
# source("~/research/RGtk/inst/demo/pixbufs.R")

BACKGROUND.NAME <- "background.jpg"

image.names <- c(

N.IMAGES <- length(image.names)

# demo window
window <- NULL

# Current frame
frame <- NULL

# Background image
background <- NULL
back.width <- NULL
back.height <- NULL

# Images
images <- list(N.IMAGES)

# Widgets
da <- NULL

# Loads the images for the demo, throwing an error if there's a problem
load.pixbufs <- function()
  if (!is.null(background))
    return() # already loaded earlier

  filename <- imagefile(BACKGROUND.NAME)
  if (!file.exists(filename))
    stop("Could not find background image file:", filename)

  background.result <- gdkPixbufNewFromFile(filename)

  if (is.null(background.result[[1]]))
    stop("Could not load background image:", background.result$error$message)
  background <<- background.result[[1]]

  back.width <<- background$getWidth()
  back.height <<- background$getHeight()

  for (i in 1:N.IMAGES)
      filename <- imagefile(image.names[i])
      if (!file.exists(filename))
          stop("Could not find image file:", image.names[i])

      image.result <- gdkPixbufNewFromFile(filename)

      if (is.null(image.result[[1]]))
          stop("Could not load image", image.names[i], ":", image.result$error$message)
      images[[i]] <<- image.result[[1]]


# Expose callback for the drawing area
expose.cb <- function(widget, event, data)
  #rowstride <- frame$getRowstride()

  #pixels <- frame$getPixels() # get the image data that was exposed
  #pixels <- pixels[(rowstride * event[["area"]][["y"]] + event[["area"]][["x"]] * 3):length(pixels)]

  cr <- gdkCairoCreate(widget[["window"]])
  gdkCairoSetSourcePixbuf(cr, frame, 0, 0)
  gdkCairoRectangle(cr, event[["area"]])


frame.num <- 0

# Timeout handler to regenerate the frame
timeout <- function(data)
  background$copyArea(0, 0, back.width, back.height, frame, 0, 0)

  f <- (frame.num %% CYCLE.LEN) / CYCLE.LEN

  xmid <- back.width / 2
  ymid <- back.height / 2

  radius <- min(xmid, ymid) / 2

  for (i in 1:N.IMAGES)
      ang <- 2 * pi * i / N.IMAGES - f * 2 * pi

      iw <- images[[i]]$getWidth()
      ih <- images[[i]]$getHeight()

      r <- radius + (radius / 3) * sin(f * 2.0 * pi)

      xpos <- floor(xmid + r * cos(ang) - iw / 2 + 0.5)
      ypos <- floor(ymid + r * sin(ang) - ih / 2 + 0.5)

      k <- sin(f * 2.0 * pi)
      alpha <- max(127, abs(255 * sin(f * 2.0 * pi)))
      if (i %% 2 == 0) {
          k <- cos(f * 2.0 * pi)
          alpha <- max(127, abs(255 * cos(f * 2.0 * pi)))
      k <- 2.0 * k * k
      k <- max(0.25, k)

      r1 <- c(xpos, ypos, iw * k, ih * k)

      r2 <- c(0, 0, back.width, back.height)

      inter <- gdkRectangleIntersect(r1, r2)
      if (inter[[1]]) {
          dest <- inter$dest
          images[[i]]$composite(frame, dest$x, dest$y, dest$width, dest$height, xpos, ypos, k, k, "nearest", alpha)


  frame.num <<- frame.num + 1
} <- NULL

cleanup.callback <- function(object, data)
  gSourceRemove( <<- NULL

window <- gtkWindowNew("toplevel", show = F)

gSignalConnect(window, "destroy", cleanup.callback)

error <- try(load.pixbufs())
if (inherits(error, "try-error"))
      dialog <- gtkMessageDialogNew(window, "destroy-with-parent", "error", "close",
                       "Problem loading images:", error)
      gSignalConnect(dialog, "response", gtkWidgetDestroy)
} else {
      window$setSizeRequest(back.width, back.height)

      frame <- gdkPixbufNew("rgb", FALSE, 8, back.width, back.height)

      da <- gtkDrawingAreaNew()

      gSignalConnect(da, "expose_event", expose.cb)

      window$add(da) <- gTimeoutAdd(FRAME.DELAY, timeout)

	  print("TIP: Hold down the spacebar for the objects to move")

Try the RGtk2 package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

RGtk2 documentation built on Oct. 14, 2021, 5:08 p.m.