
Defines functions setComprehensiveTemperatureGeneratorParameters

Documented in setComprehensiveTemperatureGeneratorParameters


#' Computes climatic and correlation information useful for creating an auto-regeressive random generation of maximum and minimun daily temparature. This function is called by  \code{\link{ComprehensiveTemperatureGenerator}}.
#' @author Emanuele Cordano, Emanuele Eccel
#' @param station character vector of the IDs of the considered meteorological stations
#' @param Tx_all data frame containing daily maximum temperature of all meteorological station. See \code{\link{TEMPERATURE_MAX}} for formatting.
#' @param Tn_all data frame containing daily minimum temperature of all meteorological station. See \code{\link{TEMPERATURE_MIN}} for formatting.
#' @param mean_climate_Tn a matrix containing monthly mean minimum daily temperature for the considered station or an object as returned by \code{\link{getMonthlyMean}}. If \code{NULL}, it is calculated. See input of \code{\link{is.monthly.climate}}
#' @param mean_climate_Tx a matrix containing monthly mean maximum daily temperature for the considered station or an object as returned by \code{\link{getMonthlyMean}}. If \code{NULL}, it is calculated. See input of \code{\link{is.monthly.climate}}
#' @param Tx_spline daily timeseries (from the first day of \code{year_min} to the last day of \code{year_max}) of averaged maximum temperature which can be obtained by a spline interpolation of monthly mean values. Default is \code{NULL} and returned as output. See for spline interpolation utilized: \code{\link{splineInterpolateMonthlytoDailyforSeveralYears}}.
#' @param Tn_spline daily timeseries (from the first day of \code{year_min} to the last day of \code{year_max}) of averaged minimum temperature which can be obtained by a spline interpolation of monthly mean values. Default is \code{NULL} and returned as output. See for spline interpolation utilized: \code{\link{splineInterpolateMonthlytoDailyforSeveralYears}}.
#' @param year_max start year of the recorded (calibration) period 
#' @param year_min end year of the recorded (calibration) period
#' @param leap logical variables. It is \code{TRUE} (Default) if leap years are considered
#' @param nmonth number of months in one year. Default is 12.
#' @param verbose logical variable
#' @param cpf see \code{\link{normalizeGaussian_severalstations}}
#' @param normalize logical variable If \code{TRUE} \code{\link{normalizeGaussian_severalstations}} is used, otherwise it is not. If \code{option} is 2, it is always \code{TRUE}.
#' @param sample see \code{\link{normalizeGaussian_severalstations}}
#' @param option integer value. If 1, the generator works with minimum and maximum temperature, if 2 (default) it works with the average value between maximum and minimum temperature and the respective daily thermal range.
#' @param yearly  logical value. If \code{TRUE} the monthly mean values are calculated for each year from \code{year_min} to \code{year_max} separately. Default is \code{FALSE}. 
#' @export  
#' @seealso \code{\link{splineInterpolateMonthlytoDailyforSeveralYears}},\code{\link{ComprehensiveTemperatureGenerator}}
#' @return This function creates and returns the following gloabal variables: 
#' \code{data_original} matrix containing normalized and standardized data (i.e. \code{data_original})
#' \code{data_for_var}  matrix returned from \code{normalizeGaussian_severalstations} by processing \code{data_original} if \code{normalize} is \code{TRUE}), otherwise it is equal to \code{data_original}. 
#' \code{Tn_mes} matrix containing measured minimum daily temperature in the analyzed time period ( \eqn{Tn_{mes}})
#' \code{Tx_mes} matrix containing measured maximum daily temperature in the analyzed time period ( \eqn{Tx_{mes}})
#' \code{Tm_mes} matrix calculated as to \deqn{\frac{Tx_{mes}+Tn_{mes}}{2}}
#' \code{DeltaT_mes} matrix corresponding to \eqn{Tx_{mes}-Tn_{mes}}
#' \code{monthly_mean_Tn} matrix containing monthly means of minimum daily temperature for the considered station. It is calculated according to the input format \code{\link{is.monthly.climate}} if \code{saveMonthlyClimate} is  \code{TRUE}. 
#' \code{monthly_mean_Tx} matrix containing monthly means of maximum daily temperature for the considered station. It is calculated according to the input format \code{\link{is.monthly.climate}} if \code{saveMonthlyClimate} is  \code{TRUE}. 
#' \code{Tx_spline} matrix containing the averaged  daily values of maximimum temperature obtained by a spline interpolation of the monthly climate \code{monthly_mean_Tx} or \code{mean_climate_Tx} 
#' using \code{\link{splineInterpolateMonthlytoDailyforSeveralYears}} ( \eqn{Tx_{s}}) 
#' \code{Tn_spline} matrix containing the averaged  daily values of minimun temperature obtained by a spline interpolation of the monthly climate \code{monthly_mean_Tn} or \code{mean_climate_Tn}  
#' using \code{\link{splineInterpolateMonthlytoDailyforSeveralYears}} ( \eqn{Tn_{s}})
#' \code{SplineAdvTm} matrix calculated as \eqn{\frac{Tx_{s}+Tn_{s}}{2}}
#' \code{SplineAdvDeltaT}, matrix corresponding to \eqn{Tx_{s}-Tn_{s}}
#' \code{stdTn} vector containing the standard deviation of minimum temperature anomalies \eqn{Tn_{mes}-Tn_s} (\eqn{\sigma_{Tn}})
#' \code{stdTx} vector containing the standard deviation of maximum temperature anomalies \eqn{Tx_{mes}-Tx_s} (\eqn{\sigma_{Tx}})
#' \code{stdTm} vector containing the standard deviation of "mean" temperature anomalies \eqn{Tm_{mes}-Tm_s} (\eqn{\sigma_{Tm}})
#' \code{Tn_mes_res} standard core (standardization) of \eqn{Tn_mes} obtained 
#' by solving column by column the expression  \deqn{\frac{Tn_{mes}-Tn_s}{\sigma_{Tn}}}
#' \code{Tx_mes_res} standard core (standardization) of \eqn{Tx_mes} obtained 
#' by solving column-by-column the expression  \deqn{\frac{Tx_{mes}-Tn_s}{sd_{Tm}}}
#' \code{Tm_mes_res} standard core (standardization) of \eqn{Tm_mes} obtained 
#' by solving column-by-column the expression  \deqn{\frac{Tm_{mes}-Tn_s}{sd_{Tm}}}
#' \code{DeltaT_mes_res} equal to \code{DeltaT_mes}
#' \code{data_original} matrix obtained as \code{cbind(Tx_mes_res,Tn_mes_res)} if \code{option}==1, or \code{cbind(Tm_mes_res,DeltaT_mes_res)} if \code{option}==2
#' See the R code for further details.

#Value 0 (integer) in case of success, -1 otherwise

# str

setComprehensiveTemperatureGeneratorParameters <-
) {
	station <- station[(station %in% names(Tx_all)) & (station %in% names(Tn_all))]
	origin <- paste(year_min,"1","1",sep="-") # All cutoff timeseries starts from January 1st of the year_min 
	Tn_mes <- as.data.frame(extractyears(Tn_all,year_min=year_min,year_max=year_max,station=station))
	Tx_mes <- as.data.frame(extractyears(Tx_all,year_min=year_min,year_max=year_max,station=station))
	names(Tn_mes) <- station
	names(Tx_mes) <- station 
	Tm_mes <- (Tn_mes+Tx_mes)/2.0
	DeltaT_mes <- Tx_mes-Tn_mes
	if (!is.monthly.climate(mean_climate_Tx,nstation=length(station),nmonth=nmonth,verbose=verbose)) mean_climate_Tx <- getMonthlyMean(as.data.frame(Tx_mes),year_min=year_min,year_max=year_max,station=station,no_date=TRUE,origin=origin,yearly=yearly)
	if (!is.monthly.climate(mean_climate_Tn,nstation=length(station),nmonth=nmonth,verbose=verbose)) mean_climate_Tn <- getMonthlyMean(as.data.frame(Tn_mes),year_min=year_min,year_max=year_max,station=station,no_date=TRUE,origin=origin,yearly=yearly)

	monthly_mean_Tx <- mean_climate_Tx
	monthly_mean_Tn <- mean_climate_Tn

	nyear <- year_max-year_min+1
	if (is.null(Tx_spline)) {
		Tx_spline <- as.data.frame(splineInterpolateMonthlytoDailyforSeveralYears(val=mean_climate_Tx,start_year=year_min,nyear=nyear,leap=leap,yearly=yearly))

		if (yearly) {
			names(Tx_spline) <- colnames(mean_climate_Tx[[1]])
		} else {
			names(Tx_spline) <- colnames(mean_climate_Tx)
	if (is.null(Tn_spline)) {
		Tn_spline <- as.data.frame(splineInterpolateMonthlytoDailyforSeveralYears(val=mean_climate_Tn,start_year=year_min,nyear=nyear,leap=leap,yearly=yearly))
		if (yearly) {
			names(Tn_spline) <- colnames(mean_climate_Tn[[1]]) 
		} else {
			names(Tn_spline) <- colnames(mean_climate_Tn) 
	SplineAdvTm <- (Tx_spline+Tn_spline)/2.0
	SplineAdvDeltaT <- (Tx_spline-Tn_spline)
	Tn_mes_res <- Tn_mes -Tn_spline
	Tx_mes_res <- Tx_mes- Tx_spline 
	Tm_mes_res <- Tm_mes- SplineAdvTm 
	DeltaT_mes_res <- DeltaT_mes
	stdTn <- apply(X=Tn_mes_res,MARGIN=2,FUN=sd,na.rm=TRUE)
	stdTx <- apply(X=Tx_mes_res,MARGIN=2,FUN=sd,na.rm=TRUE)
	stdTm <- apply(X=Tm_mes_res,MARGIN=2,FUN=sd,na.rm=TRUE)
	for (s in 1:nstation) {
		Tn_mes_res[,s] <- (Tn_mes[,s]-Tn_spline[,s])/stdTn[s]	
		Tx_mes_res[,s] <- (Tx_mes[,s]-Tx_spline[,s])/stdTx[s]
		Tm_mes_res[,s] <- (Tm_mes[,s]-SplineAdvTm[,s])/stdTm[s]
	if (option==1) {
		data_original <- cbind(Tx_mes_res,Tn_mes_res)
	} else if (option==2) {
		data_original <- cbind(Tm_mes_res,DeltaT_mes_res)
	} else if (option==3) {
		data_original <- Tm_mes_res
		# set data_original for option 3 
	} else { 
		data_original <- NULL
	if (normalize) {
		data_for_var <- normalizeGaussian_severalstations(x=data_original,data=data_original,sample=sample,cpf=cpf,origin_x=origin,origin_data=origin)
	}  else {
		data_for_var <- data_original
	out <- list(data_for_var,data_original,
	names(out) <- c("data_for_var","data_original",

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RMAWGEN documentation built on Dec. 12, 2019, 9:07 a.m.