VIP = function (Simulated = NULL, SNP = NULL, CPG = NULL, GE = NULL,
                SNPname = NULL, CPGname = NULL, GEname = NULL, v,
                optimize = c('off','min','slope','elbow'),
                iter_max = 1000, nstart = 5, fit = c('aic','bic'),
                seed = NULL, type = c('Default','NoCPG','NoSNP'),
                ct = c('mean','median'), verbose = FALSE){
  if(length(optimize) > 1) optimize = 'off'
  if(length(fit) > 1) fit = 'aic'
  if(length(type) > 1) type = 'Default'
  if(length(ct) > 1) ct = 'mean'
  if((type != 'Default') && (type != 'NoCPG') && (type != 'NoSNP')){
    stop('Possible inputs for type must be either "Default", "NoCPG", or "NoSNP" \n')

  if(type == 'NoSNP'){
    o = VIPnoSNP(Simulated = Simulated, CPG = CPG, GE = GE,
                 CPGname = CPGname, GEname = GEname, v = v, optimize = optimize,
                 iter_max = iter_max, nstart = nstart, fit = fit,
                 seed = seed, ct = ct, verbose = verbose)
  if(type == 'NoCPG'){
    o = VIPnoCPG(Simulated = Simulated, SNP = SNP, GE = GE,
                 SNPname = SNPname, GEname = GEname, v = v, optimize = optimize,
                 iter_max = iter_max, nstart = nstart, fit = fit,
                 seed = seed, ct = ct, verbose = verbose)
  #' Simulated data parse
    # Names
    snp.name = as.data.frame(Simulated$SNP_Index);colnames(snp.name) = c('SNP','gene')
    cpg.name = as.data.frame(Simulated$CPG_Index);colnames(cpg.name) = c('CPG','gene')
    ge.name = as.data.frame(Simulated$GE_Index);colnames(ge.name) = c('GE','gene')

    obs.snp = as.data.frame(Simulated$SNP);colnames(obs.snp) = snp.name[,1]
    obs.snp = data.matrix(obs.snp)

    obs.cpg = as.data.frame(Simulated$CPG);colnames(obs.cpg) = cpg.name[,1]
    obs.cpg = data.matrix(obs.cpg)

    obs.ge = as.data.frame(Simulated$GE);colnames(obs.ge) = ge.name[,1]
    obs.ge  = data.matrix(obs.ge)

    # Cluster Assignments
    SimClusAssign = data.matrix(unlist(Simulated[which(names(Simulated)=='Vec')]))

  #' Read in data
  if(!is.null(SNPname)) {
    snp.name = as.data.frame(SNPname);colnames(snp.name) = c('SNP','gene')
  if(!is.null(CPGname)) {
    cpg.name = as.data.frame(CPGname);colnames(cpg.name) = c('CPG','gene')
  if(!is.null(GEname))  {
    ge.name = as.data.frame(GEname);colnames(ge.name) = c('GE','gene')

  if(!is.null(SNP)) {
    obs.snp = as.data.frame(SNP);colnames(obs.snp) = snp.name[,1]
    obs.snp = data.matrix(obs.snp)
  if(!is.null(CPG)) {
    obs.cpg = as.data.frame(CPG);colnames(obs.cpg) = cpg.name[,1]
    obs.cpg = data.matrix(obs.cpg)
  if(!is.null(GE))  {
    obs.ge = as.data.frame(GE);colnames(obs.ge) = ge.name[,1]
    obs.ge  = data.matrix(obs.ge)

  #' Check Observed and Named data sets for NAs
  if(anyNA(obs.snp) || anyNA(snp.name)){
    cat('Missing values in Observed SNPs:',sum(anyNA(obs.snp)),' \n')
    cat('Missing values in Named SNPs:',sum(anyNA(snp.name)),' \n')
    stop('Either Observed or Named SNPs contain missing values \n')}

  if(anyNA(obs.cpg) || anyNA(cpg.name)){
    cat('Missing values in Observed CPGs:',sum(anyNA(obs.cpg)),' \n')
    cat('Missing values in Named CPGs:',sum(anyNA(cpg.name)),' \n')
    stop('Either Observed or Named CPGs contain missing values \n')}

  if(anyNA(obs.ge) || anyNA(ge.name)){
    cat('Missing values in Observed GEs:',sum(anyNA(obs.ge)),' \n')
    cat('Missing values in Named GEs:',sum(anyNA(ge.name)),' \n')
    stop('Either Observed or Named GEs contain missing values \n')}

  #' Check Observed data sets for equals rows
  if (nrow(obs.snp) != nrow(obs.cpg) || (nrow(obs.snp) != nrow(obs.ge)))
    stop('Observed data must have the same number of rows \n')
  n = as.integer(nrow(obs.ge))

  #' Check cluster input
  if(missing(v))    stop('Number of clusters missing for v. \n')
  if(length(v) > 2) stop('v must be formated as either v = k or v = c(k1,k2). \n')
  if (max(v) > n)   stop('More clusters than number of rows. \n')
  v = as.integer(v); if (length(v) == 1) optimize = 'off' # No need to optimize if v == 1

  #' Check penalizer
  if (fit != 'aic' && fit != 'bic' && optimize != 'off') stop('Optimize must be "aic" or "bic". \n')

  Mode <- function(x) {
    ux <- unique(x)
    ux[which.max(tabulate(match(x, ux)))]
  elbow <- function(x, y) {

    max_df = data.frame(x = c(x[1], tail(x,1)), y = c(y[1], tail(y,1)))

    # Creating straight line between the max values
    fit <- lm(max_df$y ~ max_df$x)

    # Distance from point to line
    distances <- c()
    for(i in 1:length(x)) {
      distances <- c(distances,
                     abs(coef(fit)[2]*x[i] - y[i] + coef(fit)[1]) /
                       sqrt(coef(fit)[2]^2 + 1^2))

    # Max distance point
    x_max_dist <- x[which.max(distances)]
    y_max_dist <- y[which.max(distances)]

    #cat(c(x_max_dist, y_max_dist),'\n')
    #cat('Optimal clusters:',x_max_dist,'\n')

  #' Identify upper and lower bounds if any
  if (length(v) != 1) {lb = v[1];ub=v[2]} else {lb = ub = v}
  if(lb>ub) stop('Lower bound must be smaller than the upper bound \n')

  # Initialize some outputs
  TOTaic =TOTbic = TOTwss = OPwss = OPaic = OPbic = cOPwss = output.all =slope.output = NULL
  #output.all=vector(mode = "list", length = ub)

  if (!is.null(seed)){

  #' Start loop for range of clusters
  for (k in lb:ub){
    clus = k
    k_input = k

    #' Random sample indexes for k number of clusters
    sampid = sample(nrow(obs.ge), clus, replace = F)

    #' Rows of centers based on the indexes
    GEcenters = matrix(obs.ge[sampid, ], nrow = k); colnames(GEcenters) = colnames(obs.ge)
    CPGcenters = matrix(obs.cpg[sampid, ], nrow = k); colnames(CPGcenters) = colnames(obs.cpg)
    SNPcenters = matrix(obs.snp[sampid, ], nrow = k); colnames(SNPcenters) = colnames(obs.snp)

    #' Used for nstarts

    #' Initalize variables for main loop
    clusters = n
    tot.dists = NULL
    moved = NULL
    iter = 1

    #' Main loop
    while (iter < iter_max){
      dists = matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = k)

      for (g in unique(ge.name$gene)){
        #' Values only for the gth gene
        ge.index = (ge.name[which(ge.name$gene==g),])
        cpg.index = (cpg.name[which(cpg.name$gene==g),])
        snp.index = (snp.name[which(snp.name$gene==g),])

        for (i in 1:nrow(GEcenters)){
          obs.ge1 = as.matrix(obs.ge[,g])
          gedist = (obs.ge1 - matrix(rep(GEcenters[i,g], nrow(obs.ge1)),
                                     nrow = nrow(obs.ge1), byrow= T))^2 # Euclidian Distance
          gedistsums = rowSums(gedist)

          obs.cpg1 = as.matrix(obs.cpg[,cpg.index[,1]])
          cpgdist = (obs.cpg1 - matrix(rep(CPGcenters[i,cpg.index[,1]], nrow(obs.cpg1)),
                                       nrow = nrow(obs.cpg1), byrow=T))^2 # Euclidian Distance
          cpgdistsum = rowSums(cpgdist)
          #cpgdistsum = cpgdist

          obs.snp1 = as.matrix(obs.snp[,snp.index[,1]])
          u = (matrix(unlist(rep(SNPcenters[i,snp.index[,1]],nrow(obs.snp1))),
                      nrow= nrow(obs.snp1), byrow=T))
          den = matrix(0, nrow=nrow(u), ncol = ncol(u))
          den[obs.snp1 == u] = 1
          densum = rowSums(den)

          densum[which(densum == 0)]=1
          distance = sqrt(cpgdistsum + gedistsums) / densum
          dists[,i] = dists[,i] + distance

      #cat(dim(GEcenters),dim(CPGcenters), dim(SNPcenters), '\n')
      #' Cluster assignments
      old.clusters = clusters
      if (k_input == 1){
        clusters = rep(1, n)
      } else {clusters = matrix(apply(dists[,colSums(dists != 0) > 0], 1, which.min))}
      moved = c(moved, sum(clusters != old.clusters))

      #' Update clusters by means for numerics and mode for categorical
      #' # Add option for FUN for mean or median
      GEcenters = as.matrix(aggregate(obs.ge, by=list(clusters), FUN=ct)[,-1]);colnames(GEcenters) = colnames(obs.ge)
      CPGcenters = as.matrix(aggregate(obs.cpg, by=list(clusters), FUN=ct)[,-1]);colnames(CPGcenters) = colnames(obs.cpg)
      SNPcenters = as.matrix(aggregate(obs.snp, by=list(clusters), FUN=Mode)[,-1]);colnames(SNPcenters) = colnames(obs.snp)

      #' If none of the values moved then we can break the loop
      if(moved[length(moved)] == 0) break

      #' Also the same as moved
      iter = iter+1


    #' AIC and BIC penalizers and stores values
    #' Penalize based on the number of clusters

    #' Assign clusters based on min distance
    mins = apply(cbind(clusters, dists[,colSums(dists != 0) > 0]), 1, function(z) z[z[1] + 1])
    within = as.numeric(by(mins, clusters, sum))
    #if(length(unique(clusters))==1){within =as.numeric(aggregate(dists, by=list(clusters), FUN=sum)[,-1])}
    tot_within = sum(within)
    tot.dists = c(tot.dists, sum(tot_within))

    Centrow = k*3

    TOTwss[k] = tot_within

    TOTaic[k] = TOTwss[k] + (2*Centrow)

    TOTbic[k] = TOTwss[k] + (log(n)*Centrow)

    #' Normal output list
    output = list('Size' = table(clusters),
                  'Cluster' = clusters,
                  'GE_Centers' = t(GEcenters),
                  'CPG_Centers' = t(CPGcenters),
                  'SNP_centers' = t(SNPcenters),
                  'WSS' = within,
                  'Total_WSS' = tot_within,
                  'Moved' = moved,
                  'AIC' = TOTaic[k],
                  'BIC' = TOTbic[k])

    if (is.list(Simulated)){
      BCtest = cbind(SimClusAssign,clusters)
      output[['BC Test']] = BCtest

    #' Number of starts since KNN is relative to starting position.
    #' Highly recommend at least 5 nstarts
    if (nstart > 1){
      for (j in 2:nstart){
        if (!is.null(seed)){seed=j}
        output.new = VIP(Simulated = Simulated, SNP = SNP, CPG = CPG, GE = GE,
                         SNPname = SNPname, CPGname = CPGname, GEname = GEname,
                         v = k_input, iter_max = iter_max, nstart = 1,
                         seed = seed, type = type, ct = ct)
        if(((output.new$Total_WSS < output$Total_WSS))&&(output.new$Total_WSS !=0)) output = output.new
        if(j == nstart && (length(output$Size) < k_input)){
          warning(k_input,' initial clusters reduced to ',(length(output$Size)),'\n')

    if(optimize != 'off'){output.all[[k]]=output}
    cOPwss[k] = length(output$Size)
    OPwss[k] = output$Total_WSS
    OPaic[k] = output$AIC;
    OPbic[k] = output$BIC;

    if (optimize == 'slope'){
      PenType = switch(ifelse(fit == 'aic',1,2),
      if(sum(!is.na(PenType)) > 2){
        #' If the difference in point b and a are > 0 then the slope is increasing
        if(((PenType[k] - PenType[k-1]) > 0)){ #&& is.null(slope.output)){
          #' Cluster is assigning based on the first instance of an increasing slope
          #cat('Optimize Type -',optimize, '\n')


          if (verbose){
            cat('Optimize Type:',optimize, '\n')
            cat('    Penalizer:',fit,'\n')
            cat('     Clusters:',k-1,' \n')
          opt.output = output.all[[k-1]]

  } #' End of loop for l : u

  #' Used for assigning which penalizing factor to use for optimal cluster assignment
  PenType = switch(ifelse(fit == 'aic',1,2),

  if(optimize == 'min') {

  if(optimize == 'elbow'){
    elb = elbow(lb:ub,PenType[!is.na(PenType)]) #elbow(cOPwss, PenType)
    opt.output = output.all[[elb]]

  #' Creates plot for the Total WSS, AIC, and BIC to check for user defined optimal clusters
  if (length(v) != 1){
    outputPlot = list('Total_WSS' = OPwss,
                      'AIC' = OPaic,
                      'BIC' = OPbic,
                      'Clusters' = cOPwss)

    #' Partition all 3 plots into one frame

    par_ = par(no.readonly = TRUE)

    par(mfrow = c(1,3))

    outputPlot = lapply(outputPlot, na.omit)

    plot(x = lb:ub,outputPlot$Total_WSS, type = 'b',
         ylim = c(min(outputPlot$Total_WSS), max(outputPlot$Total_WSS)*1.1),
         xlab = 'Clusters', ylab = '', main = 'Total_WSS')
    if (any(seq(lb,ub) != outputPlot$Clusters)){
      text(x = lb:ub, y = outputPlot$Total_WSS, labels = paste0('(',outputPlot$Clusters,')'),pos = 3, col = 'red')
      warning('Total WSS clusters have been labeled based on assigned number of centers.')

    plot(x = lb:ub, outputPlot$AIC, type = 'b',
         ylim = c(min(outputPlot$AIC), max(outputPlot$AIC)*1.1),
         xlab = 'Clusters', ylab = '', main = 'AIC')
    if (any(seq(lb,ub) != outputPlot$Clusters)){
      text(x = lb:ub,outputPlot$AIC,labels = paste0('(',outputPlot$Clusters,')'),pos = 3, col = 'red')
      warning('AIC clusters have been labeled based on assigned number of centers.')

    plot(x = lb:ub, outputPlot$BIC, type = 'b',
         ylim = c(min(outputPlot$BIC), max(outputPlot$BIC)*1.1),
         xlab = 'Clusters', ylab = '', main = 'BIC')
    if (any(seq(lb,ub) != outputPlot$Clusters)){
      text(x = lb:ub,outputPlot$BIC,labels = paste0('(',outputPlot$Clusters,')'),pos = 3, col = 'red')
      warning('BIC clusters have been labeled based on assigned number of centers.')

    if(optimize == 'off') return(outputPlot)

  if(optimize != 'off'){
    if(optimize == 'slope') {
      warning('No increasing slope found. Returning minimum fit criteria and largest cluster. \n')
        opt.output = output.all[[which.min(PenType)]]
    if (verbose){
      cat('Optimize Type:',optimize, '\n')
      cat('    Penalizer:',fit,'\n')
      cat('     Clusters:',length(opt.output$Size),' \n')
    return(opt.output) #return(output.all)#
  return(output) # Simply returns the normal output list plus plots if more than one value for cluster provided


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