
Defines functions .isTRUEorFALSE rgtk2_bindtextdomain .notimplemented imagefile `[.enums` print.flags print.enums print.flag print.enum .bitNot .bitOr .bitAnd .fromBits .toBits as.flag .RGtkCall handleError checkArrType implements

Documented in as.flag checkArrType handleError imagefile implements print.enum print.enums print.flag print.flags rgtk2_bindtextdomain

checkPtrType <-
# if critical is TRUE, an error is generated
# in the case that w does not inherit from the
# specified class.
# If it is FALSE, a warning is generated.
# If critical is a string (character vector of length 1)
# it is passed directly to stop() and used as the error message.
# This allows the caller to give more context-specific
# messages.
function(w, klass = "GtkWidget", nullOk = FALSE, critical = TRUE)
 if(is.null(w) && nullOk)

 if (inherits(w, "<invalid>"))
	 stop("Attempt to use invalidated object")
 if(!inherits(w, klass) && !implements(w, klass)) {
   else if(is.logical(critical) && critical)
     stop(paste("object of class", paste(class(w), collapse = ", "), "isn't a", klass))


implements <-
function(obj, interface)
    interface %in% attr(obj, "interfaces")

checkArrType <-
function(obj, fun)
	if (missing(fun))
	else lapply(obj, fun)

handleError <- function(x, .errwarn) {
  if (isTRUE(getOption("RGtk2::newErrorHandling"))) {
    if (!.errwarn) {
        warning("passing '.errwarn' is deprecated; set option ",
                "'RGtk2::newErrorHandling' to FALSE to keep it working")
    if (!is.null(x$error)) { # have an error, throw it
      x$error$call <- sys.call(-1)
    } else { # otherwise act as if the error was never there
      x$error <- NULL
      if (length(x) == 1L)
        x <- x[[1]]
  } else if (.errwarn && !is.null(x$error)) 
    warning(simpleWarning(x$error[["message"]], sys.call(-1)))

.RGtkCall <-
function(name, ..., PACKAGE = "RGtk2")
   #print(paste("Calling", name, "with args:", paste(..., collapse=", ")))
    val <- .Call(name, ..., PACKAGE = PACKAGE)
	if (getOption("gdkFlush")) {
		.Call("S_gdk_flush", PACKAGE = "RGtk2")

######## BIT FLAG HANDLING ##########

# Coerce something to a "flag" that can be operated on bitwise
as.flag <- function(x) {
	if (!is.numeric(x))
		stop("Flags must be numeric")
	class(x) <- "flag"

# Coerces a member of a flags vector to a flag
"[.flags" <-
function(x, value) {

# the bitwise ops

"|.flag" <-
function(x, y)
	as.flag(.bitOr(x, y))
"&.flag" <-
function(x, y)
	as.flag(.bitAnd(x, y))
"!.flag" <-

# coerces the argument to "bits" if it isn't raw already
# also ensures class is 'raw' to prevent infinite recursion
.toBits <- function(x) 
	if (mode(x) != "raw")
    x <- intToBits(as.integer(x))
	class(x) <- "raw"
.fromBits <- function(x)
  sum(as.integer(x) * c(2 ^ (0:30), -2^31)) 

# these actually perform the bit ops, after coercing args to bits
.bitAnd <- function(x, y)
  .fromBits(.toBits(x) & .toBits(y))
.bitOr <- function(x, y)
  .fromBits(.toBits(x) | .toBits(y))
.bitNot <- function(x) {
  -1 - x
  #x <- .toBits(x)
	#.fromBits(rawToBits(!x)[seq(1, 256, by=8)])

"==.enum" <-
function(x, y)
  ans <- F
  if (inherits(x, "enum"))
    ans <- names(get(class(x)[1]))[x+1] == y
  else if (inherits(y, "enum"))
    ans <- names(get(class(y)[1]))[y+1] == x
  x <- unclass(x)
  y <- unclass(y)
  if (!ans)
    ans <- x == y
  if (!ans && length(names(x)) > 0)
    ans <- names(x) == y 
  if (!ans && length(names(y)) > 0)
    ans <- names(y) == x
  if (!ans && length(names(y)) > 0 && length(names(x)) > 0)
    ans <- names(x) == names(y)

print.enum <- function(x, ...) {
  cat(class(x)[1], ": ", names(x), " (", x[[1]], ")\n", sep = "")
print.flag <- function(x, ...) {
  flags <- get(class(x)[1])
  values <- names(flags)[sapply(flags, `&`, x) > 0]
  cat(class(x)[1], ": ", paste(values, collapse = ", "), "\n", sep = "")

print.enums <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("An enumeration with values:\n")
print.flags <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("A flag enumeration with values:\n")

`[.enums` <- function(x, name) {
    if (!is.character(name)) {
        stop("Enum values must be strings")
    if (!all(name %in% names(x))) {
        stop("invalid enum value(s): ", paste(name, collapse=", "),
             " (valid: ", paste(names(x), collapse=", "), ")")

# file shortcuts
imagefile <- function(name)
	system.file("images", name, package = "RGtk2")

.notimplemented <- function(reason, func = sys.call(-1)) {
	stop("Sorry, ", func, " is not (yet) implemented because it is ", reason, ".")

# Text manipulation

.collapseClassName <-
  # converts a class name of the form GtkButton
  # to gtk_button.
  # Also handles GtkCList to gtk_clist.
  tmp <- gsub("([ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ]+)", "_\\1", name)
  tmp <- tolower(substring(tmp, 2))
  gsub("_([abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz])_","_\\1", tmp)

## Binding to RGtk2's bindtextdomain(), which is different from R's on Windows
rgtk2_bindtextdomain <- function(domain, dirname = NULL) {
  base::bindtextdomain(domain, dirname)
  .External("RGtk2_bindtextdomain", domain, dirname, PACKAGE = "RGtk2")

.isTRUEorFALSE <- function(x)
    is.logical(x) && length(x) == 1L && !is.na(x)

Try the RGtk2 package in your browser

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RGtk2 documentation built on Oct. 14, 2021, 5:08 p.m.