
Defines functions tk.browse

Documented in tk.browse

# Interactive TCL-TK genome browser
# Author : Sylvain Mareschal <maressyl@gmail.com>
# License : GPL3 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html

tk.browse <- function(
		drawables = drawable.list(),
		blocking = FALSE,
		updateLimit = 0.4,
		png.height = NA,
		png.res = 100,
		png.file = tempfile(fileext=".png"),
		panelWidth = "5 cm",
		panel = NA
	# Check tracks
	if(!is(drawables, "drawable.list")) stop("'drawables' must be a 'drawable.list' object")
	# Check Tcl-tk
	tcltkVer <- as.double(sub("^([0-9]+\\.[0-9]+).+$", "\\1", tcltk::tclVersion()))
	if(tcltkVer < 8.6) stop("tk.browse() requires Tcl-tk >= 8.6 (shipped with R version 3.4.0 and above on Windows")
	checkPlot <- function(silent=FALSE) {
		# No track
		if(drawables$count == 0) {
			if(!silent) {
					parent = topLevel,
					icon = "info",
					type = "ok",
					title = "Choose drawables",
					message = "Use the 'Tracks' button to add drawable objects to the plot."
		# 'chrom' error
		if(tcltk::tclvalue(tcltk::tcl(chromCombo, "get")) == "") {
			if(!silent) {
					parent = topLevel,
					icon = "info",
					type = "ok",
					title = "Choose chromosome",
					message = "Enter a chromosome name in the 'Chromosome' field, or use 'Find'."
		# 'start' or 'end' error
		if(!grepl("^(-?[0-9]+(\\.[0-9]+)?)?$", tcltk::tclvalue(startValue)) || !grepl("^(-?[0-9]+(\\.[0-9]+)?)?$", tcltk::tclvalue(endValue))) {
			if(!silent) {
					parent = topLevel,
					icon = "error",
					type = "ok",
					title = "Invalid coordinates",
					message = "Enter numeric coordinates, using the dot as decimal separator."
		# No error
	# Compute current plot area height
	autoHeight <- function(png.height) {
		if(is.na(png.height)) { out <- max(300L, as.integer(tcltk::tclvalue(tcltk::tkwinfo("height", plotFrame))) - 5L)
		} else                { out <- png.height
	# Compute current plot area width, in pixels
	autoWidth <- function() {
		out <- max(300L, as.integer(tcltk::tclvalue(tcltk::tkwinfo("width", plotFrame))) - 20L)
	resize <- function(active) {
		# Automatic sizes
		imageHeight <<- autoHeight(png.height)
		imageWidth <<- autoWidth()
		canvasHeight <<- min(autoHeight(NA), imageHeight)
		canvasWidth <<- min(autoWidth(), imageWidth)
		# Refresh
		if(active) replot()
	savePar <- list()
	xConvert <- function(x) {
		# Plot area (panel + main)
		areaWidth <- as.numeric(tcltk::tclvalue(tcltk::tkwinfo("reqwidth", plotWidget)))
		# Panel width
		if(!isTRUE(savePar$panel)) {
			# No panel
			panelWidthPx <- 0L
		} else if(is.numeric(panelWidth)) {
			# Relative width
			panelWidthPx <- areaWidth * panelWidth / (panelWidth + 1L)
		} else if(grepl("^([0-9\\.]+) cm$", panelWidth)) {
			# Absolute width
			panelWidthCm <- as.numeric(sub("^([0-9\\.]+) cm$", "\\1", panelWidth))
			panelWidthPx <- round(panelWidthCm / 2.54 * png.res)
		} else stop("Invalid 'panelWidth' (must be either numeric or 'X cm')")
		# Plot area coordinates in pixels
		mainWidth <- areaWidth - panelWidthPx
		xMin <- savePar$plt[1] * mainWidth + panelWidthPx
		xMax <- savePar$plt[2] * mainWidth + panelWidthPx
		# From pixel to user coordinate
		return((x - xMin) / (xMax - xMin) * (savePar$usr[2] - savePar$usr[1]) + savePar$usr[1])
	keyPressUp <- function() {
	keyPressDown <- function() {
	keyPressLeft <- function() {
	keyPressRight <- function() {
	keyPressPageUp <- function() {
	keyPressPageDown <- function() {
	# Coordinates of the zoom movement (pixels, length 2)
	zoomDrag <- NULL
	mousePress <- function(x, y) {
		if(!isEmpty) {
			# Zoom coordinates
			zoomDrag <<- as.integer(c(x, NA))
			# Zoom rectangle
			tcltk::tkcreate(plotWidget, "rect", zoomDrag[1], 1L, zoomDrag[1], imageHeight-1L, tag="zoom", outline="black")
	mouseMotion <- function(x, y) {
		if(!is.null(zoomDrag)) {
			# Refresh the rectangle
			zoomDrag[2] <<- as.integer(x)
			tcltk::tkcoords(plotWidget, "zoom", zoomDrag[1], 1L, zoomDrag[2], imageHeight-1L)
	mouseRelease <- function(x, y) {
		if(!is.null(zoomDrag)) {
			# Release coordinate
			zoomDrag[2] <<- as.integer(x)
			# Update coordinates
			if(zoomDrag[1] != zoomDrag[2]) {
				tcltk::tclvalue(startValue) <- formatCoordinate(xConvert(min(zoomDrag)) / 1e6)
				tcltk::tclvalue(endValue) <- formatCoordinate(xConvert(max(zoomDrag)) / 1e6)
			} else {
				# Still remove selection rectangle (replot already does)
				tcltk::tkdelete(plotWidget, "rect", "zoom")
				zoomDrag <<- NULL
	mouseWheel <- function(D) {
		if(D > 0) { mouseWheelUp()
		} else    { mouseWheelDown()
	mouseWheelUp <- function() {
	mouseWheelDown <- function() {
	replaceEntry <- function(widget) {
		tcltk::tkfocus("-force", widget)
		tcltk::tcl(widget, "delete", "0", "end")
		tcltk::tcl(widget, "icursor", "end")
	reFocus <- function() {
	# browsePlot() call to produce the plot
	plot.core <- function() {
		savePar <<- browsePlot(
			drawables = drawables,
			chrom = as.character(tcltk::tcl(chromCombo, "get")),
			start = as.double(tcltk::tclvalue(startValue)) * 1e6,
			end = as.double(tcltk::tclvalue(endValue)) * 1e6,
			panelWidth = panelWidth,
			panelSide = "left",   # FIXME 'right' would require to update xConvert()
			panel = panel
	# Welcome screen
	plot.empty <- function() {
		graphics::par(bg="#FFFFFF", mar=c(0,0,0,0))
		graphics::plot(x=NA, y=NA, xlim=0:1, ylim=0:1, xlab="", ylab="", xaxt="n", yaxt="n", bty="n")
		graphics::text(x=0.5, y=0.5, labels="Welcome to Rgb !\n\n1. Click \"Tracks\" to select data files to visualize.\n2. Enter genomic coordinates and click \"Jump\".")
	# Replot using 'png' rendered
	plot.png <- function() {
		# Produce image file
		grDevices::png(png.file, width=imageWidth, height=imageHeight, res=png.res)
		if(isEmpty) { plot.empty()
		} else      { plot.core()
		# Refresh image
		tcltk::tkconfigure(plotImage, file=png.file, width=imageWidth, height=imageHeight)
		tcltk::tkconfigure(plotWidget, width=canvasWidth, height=canvasHeight)
	# Is the current plot empty
	isEmpty <- TRUE
	# Replot common workflow
	replot <- function(empty=FALSE) {
		# Check coordinates
		if(!isTRUE(empty)) empty <- !checkPlot()
		isEmpty <<- empty
		# Cursor
		tcltk::tkconfigure(topLevel, cursor="watch")
		tcltk::.Tcl("update idletasks")
		# Grab focus to avoid keyboard shortcuts quirks
		# Cancel any ongoing zoom attempt
		tcltk::tkdelete(plotWidget, "rect", "zoom")
		zoomDrag <<- NULL
		# Replot
			expr = {
			# Silently ignore message()
			messageHandler = NULL,
			# Pass warning() but continue execution
			warningHandler = function(w) {
					parent = topLevel,
					icon = "warning",
					type = "ok",
					title = "Warning in browsePlot()",
					message = conditionMessage(w)
			# Pass stop() and stop execution
			errorHandler = function(e) {
					parent = topLevel, 
					icon = "error",
					type = "ok",
					title = "Error in browsePlot()",
					message = conditionMessage(e)
		# Cursor
		tcltk::tkconfigure(topLevel, cursor="arrow")
		tcltk::.Tcl("update idletasks")
	forceCoordinates <- function() {
		# Is forcing needed ?
		if(tcltk::tclvalue(startValue) == "" || tcltk::tclvalue(endValue) == "") {
			# Needed but impossible
			if(! "usr" %in% names(savePar) || ! "chrom" %in% names(savePar) || as.character(tcltk::tcl(chromCombo, "get")) != savePar$chrom) {
			# Computation from previous plot
			if(tcltk::tclvalue(startValue) == "") tcltk::tclvalue(startValue) <- formatCoordinate(savePar$usr[1] / 1e6)
			if(tcltk::tclvalue(endValue) == "")   tcltk::tclvalue(endValue) <- formatCoordinate(savePar$usr[2] / 1e6)
	formatCoordinate <- function(x) {
		x <- as.numeric(x)
		if(abs(x) < 0.000003) x <- 0
		x <- sprintf("%.6f", round(x, 6))
		x <- sub("\\.?0+$", "", x)
	updateT0 <- updateT1 <- proc.time()['elapsed']
	move <- function(way) {
		updateT1 <<- proc.time()['elapsed']
		if(updateT1 - updateT0 > updateLimit) {
			if(checkPlot()) {
				if(forceCoordinates()) {
					# Values
					LFactor = 2
					LStart = as.double(tcltk::tclvalue(startValue))
					LEnd = as.double(tcltk::tclvalue(endValue))
					# Coordinate update
					shift = (LEnd - LStart) / LFactor
					if (way == "left") { shift = -shift }
					tcltk::tclvalue(startValue) <- formatCoordinate(LStart + shift)
					tcltk::tclvalue(endValue) <- formatCoordinate(LEnd + shift)
					# Refresh timer
					updateT0 <<- updateT1
				# Replot
	moveChrom <- function(way) {
		updateT1 <<- proc.time()['elapsed']
		if(updateT1 - updateT0 > updateLimit) {
			if(checkPlot()) {
				# New chromosome
				chrom <- tcltk::tclvalue(tcltk::tcl(chromCombo, "get"))
				chromList <- drawables$chromosomes()
				chromIndex <- match(chrom, chromList)
				if(way == "previous") {
					if(chromIndex == 1L) { chrom <- chromList[ length(chromList) ]
					} else               { chrom <- chromList[ chromIndex - 1L ]
				} else {
					if(chromIndex == length(chromList)) { chrom <- chromList[1]
					} else                              { chrom <- chromList[ chromIndex + 1L ]
				# Update combobox
				tcltk::tcl(chromCombo, "set", chrom)
				# Refresh timer
				updateT0 <<- updateT1
				# Replot
	zoom <- function(way) {
		updateT1 <<- proc.time()['elapsed']
		if(updateT1 - updateT0 > updateLimit) {
			if(checkPlot()) {
				if(forceCoordinates()) {
					# Values
					LFactor = 2
					LStart = as.double(tcltk::tclvalue(startValue))
					LEnd = as.double(tcltk::tclvalue(endValue))
					# Inversion
					modifier = if (way == "out") { -1 } else { LFactor }
					# Coordinates update
					shift = (LEnd - LStart) * (LFactor-1) / modifier / 2
					tcltk::tclvalue(startValue) <- formatCoordinate(LStart + shift)
					tcltk::tclvalue(endValue) <- formatCoordinate(LEnd - shift)
					# Refresh timer
					updateT0 <<- updateT1
				# Replot
	refreshChromCombo <- function() {
		# Get consensus chromosome list
		chromUnion <- drawables$chromosomes(mode="union")
		chromIntersect <- drawables$chromosomes(mode="intersect")
		if(!setequal(chromUnion, chromIntersect)) {
			# Warn about chromosome list inconsistencies
				parent = topLevel,
				icon = "warning",
				type = "ok",
				title = "Chromosome list inconsistencies",
				message = "Selected objects have chromosome lists that do not perfectly overlap."
		# Refresh the combobox
		tcltk::tkconfigure(chromCombo, values=chromUnion)
	refreshSearchCombo <- function() {
		values <- sub("\\.[^\\.]+$", "", drawables$names)
		tcltk::tkconfigure(searchCombo, values=values)
		if(length(values) > 0) tcltk::tcl(searchCombo, "set", values[1])
	matchIterator <- 0L
	searchAction <- function() {
		track <- drawables$get( as.integer(tcltk::tcl(searchCombo, "current")) + 1L )
		if(tcltk::tclvalue(searchValue) == "") {
				parent = topLevel,
				icon = "info",
				type = "ok",
				title = "Choose a target",
				message = "Enter in the next field the name of the element to search, or a regular expression."
		} else if(!is(track, "track.table")) {
				parent = topLevel,
				icon = "error",
				type = "ok",
				title = "Unable to find the target",
				message = "The track you are searching is not a 'track.table' inheriting R object."
		} else {
			# Extraction
			regexp <- as.logical(as.integer(tcltk::tclvalue(searchRegexpValue)))
			if(regexp) i <- sprintf("grep(pattern=\"%s\", x=name, value=FALSE, ignore.case=TRUE)", tcltk::tclvalue(searchValue))
			else       i <- sprintf("name == \"%s\"", tcltk::tclvalue(searchValue))
			matches <- suppressWarnings(track$extract(parse(text=i)))
			if(nrow(matches) == 0) {
				# No match
					parent = topLevel,
					icon = "warning",
					type = "ok",
					title = "Unable to find the target",
					message = sprintf("No match for \"%s\"", tcltk::tclvalue(searchValue))
			} else if(nrow(matches) > 1) {
				# Increment iterator
				matchIterator <<- matchIterator + 1L
				if(matchIterator > nrow(matches)) matchIterator <<- 1L
				# Multiple matches
				matches <- matches[ order(matches$name) ,]
				if(nrow(matches) < 20) {
					matchList <- matches$name
					matchList[ matchIterator ] <- sprintf("current :\t%s", matchList[ matchIterator ])
					matchList[ -matchIterator ] <- sprintf("\t%s", matchList[ -matchIterator ])
						parent = topLevel,
						icon = "info",
						type = "ok",
						title = "Multiple matches",
						message = sprintf(
							"%d matches found for \"%s\"\nHit 'Find' to jump to the next one.\n\n%s",
							paste(matchList, collapse="\n")
				} else {
						parent = topLevel,
						icon = "info",
						type = "ok",
						title = "Many matches",
						message = sprintf(
							"%d matches found for \"%s\"\nHit 'Find' to jump to the next one.",
				# Subset matches
				matches <- matches[ matchIterator ,]
			# Coordinates update
			tcltk::tcl(chromCombo, "set", as.character(matches$chrom))
			tcltk::tclvalue(startValue) <- formatCoordinate((matches$start - 500e3) / 1e6)
			tcltk::tclvalue(endValue) <- formatCoordinate((matches$end + 500e3) / 1e6)
			# Replot
	trackAction <- function() {
		# Call track manager
		# Refresh combo lists from tracks
	# Linux default style
	if(.Platform$OS.type == "unix") try(tcltk::tcl("ttk::style", "theme", "use", "clam"), silent=TRUE)
	# Top level
	topLevel <- tcltk::tktoplevel(class="Rgb")
	tcltk::tktitle(topLevel) <- "Rgb - Genome browser"
	icon16 <- tcltk::tcl("image", "create", "photo", file=system.file("cghRA_16x16.gif", package="Rgb"))
	icon32 <- tcltk::tcl("image", "create", "photo", file=system.file("cghRA_32x32.gif", package="Rgb"))
	tcltk::tcl("wm", "iconphoto", topLevel, "-default", icon16, icon32)
	# Maximization, if supported
	if(is(try(tcltk::tkwm.state(topLevel, "zoomed"), silent=TRUE), "try-error")) {
		try(tcltk::tcl("wm", "attributes", topLevel, zoomed=1), silent=TRUE)
	# Horizontal resizing
	tcltk::tkgrid.columnconfigure(topLevel, 1, weight=1)
	tcltk::tkgrid.rowconfigure(topLevel, 2, weight=1)
		# Location main frame
		locationMainFrame <- tcltk::tkframe(parent=topLevel)
			# Track frame
			trackFrame <- tcltk::tkframe(parent=locationMainFrame, relief="groove", borderwidth=2, padx=5, pady=3)
				# Track button
				trackSelectButton <- tcltk::tkbutton(parent=trackFrame, text="Tracks", command=trackAction, underline=0)
				tcltk::tkgrid(trackSelectButton, column=1, row=1)
			tcltk::tkgrid(trackFrame, column=1, row=1, padx=5, pady=5)
			# Position frame
			posFrame <- tcltk::tkframe(parent=locationMainFrame, relief="groove", borderwidth=2, padx=5, pady=3)
				# "Chromosome"
				posLabel_1 <- tcltk::tklabel(parent=posFrame, text="Chromosome")
				tcltk::tkgrid(posLabel_1, column=1, row=1)
				# Chrom
				chromCombo <- tcltk::ttkcombobox(parent=posFrame, values=character(0), width=3, justify="center", state="normal")
				tcltk::tkgrid(chromCombo, column=2, row=1)
				# "from"
				posLabel_2 <- tcltk::tklabel(parent=posFrame, text="from")
				tcltk::tkgrid(posLabel_2, column=3, row=1)
				# Start
				startValue <- tcltk::tclVar("")
				startEntry <- tcltk::tkentry(parent=posFrame, width=12, textvariable=startValue, justify="center")
				tcltk::tkgrid(startEntry, column=4, row=1)
				# "Mb to"
				posLabel_3 <- tcltk::tklabel(parent=posFrame, text="Mb to")
				tcltk::tkgrid(posLabel_3, column=5, row=1)
				# End
				endValue <- tcltk::tclVar("")
				endEntry <- tcltk::tkentry(parent=posFrame, width=12, textvariable=endValue, justify="center")
				tcltk::tkgrid(endEntry, column=6, row=1)
				# "Mb"
				posLabel_4 <- tcltk::tklabel(parent=posFrame, text="Mb")
				tcltk::tkgrid(posLabel_4, column=7, row=1)
				# Jump button
				jumpButton <- tcltk::tkbutton(parent=posFrame, text="Jump", command=replot, width=6, underline=0)
				tcltk::tkgrid(jumpButton, column=8, row=1, padx=c(5, 0))
			tcltk::tkgrid(posFrame, column=2, row=1, padx=5, pady=5)
			# Search frame
			searchFrame <- tcltk::tkframe(parent=locationMainFrame, relief="groove", borderwidth=2, padx=5, pady=3)
				# Find button
				searchButton <- tcltk::tkbutton(parent=searchFrame, text="Find", command=searchAction, width=6, underline=0)
				tcltk::tkgrid(searchButton, column=1, row=1, padx=c(0, 5))
				# Value
				searchValue <- tcltk::tclVar("")
				searchEntry <- tcltk::tkentry(parent=searchFrame, width=10, textvariable=searchValue, justify="center")
				tcltk::tkgrid(searchEntry, column=2, row=1)
				# "in"
				searchLabel_1 <- tcltk::tklabel(parent=searchFrame, text="in")
				tcltk::tkgrid(searchLabel_1, column=3, row=1)
				# Track to search
				searchCombo <- tcltk::ttkcombobox(parent=searchFrame, values=character(0), width=25, justify="center", state="readonly")
				tcltk::tkgrid(searchCombo, column=4, row=1)
				# Regexp
				searchRegexpValue <- tcltk::tclVar("0")
				searchRegexpLabel <- tcltk::tklabel(parent=searchFrame, text="using regexp")
				searchRegexpEntry <- tcltk::tkcheckbutton(parent=searchFrame, variable=searchRegexpValue)
				tcltk::tkgrid(searchRegexpLabel, column=5, row=1, padx=c(5, 0))
				tcltk::tkgrid(searchRegexpEntry, column=6, row=1)
			tcltk::tkgrid(searchFrame, column=3, row=1, padx=5, pady=5)
		tcltk::tkgrid(locationMainFrame, column=1, row=1, sticky="nsew")
		# Plot frame
		plotFrame <- tcltk::tkframe(parent=topLevel)
		tcltk::tkgrid(plotFrame, column=1, row=2, sticky="nsew")
			# R-Plot widget (wait for maximization to apply and propagate)
			tcltk::.Tcl("update idletasks")
			# Default size
			imageHeight <- imageWidth <- canvasHeight <- canvasWidth <- NA
			# Scrollbar
			plotScroll <- tcltk::tkscrollbar(plotFrame, repeatinterval=5, command=function(...) { tcltk::tkyview(plotWidget,...) })
			tcltk::tkgrid(plotScroll, column=2, row=1, sticky="nsew")
			# Display (empty) PNG image
			plotImage <- tcltk::tkimage.create("photo", width=imageWidth, height=imageHeight)
			plotWidget <- tcltk::tkcanvas(plotFrame, width=canvasWidth, height=canvasHeight, scrollregion=c(0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight), confine=TRUE, yscrollcommand=function(...) { tcltk::tkset(plotScroll, ...) })
			tcltk::tkcreate(plotWidget, "image", 0, 0, anchor="nw", image=plotImage)
			tcltk::tkgrid(plotWidget, column=1, row=1, padx=c(3, 3))
	# Welcome screen

	## LAUNCH ##
	# Unfocus
	tcltk::tkbind(locationMainFrame, "<ButtonPress-1>", reFocus)
	# Plot region events
	tcltk::tkbind(plotWidget, "<MouseWheel>", mouseWheel)          # Windows
	tcltk::tkbind(plotWidget, "<Button-4>", mouseWheelUp)          # Linux
	tcltk::tkbind(plotWidget, "<Button-5>", mouseWheelDown)        # Linux
	tcltk::tkbind(plotWidget, "<KeyPress-Up>", keyPressUp)
	tcltk::tkbind(plotWidget, "<KeyPress-Down>", keyPressDown)
	tcltk::tkbind(plotWidget, "<KeyPress-Left>", keyPressLeft)
	tcltk::tkbind(plotWidget, "<KeyPress-Right>", keyPressRight)
	tcltk::tkbind(plotWidget, "<KeyPress-Prior>", keyPressPageUp)
	tcltk::tkbind(plotWidget, "<KeyPress-Next>", keyPressPageDown)
	tcltk::tkbind(plotWidget, "<KeyPress-r>", function() { resize(active=TRUE) })
	tcltk::tkbind(plotWidget, "<KeyPress-f>", searchAction)
	tcltk::tkbind(plotWidget, "<KeyPress-j>", replot)
	tcltk::tkbind(plotWidget, "<KeyPress-t>", trackAction)
	tcltk::tkbind(plotWidget, "<ButtonPress-1>", mousePress)
	tcltk::tkbind(plotWidget, "<Motion>", mouseMotion)
	tcltk::tkbind(plotWidget, "<ButtonRelease-1>", mouseRelease)
	# Entry events
	tcltk::tkbind(startEntry,  "<ButtonPress-3>", function(){ replaceEntry(startEntry) })
	tcltk::tkbind(endEntry,    "<ButtonPress-3>", function(){ replaceEntry(endEntry) })
	tcltk::tkbind(searchEntry, "<ButtonPress-3>", function(){ replaceEntry(searchEntry) })
	tcltk::tkbind(startEntry,  "<KeyPress-Return>", replot)
	tcltk::tkbind(endEntry,    "<KeyPress-Return>", replot)
	tcltk::tkbind(searchEntry, "<KeyPress-Return>", searchAction)
	# Refresh combo lists from tracks
	# Wait for closing
	if(isTRUE(blocking)) tcltk::tkwait.window(topLevel)
	# Return drawable list for concurrent CLI update

Try the Rgb package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

Rgb documentation built on Aug. 18, 2023, 5:05 p.m.