# R package for Singular Spectrum Analysis
# Copyright (c) 2012 Alexander Shlemov <>
# Copyright (c) 2012 Anton Korobeynikov <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it
# and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
# either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
# useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
# License along with this program; if not, write to the
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge,
# MA 02139, USA.
lrr.default <- function(x, eps = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps),
reverse = FALSE,
orthonormalize = TRUE) {
if (orthonormalize) {
U <- qr.Q(qr(x))
} else {
U <- x
N <- nrow(U)
# Return zero LRR coefficients for zero subspace
if (ncol(U) == 0) return(rep(0, N - 1))
idx <- if (!reverse) N else 1
lpf <- Conj(U) %*% t(U[idx, , drop = FALSE])
divider <- 1 - lpf[idx]
if (Mod(divider) < eps)
stop("Verticality coefficient equals to 1")
lpf[-idx] / divider
lrr.1d.ssa <- function(x, groups,
reverse = FALSE,
..., drop = TRUE) {
if (!capable(x, "lrr"))
stop("LRR is not implemented for this kind of SSA case yet")
if (missing(groups))
groups <- 1:min(nsigma(x), nu(x))
# Continue decomposition, if necessary
.maybe.continue(x, groups = groups, ...)
out <- list()
for (i in seq_along(groups)) {
res <- lrr.default(.colspan(x, groups[[i]]), reverse = reverse,
..., orthonormalize = FALSE)
class(res) <- "lrr"
out[[i]] <- res
names(out) <- .group.names(groups)
if (length(out) == 1 && drop)
out <- out[[1]]
companion.matrix.lrr <- function(x) {
n <- length(x)
res <- matrix(0, n, n)
res[, n] <- x
res[seq(from = 2, by = n + 1, length.out = n - 1)] <- 1
roots.lrr <- function(x, ..., method = c("companion", "polyroot")) {
method <- match.arg(method)
res <-
if (identical(method, "polyroot")) {
polyroot(c(-x, 1))
} else {
eigen(companion.matrix.lrr(x), only.values = TRUE)$values
res[order(abs(res), decreasing = TRUE)]
apply.lrr <- function(F, lrr, len = 1, = FALSE,
drift = 0, reverse = FALSE) {
# Recycle drifts if needed
if (length(drift) != len) {
drift <- rep(drift, len)[seq_len(len)]
N <- length(F)
r <- length(lrr)
# Sanity check of inputs
if (r > N)
stop("Wrong length of LRR")
# Run the actual LRR
if (!reverse) {
F <- c(F, rep(NA, len))
for (i in 1:len)
F[N+i] <- sum(F[(N+i-r) : (N+i-1)]*lrr) + drift[i]
if ( F[(N+1):(N+len)] else F
} else {
F <- c(rep(NA, len), F)
for (i in 1:len)
F[len-i+1] <- sum(F[(len-i+1 + 1) : (len-i+1 + r)]*lrr) + drift[len-i+1]
if ( F[1:len] else F
rforecast.1d.ssa <- function(x, groups, len = 1,
base = c("reconstructed", "original"), = TRUE,
reverse = FALSE,
drop = TRUE, drop.attributes = FALSE, cache = TRUE) {
if (!capable(x, "rforecast"))
stop("recurrent forecasting is not implemented for this SSA kind yet")
L <- x$window
base <- match.arg(base)
if (missing(groups))
groups <- as.list(1:min(nsigma(x), nu(x)))
# Grab the reconstructed series if we're basing on them
if (identical(base, "reconstructed"))
r <- reconstruct(x, groups = groups, ..., cache = cache)
# Calculate the LRR corresponding to groups
lf <- lrr(x, groups = groups, reverse = reverse, drop = FALSE)
stopifnot(length(lf) == length(groups))
out <- list()
for (i in seq_along(groups)) {
group <- groups[[i]]
F <- if (identical(base, "reconstructed")) as.vector(r[[i]]) else .F(x)
# Calculate the forecasted values
out[[i]] <- apply.lrr(F, lf[[i]], len, =, reverse = reverse)
out[[i]] <- .apply.attributes(x, out[[i]],
fixup = TRUE, reverse = reverse, =, drop = drop.attributes)
names(out) <- .group.names(groups)
if (length(out) == 1 && drop)
out <- out[[1]]
# Forecasted series can be pretty huge...
.na.bind <- function(original, new,
update.method = c("append", "replace")) {
update.method <- match.arg(update.method)
removed <- attr(original, "na.action")
res <- switch(update.method,
append = c(original, new),
replace = new)
if (!is.null(removed)) {
all.old <- seq_len(length(removed) + length(original))
full.old <- setdiff(all.old, removed) <- c(full.old, max(full.old) + seq_len(length(res) - length(original))) <- setdiff(all.old,
attr(res, "na.action") <- if (length( > 0) else NULL
rforecast.mssa <- function(x, groups, len = 1,
base = c("reconstructed", "original"),
direction = c("row", "column"), = TRUE,
drop = TRUE, drop.attributes = FALSE, cache = TRUE) {
if (!capable(x, "rforecast"))
stop("recurrent forecasting is not implemented for this SSA kind yet")
L <- x$window; N <- x$length; K <- N - L + 1
cK <- cumsum(K)
cKr <- cumsum(K - 1)
cKl <- cKr - (K - 1) + 1
base <- match.arg(base)
direction <- match.arg(direction)
if (missing(groups))
groups <- as.list(1:min(nsigma(x), nu(x)))
# Grab the reconstructed series if we're basing on them
if (identical(base, "reconstructed"))
r <- reconstruct(x, groups = groups, ..., cache = cache)
out <- list()
for (i in seq_along(groups)) {
group <- groups[[i]]
F <- if (identical(base, "reconstructed")) .to.series.list(r[[i]]) else .F(x)
# Calculate the forecasted values
if (identical(direction, "column")) {
# Calculate the LRR corresponding to group
lf <- lrr(x, groups = list(group), drop = FALSE)
stopifnot(length(lf) == 1)
R <- matrix(NA, nrow = len, ncol = length(N))
R[] <- sapply(F,
lrr = lf[[1]], len = len, = TRUE)
} else {
V <- calc.v(x, idx = group)
# Build W
W <- V[cK,, drop = FALSE]
# Build Q
Q <- V[-cK,, drop = FALSE]
# Calculate the forecasted values
qIWWt <- qr(diag(length(N)) - tcrossprod(W))
WtQ <- W %*% t(Q)
R <- matrix(NA, nrow = len, ncol = length(N))
# Build initial Z
Z <- unlist(lapply(seq_along(F), function(idx) F[[idx]][seq(to = N[[idx]], length.out = K[[idx]] -1)]))
for (idx in seq_len(len)) {
# Calculate the projection
cR <- t(qr.coef(qIWWt, WtQ %*% Z))
R[idx, ] <- cR
# Shift the Z vector
Z[-cKr] <- Z[-cKl]
Z[cKr] <- cR
out[[i]] <- if ( .to.series.list(R) else {
res <- lapply(seq_along(F), function(idx) .na.bind(F[[idx]], R[, idx], update.method = "append"))
class(res) <- "series.list"
out[[i]] <- .apply.attributes(x, out[[i]],
fixup = TRUE, =, drop = drop.attributes)
names(out) <- .group.names(groups)
if (length(out) == 1 && drop)
out <- out[[1]]
# Forecasted series can be pretty huge...
.shift.matrix.1d <- function(U, ...) {
wmask <- rep(TRUE, nrow(U))
.shift.matrix(U, wmask, ndim = 1, ...)
vforecast.1d.ssa <- function(x, groups, len = 1, = TRUE,
drop = TRUE, drop.attributes = FALSE) {
if (!capable(x, "vforecast"))
stop("vector forecasting is not implemented for this SSA kind yet")
L <- x$window
K <- x$length - L + 1
N <- K + L - 1 + len + L - 1
N.res <- K + L - 1 + len
if (missing(groups))
groups <- as.list(1:min(nsigma(x), nu(x)))
# Continue decomposition, if necessary
desired <- .maybe.continue(x, groups = groups, ...)
sigma <- .sigma(x)
U <- .U(x)
V <- if (nv(x) >= desired) .V(x) else NULL
# Grab the FFT plan
fft.plan <- fft.plan.1d(N, L = L)
out <- list()
for (i in seq_along(groups)) {
group <- unique(groups[[i]])
Uet <- U[, group, drop = FALSE]
Vet <- if (is.null(V)) calc.v(x, idx = group) else V[, group, drop = FALSE]
Z <- rbind(t(sigma[group] * t(Vet)), matrix(NA, len + L - 1, length(group)))
P <- Conj(.shift.matrix.1d(Uet))
for (j in (K + 1):(K + len + L - 1)) {
Z[j, ] <- P %*% Z[j - 1, ]
res <- rowSums(.hankelize.multi(Uet, Z, fft.plan = fft.plan))
out[[i]] <- res[(if ( (K+L):N.res else 1:N.res)]
out[[i]] <- .apply.attributes(x, out[[i]],
fixup = TRUE, =, drop = drop.attributes)
names(out) <- .group.names(groups)
if (length(out) == 1 && drop)
out <- out[[1]]
# Forecasted series can be pretty huge...
vforecast.mssa <- function(x, groups, len = 1,
direction = c("row", "column"), = TRUE,
drop = TRUE, drop.attributes = FALSE) {
direction <- match.arg(direction)
if (missing(groups))
groups <- as.list(1:min(nsigma(x), nu(x)))
# Continue decomposition, if necessary
desired <- .maybe.continue(x, groups = groups, ...)
F <- .F(x)
dec <- .decomposition(x)
sigma <- .sigma(dec)
V <- if (nv(x) >= desired) .rowspan(dec) else NULL
L <- x$window
K <- x$length - L + 1
N.res <- K + L - 1 + len
N <- N.res + switch(direction, column = L, row = K) - 1
# Grab the FFT plan
fft.plan <- switch(direction,
column = lapply(N, fft.plan.1d, L = L),
row = mapply(fft.plan.1d, N = N, L = L + len + K - 1))
cK <- cumsum(K)
cKs <- cK - K + 1
out <- list()
for (i in seq_along(groups)) {
group <- unique(groups[[i]])
Uet <- .colspan(dec, group)
Vet <- if (is.null(V)) calc.v(x, idx = group) else V[, group, drop = FALSE]
if (identical(direction, "column")) {
U.head <- Uet[-L, , drop = FALSE]
U.tail <- Uet[-1, , drop = FALSE]
Pi <- Uet[L, ]
tUhUt <- crossprod(U.head, U.tail)
P <- tUhUt + 1 / (1 - sum(Pi^2)) * Pi %*% (t(Pi) %*% tUhUt)
R <- lapply(seq_along(N), function(idx) {
Z <- rbind(t(sigma[group] * t(Vet[cKs[idx] : cK[idx], , drop = FALSE])), matrix(NA, len + L - 1, length(group)))
for (j in (K[idx] + 1) : (K[idx] + len + L - 1)) {
Z[j, ] <- P %*% Z[j - 1, ]
fft.plan = fft.plan[[idx]]))
} else if (identical(direction, "row")) {
V.head <- Vet[-cK, , drop = FALSE]
V.tail <- Vet[-cKs, , drop = FALSE]
Pi <- Vet[cK, , drop = FALSE]
tVhVt <- crossprod(V.head, V.tail)
P <- tVhVt + t(Pi) %*% (solve(diag(length(N)) - tcrossprod(Pi), Pi) %*% tVhVt)
Z <- rbind(t(sigma[group] * t(Uet)), matrix(NA, len + max(K) - 1, length(group)))
for (j in (L + 1) : (L + len + max(K) - 1)) {
Z[j, ] <- P %*% Z[j - 1, ]
R <- lapply(seq_along(N), function(idx) {
rowSums(.hankelize.multi(Z[1 : (L + len + K[idx] - 1), , drop = FALSE],
Vet[cKs[idx] : cK[idx], , drop = FALSE],
fft.plan = fft.plan[[idx]]))
out[[i]] <- if ( {
.to.series.list(lapply(seq_along(N), function(idx) R[[idx]][seq(to = N.res[idx], length.out = len)]))
} else {
for (idx in seq_along(N)) {
length(R[[idx]]) <- N.res[idx]
R[[idx]] <- .na.bind(F[[idx]], R[[idx]], update.method = "replace")
class(R) <- "series.list"
out[[i]] <- .apply.attributes(x, out[[i]],
fixup = TRUE, =, drop = drop.attributes)
names(out) <- .group.names(groups)
if (length(out) == 1 && drop)
out <- out[[1]]
# Forecasted series can be pretty huge...
bforecast.1d.ssa <- function(x, groups,
len = 1, R = 100, level = 0.95,
type = c("recurrent", "vector"),
interval = c("confidence", "prediction"), = TRUE,
only.intervals = FALSE,
drop = TRUE, drop.attributes = FALSE, cache = TRUE) {
type <- match.arg(type)
interval <- match.arg(interval)
dots <- list(...)
if (missing(groups))
groups <- list(1:min(nsigma(x), nu(x)))
out <- list()
for (i in seq_along(groups)) {
group <- groups[[i]]
# First, perform the reconstruction and calculate the residuals.
r <- reconstruct(x, groups = list(group), ..., cache = cache)
stopifnot(length(r) == 1)
res <- residuals(r) <- if (identical(type, "recurrent")) rforecast else vforecast
boot.forecast <- function(F, base) {
s <- clone(base, copy.cache = FALSE, = FALSE)
.set(s, "F", F),
groups = list(group), len = len, drop = TRUE, =,
# Do the actual bootstrap forecast
bF <- matrix(nrow = if ( len else len + x$length, ncol = R)
bF[] <- replicate(R,
boot.forecast(r[[1]] + sample(res, replace = TRUE), x))
# Finally, calculate the statistics of interest
cf <- apply(bF, 1, quantile, probs = c((1-level) / 2, (1 + level) / 2))
if (identical(interval, "prediction")) {
res <- residuals(r)
lower <- quantile(res, probs = c((1-level) / 2))
upper <- quantile(res, probs = c((1+level) / 2))
cf <- sweep(cf, 1, c(lower, +upper), FUN = "+")
val <-
if (only.intervals),
groups = list(group), len = len, drop = TRUE, =,
out[[i]] <- .apply.attributes(x, cbind(Value = val, t(cf)),
fixup = TRUE, =,
drop = drop.attributes)
names(out) <- .group.names(groups)
if (length(out) == 1 && drop)
out <- out[[1]]
predict.1d.ssa <- function(object,
groups, len = 1,
method = c("recurrent", "vector"),
interval = c("none", "confidence", "prediction"),
only.intervals = TRUE,
drop = TRUE, drop.attributes = FALSE, cache = TRUE) {
method <- match.arg(method)
interval <- match.arg(interval)
dots <- list(...)
# Calculate a forecast
if (identical(interval, "none")) { <- if (identical(method, "recurrent")) rforecast else vforecast, c(list(object, groups = groups, len = len, drop = drop, drop.attributes = drop.attributes, cache = cache), dots))
} else {, c(list(object,
type = method, interval = interval,
groups = groups, len = len,
only.intervals = only.intervals,
drop = drop, drop.attributes = drop.attributes, cache = cache), dots))
predict.mssa <- function(object,
groups, len = 1,
method = c("recurrent", "vector"),
direction = c("column", "row"),
drop = TRUE, drop.attributes = FALSE, cache = TRUE) {
method <- match.arg(method)
direction <- match.arg(direction)
dots <- list(...)
# Calculate a forecast
switch (method,
'recurrent' =, c(list(object, direction = direction, groups = groups, len = len, drop = drop, drop.attributes = drop.attributes, cache = cache), dots)),
'vector' =, c(list(object, direction = direction, groups = groups, len = len, cache = cache), dots)))
forecast.1d.ssa <- function(object,
groups, h = 1,
method = c("recurrent", "vector"),
interval = c("none", "confidence", "prediction"),
only.intervals = TRUE,
drop = TRUE, drop.attributes = FALSE, cache = TRUE) {
method <- match.arg(method)
interval <- match.arg(interval)
# Provide fixups
dots <- list(...)
if (is.element("len", names(dots))) {
len <- dots$len
dots$len <- NULL
} else
len <- h
dots$ <- TRUE
# Perform the forecast
f <-, c(list(object,
groups = groups,
len = len, method = method,
interval = interval, only.intervals = only.intervals,
drop = drop, drop.attributes = drop.attributes, cache = cache), dots))
# Now perform a "cast" to forecast object
F <- .get(object, "F")
if (!drop.attributes)
attributes(F) <- .get(object, "Fattr")
out <- list()
for (i in seq_along(groups)) {
# Perform the reconstruction. We cannot do all-at-once, because we need proper residuals as well.
r <- reconstruct(object, groups = groups[i], ..., drop.attributes = drop.attributes, cache = cache)
stopifnot(length(r) == 1)
res <- list(model = object,
method = switch(method,
recurrent = "SSA (recurrent)",
vector = "SSA (vector)"),
fitted = r[[1]],
residuals = residuals(r),
x = F)
# Handle bootstrap forecast separately
if (!identical(interval, "none")) {
nbnd <- (ncol(f) - 1) / 2
res$mean <- f[, "Value"]
res$lower <- f[, seq(from = 2, by = 1, length.out = nbnd)]
res$upper <- f[, seq(from = 2 + nbnd, by = 1, length.out = nbnd)]
# HACK! Need to change if bforecast defaults will be changed!
if (is.element("level", names(dots))) res$level <- 100*dots$level else res$level <- 100*0.95
} else {
res$mean <- f
class(res) <- "forecast"
out[[i]] <- res
if (length(out) == 1 && drop)
out <- out[[1]]
"lrr.toeplitz.ssa" <- `lrr.1d.ssa`;
"vforecast.toeplitz.ssa" <- `vforecast.1d.ssa`;
"rforecast.toeplitz.ssa" <- `rforecast.1d.ssa`;
"bforecast.toeplitz.ssa" <- `bforecast.1d.ssa`;
"forecast.toeplitz.ssa" <- `forecast.1d.ssa`;
"predict.toeplitz.ssa" <- `predict.1d.ssa`;
"lrr.mssa" <- `lrr.1d.ssa`
"lrr.cssa" <- `lrr.1d.ssa`
"rforecast.cssa" <- `rforecast.1d.ssa`;
"vforecast.cssa" <- `vforecast.1d.ssa`;
lrr <- function(x, ...)
roots <- function(x, ...)
rforecast <- function(x, ...)
vforecast <- function(x, ...)
bforecast <- function(x, ...)
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