hapSim: Generate Genotypic Data

View source: R/hapSim.R

hapSimR Documentation

Generate Genotypic Data


Simulate gametic data from a pedigree.


hapSim(ped, gmap, ids, hap, method = c("Haldane", "Kosambi"))



A pedigree, which is a data frame (id, sex, father/sire, mother/dam, ...). In "sex", male should be "M", "Male" or 1, and female should be "F", "Female" or 2 (other than 0 and 1). If given, "generation" can be numeric 0, 1, 2, ... or non-numeric "F0", "F1", "F2", ..., which should be in an increasing order. Note that 0 is reserved for missing values. If a father/mother is an inbred founder, its ID should be tagged by character 'i' (e.g. 1i, 2i, etc.). See pedRecode.


A genetic map. Should be data frame (snp, chr, dist, ...), where "snp" is the SNP (marker) name, "chr" is the chromosome where the "snp" is, and "dist" is the genetic distance in centi-Morgan (cM) from the left of the chromosome. If gmap is missing but hap not, all but the first two columns of hap are ignored.


Genotypic data are extracted only for individuals with IDs specified by ids. If missing, genotypic data are extracted for all individuals in the pedigree. If ped is an object of pedRecode, ids should be referred to "old" IDs.


Founders' haplotype data if not missing. Rows correspond to founders as specified by row names, and columns correspond to loci in the genetic map gmap in the exact order. For an individual, the haplotype should be (f1 m1 f2 m2 ...) where fi is the allele from father at the i-th locus and mi is the allele from mother at the i-th locus. Elements should be non-negative integers that are not larger than 16384. If hap is not supplied, founders are assumed to be inbred.


Whether "Haldane" or "Kosambi" mapping function should be used. This will be ignored if the recombination rate recRate is a component of gmap.


The pedigree should be in the same format as an output of pedRecode. Founders mean those whose parents have 0 or negative IDs after the pedigree is recoded by pedRecode.


A matrix giving haplotypes.

See Also

pedRecode for more information.



## Not run: 
# prepare pedigree in desired format
pedR<- pedRecode(pedF8)
pedR[1:5,] # check to find out three founders
# fake founder haplotypes
hapDat<- rbind(rep(1:2,nrow(gmapF8)),rep(3:4,nrow(gmapF8)),rep(5:6,nrow(gmapF8)))
rownames(hapDat)<- c("32089","1","2")
# simulate hyplotypes for F8 individuals
hd<- hapSim(pedF8, gmapF8, ids=pedF8$id[pedF8$gen=="F8"], hap=hapDat)

## End(Not run)

QTLRel documentation built on Aug. 9, 2023, 1:07 a.m.

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