## Generating function
ContIC <- function(name, CallL2Fam = call("L2ParamFamily"),
Curve = EuclRandVarList(RealRandVariable(Map = c(function(x){x}), Domain = Reals())),
Risks, Infos, clip = Inf, cent = 0, stand = as.matrix(1),
lowerCase = NULL, neighborRadius = 0){
name <- "IC of contamination type"
Risks <- list()
Infos <- matrix(c(character(0),character(0)), ncol=2,
dimnames=list(character(0), c("method", "message")))
if(any(neighborRadius < 0)) # radius vector?!
stop("'neighborRadius' has to be in [0, Inf]")
if(length(cent) != nrow(stand))
stop("length of centering constant != nrow of standardizing matrix")
if((length(clip) != 1) && (length(clip) != length(Curve)))
stop("length of clipping bound != 1 and != length of 'Curve'")
if(length(lowerCase) != nrow(stand))
stop("length of 'lowerCase' != nrow of standardizing matrix")
L2Fam <- eval(CallL2Fam)
if(!identical(dim(L2Fam@param@trafo), dim(stand)))
stop(paste("dimension of 'trafo' of 'param' != dimension of 'stand'"))
contIC <- new("ContIC")
contIC@name <- name
contIC@Curve <- Curve
contIC@Risks <- Risks
contIC@Infos <- Infos
contIC@CallL2Fam <- CallL2Fam
contIC@clip <- clip
contIC@cent <- cent
contIC@stand <- stand
contIC@lowerCase <- lowerCase
contIC@neighborRadius <- neighborRadius
# return(new("ContIC", name = name, Curve = Curve, Risks = Risks, Infos = Infos,
# CallL2Fam = CallL2Fam, clip = clip, cent = cent, stand = stand,
# lowerCase = lowerCase, neighborRadius = neighborRadius))
## generate IC
## for internal use only!
setMethod("generateIC", signature(neighbor = "ContNeighborhood",
L2Fam = "L2ParamFamily"),
function(neighbor, L2Fam, res){
A <- res$A
a <- res$a
b <- res$b
d <- res$d
nrvalues <- nrow(A)
ICfct <- vector(mode = "list", length = nrvalues)
Y <- as(A %*% L2Fam@L2deriv - a, "EuclRandVariable")
if(nrvalues == 1){
ICfct[[1]] <- function(x){}#
#ind <- (Y(x) != 0)
# b*(ind*Y(x)/(ind*absY(x) + (1-ind)) + zi*(1-ind)*d)
body(ICfct[[1]]) <- substitute(
{ ind <- (Y(x) != 0)
b*(ind*Y(x)/(ind*absY(x) + (1-ind)) + zi*(1-ind)*d) },
list(Y = Y@Map[[1]], absY = abs(Y)@Map[[1]], b = b, d = d,
zi = sign(L2Fam@param@trafo)))
ICfct[[1]] <- function(x){}# Y(x)*pmin(1, b/absY(x)) }
body(ICfct[[1]]) <- substitute({ Y(x)*pmin(1, b/absY(x)) },
list(Y = Y@Map[[1]], absY = abs(Y)@Map[[1]], b = b))
absY <- sqrt(Y %*% Y)
for(i in 1:nrvalues){
ICfct[[i]] <- function(x){}# ind <- (Yi(x) != 0) ; ind*b*Yi(x)/absY(x) + (1-ind)*d }
body(ICfct[[i]]) <- substitute({ ind <- (Yi(x) != 0) ; ind*b*Yi(x)/absY(x) + (1-ind)*d },
list(Yi = Y@Map[[i]], absY = absY@Map[[1]], b = b, d = d[i]))
for(i in 1:nrvalues){
ICfct[[i]] <- function(x){}# Yi(x)*pmin(1, b/absY(x)) }
body(ICfct[[i]]) <- substitute({ Yi(x)*pmin(1, b/absY(x)) },
list(Yi = Y@Map[[i]], absY = absY@Map[[1]], b = b))
name = "IC of contamination type",
CallL2Fam = call("L2ParamFamily",
name = L2Fam@name,
distribution = L2Fam@distribution,
distrSymm = L2Fam@distrSymm,
param = L2Fam@param,
props = L2Fam@props,
L2deriv = L2Fam@L2deriv,
L2derivSymm = L2Fam@L2derivSymm,
L2derivDistr = L2Fam@L2derivDistr,
L2derivDistrSymm = L2Fam@L2derivDistrSymm,
FisherInfo = L2Fam@FisherInfo),
Curve = EuclRandVarList(EuclRandVariable(Map = ICfct, Domain = Y@Domain,
Range = Y@Range)),
clip = b,
cent = a,
stand = A,
lowerCase = d,
neighborRadius = neighbor@radius,
Risks = res$risk,
Infos = matrix(res$info, ncol = 2,
dimnames = list(character(0), c("method", "message")))))
## Access methods
setMethod("clip", "ContIC", function(object) object@clip)
setMethod("cent", "ContIC", function(object) object@cent)
setMethod("stand", "ContIC", function(object) object@stand)
setMethod("lowerCase", "ContIC", function(object) object@lowerCase)
setMethod("neighborRadius", "ContIC", function(object) object@neighborRadius)
## replace methods
setReplaceMethod("clip", "ContIC",
function(object, value){
L2Fam <- eval(object@CallL2Fam)
res <- list(A = object@stand, a = object@cent, b = value, d = object@lowerCase,
risk = object@Risks, info = object@Infos)
object <- generateIC(neighbor = ContNeighborhood(radius = object@neighborRadius),
L2Fam = L2Fam, res = res)
addInfo(object) <- c("clip<-", "The clipping bound has been changed")
addInfo(object) <- c("clip<-", "The entries in 'Risks' and 'Infos' may be wrong")
setReplaceMethod("cent", "ContIC",
function(object, value){
L2Fam <- eval(object@CallL2Fam)
res <- list(A = object@stand, a = value, b = object@clip, d = object@lowerCase,
risk = object@Risks, info = object@Infos)
object <- generateIC(neighbor = ContNeighborhood(radius = object@neighborRadius),
L2Fam = L2Fam, res = res)
addInfo(object) <- c("cent<-", "The centering constant has been changed")
addInfo(object) <- c("cent<-", "The entries in 'Risks' and 'Infos' may be wrong")
setReplaceMethod("stand", "ContIC",
function(object, value){
L2Fam <- eval(object@CallL2Fam)
res <- list(A = value, a = object@cent, b = object@clip, d = object@lowerCase,
risk = object@Risks, info = object@Infos)
object <- generateIC(neighbor = ContNeighborhood(radius = object@neighborRadius),
L2Fam = L2Fam, res = res)
addInfo(object) <- c("stand<-", "The standardizing matrix has been changed")
addInfo(object) <- c("stand<-", "The entries in 'Risks' and 'Infos' may be wrong")
setReplaceMethod("lowerCase", "ContIC",
function(object, value){
L2Fam <- eval(object@CallL2Fam)
res <- list(A = object@stand, a = object@cent, b = object@clip, d = value,
risk = object@Risks, info = object@Infos)
object <- generateIC(neighbor = ContNeighborhood(radius = object@neighborRadius),
L2Fam = L2Fam, res = res)
addInfo(object) <- c("lowerCase<-", "The slot 'lowerCase' has been changed")
addInfo(object) <- c("lowerCase<-", "The entries in 'Risks' and 'Infos' may be wrong")
setReplaceMethod("neighborRadius", "ContIC",
function(object, value){
object@neighborRadius <- value
if(any(value < 0)) # radius vector?!
stop("'value' has to be in [0, Inf]")
addInfo(object) <- c("neighborRadius<-", "The slot 'neighborRadius' has been changed")
addInfo(object) <- c("neighborRadius<-", "The entries in 'Risks' and 'Infos' may be wrong")
setReplaceMethod("CallL2Fam", "ContIC",
function(object, value){
L2Fam <- eval(value)
res <- list(A = object@stand, a = object@cent, b = object@clip, d = object@lowerCase,
risk = object@Risks, info = object@Infos)
object <- generateIC(neighbor = ContNeighborhood(radius = object@neighborRadius),
L2Fam = L2Fam, res = res)
addInfo(object) <- c("CallL2Fam<-", "The slot 'CallL2Fam' has been changed")
addInfo(object) <- c("CallL2Fam<-", "The entries in 'Risks' and 'Infos' may be wrong")
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