
beat.cv <- function (n_file, stratif, errors, des_file, psu_file, rho, 
                     epsilon = 10^(-11)) 
  colnames(stratif) <- toupper(colnames(stratif))
  colnames(errors) <- toupper(colnames(errors))
  colnames(des_file) <- toupper(colnames(des_file))
  colnames(rho) <- toupper(colnames(rho))
  colnames(psu_file) <- toupper(colnames(psu_file))
  colnames(n_file) <- toupper(colnames(n_file))
  nvar = ncol(errors) - 1
  nstrat = nrow(stratif)
  strloop <- c(1:nstrat)
  ndom = nrow(errors)
  val <- NULL
  nom_dom <- sapply(1:ndom, function(i) paste("DOM", i, sep = ""))
  dom <- as.vector(stratif[, names(stratif) %in% nom_dom])
  # nvalues <- sapply(nom_dom, function(vari) {
  #   val <- c(val, nlevels(as.factor(dom[, vari])))
  # })
  nvalues <- NULL
  for (i in c(1:ndom)) {
    eval(parse(text=paste0("nvalues <- c(nvalues,nlevels(as.factor(stratif$DOM",i,")))")))
  stratif_completo <- stratif
  disegno_completo <- des_file
  sapply(1:nvar, function(i) {
    stratif_completo[, paste("S_ORIG", i, sep = "")] <<- stratif_completo[, 
                                                                          paste("S", i, sep = "")]
  disegno_completo <- disegno_completo[order(disegno_completo$STRATUM), 
  disegno_completo <- cbind(disegno_completo, n_file)
  disegno_completo$F = (disegno_completo$SIZE/disegno_completo$STRAT_MOS)
  disegno_completo$SOGLIA = ((disegno_completo$MINIMUM/disegno_completo$F) * 
  anagrafico1 <- merge(disegno_completo[, c("STRATUM", "SOGLIA")], 
                       psu_file, by = "STRATUM")
  anagrafico1$AR <- 0
  anagrafico1$AR[(anagrafico1$PSU_MOS >= anagrafico1$SOGLIA)] <- 1
  anagrafico1$POPAR = anagrafico1$PSU_MOS * anagrafico1$AR
  anagrafico1$POPNAR = anagrafico1$PSU_MOS - anagrafico1$POPAR
  popolaz <- aggregate(anagrafico1[, c("POPAR", "POPNAR")], 
                       by = list(STRATUM = anagrafico1$STRATUM), sum)
  disegno_completo <- merge(disegno_completo, popolaz, by = "STRATUM")
  disegno_completo <- merge(disegno_completo, rho, by = "STRATUM")
  disegno_completo$CAMPAR = round((disegno_completo$F) * (disegno_completo$POPAR))
  disegno_completo$CAMPNAR = disegno_completo$SIZE - disegno_completo$CAMPAR
  disegno_completo$BDIS_AR = 1 * disegno_completo$DELTA
  disegno_completo$BDIS_NAR = disegno_completo$MINIMUM * disegno_completo$DELTA
  sapply(1:nvar, function(i) {
    disegno_completo[, paste("DEFF", i, sep = "")] <<- ((disegno_completo$SIZE/(disegno_completo$STRAT_MOS^2)) * 
                                                          ((((disegno_completo$POPAR^2)/(disegno_completo$CAMPAR + 
                                                                                           epsilon)) * (1 + ((disegno_completo[, paste("RHO_AR", 
                                                                                                                                       i, sep = "")]) * (disegno_completo$BDIS_AR - 
                                                                                                                                                           1)))) + (((disegno_completo$POPNAR^2)/(disegno_completo$CAMPNAR + 
                                                                                                                                                                                                    epsilon)) * (1 + ((disegno_completo[, paste("RHO_NAR", 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                i, sep = "")]) * (disegno_completo$BDIS_NAR - 
  sapply(1:nvar, function(i) {
    disegno_completo[, paste("DEFF", i, sep = "")][disegno_completo[, 
                                                                    paste("DEFF", i, sep = "")] < 0] <<- 1
  sapply(1:nvar, function(i) {
    disegno_completo[, paste("DEFT", i, sep = "")] <<- sqrt(disegno_completo[, 
                                                                             paste("DEFF", i, sep = "")])
  stratif_completo <- merge(stratif_completo, disegno_completo[, 
                                                               c("STRATUM", sapply(1:nvar, function(i) (paste("DEFT", 
                                                                                                              i, sep = ""))))], by = "STRATUM")
  sapply(1:nvar, function(i) {
    stratif_completo[, paste("S", i, sep = "")] <<- (stratif_completo[, 
                                                                      paste("S_ORIG", i, sep = "")] * disegno_completo[, 
                                                                                                                       paste("DEFT", i, sep = "")])
  stratif_completo <- cbind(stratif_completo, n_file)
  sapply(1:nvar, function(i) {
    stratif_completo[, paste("varfin", i, sep = "")] <<- (stratif_completo[, 
                                                                           paste("S", i, sep = "")] * stratif_completo$N)^2 * 
      ((1 - stratif_completo$SIZE/stratif_completo$N)/stratif_completo$SIZE)
  sapply(1:nvar, function(i) {
    stratif_completo[, paste("TOT", i, sep = "")] <<- round(stratif_completo[, 
                                                                             paste("M", i, sep = "")] * stratif_completo$N)
  sapply(1:nvar, function(i) {
    stratif_completo[, paste("varfin", i, sep = "")] <<- (stratif_completo[, 
                                                                           paste("S", i, sep = "")] * stratif_completo$N)^2 * 
      ((1 - stratif_completo$SIZE/stratif_completo$N)/stratif_completo$SIZE)
  sapply(1:nvar, function(i) {
    stratif_completo[, paste("TOT", i, sep = "")] <<- round(stratif_completo[, 
                                                                             paste("M", i, sep = "")] * stratif_completo$N)
  k = 0
  cv <- NULL
  qu = NULL
  for (j in (1:ndom)) for (i in (1:nvar)) {
    k = k + 1
    statement_aggr <- paste("cv[[", k, "]] <-aggregate(    stratif_completo[,c('TOT", 
                            i, "','N','varfin", i, "' )] ,by=list(Domain=c(stratif_completo$DOM", 
                            j, ") ), sum) ", sep = "")
    eval(parse(text = statement_aggr))
    nome1 = paste("dom", j, "var", i, sep = "")
    statement_cv <- paste("cv[[", k, "]]$cv_", nome1, " <- sqrt(cv[[", 
                          k, "]]$varfin", i, ")/cv[[", k, "]]$TOT", i, sep = "")
    eval(parse(text = statement_cv))
    names(cv)[k] <- nome1
    statement_qu <- paste("qu[[", k, "]] <- quantile( cv[[", 
                          k, "]]$cv_", nome1, " , c(0,0.25,0.5,0.75,0.9,0.99,1))", 
                          sep = "")
    eval(parse(text = statement_qu))
    nome2 = paste("qu_dom", j, "var", i, sep = "")
    names(qu)[k] <- nome2
  cv <<- cv
  qu <<- qu
  exp_cv <- NULL
  st1 <- "exp_cv$Type <- c(rep("
  st2 <- "exp_cv$Dom <- c(1:"
  for (i in (1:ndom)) {
    if (i < ndom) 
      st1 <- paste0(st1, "'DOM", i, "',", nvalues[i], 
    if (i == ndom) 
      st1 <- paste0(st1, "'DOM", i, "',", nvalues[i], 
    if (i < ndom) 
      st2 <- paste0(st2, nvalues[i], ",1:")
    if (i == ndom) 
      st2 <- paste0(st2, nvalues[i], ")")
  eval(parse(text = st1))
  eval(parse(text = st2))
  exp_cv <- as.data.frame(exp_cv)
  for (j in (1:nvar)) {
    st <- paste0("exp_cv$V", j, " <- c(")
    for (i in (1:ndom)) {
      if (i < ndom) 
        st <- paste0(st, "cv$dom", i, "var", j, "$cv_dom", 
                     i, "var", j, ",")
      if (i == ndom) 
        st <- paste0(st, "cv$dom", i, "var", j, "$cv_dom", 
                     i, "var", j, ")")
    eval(parse(text = st))

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R2BEAT documentation built on May 31, 2023, 7:19 p.m.