
Defines functions print.differential.activity.estimate differential.activity.estimates differential.activity.estimates.local

Documented in differential.activity.estimates print.differential.activity.estimate

differential.activity.estimates.local <- function(rds.data,
                                                  weight.type = "Gile's SS",
                                                  uncertainty = "Gile's SS",
                                                  ...) {
  if (is(rds.data, "rds.data.frame")) {
    if (!(outcome.variable %in% names(rds.data))) {
        "No variable called %s appears in the data.",
    network.size <- attr(rds.data, "network.size.variable")
    stop("rds.data must be of type rds.data.frame")
  if (weight.type %in% c("RDS-I", "RDS-I (DS)")) {
    outcome <- factor(rds.data[[outcome.variable]])
    # 		Make sure the factor labels are alphabetic!
    outcome = factor(outcome, levels = levels(outcome)[order(levels(outcome))])
    rds.data[[outcome.variable]] <- outcome
  if (is.null(N)) {
    N <- get.population.size(rds.data)[2]
  # Check for missing values and warn the user if any are removed.   This should really taken
  # care of elsewhere.  NB: It is also worth considering the semantics of the message
  # "values were missing and were removed".
  remvalues <-
    rds.data[[network.size]] == 0 | is.na(rds.data[[network.size]])
  if (any(remvalues)) {
        "network sizes were missing or zero. The estimator will presume these are",
        max(rds.data[[network.size]], na.rm = TRUE)
      call. = FALSE
    rds.data[[network.size]][remvalues] <-
      max(rds.data[[network.size]], na.rm = TRUE)
  rds.data.nomiss <- rds.data
  # The simple data management tasks have been taken care of, so it's now time to compute
  # the RDS estimates.   The cases for numeric and categorical outcomes are handled
  # separately.
  se <- substitute(subset)
  subset <- eval(se, rds.data, parent.frame())
  if (is.null(se) | is.null(subset)) {
    subset <- rep(TRUE, length = nrow(rds.data.nomiss))
  } else{
    subset[is.na(subset)] <- FALSE
    if (!is.na(N)) {
      #use VH estimator to adjust population size to sub-population
      tmp.wts <- vh.weights(rds.data.nomiss[[network.size]])
      tmp.wts <- tmp.wts / sum(tmp.wts)
      prop <- sum(tmp.wts * subset)
      N <- N * prop
      if (N < sum(subset))
        stop(sprintf("Estimated sub-population size, %f, smaller than subsets size, %f.", N, sum(subset)))
    #This subsets setting orphaned children to be seeds
    #in order to maintain a valid recruitment tree.
    rds.data.nomiss <- rds.data.nomiss[subset, , warn = FALSE]
    #drop 0 count levels
    if (is.factor(rds.data[[outcome.variable]])) {
      outcome <- factor(rds.data.nomiss[[outcome.variable]])
      # 			Make sure the factor labels are alphabetic!
      outcome = factor(outcome, levels = levels(outcome)[order(levels(outcome))])
      rds.data.nomiss[[outcome.variable]] <- outcome
  weights.nomiss <- compute.weights(
    weight.type = weight.type,
    outcome.variable = outcome.variable,
    N = N,
  outcome <- as.vector(rds.data.nomiss[[outcome.variable]])
  toutcome <- table(outcome)
  maxa <- which.max(toutcome)
  toutcome[maxa] <- 0
  maxa <- c(maxa, which.max(toutcome))
  onames <- sort(names(toutcome)[maxa])
  outcome <- as.numeric(outcome == max(onames, na.rm = TRUE))
  #outcome[is.na(outcome)] <- 0
  moutcome <- max(outcome, na.rm = TRUE)
  prop.outcome <-
    HT.estimate(weights = weights.nomiss, outcome = outcome)
  deg <- get.net.size(rds.data.nomiss)
  mean.degree.outcome0 <- HT.estimate(weights = weights.nomiss,
                                      outcome = deg * (outcome == 0)) / (1 - prop.outcome)
  mean.degree.outcome1 <- HT.estimate(weights = weights.nomiss,
                                      outcome = deg * (outcome == 1)) / prop.outcome
  result <- c(mean.degree.outcome1 / mean.degree.outcome0, moutcome)
  class(result) <- "differential.activity.estimate"

#' Differential Activity between groups
#' @param rds.data An rds.data.frame object
#' @param outcome.variable A character string of column names representing categorical variables.
#' @param weight.type A string giving the type of estimator to use. The options
#' are \code{"Gile's SS"}, \code{"RDS-I"}, \code{"RDS-II"}, \code{"RDS-I/DS"},
#' and \code{"Arithemic Mean"}. It defaults to \code{"Gile's
#' SS"}.
#' @param N The population size.
#' @param subset An expression defining a subset of rds.data.
#' @param ... Additional parameters passed to compute.weights.
#' @details This function estimates the ratio of the average degree of one population
#' group divided by the average degree of those in another population group.
#' @examples
#' data(faux)
#' differential.activity.estimates(faux,"X",weight.type="RDS-II")
#' @export
differential.activity.estimates <- function(rds.data,
                                            weight.type = "Gile's SS",
                                            N = NULL,
                                            subset = NULL,
                                            ...) {
  se <- substitute(subset)
  if (is.null(se)) {
    csubset <- ""
  } else{
    csubset <- as.character(enquote(substitute(subset)))[2]
  subset <- eval(se, rds.data, parent.frame())
  if (length(outcome.variable) == 1) {
    result <- differential.activity.estimates.local(
      rds.data = rds.data,
      outcome.variable = outcome.variable,
      weight.type = weight.type,
      N = N,
      subset = subset,
  else {
    result <- lapply(
      X = outcome.variable,
      FUN = function(g) {
          rds.data = rds.data,
          outcome.variable = g,
          weight.type = weight.type,
          N = N,
          subset = subset,
    names(result) <- outcome.variable

#' Prints an differential.activity.estimate object
#' @param x an differential.activity.estimate object
#' @param ... unused
#' @export
#' @method print differential.activity.estimate
print.differential.activity.estimate <- function(x, ...) {
      "The mean degree of those with value",
      "divided by the mean degree of those without is"
    format(x[1], width = 6),

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RDS documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:13 p.m.