
Defines functions AddListToList ProcessPDFSubject ProcessPDFMeta SearchDOIText CleanAuthorTitle GetAuthorTitle GetJSTOR CheckJSTOR ReadFirstPages

#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
ReadFirstPages <- function(doc, page.one = TRUE){
  doc <- unlist(doc)
  res <- list()
  if (length(doc) == 0)
      return(list(found.abstract = FALSE))
  found.abstract <- FALSE

  # arXiv
  arXiv <- FALSE
  if (TRUE){
    ind <- grep('arXiv:', doc, useBytes = FALSE)[1]
      arXiv <- TRUE
      found.abstract <- TRUE  # assume no cover page for an arXiv paper
      arxinfo <- doc[ind]
      res$eprinttype <- 'arxiv'
      # need to check date since arXiv identifier format changed in Apr-07
      m <- regexpr('[0-9]{1,2}[[:space:]][A-Z][a-z]{2}[[:space:]][0-9]{4}',
                   arxinfo, useBytes = FALSE)

      adate <- strptime(regmatches(arxinfo, m), format='%d %b %Y')
      if (length(adate)){
          res$date <- adate
          if (adate >= strptime('01 Apr 2007', format='%d %b %Y')){
              m <- regexec(paste0("arXiv:([0-9]{4}[\\.][0-9]{4}v[0-9])",
                           arxinfo, useBytes = FALSE)
            regm <- regmatches(arxinfo, m)
            res$eprintclass <- regm[[1]][3]
            res$eprint <- regm[[1]][2]
            m <- regexec('arXiv:([[:graph:]]+)\\s', arxinfo, useBytes = FALSE)
            regm <- regmatches(arxinfo, m)
            res$eprint <- regm[[1]][2]
          res$url <- paste0('https://arxiv.org/abs/', res$eprint)

  if (TRUE){
    if (!arXiv){  # try to get url
      ind <- grep('^[Uu]Rr][Ll]: ', doc, useBytes = FALSE)
      if (length(ind))
        res$url <- gsub('^[Uu]Rr][Ll]: ', '', doc[ind], useBytes = FALSE)

      # volume
      m <- regexec('(Vol|Volume)[[:punct:]]?[[:space:]]?([0-9]+)', doc,
                   useBytes = FALSE)
      if (length(m[[1]]) != 1)
        res$volume <- unlist(regmatches(doc, m))[3]

      # number
      m <- regexec('([Nn]o\\.|Number|Issue)[[:space:]]([0-9]{1,3})', doc,
                   useBytes = FALSE)
      if (length(m[[1]]) != 1)
        res$number <- unlist(regmatches(doc, m))[3]
      # pages -pdftotext has trouble with "-"
      m <- regexec(paste0("([0-9]{1,4}) ?[-\u1390\u2212\ufe58\ufe63\uff0d",
                          "\u2012-\u2015] ?([0-9]{1,4})[[:punct:]]?$"),
                   doc, useBytes = FALSE)
      tmatch <- unlist(regmatches(doc, m))
      if (length(tmatch))
        res$pages <- paste0(tmatch[-1], collapse='-')

      # make lame, conservative attempt to get journal
      journ.ind <- regexec(paste0("^([[:alpha:] -]{2,})[,\\.;]?[[:print:]]*",
                           doc[1], useBytes = FALSE)  # [[:upper:]][[:alpha:]]+
      if (length(journ.ind[[1]]) != 1){
        temp <- regmatches(doc[1], journ.ind)[[1]]
        res$journal <- gsub(' $', '', temp[2], useBytes = FALSE)
        res$year <- temp[3]
        doc <- doc[-1L]

      # year
      if (is.null(res$year)){
        m <- regexpr('\\<(19|20)[0-9]{2}\\>', doc, useBytes = FALSE)
        if (any(m != -1L))
          res$year <- regmatches(doc, m)[1L]

    # keywords
    ind <- grep('Key ?words( and phrases)?(:|.)[[:space:]]?', doc,
                ignore.case = TRUE, useBytes = FALSE)
    if (length(ind)){
        res$keywords <- sub('Key ?words( and phrases)?(:|.)[[:space:]]?', '',
                            doc[ind], ignore.case = TRUE, useBytes = FALSE)
        if (ind+1 <= length(doc) && grepl('^([[:alpha:]]+[,;]? ?)+\\.?$',
                                          doc[ind+1], useBytes = FALSE))
          res$keywords <- paste(res$keywords, doc[ind+1])
        if (ind+2 <= length(doc) && grepl('^([[:alpha:]]+[,;]? ?)+\\.?$',
                                          doc[ind+2], useBytes = FALSE))
          res$keywords <- paste(res$keywords, doc[ind+2])
        ## keywords need to be comma separated for BibLaTeX
        res$keywords <- gsub(';', ',', res$keywords, useBytes = FALSE)
        res$keywords <- gsub('[;,]$', '', res$keywords, useBytes = FALSE)
        doc <- doc[1L:(ind-1)]  # shorten doc used to search for author, title
        found.abstract <- TRUE
    }else if(length(abst.ind <-
                             doc, useBytes = FALSE))){
      if (abst.ind > 2L){
        doc <- doc[1L:(abst.ind - 1L)]
        if (page.one)  # allows for first section at top of 2nd page
          found.abstract <- TRUE

    temp <- try(GetAuthorTitle(doc, found.abstract, res$keywords))
    if(inherits(temp, 'try-error'))

    res[names(temp)] <- temp
    if (length(ind))
      res$found.abstract <- TRUE
  }  # end JSTOR if


#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
CheckJSTOR <- function(doc1, doc2, file){
  ind <- grep('https?://www\\.jstor\\.org/stable/([0-9]+)', doc1,
              useBytes = FALSE)[1]
  if (!is.na(ind)){
    res <- try(GetJSTOR(doc1), TRUE)
    if (inherits(res, 'try-catch'))
    res$eprint <- gsub('[^0-9]+', '', doc1[ind], useBytes = FALSE)
    res$eprinttype <- 'jstor'
    res$url <- paste0('https://www.jstor.org/stable/', res$eprint)
    res$file <- normalizePath(file)

  }else if (length(ind <- grep('https?://links.jstor.org/sici', doc1,
                               useBytes = FALSE))){
    ## old format for JSTOR papers
    res <- try(GetJSTOR(doc1), TRUE)
    if (inherits(res, 'try-catch'))
    res$url <- sub('Stable URL:[[:space:]]', '', doc1[ind], useBytes = FALSE)

  if (!is.null(res$journal)){
    attr(res, 'entry') <- 'article'
    attr(res, 'entry') <- 'misc'

  attr(res, 'key') <- CreateBibKey(res$title, res$author, res$year)

  # try for keywords and DOI on page 2
  ind <- grep('Key ?words( and phrases)?:[[:space:]]?', doc2,
              ignore.case = TRUE, useBytes = FALSE)

  if (length(ind)){
      res$keywords <- sub('[[:space:]]*Key ?words( and phrases)?:[[:space:]]?',
                          '', doc2[ind], ignore.case = TRUE, useBytes = FALSE)
      if (ind+1 <= length(doc2) && grepl('^([[:alpha:]]+[ ,;]?)+\\.?$',
                                         doc2[ind+1], useBytes = FALSE))
        res$keywords <- paste(res$keywords, doc2[ind+1])
      if (ind+2 <= length(doc2) && grepl('^([[:alpha:]]+[ ,;]?)+\\.?$',
                                         doc2[ind+2], useBytes = FALSE))
        res$keywords <- paste(res$keywords, doc2[ind+2])
      ## keywords need to be comma separated for BibLaTeX
      res$keywords <- gsub(';', ',', res$keywords, useBytes = FALSE)

  pattern  <- "\\b(10[.][0-9]{4,}(?:[.][0-9]+)*/(?:(?![\"&\'])\\S)+)\\b"
  m <- regexpr(pattern, doc2, perl=TRUE, useBytes = FALSE)
  if (any(m != -1))
    res$doi <- unlist(regmatches(doc2, m))


#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
GetJSTOR <- function(doc){
  ## take extra caution for long title, author list, or journal info
  aut.ind <- grep('Author\\(s\\): ', doc, useBytes = FALSE)
  if (!length(aut.ind)){  # old format for JSTOR papers.
    url.ind <- grep('Stable URL', doc, useBytes = FALSE)
    source.ind <- grep('([[:print:]]+),[[:space:]]Vol\\. ', doc,
                       useBytes = FALSE)

    ## immediately above source.ind is author, if line above that has
    ##   a semicolon, it is also author info
    aut.ind <- grep(';', doc[1:(source.ind-1)], useBytes = FALSE)
      author <- paste0(doc[aut.ind:(source.ind-1)], collapse = ' ')
      aut.ind <- source.ind-1
      author <- doc[aut.ind]
    author <- gsub(';', ',', author, useBytes = FALSE)
    author <- as.person(author)

    publisher.ind <- grep('published by', doc, useBytes = FALSE)[1]
    m <- regexec('published by ([[:alpha:], -]+).?$', doc[publisher.ind],
                 useBytes = FALSE)
    publisher <- regmatches(doc[publisher.ind], m)[[1]][2]

    jinfo <- paste0(doc[source.ind:(url.ind-1)], collapse = ' ')
    reviewed.ind <- grep('Reviewed work\\(s\\):', doc, useBytes = FALSE)
    if (length(reviewed.ind))
      doc <- doc[-reviewed.ind]

    publisher.ind <- grep('Published by: ', doc, useBytes = FALSE)
    url.ind <- grep('Stable URL: ', doc, useBytes = FALSE)
    publisher <- sub('Published by: ', '',
                     paste0(doc[publisher.ind:(url.ind-1)], collapse = ' '),
                     useBytes = FALSE)
    source.ind <- grep('Source: ', doc, useBytes = FALSE)
    author <- paste0(doc[aut.ind:(source.ind-1)], collapse = ' ')
    author <- sub('Author\\(s\\): ', '', author, useBytes = FALSE)
    author <- as.person(author)

    jinfo <- paste0(doc[source.ind:(publisher.ind-1)], collapse = ' ')
  ## on rare occasions there is text before title which is followed by
  ##  a blank line
  blank.ind <- which(doc[1:aut.ind] == '')
  if (!length(blank.ind))
    blank.ind <- 0
  title <- paste0(doc[(blank.ind+1):(aut.ind-1)], collapse=' ')

  pattern <- paste0("^(Source:[[:space:]])?([[:print:]]+),[[:space:]]Vol",
                    "\\. ([0-9]+)(, No\\. ([[:digit:]/]+))?\\.? ",
    "\\(([[:upper:]][[:lower:]]{2}\\.?, )?([0-9]{4})\\), pp. ([[:digit:] -]+)")
  m <- regexec(pattern, jinfo, useBytes = FALSE)
  journal.info <- unlist(regmatches(jinfo, m))
  if (!length(journal.info))  # Source: line has unexpected format
    return(list(title = title, author = author, publisher = publisher))

  journal <- journal.info[3]
  volume <- journal.info[4]
  if ((number <- journal.info[6]) == '')
    number <- NULL  # some journals have no number/issue

  year <- journal.info[8]  # journal.info[length(journal.info)-1]
  ## gsub for edge case # gsub('pp. ', '', journal.info[length(journal.info)])
  pages <- gsub(' ', '', journal.info[9], useBytes = FALSE)
  ## poppler doesn't read the JSTOR en-dash always
  if(!grepl('-', pages, useBytes = FALSE)){
    psplit <- floor(nchar(pages)/2)
    pages <- paste0(substr(pages, 1, psplit), '-', substr(pages, psplit+1,

  return(list(title = title, author = author, journal = journal,
              volume = volume, number = number,
              pages = pages, year = year, publisher = publisher))

#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
GetAuthorTitle <- function(doc, found.abstract, kw){
  if (!identical(found.abstract, TRUE)){
      abst.ind <- grep(paste0("^A[Bb][Ss][Tt][Rr][Aa][Cc][Tt]|^S[Uu][Mm][Mm]",
                       doc, useBytes = FALSE)
    if (length(abst.ind) && abst.ind > 2L){
      ## assume title/author comes before Abstract. need 2nd cond. for ind==1
      doc <- doc[1L:(abst.ind - 1L)]
      found.abstract <- TRUE

  BAD.WORDS <- paste0("Online|Supplement|[Dd]ata|University|College|Centre|",
  aut.ind <- regexpr(paste0(# invalid words negate match
    ##  "(?!", BAD.WORDS,  ")",
    ## first name, maybe hypenated or abbrev.
    "([[:upper:]][[:alpha:]]*[\\.]?[ -]",
    ## optional middle name or initial, maybe hypenated
    "([[:alpha:]]*[\\.]?[ -]){0,3}",
    ## optional middle name or initial, maybe hypenated
    ##"([[:upper:]][[:alpha:]]*[\\.]?[ -])*",
    ## last name + potential extra char to
    "(,? Jr| II| III| IV)?(,? MD.?)?(,? P(h|H)D.?)?",  # optional qualifications
    ##  "(?<!", BAD.WORDS, ")",
    ## and, ",", ";", or "&" to seperate names. Repeat
    "(,.|;.)*( and| &)?[[:space:]]?)+$"),
    doc[-1], perl=FALSE, useBytes = FALSE) # first line can't have authors
  aut.match <- regmatches(doc[-1], aut.ind)
  if (length(aut.match) == 0){
    aut.match <- NULL
    ## remove MD and PhD
    aut.match <- gsub("(,? MD)?(,? P(H|h)D)?", '', aut.match, useBytes = FALSE)
    ## remove punct at end of last name
    aut.match <- gsub("[^[:alpha:] ,'-]", '', aut.match, useBytes = FALSE)
    ## aut.match <- gsub("^A[Uu][Tt][Hh][Oo][Rr]( |: )|^B[Yy]( |: )", '',
    ##                   aut.match)  # remove author or by at start

    ## remove author or by at start
    aut.match <- gsub("^((B[Yy]|A[Uu][Tt][Hh][Oo][Rr][Ss]?|and):?[[:space:]])?",
                      '', aut.match, useBytes = FALSE)
    aut.match <- gsub("\\<AND\\>", "and", aut.match, useBytes = FALSE)
    # remove bad words. can't get negative look-ahead working :(
    temp <- grep(BAD.WORDS, aut.match, ignore.case = TRUE, useBytes = FALSE)
    if (length(temp)){
      aut.ind[which(aut.ind > 0L)[temp]] <- -1L
      aut.match <- aut.match[-temp]
    if (!is.null(kw)){  # extra protection from including title with author
        temp <- grep(paste0(unlist(strsplit(kw, ',? ')), collapse = '|'),
                     aut.match, ignore.case = TRUE, useBytes = FALSE)
      if (length(temp)){
        aut.ind[which(aut.ind > 0L)[temp]] <- -1L
        aut.match <- aut.match[-temp]

  match.ind <- which(aut.ind > -1L) + 1  # +1 because had doc[-1] above
  ## if didn't find abstract, make attempt at not including names from doc body
  if (!found.abstract && length(aut.match) > 1L){
    spaces <- diff(match.ind)
    first.too.big <- which(match.ind > 2L)[1]
    if (!is.na(first.too.big))
      aut.match <- aut.match[seq_len(first.too.big)]

  BAD.WORDS <- paste0("\\bSupplement\\b|University|\\bCollege\\b|\\bCentre\\b",
                      "|\\bCenter\\b|Working|^Printed in|Faculty|Paper|\\b[Uu][Rr][Ll]\\b",
  if (length(match.ind)){  # if found author, assume title comes before author
    ind <- match.ind[1]
    doc <- doc[(ind-1L):1L]  # reverse doc, assume title comes before authors

  ## starting either author match and going backwards, or starting from line 1,
  ##   search for title have two flags to allow for multiline titles
  N <- length(doc)
  i <- 1
  first.match <- FALSE
  done.match <- FALSE
  while (i <= N && !done.match){
    likely.non.title.term.found <- grepl(BAD.WORDS, doc[i], ignore.case = TRUE,
                                           useBytes = FALSE)
    title.ind <- (regexpr(paste0(  # "(?!", BAD.WORDS, ")",
                "^[\u201c\u022]?[[:upper:]][[:alpha:]'\u201c\u201d\u022-]+[ -]",
                #"([[:alpha:]:,' ]){2,}(\\.|!|\\?)?$"),
                "([[:alpha:]:,' \u201c\u201d\u022-]+){2,}"),
                #"(?<!", BAD.WORDS, ")"),
                       doc[i], perl = TRUE, useBytes = FALSE))
    if (title.ind != -1 && !likely.non.title.term.found){
      if (!first.match){
        first.match <- TRUE
        title.match <- regmatches(doc[i], title.ind)
        title.match <- c(title.match, regmatches(doc[i], title.ind))
    }else if (first.match){
      done.match <- TRUE
    i <- i + 1

  # title.match <- regmatches()
  if (!first.match){
    title.match <- NULL
    if (length(match.ind)){  # undo reversing of doc when author matched
      if (i > 3L){
        if (grepl("[[:alpha:]', -]+", doc[i-3L], useBytes = FALSE))
          title.match <- c(doc[i-3L], title.match)
      title.match <- rev(title.match)
    title.match <- paste0(title.match, collapse = ' ')
    # simple fix for case troubles
    title.match <- gsub("([[:alpha:]])([[:alpha:]'-]*)", "\\U\\1\\L\\2",
                        title.match, perl = TRUE, useBytes = FALSE)
    ## remove superscripted char indicating footnote for title
    title.match <- gsub('[^\\w]*$', '', title.match, perl = TRUE,
                        useBytes = FALSE)

  ## return(list(ind=which(aut.ind != -1L), match=aut.match, ab.ind=ind,
  ##             title.match))
  return(list(author = aut.match, title = paste0(title.match, collapse = ' '),
              found.abstract = found.abstract))

#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
CleanAuthorTitle <- function(bib1, bib2, bibMeta, file){
  has.meta <- !is.null(bibMeta) && !all(is.na(bibMeta))
  if (has.meta){ # Don't let Metadata date overwrite year from pdf text
    if (!is.null(bib1$year) || !is.null(bib2$year))
      bibMeta$date <- NULL
  if (bib2$found.abstract && (!is.null(bib2$author) || !is.null(bib2$title))){
      bib1 <- AddListToList(bib1, bibMeta)
    bib <- AddListToList(bib2, bib1)
      bib2 <- AddListToList(bib2, bibMeta)
    bib <- AddListToList(bib1, bib2)

  if (is.null(bib$author)){
    if (is.null(bib$title)){
      message("Could not retrieve author or title info for the following ",
              "file, it will not be added:")
      message("Could not retrieve author info for the following ",
              "file, it needs to be checked:")
    bib$author <- as.person(bib$author)
    if (is.null(bib$title)){
      message("Could not retrieve title info for the following ",
              "file, it needs to be checked:")
  if (!is.null(bib$journal) && !is.null(bib$title)  && !is.null(bib$author)){
    attr(bib, 'entry') <- 'article'
    attr(bib, 'entry') <- 'misc'
  attr(bib, 'key') <- CreateBibKey(bib$title, bib$author, bib$year)
  bib$file <- normalizePath(file)
  bib$found.abstract <- NULL


#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
SearchDOIText <- function(txt){
  pattern  <- "\\b(10[.][0-9]{4,}(?:[.][0-9]+)*/(?:(?![\"&\'])\\S)+)\\b"
  m <- regexpr(pattern, txt, perl = TRUE, useBytes = FALSE)
  if(all(m == -1)){
    return(regmatches(txt, m)[1])

#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
ProcessPDFMeta <- function(x, enc = 'UTF-8'){
  res <- list()
  a.check <- t.check <- NULL
  Encoding(x) <- enc
  tags <- c("Title", "Author")
  re <- sprintf("^(%s)", paste(sprintf("%-16s", sprintf("%s:",
                                                        tags)), collapse = "|"))
  found.tags <- substring(x, 1L, 16L)
  ind <- pmatch(tags, found.tags)
  if (!is.na(ind[1])){
    title.info <- sub(re, "", x[ind[1]], useBytes = FALSE)
    if (grepl('[[:upper:]][[:lower:]-]* [[:alpha:]]+', title.info,
              useBytes = FALSE))
      res$title <- title.info

  if (!is.na(ind[2])){
    aut.info <- sub(re, "", x[ind[2]], useBytes = FALSE)
    if (grepl("\\w[\\.'-]? \\w", aut.info, useBytes = FALSE))
      res$author <- aut.info

  # add keywords if available
  ind <- pmatch('Keywords', found.tags)
    res$keywords <- sub('Keywords:[[:space:]]+', '', x[ind], useBytes = FALSE)
    if (res$keywords =='')
      res$keywords <- NULL

  ind <- pmatch('Subject:', found.tags)
  if (!is.na(ind)){
    subj <- sub('Subject:[[:space:]]+', '', x[ind], useBytes = FALSE)

    if (subj != ''){
      res <- c(res, ProcessPDFSubject(subj))

  # if year not in Subject, use ModDate or CreationDate
  if (is.null(res$year)){
    ind <- pmatch('ModDate', found.tags)
      date <- sub('ModDate:[[:space:]]+', '', x[ind], useBytes = FALSE)
      date <- suppressWarnings(parse_date_time(date,
                                               orders = c("%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S",
                                                          "%m/%d %H:%M:%S %y")))
      if (!is.na(date)){
        res$year <- year(date)
        res$date <- trunc(date, 'days')
    }else if (!is.na(ind <-pmatch('CreationDate', found.tags))){
      date <- sub('CreationDate:[[:space:]]+', '', x[ind], useBytes = FALSE)
      date <- suppressWarnings(parse_date_time(date,
                                               orders = c("%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S",
                                                          "%m/%d %H:%M:%S %y")))
      if (!is.na(date)){
        res$year <- year(date)
        res$date <- trunc(date, 'days')

  if (length(res))
  else return(NA)

#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
ProcessPDFSubject <- function(subj){
  res <- list()

  journ.ind <- regexec(paste0("^([[:upper:]][[:alpha:] ]+)[,\\.;]?",
                       subj, useBytes = FALSE)
  temp <- unlist(regmatches(subj, journ.ind))
  if (length(temp)){
    res$journal <- temp[2]
    if (temp[3] != '')
      res$year <- temp[3]

  m <- regexec('[Vv]ol(\\.|ume)?[[:space:]]([0-9]{1,3})', subj, useBytes = FALSE)
  if (length(m[[1]]) != 1)
    res$volume <- unlist(regmatches(subj, m))[3]

  m <- regexec('([Nn]o\\.|Number|Issue)[[:space:]]([0-9]{1,3})', subj,
               useBytes = FALSE)
  if (length(m[[1]]) != 1)
    res$number <- unlist(regmatches(subj, m))[3]

  if (is.null(res$volume) && is.null(res$number)){
    m <- regexec('\\(([0-9]{1,3})\\)[[:blank:]]?([0-9]{1,3})', subj,
                 useBytes = FALSE)[[1]]
    if (length(m[[1]]) != 1){
      temp <- regmatches(subj, m)[[1]]
      res$volume <- temp[2]
      res$number <- temp[3]

  # be extra careful matching hypen. usuallly it's \u2013, an en dash
  m <- regexpr('[0-9]+[-\u2212\ufe58\ufe63\uff0d\u2012-\u2015][0-9]+', subj,
               useBytes = FALSE)
  if (m != -1){
    res$pages <- grep('[0-9]+[-\u2212\ufe58\ufe63\uff0d\u2012-\u2015][0-9]+',
                      subj, value = TRUE, useBytes = FALSE)

#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
AddListToList <- function(list1, list2){
  c1 <- all(is.na(list1)) || length(list1)==0
  c2 <- all(is.na(list2)) || length(list2)==0

  if (c1 && c2)

  if (c1)
    return(list2[list2 != ''])

  if (c2)
    return(list1[list1 != ''])

  list1[list1 == ''] <- NULL
  list2[list2 == ''] <- NULL
  ind <- !names(list2) %in% names(list1)
    list1[names(list2)[ind]] <- list2[ind]

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