
Defines functions build_inequality_constraints_leq_geq_rhs build_inequality_constraints build_fun_dir_zero ROI_plugin_build_inequality_constraints build_equality_constraints_rhs_x build_equality_constraints_rhs_zero length_F_constraint ROI_plugin_build_equality_constraints ROI_plugin_canonicalize_solution canonicalize_status ROI_plugin_get_solver_name .plugin_prefix .make_signature ROI_plugin_make_signature is.signature ROI_required_signature ROI_plugin_register_solver_method available_in_status_codes_db delete_status_code_from_db get_status_message_from_db ROI_plugin_add_status_code_to_db ROI_translate get_solver_controls_from_db ROI_available_solver_controls ROI_registered_solver_control ROI_plugin_register_solver_control

Documented in ROI_plugin_add_status_code_to_db ROI_plugin_build_equality_constraints ROI_plugin_build_inequality_constraints ROI_plugin_canonicalize_solution ROI_plugin_get_solver_name ROI_plugin_make_signature ROI_plugin_register_solver_control ROI_plugin_register_solver_method ROI_registered_solver_control

## Package: ROI
## File:    plugin.R
## Author:  Stefan Theussl
## Changed: 2016-05-27


##  -----------------------------------------------------------
##  ROI_plugin_register_solver_control
##  ==========================
##' @title Register Solver Controls
##' @description Register a new solver control argument.
##' @param solver a character string giving the solver name.
##' @param args a character vector specifying with the supported signatures.
##' @param roi_control a character vector specifying the corresponding ROI control argument.
##' @return TRUE on success
##' @family plugin functions
##' @rdname ROI_plugin_register_solver_control
##' @export
## TODO: We should add a field description since it would be nice to 
##       be able to get the control arguments for each solver plus it's description.
ROI_plugin_register_solver_control <- function( solver, args, roi_control = "X" ){
    args <- as.character( args )
    if( length(roi_control) == 1L )
        roi_control <- rep( as.character(roi_control), length(args) )
    stopifnot( length(args) == length(roi_control) )
    for( i in seq_along(args) )
        control_db$set_entry( solver, args[i], roi_control[i] )
    invisible( TRUE )

##  -----------------------------------------------------------
##  ROI_registered_solver_control
##  =============================
##' @title Registered Solver Controls
##' @description Retrieve the registered solver control arguments.
##' @param solver a character string giving the solver name.
##' @return a \code{data.frame} giving the control arguments.
##' @family plugin functions
##' @export
ROI_registered_solver_control <- function(solver) {
    x <- control_db$get_entries(solver)
    if ( is.null(x) ) {
        stop("couldn't find solver '", solver, "'")
    control <- as.character(lapply(x, "[[", "control"))
    roi_control <- as.character(lapply(x, "[[", "roi_control"))
    data.frame(control = control, roi_control = roi_control, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

ROI_available_solver_controls <- function(){
    c( "X",                ## no corresponding ROI control
       "verbose",          ## LOGICAL: turn on/off solver output on terminal
       "presolve",         ## LOGICAL: turn on/off presolve
       "verbosity_level",  ## INTEGER: level of output
       "max_iter",         ## INTEGER: maximum number of iterations
       "max_time",         ## INTEGER: maximum time spent solving the problem in milliseconds before abort is triggered
       "tol",              ## NUMERIC: tolerance of termination criterion
       "abs_tol",          ## NUMERIC: absolute tolerance of termination criterion
       "rel_tol",          ## NUMERIC: relative tolerance of termination criterion
       "method",           ## CHARACTER: giving the algorithm
       "start",            ## NUMERIC: a numeric vector giving the start values
       "nsol_max",         ## INTEGER: a integer giving the maximum number of solutions
       "dry_run"           ## LOGICAL: turn on/off dry_run

get_solver_controls_from_db <- function( solver ){
    sapply( control_db$get_entries(solver), function(x) x[[ "control" ]] )

ROI_translate <- function( control, solver ){
    trans <- sapply( control_db$get_entries(solver), function( x ) x[[ "roi_control" ]] )
    idx_trans <- names( control ) %in% trans
    if( any(idx_trans) )
        names( control )[idx_trans] <- sapply( names( control )[idx_trans], function(item) control_db$get_entries(solver)[ item == trans  ][[1]]$control )


## ROI: status_codes.R
## overview of solver status codes and their canonicalization

##  adds a new status code to db, default roi_code is 1L, i.e. a failure
##  -----------------------------------------------------------
##  add_status_code_to_db
##  =====================
##' @title Add Status Code to the Status Database
##' @description Add a status code to the status database.
##' @param solver a character string giving the name of the solver.
##' @param code an integer giving the status code of the solver.
##' @param symbol a character string giving the status symbol.
##' @param message a character string used as status message.
##' @param roi_code an integer giving the ROI status code, 1L for failure and 0L for success.
##' @return NULL
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' solver <- "ecos"
##' ROI_plugin_add_status_code_to_db(solver, 0L, "ECOS_OPTIMAL", "Optimal solution found.", 0L)
##' ROI_plugin_add_status_code_to_db(solver, -7L, "ECOS_FATAL", "Unknown problem in solver.", 1L)
##' solver <- "glpk"
##' ROI_plugin_add_status_code_to_db(solver, 5L, "GLP_OPT", "Solution is optimal.", 0L)
##' ROI_plugin_add_status_code_to_db(solver, 1L, "GLP_UNDEF", "Solution is undefined.", 1L)
##' }
##' @family plugin functions
##' @rdname ROI_plugin_add_status_code_to_db
##' @export
ROI_plugin_add_status_code_to_db <- function(solver, code, symbol, message, roi_code = 1L){
    checks <- list(solver = check_character(solver, min.chars = 1L, any.missing = FALSE, len = 1L),
                   code = check_integerish(code, any.missing = FALSE, len = 1L),
                   symbol = check_character(symbol, min.chars = 1L, any.missing = FALSE, len = 1L),
                   message = check_character(message, min.chars = 0L, any.missing = FALSE, len = 1L),
                   roi_code = check_integerish(roi_code, any.missing = FALSE, len = 1L))
    is_ok <- sapply(checks, isTRUE)
    if (any(!is_ok)) {
        msg <- sprintf("in 'ROI_plugin_add_status_code_to_db' adding the solver with code '%s' %s",
                       as.character(code), "raised by the input check, check the following arguments")
        for (i in which(!is_ok)) {
           msg <- c(msg, sprintf("  - '%s': %s", names(checks)[i], checks[[i]]))
        stop(paste(msg, collapse = "\n"))
    status_db$set_entry(solver = solver,
                        code = as.integer(code),
                        symbol = symbol,
                        message = message,
                        roi_code = as.integer(roi_code))
    ## return NULL else it returns the registry as list

get_status_message_from_db <- function(solver, code){
    status_db[[solver, code]]

delete_status_code_from_db <- function(solver, code){
  status_db$delete_entry(solver = solver,
                         code = code)

available_in_status_codes_db <- function( )
  unique( status_db$get_field_entries("solver") )


##  -----------------------------------------------------------
##  ROI_plugin_register_solver_method
##  ==========================
##' @title Register Solver Method
##' @description Register a new solver method.
##' @param signatures a data.frame with the supported signatures.
##' @param solver a character string giving the solver name.
##' @param method a function registered as solver method.
##' @param plugin a character string giving the plgug-in name.
##' @return TRUE on success
##' @family plugin functions
##' @rdname ROI_plugin_register_solver_method
##' @export
ROI_plugin_register_solver_method <- function(signatures, solver, method, plugin = solver) {
    solver_signature_db$set(solver, signatures)
    for (i in seq_len(nrow(signatures))) {
        kwargs <- c(as.list(signatures[i,]), list(solver = solver, plugin = plugin, FUN = method))
        do.call(solver_db$set_entry, kwargs)


ROI_required_signature <- function()
    c("objective", "constraints", "types", "bounds", "cones", "maximum")

is.signature <- function(x) {
    cn <- c("objective", "constraints", "bounds", "cones", "maximum", "C",  "I", "B")
    ( is.data.frame(x) & all(colnames(x) == cn) )

##' Create a solver signature, the solver signatures are used to indicate
##' which problem types can be solved by a given solver.
##' @title Make Signatures
##' @param ... signature definitions
##' @return an object of class \code{"ROI_signature"} 
##'         (inheriting from data.frame) with the supported signatures.
##' @examples
##' ## ROI_make_LP_signatures
##' lp_signature <- ROI_plugin_make_signature( objective = "L",
##'                                            constraints = "L",
##'                                            types = c("C"),
##'                                            bounds = c("X", "V"),
##'                                            cones = c("X"),
##'                                            maximum = c(TRUE, FALSE) )
##' @family plugin functions
##' @rdname ROI_plugin_make_signature
##' @export
ROI_plugin_make_signature <- function(...){
    dotargs <- list(...)
    required <- ROI_required_signature() ## names(formals(OP))
    if( length(dotargs) < 2 )
        stop( sprintf("Signature element for '%s' and '%s' need to be given.",
                      required[1], required[2]) )
    length(dotargs) <- length(required)
    if( is.null(names(dotargs)) ) {
        names(dotargs) <- required
    } else {
        nam <- names(dotargs)
        nam[nam == ""] <- required[!(required %in% nam)]
        names(dotargs) <- nam
    stopifnot( all(names(dotargs) %in% required) )

    signature_default <- list(objective="L", constraints="L", types="C", bounds="X",
                              cones="X", maximum=FALSE)
    set_defaults <- function(name, x) if (is.null(x)) signature_default[[name]] else x
    dotargs <- mapply(set_defaults, names(dotargs), dotargs, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)

    dotargs <- lapply(dotargs, function(x) if( is.null(x) ) FALSE else x)
    .make_signature(do.call(ROI_expand, dotargs))#

.make_signature <- function( x ){
    required <- ROI_required_signature()
    m <- match(colnames(x), required)
    x <- x[,m]
    if ( !identical(colnames(x), required) ) {
        ## hint <- "It seems, the signature is missing the entries or has to much entries!"
        hint1 <- sprintf("Required entries are: '%s'", paste(required, collapse="', '"))
        hint2 <- sprintf("Given entries are: '%s'", paste(colnames(x), collapse="', '"))
        hint <- sprintf("%s\n\t%s", hint1, hint2)
        msg <- "The signature doesn't match the required signature!"
        msg <- sprintf("%s\n\t%s", msg, hint)
        error( "MISSPECIFIED_SIGNATURE", msg, ".make_signature", call=NULL )
    types <- strsplit(as.character(x[["types"]]), "")
    types <- do.call(rbind, lapply( types, function(t) available_types() %in% t) )
    colnames(types) <- available_types()
    y <- cbind(x[, colnames(x) != "types"], types)
    class(y) <- c("ROI_signature", class(y))

## Plug-in and solver naming

## returns solver name based on package name
## Convention: ROI.plugin.<solver> => <solver>
.plugin_prefix <- function()

## NOTE: all plugin related functions must be prefixed with "ROI_plugin_" and
##       exported.

##  -----------------------------------------------------------
##  get_solver_name
##  ===============
##' @title Get Solver Name
##' @description Get the name of the solver plugin.
##' @param pkgname a string giving the package name.
##' @return Returns the name of the solver as character.
##' @family plugin functions
##' @rdname ROI_plugin_get_solver_name
##' @export
ROI_plugin_get_solver_name <- function( pkgname )
    sub(sprintf("%s.", .plugin_prefix()), "", as.character(pkgname))


canonicalize_status <- function(status, solver) {
    assert(check_character(solver, min.chars = 1L, any.missing = FALSE, len = 1L),
           check_integerish(status, any.missing = FALSE, len = 1L), combine = "and")
    msg <- get_status_message_from_db( solver, status )
    list(code = msg$roi_code, msg = msg)

##  -----------------------------------------------------------
##  Plug-in convenience function: canonicalize_solution
##  =====================
##' @title Canonicalize Solution
##' @description Transform the solution to a standardized form.
##' @param solution a numeric or integer vector giving
##'        the solution of the optimization problem.
##' @param optimum a numeric giving the optimal value.
##' @param status an integer giving the status code (exit flag).
##' @param solver a character string giving the name of the solver.
##' @param message an optional \R object giving the original solver message.
##' @param ... further arguments to be stored in the solution object.
##' @return an object of class \code{"OP_solution"}.
##' @family plugin functions
##' @rdname ROI_plugin_canonicalize_solution
##' @export
ROI_plugin_canonicalize_solution <- function( solution, optimum, status, solver, message=NULL, ... ) {
    status <- canonicalize_status( status, solver )
    make_OP_solution( solution = solution,
                      objval   = optimum,
                      status   = status,
                      solver   = solver,
                      message  = message, ... )

##  -----------------------------------------------------------
##  build_equality_constraints
##  ==========================
##' @title Build Functional Equality Constraints
##' @description There exist different forms of functional equality constraints,
##'              this function transforms the form used in \pkg{ROI} into the
##'              forms commonly used by \R optimization solvers.
##' @param x an object of type \code{"OP"}.
##' @param type an character giving the type of the function to be returned,
##'        possible values are \code{"eq_zero"} or \code{"eq_rhs"}.
##'        For more information see Details.
##' @details There are two types of equality constraints commonly used in \R
##' \enumerate{
##' \item{\code{eq\_zero}:}{ \eqn{h(x) = 0} and}
##' \item{\code{eq\_rhs}:}{ \eqn{h(x) = rhs} .}
##' }
##' @note This function only intended for plugin authors.
##' @return Returns one function, which combines all the functional constraints.
##' @family plugin functions
##' @rdname ROI_plugin_build_equality_constraints
##' @export
ROI_plugin_build_equality_constraints <- function(x, type=c("eq_zero", "eq_rhs")) {
    stopifnot(type %in% c("eq_zero", "eq_rhs"))
    co <- as.F_constraint(constraints(x))
    if ( any(is.NO_constraint(co), is.null(co)) )
        return( list(F=NULL, J=NULL) )
    stopifnot( is.F_constraint(co) )
    x0 <- rep.int(0, length(objective(x)))
    b <- co$dir == "=="
    if ( !any(b) )
        return( list(F=NULL, J=NULL) )
    J <- if ( is.null(J) ) NULL else co$J[b]
    if ( isTRUE(type == "eq_rhs") )
        return( build_equality_constraints_rhs_x(co$F[b], J, x0) )
    return( build_equality_constraints_rhs_zero(co$F[b], J, co$rhs[b], x0) )

length_F_constraint <- function(F, x0) {
    sum(unlist(lapply(F, function(f) length(f(x0)))))

## h(x) == 0
## return value is h
build_equality_constraints_rhs_zero <- function(F, J, rhs, x0) {
    if ( isTRUE(length(F) == 1) ) {
        J <- if ( is.null(J) ) NULL else J[[1]]
        if ( all(rhs == 0) ) {
            return( list(F=F[[1]], J=J) )
        } else {
            return( list(F=function(x) (F[[1]](x) - rhs), J=J) )
    if ( is.null(J) ) {
        jaccobian_fun <- function(x) {
            do.call(rbind, lapply(J, function(f) f(x)))
    } else {
        jaccobian_fun <- NULL
    if ( all( rhs == 0 ) ) {
        eq_fun <- function(x) {
            unlist(lapply(F, function(f) f(x)), FALSE, FALSE)
        return( list(F=eq_fun, J=jaccobian_fun) )
    ## NOTE: Since we allow single constraints to have length bigger than
    ##       1 we have to group them.
    ##       Grouped constraints are all obligated to have the same dir.
    F_len <- sapply(F, function(f) length(f(x0)))
    grhs <- mapply(seq, cumsum(c(1L, F_len[-length(F_len)])), cumsum(F_len), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
    build_fun <- function(CFUN, rhs) {
        if ( all(rhs == 0) )
        return( function(x) - rhs )
    rhs <- lapply(grhs, function(i) rhs[i])
    F <- mapply(build_fun, F, rhs, SIMPLIFY = FALSE, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
    eq_fun <- function(x) {
        unlist(lapply(F, function(f) f(x)), FALSE, FALSE)
    return( list(F=eq_fun, J=jaccobian_fun) )

## h(x) == rhs
## return value is h
build_equality_constraints_rhs_x <- function(F, J, x0) {
    if ( isTRUE(length(F) == 1) )
        J <- if ( is.null(J) ) NULL else J[[1]]
        return( list(F=F[[1]], J=J) )
    eq_fun <- function(x) {
        unlist(lapply(F, function(f) f(x)), FALSE, FALSE)
    if ( is.null(J) ) {
        jaccobian_fun <- function(x) {
            do.call(rbind, lapply(J, function(f) f(x)))
    } else {
        jaccobian_fun <- NULL
    return( list(F=eq_fun, J=jaccobian_fun) )

## ## Build inequality constraints
## There are five types of inequality constraints,    
## 1. **leq_zero**
## $$ g(x) \leq 0 $$
## 2. **geq_zero**
## $$ g(x) \geq 0 $$
## 3. **leq_rhs**
## $$ g(x) \leq rhs $$    
## 4. **geq_rhs**
## $$ g(x) \geq rhs $$
## 5. **leq_geq_rhs**
## $$ lhs \leq g(x) \leq rhs $$
## Es gibt weniger relevante faelle.
## c("leq_zero", "geq_zero", "leq_rhs", "geq_rhs", "leq_geq_rhs")
##  -----------------------------------------------------------
##  build_inequality_constraints
##  ============================
##' @title Build Functional Inequality Constraints
##' @description There exist different forms of functional inequality constraints,
##'              this function transforms the form used in \pkg{ROI} into the
##'              forms commonly used by \R optimization solvers.
##' @param x an object of type \code{"OP"}.
##' @param type an character giving the type of the function to be returned,
##'        possible values are \code{"leq\_zero"} and \code{"geq\_zero"}.
##'        For more information see Details.
##' @details There are three types of inequality constraints commonly used in \R
##' \enumerate{
##' \item{\code{leq\_zero}:}{ \eqn{h(x) \leq 0} and}
##' \item{\code{geq\_zero}:}{ \eqn{h(x) \geq 0} and}
##' \item{\code{leq_geq\_rhs}:}{ \eqn{lhs \geq h(x) \leq rhs} .}
##' }
##' @note This function only intended for plugin authors.
##' @return Returns one function, which combines all the functional constraints.
##' @family plugin functions
##' @rdname ROI_plugin_build_inequality_constraints
##' @export
ROI_plugin_build_inequality_constraints <- function(x, type=c("leq_zero", "geq_zero")) {
    stopifnot(type %in% c("leq_zero", "geq_zero"))
    co <- as.F_constraint(constraints(x))
    if ( any(is.NO_constraint(co), is.null(co)) )
        return( list(F=NULL, J=NULL) )

    stopifnot( is.F_constraint(co) )
    x0 <- rep.int(0, length(objective(x)))
    ## for now we will treat < equal to <=
    b <- co$dir %in% c("<", "<=", ">=", ">")
    if ( !any(b) ) 
        return( list(F=NULL, J=NULL) )

    F_len <- sapply(co$F, function(f) length(f(x0)))
    grhs <- mapply(seq, cumsum(c(1L, F_len[-length(F_len)])), cumsum(F_len), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
    dir <- lapply(grhs, function(i) co$dir[i])
    ## <<< TODO: this needs to be checked (we need a check which ensures that 
    ##           vector valued functions always use the same direction) >>>
    b <- sapply(dir, function(v) all(v %in% c("<", "<=", ">=", ">"))) 
    J <- if ( is.null(co$J) ) NULL else co$J[b]
    if ( isTRUE(type == "leq_zero") )
        return( build_inequality_constraints(co$F[b], J, co$dir[b], co$rhs[b], x0, c("<", "<=")) )
    else if ( isTRUE(type == "geq_zero") )
        return( build_inequality_constraints(co$F[b], J, co$dir[b], co$rhs[b], x0, c(">", ">=")) )
    ## else leq_geq_rhs
    stop("due to no use case not implemented yet")

build_fun_dir_zero <- function(CFUN, dir, rhs, default_dir=c("<", "<=")) {
    if ( is.null(CFUN) ) return(NULL)
    if ( all(rhs == 0) ) {
        if ( all(dir %in% default_dir) ) {
            return( CFUN )
        return( function(x) (- CFUN(x)) )
    if ( all(dir %in% default_dir) ) {
        return( function(x) (CFUN(x) - rhs) )
    return( function(x) (rhs - CFUN(x)) )

## F <- co$F[b]; dir <- co$dir[b]; rhs <- co$rhs[b]; default_dir <- c(">", ">=")
## g(x) <= 0
build_inequality_constraints <- function(F, J, dir, rhs, x0, default_dir) {
    build_fun <- function(CFUN, dir, rhs) build_fun_dir_zero(CFUN, dir, rhs, default_dir)
    if ( isTRUE(length(F) == 1) ) {
        CF <- build_fun(F[[1]], dir, rhs)
        CJ <- if ( is.null(J) ) J else build_fun(J[[1]], dir, 0)
        return( list(F=CF, J=CJ) )

    F_len <- sapply(F, function(f) length(f(x0)))
    ## group right hand side
    grhs <- mapply(seq, cumsum(c(1L, F_len[-length(F_len)])), cumsum(F_len), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
    rhs <- lapply(grhs, function(i) rhs[i])
    dir <- lapply(grhs, function(i) dir[i])
    F <- mapply(build_fun, F, dir, rhs, SIMPLIFY = FALSE, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
    if ( !is.null(J) ) {
        J <- mapply(build_fun, J, dir, rep.int(0, length(dir)), SIMPLIFY = FALSE, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
        jaccobian_fun <- function(x) {
            do.call(rbind, lapply(J, function(f) f(x)))
    } else {
        jaccobian_fun <- NULL
    ineq_fun <- function(x) {
        unlist(lapply(F, function(f) f(x)), FALSE, FALSE)
    return( list(F=ineq_fun, J=jaccobian_fun) )

build_inequality_constraints_leq_geq_rhs <- function(F, dir, rhs, x0) {
    build_fun <- function(CFUN, dir, rhs) {
        if ( all(dir %in% c("<", "<=")) ) {
            return( list(fun=CFUN, lb=rep.int(-Inf, length(rhs)), ub=rhs) )
        return( list(fun=CFUN, lb=rhs, ub=rep.int(Inf, length(rhs))) )
    if ( isTRUE(length(F) == 1) ) {
        return( build_fun(F[[1]], dir, rhs) )

    F_len <- sapply(F, function(f) length(f(x0)))
    grhs <- mapply(seq, cumsum(c(1L, F_len[-length(F_len)])), cumsum(F_len), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
    rhs <- lapply(grhs, function(i) rhs[i])
    dir <- lapply(dir, function(i) dir[i])
    X <- mapply(build_fun, F, dir, rhs, SIMPLIFY = FALSE, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
    F <- lapply(X, "[[", "F")
    lb <- lapply(X, "[[", "lb")
    ub <- lapply(X, "[[", "ub")
    ineq_fun <- function(x) {
        unlist(lapply(F, function(f) f(x)), FALSE, FALSE)
    return( list(fun=ineq_fun, lb=lb, ub=ub) )

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