
Defines functions Menu.model

Documented in Menu.model

Menu.model <- function(){
    .activeDataSet <- ActiveDataSet()
     di <- design.info(eval(parse(text=.activeDataSet)))
     putRcmdr("resphilf", di$response.names[1])
     putRcmdr("resp.list", response.names(eval(parse(text=.activeDataSet))))
     ### needed (among other things) for correction of automatic formula, 
                          ### if individual response of wide design is to be analyzed
    degreeVar <- tclVar("NULL")
    initializeDialog(window=top, title=gettextRcmdr("Choose Response and Degree"))
    degreeEntry <- ttkentry(top, width=7, textvariable=degreeVar)
    degreelab <- ttklabel(top, text=gettextRcmdr("degree (positive integer)"))
    putRcmdr("sel.resps", variableListBox(top, variableList=resp.list, listHeight=10, 
        title=gettextRcmdr("Response to be analysed (select one)"),selectmode="single", initialSelection=0))
    dquote <- function(obj){
        ## quote vector elements for use as character vector in a command
        aus <- rep("",length(obj))
        wopt <- options("warn")[[1]]
        for (i in 1:length(obj)) if (is.na(as.numeric(obj[i]))) {
                if (length(grep('"',obj[i])>0))
                aus[i] <- paste("'",obj[i],"'",sep="") 
                aus[i] <- paste('"',obj[i],'"',sep="") 
              else aus[i] <- obj[i]

    onOK <- function(){
        response <- getSelection(sel.resps)
        putRcmdr("resphilf", response)
        command <- paste("formula(",.activeDataSet,", response=", dquote(response), ")")
        hilf <- justDoItDoE(command)
        if (class(hilf)[1]=="try-error") {
            errorCondition(window=top,recall=Menu.model, message=gettextRcmdr(hilf))
        if (!is.null(di$responselist)){
          if (di$response.names[1]==di$responselist[1,1]){
          tk_messageBox(type="ok","This is a wide format repeated measurement or parameter design.\n
           You may want to aggregate it before applying a default analysis.\n
           Cancel the dialogue and go to \n
           Combine or Modify Designs --> Change from long to wide format \n
           for this purpose.")
        if (di$repeat.only | (length(grep("param",di$type))>0 & is.null(di$responselist))){
          tk_messageBox(type="ok","This is a long format repeated measurement or parameter design.\n
           It has to be brought into wide format and subsequently should be aggregated before default analysis.\n
           Go to Combine or Modify Designs --> Change from long to wide format for this purpose.")
        if (length(grep("splitplot", di$type))>0) 
          warning("The default analysis can be misleading for splitplot designs!
          Whole-plot factors are often subject to much more variability than split-plot factors.")
          putRcmdr("degree", tclvalue(degreeVar))
    tkgrid(getFrame(sel.resps), degreelab, degreeEntry, sticky="n")
    tkgrid.configure(degreeEntry, sticky="nse")
    tkgrid.configure(degreelab, sticky="nse")
    tkgrid(buttonsFrame, sticky="w")
    dialogSuffix(window=top, rows=2, columns=1)

Try the RcmdrPlugin.DoE package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

RcmdrPlugin.DoE documentation built on Oct. 7, 2023, 5:07 p.m.