
Defines functions sql.reader

Documented in sql.reader

#' @describeIn preinstalled.readers Read a database described in a \code{.sql} file.
#' @details The \code{sql.reader} function will load data from a SQL database based on configuration
#' information found in the specified .sql file. The .sql file must specify
#' a database to be accessed. All tables from the database, one specific tables
#' or one specific query against any set of tables may be executed to generate
#' a data set.
#' queries can support string interpolation to execute code snippets using mustache syntax (http://mustache.github.io). This is used
#' to create queries that depend on data from other sources. Code delimited is \{\{...\}\}
#' Example: query: SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE id IN (\{\{ids\}\}).
#' Here ids is a vector previously loaded into the Global Environment through ProjectTemplate
#' Examples of the DCF format and settings used in a .sql file are shown
#' below:
#' Example 1
#' type: mysql
#' user: sample_user
#' password: sample_password
#' host: localhost
#' dbname: sample_database
#' table: sample_table
#' Example 2
#' type: mysql
#' user: sample_user
#' password: sample_password
#' host: localhost
#' port: 3306
#' socket: /Applications/MAMP/tmp/mysql/mysql.sock
#' dbname: sample_database
#' table: sample_table
#' Example 3
#' type: sqlite
#' dbname: /path/to/sample_database
#' table: sample_table
#' Example 4
#' type: sqlite
#' dbname: /path/to/sample_database
#' query: SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_active == 1
#' Example 5
#' type: sqlite
#' dbname: /path/to/sample_database
#' table: *
#' Example 6
#' type: postgres
#' user: sample_user
#' password: sample_password
#' host: localhost
#' dbname: sample_database
#' table: sample_table
#' Example 7
#' type: odbc
#' dsn: sample_dsn
#' user: sample_user
#' password: sample_password
#' dbname: sample_database
#' query: SELECT * FROM sample_table
#' Example 8
#' type: oracle
#' user: sample_user
#' password: sample_password
#' dbname: sample_database
#' table: sample_table
#' Example 9
#' type: jdbc
#' class: oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
#' classpath: /path/to/ojdbc5.jar (or set in CLASSPATH)
#' user: scott
#' password: tiger
#' url: jdbc:oracle:thin:@@myhost:1521:orcl
#' query: select * from emp
#' Example 10
#' type: heroku
#' classpath: /path/to/jdbc4.jar (or set in CLASSPATH)
#' user: scott
#' password: tiger
#' host: heroku.postgres.url
#' port: 1234
#' dbname: herokudb
#' query: select * from emp
#' Example 11
#' In this example RSQLite::initExtension() is automatically called on the established connection.
#' Liam Healy has written extension-functions.c, which is available on http://www.sqlite.org/contrib.
#' It provides mathematical and string extension functions for SQL queries using the loadable extensions mechanism.
#' type: sqlite
#' dbname: /path/to/sample_database
#' plugin: extension
#' query: SELECT *,STDEV(value1) FROM example_table
#' @importFrom utils modifyList
#' @importFrom methods is

sql.reader <- function(data.file, filename, variable.name)
  database.info <- translate.dcf(filename)

  if (! is.null(database.info[['connection']]))
    connection_filename <- paste("data/", database.info[['connection']],".sql-connection", sep="")
    connection.info <- translate.dcf(connection_filename)

    # Allow .sql to override options defined in .connection
    database.info <- modifyList(connection.info, database.info)

  if (! (database.info[['type']] %in% c('mysql', 'sqlite', 'odbc', 'postgres', 'oracle', 'jdbc', 'heroku')))
    warning('Only databases reachable through RMySQL, RSQLite, RODBC ROracle or RPostgreSQL are currently supported.')
           envir = .TargetEnv)

  # Draft code for ODBC support.
  if (database.info[['type']] == 'odbc')

    connection.string <- paste('DSN=', database.info[['dsn']], ';',
                               'UID=', database.info[['user']], ';',
                               'PWD=', database.info[['password']], ';',
                               'DATABASE=', database.info['dbname'],
                               sep = '')
    connection <- RODBC::odbcDriverConnect(connection.string)
    results <- RODBC::sqlQuery(connection, database.info[['query']])
           envir = .TargetEnv)

  if (database.info[['type']] == 'mysql')

    mysql.driver <- DBI::dbDriver("MySQL")

    # Default value for 'port' in mysqlNewConnection is 0.
    if (is.null(database.info[['port']]))
      database.info[['port']] <- 0

    connection <- DBI::dbConnect(mysql.driver,
                            user = database.info[['user']],
                            password = database.info[['password']],
                            host = database.info[['host']],
                            dbname = database.info[['dbname']],
                            port = as.integer(database.info[['port']]),
                            unix.socket = database.info[['socket']])
    on.exit(try(DBI::dbDisconnect(connection), silent = TRUE), add = TRUE)

    DBI::dbGetQuery(connection, "SET NAMES 'utf8'") # Switch to utf-8 strings

  if (database.info[['type']] == 'sqlite')

    sqlite.driver <- DBI::dbDriver("SQLite")

    connection <- DBI::dbConnect(sqlite.driver,
                            dbname = database.info[['dbname']])
    on.exit(try(DBI::dbDisconnect(connection), silent = TRUE), add = TRUE)

    if (!is.null(database.info[['plugin']]) && database.info[['plugin']] == 'extension')

  if (database.info[['type']] == 'postgres')

    pgsql.driver <- DBI::dbDriver("PostgreSQL")

    # Default value for 'port' for Postgres is 5432.
    if (is.null(database.info[['port']]))
      database.info[['port']] <- 5432

    connection <- DBI::dbConnect(pgsql.driver,
                            user = database.info[['user']],
                            password = database.info[['password']],
                            host = database.info[['host']],
                            dbname = database.info[['dbname']],
                            port = as.integer(database.info[['port']]))
    on.exit(try(DBI::dbDisconnect(connection), silent = TRUE), add = TRUE)

  if (database.info[['type']] == 'oracle')

    oracle.driver <- DBI::dbDriver("Oracle")

    # Default value for 'port' in mysqlNewConnection is 0.
    if (is.null(database.info[['port']]))
      database.info[['port']] <- 0

    connection <- DBI::dbConnect(oracle.driver,
                            user = database.info[['user']],
                            password = database.info[['password']],
                            dbname = database.info[['dbname']])
    on.exit(try(DBI::dbDisconnect(connection), silent = TRUE), add = TRUE)

  if (database.info[['type']] == 'jdbc')

    ident.quote <- NA
    if('identquote' %in% names(database.info))
       ident.quote <- database.info[['identquote']]

    if(is.null(database.info[['classpath']])) {
      database.info[['classpath']] = ''

    rjdbc.driver <- RJDBC::JDBC(database.info[['class']], database.info[['classpath']], ident.quote)
    connection <- DBI::dbConnect(rjdbc.driver,
                            user = database.info[['user']],
                            password = database.info[['password']])
    on.exit(try(DBI::dbDisconnect(connection), silent = TRUE), add = TRUE)

  if (database.info[['type']] == 'heroku')

    if(is.null(database.info[['classpath']])) {
      database.info[['classpath']] <- ''

    database.info[['class']] <- 'org.postgresql.Driver'

    database.info[['url']] <- paste('jdbc:postgresql://', database.info[['host']],
        ':', database.info[['port']],
        '/', database.info[['dbname']],
        '?ssl=true&sslfactory=org.postgresql.ssl.NonValidatingFactory', sep = '')

    rjdbc.driver <- RJDBC::JDBC(database.info[['class']], database.info[['classpath']])
    connection <- DBI::dbConnect(rjdbc.driver,
                            user = database.info[['user']],
                            password = database.info[['password']])
    on.exit(try(DBI::dbDisconnect(connection), silent = TRUE), add = TRUE)

  # Added support for queries.
  # User should specify either a table name or a query to execute, but not both.
  table <- database.info[['table']]
  query <- database.info[['query']]

  # If both a table and a query are specified, favor the query.
  if (! is.null(table) && ! is.null(query))
      warning(paste("'query' parameter in ",
                    " overrides 'table' parameter.",
                    sep = ''))
      table <- NULL

  if (is.null(table) && is.null(query))
    warning("Either 'table' or 'query' must be specified in a .sql file")

  if (! is.null(table) && table == '*')
    tables <- DBI::dbListTables(connection)
    for (table in tables)
      message(paste('  Loading table:', table))

      data.parcel <- DBI::dbReadTable(connection,
                                 row.names = NULL)

             envir = .TargetEnv)

  # If table is specified, read the whole table.
  # Othwrwise, execute the specified query.
  if (! is.null(table) && table != '*')
    if (DBI::dbExistsTable(connection, table))
      data.parcel <- DBI::dbReadTable(connection,
                                 row.names = NULL)

             envir = .TargetEnv)
      warning(paste('Table not found:', table))

  if (! is.null(query))
    # Do string interpolation
    # TODO: When whisker is updated add strict=FALSE
    if (length(grep('\\@\\{.*\\}', query)) != 0) {
      query <- GetoptLong::qq(query)
    } else if (length(grep('\\{\\{.*\\}\\}', query))) {
      query <- whisker::whisker.render(query, data = .GlobalEnv)
    data.parcel <- try(DBI::dbGetQuery(connection, query))
    suppressWarnings(err <- DBI::dbGetException(connection))

    if (is(data.parcel, 'data.frame') && (length(err) == 0 || err$errorNum == 0))
             envir = .TargetEnv)
      warning(paste("Error loading '",
                    "' with query '",
                    "'\n    '",
                    sep = ''))

  # If the table exists but is empty, do not create a variable.
  # Or if the query returned no results, do not create a variable.
  if (nrow(data.parcel) == 0)
           envir = .TargetEnv)

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ProjectTemplate documentation built on July 4, 2024, 1:10 a.m.