu_combo <-  ttkentry(label_frame,  textvariable = e$mu)
tkgrid(mu_combo, row = 2, column = 1, sticky = "ew", padx = 2)

### code chunk number 187: ex-tcltk-t-test.Rnw:172-174
ttkscale <- function(parent, ...) tkwidget(parent, "ttk::scale", ...)
tkspinbox <- function(parent, ...) tkwidget(parent, "tk::spinbox", ...)

### code chunk number 188: ex-tcltk-t-test.Rnw:176-185
put_label(label_frame, "alternative:", 3, 0)
rb_frame <- ttkframe(label_frame)
sapply(c("two.sided","less","greater"), function(i) {
  radio_button <- 
    ttkradiobutton(rb_frame, variable = e$alternative, 
                   text = i, value = i)
  tkpack(radio_button, side = "left")
tkgrid(rb_frame, row = 3, column = 1, sticky = "ew", padx = 2)

### code chunk number 189: ex-tcltk-t-test.Rnw:191-206
put_label(label_frame, "conf.level:", 3, 2)
conf_level_frame <- ttkframe(label_frame)
tkgrid(conf_level_frame, row = 3, column = 3, columnspan = 2, 
       sticky = "ew", padx = 2)
conf_level_scale <- ttkscale(conf_level_frame, 
                     from = 75, to = 100,  
                     variable = e$conf.level)
conf_level_spin <- tkspinbox(conf_level_frame, 
                     from = 75, to = 100, increment = 1, 
                     textvariable = e$conf.level, width = 5)
tkpack(conf_level_scale, expand = TRUE, fill = "y",
       side = "left")
tkpack(conf_level_spin, side = "left")

### code chunk number 190: ex-tcltk-t-test.Rnw:210-215
put_label(label_frame, "var.equal:", 4, 0)
var_equal_check <- 
  ttkcheckbutton(label_frame, variable = e$var.equal)
tkgrid(var_equal_check, row = 4, column = 1, stick = "w", 
       padx = 2)

### code chunk number 191: ok-cancel
button_frame <- ttkframe(frame)
cancel_button <- ttkbutton(button_frame, text = "cancel")
ok_button <- ttkbutton(button_frame, text = "ok")
tkpack(button_frame, fill = "x", padx = 5, pady = 5)
tkpack(ttklabel(button_frame, text = " "), expand = TRUE,
       fill = "y", side = "left")               # add a spring
sapply(list(cancel_button, ok_button), tkpack, 
       side = "left", padx = 6)

### code chunk number 192: ex-tcltk-t-test.Rnw:237-241
tkconfigure(ok_button, command = runTTest)
            command = function() tkdestroy(window))
tkbind("TButton", "<Return>", function(W) tcl(W, "invoke"))

### code chunk number 193: ex-tcltk-t-test.Rnw:251-297
update_ui <- function() {
  dfName <- tclvalue(e$data)
  curDfs <- ProgGUIinR:::avail_dfs()
  tkconfigure(data_combo, values = curDfs)
  if(!dfName %in% curDfs) {
    dfName <- ""
    tclvalue(e$data) <- ""

  if(dfName == "") {
    ## 3 ways to disable needed!!
    x <- list(x_combo, factor_combo, mu_combo,  
              conf_level_scale, var_equal_check, ok_button)
    sapply(x, function(W) tcl(W, "state", "disabled"))
    sapply(as.character(tkwinfo("children", rb_frame)), 
           function(W) tcl(W, "state", "disabled"))
    tkconfigure(conf_level_spin, state = "disabled")
  } else {
    ## enable univariate, ok
           function(W) tcl(W, "state", "!disabled"))
    sapply(as.character(tkwinfo("children", rb_frame)), 
           function(W) tcl(W, "state", "!disabled"))
    tkconfigure(conf_level_spin, state = "normal")
    DF <- get(dfName, envir = .GlobalEnv)
    numVars <- get_numeric_vars(DF)
    tkconfigure(x_combo, values = numVars)
    if(! tclvalue(e$x) %in% numVars)
      tclvalue(e$x) <- ""

    ## bivariate
    avail_factors <- get_two_level_factor(DF)
    sapply(list(factor_combo, var_equal_check),
           function(W) {
             val <- if(length(avail_factors)) "!" else ""
             tcl(W, "state", sprintf("%sdisabled", val))
    tkconfigure(factor_combo, values = avail_factors)
    if(!tclvalue(e$f) %in% avail_factors)
      tclvalue(e$f) <- ""
tkbind(data_combo, "<<ComboboxSelected>>", update_ui)

### code chunk number 194: digest
create_function <- function() {
  .DFs <- digest(ProgGUIinR:::avail_dfs())
  f <- function(...) {
    if((val <- digest(ProgGUIinR:::avail_dfs())) != .DFs) {
      .DFs <<- val

### code chunk number 195: taskcallback (eval = FALSE)
## id <- addTaskCallback(create_function())

### code chunk number 196: scrollbar-example
window <- tktoplevel()
tkwm.title(window, "Scroll bar example")
parent <- ttkframe(window)
tkpack(parent, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")
widget <- tktext(parent)

### code chunk number 197: ScrollableWidgets.Rnw:26-30
xscr <- ttkscrollbar(parent, orient = "horizontal",
                 command = function(...) tkxview(widget, ...))
yscr <- ttkscrollbar(parent, orient = "vertical",
                 command = function(...) tkyview(widget, ...))

### code chunk number 198: ScrollableWidgets.Rnw:40-43
            xscrollcommand = function(...) tkset(xscr,...),
            yscrollcommand = function(...) tkset(yscr,...))

### code chunk number 199: ScrollableWidgets.Rnw:50-55
tkgrid(widget, row = 0, column = 0, sticky = "news")
tkgrid(yscr,   row = 0, column = 1, sticky = "ns")
tkgrid(xscr,   row = 1, column = 0, sticky = "ew")
tkgrid.columnconfigure(parent, 0, weight = 1)
tkgrid.rowconfigure(parent, 0, weight = 1)

### code chunk number 200: addScrollbars
## function to add scroll bars to widget and pack into grid
## parent uses grid manager -- con't pack in other children
addScrollbars <- function(parent, widget) {
  xscr <- ttkscrollbar(parent, orient = "horizontal",
                       command = function(...) tkxview(widget, ...))
  yscr <- ttkscrollbar(parent, orient = "vertical",
                       command = function(...) tkyview(widget, ...))
              xscrollcommand = function(...) tkset(xscr,...),
              yscrollcommand = function(...) tkset(yscr,...))
  tkgrid(widget, row = 0, column = 0, sticky = "news")
  tkgrid(yscr, row = 0,column = 1, sticky = "ns")
  tkgrid(xscr, row = 1, column = 0, sticky = "ew")
  tkgrid.columnconfigure(parent, 0, weight = 1)
  tkgrid.rowconfigure(parent, 0, weight = 1)

### code chunk number 201: ex-tktext-easiest
window <- tktoplevel()
tkwm.title(window, "Simple tktext example")
txt_widget <- tktext(window)
addScrollbars(window, txt_widget)

### code chunk number 202: tkinsert-example
         paste("Lorem ipsum dolor",
               "sit amet,", sep = "\n"))

### code chunk number 203: get-values
value <- tkget(txt_widget, "1.0", "end")
as.character(value)                     # wrong way

### code chunk number 204: ScrollableWidgets.Rnw:173-174 (eval = FALSE)
## value <- tkget(txt_widget, "1.0", "end")

### code chunk number 205: ScrollableWidgets.Rnw:217-218
tkinsert(txt_widget, "end", "last words", "lastWords") 

### code chunk number 206: ScrollableWidgets.Rnw:225-227
tktag.add(txt_widget, "first_word", 
          "1.0 wordstart", "1.0 wordend")

### code chunk number 207: ScrollableWidgets.Rnw:231-233
tktag.configure(txt_widget, "first_word", foreground = "red", 
                font = "helvetica 12 bold")

### code chunk number 208: ScrollableWidgets.Rnw:250-254
has_selection <- function(W) {
  ranges <- tclvalue(tcl(W, "tag", "ranges", "sel"))
  length(ranges) > 1 || ranges != ""

### code chunk number 209: cutSelection
tcl("tk_textCut", txt_widget)

### code chunk number 210: ScrollableWidgets.Rnw:273-279
popup_context <- function(W, x, y) {
  ## or use sprintf("@%s,%s", x, y) for "current"
  cur <- tkget(W, "current wordstart", "current wordend") 
  cur <- tclvalue(cur)
  popup_context_menu_for(cur, x, y)        # some function

### code chunk number 211: ScrollableWidgets.Rnw:289-293
tkmark.set(txt_widget, "leftlimit", "insert")
tkmark.gravity(txt_widget, "leftlimit", "left") # keep on left
tkinsert(txt_widget, "insert", "new text")
tkget(txt_widget, "leftlimit", "insert")

### code chunk number 212: ScrollableWidgets.Rnw:306-308
tcl(txt_widget, "edit", "undo")                  # no output
tcl(txt_widget, "edit", "modified")              # 1 = TRUE

### code chunk number 213: makeGUI
w <- tktoplevel(); tkwm.title(w, "Text buffer example")
f <- ttkframe(w, padding = c(3,3,12,12))
tkpack(f, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")
txt <- tktext(f, width = 80, height = 24)   # default size
addScrollbars(f, txt)

### code chunk number 214: ex-tcltk-text.Rnw:24-29
tktag.configure(txt, "commandTag", foreground = "blue", 
                font = "courier 12 italic")
tktag.configure(txt, "outputTag", font = "courier 12")
tktag.configure(txt, "errorTag", foreground = "red", 
                font = "courier 12 bold")

### code chunk number 215: ex-tcltk-text.Rnw:36-60
eval_cmd_chunk <- function(txt, cmds) {
  cmd_chunks <- try(parse(text = cmds), silent = TRUE)
  if(inherits(cmd_chunks,"try-error")) {
    tkinsert(t, "end", "Error", "errorTag") # add markup tag

  for(cmd in cmd_chunks) {
    cutoff <- 0.75 * getOption("width")
    dcmd <- deparse(cmd, width.cutoff = cutoff)
    command <- 
            paste(dcmd, collapse = paste("\n", 
                          getOption("continue"), sep = "")),
            sep = "", collapse = "")
    tkinsert(txt, "end", command, "commandTag")
    tkinsert(txt, "end","\n")
    ## output, should check for errors in eval!
    output <- capture.output(eval(cmd, envir = .GlobalEnv))
    output <- paste(output, collapse = "\n")
    tkinsert(txt, "end", output, "outputTag")
    tkinsert(txt, "end","\n")

### code chunk number 216: ex-tcltk-text.Rnw:63-80
## function to add scrollbars to a widget
addScrollbars <- function(parent, widget) {
  xscr <- ttkscrollbar(parent, orient = "horizontal",
                       command = function(...) tkxview(widget, ...))
  yscr <- ttkscrollbar(parent, orient = "vertical",
                       command = function(...) tkyview(widget, ...))

              xscrollcommand = function(...) tkset(xscr,...),
              yscrollcommand = function(...) tkset(yscr,...))

  tkgrid(widget, row = 0, column = 0, sticky = "news")
  tkgrid(yscr,row = 0,column = 1, sticky = "ns")
  tkgrid(xscr, row = 1, column = 0, sticky = "ew")
  tkgrid.columnconfigure(parent, 0, weight = 1)
  tkgrid.rowconfigure(parent, 0, weight = 1)

### code chunk number 217: TryIt
eval_cmd_chunk(txt, "2 + 2; lm(mpg ~ wt, data = mtcars)")

### code chunk number 218: tearoff
tcl("option","add","*tearOff", 0)    # disable tearoff menus

### code chunk number 219: testIfMac
using_Mac <- function()  
  as.character(tcl("tk", "windowingsystem")) == "aqua"

### code chunk number 220: ScrollableWidgets.Rnw:371-377
window <- tktoplevel()
tkwm.title(window, "Pop-Up menu example")
frame <- ttkframe(window, padding = c(3,3,12,12))
tkpack(frame, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")

button <- ttkbutton(frame, text = "Click me for pop-up")

### code chunk number 221: ScrollableWidgets.Rnw:380-387
doPopup <- function(X, Y) tkpopup(pmb, X, Y) # define callback
if (using_Mac()) {
  tkbind(button, "<Button-2>", doPopup)      # right click
  tkbind(button, "<Control-1>", doPopup)     # Control + click
} else {
  tkbind(button, "<Button-3>", doPopup)

### code chunk number 222: ex-tcltk-menu.Rnw:1-34
## Not shown

## Helper functions
using_Mac <- function()  
  as.character(tcl("tk", "windowingsystem")) == "aqua"

addScrollbars <- function(parent, widget,type = c("both", "x", "y")) {
  if(any(type %in% c("both","x"))) {
    xscr <- ttkscrollbar(parent, orient = "horizontal",
                         command = function(...) tkxview(widget, ...))
                xscrollcommand = function(...) tkset(xscr,...))

  if(any(type %in% c("both","y"))) {
     yscr <- ttkscrollbar(parent, orient = "vertical",
                          command = function(...) tkyview(widget, ...))
                 yscrollcommand = function(...) tkset(yscr,...))

  ## place in grid     
  tkgrid(widget, row = 0, column = 0, sticky = "news")
  if(any(type %in% c("both", "x"))) {
    tkgrid(xscr, row = 1, column = 0, sticky = "ew")
    tkgrid.columnconfigure(parent, 0, weight = 1)
  if(any(type %in% c("both", "y"))) {
    tkgrid(yscr,row = 0,column = 1, sticky = "ns")
    tkgrid.rowconfigure(parent, 0, weight = 1)

### code chunk number 223: ex-tcltk-menu.Rnw:40-44
library(svMisc)                         # for some helpers
showCmd <- function(cmd) {

### code chunk number 224: ex-tcltk-menu.Rnw:49-55
window <- tktoplevel()
tkwm.title(window, "Simple code editor")
frame <- ttkframe(window, padding = c(3,3,12,12)) 
tkpack(frame, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")
text_buffer <- tktext(frame, undo = TRUE)
addScrollbars(frame, text_buffer)

### code chunk number 225: ex-tcltk-menu.Rnw:61-69
menu_bar <- tkmenu(window)
tkconfigure(window, menu = menu_bar)
file_menu <- tkmenu(menu_bar)
tkadd(menu_bar, "cascade", label = "File", menu = file_menu)
edit_menu <- tkmenu(menu_bar)
tkadd(menu_bar, "cascade", label = "Edit", menu = edit_menu)

### code chunk number 226: ex-tcltk-menu.Rnw:75-80
tkadd(file_menu, "command", label = "Evaluate buffer",
      command = function() {
        cur_val <- tclvalue(tkget(text_buffer, "1.0", "end"))

### code chunk number 227: ex-tcltk-menu.Rnw:84-91
tkadd(file_menu, "command", label = "Evaluate selection",
      state = "disabled",
      command =  function() {
        cur_sel <- tclvalue(tkget(text_buffer,
                                  "sel.first", "sel.last"))

### code chunk number 228: addQuit
tkadd(file_menu, "separator")
tkadd(file_menu, "command", label = "Quit", 
      command = function() tkdestroy(window))

### code chunk number 229: ex-tcltk-menu.Rnw:102-110
img <- system.file("images","up.gif", package = "gWidgets")
tkimage.create("photo", "::img::undo", file = img)
tkadd(edit_menu, "command", label = "Undo",
      image = "::img::undo", compound = "left", 
      state = "disabled",
      command = function() tcl(text_buffer, "edit", "undo"))
tkadd(edit_menu, "command", label="Redo", state = "disabled",
      command = function() tcl(text_buffer, "edit", "redo"))

### code chunk number 230: ex-tcltk-menu.Rnw:116-125
tkbind(text_buffer, "<<Selection>>", function(W) {
  hasSelection <- function(W) {
    ranges <- tclvalue(tcl(W, "tag", "ranges", "sel"))
    length(ranges) > 1 || ranges != ""
  ## configure using an index
  sel_state <- ifelse(hasSelection(W), "normal", "disabled")
  tkentryconfigure(file_menu, 2, state = sel_state)

### code chunk number 231: ex-tcltk-menu.Rnw:129-136
tkbind(text_buffer, "<<Modified>>", function(W) {
  ## not really can_undo/can_redo but nothing suitable
  can_undo <- as.logical(tcl(W,"edit", "modified"))
  undo_state <- ifelse(can_undo, "normal", "disabled")
  sapply(c("Undo", "Redo"), function(i)        # match pattern
         tkentryconfigure(edit_menu, i, state = undo_state)) 

### code chunk number 232: addKeyboardShortcut
if(using_Mac()) {
  tkentryconfigure(edit_menu, "Undo", accelerator="Cmd-z")
  tkbind(window, "<Option-z>", function() {
    tcl(text_buffer, "edit", "undo")
} else {
  tkentryconfigure(edit_menu, "Undo", accelerator="Control-u")
  tkbind(window, "<Control-u>", function() {
    tcl(text_buffer, "edit", "undo")

### code chunk number 233: definePopup
do_popup <- function(W, X, Y) {
  cur <- tclvalue(tkget(W, "current  wordstart", 
                           "current wordend"))
  tcl(W, "tag", "add", "popup", "current  wordstart", 
                                "current wordend")
  possible_vals <- head(completion(cur)[,1, drop=TRUE], n=20)
  if(length(possible_vals) > 1) {
    popup <- tkmenu(text_buffer)       # create menu for popup
    sapply(possible_vals, function(i) {         
      tkadd(popup, "command", label=i, command = function() {
        tcl(W,"replace", "popup.first", "popup.last", i)
    tkpopup(popup, X, Y)

### code chunk number 234: addPopup
if (!using_Mac()) {
  tkbind(text_buffer, "<Button-3>", do_popup)
} else {
  tkbind(text_buffer, "<Button-2>", function(W,X,Y) {
    ## UNIX legacy re mouse-2 click for selection copy
    tcl("clipboard","clear",displayof = W) 
    })      # right click
  tkbind(text_buffer, "<Control-1>", do_popup) # Ctrl+click

### code chunk number 235: treeExample
window <- tktoplevel()
tkwm.title(window, "Choose CRAN mirror")
frame <- ttkframe(window, padding = c(3,3,12,12))
tkpack(frame, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")

### code chunk number 236: ScrollableWidgets.Rnw:497-503
treeview <- 
              columns = 1,        # column identifier is "1"
              show = "headings",  # not "#0"
              height = 25)        
addScrollbars(frame, treeview)    # our scroll bar function

### code chunk number 237: getCRANmirrors
x <- getCRANmirrors()
Host <- x$Host
shade <- c("none", "gray")                     # tag names
for(i in seq_along(Host))
  ID <- tkinsert(treeview, "", "end", 
                 values = as.tclObj(Host[i]),
                 tag = shade[i %% 2])          # none or gray
tktag.configure(treeview, "gray", background = "gray95") 

### code chunk number 238: ScrollableWidgets.Rnw:579-580
tcl(treeview, "heading", 1, text = "Host", anchor = "center")

### code chunk number 239: ScrollableWidgets.Rnw:595-597
tcl(treeview, "column", 1, width = 400,  
    stretch = TRUE, anchor = "w")

### code chunk number 240: ScrollableWidgets.Rnw:606-631
populate_rectangular_treeview <- function(parent, m) {
  enc_frame <- ttkframe(parent)
  frame <- ttkframe(enc_frame)
  tkpack(frame, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")
  treeview <- ttktreeview(frame,
                    columns = seq_len(ncol(m)),
                    show = "headings")
  addScrollbars(frame, treeview)
  tkpack.propagate(enc_frame, FALSE)    # size from frame
  ## headings,widths
  font_measure <- tcl("font","measure","TkTextFont","0")
  charWidth <- as.integer(tclvalue(font_measure))
  sapply(seq_len(ncol(m)), function(i) {
    tcl(treeview, "heading", i, text = colnames(m)[i])
    tcl(treeview, "column", i, 
        width = 10 + charWidth*max(apply(m, 2, nchar)))
  tcl(treeview, "column", ncol(m), stretch = TRUE)
  ## values
  if(ncol(m) == 1)  m <- as.matrix(paste("{", m, "}", sep=""))
  apply(m, 1, function(vals) 
    tcl(treeview, "insert", "", "end", values = vals))
  return(list(treeview = treeview, frame = enc_frame))

### code chunk number 241: populate_test
window <- tktoplevel()
m <- sapply(mtcars, as.character)
a <- populate_rectangular_treeview(window, m)
tkconfigure(a$treeview, selectmode = "extended") # multiple 
tkconfigure(a$frame, width = 300, height = 200) # frame size
tkpack(a$frame, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")

### code chunk number 242: showChildrenIndex
children <- tcl(treeview, "children", "")
(children <- head(as.character(children)))     # as.character
sapply(children, function(i) tclvalue(tkindex(treeview, i)))

### code chunk number 243: getValue
x <- tcl(treeview, "item", children[1], "-values") # no tkitem

### code chunk number 244: ScrollableWidgets.Rnw:722-723
tkselect(treeview, "set", children)

### code chunk number 245: ScrollableWidgets.Rnw:727-728
tkselect(treeview, "toggle", tcl(treeview, "children", ""))

### code chunk number 246: ScrollableWidgets.Rnw:732-733
IDs <- as.character(tkselect(treeview))

### code chunk number 247: ScrollableWidgets.Rnw:747-752
callback_example <- function(W, x, y) {
  col <- as.character(tkidentify(W, "column", x, y))
  row <- as.character(tkidentify(W, "row", x, y))
  ## now do something ...

### code chunk number 248: ex-tcltk-table

## helpers
quoteIt <- function(string) {           
  doQuote <- function(x) {
    xx <- strsplit(x, '"', fixe = TRUE)[[1]]
    paste(paste('"', xx, '"', sep = ""), collapse = '\'"\'')
  if(!length(string)) return("")
  has_double_quote <- grep('"',string)
    return(paste('"',string,'"',sep = ""))
  if (!length(grep("([$`])", string))) {
    paste("\"", gsub("([\"!\\])", "\\\\\\1", string), 
          "\"", sep = "")
  } else sapply(string, doQuote)

## covert a data frame into a character based on
.toCharacter <- function(x,width,...) UseMethod(".toCharacter")
.toCharacter.default <- function(x,width,...) as.character(x)
.toCharacter.integer <- function(x,width,...) {
 if(missing(width)) width <- max(nchar(as.character(x))) + 2  
  format(x, justify = "right", width = width)
.toCharacter.numeric <- function(x,width,...) {
  if(missing(width)) width <- max(nchar(as.character(x))) + 2
  format(x,trim = FALSE, width = width, justify = "right")
.toCharacter.factor <- function(x,width,...) {
  if(missing(width)) width <- max(nchar(as.character(x))) + 2
.toCharacter.logical <- function(x,width,...) {
  if(missing(width)) width <- 7
  format(as.character(x), justify = "centre", width = width)
} <- function(x,width =  10, ...) {
  nms <- dimnames(x)
  DF <-,function(i) .toCharacter(i, width = width)),
                      stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  dimnames(DF) <- nms

addScrollbars <- function(parent, widget) {
  xscr <- ttkscrollbar(parent, orient = "horizontal",
                       command = function(...) tkxview(widget, ...))
  yscr <- ttkscrollbar(parent, orient = "vertical",
                       command = function(...) tkyview(widget, ...))

              xscrollcommand = function(...) tkset(xscr,...),
              yscrollcommand = function(...) tkset(yscr,...))

  tkgrid(widget, row = 0, column = 0, sticky = "news")
  tkgrid(yscr,row = 0,column = 1, sticky = "ns")
  tkgrid(xscr, row = 1, column = 0, sticky = "ew")
  tkgrid.columnconfigure(parent, 0, weight = 1)
  tkgrid.rowconfigure(parent, 0, weight = 1)

### code chunk number 249: ex-tcltk-table.Rnw:67-68
DF <- getCRANmirrors()[, c(1,2,5,4)]

### code chunk number 250: notShown
window <- tktoplevel()
tkwm.title(window, "Choose a CRAN mirror")
frame <- ttkframe(window, padding = c(3,3,3,12))
tkpack(frame, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")

### code chunk number 251: ex-tcltk-table.Rnw:79-85
frame_0 <- ttkframe(frame); tkpack(frame_0, fill = "x")
label <- ttklabel(frame_0, text = "filter:")
tkpack(label, side = "left")
filter_var <- tclVar("")
filter_entry <- ttkentry(frame_0, textvariable = filter_var)
tkpack(filter_entry, side = "left")

### code chunk number 252: makeTreeview
frame_1 <- ttkframe(frame)
tkpack(frame_1, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")
treeview <- ttktreeview(frame_1, columns = 1:ncol(DF), 
                  displaycolumns = 1:(ncol(DF) - 1), 
                  show = "headings",     # not "tree" 
                  selectmode = "browse") # single selection
addScrollbars(frame_1, treeview)

### code chunk number 253: configureColumns
widths <- c(100, 75, 400)            # hard coded
nms <- names(DF)
for(i in 1:3) {
  tcl(treeview, "heading", i, text = nms[i])
  tcl(treeview, "column", i, width = widths[i], 
      stretch = TRUE, anchor = "w")

### code chunk number 254: ex-tcltk-table.Rnw:125-136
fillTable <- function(treeview, DF) {
  children <- as.character(tcl(treeview, "children", ""))
  for(i in children) 
    tcl(treeview, "delete", i)                 # out with old
  shade <- c("none", "gray")
  for(i in seq_len(nrow(DF))) 
    tcl(treeview, "insert", "", "end", tag = shade[i %% 2], 
        text = "",  
        values = unlist(DF[i,]))               # in with new
  tktag.configure(treeview, "gray", background = "gray95")

### code chunk number 255: ex-tcltk-table.Rnw:140-141
fillTable(treeview, DF)

### code chunk number 256: ex-tcltk-table.Rnw:146-155
cur_ind <- 1:nrow(DF)
tkbind(filter_entry, "<KeyRelease>", function(W, K) {
  val <- tclvalue(tkget(W))
  poss_vals <- apply(DF, 1, function(...) 
                    paste(..., collapse = " "))
  ind<- grep(val, poss_vals)
  if(length(ind) == 0) ind <- 1:nrow(DF)
  fillTable(treeview, DF[ind,])

### code chunk number 257: ex-tcltk-table.Rnw:160-169
tkbind(treeview, "<Double-Button-1>", function(W, x, y) {
  sel <- as.character(tcl(W, "identify", "row", x, y))
  vals <- tcl(W, "item", sel, "-values")
  URL <- as.character(vals)[4]          # not tclvalue
  repos <- getOption("repos")
  repos["CRAN"] <- gsub("/$", "", URL[1L])
  options(repos = repos)
  tkwm.withdraw(tkwinfo("toplevel", W))

### code chunk number 258: ex-tcltk-subset-filter.Rnw:34-35

### code chunk number 259: FilterList
FilterList <- setRefClass("FilterList",
                          fields = list(
                            DF = "data.frame",
                            l = "list",
                            id = "ANY",
                            frame = "tkwin" 

### code chunk number 260: FilterListMethods
          setup_gui = function(parent) {
            enc_frame <- ttkframe(parent, padding = 5)
            tkpack(enc_frame, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")
            frame <<- ttkframe(enc_frame)
            button_frame <- ttkframe(enc_frame)
            ## use grid to manage these
            tkgrid(frame, sticky = "news")
            tkgrid(button_frame, sticky = "new")
            tkgrid.rowconfigure(enc_frame, 1, weight = 1)
            tkgrid.columnconfigure(enc_frame, 0, weight = 1)
            add_button <- 
              ttkbutton(button_frame, text = "Add", 
                        command = function() .self$add())
            preview_button <- 
              ttkbutton(button_frame, text = "Preview", 
                        command = function() .self$preview())
            sapply(list(add_button, preview_button), tkpack, 
                   side = "left", padx = 5)

### code chunk number 261: FilterListInitialize
           initialize = function(DF, parent, ...) {
            initFields(DF = DF, l = list(), id = 0L)

### code chunk number 262: FilterListSelectVariable
           select_variable = function() {
             "Return a variable name from the data frame"
             x <- sapply(DF, function(i) class(i)[1])
             m <- cbind(Variables = names(x), Type = x)
             window <- tktoplevel()
             fr <- ttkframe(window, padding = c(3,3,3,12))
             tkpack(fr, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")
             a <- populate_rectangular_treeview(fr, m)
             tkconfigure(a$frame, width = 300, height = 200)
             tkpack(a$frame, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")
             ## select a value, store in out
             out <- NA
             tkbind(a$tr, "<<TreeviewSelect>>", function(W) {
               sel <- tcl(W, "selection")
               val <- tcl(W, "item", sel, "-values")
               assign("out", as.character(val)[1], 
                      inherits = TRUE)

### code chunk number 263: FilterListAdd
           add = function(variable_name, ...) {
               variable_name <- select_variable()
             x <- get(variable_name, DF)
             ## new item
             id <<- id + 1
             item <- newFilterItem(x,variable_name, id, .self)
             ## make frame
             enc_frame <- ttkframe(frame)
                    expand = TRUE, fill = "both", pady = 2)
             l[[as.character(id)]] <<- list(frame = enc_frame, 
                                            item = item)

### code chunk number 264: FilterListRemove
           remove=function(id_obj, ...) {
             "Remove. id is character or item object"
               id_obj <- id_obj$id
             l[[id_obj]] <<- NULL

### code chunk number 265: FilterListGetValue
           get_value = function() {
             "Return logical value for all filter items"
             if(length(l) == 0)
               return(rep(TRUE, length=nrow(DF)))
             out <- sapply(l, function(i) i$item$get_value())
             out[] <- FALSE   ## coerce NA to FALSE
             apply(out, 1, all)

### code chunk number 266: ex-tcltk-subset-filter.Rnw:227-252
           preview = function() {
             "Preview data frame"
             ind <- get_value()
             if(!any(ind)) {
               message("No matches")
             ## coerce to character
             m <- DF[ind,]
             for(i in seq_along(m)) 
               m[,i] <- as.character(m[,i])
             window <- tktoplevel()
             fr <- ttkframe(window, padding = c(3,3,3,12))
             tkpack(fr, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")
             a <- populate_rectangular_treeview(fr, m)
             tkconfigure(a$frame, width = 400, height = 300)
             tkpack(a$frame, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")
             button <- ttkbutton(fr, text = "dismiss", 
                         command=function() tkdestroy(window))
             tkpack(button, anchor = "sw")

### code chunk number 267: runIt (eval = FALSE)
## window <- tktoplevel()
## require(MASS)
## filter_list <- FilterList$new(DF = Cars93, parent = window)

### code chunk number 268: newFilterItem
newFilterItem <- function(x, nm = deparse(substitute(x)), id, 
                          list_ref) UseMethod("newFilterItem")
newFilterItem.default <- function(x,nm=deparse(substitute(x)), 
                                  id, list_ref) {
  FilterItemNumeric$new(x = x, nm = nm, id = id, 
                        list_ref = list_ref)

### code chunk number 269: ex-tcltk-subset-filter.Rnw:280-288
## not shown
newFilterItem.character <- function(x,  nm = deparse(substitute(x)), id, list_ref) {
  FilterItemCharacter$new(x = x, nm = nm, id = id, list_ref = list_ref)

newFilterItem.factor <- function(x,  nm = deparse(substitute(x)), id, list_ref) {
  newFilterItem(as.character(x), nm, id, list_ref)

### code chunk number 270: FilterItem
FilterItem <- setRefClass("FilterItem",
                          fields = list(
                            x = "ANY",
                            nm = "character",
                            id = "character",
                            list_ref = "ANY"

### code chunk number 271: FilterItemInitialize
           initialize = function(...) {
           get_value = function() {
             "Return logical value of length x"
             stop("Must be subclassed")
           remove = function() list_ref$remove(.self),
           make_gui = function(parent, ...) {
             "Set up GUI, including defining widgets"
             remove_button <- ttkbutton(parent, text="remove",
                                    command = function() {
             tkpack(remove_button, side = "right")

### code chunk number 272: FilterItemNumeric
FilterItemNumeric <- setRefClass("FilterItemNumeric",
                                 contains = "FilterItem",
                                 fields = list(
                                   ineq_variable = "tclVar",
                                   value_variable = "tclVar"

### code chunk number 273: FilterItemNumericGetValue
      get_value = function() {
        xpr <- paste(nm, tclvalue(ineq_variable), 
        eval(parse(text = xpr), 
             envir = list_ref$DF, parent.frame())

### code chunk number 274: FilterItemNumericMakeGui
      make_gui = function(parent) {
        ## standard width for label
        label_width <- max(sapply(names(list_ref$DF), nchar))
        label <- ttklabel(parent, text=nm, width=label_width)
        ## ineq combo
        vals <- c(">=", ">", "==", "!=", "<", "<=")
        ineq_variable <<- tclVar("<=")
        ineq <- ttkcombobox(parent, values = vals, 
                   textvariable = ineq_variable, width = 4)
        ## entry
        value_variable <<- tclVar(max(x, na.rm = TRUE))
        val <- ttkentry(parent, textvariable = value_variable)
        sapply(list(label, ineq, val), tkpack, side = "left",
               padx = 5)

### code chunk number 275: FilterItemCharacter
FilterItemCharacter <- 
              contains = "FilterItem",
              fields = list(
                tr = "tkwin",
                button = "tkwin",
                poss_vals = "character",
                cur_vals = "character"

### code chunk number 276: ex-tcltk-subset-filter.Rnw:443-447
          get_value = function() {
            x %in% cur_vals

### code chunk number 277: sel_by_name
sel_by_name <- function(tr, nms) {
  all_ind <- as.character(tcl(tr, "children", ""))
  vals <- sapply(all_ind, function(i) {
    as.character(tcl(tr, "item", i, "-values"))
  ind <- names(vals[vals %in% nms])
  sapply(ind, function(i) tcl(tr, "selection", "add", i))
  sapply(setdiff(all_ind, ind), 
         function(i) tcl(tr, "selection", "remove", i))

### code chunk number 278: FilterItemShortenPoss
FilterItemCharacter$methods(ellipsize = function() {
            tmp <- paste(cur_vals, collapse = ", ")
            if((N <- nchar(tmp)) > 50)
              tmp <- sprintf("%s...%s", substr(tmp, 0, 15),
                             substr(tmp, N-12, N))
            sprintf("%50s", tmp)

### code chunk number 279: FilterItemCharacterSelectValuesDialog
          select_values_dialog = function() {
            window <- tktoplevel()
            fr <- ttkframe(window, padding = c(3,3,12,12))
            tkpack(fr, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")
              text = "Select values by extending selection"))
            ## selection
            m <- matrix(poss_vals)
            colnames(m) <- "Values"
            a <- populate_rectangular_treeview(fr, m)
            tkconfigure(a$tr, selectmode = "extended")
            tkconfigure(a$frame, width = 200, height = 300)
            tkpack(a$frame, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")
            sel_by_name(a$tr, cur_vals)         # see above
            tkbind(a$tr, "<<TreeviewSelect>>", function() {
              ind <- as.character(tcl(a$tr, "selection"))
              cur <- sapply(ind, function(i) {
                as.character(tcl(a$tr, "item", i, "-values"))
              if(length(cur) == 0)
                cur <- character(0)
              cur_vals <<- cur
            ## buttons
            frame_1 <- ttkframe(fr)
            toggle_button <- ttkbutton(frame_1, text="toggle", 
                         command=function() toggle_sel(a$tr))
            set_button <- ttkbutton(frame_1, text = "set", 
                         command=function() tkdestroy(window))
            sapply(list(toggle_button, set_button), tkpack, 
                   side = "left", padx = 5)
            ## make modal
            tkconfigure(button, text = ellipsize())

### code chunk number 280: FilterItemCharacterMakeGUI
FilterItemCharacter$methods(make_gui = function(parent) {
            poss_vals <<- sort(unique(as.character(x)))
            cur_vals <<- poss_vals
            ## label, ineq, val
            l_width <- max(sapply(names(list_ref$DF), nchar))
            label <- ttklabel(parent, text = nm, 
                              width = l_width)
            in_label <- ttklabel(parent, text = "%in%")
            button <<- ttkbutton(parent, text = ellipsize(), 
                       command = .self$select_values_dialog)
            sapply(list(label, in_label), tkpack,
                   side = "left", padx = 5)
                   expand = TRUE, fill = "x", side = "left")

### code chunk number 281: Helpers
## helpers
## We don't show these
addScrollbars <- function(parent, widget) {
  xscr <- ttkscrollbar(parent, orient = "horizontal",
                       command = function(...) tkxview(widget, ...))
  yscr <- ttkscrollbar(parent, orient = "vertical",
                       command = function(...) tkyview(widget, ...))

              xscrollcommand = function(...) tkset(xscr,...),
              yscrollcommand = function(...) tkset(yscr,...))

  tkgrid(widget, row = 0, column = 0, sticky = "news")
  tkgrid(yscr,row = 0,column = 1, sticky = "ns")
  tkgrid(xscr, row = 1, column = 0, sticky = "ew")
  tkgrid.columnconfigure(parent, 0, weight = 1)
  tkgrid.rowconfigure(parent, 0, weight = 1)

populate_rectangular_treeview <- function(parent, m) {
  enc_frame <- ttkframe(parent)
  frame <- ttkframe(enc_frame)
  tkpack(frame, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")
  tr <- ttktreeview(frame,
                    columns = seq_len(ncol(m)),
                    show = "headings",
                    selectmode = "browse"
  addScrollbars(frame, tr)
  tkpack.propagate(enc_frame, FALSE)

  ## headings,widths
  charWidth <- as.integer(tclvalue(tcl("font","measure","TkTextFont","0")))
  sapply(seq_len(ncol(m)), function(i) {
    tcl(tr, "heading", i, text = colnames(m)[i])
    tcl(tr, "column", i, width = 10 + charWidth*max(apply(m, 2, nchar)))
  tcl(tr, "column", ncol(m), stretch = TRUE)
  ## values
  if(ncol(m) == 1)  m <- as.matrix(paste("{",m ,"}", sep=""))
  apply(m, 1, function(vals) 
    tcl(tr, "insert", "", "end", values = vals)
  return(list(tr = tr, frame = enc_frame))


cur_sel <- function(tr) {
  ind <- as.character(tcl(tr, "selection"))
  sapply(ind, function(i) {
    as.character(tcl(tr, "item", i, "-values"))

toggle_sel <- function(tr) {
  children <- as.character(tcl(tr, "children", ""))
  tcl(tr, "selection", "toggle", children) 

### code chunk number 282: ex-tcltk-subset-filter.Rnw:618-622
## Call when all is said and done
window <- tktoplevel()
filter_list <- FilterList$new(DF = Cars93, parent = window)

### code chunk number 283: ex-tcltk-tree.Rnw:3-24
## not shown
## load in tcltk

## helper function to add scrollbars
addScrollbars <- function(parent, widget) {
  xscr <- ttkscrollbar(parent, orient = "horizontal",
                       command = function(...) tkxview(widget, ...))
  yscr <- ttkscrollbar(parent, orient = "vertical",
                       command = function(...) tkyview(widget, ...))

              xscrollcommand = function(...) tkset(xscr,...),
              yscrollcommand = function(...) tkset(yscr,...))

  tkgrid(widget, row = 0, column = 0, sticky = "news")
  tkgrid(yscr,row = 0,column = 1, sticky = "ns")
  tkgrid(xscr, row = 1, column = 0, sticky = "ew")
  tkgrid.columnconfigure(parent, 0, weight = 1)
  tkgrid.rowconfigure(parent, 0, weight = 1)

### code chunk number 284: ex-tcltk-tree.Rnw:45-50
file_name <- ""
doc <- htmlTreeParse(file_name, useInternalNodes = TRUE, 
                     error = function(...) {})
root <- xmlRoot(doc)

### code chunk number 285: notShown
window <- tktoplevel()
tkwm.title(window, "Treeview example with XML")
frame <- ttkframe(window, padding = c(3,3,12,12))
tkpack(frame, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")

### code chunk number 286: ex-tcltk-tree.Rnw:61-64
treeview <- ttktreeview(frame, displaycolumns = "#all", 
                        columns = 1)
addScrollbars(frame, treeview)                    

### code chunk number 287: columnConfiguration
tcl(treeview, "heading", "#0", text = "Name")
tcl(treeview, "column",  "#0", minwidth = 20)
tcl(treeview, "heading",  1,   text = "value")
tcl(treeview, "column",   1,   minwidth = 20)

### code chunk number 288: ex-tcltk-tree.Rnw:75-95
## xmlChildren gives children
## xmlName gives name of node
## xmlValue gives values stored in node -- text

## issue with quoting values of tree. This taken from shout
quoteIt <- function(string) {           
  doQuote <- function(x) {
    xx <- strsplit(x, '"', fixe = TRUE)[[1]]
    paste(paste('"', xx, '"', sep = ""), collapse = '\'"\'')
  if(!length(string)) return("")
  has_double_quote <- grep('"',string)
    return(paste('"',string,'"',sep = ""))
  if (!length(grep("([$`])", string))) {
    paste("\"", gsub("([\"!\\])", "\\\\\\1", string), 
          "\"", sep = "")
  } else sapply(string, doQuote)

### code chunk number 289: ex-tcltk-tree.Rnw:104-118
insertChild <- function(treeview, node, parent = "") {
  l <- list(treeview, "insert", parent, "end", 
            text = xmlName(node))
  children <- xmlChildren(node)
  if(length(children) == 0) {         # add in values
    values <- paste(xmlValue(node), sep = " ", collapse = " ")
    l$values <- as.tclObj(values)     # avoid split on spaces
  tree_path <-"tcl", l)

  if(length(children))                          # recurse
    for(i in children) insertChild(treeview, i, tree_path)
insertChild(treeview, root)

### code chunk number 290: ex-tcltk-tree.Rnw:131-133
.selected_id <- ""                               # globals
.dragging <- FALSE

### code chunk number 291: ex-tcltk-tree.Rnw:137-140
tkbind(treeview, "<Button-1>", function(W, x, y) {
  .selected_id <<- as.character(tcl(W, "identify","row", x, y))

### code chunk number 292: ex-tcltk-tree.Rnw:145-149
tkbind(treeview, "<B1-Motion>", function(W, x, y, X, Y) {
  tkconfigure(W, cursor = "diamond_cross")
  .dragging <<-TRUE

### code chunk number 293: ex-tcltk-tree.Rnw:159-169
tkbind(treeview, "<ButtonRelease-1>", function(W, x, y, X, Y) {
  if(.dragging && .selected_id != "") {
    w <- tkwinfo("containing", X, Y)
    if(as.character(w) == as.character(W)) {
      dropID <- as.character(tcl(W, "identify","row", x, y))
      try(tkmove(W, .selected_id, dropID, "0"), silent = TRUE)
  .dragging <<- FALSE; .selected_id <<- "" # reset

### code chunk number 294: walkTreeReturnAList
tree_to_list <- function(treeview) {
  l <- list()
  walk_tree <- function(child, l) {
    l$name <- tclvalue(tcl(treeview,"item", child, "-text"))
    l$value <- as.character(tcl(treeview,"item", child,
    children <- as.character(tcl(treeview, "children", child)) 
    if(length(children)) {
      l$children <- list()
      for(i in children) 
        l$children[[i]] <- walk_tree(i, list()) # recurse
  walk_tree("", l)

### code chunk number 295: ex-tcltk-scrollable-frame.Rnw:1-20
## This is also an example of using a canvas to make a scrollable box container
## cf

addScrollbars <- function(parent, widget) {
  xscr <- ttkscrollbar(parent, orient = "horizontal",
                       command = function(...) tkxview(widget, ...))
  tkconfigure(widget, xscrollcommand = function(...) tkset(xscr,...))

  yscr <- ttkscrollbar(parent, command = function(...) tkyview(widget,...))
  tkconfigure(widget, yscrollcommand = function(...) tkset(yscr,...))
  ## Pack into a grid, from tkFAQ 10.1
  tkgrid(widget,row = 0,column = 0, sticky = "news")
  tkgrid(xscr,row = 1,column = 0, sticky = "ew")
  tkgrid(yscr,row = 0,column = 1, sticky = "ns")
  tkgrid.columnconfigure(parent, 0, weight = 1)
  tkgrid.rowconfigure(parent, 0, weight = 1)

### code chunk number 296: ex-tcltk-scrollable-frame.Rnw:39-64
scrollable_frame <- function(parent, width=300, height=300) {
  canvas_widget <- 
             borderwidth = 0, highlightthickness = 0,
             width = width, height = height)
  addScrollbars(parent, canvas_widget)
  frame <- ttkframe(canvas_widget, padding = c(0,0,0,0))
  frame_id <- tkcreate(canvas_widget, "window", 0, 0, 
                       anchor = "nw", window = frame)
  tkitemconfigure(canvas_widget, frame_id, width = width)
  ## update scroll region
  tkbind(frame, "<Configure>", function() {  
    bbox <- tcl(canvas_widget, "bbox", "all")
    tcl(canvas_widget, "config", scrollregion = bbox)
  ## adjust "window" width when canvas is resized.
  tkbind(canvas_widget, "<Configure>", function(W) {
    width <- as.numeric(tkwinfo("width", W))
    frame_width <- as.numeric(tkwinfo("width", frame))
    if(frame_width < width)
      tkitemconfigure(canvas_widget, frame_id, width = width)

### code chunk number 297: ex-tcltk-scrollable-frame.Rnw:68-73
window <- tktoplevel()
tkwm.title(window,"Scrollable frame example")
frame <- ttkframe(window)
tkpack(frame, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")
scroll_frame <- scrollable_frame(frame, 300, 300)

### code chunk number 298: ex-tcltk-scrollable-frame.Rnw:82-95
font_families <- as.character(tkfont.families())
## skip odd named ones
font_families <- font_families[grepl("^[[:alpha:]]",
for(i in seq_along(font_families)) {
  font_name <- sprintf("::font::-%s", i)
  try(tkfont.create(font_name, family = font_families[i],
                    size = 14), 
      silent = TRUE)
  l <- ttklabel(scroll_frame, text = font_families[i],
                font = font_name)
  tkpack(l, side = "top", anchor = "w")

### code chunk number 299: ex-tcltk-sparklines.Rnw:23-30
## sparklines
window <- tktoplevel()
tkwm.title(window, "Sparklines example")
frame <- ttkframe(window, padding = c(3,3,12,12))
tkpack(frame, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")

### code chunk number 300: ex-tcltk-sparklines.Rnw:35-40
mL <- function(label) { # save some typing
    label <- sprintf("%.2f", label)
  ttklabel(frame, text = label, justify = "right") 

### code chunk number 301: makeHeaderRule
tkgrid(mL(""), mL("2000-01-01"), mL("-- until --"), 
       mL("today"), mL("low"), mL("high"))
tkgrid(ttkseparator(frame), row=1, column = 1, columnspan = 5, 
       sticky = "we")

### code chunk number 302: ex-tcltk-sparklines.Rnw:56-86
add_sparkline <- function(label, symbol = "MSFT") {
  width <- 100; height = 15               # fix width, height
  y <- get.hist.quote(instrument=symbol, start = "2000-01-01",
                      quote = "C", provider = "yahoo", 
                      retclass = "zoo")$Close
  min <- min(y); max <- max(y)
  start <- y[1]; end <- tail(y,n = 1)
  rng <- range(y)
  spark_line_canvas <- tkcanvas(frame,
                                width=width, height = height)
  x <- 0:(length(y)-1) * width/length(y)
  if(diff(rng) !=  0) {
    y1 <- (y - rng[1])/diff(rng) * height
    y1 <- height - y1   # adjust to canvas coordinates
  } else {
    y1 <- height/2 + 0 * y
  ## make line with: pathName create line x1 y1... xn yn 
  l <- list(spark_line_canvas, "create","line")
  sapply(seq_along(x), function(i) {
    l[[2*i + 2]] <<- x[i]
    l[[2*i + 3]] <<- y1[i]
  })"tcl", l)

  tkgrid(mL(label),mL(start), spark_line_canvas, 
         mL(end), mL(min), mL(max), pady = 2, sticky = "e")

### code chunk number 303: ex-tcltk-sparklines.Rnw:90-93 (eval = FALSE)
## add_sparkline("Microsoft", "MSFT")
## add_sparkline("General Electric", "GE")
## add_sparkline("Starbucks", "SBUX")

### code chunk number 304: ex-tcltk-canvas.Rnw:8-14
## Canvas example of moving a point. See tkcanvas for much more
window <- tktoplevel()
tkwm.title(window, "Move canvas object example")
canvas <- tkcanvas(window, width = 450, height = 300)
tkpack(canvas, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")

### code chunk number 305: ex-tcltk-canvas.Rnw:20-25
x <- 200; y <- 150; r <- 6
item <- tkcreate(canvas, "oval", x - r, y - r, x + r, y + r,
                 width = 1, outline = "black",
                 fill = "blue")
tkaddtag(canvas, "point", "withtag", item)

### code chunk number 306: ex-tcltk-canvas.Rnw:32-36
tkitembind(canvas, "point", "<Any-Enter>", function()
           tkitemconfigure(canvas, "current", fill = "red"))
tkitembind(canvas, "point", "<Any-Leave>", function()
           tkitemconfigure(canvas, "current", fill = "blue"))

### code chunk number 307: ex-tcltk-canvas.Rnw:42-49
last_pos <- numeric(2)            # global to track position
tag_selected <- function(W, x, y) {
  tkaddtag(W,  "selected",  "withtag",  "current")
  tkitemraise(W, "current")
  last_pos <<- as.numeric(c(x, y))
tkitembind(canvas, "point", "<Button-1>",  tag_selected)

### code chunk number 308: moveSelectedPoint
move_selected <- function(W, x, y) {
  pos <- as.numeric(c(x,y))
  tkmove(W, "selected", pos[1] - last_pos[1], 
                        pos[2] - last_pos[2])
  last_pos <<- pos
tkbind(canvas, "<B1-Motion>", move_selected)

### code chunk number 309: ex-tcltk-canvas.Rnw:70-72
tkbind(canvas, "<ButtonRelease-1>", 
       function(W) tkdtag(W, "selected"))

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ProgGUIinR documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:04 p.m.