
Defines functions nb.cv bernoullinb.pred bernoulli.nb spmlnb.pred spml.nb vmnb.pred vm.nb cauchynb.pred cauchy.nb betanb.pred beta.nb logitnormnb.pred logitnorm.nb laplacenb.pred laplace.nb normlognb.pred normlog.nb weibullnb.pred

Documented in bernoulli.nb bernoullinb.pred beta.nb betanb.pred cauchy.nb cauchynb.pred laplace.nb laplacenb.pred logitnorm.nb logitnormnb.pred nb.cv normlog.nb normlognb.pred spml.nb spmlnb.pred vm.nb vmnb.pred weibullnb.pred

weibull.nb <- function (xnew = NULL, x, ina, tol = 1e-07) {
  est <- NULL
  ni <- tabulate(ina)
  ni <- ni[ni > 0]
  k <- length(ni)
  d <- dim(x)[2]
  shape <- matrix(0, k, d)
  scale <- matrix(0, k, d)
  for (i in 1:k) {
    res <- Rfast::colweibull.mle(x[ina == i, ], tol = tol)[, 1:2]
    shape[i, ] <- res[, 1]
    scale[i, ] <- res[, 2]
  rownames(shape) <- rownames(scale) <- paste("Group", 1:k)
  if ( !is.null(xnew) ) {
    score <- matrix(0, dim(xnew)[1], k)
    com <- Rfast::rowsums( log(shape / scale) ) + log(ni)
    for (i in 1:k) {
      y <- Rfast::eachrow( xnew, scale[i, ], oper = "/" )
      score[, i] <- Rfast::rowsums( Rfast::eachrow(Rfast::Log(y), shape[i, ] - 1, oper = "*") ) -  
                    Rfast::rowsums( Rfast::eachrow(y, shape[i, ], oper = "^") ) 
    score <- Rfast::eachrow(score, com, oper = "+")
    est <- Rfast::rowMaxs(score)
  list(shape = shape, scale = scale, ni = ni, est = est)

weibullnb.pred <- function(xnew, shape, scale, ni) {
  k <- dim(shape)[1]
  score <- matrix(0, dim(xnew)[1], k)
  com <- Rfast::rowsums( log(shape / scale) ) + log(ni)
  for (i in 1:k) {
    y <- Rfast::eachrow( xnew, scale[i, ], oper = "/" )
    score[, i] <- Rfast::rowsums( Rfast::eachrow(Rfast::Log(y), shape[i, ] - 1, oper = "*") ) -  
                  Rfast::rowsums( Rfast::eachrow(y, shape[i, ], oper = "^") ) 
  score <- Rfast::eachrow(score, com, oper = "+")

normlog.nb <- function(xnew = NULL, x, ina) {
  est <- NULL
  ni <- tabulate(ina)
  ni <- ni[ni > 0]
  k <- length(ni)
  d <- dim(x)[2]
  mx <- sigma <- matrix(0, k, d)
  for (i in 1:k) {
    res <- Rfast::colnormlog.mle(x[ina == i, ])[, c(1, 3)]
    mx[i, ] <- res[, 1]
    sigma[i, ] <- res[, 2]
  rownames(mx) <- rownames(sigma) <- paste("Group", 1:k)
  if ( !is.null(xnew) ) {
    score <- matrix(0, dim(xnew)[1], k)
    xnew <- t(xnew)
    com <-  - Rfast::rowsums( log(sigma) ) + log(ni)
    for (i in 1:k)  score[, i] <-  - Rfast::colsums( (xnew - mx[i, ])^2/sigma[i, ] )
    score <- Rfast::eachrow(score, com, oper = "+")
    est <- Rfast::rowMaxs(score)
  list(expmu = mx, sigma = sigma, ni = ni, est = est)

normlognb.pred <- function(xnew, expmu, sigma, ni) {
  k <- dim(expmu)[1]
  score <- matrix(0, dim(xnew)[1], k)
  xnew <- t(xnew)
  com <-  - Rfast::rowsums( log(sigma) ) + log(ni)
  for (i in 1:k)  score[, i] <-  - Rfast::colsums( (xnew - expmu[i, ])^2/sigma[i, ] )
  score <- Rfast::eachrow(score, com, oper = "+")

laplace.nb <- function(xnew = NULL, x, ina) {
  est <- NULL
  ni <- tabulate(ina)
  ni <- ni[ni > 0]
  k <- length(ni)
  d <- dim(x)[2]
  location <- scale <- matrix(0, k, d)
  for (i in 1:k) {
    res <- Rfast::collaplace.mle(x[ina == i, ])[, 1:2]
    location[i, ] <- res[, 1]
    scale[i, ] <- res[, 2]
  rownames(location) <- rownames(scale) <- paste("Group", 1:k)
  if ( !is.null(xnew) ) {
    score <- matrix(0, dim(xnew)[1], k)
    xnew <- t(xnew)
    com <-  - Rfast::rowsums( log(scale) ) + log(ni)
    for (i in 1:k)  score[, i] <-  - Rfast::colsums( abs(xnew - location[i, ])/scale[i, ] )
    score <- Rfast::eachrow(score, com, oper = "+")
    est <- Rfast::rowMaxs(score)
  list(location = location, scale = scale, ni = ni, est = est)

laplacenb.pred <- function(xnew, location, scale, ni) {
  k <- dim(location)[1]
  score <- matrix(0, dim(xnew)[1], k)
  xnew <- t(xnew)
  com <-  - Rfast::rowsums( log(scale) ) + log(ni)
  for (i in 1:k)  score[, i] <-  - Rfast::colsums( abs(xnew - location[i, ])/scale[i, ] )
  score <- Rfast::eachrow(score, com, oper = "+")

logitnorm.nb <- function(xnew = NULL, x, ina) {
  est <- NULL
  ni <- tabulate(ina)
  ni <- ni[ni > 0]
  k <- length(ni)
  d <- dim(x)[2]
  m <- matrix(0, k, d)
  s <- matrix(0, k, d)
  lx1 <- Rfast::Log(x)
  lx2 <- Rfast::Log(1 - x)
  y <- lx1 - lx2
  for (i in 1:k) {
    m[i, ] <- Rfast::colsums(y[ina == i, ])/ni[i]
    s[i, ] <- ( Rfast::colsums(y[ina == i, ]^2) - ni[i] * m[i, ]^2 ) / ni[i]
  rownames(m) <- rownames(s) <- paste("Group", 1:k)
  if (!is.null(xnew)) {
    lxnew1 <- Rfast::Log(xnew) 
    lxnew2 <- Rfast::Log(1 - xnew)
    ynew <- lxnew1 - lxnew2
    ynew <- t(ynew)
    score <- matrix(0, dim(xnew)[1], k)
    for (i in 1:k) { 
      score[, i] <- Rfast::colsums( dnorm(ynew, m[i, ], sqrt(s[i, ]), log = TRUE) ) - Rfast::rowsums(lxnew1) - Rfast::rowsums(lxnew2) + log(ni[i])
    est <- Rfast::rowMaxs(score)
  list(mean = m, var = s, ni = ni, est = est)

logitnormnb.pred <- function(xnew, m, s, ni) {
  k <- length(ni)
  lxnew1 <- Rfast::Log(xnew) 
  lxnew2 <- Rfast::Log(1 - xnew)
  ynew <- lxnew1 - lxnew2
  ynew <- t(ynew)
  score <- matrix(0, dim(xnew)[1], k)
  for (i in 1:k) { 
    score[, i] <- Rfast::colsums( dnorm(ynew, m[i, ], sqrt(s[i, ]), log = TRUE) ) - Rfast::rowsums(lxnew1) - Rfast::rowsums(lxnew2) + log(ni[i])

beta.nb <- function(xnew = NULL, x, ina) {
  est <- NULL
  ni <- tabulate(ina)
  ni <- ni[ni > 0]
  k <- length(ni)
  d <- dim(x)[2]
  a <- b <- matrix(0, k, d)
  for (i in 1:k) {
    res <- Rfast2::colbeta.mle(x[ina == i, ])[, 1:2]
    a[i, ] <- res[, 1]
    b[i, ] <- res[, 2]
  rownames(a) <- rownames(b) <- paste("Group", 1:k)
  if ( !is.null(xnew) ) {
    score <- matrix(0, dim(xnew)[1], k)
    xnew <- t(xnew)
    com <-  - Rfast::rowsums( lbeta(a, b) ) + log(ni)
    for (i in 1:k)  score[, i] <- Rfast::colsums( (a[i, ] - 1) * log(xnew) + (b[i, ] - 1) * log(1 - xnew) ) 
    score <- Rfast::eachrow(score, com, oper = "+")
    est <- Rfast::rowMaxs(score)
  list(a = a, b = b, ni = ni, est = est)

betanb.pred <- function(xnew, a, b, ni) {
  k <- dim(a)[1]
  score <- matrix(0, dim(xnew)[1], k)
  xnew <- t(xnew)
  com <-  - Rfast::rowsums( lbeta(a, b) ) + log(ni)
  for (i in 1:k)  score[, i] <- Rfast::colsums( (a[i, ] - 1) * log(xnew) + (b[i, ] - 1) * log(1 - xnew) )
  score <- Rfast::eachrow(score, com, oper = "+")

cauchy.nb <- function(xnew = NULL, x, ina) {
  est <- NULL
  ni <- tabulate(ina)
  ni <- ni[ni > 0]
  k <- length(ni)
  d <- dim(x)[2]
  mx <- sigma <- matrix(0, k, d)
  for (i in 1:k) {
    res <- Rfast2::colcauchy.mle(x[ina == i, ])[, 1:2]
    mx[i, ] <- res[, 1]
    sigma[i, ] <- res[, 2]
  rownames(mx) <- rownames(sigma) <- paste("Group", 1:k)
  if ( !is.null(xnew) ) {
    score <- matrix(0, dim(xnew)[1], k)
    xnew <- t(xnew)
    com <-  Rfast::rowsums( log(sigma) ) + log(ni) 
    ##  log( sigma/pi ) is the correct term, but we discard the constant pi and add the log(ni)
    for (i in 1:k)  score[, i] <-  - Rfast::colsums( log( (xnew - mx[i, ])^2 + sigma[i, ]^2 ) )
    score <- Rfast::eachrow(score, com, oper = "+")
    est <- Rfast::rowMaxs(score)
  list(location = mx, scale = sigma, ni = ni, est = est)

cauchynb.pred <- function(xnew, location, scale, ni) {
  k <- dim(location)[1]
  score <- matrix(0, dim(xnew)[1], k)
  xnew <- t(xnew)
  com <-  Rfast::rowsums( log(scale) ) + log(ni) 
  ##  log( sigma/pi ) is the correct term, but we discard the constant pi and add the log(ni)
  for (i in 1:k)  score[, i] <-  - Rfast::colsums( log( (xnew - location[i, ])^2 + scale[i, ]^2 ) )
  score <- Rfast::eachrow(score, com, oper = "+")

vm.nb <- function(xnew = NULL, x, ina, tol = 1e-07) {
  est <- NULL
  ni <- tabulate(ina)
  ni <- ni[ni > 0]
  k <- length(ni)
  d <- dim(x)[2]
  mu <- matrix(0, k, d)
  kappa <- mu
  for (i in 1:k) {
     mod <- Rfast::colvm.mle(x[ina == i, ], tol)
     mu[i, ] <- mod[, 1]
     kappa[i, ] <- mod[, 2]
  rownames(mu) <- rownames(kappa) <- paste("Group", 1:k)
  if ( !is.null(xnew) ) {
    score <- matrix(0, dim(xnew)[1], k)
    com <-  - Rfast::rowsums( log( besselI(kappa, 0, expon.scaled = TRUE) ) + kappa ) + log(ni)
    xnew <- t(xnew)
    for (i in 1:k) score[, i] <- Rfast::colsums( kappa[i, ] * cos(xnew - mu[i, ]) )  
    score <- Rfast::eachrow( score, com, oper = "+" ) 
    est <- Rfast::rowMaxs(score)
  list(mu = mu, kappa = kappa, ni = ni, est = est)

vmnb.pred <- function(xnew, mu, kappa, ni) {
  k <- dim(mu)[1]
  score <- matrix(0, dim(xnew)[1], k)
  com <-  - Rfast::rowsums( log( besselI(kappa, 0, expon.scaled = TRUE) ) + kappa ) + log(ni)
  xnew <- t(xnew)
  for (i in 1:k) score[, i] <- Rfast::colsums( kappa[i, ] * cos(xnew - mu[i, ]) )  
  score <- Rfast::eachrow( score, com, oper = "+" ) 

spml.nb <- function(xnew = NULL, x, ina, tol = 1e-07) {
  est <- NULL
  ni <- tabulate(ina)
  ni <- ni[ni > 0]
  k <- length(ni)
  d <- dim(x)[2]
  mu1 <- matrix(0, k, d)
  mu2 <- gam <- mu1
  for (i in 1:k) {
     mod <- Rfast2::colspml.mle(x[ina == i, ], tol)
     mu1[i, ] <- mod[, 1]
     mu2[i, ] <- mod[, 2]
     gam[i, ] <- mod[, 3]
  mu <- ( atan(mu2/mu1) + pi * I(mu1 < 0) ) %% (2 * pi)
  rownames(mu1) <- rownames(mu2) <- paste("Group", 1:k)
  rownames(mu) <- rownames(gam) <- paste("Group", 1:k)
  if ( !is.null(xnew) ) {
    score <- matrix(0, dim(xnew)[1], k)
    com <-  - 0.5 * Rfast::rowsums( mu1^2 + mu2^2 ) + log(ni)
    xnew <- t(xnew)
    for (i in 1:k) {
      ta <- sqrt(gam[i, ]) * cos(xnew - mu[i, ]) 
      score[, i] <- Rfast::colsums( log1p( ta * pnorm(ta) / dnorm(ta) ) )  
    score <- Rfast::eachrow( score, com, oper = "+" ) 
    est <- Rfast::rowMaxs(score)
  list(mu1 = mu1, mu2 = mu2, mu = mu, gama = gam, ni = ni,  est = est)

spmlnb.pred <- function(xnew, mu1, mu2, ni) {
  gam <- Rfast::rowsums( mu1^2 + mu2^2 ) 
  k <- dim(gam)[1]
  score <- matrix(0, dim(xnew)[1], k)
  com <-  -0.5 * gam + log(ni)
  xnew <- t(xnew)
  mu <- cbind( cos(mu1), sin(mu2) ) 
  for (i in 1:k) {
    ta <- sqrt(gam[i, ]) * cos(xnew - mu[i, ]) 
    score[, i] <- Rfast::colsums( log1p( ta * pnorm(ta) / dnorm(ta) ) )  
  score <- Rfast::eachrow( score, com, oper = "+" ) 

bernoulli.nb <- function(xnew = NULL, x, ina) {
  est <- NULL
  ni <- tabulate(ina)
  ni <- ni[ni > 0]
  k <- length(ni)
  pi <- rowsum(x, ina) / ni
  if ( !is.null(xnew) ) {
    xnew <- t(xnew)
    logpi <- log(pi)
    log1pi <- log(1 - pi)
    mat <- matrix(nrow = dim(xnew)[2], ncol = k)
    for (j in 1:k)  mat[, j] <- Rfast::eachcol.apply(xnew, logpi[j, ]) + Rfast::eachcol.apply(1 - xnew, log1pi[j, ])
    est <- Rfast::rowMaxs(mat)
  rownames(pi) <- paste("Group", 1:k)
  list(pi = pi, ni = ni, est = est)

bernoullinb.pred <- function(xnew, pi, ni) {
  xnew <- t(xnew)
  k <- dim(pi)[1]
  logpi <- log(pi)
  log1pi <- log(1 - pi)
  mat <- matrix(nrow = dim(xnew)[2], ncol = k)
  for (j in 1:k)  mat[, j] <- Rfast::eachcol.apply(xnew, logpi[j, ]) + Rfast::eachcol.apply(1 - xnew, log1pi[j, ])

nb.cv <- function(x, ina, type = "gaussian", folds = NULL, nfolds = 10, 
                 stratified = TRUE, seed = FALSE, pred.ret = FALSE) {

  ina <- as.numeric(ina)
  if ( is.null(folds) ) { 
    folds <- .makefolds(ina, nfolds = nfolds, stratified = stratified, seed = seed)
  nfolds <- length(folds)
  crit <- numeric(nfolds)
  preds <- NULL
  if ( pred.ret ) {
    names <- paste("Fold", 1:nfolds)
    preds <- sapply(names, function(x) NULL)

  if ( type == "gaussian"  |  type == "gamma"  | type == "weibull"  |  type == "normlog" |
       type == "logitnorm"  |  type == "beta"  | type == "laplace"  |  type == "cauchy"  |  
	   type == "vm"  |  type == "spml" ) {
    if ( type == "gaussian" ) { 
      nb <- Rfast::gaussian.nb
    } else if ( type == "gamma" ) {
      nb <- Rfast::gammanb
    } else if ( type == "weibull" ) {
      nb <- Rfast2::weibull.nb
    } else if (type == "normlog" ) {
      nb <- Rfast2::normlog.nb
    } else if ( type == "laplace" ) {
      nb <- Rfast2::laplace.nb
	} else if ( type == "cauchy" ) {
      nb <- Rfast2::cauchy.nb
	} else if ( type == "logitnorm" ) {
	  nb <- Rfast2::logitnorm.nb
	} else if ( type == "beta" ) {
	  nb <- Rfast2::beta.nb
    } else if ( type == "vm" ) {
      nb <- Rfast2::vm.nb
    } else if ( type == "spml" ) {
      nb <- Rfast2::spml.nb

    for ( i in 1:nfolds ) {
      inatrain <- ina[ -folds[[ i ]] ]    
      xtrain <- x[ -folds[[ i ]], ]
      inatest <- ina[ folds[[ i ]] ]    
      xtest <- x[ folds[[ i ]], ]
      est <- nb(xnew = xtest, x = xtrain, ina = inatrain)$est
      if ( pred.ret )  preds[[ i ]] <- est
      crit[ i ] <- mean( est == inatest )
    } ##  end  for ( i in 1:nfolds ) {
  } else if ( type == "poisson"  | type == "multinom"  |  type == "geom" | type == "bernoulli" ) {
    if ( type == "poisson" ) {
      nb <- Rfast::poisson.nb
    } else if ( type == "multinom" ) {
      nb <- Rfast::multinom.nb
    } else if ( type == "geom" ) {
      nb <- Rfast::geom.nb
    } else if ( type == "bernoulli" ) {
      nb <- Rfast2::bernoulli.nb	

    for ( i in 1:nfolds ) {
      inatrain <- ina[ -folds[[ i ]] ]    
      xtrain <- x[ -folds[[ i ]], ]
      inatest <- ina[ folds[[ i ]] ]    
      xtest <- x[ folds[[ i ]], ]
      est <- nb(xnew = xtest, x = xtrain, ina = inatrain)
      if ( pred.ret )  preds[[ i ]] <- est
      crit[ i ] <- mean( est == inatest )
    } ##  end  for ( i in 1:nfolds ) {

  }  ##  end  if ( type == "gaussian" |  type == "gamma" ) {

  list( preds = preds, crit = mean(crit) )

.makefolds <- function (ina, nfolds = 10, stratified = TRUE, seed = NULL) {
    names <- paste("Fold", 1:nfolds)
    runs <- sapply(names, function(x) NULL)
    if (!is.null(seed)) 
    #oop <- options(warn = -1)
    if (!stratified) {
        rat <- length(ina)%%nfolds
        mat <- matrix(Rfast2::Sample.int(length(ina)), ncol = nfolds)
        mat[-c(1:length(ina))] <- NA
        for (i in 1:c(nfolds - 1)) runs[[i]] <- mat[, i]
        a <- prod(dim(mat)) - length(ina)
        runs[[nfolds]] <- mat[1:c(nrow(mat) - a), nfolds]
    else {
        labs <- unique(ina)
        run <- list()
        for (i in 1:length(labs)) {
            names <- which(ina == labs[i])
            run[[i]] <- sample(names)
        run <- unlist(run)
        for (i in 1:length(ina)) {
            k <- i%%nfolds
            if (k == 0) 
                k <- nfolds
            runs[[k]] <- c(runs[[k]], run[i])
    for (i in 1:nfolds) {
        if (any(is.na(runs[[i]]))) 
            runs[[i]] <- runs[[i]][!is.na(runs[[i]])]
    if (length(runs[[nfolds]]) == 0) 
        runs[[nfolds]] <- NULL

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