
Defines functions plotly_funts

Documented in plotly_funts

#' Plot Functional Time Series (funts) with Plotly
#' Visualize univariate or multivariate Functional Time Series (funts) using Plotly-based plots.
#' @param x an object of class \code{\link{funts}}.
#' @param vars numeric vector specifying which variables in the FTS to plot (default: all).
#' @param types tuple of strings specifying plot types for each variable.
#' @param subplot logical for subplotting line plots.
#' @param main titles for each plot.
#' @param ylab y-axis titles.
#' @param xlab x-axis titles.
#' @param tlab time-axis titles.
#' @param zlab z-axis titles.
#' @param xticklabels tick labels for the domain of the functions.
#' @param xticklocs positions of tick labels for the domain of the functions.
#' @param yticklabels tick labels for the domain of the functions.
#' @param yticklocs positions of tick labels for the domain of the functions.
#' @param color_palette color palette for two-dimensional FTS plots.
#' @param reverse_color_palette reverse the color palette scale.
#' @param ... additional arguments to pass to Plotly methods.
#' @details
#' Supported plot types for one-dimensional domain variables:
#'   - "line": line plots (default).
#'   - "heatmap": heatmaps.
#'   - "3Dsurface": 3D surface plots.
#'   - "3Dline": 3D line plots.
#' Supported plot type for two-dimensional domain variables:
#'   - "heatmap"
#' Each variable can be plotted multiple times with different types.
#' @seealso \code{\link{funts}}, \code{\link{Callcenter}}, \code{\link{Montana}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data("Callcenter") # Univariate FTS example
#' plotly_funts(Callcenter)
#' plotly_funts(Callcenter,
#'   main = "Call Center Data Line Plot",
#'   xticklabels = list(c("00:00", "06:00", "12:00", "18:00", "24:00")),
#'   xticklocs = list(c(1, 60, 120, 180, 240))
#' )
#' plotly_funts(Callcenter, type = "3Dline", main = "Callcenter Data")
#' plotly_funts(Callcenter, type = "3Dsurface", main = "Callcenter Data")
#' plotly_funts(Callcenter, type = "heatmap", main = "Callcenter Data")
#' data("Montana") # Multivariate FTS example
#' plotly_funts(Montana[1:100],
#'   main = c("Temperature Curves", "NDVI Images"),
#'   color_palette = "RdYlGn",
#'   xticklabels = list(
#'     c("00:00", "06:00", "12:00", "18:00", "24:00"),
#'     c("113.40\u00B0 W", "113.30\u00B0 W")
#'   ),
#'   xticklocs = list(c(1, 6, 12, 18, 24), c(1, 33)),
#'   yticklabels = list(NA, c("48.70\u00B0 N", "48.77\u00B0 N")),
#'   yticklocs = list(NA, c(1, 33))
#' )
#' }
#' @export
plotly_funts <- function(x, vars = NULL, types = NULL, subplot = TRUE, main = NULL, ylab = NULL, xlab = NULL, tlab = NULL,
                         zlab = NULL, xticklabels = NULL, xticklocs = NULL, yticklabels = NULL, yticklocs = NULL,
                         color_palette = "RdYlBu", reverse_color_palette = FALSE, ...) {
  if (inherits(x, c("fds", "fts"))) {
    if (is.null(xlab)) xlab <- x$xname
    if (is.null(ylab)) zlab <- x$yname
    x <- as.funts(x)
  if (inherits(x, "fda")) x <- as.funts(x)
  p <- length(x$dimSupp)

  N <- x$N
  time <- x$time
  count_twod <- 0
  Pl <- list()
  if (is.null(types)) types <- rep(NA, p)
  if (is.null(xticklabels)) xticklabels <- as.list(rep(NA, p))
  if (is.null(xticklocs)) xticklocs <- as.list(rep(NA, p))
  if (is.null(yticklabels)) yticklabels <- as.list(rep(NA, p))
  if (is.null(yticklocs)) yticklocs <- as.list(rep(NA, p))
  if (is.null(main)) main <- rep(NULL, p)
  if (!is.null(vars) && length(types) != length(vars)) warning("\"vars\" and \"types\" are not the same length. Some plots might not appear as expected.")
  if (is.null(vars)) vars <- 1:p

  if (is.null(tlab))  tlab <- rep(x$tname, p)
  if (is.null(xlab)) {
    for (i in 1:p){
      xlab[i] <- x$dnames[[i]][1]
  if (is.null(ylab)) {
    for (i in 1:p){
      ylab[i] <- x$vnames[i]
      if (types[i] %in% c("3Dsurface", "3Dline") || x$dimSupp[[i]] == 2) {
        ylab[i] <- x$dnames[[i]][2]
        if (is.null(zlab[i])) zlab[i] <- x$vnames[i]

  cat("Plotting, please wait...\n")
  for (j in 1:length(vars)) {
    if (j > length(xticklocs) || j > length(xticklabels)) xticklocs[[j]] <- xticklabels[[j]] <- NA
    if (j > length(yticklocs) || j > length(yticklabels)) yticklocs[[j]] <- yticklabels[[j]] <- NA
    if ((is.na(xticklocs[[j]][1]) && !is.na(xticklabels[[j]][1])) || (!is.na(xticklocs[[j]][1]) && is.na(xticklabels[[j]][1]))) warning(paste0("Please provide horizontal axis labels and label locations for variable ", as.character(j), "."))
    if ((is.na(yticklocs[[j]][1]) && !is.na(yticklabels[[j]][1])) || (!is.na(yticklocs[[j]][1]) && is.na(yticklabels[[j]][1]))) warning(paste0("Please provide vertical axis labels and label locations for variable ", as.character(j), "."))
    if (is.numeric(x$argval[[vars[j]]]) && !is.matrix(x$argval[[vars[j]]])) {
      if (is.na(types[[j]]) || types[j] == "line") {
        if (is.null(ylab[j])) ylab[j] <- "y"
        if (is.null(xlab[j])) xlab[j] <- "x"
        # if (is.null(main[j])) main[j] <- paste("Variable", vars[j])
        y <- tibble::as_tibble(data.frame(y = c(x$B_mat[[vars[j]]] %*% x$coefs[[vars[j]]])))
        y$time <- as.factor(rep(time, each = length(x$argval[[vars[j]]])))
        y$x <- rep(1:length(x$argval[[vars[j]]]), ncol(x$coefs[[vars[j]]]))
        if ((!is.na(xticklabels[[j]][1]) && !is.na(xticklocs[[j]][1])) && (!is.na(yticklabels[[j]][1]) && !is.na(yticklocs[[j]][1]))) {
          Pl[[j]] <- y %>%
            group_by(time) %>%
            plot_ly(x = ~x, y = ~y) %>%
            add_lines(color = ~time, colors = c("lightsteelblue", "royalblue4"), showlegend = FALSE) %>%
              title = paste("<b>", main[j], "</b>"), font = list(size = 12), yaxis = list(
                title = ylab[j], ticktext = yticklabels[[j]], tickvals = yticklocs[[j]],
                range = list(yticklocs[[j]][1], yticklocs[[j]][length(yticklocs[[j]])])
              xaxis = list(title = xlab[j], ticktext = xticklabels[[j]], tickvals = xticklocs[[j]], range = list(xticklocs[[j]][1], xticklocs[[j]][length(xticklocs[[j]])]))
        } else if ((!is.na(xticklabels[[j]][1]) && !is.na(xticklocs[[j]][1])) && (is.na(yticklabels[[j]][1]) || is.na(yticklocs[[j]][1]))) {
          Pl[[j]] <- y %>%
            group_by(time) %>%
            plot_ly(x = ~x, y = ~y) %>%
            add_lines(color = ~time, colors = c("lightsteelblue", "royalblue4"), showlegend = FALSE) %>%
              title = paste("<b>", main[j], "</b>"), font = list(size = 12), yaxis = list(title = ylab[j]),
              xaxis = list(title = xlab[j], ticktext = xticklabels[[j]], tickvals = xticklocs[[j]], range = list(xticklocs[[j]][1], xticklocs[[j]][length(xticklocs[[j]])]))
        } else if ((is.na(xticklabels[[j]][1]) || is.na(xticklocs[[j]][1])) && (is.na(yticklabels[[j]][1]) == FALSE && is.na(yticklocs[[j]][1]) == FALSE)) {
          Pl[[j]] <- y %>%
            group_by(time) %>%
            plot_ly(x = ~x, y = ~y) %>%
            add_lines(color = ~time, colors = c("lightsteelblue", "royalblue4"), showlegend = FALSE) %>%
              title = paste("<b>", main[j], "</b>"), font = list(size = 12), yaxis = list(
                title = ylab[j], ticktext = yticklabels[[j]], tickvals = yticklocs[[j]],
                range = list(yticklocs[[j]][1], yticklocs[[j]][length(yticklocs[[j]])])
              xaxis = list(title = xlab[j])
        } else {
          Pl[[j]] <- y %>%
            group_by(time) %>%
            plot_ly(x = ~x, y = ~y) %>%
            add_lines(color = ~time, colors = c("lightsteelblue", "royalblue4"), showlegend = FALSE) %>%
              title = paste("<b>", main[j], "</b>"), font = list(size = 12), yaxis = list(title = ylab[j]),
              xaxis = list(title = xlab[j])
      } else if (types[j] == "heatmap") {
        u <- seq(x$argval[[vars[j]]])
        if (is.null(xlab[j])) xlab[j] <- "x"
        if (is.null(tlab[j])) tlab[j] <- "t"
        if (is.null(zlab[j])) zlab[j] <- "z"
        if (is.null(main[j])) main[j] <- paste("Variable", vars[j])
        z0 <- x$B_mat[[vars[j]]] %*% x$coefs[[vars[j]]]
        if (is.na(xticklabels[[j]][1]) || is.na(xticklocs[[j]][1])) {
          Pl[[j]] <- plot_ly(
            z = z0, x = time, y = u, type = "heatmap", colorscale = list(c(0, "#FFFFFAFF"), c(1, "#FF0000FF")),
            showscale = FALSE, hovertemplate = paste0(zlab[j], ":", " %{z}", "\n", tlab[j], ":", " %{x}", "\n", xlab[j], ":", " %{y}")
          ) %>%
              title = paste("<b>", main[j], "</b>"), font = list(size = 12), yaxis = list(title = xlab[j]),
              xaxis = list(title = tlab[j])
        } else {
          Pl[[j]] <- plot_ly(
            z = z0, x = time, y = u, type = "heatmap", colorscale = list(c(0, "#FFFFFAFF"), c(1, "#FF0000FF")),
            showscale = FALSE, hovertemplate = paste0(zlab[j], ":", " %{z}", "\n", tlab[j], ":", " %{x}", "\n", xlab[j], ":", " %{y}")
          ) %>%
            layout(title = paste("<b>", main[j], "</b>"), font = list(size = 12), yaxis = list(title = xlab[j], ticktext = xticklabels[[j]], tickvals = xticklocs[[j]]), xaxis = list(title = tlab[j]))
      } else if (types[j] == "3Dsurface") {
        #if (is.na(main[j])) main[j] <- paste("Variable", vars[j])
        u <- x$argval[[vars[j]]]
        z0 <- x$B_mat[[vars[j]]] %*% x$coefs[[vars[j]]]
        axx <- axy <- axz <- list(
          gridcolor = "rgb(180, 180, 180)",
          zerolinecolor = "rgb(255,255,255)"
        axx$title <- ifelse(is.null(tlab[j]), "t", tlab[j])
        axy$title <- ifelse(is.null(xlab[j]), "x", xlab[j])
        axz$title <- ifelse(is.null(zlab[j]), paste("Variable", vars[j]), zlab[j])
        if (is.na(xticklabels[[j]][1]) == FALSE || is.na(xticklocs[[j]][1]) == FALSE) {
          axy$ticktext <- xticklabels[[j]]
          axy$tickvals <- xticklocs[[j]]

        Pl[[j]] <- plot_ly(
          z = z0, x = time, y = u, colorscale = list(c(0, "#FFFFFAFF"), c(1, "#FF0000FF")),
          hovertemplate = paste0(axz$title[j], ":", " %{z}", "\n", axx$title[j], ":", " %{x}", "\n", axy$title[j], ":", " %{y}")
        ) %>%
          layout(scene = list(xaxis = axx, yaxis = axy, zaxis = axz),
                 title = main[j]) %>%
          add_surface(showscale = FALSE)
      } else if (types[j] == "3Dline") {
        #if (is.na(main[j])) main[j] <- paste("Variable", vars[j])
        D0 <- tibble::as_tibble(data.frame(z = c(x$B_mat[[vars[j]]] %*% x$coefs[[vars[j]]])))
        D0$time <- rep(time, each = length(x$argval[[vars[j]]]))
        D0$x <- rep(1:length(x$argval[[vars[j]]]), ncol(x$coefs[[vars[j]]]))
        axx <- axy <- axz <- list(
          gridcolor = "rgb(180, 180, 180)",
          zerolinecolor = "rgb(255,255,255)"
        axx$title <- ifelse(is.null(tlab[j]), "t", tlab[j])
        axy$title <- ifelse(is.null(xlab[j]), "x", xlab[j])
        axz$title <- ifelse(is.null(zlab[j]), paste("Variable", vars[j]), zlab[j])
        if (is.na(xticklabels[[j]][1]) == FALSE || is.na(xticklocs[[j]][1]) == FALSE) {
          axy$ticktext <- xticklabels[[j]]
          axy$tickvals <- xticklocs[[j]]

        Pl[[j]] <- D0 %>%
          group_by(time) %>%
            x = ~ as.character(time), z = ~z, y = ~x, type = "scatter3d", mode = "lines", color = ~z,
            line = list(width = 4), colors = c("#FFFFFAFF", "#FF0000FF"), hovertemplate = paste0(axz$title[j], ":", " %{z}", "\n", axx$title[j], ":", " %{x}", "\n", axy$title[j], ":", " %{y}")
          ) %>%
          layout(scene = list(xaxis = axx, yaxis = axy, zaxis = axz),
                 title = main[j]) %>%
          hide_colorbar()       }
    } else {
      if (is.na(types[j]) == FALSE && types[j] != "heatmap") warning("The only plotting option available for variables observed over two-dimensional domain is \"heatmap\". Other plotting options will be added for these types of variables in the future.")
      count_twod <- count_twod + 1
      if (is.null(ylab[j])) ylab[j] <- "y"
      if (is.null(xlab[j])) xlab[j] <- "x"
      if (is.null(zlab[j])) zlab[j] <- "z"
      #if (is.na(main[j])) main[j] <- paste("Variable", vars[j])
      if (is.na(xticklabels[[j]][[1]])) xticklabels[[j]] <- waiver()
      if (is.na(xticklocs[[j]][[1]])) xticklocs[[j]] <- waiver()
      if (is.na(yticklabels[[j]][[1]])) yticklabels[[j]] <- waiver()
      if (is.na(yticklocs[[j]][[1]])) yticklocs[[j]] <- waiver()
      temp_df <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 3, nrow = ncol(x$coefs[[vars[j]]]) * nrow(x$argval[[vars[j]]])))
      colnames(temp_df) <- c(zlab[j], xlab[j], ylab[j])
      temp_df[, 1] <- c(x$B_mat[[vars[j]]] %*% x$coefs[[vars[j]]])
      temp_df[, 2] <- rep((x$argval[[vars[j]]][, 2]), ncol(x$coefs[[vars[j]]]))
      temp_df[, 3] <- rev(rep((x$argval[[vars[j]]][, 1]), ncol(x$coefs[[vars[j]]])))
      y <- tibble::as_tibble(temp_df)
      # The next line is to help alleviate a bug in ggplot2
      if (time[1] %in% as.character(1:ncol(x$coefs[[vars[j]]]))) time <- as.numeric(time)
      y$Time <- rep(as.character(time), each = nrow(x$argval[[vars[j]]]))
      direction <- 1
      if (isTRUE(reverse_color_palette)) direction <- -1
      Pl[[j]] <- ggplotly(ggplot(y, aes_string(xlab[j], ylab[j], fill = zlab[j], frame = "Time")) +
        geom_tile() +
          panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
          panel.background = element_blank(), axis.line = element_line(colour = "black")
        ) +
        scale_fill_distiller(palette = color_palette, direction = direction) +
        labs(fill = zlab[j]) +
        ggtitle(main[j]) +
          name = ylab[j], breaks = yticklocs[[j]],
          labels = yticklabels[[j]]
        ) +
          name = xlab[j], breaks = xticklocs[[j]],
          labels = xticklabels[[j]]
        ) +
        theme(text = element_text(size = 10))
          axis.text.x = element_text(size = 10),
          axis.title.x = element_text(size = 15)
          axis.text.y = element_text(angle = 90, size = 10),
          axis.title.y = element_text(angle = 90, size = 15)
        theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 30, face = "bold"))
          legend.position = "right", legend.key.height = unit(0.67, "cm"), legend.title = element_text(size = 15),
          legend.text = element_text(size = 10)
  if (p == 1) Pl <- Pl[[1]]
  if (p > 1 && subplot == TRUE && (is.na(unique(types)) || unique(types) == "line") && max(unlist(x$dimSupp)) == 1) {
    Pl <- subplot(Pl, titleX = TRUE, titleY = TRUE) %>% layout(title = "")

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