
# This file includes following functions
# duane, littlewood.verall, moranda.geometric, musa.okumoto

# Function for estimating the parameters of the Duane model 

"duane" <- function(t, init = c(1, 1), method = "Nelder-Mead", maxit = 10000, ...) 
    eq1 <- function(rho, theta, t) 
        n <- length(t)
        t <- cumsum(t)
        i <- seq(along = t)
        tn <- t[length(t)]
        rho - n / (tn^theta)

    eq2 <- function(rho, theta, t) 
        i <- seq(along = t[1:length(t) - 1])
        n <- length(t)
        t <- cumsum(t)
        tn <- t[length(t)]
        theta - n / (sum(log(tn / t[i])))  

    # Merging the two parts
    global <- function(vec, t) 
        rho <- vec[1]
        theta <- vec[2]
        v1 <- eq1(rho, theta, t)^2
        v2 <- eq2(rho, theta, t)^2
        v1 + v2

    # Minimum search for rho and theta
    res <- optim(init, global, t = t, method = method, 
                 control = list(maxit = maxit, ...))
    rho <- res$par[1]
    theta <- res$par[2]

    return(list(rho = rho, theta = theta))

# Function for plotting the mean value function of the Duane model

"duane.plot" <- function(rho, theta, t, xlab = "time", 
                         ylab = "Cumulated failures and estimated mean value function", 
                         main = NULL) 
    plot(cumsum(t), 1:length(t), type = "o", pch = 3, cex = 0.8, xlab = xlab,      
         ylab = ylab)                                         
    lines(cumsum(t), mvf.duane(rho, theta, cumsum(t)), lty = 2, type = "o", 
          pch = 4, cex = 0.8, col = "mediumblue")   
    legend("bottomright", c("Data", "Duane"), col = c("black", "mediumblue"), pch = c(3, 4), 
           lty = c(1, 2))    

# Function for estimating the parameters of the Littlewood-Verall model 

"littlewood.verall" <- function(t, linear = T, init = c(1, 1, 1), method = "Nelder-Mead", 
                                maxit = 10000, ...) 
    if(linear == T) 
        eq1 <- function(theta0, theta1, rho, t) 
            n <- length(t)
            i <- seq(along = t)
            s1 <- sum(log(theta0 + theta1 * i))
            s2 <- sum(log(theta0 + theta1 * i + t[i]))
            (n / rho) + s1 - s2

        eq2 <- function(theta0, theta1, rho, t) 
            i <- seq(along = t)
            s1 <- rho * sum(1 / (theta0 + theta1 * i))
            s2 <- (rho + 1) * sum(1 / (theta0 + theta1 * i + t[i]))
            s1 - s2

        eq3 <- function(theta0, theta1, rho, t) 
            i <- seq(along = t)
            s1 <- rho * sum(i / (theta0 + theta1 * i))
            s2 <- (rho + 1) * sum(i / (theta0 + theta1 * i + t[i]))
            s1 - s2

        # Merging the three parts
        global.linear <- function(vec, t) 
            theta0 <- vec[1]
            theta1 <- vec[2]
            rho <- vec[3]
            v1 <- eq1(theta0, theta1, rho, t)^2
            v2 <- eq2(theta0, theta1, rho, t)^2
            v3 <- eq3(theta0, theta1, rho, t)^2
            v1 + v2 + v3
        # Minimum search for theta0, theta1 and rho
        res <- optim(init, global.linear, t = t, method = method, 
                     control = list(maxit = maxit, ...))
        theta0 <- res$par[1]
        theta1 <- res$par[2]
        rho <- res$par[3]
        # Repeated minimum search for theta0, theta1 and rho
        res <- optim(c(theta0, theta1, rho), global.linear, t = t, method = method,
                     control = list(maxit = maxit, ...))
        eq1 <- function(theta0, theta1, rho, t) 
            n <- length(t)
            i <- seq(along = t)
            s1 <- sum(log(theta0 + theta1 * i^2))
            s2 <- sum(log(theta0 + theta1 * i^2 + t[i]))
            (n / rho) + s1 - s2

        eq2 <- function(theta0, theta1, rho, t) 
            i <- seq(along = t)
            s1 <- rho * sum(1 / (theta0 + theta1 * i^2))
            s2 <- (rho + 1) * sum(1 / (theta0 + theta1 * i^2 + t[i]))
            s1 - s2

        eq3 <- function(theta0, theta1, rho, t) 
            i <- seq(along = t)
            s1 <- rho * sum((i^2) / (theta0 + theta1 * i^2))
            s2 <- (rho + 1) * sum((i^2) / (theta0 + theta1 * i^2 + t[i]))
            s1 - s2

        # Merging the three parts
        global.quadratic <- function(vec, t) 
            theta0 <- vec[1]
            theta1 <- vec[2]
            rho <- vec[3]
            v1 <- eq1(theta0, theta1, rho, t)^2
            v2 <- eq2(theta0, theta1, rho, t)^2
            v3 <- eq3(theta0, theta1, rho, t)^2
            v1 + v2 + v3

        # Minimum search for theta0, theta1 and rho
        res <- optim(init, global.quadratic, t = t, method = method, 
                     control = list(maxit = maxit, ...))
        theta0 <- res$par[1]
        theta1 <- res$par[2]
        rho <- res$par[3]

        # Repeated minimum search for theta0, theta1 and rho
        res <- optim(c(theta0, theta1, rho), global.quadratic, t = t, method = method,
                     control = list(maxit = maxit, ...))
	    theta0 <- res$par[1]
      theta1 <- res$par[2]
      rho <- res$par[3]

      return(list(theta0 = theta0, theta1 = theta1, rho = rho))

# Function for plotting the mean value function of the Littlewood-Verall model

"littlewood.verall.plot" <- function(theta0, theta1, rho, t, linear = T, xlab = "time", 
                         ylab = "Cumulated failures and estimated mean value function", main = NULL) 
    if(linear == T) 
        mvf.ver <- mvf.ver.lin(theta0, theta1, rho, cumsum(t))
        plot(cumsum(t), 1:length(t), type = "o", pch = 3, cex = 0.8, xlab=xlab,
             ylab = ylab)
        mvf.ver <- mvf.ver.quad(theta0, theta1, rho, cumsum(t))

        plot(cumsum(t), 1:length(t), type = "o", pch = 3, cex = 0.8, xlab = xlab,
             ylab = ylab)
    lines(cumsum(t), mvf.ver, lty=2, type = "o", pch = 4, cex = 0.8, col="mediumblue")
    legend("bottomright", c("Data", "Littlewood-Verall"), col=c("black", "mediumblue"), 
           pch=c(3, 4), lty=c(1, 2))  

# Function for estimating the parameters of the Moranda-Geometric model 

"moranda.geometric" <- function(t, init = c(0, 1), tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25) 
    # Function for computation of Dhat
    Dhat <- function(phi, t) 
        n <- length(t)
        i <- seq(along = t)
        return(phi * n / (sum(phi^i * t[i])))

    # Squared Maximum Likelihood estimate for phihat
    phihat <- function(phi, t) 
        i <- seq(along = t)
        n <- length(t)
        return((sum(i * (phi^i) * t[i]) / sum((phi^i) * t[i]) - (n + 1) / 2)^2)

    # Minimum search for phihat
    min <- optimize(phihat, init, tol = tol, t = t)  
    phi <- min$minimum
    D <- Dhat(phi, t)
    theta<- -log(phi)

    return(list(D = D, theta = theta))

# Function for plotting the mean value function of the Moranda-Geometric model

"moranda.geometric.plot" <- function(D, theta, t, xlab = "time", 
                                     ylab = "Cumulated failures and estimated mean value function", main = NULL) 
    plot(cumsum(t), 1:length(t), type = "o", pch = 3, cex = 0.8, xlab = xlab,      
         ylab = ylab)                                         
    lines(cumsum(t), mvf.mor(D, theta, cumsum(t)), lty = 2, type = "o", pch = 4, 
          cex = 0.8, col = "mediumblue")  
    legend("bottomright", c("Data", "Moranda-Geometric"), col=c("black", "mediumblue"), 
           pch=c(3, 4), lty=c(1, 2)) 

# Function for estimating the parameters of the Musa-Okumoto model 

"musa.okumoto" <- function(t, init = c(0, 1), tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25) 
    # Function for computation of theta0hat
    theta0hat <- function(theta1, t) 
        n <- length(t)
        t <- cumsum(t)
        tn <- t[length(t)]
        return(n / log(1 + theta1 * tn))

    # Squared Maximum Likelihood estimate for theta1hat
    theta1hat <- function(theta1, t) 
        i <- seq(along = t)
        n <- length(t)
        t <- cumsum(t)
        tn <- t[length(t)]
        return((1 / theta1 * sum(1 / (1 + theta1 * t[i])) - n * tn / 
               ((1 + theta1 * tn) * log(1 + theta1 * tn)))^2)

    # Minimum search for theta1hat
    min <- optimize(theta1hat, init, tol = tol, t = t)
    theta1 <- min$minimum
    theta0 <- theta0hat(theta1, t)

    return(list(theta0 = theta0, theta1 = theta1))

# Function for plotting the mean value function of the Musa-Okumoto model

"musa.okumoto.plot" <- function(theta0, theta1, t, xlab = "time", 
                                ylab = "Cumulated failures and estimated mean value function", main = NULL) 
    plot(cumsum(t), 1:length(t), type = "o", pch = 3, cex = 0.8, xlab = xlab,
         ylab = ylab)
    lines(cumsum(t), mvf.musa(theta0, theta1, cumsum(t)), lty = 2, type = "o", 
          pch = 4, cex = 0.8, col = "mediumblue")
    legend("bottomright", c("Data", "Musa-Okumoto"), col = c("black", "mediumblue"), 
           pch = c(3, 4), lty = c(1, 2)) 

# Function for plotting all mean value functions of all models in one plot.

"total.plot" <- function(duane.par1, duane.par2, lit.par1, lit.par2, lit.par3, mor.par1, mor.par2, musa.par1,
                         musa.par2, t, linear = T, xlab = "time", 
                         ylab = "Cumulated failures and estimated mean value functions", main = NULL)
    if(linear == T) 
        mvf.ver <- mvf.ver.lin(lit.par1, lit.par2, lit.par3, cumsum(t))
        mvf.ver <- mvf.ver.quad(lit.par1, lit.par2, lit.par3, cumsum(t))
    plot(cumsum(t), 1:length(t), type = "o", pch = 3, cex = 0.8, xlab = xlab,      
         ylab = ylab)
    lines(cumsum(t), mvf.duane(duane.par1, duane.par2, cumsum(t)), lty = 2,          
          type = "o", pch = 4, cex = 0.8, col = "mediumblue")     
    lines(cumsum(t), mvf.ver, lty = 3, type = "o", pch = 8, cex = 0.8, 
          col = "steelblue")    
    lines(cumsum(t), mvf.mor(mor.par1, mor.par2, cumsum(t)), lty = 4,          
          type = "o", pch = 0, cex = 0.8, col = "skyblue")   
    lines(cumsum(t), mvf.musa(musa.par1, musa.par2, cumsum(t)), lty = 5,          
          type = "o", pch = 15, cex = 0.8, col = "royalblue")   
    legend("bottomright", c("Data", "Duane", "Littlewood-Verall", "Moranda-Geometric", "Musa-Okumoto"), 
           col = c("black", "mediumblue", "steelblue", "skyblue", "royalblue"), pch = c(3, 4, 8, 0, 15), 
           lty = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5))

# Function for plotting all relative errors in one plot.

"rel.plot" <- function(duane.par1, duane.par2, lit.par1, lit.par2, lit.par3, mor.par1, mor.par2, musa.par1,
                       musa.par2, t, linear = T, ymin, ymax, xlab = "time", 
                       ylab = "relative error", main = NULL)
    l <- 1:length(t)
    rel.duane <- (mvf.duane(duane.par1, duane.par2, cumsum(t)) - l) / l

    if(linear == T) 
        rel.ver <- (mvf.ver.lin(lit.par1, lit.par2, lit.par3, cumsum(t)) - l) / l
        rel.ver <- (mvf.ver.quad(lit.par1, lit.par2, lit.par3, cumsum(t)) - l) / l
    rel.mor <- (mvf.mor(mor.par1, mor.par2, cumsum(t)) - l) / l
    rel.musa <- (mvf.musa(musa.par1, musa.par2, cumsum(t)) - l) / l

        ymin <- min(c(rel.duane, rel.ver, rel.mor, rel.musa))

        ymax <- max(c(rel.duane, rel.ver, rel.mor, rel.musa))
    plot(cumsum(t), rel.duane, type = "o", pch = 4, cex = 0.8, col = "mediumblue", 
         xlab = xlab, ylim = c(ymin, ymax), lty = 2, ylab = ylab)
    lines(cumsum(t), rel.ver, lty = 3, type = "o", pch = 8, cex = 0.8, col = "steelblue")     
    lines(cumsum(t), rel.mor, lty = 4, type = "o", pch = 0, cex = 0.8, col = "skyblue")    
    lines(cumsum(t), rel.musa, lty = 5, type = "o", pch = 15, cex = 0.8, col = "royalblue")   
    segments(-max(cumsum(t)) * 1.05, 0, max(cumsum(t)) * 1.05, 0, lty = 3)
    legend("topright", c("Duane", "Littlewood-Verall", "Moranda-Geometric", "Musa-Okumoto"), 
           col = c("mediumblue", "steelblue", "skyblue", "royalblue"), pch = c(4, 8, 0, 15), 
           lty = c(2, 3, 4, 5))

# Mean value function for Duane model
"mvf.duane" <- function(rho, theta, t) 
    if(rho <= 0 || theta <= 0)
        stop("rho and theta should be larger than 0")
    if(length(rho) != 1 || length(theta) != 1)
        stop("rho and theta should have length 1")

    return(rho * t^theta)

# Mean value function Moranda-Geometric model

"mvf.mor" <- function(D, theta, t) 
    if(theta <= 0)
        stop("theta should be larger than 0")
    if(length(D) != 1 || length(theta) != 1)
        stop("D and theta should have length 1")

    return(1 / theta * log((D * theta * exp(theta)) * t + 1))

# Mean Value Funktion Musa-Okumoto model

"mvf.musa" <- function(theta0, theta1, t) 
    if(length(theta0) != 1 || length(theta1) != 1)
        stop("theta0 and theta1 should have length 1")

    return(theta0 * log(theta1 * t + 1))
# Mean value function Littlewood-Verall model linear

"mvf.ver.lin" <- function(theta0, theta1, rho, t) 
    if(theta1 == 0)
        stop("theta1 should not be equal 0")
    if(length(theta0) != 1 || length(theta1) != 1 || length(rho) != 1)
        stop("theta0, theta1 and rho should have length 1")

    return(1 / theta1 * sqrt(theta0^2 + 2 * theta1 * t * rho))

# Mean value function Littlewood-Verall model quadratic 

"mvf.ver.quad" <- function(theta0, theta1, rho, t) 
    if(theta1 == 0)
        stop("theta1 should not be equal 0")
    if(length(theta0) != 1 || length(theta1) != 1 || length(rho) != 1)
        stop("theta0, theta1 and rho should have length 1")

    v1 <- (rho - 1)^(1 / 3) / ((18 * theta1)^(1 / 3))
    v2 <- 4 * (theta0^3) / (9 * (rho - 1)^2 * theta1)
    Q1 <- (cumsum(t) + (cumsum(t)^2 + v2)^(1 / 2))^(1 / 3)
    Q2 <- (cumsum(t) - (cumsum(t)^2 + v2)^(1 / 2))^(1 / 3)

    return(3 * v1 * (Q1 + Q2))

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