
Defines functions .checkArgRankclust rankclust

Documented in rankclust

#' @title Model-based clustering for multivariate partial ranking
#' @description This functions estimates a clustering of ranking data, potentially multivariate, partial and containing tied,
#' based on a mixture of multivariate ISR model [2].
#' By specifying only one cluster, the function performs a modelling of the ranking data using the multivariate ISR model.
#' The estimation is performed thanks to a SEM-Gibbs algorithm.
#' @param data a matrix in which each row is a ranking (partial or not; for partial ranking,
#' missing elements must be 0 or NA. Tied are replaced by the lowest position they share). For multivariate rankings,
#' the rankings of each dimension are placed end to end in each row. The data must be in ranking notation (see Details or
#' \link{convertRank} functions).
#' @param m a vector composed of the sizes of the rankings of each dimension (default value is the number of column of the
#' matrix data).
#' @param K an integer or a vector of integer with the number of clusters.
#' @param criterion criterion "bic" or "icl", criterion to minimize for selecting the number of clusters.
#' @param Qsem the total number of iterations for the SEM algorithm (default value=40).
#' @param Bsem burn-in period for SEM algorithm (default value=10).
#' @param RjSE a vector containing, for each dimension, the number of iterations of the Gibbs sampler
#' used both in the SE step for partial rankings and for the presentation orders generation (default value=mj(mj-1)/2).
#' @param RjM a vector containing, for each dimension, the number of iterations of the Gibbs sampler used in the  M step
#' (default value=mj(mj-1)/2)
#' @param Ql number of iterations of the Gibbs sampler
#' for estimation of log-likelihood (default value=100).
#' @param Bl burn-in period for estimation of log-likelihood (default value=50).
#' @param maxTry maximum number of restarts of the SEM-Gibbs algorithm in the case of non convergence (default value=3).
#' @param run number of runs of the algorithm for each value of K.
#' @param detail boolean, if TRUE, time and others information will be print during the process (default value FALSE).
#' @return An object of class Rankclust (See \code{\link{Output-class}} and \code{\link{Rankclust-class}}).
#' If the output object is named \code{res}. You can access the result by res[number of groups]@@slotName where
#' \code{slotName} is an element of the class Output.
#' @details
#' The ranks have to be given to the package in the ranking notation (see \link{convertRank} function), with the following
#' convention:
#' - missing positions are replaced by 0
#' - tied are replaced by the lowest position they share
#' See the vignette dataFormat for mode details (\code{RShowDoc("dataFormat", package = "Rankcluster")}).
#' The ranking representation r=(r_1,...,r_m) contains the
#' ranks assigned to the objects, and means that the ith
#' object is in r_ith position.
#' The ordering representation o=(o_1,...,o_m) means that object
#' o_i is in the ith position.
#' Let us consider the following example to illustrate both
#' notations: a judge, which has to rank three holidays
#' destinations according to its preferences, O1 =
#'   Countryside, O2 =Mountain and O3 = Sea, ranks first Sea,
#' second Countryside, and last Mountain. The ordering
#' result of the judge is o = (3, 1, 2) whereas the ranking
#' result is r = (2, 3, 1).
#' @references
#' [1] C.Biernacki and J.Jacques (2013), A generative model for rank data based on sorting algorithm,
#' Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 58, 162-176.
#' [2] J.Jacques and C.Biernacki (2012), Model-based clustering for multivariate partial ranking data,
#' Inria Research Report n 8113.
#' @examples
#' data(big4)
#' result <- rankclust(big4$data, K = 2, m = big4$m, Ql = 200, Bl = 100, maxTry = 2)
#' if(result@@convergence) {
#'   summary(result)
#'   partition <- result[2]@@partition
#'   tik <- result[2]@@tik
#' }
#' @author Quentin Grimonprez
#' @seealso See \code{\link{Output-class}} and \code{\link{Rankclust-class}} for available output.
#' @export
rankclust <- function(data, m = ncol(data), K = 1, criterion = "bic", Qsem = 100, Bsem = 20,
                      RjSE = m * (m - 1) / 2, RjM = m * (m - 1) / 2, Ql = 500, Bl = 100,
                      maxTry = 3, run = 1, detail = FALSE) {
  .checkArgRankclust(data, m, K, criterion, Qsem, Bsem, RjSE, RjM, Ql, Bl, detail, maxTry, run)

  # change NA in data
  data[is.na(data)] <- 0

  # output container
  result <- c()
  # number of clusters for which the algorithm converges
  G <- c()

  # loop over the different number of cluster
  for (k in K) {
    if (detail) {
      cat("K=", k, "\n")
    ## first run
    res <- mixtureSEM(data, k, m, Qsem, Bsem, Ql, Bl, RjSE, RjM, maxTry, run, detail)
    if (res@convergence) {
      G <- c(G, k)
      result <- c(result, list(res))
    } else {
      cat("\n for K=", k, "clusters, the algorithm has not converged (a proportion was equal to 0 during the process), please retry\n")
  } # end for K number of cluster

  if (length(G) == 0) {
    resultat <- new("Rankclust", convergence = FALSE)
    cat("No convergence for all values of K (a proportion was equal to 0 during the process). Please retry\n")
  } else {
    colnom <- c()
    for (i in seq_along(m)) {
      colnom <- c(colnom, paste0("dim", i), rep("", m[i] - 1))

    colnames(data) <- colnom

    resultat <- new("Rankclust", K = G, criterion = criterion, results = result, data = data, convergence = TRUE)


.checkArgRankclust <- function(data, m, K, criterion, Qsem, Bsem, RjSE, RjM, Ql, Bl, detail, maxTry, run) {
  ################## check the arguments
  # data

  # m
  if (sum(m) != ncol(data)) {
    stop("The number of column of data and m don't match.")

  # K
  if (!is.vector(K, mode = "numeric")) {
    stop("K must be a (vector of) integer strictly greater than 0")
  if (length(K) != length(K[K > 0])) {
    stop("K must be a (vector of) integer strictly greater than 0")
  if (!min(K == round(K))) {
    stop("K must be a (vector of) integer strictly greater than 0")

  # criterion
  if (criterion != "bic" && criterion != "icl") {
    stop("criterion must be \"bic\" or \"icl\" ")

  # Qsem
  if (!is.numeric(Qsem) || (length(Qsem) > 1)) {
    stop("Qsem must be a strictly positive integer")
  if ((Qsem != round(Qsem)) || (Qsem <= 0)) {
    stop("Qsem must be a strictly positive integer")

  # Bsem
  if (!is.numeric(Bsem) || (length(Bsem) > 1)) {
    stop("Bsem must be a strictly positive integer lower than Qsem")
  if ((Bsem != round(Bsem)) || (Bsem <= 0) || (Bsem >= Qsem)) {
    stop("Bsem must be a strictly positive integer lower than Qsem")

  # RjM
  if (!is.numeric(RjM) || (length(RjM) != length(m))) {
    stop("RjM must be a vector of strictly positive integer")
  if (any((RjM != round(RjM)) | (RjM <= 0))) {
    stop("RjM must be a vector of strictly positive integer")

  # RjSE
  if (!is.numeric(RjSE) || (length(RjSE) != length(m))) {
    stop("RjSE must be a vector of strictly positive integer")
  if (any((RjSE != round(RjSE)) | (RjSE <= 0))) {
    stop("RjSE must be a vector of strictly positive integer")

  # Ql
  if (!is.numeric(Ql) || (length(Ql) > 1)) {
    stop("Ql must be a strictly positive integer")
  if ((Ql != round(Ql)) || (Ql <= 0)) {
    stop("Ql must be a strictly positive integer")

  # Bl
  if (!is.numeric(Bl) || (length(Bl) > 1)) {
    stop("Bl must be a strictly positive integer lower than Ql")
  if ((Bl != round(Bl)) || (Bl <= 0) || (Bl >= Ql)) {
    stop("Bl must be a strictly positive integer lower than Ql")

  # maxTry
  if (!is.numeric(maxTry) || (length(maxTry) != 1)) {
    stop("maxTry must be a positive integer")
  if ((maxTry != round(maxTry)) || (maxTry <= 0)) {
    stop("maxTry must be a positive integer")

  # run
  if (!is.numeric(run) || (length(run) != 1)) {
    stop("run must be a positive integer")
  if ((run != round(run)) || (run <= 0)) {
    stop("run must be a positive integer")

  # detail
  if (!is.logical(detail)) {
    stop("detail must be a logical.")

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Rankcluster documentation built on Nov. 12, 2022, 9:05 a.m.