
Defines functions bgk_kde

#' @keywords internal
bgk_kde <- function(data, n, MIN, MAX, smooth = 4) {
  #       State-of-the-art gaussian kernel density estimator for one-dimensional data;
  #       The estimator does not use the commonly employed 'gaussian rule of thumb'.
  #       As a result it outperforms many plug-in methods on multimodal densities
  #       with widely separated modes (see example).
  #     data    - a vector of data from which the density estimate is constructed;
  #          n  - the number of mesh points used in the uniform discretization of the
  #               interval [MIN, MAX]; n has to be a power of two; if n is not a power of two, then
  #               n is rounded up to the next power of two; the default value of n is n=2^12;
  #   MIN, MAX  - defines the interval [MIN,MAX] on which the density estimate is constructed;
  #               the default values of MIN and MAX are:
  #               MIN=min(data)-Range/10 and MAX=max(data)+Range/10, where Range=max(data)-min(data);
  #       matrix 'out' of with two rows of length 'n', where out[2,]
  #       are the density values on the mesh out[1,];
  ##Save this file in your directory as kde.R and copy and paste the commands:
  # rm(list=ls())
  # source(file='kde.r')
  # data=c(stats::rnorm(10^3),stats::rnorm(10^3)*2+30);
  # d=kde(data)
  # plot(d[1,],d[2,],type='l',xlab='x',ylab='density f(x)')
  # Z. I. Botev, J. F. Grotowski and D. P. Kroese
  # "Kernel Density Estimation Via Diffusion"
  # Annals of Statistics, 2010, Volume 38, Number 5, Pages 2916-2957
  # for questions email: botev@maths.uq.edu.au
  data <- data[!is.na(data)]
  nargin <- length(as.list(match.call())) - 1
  if (nargin < 2)
    n <- 2 ^ 14
  n <- 2 ^ ceiling(log2(n))
  # round up n to the next power of 2;
  if (n < 8) {
    n <- 8
  if (nargin < 4)
    # define the default  interval [MIN,MAX]
    minimum <- min(data)
    maximum <- max(data)
    Range = maximum - minimum
    MIN <- minimum - Range / 10
    MAX <- maximum + Range / 10
  # set up the grid over which the density estimate is computed;
  R <- MAX - MIN
  dx <- R / n
  xmesh <- MIN + seq(from = 0, to = R, by = dx)
  N <- length(data)
  # if data has repeated observations use the N below
  # N=length(as.numeric(names(table(data))));
  # bin the data uniformly using the grid defined above;
  w <- graphics::hist(x = data, breaks = xmesh, plot = FALSE)
  initial_data <- (w$counts) / N
  initial_data <- initial_data / sum(initial_data)
  dct1d <- function(data) {
    # computes the discrete cosine transform of the column vector data
    n <- length(data)
    # Compute weights to multiply DFT coefficients
    weight <- c(1, 2 * exp(-1i * (1:(n - 1)) * pi / (2 * n)))
    # Re-order the elements of the columns of x
    data <- c(data[seq(1, n - 1, 2)], data[seq(n, 2, -2)])
    # Multiply FFT by weights:
    data <- Re(weight * stats::fft(data))
  a <- dct1d(initial_data)
  # discrete cosine transform of initial data
  # now compute the optimal bandwidth^2 using the referenced method
  I <- (1:(n - 1)) ^ 2
  a2 <- (a[2:n] / 2) ^ 2
  # use  fzero to solve the equation t=zeta*gamma^[5](t)
  fixed_point <- function(t, N, I, a2) {
    # this implements the function t-zeta*gamma^[l](t)
    l <- 7
    f <- 2 * (pi ^ (2 * l)) * sum((I ^ l) * a2 * exp(-I * (pi ^ 2) * t))
    for (s in (l - 1):2) {
      K0 <- prod(seq(1, 2 * s - 1, 2)) / sqrt(2 * pi)
      const <- (1 + (1 / 2) ^ (s + 1 / 2)) / 3
      time <- (2 * const * K0 / N / f) ^ (2 / (3 + 2 * s))
      f <- 2 * pi ^ (2 * s) * sum(I ^ s * a2 * exp(-I * pi ^ 2 * time))
    out <- t - (2 * N * sqrt(pi) * f) ^ (-2 / 5)
  t_star <- tryCatch(
      c(0, .1),
      N = N,
      I = I,
      a2 = a2,
      tol = 10 ^ (-14)
    error = function(e)
      .28 * N ^ (-2 / 5)
  t_star <- t_star * smooth
  # smooth the discrete cosine transform of initial data using t_star
  a_t <- a * exp(-(0:(n - 1)) ^ 2 * pi ^ 2 * t_star / 2)
  # now apply the inverse discrete cosine transform
  idct1d <-  function(data) {
    # computes the inverse discrete cosine transform
    n <- length(data)
    # Compute weights
    weights <- n * exp(1i * (0:(n - 1)) * pi / (2 * n))
    # Compute x tilde using equation (5.93) in Jain
    data <- Re(stats::fft(weights * data, inverse = TRUE)) / n
    # Re-order elements of each column according to equations (5.93) and
    # (5.94) in Jain
    out <- rep(0, n)
    out[seq(1, n, 2)] <- data[1:(n / 2)]
    out[seq(2, n, 2)] <- data[n:(n / 2 + 1)]
  density <- idct1d(a_t) / R
  # take the rescaling of the data into account
  bandwidth <- sqrt(t_star) * R
  xmesh <- seq(MIN, MAX, R / (n - 1))
  out <- matrix(c(xmesh, density), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)

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