API for RstoxData
Tools to Read and Manipulate Fisheries Data

Global functions
.onLoad Source code
AcousticData Man page
AcousticDataToICESAcousticOne Source code
AcousticData_ICESToICESAcousticOne Source code
AddToStoxBiotic Man page Source code
AddToStoxData Source code
BioticData Man page
BioticData2GeneralSamplingHierarchy Source code
BioticDataToICESBioticOne Source code
BioticData_ICESToICESBioticOne Source code
BioticData_NMDToICESBioticOne Source code
ConversionFunction_Addition Source code
ConversionFunction_AdditionAndScaling Source code
ConversionFunction_Constant Source code
ConversionFunction_Scaling Source code
ConvertAcoustic Man page Source code
ConvertAcousticFree Source code
ConvertAcousticOld Source code
ConvertBiotic Man page Source code
ConvertBioticFree Source code
ConvertBioticOld Source code
ConvertData Source code
ConvertDataFree Source code
ConvertDataOld Source code
ConvertStoxAcoustic Man page Source code
ConvertStoxAcousticFree Source code
ConvertStoxAcousticOld Source code
ConvertStoxBiotic Man page Source code
ConvertStoxBioticFree Source code
ConvertStoxBioticOld Source code
DataTypes Man page
DefineTranslation Man page Source code
FilterAcoustic Man page Source code
FilterBiotic Man page Source code
FilterLanding Man page Source code
FilterStoxAcoustic Man page Source code
FilterStoxBiotic Man page Source code
FilterStoxLanding Man page Source code
GeneralSamplingHierarchy2StoxBiotic Source code
ICESAcoustic Man page Source code
ICESAcousticData Man page
ICESBiotic Man page Source code
ICESBioticData Man page
ICESDatras Man page
ICESDatrasData Man page
LandingData Man page
MergeStoxAcoustic Man page
MergeStoxAcousticData Man page
MergeStoxBiotic Man page Source code
MergeStoxBioticData Man page
ModelData Man page
ProcessData Man page
ReadAcoustic Man page Source code
ReadBiotic Man page Source code
ReadLanding Man page Source code
RedefineData Source code
RedefineStoxBiotic Man page Source code
RstoxData Man page
RstoxData-package Man page
StoxAcoustic Man page Source code
StoxAcousticData Man page
StoxAcousticOne Source code
StoxBiotic Man page Source code
StoxBioticData Man page
StoxBioticFormat Man page
StoxBiotic_firstPhase Source code
StoxBiotic_secondPhase Source code
StoxLanding Man page Source code
StoxLandingData Man page
TranslateAcoustic Man page Source code
TranslateBiotic Man page Source code
TranslateICESAcoustic Man page Source code
TranslateICESBiotic Man page Source code
TranslateLanding Man page Source code
TranslateStoxAcoustic Man page Source code
TranslateStoxBiotic Man page Source code
TranslateStoxLanding Man page Source code
Translation Man page
WriteICESAcoustic Man page Source code
WriteICESAcousticData Man page
WriteICESAcousticOne Source code
WriteICESBiotic Man page
WriteICESBioticData Man page
WriteICESDatras Man page
WriteICESDatrasData Man page
applyConversionFunction Source code
applyConversionFunctionFree Source code
applyConversionFunctionTemp Source code
as.numeric_IfPossible Source code
autodetectXml Source code
backwardCompatibility Man page
checkDataSource Source code Source code
checkFileNameInZip Source code
checkUniqueFormat Source code
closeTag Source code
compareICES Source code
conversionTableFormatPossibleValuesFunction Source code
convertClassToExistingOne Source code
convertClassToExistingOneElement Source code
convertToHeaderRecordMatrix Source code
convertToRecordTypeMatrix Source code
createHeaderRecordMatrix Source code
createOrderKey Source code
createRecordTypeMatrix Source code
createXsdObject Source code
expandFilterExpressionList Source code
expandWidth Source code
extractNMDlandingsV2 Source code
extractVariables Source code
filterData Man page Source code
findVariablesMathcinigVocabulary Source code
findVariablesMathcinigVocabularyOne Source code
firstPhase Source code
generalSamplingHierarhcy Man page
general_arguments Man page
getDATRASMaturity Source code
getDistanceMeter Source code
getGOVSweepByEquipment Source code
getHaulVal Source code
getHaulValiditySimple Source code
getICESShipCode Source code
getICESrect Source code
getIcesVocabulary Source code
getLengthCodeICES Source code
getLengthResolutionTable Source code
getMissingCombinations Source code
getMissingCombinationsWarning Source code
getNumberOfCores Man page Source code
getQuarter Source code
getRstoxDataDefinitions Man page Source code
getStoxDataFromMerged Source code
getStoxKeys Man page Source code
getStoxRawDataFormat Source code
getTimeDiff Source code
getUniqueTargetAndSource Source code
get_os Source code
initIC Source code
initiateRstoxData Source code
is.LandingData Man page Source code
is.StoxLandingData Man page Source code
lapplyOnCores Man page Source code
lapplyToStoxData Source code
mapplyOnCores Man page Source code
matchClass Source code
mergeAndOverwriteDataTable Source code
mergeByIntersect Man page Source code
mergeByStoxKeys Man page Source code
mergeDataTables Man page Source code
moveIDsLast Source code
openTag Source code
orderRowsByKeys Source code
parseInt Source code
parseInterCatch Man page Source code
parseNumeric Source code
processHI Source code
processMetadata Source code
processPropertyFormats Man page
processSD Source code
processSI Source code
processXSD Source code
rbindlist_StoxFormat Source code
readCharZip Source code
readErsFile Man page Source code
readLssFile Man page Source code
readVariableTranslation Source code
readXmlCpp Source code
readXmlCppStream Source code
readXmlFile Man page Source code
read_psv Source code
removeRowsOfDuplicatedKeys Source code
replaceAndDelete Source code
roundOff Source code
roundOffValid Source code
roundSignif Source code
scaleLengthUsingLengthCode Source code
scaleUnit Source code
secondPhase Source code
setKeysDataTables Source code
setPrecisionLevelOneDT Source code
setRstoxPrecisionLevel Man page Source code
setorderv_numeric Man page Source code
stoxBioticObject Man page
stoxFunctionAttributes Man page
translateOneTable Source code
translateOneTranslationOneTable Source code
translateVariables Source code
typeConvert Source code
writeLevel Source code
writeSimpleTags Source code
writeXmlDeclaration Source code
writeXmlFile Source code
xsdObjects Man page
RstoxData documentation built on July 17, 2021, 5:08 p.m.