
Defines functions misses.simd.instruction uses.simd.instruction dbinorm dotXV quadratic SelfDivByRow rowProd rowMeansx colMax tcholRHS chol2mv confirm crossprodx scalarx orderx sortx solvex solvePosDef cholPosDef cholx Print LockRemove WaitOthers get.lscpu FileExists LockFile pid hostname sleep.micro sleep.milli

Documented in chol2mv cholPosDef cholx colMax confirm crossprodx dbinorm dotXV FileExists hostname LockFile LockRemove misses.simd.instruction orderx pid Print quadratic rowMeansx rowProd scalarx SelfDivByRow sleep.micro sleep.milli solvePosDef solvex sortx tcholRHS uses.simd.instruction WaitOthers

## Authors 
## Martin Schlather, schlather@math.uni-mannheim.de
## Copyright (C) 2015 -- 2021 Martin Schlather
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
## as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
## of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
## Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.  

sleep.milli <- function(n) {
  .C(C_sleepMilli, as.integer(n))

sleep.micro <- function(n) {
  .C(C_sleepMicro, as.integer(n))
hostname<-function(){.C(C_hostname, h=paste(seq(0,0,l=100), collapse=""),

pid <- function() {.C(C_pid, i=integer(1))$i}

LockFile <- function(file, printlevel=RFoptions()$basic$printlevel) {
  PL_ERRORS <- 6
  lock.ext <- ".lock"
  LockFile <- paste(file, lock.ext, sep="")
  if (file.exists(LockFile)) { #2.
    if (printlevel>=PL_ERRORS ) cat("'",file,"' is locked.\n");
  PID <- pid();
  write(file=LockFile,c(PID,hostname()),ncolumns=2,append=TRUE); #3.a.
  Pid <- matrix(scan(LockFile,what=character(0), quiet=TRUE),nrow=2)
  if ((sum(Pid[1,]==PID)!=1) || (sum(Pid[1,]>PID)>0)){ #3.b.
    if (printlevel>PL_ERRORS )
      cat("Lock file of '", file, "' is knocked out.\n");

FileExists <- function(file, printlevel=RFoptions()$basic$printlevel) {
    ## for parallel simulation studies: the same data output file should not
  ## be created twice. So:
  ## 1. if file exists then assume another process has done the work already
  ## 2. if file.lock existss then assume another process is doing the work
  ## 3.a. otherwise create file.lock to show other processes that the process
  ##      will do the work
  ## 3.b. check if another process has started with the same work at the same
  ##      time it may happen that in case of simulatenous creation of file.lock
  ##      no process will do the work...(then the lock file will rest.)
  PL_ERRORS <- 6
  if (file.exists(file)) { #1.
    if (printlevel>=PL_ERRORS ) cat("'", file, "' already exists.\n");
  } else {
    return(LockFile(file, printlevel=printlevel))

get.lscpu <- function(pattern) {
  x <- system(paste0("lscpu | egrep '", pattern, "'"), intern=TRUE)
  w <- base::options()$warn
  x <- Try(as.integer(sapply(strsplit(x, ":"), function(x) x[2])))
  if (is(x, CLASS_TRYERROR)) return(NA)
  x <- x[is.finite(x)]
  base::options(warn = w)
  return(if (length(x) > 0) x[1] else NA)

WaitOthers <- function(file, i, cores=NULL,
                       ideal.processes=ceiling(cores * 1.25),
                       max.processes=ceiling(cores * 1.5),
                       distance=5, time=5, path="./") {
   ## time in minutes
  if (length(cores)==0) cores <- cores()
  maxint <- .Machine$integer.max
  file0 <- paste(file, "wait", sep=".")
  wait.pattern <- paste0(path, "*.wait")
  repeat {
    files <- dir(pattern=wait.pattern)
    processes <- length(files)
    if (processes <= cores) break
    Is <- integer(processes)
    write(file=file0, i)
    for (f in 1:processes) {
      j <- Try(as.integer(read.table(files[f])))
      Is[f] <- if (is(j, CLASS_TRYERROR) || length(j) != 1) maxint else j
    Is <- Is[is.finite(Is)]
    if (sum(Is < maxint) <= max.processes &&
        sum(Is <= i) <= ideal.processes &&
        sum(Is < i - distance) <= cores) break
    write(file=file0, maxint)
    sleep.milli(time * 60000)
  write(file=file0, i)

LockRemove <- function(file) {
  ## removes auxiliary files created by FileExists & WaitOthers
  for (lock.ext in c("lock", "wait")) {
    file0 <- paste(file, lock.ext, sep=".")
    if (file.exists(file0)) file.remove(file0)

Print <- function(..., digits=6, empty.lines=2) { # OK
  ## ?"..1"
#  print(..1)
#  print(substitute(..1))
#   print(missing(..100))
  max.elements <- 99
  l <- list(...)
  n <- as.character(match.call())[-1]
  cat(paste(rep("\n", empty.lines), collapse="")) 
  for (i in 1:length(l)) {
    if (!is.list(l[[i]]) && is.vector(l[[i]])) {
      L <- length(l[[i]])
      if (L==0) cat(" = <zero>")
      else {
        cat(" [", L, "] = ", sep="")
        cat(if (is.numeric(l[[i]]))
            round(l[[i]][1:min(L , max.elements)], digits=digits)#
            else l[[i]][1:min(L , max.elements)]) #
        if (max.elements < L) cat(" ...")
    } else {
       if (is.list(l[[i]])) {
        cat(" =  ") 
        str(l[[i]], digits.d=digits) # OK
      } else {
        cat(" =")
        if (length(l[[i]]) <= 100 && FALSE) {
          print(if (is.numeric(l[[i]])) round(l[[i]], digits=digits)# OK
                else l[[i]])
        } else {
          if (length(l[[i]]) > 1 && !is.vector(l[[i]]) && !is.matrix(l[[i]])
              && !is.array(l[[i]])) cat("\n")
          str(l[[i]]) # OK

cholx <- function(a) .Call(C_Chol, a)

cholPosDef <- function() stop("please use 'cholx' instead of 'cholPosDef'.")

solvePosDef <- function(a, b=NULL, logdeterminant=FALSE) {
  stop("please use 'solvex' instead of 'solvePosDef'.")

solvex <- function(a, b=NULL, logdeterminant=FALSE) {
  if (logdeterminant) {
    logdet <- double(1)
    res <- .Call(C_SolvePosDefR, a, b, logdet)
    return(list(inv=res, logdet=logdet))
  } else {
    .Call(C_SolvePosDefR, a, b, double(0))

sortx <- function(x, from=1, to=length(x),
                        decreasing=FALSE, na.last = NA) {
  n <- length(x)
 if (n <= 4000 || (to - from) < (0.35 + is.double(x) * 0.15) * n) {   
    if (decreasing) {
      x <- -x
      if (!is.na(na.last)) na.last <- !na.last
    ans <- .Call(C_sortX, x, as.integer(from), as.integer(to),
    return(if (decreasing) -ans else ans)
 } else {
    return(if (from==1 && to==n)
           sort(x, decreasing=decreasing, na.last=na.last) else
           sort(x, decreasing=decreasing, na.last=na.last)[from:to])

orderx <- function(x, from=1, to=length(x),
                         decreasing=FALSE, na.last = NA) {
#  cat((to - from) *  (0.35 + 0.14 * log(length(x)))^2, "", length(x), "\n")
  if ((to - from) * (0.35 + 0.14 * log(length(x)))^2 > length(x)) { #10^2:1, 10^3:1.5, 10^4:3 10^5:5 10^6:5, 10^7: 8, 10^8:10,
    #    cat("old", from, to ,"\n");
    ans <- order(x, decreasing=decreasing, na.last=na.last)
    return(if (from==1 && to==length(x)) ans else ans[from:to])
  if (decreasing) {
    x <- -x
    if (!is.na(na.last)) na.last <- !na.last

  .Call(C_orderX, x, as.integer(from), as.integer(to),

scalarx <- function(x, y, mode=0) .Call(C_scalarR, x, y, as.integer(mode))
crossprodx <- function(x, y, mode=-1)
  .Call(C_crossprodX, x, if (missing(y)) x else y, as.integer(mode))

confirm <- function(x, y, ...) {
  e <- all.equal(x, y, ...)
  if (is.logical(e) && e) {
    cat("'", deparse(substitute(x)) , "' and '", deparse(substitute(y)),
        "' are the same.\n", sep="")
  } else {
    if (R.Version()$os=="linux-gnu") stop(e)
    else {
      cat("(under linux systems they are the same.)")

chol2mv <- function(C, n) .Call(C_chol2mv, C, as.integer(n))
tcholRHS <- function(C, RHS) {
  if (!is.double(RHS)) storage.mode(RHS) <- "double"
  .Call(C_tcholRHS, C, RHS)
colMax <- function(x) .Call(C_colMaxs, x)
rowMeansx <- function(x, weight=NULL) .Call(C_rowMeansX, x, weight)
rowProd <- function(x) .Call(C_rowProd, x)
SelfDivByRow <- function(x, v) .Call(C_DivByRow, x, v)
quadratic <- function(x, v) .Call(C_quadratic, x, v)
dotXV <- function(x, w) .Call(C_dotXV, x, w)

dbinorm <- function(x, S) .Call(C_dbinorm, x, S)

uses.simd.instruction <- function(which=NULL, pkgs=NULL) {
  .Call(C_instruction_set, which, pkgs, TRUE);

misses.simd.instruction <- function(which=NULL, pkgs=NULL) {
  .Call(C_instruction_set, which, pkgs, FALSE);

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RandomFieldsUtils documentation built on April 19, 2022, 5:09 p.m.