
Defines functions read.eqs

Documented in read.eqs

# function for reading eqs-output files (*.ets) into R
# *.CBK and *.ETP file with meta information needed as well

read.eqs <- function(file)
# file ... the name or path (string) of the ets-file which the data are to be read from. If it does not contain an _absolute_ path,
#          the file name is _relative_ to the current working directory, 'getwd()'. The *.CBK and *.ETP file has to be of the
#          same name and in the same directory.
  file.ets <- file
  file.split <- strsplit(file.ets, "\\.")
  if (length(file.split[[1]]) > 2) stop("File name or folders should not contain '.'")
  if (file.split[[1]][2] != "ets") stop("File should be of the form 'xxxxxx.ets'")

  file.cbk <- paste(file.split[[1]][1], ".CBK",sep = "" )
  file.etp <- paste(file.split[[1]][1], ".ETP",sep = "" )

  cbk.info1 <- scan(file.cbk, skip = 2, nlines = 2, quiet = TRUE)   #read metainfo from cbk lines (first 4 lines)
  cbk.info2 <- scan(file.cbk, skip = 4, nlines = 2, quiet = TRUE) + 1
  cbk.info2[which(cbk.info2 == 1)] <- 0
  endfile <- scan(file.cbk, nlines = 1, quiet = TRUE)               #Carl's suggestion
  cbk.info.mat <- cbind(cbk.info2, cbk.info1)         #matrix of meta informations
  rownames(cbk.info.mat) <- c("Parameter estimates", "Standard errors", "Robust standard errors",
  "Corrected standard errors", "Gradients", "Sample covariance matrix", "Model Covariance Matrix (Sigma hat)",
  "Inverted Information matrix", "Robust inverted information matrix", "Corrected inverted information matrix",
  "First derivatives", "4th Moment weight matrix", "Standardized Elements", "R-squares", "Factor means",
  "Univariate statistics (means)", "Univariate statistics (standard deviations)", "Univariate statistics (skewness)",
  "Univariate statistics (kurtosis)", "Univariate statistics (sample size)", "Dependent variable standardization vector",
  "Independent variable standardization vector")
  colnames(cbk.info.mat) <- c("Line Number","Number of Elements")
  #contains the basic information only
  #cbk.base <- read.fwf(file.cbk, widths = c(13, 3), skip = 6, col.names = c("variable", "line"), buffersize = 1, n = 98)        #data frame 
  cbk.base <- read.fwf(file.cbk, widths = c(13, 3), skip = 6, col.names = c("variable", "line"), buffersize = 1, n = 103)        #data frame 

  #--------------- AGLS ---------------
  etsout <- NULL
  etslines <- readLines(file.ets)
  model.title <- etslines[1]
  if (length(etslines) > 16) {                                             #FIXME: for multiple group
    if (length(grep("LS ", model.title)) > 0) {
       etsout <- etslines[-(1:16)]                                         #eliminate LS output
       writeLines(text = etsout, con = file.ets)

  #--------------- model info  ----------------------
  nminfo <- length(which(cbk.base[,2] == 2))                              #how many lines with model infos
  minfo.val <- scan(file.ets, skip = 1, nlines = 1, quiet = TRUE)
  minfo.dframe <- data.frame(minfo.val)
  colnames(minfo.dframe) <- "values"
  rownames(minfo.dframe) <- cbk.base[1:nminfo,1]                          #data frame with model infos
  #------------- end model info  --------------------
  #------------------ p-values ----------------------
  start.cbk <- nminfo + 1
  ntprobs <- length(c(which(cbk.base[,2] == 3), which(cbk.base[,2] == 4)))     #number of tail probabilites
  probs.val <- scan(file.ets, skip = 2, nlines = 2, quiet = TRUE)
  probs.val[which(probs.val == -1)] <- NA                            #-1 becomes NA
  probs.dframe <- data.frame(probs.val, row.names = cbk.base[start.cbk:(start.cbk+ntprobs-1),1])
  colnames(probs.dframe) <- "p-values"
  #--------------- end p-values ---------------------

  #---------------- fit indices/tests ---------------
  start.cbk <- start.cbk + ntprobs
  nfit <- 62
  fit.val <- scan(file.ets, skip = 4, nlines = 7, quiet = TRUE)
  fit.val[which(fit.val == -9)] <- NA
  fit.dframe <- data.frame(fit.val, row.names = cbk.base[start.cbk:(start.cbk+nfit-1),1])
  colnames(fit.dframe) <- "fit values"
  #-------------- end fit indices/tests -------------

  #----------------- descriptives -------------------
  start.cbk <- start.cbk + nfit
  ndesc <- 9
  desc.val <- scan(file.ets, skip = 11, nlines = 1, quiet = TRUE)    
  desc.dframe <- data.frame(desc.val, row.names = cbk.base[start.cbk:(start.cbk+ndesc-1),1])
  colnames(desc.dframe) <- "values"
  #---------------- end descriptives ----------------
  #-------------- parameter index matrices ----------
  n.ind <- desc.dframe[8,1]          #number of independent variables
  n.dep <- desc.dframe[9,1]          #number of dependent variables
  n.fac <- desc.dframe[3,1]          #number of factors
  n.tot <- n.ind + n.dep
  if (n.ind%%32 == 0) {              #number of header lines to be skipped in .ETP
    skiplines <- n.ind/32+1          #21 elements per line (then new line)
  } else {
    skiplines <- trunc(n.ind/32)+1+1

  if (n.dep%%32 == 0) {              #number of header lines to be skipped in .ETP
    skiplines <- skiplines + n.dep/32            #21 elements per line (then new line)
  } else {
    skiplines <- skiplines + trunc(n.dep/32)+1
  varnames.string <- readLines(file.etp, n = skiplines-1)             #read variable names
  varnames.chvec <- unlist(strsplit(varnames.string, split =" "))
  varnames.vec <- varnames.chvec[which(varnames.chvec != "")]
  #------------ end parameter index matrices --------

  #-------------- read parameters and friends into list -----------
  nout <- nrow(cbk.info.mat)                                    #total number of outputs (22)
  model.list <- as.list(rep(NA, nout))                            #initialize list
  for (i in 1:nout) {
    startline <- cbk.info.mat[i,1]                                #starting line
    if (i != nout) {
      endlinevec <- cbk.info.mat[(i+1):nout,1]                    #avoid that next line is 0
      endline <- (endlinevec[endlinevec > 0])[1]                  #ending lines
      nlines <- endline-startline                                  #number of lines
    } else {                                                      #last element
      #if ((cbk.info.mat[i,2]) > 0) nlines <- 1 else nlines <- 0
      if ((cbk.info.mat[i,2]) > 0) nlines <- endfile-startline else nlines <- 0    #Carl's suggestion
    if (startline != 0) {
      vals <- scan(file.ets, what = "character", skip = startline-1, nlines = nlines, quiet = TRUE)
      Eind.minus <- grep("[0-9]-[0-9]", vals)
      valsnew.minus <- gsub("^E", "",gsub("-","E-", vals[Eind.minus]))
      #valsnew.minus <- gsub("?!^-","E-", vals[Eind.minus])
      Eind.plus <- grep("[0-9]\\+[0-9]", vals)
      valsnew.plus <- gsub("^E", "",gsub("\\+","E\\+", vals[Eind.plus]))
      vals[Eind.minus] <- valsnew.minus 
      vals[Eind.plus] <- valsnew.plus
      vals <- as.numeric(vals) 
      #vals <- scan(file.ets, what = "character", skip = startline-1, nlines = nlines, quiet = TRUE)
      #vals <- scan(file.ets, what = list("numeric", "character"), skip = startline-1, nlines = nlines, quiet = TRUE)
    } else {                                                      #no output provided
      vals <- NA
    model.list[[i]] <- vals                                       #write values into list
  #-------------------- end read values --------------------
  #-------------------- reorganize values into phi, gamma, beta ------------------
  par.val <- model.list[[1]]                                      #vector with parameter values
  parindvec <- scan(file.etp, skip = skiplines-1, quiet = TRUE)       #index vector from etp file    
  par.pos <- which(parindvec > 0)                                 #cumulating parameter indices
  phi.dim <- n.ind*n.ind
  gamma.dim <- n.dep*n.ind
  indpos1 <- (par.pos > (phi.dim)) + (par.pos < (phi.dim+gamma.dim))
  cumpos1 <- par.pos[indpos1 == 2]                                #position for incrementing Gamma index
  cumpos2 <- par.pos[par.pos > (phi.dim+gamma.dim)]               #position for incrementing Beta matrix
  if (length(cumpos1) > 0)  parindvec[cumpos1] <- parindvec[cumpos1] + max(parindvec)
  if (length(cumpos2) > 0)  parindvec[cumpos2] <- parindvec[cumpos2] + max(parindvec)
  negpos <- which(parindvec == -1)                                #position of -1 values
  parindvec[parindvec <= 0] <- NA                                 #replace 0's and -1's by NA
  parvec <- par.val[parindvec]                                    #read parameter values
  parvec[negpos] <- -1                                            #plug-in -1's
  parvec[is.na(parvec)] <- 0                                      #plug in 0's
  cuts <- c(n.ind*n.ind, n.dep*n.ind, n.dep*n.dep)                #vector cut index for matrix re-organisation
  dimlist <- list(c(n.ind, n.ind), c(n.dep,n.ind), c(n.dep,n.dep))
  cutfac <- rep(1:3, cuts)                                        #list with parameter vectors
  parlist <- split(parvec, cutfac)                                #vector splitting
  parmat <- mapply(function(xx, dd) {                             #list of phi, gamma, beta matrices
                    matrix(xx, nrow = dd[1], ncol = dd[2], byrow = TRUE)
                   }, parlist, dimlist, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
  names(parmat) <- c("Phi", "Gamma", "Beta")
  colnames(parmat$Phi) <- rownames(parmat$Phi) <- colnames(parmat$Gamma) <- varnames.vec[1:n.ind]
  rownames(parmat$Gamma) <- rownames(parmat$Beta) <- colnames(parmat$Beta) <- varnames.vec[(n.ind+1):length(varnames.vec)]        
  #-------------------- end phi, gamma, beta -------------------

  #----------------------se, rse, cse, gradient  ---------------------------
  parse.mat <- NULL
  for (i in 1:5) parse.mat <- cbind(parse.mat, model.list[[i]])
  colnames(parse.mat) <- c("Parameter", "SE", "RSE", "CSE", "Gradient")
  npar <- nrow(parse.mat)

  namesvec <- NULL                                                                 #just to get the names vector
  for (i in 1:3) {
    if (i == 1) {                                                                  #Phi is symmetric
      combmat <- combinations(dim(parmat[[i]])[1], 2, repeats.allowed = TRUE)      #index matrix for name combinations
      comb.names <- apply(combmat, 2, function(rn) rownames(parmat[[i]])[rn])      #matrix with name combinations
      comb.names[,2:1] <- comb.names                                               #switch parameter order
      if (sum(diag(parmat[[i]]) == 0) > 0) {                                       #parameter with value 0 to be included
       diag(parmat[[i]])[which(diag(parmat[[i]]) == 0)] <- -99                     #set dummy
      par.val0 <- parmat[[i]][lower.tri(parmat[[i]], diag = TRUE)]                 #parameter vector with 0's
    } else {                                                                       #gamma not symmetric
      comb.names <- as.matrix(expand.grid(rownames(parmat[[i]]), colnames(parmat[[i]])))
      if (i ==3) comb.names[,2:1] <- comb.names                                    #switch parameter order
      par.val0 <- as.vector(parmat[[i]])  
    par.val.ind <- which(((par.val0 != 0)+(par.val0 != -1)) == 2)     
    names.mat <- rbind(comb.names[par.val.ind,])
    names <- apply(names.mat, 1, function(ss) paste("(",ss[1],",",ss[2],")", sep = ""))
    namesvec <- c(namesvec, names)
  if (!is.matrix(parse.mat)) parse.mat <- rbind(parse.mat)              #if only 1 or less parameters estimated
  if (length(namesvec) == 0) namesvec <- NA
  if ((dim(parse.mat)[1]) != (length(namesvec)))  {
    parse.mat <- parse.mat[parse.mat[,1] != 0,]
    if ((dim(parse.mat)[1]) == (length(namesvec))) rownames(parse.mat) <- namesvec 
  } else {
    rownames(parse.mat) <- namesvec
  #------------------- end se, rse, cse, gradient --------------------------

  #----------------- covariance and information matrices -------------------
  meanjn <-  scan(file.cbk, skip = 1, nlines = 1, quiet = TRUE)[3]          #whether mean was computed or not
  Vcheckstr <- colnames(parmat$Phi)                                         #in case of V's in Phi
  compstr <- paste("V", 1:999, sep = "")
  TFVcheck <- Vcheckstr %in% compstr
  if (any(TFVcheck)) depnames.add <- Vcheckstr[TFVcheck] else depnames.add <- NULL 
  VBcheckstr <- colnames(parmat$Beta)
  TFVBcheck <- VBcheckstr %in% compstr
  if (any(TFVBcheck)) depnames.addB <- VBcheckstr[TFVBcheck] else depnames.addB <- NULL 
  depnames <- c(depnames.addB, depnames.add)
  if (meanjn == 0)  p <- n.dep else  p <- n.dep + 1                         #p is needed for derivatives

  cov.list <- as.list(rep(NA, 5))
  names(cov.list) <- c("sample.cov","sigma.hat","inv.infmat","rinv.infmat","cinv.infmat") 
  for (i in 6:10) {
    if (length(model.list[[i]]) > 1) {
      cov.list[[i-5]] <- matrix(model.list[[i]], nrow = sqrt(length(model.list[[i]])))
      if (i <= 7) {                                                     #cov matrices
        dimnames(cov.list[[i-5]]) <- list(depnames[1:dim(cov.list[[i-5]])[1]], depnames[1:dim(cov.list[[i-5]])[2]])
        order.V <- order(depnames)                                      #sort matrix according to V's 
        cov.list[[i-5]] <- cov.list[[i-5]][order.V, order.V]
      if (i >= 8) dimnames(cov.list[[i-5]]) <- list(namesvec, namesvec)
  #--------------- end covariance and information matrices -----------------
  #----------------------------- first derivatives -------------------------

  pstar <- p*(p+1)/2
  if (length(model.list[[11]]) > 1) {
    deriv1 <- model.list[[11]]
    #FIXME!! Matrix dimension (ex. manul1xfull.ets)
    #deriv1 <- matrix(model.list[[11]], nrow = npar, ncol = pstar)
    #rownames(deriv1) <- rownames(parse.mat)
  } else {
    deriv1 <- NA
  #-------------------------- end first derivatives ------------------------

  #----------------------------- 4th moments -------------------------------
  if (length(model.list[[12]]) > 1) {
    moment4 <- model.list[[12]]
    #FIXME!! Matrix dimension (ex. manul1xfull.ets)
    #moment4 <- matrix(model.list[[12]], nrow = pstar, ncol = pstar)
  } else {
    moment4 <- NA
  #---------------------------- end 4th moments ----------------------------

  #--------------------------- univariate statistics -----------------------
  ustatmat <- cbind(model.list[[16]], model.list[[17]], model.list[[18]], model.list[[19]], model.list[[20]])
  if(dim(ustatmat)[1] == 1) ustatmat <- NA else colnames(ustatmat) <- c("means","sd","skewness","kurtosis","n")
  #-------------------------- end univariate statistics --------------------
  result <- c(list(model.info = minfo.dframe), list(pval = probs.dframe), list(fit.indices = fit.dframe), list(model.desc = desc.dframe),
              parmat, list(par.table = parse.mat), cov.list, list(derivatives = deriv1), list(moment4 = moment4),
              list(ssolution = model.list[[13]]), list(Rsquared = model.list[[14]]), list(fac.means = model.list[[15]]),
              list(var.desc = ustatmat), list(depstd = model.list[[21]]), list(indstd = model.list[[22]]))


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