
Defines functions readXmlFile

Documented in readXmlFile

#' Read fisheries XML data format file
#' Read fisheries XML data format file. Currently supports IMR Biotic version 1 until 3, IMR Echosounder version 1, and IMR Landing version 2 formats at the moment.
#' Streaming XML pull parser can be used to avoid loading the whole XML into memory and it supports ZIP file reading. Please note that
#' the XML file inside the zip file should be using the same name as the zip file itself (e.g. test.xml inside test.zip). 
#' @param xmlFilePath full path to the XML file to be read.
#' @param stream a streaming XML pull parser is used if this is set to TRUE. An XML DOM parser is used if this is set to FALSE. Default to TRUE.
#' @param useXsd Specify an xsd object to use. Default to NULL.
#' @param usePrefix Manually specify a namespace prefix. Default to NULL.
#' @param verbose Show verbose output. Default to FALSE.
#' @return List of data.table objects containing the "flattened" XML data.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Reading test.xml using XML pull parser
#' one <- readXmlFile("./test.xml")
#' # Reading test.xml using XML DOM parser
#' two <- readXmlFile("./test.xml", stream = FALSE)
#' # Reading test.xml inside test.zip file
#' three <- readXmlFile("./test.zip")
#' }
#' @importFrom data.table as.data.table transpose data.table := .SD
#' @importFrom utils data
#' @importFrom xml2 read_xml
#' @importFrom xslt xml_xslt
#' @export
readXmlFile <- function(xmlFilePath, stream = TRUE, useXsd = NULL, usePrefix = NULL, verbose = FALSE) {

	# To UTf-8
	toUTF8 <- function(srcvec) {
		Encoding(srcvec) <- "UTF-8"

	# Ices Acoustic XSD needs several additional treatments
	icesAcousticPreprocess <- function(xsdObject) {

		AC <- xsdObject

		# We only interested in these tables
		allData <- AC$tableOrder
		newAC <- lapply(AC, function(x) x[allData])

		# Set again the root
		newAC$root <- "Acoustic"

		# Re-build prefix data
		newAC$prefixLens[allData] <- 0

		allDatawithPrefix <- c("Instrument", "Calibration", "DataAcquisition", "DataProcessing", "Cruise", "Survey", "Log", "Sample", "Data")

		newAC$prefixLens[allDatawithPrefix] <- 1
		newAC$prefixLens["Log"] <- 2
		newAC$prefixLens["Sample"] <- 3
		newAC$prefixLens["Data"] <- 4

		newAC$tableHeaders$Log <- c("LocalID", newAC$tableHeaders$Log)
		newAC$tableTypes$Log <- c("xsd:string", newAC$tableTypes$Log)

		newAC$tableHeaders$Sample <- c("LocalID", "Distance", newAC$tableHeaders$Sample)
		newAC$tableTypes$Sample <- c("xsd:string", "xsd:float", newAC$tableTypes$Sample)

		newAC$tableHeaders$Data <- c("LocalID", "Distance", "ChannelDepthUpper", newAC$tableHeaders$Data)
		newAC$tableTypes$Data <- c("xsd:string", "xsd:float",  "xsd:float", newAC$tableTypes$Data)

		# Modify cruise structure to get LocalID as prefix (the types order are the same, as they are all type of string)
		newAC$tableHeaders$Cruise <- c("LocalID", "Country", "Platform", "StartDate", "EndDate", "Organisation")

		# Put back table order
		newAC$tableOrder <- allData


	# Ices Biotic XSD needs several additional treatments
	icesBioticPreprocess <- function(xsdObject) {

		AC <- xsdObject

		# We only interested in these tables
		allData <- AC$tableOrder
		newAC <- lapply(AC, function(x) x[allData])

		# Set again the root
		newAC$root <- "Biotic"

		# Re-build prefix data
		newAC$prefixLens[allData] <- 0

		allDatawithPrefix <- c("Cruise", "Survey", "Haul", "Catch", "Biology")

		newAC$prefixLens[allDatawithPrefix] <- 1
		newAC$prefixLens["Haul"] <- 3
		newAC$prefixLens["Catch"] <- 5
		newAC$prefixLens["Biology"] <- 6

		newAC$tableHeaders$Haul <- c("LocalID", newAC$tableHeaders$Haul)
		newAC$tableTypes$Haul <- c("xsd:string", newAC$tableTypes$Haul)

		newAC$tableHeaders$Catch <- c("LocalID", "Gear", "Number", "SpeciesCode", "SpeciesCategory", "DataType", "SpeciesValidity", tail(newAC$tableHeaders$Catch, length(newAC$tableHeaders$Catch) - 4))
		newAC$tableTypes$Catch <- c("xsd:string", "xsd:string", "xsd:int", "xsd:string", "xsd:int", "xsd:string", "xsd:string", tail(newAC$tableTypes$Catch, length(newAC$tableTypes$Catch) - 4))

		newAC$tableHeaders$Biology <- c("LocalID", "Gear", "Number", "SpeciesCode", "SpeciesCategory", newAC$tableHeaders$Biology)
		newAC$tableTypes$Biology <- c("xsd:string", "xsd:string", "xsd:int", "xsd:string", "xsd:int", newAC$tableTypes$Biology)

		# Modify cruise structure to get LocalID as prefix (the types order are the same, as they are all type of string)
		newAC$tableHeaders$Cruise <- c("LocalID", "Country", "Platform", "StartDate", "EndDate", "Organisation")

		# Put back table order
		newAC$tableOrder <- allData


	# Process column names and types
	applyNameType <- function(x, result, tableHeaders, tableTypes) {

		# Known atomic data types
		knownTypes <- list( "xsd:ID"="character", "xsd:float"="double", "xs:string"="character",
						"xsd:string"="character", "xsd:int"="integer", "xs:long"="integer", "xs:integer"="integer",
						"xs:decimal"="double", "xs:date"="character", "xs:time"="character", "xs:double"="double")

		# Get result matrix
		y <- result[[x]]

		# Handle empty data
		if(ncol(y) == 0)
			y <- matrix(data = "", nrow = 0, ncol = length(tableHeaders[[x]]))

		# Convert to data.table
		z <- data.table(y)

		# Set column names
		tableHeader <- tableHeaders[[x]]

		# NOTE: Landings' Fartoy header has duplicate header name try to rename the second
		# Instead of adding integers, add the level:
		#tableHeader <- make.unique(tableHeader)
		if(anyDuplicated(tableHeader)) {
			dup <- duplicated(tableHeader)
			tableHeader[dup] <- paste(tableHeader[dup], x, sep = ".")
		Encoding(tableHeader) <- "UTF-8"
		setnames(z, tableHeader)

		# Set encoding (Rcpp uses UTF-8)
		cn <- colnames(z)
		if(nrow(z) > 0)
			z[, (cn):=lapply(.SD, toUTF8), .SDcols=cn]

		# Set column types (only double and integer for now)
		tableType <- tableTypes[[x]]
		if(length(tableType) > 0) {
			for(i in seq_len(ncol(z))) {
				# Map the types
				doConv <- eval(parse(text = paste0("as.", knownTypes[[tableType[i]]])))
				z[, tableHeader[i] := doConv(z[[tableHeader[i]]])]

	# Load data if necessary
		data(xsdObjects, package="RstoxData", envir = environment())

	# Expand path
	xmlFilePath <- path.expand(xmlFilePath)

	# Check file exists
	if(!file.exists(xmlFilePath)) {
		stop(paste("File", xmlFilePath, "does not exist."))

	# Check that the zip contains a properly named file:
	# Try to do autodetect anyway
	found <- autodetectXml(xmlFilePath, xsdObjects, verbose)

		useXsd <- found[["xsd"]]
                usePrefix <- found[["nsPrefix"]]

	# See if we have a namespace prefix set
	if(!is.null(usePrefix)) {
		warning(paste("File", basename(xmlFilePath), "contains namespace prefix(es). Will try to remove them before reading."))
		stripXslt <- system.file("extdata/stripns.xsl", package = "RstoxData")
		stripped <- xml_xslt(read_xml(xmlFilePath), read_xml(stripXslt))
		tempXml <- tempfile(fileext=".xml")
		fileConn <- file(tempXml)
		writeLines(as.character(stripped), fileConn)
		xmlFilePath <- tempXml

	# Apply preprocess for ICES XSDs
	if(useXsd == "icesAcoustic") {
		xsdObjects$icesAcoustic.xsd <- icesAcousticPreprocess(xsdObjects$icesAcoustic.xsd)
	} else if(useXsd == "icesBiotic") {
		xsdObjects$icesBiotic.xsd <- icesBioticPreprocess(xsdObjects$icesBiotic.xsd)

	# Invoke C++ xml reading
	if(stream) {
		res <- readXmlCppStream(xmlFilePath, xsdObjects, useXsd, found[["encoding"]], verbose)
	} else {
		res <- readXmlCpp(xmlFilePath, xsdObjects, useXsd, found[["encoding"]], verbose)

	result <- res[["result"]]
	xsd <- res[["xsd"]]

	# Fix encoding on the result list names
	xx <- names(result)
	Encoding(xx) <- "UTF-8"
	names(result) <- xx

	tableHeaders <- xsdObjects[[xsd]][["tableHeaders"]]
	tableTypes <- xsdObjects[[xsd]][["tableTypes"]]

	# Finishing touch
	final <- lapply(names(result), applyNameType, result, tableHeaders, tableTypes)
	names(final) <- names(result)

	# Add metadata
	final[["metadata"]] <- data.table(useXsd = useXsd, file = xmlFilePath)

	# For ICES data, add their vocabulary
	if(useXsd == "icesAcoustic" || useXsd == "icesBiotic")
		final[["vocabulary"]] <- getIcesVocabulary(xmlFilePath)


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RstoxData documentation built on July 17, 2021, 5:08 p.m.