
Defines functions import.RInSp

Documented in import.RInSp

import.RInSp <- function(filename, col.header=FALSE, row.names = 0, info.cols= 0, subset.column = 0,
                         subset.rows = NA, data.type= "integer", print.messages=TRUE, sep = "",
                         dec = "."){
  # Work horse function for transforming a resource matrix or dataframe into
  # an object to be used by other functions of the RInSp package
  # Author: Nicola ZACCARELLI
  # E-mail: nicola.zaccarelli@gmail.com
  # Version: 1.2
  # Date: 2020-02-08
  # Fixed error in sub-setting input data (thanks to Diogo B. Provete <dbprovete@gmail.com>)
  # Added more options for reading in data format (e.g., csv)
  # Fixed issue with class(.)
  # if (class(filename) == "character")  -> removed reference to class(.)
  if (inherits(filename, "character"))
  { if (row.names > 0) {
    datatmp <- read.table(filename, header=col.header, sep = sep, dec = dec)
    row.names(datatmp) = datatmp[ , row.names]
    else datatmp <- read.table(filename, header=col.header, sep = sep, dec = dec)
  else datatmp <- filename
  cols <- dim(datatmp)[2]
  # some checking before process data
  # check info.cols
  if (info.cols[1] != 0) if (sum(info.cols %in% c(1:dim(datatmp)[2])) != length(info.cols)) stop("Information columns out of range!")

  # check subset.column and row names
  if (subset.column[1] != 0) {
    if (sum(subset.column %in% c(1:dim(datatmp)[2])) != length(subset.column)) stop("Wrong subset.column specification. Probably number out of column range.")
    if (row.names %in% subset.column) stop("The row names column must not be part of the subsetting columns set.")}
  # check subset.rows
  if (!is.na(subset.rows[1])) if (length(subset.rows) < 2) stop("Wrong subset.rows specification. There is only one element.") else {
    if (length(grep(subset.rows[1], attributes(datatmp)$names)) == 0) stop("Wrong column's name for rows subsetting.")
    for (i in 2:length(subset.rows)) {
      pos <- grep(subset.rows[1], attributes(datatmp)$names)
      if (sum(grep(subset.rows[i], datatmp[ , pos])) == 0) stop("Wrong label for row subsetting.")}
  # check data type
  if (data.type %in% c("integer", "double", "proportion") == FALSE) stop("The specified data type is wrong.")

  # subsetting columns and rows
  # This part has been fixed!!
  if (subset.column[1] != 0) {
    column.selection <- subset.column
  } else {
    column.selection <- c(1:cols)
    if (row.names == 0) {
      if (info.cols[1] != 0) column.selection <- column.selection[-info.cols]
    } else {
      if (info.cols[1] != 0) column.selection <- column.selection[-c(row.names, info.cols)]
      else column.selection <- column.selection[-row.names]
  if (!is.na(subset.rows[1])) {
    rows2keep <- datatmp[ ,subset.rows[1]]
    for (i in 2:length(subset.rows)){ rows2keep <- gsub(subset.rows[i], "XxX", rows2keep) }
    rows2keep <- grepl("XxX", rows2keep)
    resources <- as.matrix(subset(datatmp, rows2keep, select = column.selection))
    if (info.cols[1] != 0) info <- subset(datatmp, rows2keep, select= info.cols) else info <- 0
  } else {
    resources <- as.matrix(subset(datatmp, select = column.selection))
    if (info.cols[1] != 0) info <- subset(datatmp, select= info.cols) else info <- 0
  #deleting zero sum rows
  numIndTot <- dim(resources)[1]
  numResTot <- dim(resources)[2]
  if (info.cols[1] != 0) info <- subset(info, apply(resources, 1, sum) > 0)
  resources <- subset(resources, apply(resources, 1, sum) > 0) # dropping zero sum diets
  # dropping zero sum resources
  tmp <- t(resources)
  tmp <- subset(tmp, apply(tmp, 1, sum) > 0)
  resources <- t(tmp)
  numIndEf <- dim(resources)[1]
  numResEf <- dim(resources)[2]
  row.names <- dimnames(resources)[[1]]
  prop <- resources / apply(resources, 1, sum)
  col.names <- dimnames(resources)[[2]]
  if (data.type == "proportion") ris <- list(resources= 0, proportions= prop, data.type= data.type, col.names= col.names, ind.names = row.names, info= info, num.prey= numResEf, num.individuals= numIndEf, num.zero.prey= numResTot - numResEf, num.ind.zero= numIndTot - numIndEf)
  else ris <- list(resources= resources, proportions= prop, data.type= data.type, col.names= col.names, ind.names = row.names, info= info, num.prey= numResEf, num.individuals= numIndEf, num.zero.prey= numResTot - numResEf, num.ind.zero= numIndTot - numIndEf)
  if (print.messages == TRUE) {
    if ((numIndTot - numIndEf) != 0) {
      cat("\n Warning! \n")
      cat("\n The total number of sample was", numIndTot, "but", (numIndTot - numIndEf))
      if ((numIndTot - numIndEf) == 1) { cat(" individual was dropped \n")
        cat("as not consuming the selected resources \n")} else {
          cat(" individuals were dropped \n")
          cat("as not consuming the selected resources \n") }
    if ((numResTot - numResEf) != 0) {
      cat("\n Warning! \n")
      cat("\n The total number of resources was", numResTot, "but", (numResTot - numResEf))
      if ((numResTot - numResEf) == 1) { cat(" resource was dropped \n")
        cat("because not present in the selected sample \n")} else {
          cat(" resources were dropped \n")
          cat("because not present in the selected sample \n") }
  class(ris) <- "RInSp"

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RInSp documentation built on May 20, 2022, 9:06 a.m.