
# @RdocDefault readWindowsShellLink
# @title "Reads a Microsoft Windows Shortcut (.lnk file)"
# @synopsis
# \description{
#   @get "title".
# }
# \arguments{
#   \item{con}{A @connection or a @character string (filename).}
#   \item{clean}{If @TRUE, low-level file specific fields are dropped,
#      e.g. offsets on file locations.}
#   \item{verbose}{If @TRUE, extra information is written while reading.}
#   \item{...}{Not used.}
# }
# \value{
#   Returns a @list structure.
# }
# @examples "../incl/readWindowsShellLink.Rex"
# \details{
#  This function is implemented based on the official file format
#  specification [1].
#  It is intended to replace @see "readWindowsShortcut", which was
#  written based on reverse engineering (before [1] was made available).
# }
# @author
# \seealso{
#   @see "readWindowsShortcut"
#   \code{\link{filePath}}
# }
# \references{
#   [1] [MS-SHLLINK]: Shell Link (.LNK) Binary File Format, Microsoft Inc.,
#       September 25, 2009. \cr
# }
# @keyword file
# @keyword IO
# @keyword internal
setMethodS3("readWindowsShellLink", "default", function(con, clean=TRUE, verbose=FALSE, ...) {
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Local functions
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  intToBits <- function(x, n=NULL, names=NULL, rev=TRUE, ...) {
    # Argument 'x':
    .stop_if_not(length(x) == 1L)

    # Argument 'n':
    if (!is.null(n)) {
      .stop_if_not(n > 0L)

    # Argument 'names':
    if (!is.null(names)) {
      if (!is.null(n)) {
        .stop_if_not(length(names) == n)
      n <- length(names)

    # Get binary represenation
    x <- intToBin(x)
    x <- unlist(strsplit(x, split=""), use.names=FALSE)
    .stop_if_not(length(x) <= n)
    x <- as.integer(x)
    x <- as.logical(x)
    x <- c(rep(FALSE, times=n-length(x)), x)
    .stop_if_not(length(x) == n)
    if (!is.null(names)) {
      x <- rev(x)
      names(x) <- names
      x <- rev(x)
    if (rev) {
      x <- rev(x)
  } # intToBits()

  readBits <- function(con, n=32L, ...) {
    .stop_if_not(n %% 8 == 0)
    nbrOfBytes <- n %/% 8L
    if (nbrOfBytes <= 2L) {
      x <- readBin(con=con, what=integer(), size=nbrOfBytes, n=1L, signed=FALSE, endian="little")
    } else {
      x <- readBin(con=con, what=integer(), size=nbrOfBytes, n=1L, endian="little")
    intToBits(x, n=n)
  } # readBits()

  # raw - An 1-byte unsigned integer
  readRaw <- function(con, n=1) {
    readBin(con=con, what=raw(), n=n)

  # byte - An 1-byte unsigned integer
  readByte <- function(con, n=1) {
    readBin(con=con, what=integer(), size=1L, n=n,
                                            signed=FALSE, endian="little")

  # word - A 2-byte unsigned integer
  readWord <- function(con, n=1) {
    readBin(con=con, what=integer(), size=2L, n=n,
                                            signed=FALSE, endian="little")

  # qword - A 4-byte unsigned integer (actually as signed integer)
  readDWord <- function(con, n=1) {
    readBin(con=con, what=integer(), size=4L, n=n,
                                            signed=TRUE, endian="little")

  # qword - An 8-byte unsigned integer (actually as signed integer)
  readQWord <- function(con, n=1) {
    readBin(con=con, what=integer(), size=4L, n=2*n,
                                            signed=TRUE, endian="little")

  readString <- function(con, nchars=-1L, unicoded=FALSE) {
    if (nchars == -1) {
      bfr <- c()
      while ((byte <- readByte(con)) != 0L) {
        bfr <- c(bfr, byte)
    } else {
      if (unicoded)
        nchars <- 2L*nchars
      bfr <- readByte(con, n=nchars)

    # Since R does not support Unicoded strings, we (incorrectly) assume
    # (=hope) that it is only the unicode characters 0:255 that are used.
    if (unicoded)
      bfr <- bfr[bfr != 0]

    paste(intToChar(bfr), collapse="")
  } # readString()

  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # From [7]:
  # The Shell Link Binary File Format consists of a sequence of structures
  # that conform to the following ABNF rules [RFC5234]:
  #             [STRING_DATA] *EXTRA_DATA
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # The ShellLinkHeader structure contains identification information,
  # timestamps, and flags that specify the presence of optional structures,
  # including LinkTargetIdList (section 2.2), LinkInfo (section 2.3),
  # and StringData (section 2.4).
  #   HeaderSize (4 bytes):
  #     The size, in bytes, of this structure. MUST be 0x0000004C.
  #   LinkCLSID (16 bytes):
  #     A class identifier (CLSID). MUST be 00021401-0000-0000-C000-000000000046.
  #   LinkFlags (4 bytes):
  #     A LinkFlags structure (section 2.1.1) that specifies information about
  #     the shell link and the presence of optional portions of the structure.
  #   FileAttributes (4 bytes):
  #     A FileAttributesFlags structure (section 2.1.2) that specifies
  #     information about the link target.
  #   CreationTime (8 bytes):
  #     A FILETIME structure ([MS-DTYP] section 2.3.1) that specifies the
  #     creation time of the link target in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).
  #     If the value is zero, there is no creation time set on the link target.
  #   AccessTime (8 bytes):
  #     A FILETIME structure ([MS-DTYP] section 2.3.1) that specifies the
  #     access time of the link target in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).
  #     If the value is zero, there is no access time set on the link target.
  #   WriteTime (8 bytes):
  #     A FILETIME structure ([MS-DTYP] section 2.3.1) that specifies the
  #     write time of the link target in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).
  #     If the value is zero, there is no write time set on the link target.
  #   FileSize (4 bytes):
  #     A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size, in bytes,
  #     of the link target.  If the link target file is larger than
  #     0xFFFFFFFF, this value specifies the least significant 32 bits
  #     of the link target file size.
  #   IconIndex (4 bytes)
  #     A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the index of an icon
  #     within a given icon location.
  #   ShowCommand (4 bytes):
  #     A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the expected window state
  #     of an application launched by the link. This value SHOULD be one
  #     of the following.
  #      SW_SHOWNORMAL = 0x00000001
  #       The application is open and its window is open in a normal fashion.
  #      SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED = 0x00000003
  #       The application is open, and keyboard focus is given to the
  #       application, but its window is not shown.
  #      SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE = 0x00000007
  #       The application is open, but its window is not shown. It is not
  #       given the keyboard focus.
  #   HotKey (2 bytes):
  #     A HotKeyFlags structure (section 2.1.3) that specifies the keystrokes
  #     used to launch the application referenced by the shortcut key. This
  #     value is assigned to the application after it is launched, so that
  #     pressing the key activates that application.
  #   Reserved1 (2 bytes):  A value that MUST be zero.
  #   Reserved2 (4 bytes):  A value that MUST be zero.
  #   Reserved3 (4 bytes):  A value that MUST be zero.
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  parseLinkFlags <- function(flags, ...) {
    keys <- character(length=27L)
    keys[ 1] <- "HasLinkTargetIdList"
    keys[ 2] <- "HasLinkInfo"
    keys[ 3] <- "HasName"
    keys[ 4] <- "HasRelativePath"
    keys[ 5] <- "HasWorkingDir"
    keys[ 6] <- "HasArguments"
    keys[ 7] <- "HasIconLocation"
    keys[ 8] <- "IsUnicode"
    keys[ 9] <- "ForceNoLinkInfo"
    keys[10] <- "HasExpString"
    keys[11] <- "RunInSeparateProcess"
    keys[12] <- "Unused1"
    keys[13] <- "HasDarwinId"
    keys[14] <- "RunAsUser"
    keys[15] <- "HasExpIcon"
    keys[16] <- "NoPidlAlias"
    keys[17] <- "Unused2"
    keys[18] <- "RunWithShimLayer"
    keys[19] <- "ForceNoLinkTrack"
    keys[20] <- "EnableTargetMetadata"
    keys[21] <- "DisableLinkPathTracking"
    keys[22] <- "DisableKnownFolderTracking"
    keys[23] <- "DisableKnownFolderAlias"
    keys[24] <- "AllowLinkToLink"
    keys[25] <- "UnaliasOnSave"
    keys[26] <- "PreferEnvironmentPath"
    keys[27] <- "KeepLocalIdListForUNCTarget"
    flags <- intToBits(flags, names=keys)

    # Validation

  } # parseLinkFlags()

  parseFileAttributes <- function(attrs, ...) {
    keys <- character(length=15L)
    keys[ 1] <- "readOnly"
    keys[ 2] <- "hidden"
    keys[ 3] <- "system"
    keys[ 4] <- "reserved1"
    keys[ 5] <- "directory"
    keys[ 6] <- "archive"
    keys[ 7] <- "reserved2"
    keys[ 8] <- "normal"
    keys[ 9] <- "temporary"
    keys[10] <- "sparseFile"
    keys[11] <- "reparsePoint"
    keys[12] <- "compressed"
    keys[13] <- "offline"
    keys[14] <- "notContentIndexed"
    keys[15] <- "encrypted"
    attrs <- intToBits(attrs, names=keys)

    # Validate
    keys <- c("reserved1", "reserved2")
    for (key in keys) {
      if (attrs[key] != 0L) {
        stop(sprintf("File format error: File header field 'fileAttributes' flag '%s' must be FALSE: %d", key, attrs[key]))
    if (attrs["normal"] && sum(attrs) != 1L) {
      stop(sprintf("File format error: File header field 'fileAttributes' flag 'normal' is set, but still detected %d other flags also being set.", sum(attrs)-1L))

  } # parseFileAttributes()

  parseShowCommand <- function(showCommand, ...) {
    # Argument 'showCommand':
    .stop_if_not(length(showCommand) == 1L)
  } # parseShowCommand()

  parseHotKey <- function(hotKey, ...) {
    # Argument 'hotKey':
    .stop_if_not(length(hotKey) == 1L)

    # Get binary represenation
    lowByte <- hotKey %% 256L
    highByte <- hotKey %/% 256L

    if (highByte < 0L || highByte > 7L) {
      stop(sprintf("File format error: File header field 'hotKey' has a 'highByte' out of range [0x00,0x07]: %d", highByte))

    hotKey <- c(lowByte=lowByte, highByte=highByte)

  } # parseHotKey()

  readShellLinkHeader <- function(con, ...) {
    hdr <- list(
      headerSize       = readDWord(con),      #   4 bytes
      linkCLSID        = readRaw(con, n=16),  #  16 bytes
      linkFlags        = readDWord(con),      #   4 bytes = 32 bits
      fileAttributes   = readDWord(con),      #   4 bytes = 32 bits
      creationTime     = readQWord(con),      #   8 bytes
      accessTime       = readQWord(con),      #   8 bytes
      writeTime        = readQWord(con),      #   8 bytes
      fileSize         = readDWord(con),      #   4 bytes
      iconIndex        = readDWord(con),      #   4 bytes
      showCommand      = readDWord(con),      #   4 bytes
      hotKey           = readWord(con),       #   2 bytes
      reserved1        = readWord(con),       #   2 bytes
      reserved2        = readDWord(con),      #   4 bytes
      reserved3        = readDWord(con)       #   4 bytes
    );                                        # =76 bytes total

    # Validate
    if (hdr$headerSize != 76L) {
      stop("File format error: Shell link header size is not 76 bytes (0x0000004C): ", hdr$headerSize)

    # Validate
    knownCLSID <- as.raw(c(0x01, 0x14, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x46))
    if (!all.equal(hdr$linkCLSID, knownCLSID)) {
      knownCLSID <- paste(sprintf("%02x", as.integer(knownCLSID)), collapse=",")
      linkCLSID <- paste(sprintf("%02x", as.integer(hdr$linkCLSID)), collapse=",")
      stop("File format error: Shell link header has an unknown CLSID: ", knownCLSID, " != ", linkCLSID)

    # Parse (and validate)
    hdr$linkFlags <- parseLinkFlags(hdr$linkFlags)

    # Parse (and validate)
    hdr$fileAttributes <- parseFileAttributes(hdr$fileAttributes)

    parseFileTime <- function(time, ...) {
      offset <- as.POSIXlt("1601-01-01")
      timeD <- as.double(time)
      timeD <- c(1, 2^32)*timeD
      timeD <- sum(timeD)
      secs <- 1.0e-7*timeD
      time <- offset + secs
    } # parseFileTime()
    hdr$creationTime <- parseFileTime(hdr$creationTime)
    hdr$accessTime <- parseFileTime(hdr$accessTime)
    hdr$writeTime <- parseFileTime(hdr$writeTime)

    if (hdr$linkFlags["HasLinkInfo"]) {
      attrs <- hdr$fileAttributes
#      attrs <- names(attrs[attrs])
#      if (length(attrs) > 0L) {
#        stop("File format error: When shortcut is not pointing to a file or a directory no other file attributes should be set: ", paste(attrs, collapse=", "))
#      }

    # Validate
    if (hdr$fileSize < 0L) {
      stop("File format error: File length is negative: ", header$fileLength)

    # Parse (and validate)
    hdr$showCommand <- parseShowCommand(hdr$showCommand)

    # Parse (and validate)
    hdr$hotKey <- parseHotKey(hdr$hotKey)

    # Validate
    keys <- c("reserved1", "reserved2", "reserved3")
    for (key in keys) {
      if (hdr[[key]] != 0L) {
        stop(sprintf("File format error: File header field '%s' must be 0: %d", key, hdr[[key]]))
    if (clean) {
      hdr$headerSize <- NULL

  } # readShellLinkHeader()

  readLinkTargetIdList <- function(con, ...) {
    readIdList <- function(con, n) {
      .stop_if_not(n >= 2L)
      raw <- readRaw(con, n=n)
      terminalId <- raw[(n-1L):n]
      .stop_if_not(all(terminalId == 0L))
      raw <- raw[1:(n-2L)]

      # Parse 'itemIdList' into list of 'ItemId':s
      itemIdList <- list()
      idx <- 1L
      while(length(raw) > 0L) {
        .stop_if_not(length(raw) >= 2L)
        itemIdSize <- readWord(raw)
        raw <- raw[-(1:2)]
        nbrOfBytesToRead <- itemIdSize - 2L
        if (nbrOfBytesToRead > 0L) {
          .stop_if_not(length(raw) >= nbrOfBytesToRead)
          Data <- readRaw(raw, n=nbrOfBytesToRead)
          itemIdList[[idx]] <- Data
          raw <- raw[-(1:nbrOfBytesToRead)]
        } else {
          Data <- raw(length=0L)
        itemIdList[[idx]] <- Data
        idx <- idx + 1L
      } # while()

      # Sanity check
      .stop_if_not(length(raw) == 0L)

##      itemIdList <- lapply(itemIdList, FUN=rawToChar)
      idList <- list(itemIdList=itemIdList, terminalId=terminalId)
      if (clean) {
        idList$terminalId <- NULL
    } # readIdList()

    idListSize <- readWord(con)
    idList <- readIdList(con, n=idListSize)
  } # readLinkTargetIdList()

  readLinkInfo <- function(con, ...) {
    parseLinkInfoFlags <- function(flags, ...) {
      keys <- character(length=2L)
      keys[1] <- "VolumeIdAndLocalBasePath"
      keys[2] <- "CommonNetworkRelativeLinkAndPathSuffix"
      flags <- intToBits(flags, names=keys)
    } # parseLinkInfoFlags()

    readVolumeId <- function(con, ...) {
      id <- list(
        volumeIdSize      = readDWord(con), # 4 bytes
        driveType         = readDWord(con), # 4 bytes
        driveSerialNumber = readDWord(con), # 4 bytes
        volumeLabelOffset = readDWord(con)  # 4 bytes

      nbrOfBytesRead <- 4*4L

      .stop_if_not(id$volumeIdSize > 0x00000010)
      .stop_if_not(id$volumeLabelOffset >= 0L)
      .stop_if_not(id$volumeLabelOffset < id$volumeIdSize)
      .stop_if_not(id$driveType >= 0L)
      .stop_if_not(id$driveType <= 6L)

      if (id$volumeLabelOffset == 0x00000014) {
        id$volumeLabelOffsetUnicode <- readDWord(con)
        nbrOfBytesRead <- nbrOfBytesRead + 4L
        offset <- id$volumeLabelOffsetUnicode
      } else {
        offset <- id$volumeLabelOffset

      id$data <- readRaw(con, n=id$volumeIdSize-nbrOfBytesRead)
      offset <- offset - nbrOfBytesRead
      nbrOfBytesRead <- nbrOfBytesRead + length(id$data)

      # Parse the volume label
      data <- id$data
      if (offset > 0L) {
        data <- data[-c(1:offset)]
      n <- which(data == as.raw(0x0))-1L
      if (n < length(data)) {
        data <- data[1:n]
      id$volumeLabel <- rawToChar(data)

      # Sanity check
      .stop_if_not(nbrOfBytesRead == id$volumeIdSize)

    } # readVolumeId()

    info <- list(
      size                    = readDWord(con), # 4 bytes
      headerSize              = readDWord(con), # 4 bytes
      flags                           = readDWord(con), # 4 bytes = 32 bits
      volumeIdOffset                  = readDWord(con), # 4 bytes
      localBasePathOffset             = readDWord(con), # 4 bytes
      commonNetworkRelativeLinkOffset = readDWord(con), # 4 bytes
      commonPathSuffixOffset          = readDWord(con)  # 4 bytes
    nbrOfBytesRead <- 7*4L

    .stop_if_not(info$size >= 0L)
    .stop_if_not(info$headerSize >= 0L)
    .stop_if_not(info$headerSize < info$size)
    .stop_if_not(info$volumeIdOffset < info$size)
    .stop_if_not(info$localBasePathOffset < info$size)
    .stop_if_not(info$commonNetworkRelativeLinkOffset < info$size)
    .stop_if_not(info$commonPathSuffixOffset < info$size)

    info$flags <- parseLinkInfoFlags(info$flags)

    # Validate
    if (info$flags["VolumeIdAndLocalBasePath"]) {
    } else {
      # Sanity checks
      .stop_if_not(info$volumeIdOffset == 0L)
      .stop_if_not(info$localBasePathOffset == 0L)
      if (info$headerSize >= 0x00000024) {
        .stop_if_not(info$localBasePathOffsetUnicode == 0L)

    # Validate
    if (info$flags["CommonNetworkRelativeLinkAndPathSuffix"]) {
    } else {
      # Sanity checks
      .stop_if_not(info$commonNetworkRelativeLinkOffset == 0L)

    # LocalBasePathOffsetUnicode (optional)
    if (info$headerSize >= 0x00000024) {
      info$localBasePathOffsetUnicode <- readDWord(con)
      nbrOfBytesRead <- nbrOfBytesRead + 4L
      # Sanity check
      if (info$flags["VolumeIdAndLocalBasePath"]) {
        .stop_if_not(info$localBasePathOffsetUnicode >= 0L)
      } else {
        .stop_if_not(info$localBasePathOffsetUnicode == 0L)
    .stop_if_not(nbrOfBytesRead <= info$size)

    # CommonPathSuffixOffsetUnicode (optional)
    if (info$headerSize >= 0x00000024) {
      info$commonPathSuffixOffsetUnicode <- readDWord(con)
      nbrOfBytesRead <- nbrOfBytesRead + 4L
      # Sanity check
      if (info$flags["VolumeIdAndLocalBasePath"]) {
        .stop_if_not(info$commonPathSuffixOffsetUnicode >= 0L)
      } else {
        .stop_if_not(info$commonPathSuffixOffsetUnicode == 0L)
    .stop_if_not(nbrOfBytesRead <= info$size)

    # VolumeId (variable)
    if (info$flags["VolumeIdAndLocalBasePath"]) {
      offset <- info$volumeIdOffset - nbrOfBytesRead
      .stop_if_not(offset >= 0L)
      if (offset > 0L) {
        readRaw(con, n=offset)
        nbrOfBytesRead <- nbrOfBytesRead + offset
      id <- readVolumeId(con)
      nbrOfBytesRead <- nbrOfBytesRead + id$volumeIdSize
      if (clean) {
        id$volumeIdSize <- NULL
        id$volumeLabelOffset <- NULL
      info$volumeId <- id
    .stop_if_not(nbrOfBytesRead <= info$size)

    # LocalBasePath (variable)
    if (info$flags["VolumeIdAndLocalBasePath"]) {
      offset <- info$localBasePathOffset
      .stop_if_not(offset >= 0L)
      if (offset > 0L) {
        offset <- offset - nbrOfBytesRead
        .stop_if_not(offset >= 0L)
        if (offset > 0L) {
          readRaw(con, n=offset)
          nbrOfBytesRead <- nbrOfBytesRead + offset
        nextOffset <- info$commonNetworkRelativeLinkOffset
        if (nextOffset == 0L || is.null(nextOffset)) {
          nextOffset <- info$commonPathSuffixOffset
          if (nextOffset == 0L || is.null(nextOffset)) {
        n <- nextOffset - nbrOfBytesRead
        localBasePath <- readRaw(con, n=n)
        nbrOfBytesRead <- nbrOfBytesRead + n
        info$localBasePath <- rawToChar(localBasePath)
    .stop_if_not(nbrOfBytesRead <= info$size)

    # CommonNetworkRelativeLink (variable)
    if (info$flags["CommonNetworkRelativeLinkAndPathSuffix"]) {
      readCommonNetworkRelativeLink <- function(con, ...) {
        parseCommonNetworkRelativeLinkFlags <- function(x, ...) {
          keys <- c("ValidDevice", "ValidNetType")
          x <- intToBits(x, names=keys)
        } # parseCommonNetworkRelativeLinkFlags()

        link <- list(
          size  = readDWord(con), # 4 bytes
          flags = readDWord(con), # 4 bytes
          netNameOffset                  = readDWord(con), # 4 bytes
          deviceNameOffset               = readDWord(con), # 4 bytes
          networkProviderType            = readDWord(con)  # 4 bytes
        # Validate
        .stop_if_not(link$size >= 0x00000014)
        .stop_if_not(link$netNameOffset >= 0L)
        .stop_if_not(link$deviceNameOffset >= 0L)

        nbrOfBytesRead <- 5*4L

        link$flags <- parseCommonNetworkRelativeLinkFlags(link$flags)

        if (!link$flags["ValidDevice"]) {
           .stop_if_not(link$deviceNameOffset == 0L)

        if (!link$flags["ValidNetType"]) {
           .stop_if_not(link$netProviderType == 0L)

        if (link$netNameOffset > 0x00000014) {
          link$netNameOffsetUnicode <- readDWord(con)
          nbrOfBytesRead <- nbrOfBytesRead + 4L
          .stop_if_not(link$netNameOffsetUnicode >= 0L)

          link$deviceNameOffsetUnicode <- readDWord(con)
          nbrOfBytesRead <- nbrOfBytesRead + 4L
          .stop_if_not(link$deviceNameOffsetUnicode >= 0L)

        # NetName (variable)
        nextOffset <- link$deviceNameOffset
        if (nextOffset == 0L) {
          nextOffset <- link$netNameOffsetUnicode
          if (is.null(nextOffset)) {
            nextOffset <- link$deviceNameOffsetUnicode
            if (is.null(nextOffset)) {
              nextOffset <- link$size + 1L
        offset <- link$netNameOffset - nbrOfBytesRead
        .stop_if_not(offset >= 0L)
        if (offset > 0L) {
          readRaw(con, n=offset)
          nbrOfBytesRead <- nbrOfBytesRead + offset
        n <- nextOffset - nbrOfBytesRead - 1L
        netName <- readRaw(con, n=n)
        nbrOfBytesRead <- nbrOfBytesRead + n
        link$netName <- rawToChar(netName)

        # DeviceName (variable)
        if (link$flags["ValidDevice"]) {
          nextOffset <- link$netNameOffsetUnicode
          if (is.null(nextOffset)) {
            nextOffset <- link$deviceNameOffsetUnicode
            if (is.null(nextOffset)) {
              nextOffset <- link$size + 1L
          offset <- link$deviceNameOffset - nbrOfBytesRead
          .stop_if_not(offset >= 0L)
          if (offset > 0L) {
            readRaw(con, n=offset)
            nbrOfBytesRead <- nbrOfBytesRead + offset
          n <- nextOffset - nbrOfBytesRead - 1L
          netName <- readRaw(con, n=n)
          nbrOfBytesRead <- nbrOfBytesRead + n
          link$deviceName <- rawToChar(netName)

        # NetNameOffsetUnicode (variable)
        if (!is.null(link$netNameOffsetUnicode)) {
          nextOffset <- link$deviceNameOffsetUnicode
          if (is.null(nextOffset)) {
            nextOffset <- link$size + 1L
          offset <- link$netNameOffsetUnicode - nbrOfBytesRead
          .stop_if_not(offset >= 0L)
          if (offset > 0L) {
            readRaw(con, n=offset)
            nbrOfBytesRead <- nbrOfBytesRead + offset
          n <- nextOffset - nbrOfBytesRead - 1L
          netName <- readRaw(con, n=n)
          nbrOfBytesRead <- nbrOfBytesRead + n
          link$netNameOffsetUnicode <- rawToChar(netName)

        # DeviceNameOffsetUnicode (variable)
        if (!is.null(link$deviceNameOffsetUnicode)) {
          nextOffset <- link$size + 1L
          offset <- link$deviceNameOffsetUnicode - nbrOfBytesRead
          .stop_if_not(offset >= 0L)
          if (offset > 0L) {
            readRaw(con, n=offset)
            nbrOfBytesRead <- nbrOfBytesRead + offset
          n <- nextOffset - nbrOfBytesRead - 1L
          value <- readRaw(con, n=n)
          nbrOfBytesRead <- nbrOfBytesRead + n
          link$deviceNameOffsetUnicode <- rawToChar(value)

      } # readCommonNetworkRelativeLink()

      offset <- info$commonNetworkRelativeLinkOffset - nbrOfBytesRead
      .stop_if_not(offset >= 0L)
      if (offset > 0L) {
        readRaw(con, n=offset)
        nbrOfBytesRead <- nbrOfBytesRead + offset
      info$commonNetworkRelativeLink <- readCommonNetworkRelativeLink(con)
      n <- info$commonNetworkRelativeLink$size
      nbrOfBytesRead <- nbrOfBytesRead + n
      if (clean) {
        info$commonNetworkRelativeLink$flags <- NULL
        info$commonNetworkRelativeLink$size <- NULL
        info$commonNetworkRelativeLink$netNameOffset <- NULL
        info$commonNetworkRelativeLink$deviceNameOffset <- NULL
    .stop_if_not(nbrOfBytesRead <= info$size)

    # CommonPathSuffix (variable)
    offset <- info$commonPathSuffixOffset
    if (!is.null(offset) && (offset < info$size)) {
      offset <- offset - nbrOfBytesRead
      .stop_if_not(offset >= 0L)
      if (offset > 0L) {
        readRaw(con, n=offset)
        nbrOfBytesRead <- nbrOfBytesRead + offset
      nextOffset <- info$localBasePathUnicode
      if (is.null(nextOffset)) {
        nextOffset <- info$commonPathSuffixUnicode
        if (is.null(nextOffset)) {
          nextOffset <- info$size + 1L
      n <- nextOffset - nbrOfBytesRead - 1L
      value <- readRaw(con, n=n)
      nbrOfBytesRead <- nbrOfBytesRead + n
      info$commonPathSuffix <- rawToChar(value)
    .stop_if_not(nbrOfBytesRead <= info$size)

    # LocalBasePathUnicode (variable)
    offset <- info$localBasePathOffsetUnicode
    if (!is.null(offset) && (offset < info$size)) {
      offset <- offset - nbrOfBytesRead
      .stop_if_not(offset >= 0L)
      if (offset > 0L) {
        readRaw(con, n=offset)
        nbrOfBytesRead <- nbrOfBytesRead + offset
      nextOffset <- info$commonPathSuffixUnicode
      if (is.null(nextOffset)) {
        nextOffset <- info$size + 1L
      n <- nextOffset - nbrOfBytesRead - 1L
      value <- readRaw(con, n=n)
      nbrOfBytesRead <- nbrOfBytesRead + n
      info$localBasePathUnicode <- rawToChar(value)
    .stop_if_not(nbrOfBytesRead <= info$size)

    # CommonPathSuffixUnicode (variable)
    offset <- info$commonPathOffsetUnicode
    if (!is.null(offset) && (offset < info$size)) {
      offset <- offset - nbrOfBytesRead
      .stop_if_not(offset >= 0L)
      if (offset > 0L) {
        readRaw(con, n=offset)
        nbrOfBytesRead <- nbrOfBytesRead + offset
      nextOffset <- info$size + 1L
      n <- nextOffset - nbrOfBytesRead - 1L
      value <- readRaw(con, n=n)
      nbrOfBytesRead <- nbrOfBytesRead + n
      info$commonPathSuffixUnicode <- rawToChar(value)
    .stop_if_not(nbrOfBytesRead <= info$size)

    .stop_if_not(nbrOfBytesRead == info$size)

    if (clean) {
      info$size <- NULL
      info$flags <- NULL
      info$headerSize <- NULL
      info$volumeIdOffset <- NULL
      info$localBasePathOffset <- NULL
      info$commonNetworkRelativeLinkOffset <- NULL
      info$commonPathSuffixOffset <- NULL

  } # readLinkInfo()

  readStringData <- function(con, ...) {
    data <- list(
      countCharacters = readWord(con) # 2 bytes
    value <- readRaw(con, n=2*data$countCharacters)
    value <- matrix(value, nrow=2L)
    value <- value[1L,]
    value <- rawToChar(value)
    data$string <- value
    .stop_if_not(nchar(data$string) == data$countCharacters)
    if (clean) {
      data <- data$string
  } # readStringData()

  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Validate arguments
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Argument 'con':
  if (is.character(con)) {
    con <- file(con, open="")

  if (inherits(con, "connection")) {
    if (!isOpen(con)) {
      open(con, open="rb")
        if (inherits(con, "connection") && isOpen(con))

  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # File header
  # Shell item ID list
  #   Item 1
  #   Item 2
  #   etc..
  # File locator info
  #   Local path
  #   Network path
  # Description string
  # Relative path string
  # Working directory string
  # Command line string
  # Icon filename string
  # Extra stuff
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  lnk <- list()

  lnk$header <- readShellLinkHeader(con)
  if (verbose) {
    message("File header read:")
    message(paste(capture.output(lnk$header), collapse="\n"))

  if (lnk$header$linkFlags["HasLinkTargetIdList"]) {
    lnk$idList <- readLinkTargetIdList(con)

  if (lnk$header$linkFlags["HasLinkInfo"]) {
    lnk$linkInfo <- readLinkInfo(con)

  keys <- c("HasName", "HasRelativePath", "HasWorkingDir", "HasArguments", "HasIconLocation")
  if (any(lnk$header$linkFlags[keys])) {
    lnk$stringData <- list()
    stringData <- list()
    if (lnk$header$linkFlags["HasName"]) {
      stringData$name <- readStringData(con)
    if (lnk$header$linkFlags["HasRelativePath"]) {
      stringData$relativePath <- readStringData(con)
    if (lnk$header$linkFlags["HasWorkingDir"]) {
      stringData$workingDir <- readStringData(con)
    if (lnk$header$linkFlags["HasArguments"]) {
      stringData$commandLineArguments <- readStringData(con)
    if (lnk$header$linkFlags["HasIconLocation"]) {
      stringData$iconLocation <- readStringData(con)
    lnk$stringData <- stringData

  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # For convenience
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  key <- "relativePath"
  if (is.element(key, names(lnk$stringData))) {
    value <- lnk$stringData[[key]]
    if (!clean) {
      value <- value$data
    lnk$relativePathname <- value

  key <- "localBasePath"
  if (is.element(key, names(lnk$linkInfo))) {
    path <- lnk$linkInfo[[key]]
    lnk$pathname <- file.path(path, lnk$linkInfo$commonPathSuffix, fsep="")

  key <- "commonNetworkRelativeLink"
  if (is.element(key, names(lnk$linkInfo))) {
    path <- lnk$linkInfo[[key]]$netName
    lnk$networkPathname <- file.path(path, lnk$linkInfo$commonPathSuffix, fsep="\\")

}) # readWindowsShellLink()

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R.utils documentation built on Nov. 18, 2023, 1:09 a.m.