
Defines functions read.rdsobj read.rdsat

Documented in read.rdsat read.rdsobj

#' Import data from the 'RDSAT' format as an \code{rds.data.frame}
#' @description This function imports RDSAT data files as \code{rds.data.frame} objects.
#' @param file the name of the file which the data are to be read from.
#'           If it
#'           does not contain an _absolute_ path, the file name is
#'           _relative_ to the current working directory, 'getwd()'.
#'           Tilde-expansion is performed where supported.  As from R
#'           2.10.0 this can be a compressed file (see 'file')
#' @param delim The seperator defining columns. <auto> will guess the
#' 		delimitor based on the file.
#' @param N The population size (Optional).
#' @examples
#' fn <- paste0(path.package("RDS"),"/extdata/nyjazz.rdsat")
#' rd <- read.rdsat(fn)
#' plot(rd)
#' @export
read.rdsat <- function(file,
                       delim = c("<auto>", "\t", " ", ","),
                       N = NULL) {
  # The only part that we need to parse are the first two lines, subsequent lines
  # should be a valid tab-delimited table.
  header <- readLines(file, n = 2)
  line.one <- header[1]
  if (length(grep(pattern = "RDS", line.one)) == 0 &
      (length(grep(pattern = "rds", line.one)) == 0)) {
    warning("RDSAT file does not begin with \"RDS\" or \"rds\".")
  delim <- delim[1]
  if (delim == "<auto>") {
    line.two1 <- strsplit(header[2], split = "\t")[[1]]
    line.two2 <- strsplit(header[2], split = " ")[[1]]
    line.two3 <- strsplit(header[2], split = ",")[[1]]
    if (length(line.two1) > length(line.two2) &&
        length(line.two1) > length(line.two3))
      delim <- "\t"
    else if (length(line.two2) > length(line.two3))
      delim <- " "
      delim <- ","
  line.two <- strsplit(header[2], split = delim)[[1]]
  header.number.of.rows <- line.two[1]
  header.max.coupons <- as.integer(line.two[2])
  header.na.symbol <- line.two[3]
  header.column.names <- line.two[4:length(line.two)]
  header.named.columns <-
    header.column.names[header.column.names != ""]
  # The number of unnamed columns should be determined as follows:
  #      First column is an id
  #      Second column is network size
  #      Third column is coupon received.
  #      Fourth through [Four + (header.max.coupons -1)]^th are coupons given.
  initial.column.names <- c(
    paste("coupon", 1:header.max.coupons, sep = ".")
  coupon.columns <- 4:(4 + header.max.coupons - 1)
  if (delim == " ")
    delim = ""
  rds.data <-
      skip = 2,
      sep = delim,
      na.strings = header.na.symbol,
      as.is = FALSE,
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
      nrows = 1
  ccc <- rep(NA, ncol(rds.data))
  ccc[c(1, 3, coupon.columns)] <- "character"
  ccc[2] <- "numeric"
  rds.data <-
      skip = 2,
      sep = delim,
      na.strings = header.na.symbol,
      as.is = FALSE,
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
      colClasses = ccc
  # Strip out most blank lines
  rds.data <- rds.data[!apply(is.na(rds.data[, 1:3]), 1, all), ]
  colnames(rds.data) <-
    make.names(c(initial.column.names, header.named.columns),
               unique = TRUE)
  #convert to rds.data.frame
  rds.data$recruiter.id <-
      subject.coupon = 'own.coupon',
      coupon.variables = paste("coupon", 1:header.max.coupons, sep = "."),
      subject.id = "id"
  rds.data <-
      id = 'id',
      recruiter.id = 'recruiter.id',
      network.size = 'network.size',
      max.coupons = header.max.coupons,
      population.size = N
  rds.data$seed <- get.seed.id(rds.data)
  rds.data$wave <- get.wave(rds.data)

#' Import data saved using write.rdsobj
#' @param file the name of the file which the data are to be read from.
#'           If it
#'           does not contain an _absolute_ path, the file name is
#'           _relative_ to the current working directory, 'getwd()'.
#'           Tilde-expansion is performed where supported.  As from R
#'           2.10.0 this can be a compressed file (see 'file')
#' @export
read.rdsobj <- function(file) {
  obj <- try(readRDS(file), silent = TRUE)
  if (inherits(obj, "try-error")) {
    obj <- dget(file)
  if (!inherits(obj, "rds.data.frame"))
    stop("Object stored in file is not an rds.data.frame object")

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RDS documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:13 p.m.