
#' @title Automated classical distance analysis
#' @description Perform automated classical detection function selection and 
#' estimation of abundance.
#' @param formula This parameter is passed to \code{dfuncEstim}.
#'   See \code{dfuncEstim} documentation for definition.
#' @param detectionData This parameter is passed to \code{dfuncEstim} 
#' and \code{abundEstim}. See \code{abundEstim} documentation for definition.
#' @param siteData This parameter is passed to \code{abundEstim}.
#'   See \code{abundEstim} documentation for definition.
#' @param pointSurvey This parameter is passed to \code{dfuncEstim}.
#'   See \code{dfuncEstim} documentation for definition.
#' @param w.lo This parameter is passed to \code{dfuncEstim}.
#'   See \code{dfuncEstim} documentation for definition.
#' @param w.hi This parameter is passed to \code{dfuncEstim}.
#'   See \code{dfuncEstim} documentation for definition.
#' @param warn This parameter is passed to \code{dfuncEstim}.
#'   \code{dfuncEstim} documentation for definition.
#' @param area This parameter is passed to \code{abundEstim}.
#'   See \code{abundEstim} documentation for definition.
#' @param ci This parameter is passed to \code{abundEstim}.
#'   See \code{abundEstim} documentation for definition.
#' @param R This parameter is passed to \code{abundEstim}.
#'   See \code{abundEstim} documentation for definition.
#' @param plot.bs Logical for whether to plot bootstrap 
#' iterations after the top model has been selected and 
#' during final estimation of confidence intervals.  
#' This parameter is passed unchanged to \code{abundEstim}.
#' See \code{abundEstim} help for additional information.
#' @param showProgress Logical for whether to 
#' suppress intermediate output.  If \code{showProgress=TRUE}, 
#' a table of model fitting results appears in the console as they 
#' are estimated, and a progress bar shows progress through 
#' the bootstrap iterations at the end.  If \code{showProgress=FALSE}, 
#' all intermediate output is suppressed which is handy for programming
#' and simulations.
#' @param likelihoods Vector of strings specifying the 
#' likelihoods to consider during model selection. Valid values 
#' at present are "uniform", "halfnorm", "hazrate", "negexp", 
#' and "Gamma". See Details for the models this routine considers.
#' @param series Vector of series types to consider during model selection. 
#'   Valid values are 'simple', 'hermite', and 'cosine'. See Details for 
#'   the models this routine considers.
#' @param expansions Vector of the number of expansion terms to 
#' consider during model selection. Valid values are 0 through 3. 
#' See Details for the models this routine considers. Note, expansion terms are not currently
#' allowed in models with covariates.
#' @param plot Logical scalar specifying whether to plot models during model selection. 
#'   If \code{TRUE}, a histogram with fitted distance function is plotted for every fitted model. 
#'   The function pauses between each plot and prompts the user for whether they want to continue or not. 
#'   For completely automated estimation, set \code{plot} = \code{FALSE}.
#' @param criterion A string specifying the criterion to use when assessing model fit.   
#' The best fitting model from this routine is the one with lowest value 
#' of this fit criterion.  This must be one of "AICc" (the default), 
#' "AIC", or "BIC".  See \code{\link{AIC.dfunc}} for formulas. 
#' @param ... Additional parameters passed to \code{dfuncEstim}, which in turn are passed to \code{F.gx.estim}. 
#'   These include \code{x.scl}, \code{g.x.scl}, and \code{observer} for estimating double observer probabilities.
#' @details During model selection, each series and number of expansions is crossed with 
#' each of the likelihoods. For example, if \code{likelihoods} has 3 elements, 
#' \code{series} has 2 elements, and \code{expansions} has 4 elements, 
#' the total number of models fitted is 3 (likelihoods) * 2 (series) * 4 (expansions) 
#' = 24 models.  The default specification fits 41 detection functions 
#' from the "halfnorm", "hazrate", "uniform", "negexp", and "Gamma" likelihoods 
#' (note that Gamma does not currently implement expansions, see 
#' \code{\link{Gamma.like}}). Note, expansion terms are not currently
#' allowed in models with covariates.  The model with lowest AIC is selected 
#' as 'best', and estimation of abundance proceeds using that model.
#' Suppress all intermediate output using \code{plot.bs=FALSE}, 
#' \code{showProgress=FALSE}, and \code{plot=FALSE}. 
#' @return If \code{bySite==FALSE}, an 'abundance estimate' object is returned.
#' See \code{abundEstim} 
#' and \code{dfuncEstim} for an explanation of components. 
#' Returned abundance estimates are based 
#' on the best fitting distance function among those fitted.
#' A fit table, sorted by the criterion, is returned as component
#' \code{$fitTable}.  The fit table component contains columns
#' \code{like} (likelihood), \code{series}, \code{expansions},
#' \code{converge} (0=converged,1=not), \code{scale} (1=passed scale
#' check,0=did not pass), and 
#' \code{aic} (the criterion used). 
#' If \code{bySite==TRUE}, a data frame containing site-level
#' abundance based on the best-fitting detection function is returned.
#' See \code{\link{abundEstim}} for description of columns in 
#' the data frame.  The best-fitting likelihood form, series, 
#' and number of expansions are returned as attributes of the 
#' data frame (e.g., best-fitting likelihood is \code{attr(out,"like.form")}).
#' @seealso \code{\link{dfuncEstim}}, \code{\link{abundEstim}}.
#' @examples 
#' # Load example sparrow data (line transect survey type)
#' data(sparrowDetectionData)
#' data(sparrowSiteData)
#' # Automate fitting multiple detection functions, and estimate abundance
#' # (density per ha in this case), given the 'best' detection function
#' autoDistSamp(formula = dist ~ groupsize(groupsize)
#'            , detectionData = sparrowDetectionData
#'            , siteData = sparrowSiteData
#'            , likelihood = c("halfnorm", "hazrate")
#'            , w.hi = units::set_units(100, "m")
#'            , expansions = 0
#'            , area = units::set_units( 4105, "km^2" )
#'            , ci = NULL
#'            , plot = FALSE
#'            )
#' @keywords model
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats terms
#' @importFrom graphics mtext

autoDistSamp <- function (formula
                          , detectionData
                          , siteData
                          , w.lo = 0
                          , w.hi = NULL
                          , likelihoods = c("halfnorm", "hazrate", "uniform", "negexp", "Gamma")
                          , series = c("cosine", "hermite", "simple")
                          , expansions = 0:3
                          , pointSurvey = FALSE
                          , warn = TRUE
                          , area = NULL
                          , ci = 0.95
                          , R = 500
                          , plot.bs = FALSE
                          , showProgress = TRUE
                          , plot = TRUE
                          , criterion = "AICc"
                          , ...){
  # I will leave some vestages of bySite, for when we add it back.
  bySite <- FALSE
  # Stop and print error if key columns of detectionData or siteData are missing or contain NAs
  if(!("dist" %in% names(detectionData))) stop("There is no column named 'dist' in your detectionData.")
  if(!("siteID" %in% names(detectionData))) stop("There is no column named 'siteID' in your detectionData.")
  if(!("groupsize" %in% names(detectionData))) stop("There is no column named 'groupsize' in your detectionData.")
  if(!("siteID" %in% names(siteData))) stop("There is no column named 'siteID' in your siteData.")
  # if(!("length" %in% names(siteData))) stop("There is no column named 'length' in your siteData.")
  if(any(is.na(detectionData$dist))) stop("Please remove rows for which detectionData$dist is NA.")
  if(any(is.na(detectionData$siteID))) stop("Please remove rows for which detectionData$siteID is NA.")
  if(any(is.na(detectionData$groupsize))) stop("Please remove rows for which detectionData$groupsize is NA.")
  if(any(is.na(siteData$siteID))) stop("Please remove NA's from siteData$siteID.")
  # if(any(is.na(siteData$length))) stop("Please remove NA's from siteData$length.")
  if(any(!(criterion %in% c("AIC","AICc","BIC")))) stop(paste0(criterion, " criterion not supported."))
  # extract distance vector from detectionData
  # dist <- detectionData$dist
  # function to save results
  f.save.result <- function(results, dfunc, like, ser, expan, 
                            plot, CRIT, showProgress) {
    esw <- effectiveDistance(dfunc)

    if (!is.na(esw) & (esw > dfunc$w.hi)) {
      scl.ok <- "Not ok"
      scl.ok.flag <- 0
      aic <- NA
    } else {
      scl.ok <- "Ok"
      scl.ok.flag <- 1
      aic <- AIC.dfunc(dfunc, criterion=CRIT) 
    conv <- dfunc$convergence
    if (conv != 0) {
      if (conv == -1) {
        conv.str <- "Bad"
      } else {
        conv.str <- "No"
      aic <- NA
      scl.ok <- "NA"
      scl.ok.flag <- NA
    } else {
      conv.str <- "Yes"
    results <- rbind(results, data.frame(like = like, series = ser, 
                                         expansions = expan, converge = conv, scale = scl.ok.flag, 
                                         aic = aic))
      if (nchar(like) < 8) {
        sep1 <- "\t\t"
      } else {
        sep1 <- "\t"
      cat(paste(like, sep1, ser, "\t", expan, "\t", conv.str, 
              "\t\t", scl.ok, "\t", round(aic, 4), sep = ""))
    if (plot) {
      plot(dfunc)  # (jdc) This is the source of "Error: object of type 'symbol' is not subsettable
      k <- readline(" Next?[entr=y,n]")
      if (length(k) == 0) 
        k <- "y"
    } else if(showProgress) {
      k <- "y"
    } else {
      k <- "y"
    list(results = results, k = k)
  # Fit detection functions (dfuncEstim appears 4 times below)
  wwarn <- options()$warn
  options(warn = -1)
  fit.table <- NULL
  for (like in likelihoods) {
    if (like == "Gamma") {
      dfunc <- dfuncEstim(formula = formula, detectionData = detectionData,
                          siteData = siteData, likelihood = like, w.lo = w.lo,
                          w.hi = w.hi, pointSurvey=pointSurvey, ...)
      ser <- ""  # (jdc) was ""
      expan <- 0
      fit.table <- f.save.result(fit.table, dfunc, like, 
                                 ser, expan, plot, criterion, showProgress)
      cont <- fit.table$k
      fit.table <- fit.table$results
    } else {
      for (expan in expansions) {
        if (expan == 0) {
          ser <- "cosine"  # Inconsequential, but gotta have a valid series here
          dfunc <- dfuncEstim(formula = formula, detectionData = detectionData,
                              siteData = siteData, likelihood = like, 
                                 w.lo = w.lo, w.hi = w.hi, expansions = expan, 
                                 series = ser, pointSurvey=pointSurvey, ...)
          fit.table <- f.save.result(fit.table, dfunc, 
                                     like, ser, expan, plot, criterion, 
          cont <- fit.table$k
          fit.table <- fit.table$results
        } else {
          for (ser in series) {
            # (jdc) We are not allowing expansion terms in presence of covariates
            # If there are covariates, skip this loop through models with expansions
            if ( length(attr(terms(formula), "term.labels")) > 0 ) {
              # (jdc) This warning seems to always be supressed, but I added a note in the help doc
              # that expansions aren't allowed when there are covariates.
              warning("Expansions not allowed when covariates are present. Models with expansions skipped.")

            dfunc <- dfuncEstim(formula = formula, detectionData = detectionData,
                                siteData = siteData, likelihood = like, 
                                   w.lo = w.lo, w.hi = w.hi, expansions = expan, 
                                   series = ser, pointSurvey=pointSurvey, ...)
            fit.table <- f.save.result(fit.table, dfunc, 
                                       like, ser, expan, plot, 
                                       criterion, showProgress)
            cont <- fit.table$k
            fit.table <- fit.table$results
            if (cont == "n"){
        if (cont == "n"){ 
      if (cont == "n"){
  if (sum(fit.table$converge != 0) > 0 & showProgress) {
    cat("Note: Some models did not converge or had parameters at their boundaries.\n")
  # Sort by criterion
  fit.table$aic <- ifelse(fit.table$converge == 0, fit.table$aic, 
  fit.table <- fit.table[order(fit.table$aic), ]

  # Refit best dfunc
  dfunc <- dfuncEstim(formula = formula, detectionData = detectionData,
                      siteData = siteData, likelihood = fit.table$like[1], 
                         w.lo = w.lo, w.hi = w.hi, expansions = fit.table$expansions[1], 
                         series = fit.table$series[1], pointSurvey=pointSurvey, ...)
  if (plot) {
    mtext("BEST FITTING FUNCTION", side = 3, cex = 1.5, line = 3)

  abund <- abundEstim(dfunc
                      , detectionData=detectionData
                      , siteData=siteData
                      , area=area
                      , ci=ci
                      , R=R
                      , plot.bs=plot.bs
                      , showProgress = showProgress
  if( !bySite ){
    # Store the fitting table, just in case user wants it.
    abund$fitTable <- fit.table
  } else {
    attr(abund,"like.form") <- dfunc$like.form
    attr(abund,"series") <- dfunc$series
    attr(abund,"expansions") <- dfunc$expansions
    cat("\n\n------------ Abundance Estimate Based on Top-Ranked Detection Function ------------\n")
    print(abund, criterion=criterion)
  options(warn = wwarn)

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Rdistance documentation built on July 9, 2023, 6:46 p.m.