
# @RdocDefault writeMat
# @title "Writes a MAT file structure"
# \description{
#  This function takes the given variables (\code{...}) and places them in a
#  MAT file structure, which is then written to a binary connection.
# }
# @synopsis
# \arguments{
#   \item{con}{Binary @connection to which the MAT file structure should be
#     written to. A string is interpreted as filename, which then will be
#     opened (and closed afterwards).}
#   \item{...}{\emph{Named} variables to be written where the names
#     must be unique.}
#   \item{fixNames}{If @TRUE, periods within names of R variables
#     and fields are converted to underscores.}
#   \item{matVersion}{A @character string specifying what MAT file format
#     version to be written to the connection. If \code{"5"}, a MAT v5 file
#     structure is written. No other formats are currently supported.}
#   \item{onWrite}{Function to be called just before starting to write to
#     connection. Since the MAT file structure does not contain information
#     about the total size of the structure this argument makes it possible
#     to first write the structure size (in bytes) to the connection.}
#   \item{verbose}{Either a @logical, a @numeric, or a @see "R.utils::Verbose"
#     object specifying how much verbose/debug information is written to
#     standard output. If a Verbose object, how detailed the information is
#     is specified by the threshold level of the object. If a numeric, the
#     value is used to set the threshold of a new Verbose object. If @TRUE, 
#     the threshold is set to -1 (minimal). If @FALSE, no output is written
#     (and neither is the \link[R.utils:R.utils-package]{R.utils} package required).
#   }
#   Note that \code{...} must \emph{not} contain variables with names equal
#   to the arguments \code{matVersion} and \code{onWrite}, which were chosen
#   because we believe they are quite unique to this write method.
# }
# \value{
#   Returns (invisibly) the number of bytes written. Any bytes written by
#   any onWrite function are \emph{not} included in this count.
# }
# \section{Limitations}{
#  Currently only the uncompressed MAT version 5 file format [6] is
#  supported, that is, compressed MAT files cannot be written (only read).
#  Moreover, the maximum variable size supported by the MAT version 5
#  file format is 2^31 bytes [6].  In R, this limitation translates to
#  2^31-1 bytes, which corresponds to for instance an integer object
#  with 536870912 elements or double object with 268435456 elements.
# }
# \section{Details on onWrite()}{
#   If specified, the \code{onWrite()} function is called before the
#   data is written to the connection.  This function must take a @list
#   argument as the first argument.  This will hold the element \code{con}
#   which is the opened @connection to be written to.
#   It will also hold the element \code{length}, which specified the
#   number of bytes to be written.  See example for an illustration.
#   \emph{Note}, in order to provide the number of bytes before actually
#   writing the data, a two-pass procedure has to be taken, where the
#   first pass is imitating a complete writing without writing anything
#   to the connection but only counting the total number of bytes. Then
#   in the second pass, after calling \code{onWrite()}, the data is written.
# }
# \examples{@include "../incl/writeMat.R"
# \dontrun{
# # When writing to a stream connection the receiver needs to know on
# # beforehand how many bytes are available. This can be done by using
# # the 'onWrite' argument.
# onWrite <- function(x)
#   writeBin(x$length, con = x$con, size = 4, endian = "little")
#   writeMat(con, A = A, B = B, onWrite = onWrite)
# }
# }
# @author
# \references{
#   [1] The MathWorks Inc., \emph{MATLAB - MAT-File Format, version 5}, June 1999.\cr
#   [2] The MathWorks Inc., \emph{MATLAB - Application Program Interface Guide, version 5}, 1998.\cr
#   [3] The MathWorks Inc., \emph{MATLAB - MAT-File Format, version 7}, September 2009.\cr
#   [4] The MathWorks Inc., \emph{MATLAB - MAT-File Format, version R2012a}, September 2012.\cr
#   [5] The MathWorks Inc., \emph{MATLAB - MAT-File Format, version R2015b}, September 2015.\cr
#   [6] The MathWorks Inc., \emph{MATLAB - MAT-File Versions}, December 2015.
#       \url{https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/import_export/mat-file-versions.html}\cr
# }
# \seealso{
#   @see "readMat".
# }
# @keyword file
# @keyword IO
setMethodS3("writeMat", "default", function(con, ..., fixNames = TRUE, matVersion = "5", onWrite = NULL, verbose = FALSE) {
  # General functions to write MAT v5 files (and later MAT v4 files).    BEGIN
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # The MAT file format (<= 7) only supports 2^31 bytes per variable [6]
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  MAX_WRITABLE_BYTES <- min(2^31, .Machine$integer.max)
  maxBytesError <- function(nbrOfBytes, size) {
    throw(sprintf("MAT file format error: Object is too large to be written to a MAT v%s file, which only supports variables of maximum 2^31 bytes. The object that cannot be written has %.0f elements each of %d bytes totalling %.0f bytes: %s", matVersion, nbrOfBytes/size, size, nbrOfBytes, sQuote(conDescription)))

  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Function to make a variable name into a safe MATLAB variable name.
  # For instance, periods ('.') are replaced by underscores ('_').
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  if (fixNames) {
    asSafeMatlabName <- function(name) gsub(".", "_", name, fixed = TRUE)
  } else {
    asSafeMatlabName <- function(name) name

  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Function to write (or just count) an object to a connection.
  # This function will also keep track of the actual number of bytes written.
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  writeBinMat <- function(con, object, size, signed = TRUE, endian = "little") {
    nbrOfBytes <- size*length(object)

    ## Is the number of bytes supported by the MAT file format?
    if (nbrOfBytes > MAX_WRITABLE_BYTES) maxBytesError(nbrOfBytes, size)

    if (!is.null(con)) {
      writeBin(object, con = con, size = size, endian = endian)

  } # writeBinMat()

  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Function to write (or just count) a character string to a connection.
  # This function will also keep track of the actual number of bytes written.
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  writeCharMat <- function(con, object, nchars = nchar(object)) {
    if (!is.null(con)) {
      writeChar(object, con = con, nchars = nchars, eos = NULL)
###      verbose && printf(verbose, "writeCharMat(<length = %d>, nchars = %d)\n", length(object), nchars)
  } # writeCharMat()

  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # ASCII is the 8-bit ASCII table with ASCII characters from 0-255.
  # Extracted from the R.oo package. Also inside readMat().
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  ASCII <- c(
    "",     "\001", "\002", "\003", "\004", "\005", "\006", "\007", # 000-007
    "\010", "\011", "\012", "\013", "\014", "\015", "\016", "\017", # 010-017
    "\020", "\021", "\022", "\023", "\024", "\025", "\026", "\027", # 020-027
    "\030", "\031", "\032", "\033", "\034", "\035", "\036", "\037", # 030-037
    "\040", "\041", "\042", "\043", "\044", "\045", "\046", "\047", # 040-047
    "\050", "\051", "\052", "\053", "\054", "\055", "\056", "\057", # 050-057
    "\060", "\061", "\062", "\063", "\064", "\065", "\066", "\067", # 060-067
    "\070", "\071", "\072", "\073", "\074", "\075", "\076", "\077", # 070-077
    "\100", "\101", "\102", "\103", "\104", "\105", "\106", "\107", # 100-107
    "\110", "\111", "\112", "\113", "\114", "\115", "\116", "\117", # 110-117
    "\120", "\121", "\122", "\123", "\124", "\125", "\126", "\127", # 120-127
    "\130", "\131", "\132", "\133", "\134", "\135", "\136", "\137", # 130-137
    "\140", "\141", "\142", "\143", "\144", "\145", "\146", "\147", # 140-147
    "\150", "\151", "\152", "\153", "\154", "\155", "\156", "\157", # 150-157
    "\160", "\161", "\162", "\163", "\164", "\165", "\166", "\167", # 160-167
    "\170", "\171", "\172", "\173", "\174", "\175", "\176", "\177", # 170-177
    "\200", "\201", "\202", "\203", "\204", "\205", "\206", "\207", # 200-207
    "\210", "\211", "\212", "\213", "\214", "\215", "\216", "\217", # 210-217
    "\220", "\221", "\222", "\223", "\224", "\225", "\226", "\227", # 220-227
    "\230", "\231", "\232", "\233", "\234", "\235", "\236", "\237", # 230-237
    "\240", "\241", "\242", "\243", "\244", "\245", "\246", "\247", # 240-247
    "\250", "\251", "\252", "\253", "\254", "\255", "\256", "\257", # 250-257
    "\260", "\261", "\262", "\263", "\264", "\265", "\266", "\267", # 260-267
    "\270", "\271", "\272", "\273", "\274", "\275", "\276", "\277", # 270-277
    "\300", "\301", "\302", "\303", "\304", "\305", "\306", "\307", # 300-307
    "\310", "\311", "\312", "\313", "\314", "\315", "\316", "\317", # 310-317
    "\320", "\321", "\322", "\323", "\324", "\325", "\326", "\327", # 320-327
    "\330", "\331", "\332", "\333", "\334", "\335", "\336", "\337", # 330-337
    "\340", "\341", "\342", "\343", "\344", "\345", "\346", "\347", # 340-347
    "\350", "\351", "\352", "\353", "\354", "\355", "\356", "\357", # 350-357
    "\360", "\361", "\362", "\363", "\364", "\365", "\366", "\367", # 360-367
    "\370", "\371", "\372", "\373", "\374", "\375", "\376", "\377"  # 370-377

  # We removed ASCII 0x00, because it represents an empty string in
  # R v2.7.0 (and maybe some earlier version) and in R v2.8.0 we will get
  # a warning.  However, for backward compatibility we will still use it
  # for version prior to R v2.7.0.  See also email from Brian Ripley
  # on 2008-04-23 on this problem.
  if (getRversion() < "2.7.0") ASCII[1] <- eval(parse(text = "\"\\000\""))

  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Function to convert a vector of ASCII chars into a vector of integers.
  # Extracted from the R.oo package.
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  charToInt <- function(ch) {
    match(ch, ASCII) - 1

  # General functions to write MAT v5 files (and later MAT v4 files).      END

  # MAT v5 specific                                                      BEGIN
  writeMat5 <- function(con, objects, onWrite = onWrite, format = "matlab") {
    writeHeader <- function(con) {
      verbose && enter(verbose, "writeHeader()")

      # Write 124 bytes header description
      rVersion <- paste(c(R.Version()$major, R.Version()$minor), collapse = ".")
      description <- paste("MATLAB 5.0 MAT-file, Platform: ", .Platform$OS.type, ", Software: R v", rVersion, ", Created on: ", date(), sep = "")
      bfr <- unlist(strsplit(description, split = "", fixed = TRUE), use.names = FALSE)
      bfr <- charToInt(bfr)
      bfr <- c(bfr, rep(32, max(124-length(bfr), 0)))
      if (length(bfr) > 124) bfr <- bfr[1:124]
      nbrOfBytes <- writeBinMat(con, as.integer(bfr), size = 1)

      # Write version
      version <- 256L  ## version == 0x0100 [6]
      nbrOfBytes <- nbrOfBytes + writeBinMat(con, version, size = 2, endian = "little")

      # Write endian information
      nbrOfBytes <- nbrOfBytes + writeCharMat(con, "IM")

      verbose && exit(verbose)

      # Return number of bytes written
    } # writeHeader()

    writeDataElement <- function(con, object, nbrOfBytes = NA) {
      #      1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8
      #   +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+
      #   |    Data type      |  Number of Bytes  |  Tag
      #   +---------------------------------------+
      #   |                                       |
      #   |             Variable size             |  Data
      #   |                                       |
      #   +---------------------------------------+

      verbose && enter(verbose, "writeDataElement()")
      verbose && str(verbose, object)

      writeTag <- function(dataType, nbrOfBytes, compressed = FALSE) {
##        verbose && enter(verbose, sprintf("writeTag(%s, nbrOfBytes = %d, compressed = %s)", dataType, nbrOfBytes, compressed))
        knownTypes <- c("miINT8" = 8, "miUINT8" = 8, "miINT16" = 16, "miUINT16" = 16, "miINT32" = 32, "miUINT32" = 32, "miSINGLE" = NA, NA, "miDOUBLE" = 64, NA, NA, "miINT64" = 64, "miUINT64" = 64, "miMATRIX" = NA)
        type <- which(names(knownTypes) == dataType)
        if (length(type) == 0)
          stop("Unknown Data Element Tag type: ", dataType)

        ## Is the number of bytes supported by the MAT file format?
        if (nbrOfBytes > MAX_WRITABLE_BYTES) maxBytesError(nbrOfBytes, knownTypes[type]/8)

        nbrOfBytesTag <- nbrOfBytes

        nbrOfBytes <- 0
        if (compressed) {
          bfr <- nbrOfBytesTag * 256^2 + type
          nbrOfBytes <- nbrOfBytes + writeBinMat(con, as.integer(bfr), size = 4, endian = "little")
        } else {
          nbrOfBytes <- nbrOfBytes + writeBinMat(con, as.integer(type), size = 4, endian = "little")
          nbrOfBytes <- nbrOfBytes + writeBinMat(con, as.integer(nbrOfBytesTag), size = 4, endian = "little")

        # Sanity check
        if(nbrOfBytes != 4 && nbrOfBytes != 8) {
          stop("Internal error: Number of bytes written by writeTag() is not 4 or 8: ", nbrOfBytes)

###        verbose && exit(verbose)

        # Return number of bytes written
      } # writeTag()

      writePadding <- function(padding, ...) {
        if (padding > 0) {
###          verbose && enter(verbose, "Padding with ", padding, " zeros")
          writeBinMat(con, rep(0L, times = padding), size = 1)
###          verbose && exit(verbose)
      } # writePadding()

      writeArrayFlags <- function(class, complex = FALSE, global = FALSE, logical = FALSE) {
        verbose && enter(verbose, "writeArrayFlags(): ", class)

        knownClasses <- c("mxCELL_CLASS" = NA, "mxSTRUCT_CLASS" = NA, "mxOBJECT_CLASS" = NA, "mxCHAR_CLASS" = 8, "mxSPARSE_CLASS" = NA, "mxDOUBLE_CLASS" = NA, "mxSINGLE_CLASS" = NA, "mxINT8_CLASS" = 8, "mxUINT8_CLASS" = 8, "mxINT16_CLASS" = 16, "mxUINT16_CLASS" = 16, "mxINT32_CLASS" = 32, "mxUINT32_CLASS" = 32)
        classID <- which(names(knownClasses) == class)
        if (length(classID) == 0)
          stop("Unknown tag type: ", class)

        flags <- c(2^3*complex, 2^2*global, 2^1*logical, 0)
        flags <- sum(flags)

        # Array Flags [miUINT32]
        tagSize <- writeTag(dataType = "miUINT32", nbrOfBytes = 8)
        nbrOfBytes <- tagSize

        bfr <- flags*256 + classID
        nbrOfBytes <- nbrOfBytes + writeBinMat(con, as.integer(bfr), size = 4, endian = "little")

        # Undefined
        nbrOfBytes <- nbrOfBytes + writeBinMat(con, 0L, size = 4)

        verbose && exit(verbose)

        # Return number of written bytes
      } # writeArrayFlags()

      writeDimensionsArray <- function(dim = c(1, 1)) {
        nbrOfDimensions <- length(dim)
        nbrOfBytes <- nbrOfDimensions*4

        verbose && enter(verbose, "writeDimensionsArray(): dim = c(", paste(dim, collapse = ", "), ")")

        # Pad bytes?
        padding <- 8 - ((nbrOfBytes-1) %% 8 + 1)
        if (padding < 0) {
          stop("Internal error: Negative padding: ", padding)

        # Dimensions Array [miINT32]
        tagSize <- writeTag(dataType = "miINT32", nbrOfBytes = nbrOfBytes)
        nbrOfBytes <- tagSize

        # Write the dimensions
        nbrOfBytes <- nbrOfBytes + writeBinMat(con, as.integer(dim), size = 4, signed = TRUE, endian = "little")

        # Write padded bytes
        nbrOfBytes <- nbrOfBytes + writePadding(padding)

        verbose && exit(verbose)

        # Return number of bytes written
      } # writeDimensionsArray()

      writeArrayName <- function(name) {
        verbose && enter(verbose, "writeArrayName(): '", name, "'")
	name <- asSafeMatlabName(name)
        name <- unlist(strsplit(name, split = "", fixed = TRUE), use.names = FALSE)
        name <- charToInt(name)
        nbrOfBytes <- length(name)

        # NOTE: Compression is not optional (as stated in [1]). /HB 020828
        compressed <- (nbrOfBytes > 0 && nbrOfBytes <= 4)

        # Pad bytes?
        if (compressed) {
          padding <- 4 - ((nbrOfBytes-1) %% 4 + 1)
        } else {
          padding <- 8 - ((nbrOfBytes-1) %% 8 + 1)
        if (padding < 0) {
          stop("Internal error: Negative padding: ", padding)

        # Dimensions Array [miINT8]
        tagSize <- writeTag(dataType = "miINT8", nbrOfBytes = nbrOfBytes, compressed = compressed)
        nbrOfBytes <- tagSize

        # Write characters
        if (length(name) > 0) {
          nbrOfBytes <- nbrOfBytes + writeBinMat(con, as.integer(name), size = 1, endian = "little")

        # Write padded bytes
        nbrOfBytes <- nbrOfBytes + writePadding(padding)

        verbose && exit(verbose)

        # Return number of bytes written
      } # writeArrayName()

      writeNumericPart <- function(values) {
        verbose && enter(verbose, "writeNumericPart(): ", length(values), " value(s).")

        if (is.integer(values)) {
          dataType <- "miINT32"
          sizeOf <- 4
        } else if (is.double(values)) {
          dataType <- "miDOUBLE"
          sizeOf <- 8
        } else {
          dataType <- "miDOUBLE"
          sizeOf <- 8

        values <- as.vector(values)
        nbrOfBytes <- length(values) * sizeOf

        # Pad bytes?
        padding <- 8 - ((nbrOfBytes-1) %% 8 + 1)
        if (padding < 0) {
          stop("Internal error: Negative padding: ", padding)

        # Numeric Part [Any of the numeric data types]
        tagSize <- writeTag(dataType = dataType, nbrOfBytes = nbrOfBytes)
        nbrOfBytes <- tagSize

        # Write numeric values
        nbrOfBytes <- nbrOfBytes + writeBinMat(con, values, size = sizeOf, endian = "little")

        # Write padded bytes
        nbrOfBytes <- nbrOfBytes + writePadding(padding)

        verbose && exit(verbose)

        # Return number of bytes written
      } # writeNumericPart()

      writeCharPart <- function(values) {
        verbose && enter(verbose, "writeCharPart(): '", values, "'")

        values <- unlist(strsplit(values, split = "", fixed = TRUE), use.names = FALSE)
        values <- charToInt(values)
        values <- as.vector(values)

        sizeOf <- 2
        nbrOfBytes <- length(values) * sizeOf

        # Pad bytes?
        padding <- 8 - ((nbrOfBytes-1) %% 8 + 1)
        if (padding < 0) {
          stop("Internal error: Negative padding: ", padding)

        # NOTE: MATLAB is not following the tags fully! Characters
        #       can *not* be written as miINT8 here, since MATLAB
        #       will assume miUINT16 anyway. /HB 020828
        # Character Part [miUINT16]
        tagSize <- writeTag(dataType = "miUINT16", nbrOfBytes = nbrOfBytes)
        nbrOfBytes <- tagSize

        # Write characters
        nbrOfBytes <- nbrOfBytes + writeBinMat(con, as.integer(values), size = sizeOf)

        # Write padded bytes
        nbrOfBytes <- nbrOfBytes + writePadding(padding)

        verbose && exit(verbose)

        # Return number of bytes written
      } # writeCharPart()

      writeFieldNameLength <- function(maxLength = 32) {
        verbose && enter(verbose, "writeFieldNameLength(): ", maxLength)

       nbrOfBytes <- 4

        # Pad bytes?
        padding <- 4 - ((nbrOfBytes-1) %% 4 + 1)
        if (padding < 0) {
          stop("Internal error: Negative padding: ", padding)

        # Field Name Length [miINT32]
        tagSize <- writeTag(dataType = "miINT32", nbrOfBytes = 4, compressed = TRUE)
        nbrOfBytes <- tagSize

        # Write maxLength
        nbrOfBytes <- nbrOfBytes + writeBinMat(con, as.integer(maxLength), size = 4, endian = "little")

        # Write padded bytes
        nbrOfBytes <- nbrOfBytes + writePadding(padding)

        verbose && exit(verbose)

        # Return number of bytes written
      } # writeFieldNameLength()

      writeFieldNames <- function(fieldNames, maxLength = 32) {
        verbose && enter(verbose, "writeFieldNames(): ", length(fieldNames), " names(s)")

        verbose && cat(verbose, "Field names: ", hpaste(sQuote(fieldNames)))

        # Field Names [miINT8]
        nbrOfBytes <- length(fieldNames)*maxLength

        tagSize <- writeTag(dataType = "miINT8", nbrOfBytes = nbrOfBytes)
        nbrOfBytes <- tagSize

        for (kk in seq_along(fieldNames)) {
          name <- fieldNames[kk]
          name <- asSafeMatlabName(name)
          if (nchar(name) > maxLength-1)
            stop("Too long field name: ", name)
          bfr <- unlist(strsplit(name, split = "", fixed = TRUE), use.names = FALSE)
          bfr <- charToInt(bfr)
          # Append trailing '\0'
          bfr <- c(bfr, 0)
          # Pad with '\0':s
          bfr <- c(bfr, rep(0, max(0, maxLength-length(bfr))))
          nbrOfBytes <- nbrOfBytes + writeBinMat(con, as.integer(bfr), size = 1)

        verbose && exit(verbose)

        # Return number of bytes written
      } # writeFieldNames()

      writeNumericArray <- function(name, data) {
        verbose && enter(verbose, "writeNumericArray(): ", name)

        if (is.integer(data)) {
          class <- "mxINT32_CLASS"
          sizeOf <- 4
        } else if (is.double(data)) {
          class <- "mxDOUBLE_CLASS"
          sizeOf <- 8
        } else if (is.complex(data)) {
          class <- "mxDOUBLE_CLASS"
          sizeOf <- 8
        } else {
          class <- "mxDOUBLE_CLASS"
          sizeOf <- 8
        complex <- is.complex(data)
        global  <- FALSE
        logical <- is.logical(data)
#        str(list(name, class, complex, global, logical, data))

        nbrOfBytes <- writeArrayFlags(class = class, complex = complex, global = global, logical = logical)
        nbrOfBytes <- nbrOfBytes + writeDimensionsArray(dim = dim(data))
        nbrOfBytes <- nbrOfBytes + writeArrayName(name = name)
        if (is.complex(data)) {
          nbrOfBytes <- nbrOfBytes + writeNumericPart(Re(data))
          nbrOfBytes <- nbrOfBytes + writeNumericPart(Im(data))
        } else {
          nbrOfBytes <- nbrOfBytes + writeNumericPart(data)

        verbose && exit(verbose)

        # Return number of bytes written
      } # writeNumericArray()

      writeCharArray <- function(name, data) {
        verbose && enter(verbose, "writeCharArray(): '", data, "'")

        if (length(data) > 1)
          stop("writeCharArray() only supports one string at the time.")

        nbrOfBytes <- writeArrayFlags(class = "mxCHAR_CLASS", complex = FALSE, global = FALSE, logical = FALSE)
        nbrOfBytes <- nbrOfBytes + writeDimensionsArray(dim = c(1, nchar(data)))
        nbrOfBytes <- nbrOfBytes + writeArrayName(name = name)
        nbrOfBytes <- nbrOfBytes + writeCharPart(data)

        verbose && exit(verbose)

        # Return number of bytes written
      } # writeCharArray()

      writeStructure <- function(name, structure) {
        verbose && enter(verbose, sprintf("writeStructure(name = %s)", sQuote(name)))

        nbrOfBytes <- writeArrayFlags(class = "mxSTRUCT_CLASS", complex = FALSE, global = FALSE, logical = FALSE)
        nbrOfBytes <- nbrOfBytes + writeDimensionsArray(dim = c(1, 1))
        nbrOfBytes <- nbrOfBytes + writeArrayName(name = name)
        nbrOfBytes <- nbrOfBytes + writeFieldNameLength(maxLength = 32)
        nbrOfBytes <- nbrOfBytes + writeFieldNames(names(structure), maxLength = 32)
        for (kk in seq_along(structure)) {
          field <- structure[[kk]]
          verbose && printf(verbose, "Field %s:\n", sQuote(names(structure)[kk]))
          ## FIXME: The following turns vectors and arrays into
          ## one-column matrices, cf. Issue #30. /HB 2015-12-29
          field <- as.matrix(field)
          field <- list(field)
          ## Should we add? names(field) <- names(structure)[kk]
          nbrOfBytes <- nbrOfBytes + writeDataElement(con, field)

        verbose && exit(verbose)

        # Return number of bytes written
      } # writeStructure()

      writeCellArrayDataElement <- function(name, cells) {
        complex <- is.complex(cells)
        global  <- FALSE
        logical <- is.logical(cells)

        nbrOfBytes <- writeArrayFlags(class = "mxCELL_CLASS", complex = complex, global = global, logical = logical)
        nbrOfBytes <- nbrOfBytes + writeDimensionsArray(dim = dim(cells))
        nbrOfBytes <- nbrOfBytes + writeArrayName(name = name)
        for (kk in seq_along(cells)) {
          cell <- cells[kk]
          nbrOfBytes <- nbrOfBytes + writeDataElement(con, cell)

        # Return number of bytes written
      } # writeCellArrayDataElement()

      # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      # writeDataElement() main code
      # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      # Count only?
      if (is.na(nbrOfBytes)) {
        verbose && enter(verbose, "Counting only")
        nbrOfBytes <- writeDataElement(con = NULL, object = object, nbrOfBytes = 0)
        tagSize <- attr(nbrOfBytes, "tagSize")
        nbrOfBytes <- nbrOfBytes - tagSize
        verbose && cat(verbose, "nbrOfBytes = ", nbrOfBytes)
        verbose && exit(verbose)

      # Get the data element (and its name)
      name <- names(object)
      if (is.null(name))
        name <- ""
    #    stop("Name of object is missing.")
      value <- object[[1]]

      if (is.null(value)) {
        value <- as.array(integer(0))

      # Get the data type
      dataType <- "miMATRIX"

      if (is.integer(value)) {
        dataType <- "miINT32"
        sizeOf <- 4

      if (is.double(value)) {
        dataType <- "miDOUBLE"
        sizeOf <- 8

      if (is.complex(value)) {
        sizeOf <- 2*8

      if (is.character(value)) {
        dataType <- "miMATRIX"
        sizeOf <- 1

      if (is.list(value)) {
        dataType <- "miMATRIX"
        sizeOf <- 1

      if (!is.null(dim(value))) {
        dataType <- "miMATRIX"

#      # Get the number of bytes
#      nbrOfBytes <- length(value) * sizeOf

      # "For data elements representing "MATLAB arrays", (type miMATRIX), 
      # the value of the Number Of Bytes field includes padding bytes in
      # the total. For all other MAT-file data types, the value of the
      # Number of Bytes field does *not* include padding bytes."
      if (dataType == "miMATRIX") {
        padding <- 8 - ((nbrOfBytes-1) %% 8 + 1)
        if (padding < 0) {
          stop("Internal error: Negative padding: ", padding)
        if (padding > 0) {
            nbrOfBytes <- nbrOfBytes + padding

      # Write the Data Element Tag
      tagSize <- writeTag(dataType = dataType, nbrOfBytes = nbrOfBytes)
      nbrOfBytes <- tagSize

      verbose && cat(verbose, "Data type: ", sQuote(mode(value)))

      if (is.numeric(value) || is.complex(value) || is.logical(value)) {
        if (is.logical(value)) {
	  dim <- dim(value)
          value <- as.integer(value)
	  dim(value) <- dim
        if (is.null(dim(value)))
          value <- as.matrix(value)
        nbrOfBytes <- nbrOfBytes + writeNumericArray(name = name, data = value)
      } else if (is.character(value)) {
        if (length(value) == 1) {
          nbrOfBytes <- nbrOfBytes + writeCharArray(name = name, data = value)
        } else {
          value <- as.matrix(value)
          nbrOfBytes <- nbrOfBytes + writeCellArrayDataElement(name = name, cells = value)
      } else if (is.list(value)) {
        nbrOfBytes <- nbrOfBytes + writeStructure(name = name, structure = value)
      } else {
        stop("NON-SUPPORTED DATA TYPE: Do not know how to write objects of this type: ", sQuote(mode(value)))

      verbose && exit(verbose)

      attr(nbrOfBytes, "tagSize") <- tagSize

      # Return number of bytes written
    } # writeDataElement()

    # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    # "Main program"
    # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    # Validate arguments
    # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    # Argument 'verbose':
    if (inherits(verbose, "Verbose")) {
    } else if (is.numeric(verbose)) {
      verbose <<- Verbose(threshold = verbose)
    } else {
      verbose <<- Verbose(threshold = -as.integer(as.logical(verbose)))

    # Since writeMat5() is wrapped inside the writeMat() function, we can
    # assume that 'con' really is a connection and 'objects' really is a
    # list.

    # If format == "matlab" (default), all scalars and vectors are
    # written as arrays, which is the only format MATLAB reads.
    # Otherwise, they are written as is, which the MAT v5 format indeed
    # supports. However, since this is probably not going to be needed
    # by anyone, we have decided to not put the 'format' argument in the
    # main function readMat(), but if ever need, just add it there too.
    if (!is.null(format) && format == "matlab") {
      for (kk in seq_along(objects)) {
        object <- objects[[kk]]
        if (!is.null(object)) {
          if (!is.array(object) && !is.list(object)) {
            object <- as.array(object)
          objects[[kk]] <- object

    writeAll <- function(con, objects) {
      nbrOfBytes <- writeHeader(con)

      verbose && enter(verbose, "writeAll()")
      for (kk in seq_along(objects)) {
        verbose && enter(verbose, sprintf("Writing element #%d of %d", kk, length(objects)))
        object <- objects[kk]   # NOT [[kk]], has to be a list!
        verbose && cat(verbose, "Element name: ", sQuote(names(object)))
        verbose && str(verbose, object)
	nbrOfBytesKK <- writeDataElement(con, object)
        verbose && cat(verbose, "Number of bytes written: ", nbrOfBytesKK)
        nbrOfBytes <- nbrOfBytes + nbrOfBytesKK
        verbose && exit(verbose)
      verbose && exit(verbose)

      # Return bytes written
    } # writeAll()

    # When writing to streams, that is, to other connections than files, 
    # we have to "send over" the number of bytes first to inform the
    # receiver how big the succeeding streamed MAT object is.
    # In order to accomplish this, we first have to count the number of
    # bytes needed and then we send the stream.  Here we do this by
    # a two-pass procedure: 1) count Number of Bytes of written while
    # writing to "void", and 2) redo the same with real writing.

    # Count size of MAT structure in bytes and pass to onWrite()?
    if (!is.null(onWrite)) {
      nbrOfBytes <- writeAll(con = NULL, objects)
      onWrite(list(con = con, length = nbrOfBytes))

    # Write MAT structure to connection
    nbrOfBytes <- writeAll(con, objects)

  } # writeMat5()
  # MAT v5 specific                                                        END

  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # "Main program"
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Make sure arguments are named, otherwise name them automagically
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Wrap up the objects to be written in a list structure.
  args <- list(...)

  # Assert that objects to be written by writeMat() are named
  names <- names(args)
  if (is.null(names) || any(names == "")) {
    throw("Detected non-named objects. Non-named objects will not be available in MATLAB if completed. Use writeMat(..., x = a, y = y) and not writeMat(..., x = a, y): ", deparse(sys.call()))

  if (any(duplicated(names))) {
    throw("Detected objects with duplicated names (", paste(names[duplicated(names)], collapse = ", "), "). Only the last occurance of each duplicated object will be available in MATLAB if completed: ", deparse(sys.call()))

###   if (is.null(names)) {
###     names <- rep("", times = length(args))
###   }
###   # Detect non-named arguments
###   notNamed <- (nchar(names) == 0)
###   idxs <- which(notNamed)
###   if (length(idxs) > 0) {
###     # Inferring the names from the passed objects
###     names2 <- as.character(substitute(args))
###     names2 <- names2[idxs]
###     # Check which are syntactically valid R names, 
###     # e.g. not just writeMat(..., 1:10).
###     isValid <- sapply(names2, FUN = function(name) {
###       expr <- parse(text = sprintf("%s <- NULL", name))
###       res <- tryCatch({ eval(expr); TRUE }, error = function(ex) { FALSE })
###       res
###     })
###     # Fix invalid names
###     if (any(!isValid)) {
###       names3 <- names2[!isValid]
###       names3 <- sprintf("unnamed%d", seq_along(names3))
###       names2[!isValid] <- names3
###     }
###     # Add the inferred names
###     names[idxs] <- names2
###     names(args) <- names
###   } # if (length(idxs) > 0)

  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Setup the connection to be written to
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  ## Close connection when exiting?
  close <- FALSE
  on.exit({ if (close) close(con) })

  ## Description of the output file/connection
  conDescription <- NA_character_

  ## Writing to temporary file?
  pathnameT <- NULL

  if (inherits(con, "connection")) {
    if (!isOpen(con)) {
      open(con, open = "wb")
      close <- TRUE
    conDescription <- as.character(summary(con)$description)
  } else {
    # For all other types of values of 'con' make it into a character string.
    # This will for instance also make it possible to use object of class
    # File in the R.io package to be used.
    pathname <- as.character(con)

    ## Default has always been to overwrite existing file
    ## Should this be made an argument?
    overwrite <- TRUE
    pathname <- Arguments$getWritablePathname(pathname, mustNotExist = FALSE)
    if (overwrite && isFile(pathname)) file.remove(pathname)

    ## Write to temporary file and rename only if successful
    pathnameT <- pushTemporaryFile(pathname)
    conDescription <- pathnameT

    # Now, assume that 'con' is a filename specifying a file to be opened.
    con <- file(pathnameT, open = "wb")
    close <- TRUE

  # Assert that it is a binary connection
  if (summary(con)$text != "binary")
    stop("Can only write a MAT file structure to a *binary* connection.")

  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Write the data
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  if (matVersion == "5") {
    nbrOfBytes <- writeMat5(con, objects = args, onWrite = onWrite)
  } else {
    stop("Can not write MAT file. Unknown or unsupported MAT version: ", matVersion)

  ## Close connection (only iff opened above)
  if (close) {
    close <- FALSE

  ## Rename temporary file? (only iff successful)
  if (!is.null(pathnameT)) popTemporaryFile(pathnameT)


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R.matlab documentation built on Aug. 26, 2022, 1:07 a.m.