
Defines functions StoxAcousticOne StoxAcoustic

Documented in StoxAcoustic

#' Convert AcousticData to StoxAcousticData
#' @inheritParams ModelData
#' @return An object of StoX data type \code{\link{StoxAcousticData}}.
#' @export
StoxAcoustic <- function(AcousticData){
	# Convert to StoxAcosuticData possibly on several cores:
    StoxAcousticData <- lapplyOnCores(
    	FUN = StoxAcousticOne, 
    	NumberOfCores = 1L
    # Rbind for each StoxAcoustic table:
    StoxAcousticData <- rbindlist_StoxFormat(StoxAcousticData)
    # Remove rows of duplicated keys:
    StoxAcousticData <- removeRowsOfDuplicatedKeys(
    	StoxData = StoxAcousticData, 
    	stoxDataFormat = "Acoustic"
    # Order rows:
    # Ensure that the numeric values are rounded to the defined number of digits:


# Get the StoxAcoustic format of one list of AocusticData:
StoxAcousticOne <- function(data_list) {
	useXsd  <- data_list$metadata$useXsd
	if(useXsd == 'nmdechosounderv1'){
		ices_format <- FALSE
	} else if(useXsd == 'icesAcoustic') {
		ices_format <- TRUE
	} else {
		message("Unsupported input for StoxAcoustic")
		# Description: protocol to convert NMDacoustic to StoxAcoustic  #
		#                       RENAME general level                    #
		names(data_list)[names(data_list)=='echosounder_dataset']<- 'Cruise'
		names(data_list)[names(data_list)=='distance']<- 'Log'
		names(data_list)[names(data_list)=='frequency']<- 'Beam'
		names(data_list)[names(data_list)=='sa_by_acocat']<- 'AcousticCategory'
		names(data_list)[names(data_list)=='ch_type']<- 'ChannelReference'
		names(data_list)[names(data_list)=='sa']<- 'NASC'
		#   Reorder the levels to AcousticCategory > ChannelReference  #
		merged <- merge(data_list$ChannelReference, data_list$AcousticCategory)
		data_list$AcousticCategory <- unique(merged[, !"type"])
		data_list$ChannelReference <- unique(merged)
		#ul <- (unique(data_list$AcousticCategory))
		#mm <- merge(data_list$ChannelReference, data_list$AcousticCategory)
		##Make new list structure    
		#        Add cruice key to all list                             #
		data_list$Cruise$CruiseKey           <- data_list$Cruise$cruise
		data_list$Log$CruiseKey              <- data_list$Cruise$cruise
		data_list$Beam$CruiseKey             <- data_list$Cruise$cruise
		data_list$AcousticCategory$CruiseKey <- data_list$Cruise$cruise
		data_list$ChannelReference$CruiseKey <- data_list$Cruise$cruise
		data_list$NASC$CruiseKey             <- data_list$Cruise$cruise
		#         Add Keys                                              #
		data_list$Log[, LogKey:= paste0(gsub(' ','T',start_time),'.000Z')]
		data_list$Beam[, LogKey:= paste0(gsub(' ','T',start_time),'.000Z')]
		data_list$AcousticCategory[, LogKey:= paste0(gsub(' ','T',start_time),'.000Z')]
		data_list$ChannelReference[, LogKey:= paste0(gsub(' ','T',start_time),'.000Z')]
		data_list$NASC[, LogKey:= paste0(gsub(' ','T',start_time),'.000Z')]
		if(any(duplicated(data_list$Log[,c('LogKey')]))) {
			originalNrow <- nrow(data_list$Log)
			data_list$Log <- subset(data_list$Log, !duplicated(LogKey))
			newNrow <- nrow(data_list$Log)
			warning("StoX: The data with CruiseKey ", data_list$Log$CruiseKey[1], " have non-unique LogKey (defined as time in StoxAcoustic). Check whether the input data have time where seconds has been set to 00. This may cause non-unique LogKey for high spatial resolution (e.g., 0.1 nautical miles). The rows with duplicated LogKey will be removed! (number of rows reduced from ", originalNrow, " to ", newNrow, ")")
			data_list$Log <- subset(data_list$Log, !duplicated(LogKey))
		#            Add BeamKey to all list                            #
		data_list$Beam[, BeamKey := paste(freq, transceiver, sep='/')]
		data_list$AcousticCategory[, BeamKey := paste(freq, transceiver, sep='/')]
		data_list$ChannelReference[, BeamKey := paste(freq, transceiver, sep='/')]
		data_list$NASC[, BeamKey := paste(freq, transceiver, sep='/')]
		#        Add AcousticCategoryKey to all list                    #
		# Added as.character() here to convert the integer acocat of LUF20 to character:
		data_list$AcousticCategory$AcousticCategoryKey  <- as.character(data_list$AcousticCategory$acocat)
		data_list$ChannelReference$AcousticCategoryKey  <- as.character(data_list$ChannelReference$acocat)
		data_list$NASC$AcousticCategoryKey              <- as.character(data_list$NASC$acocat)
		#        Add ChannelReferenceKey to all list                    #
		data_list$ChannelReference$ChannelReferenceKey  <- data_list$ChannelReference$type
		data_list$NASC$ChannelReferenceKey              <- data_list$NASC$type
		#              Add NASCKey to all list                       #
		data_list$NASC$NASCKey           <- as.character(data_list$NASC$ch)
		#                       RENAME cruise level                     #
		names(data_list$Cruise)[names(data_list$Cruise)=='platform'] <- 'Platform'
		# Platform should be character, whereas this is integer (!) in NMDEchosounder:
		data_list$Cruise$Platform <- as.character(data_list$Cruise$Platform)
		#                       RENAME LOG level                        #
		names(data_list$Log)[names(data_list$Log)=='log_start']        <- 'Log'
		names(data_list$Log)[names(data_list$Log)=='integrator_dist'] <- 'LogDistance'
		names(data_list$Log)[names(data_list$Log)=='lon_start']       <- 'Longitude'
		names(data_list$Log)[names(data_list$Log)=='lat_start']       <- 'Latitude'
		names(data_list$Log)[names(data_list$Log)=='lon_stop']       <- 'Longitude2'
		names(data_list$Log)[names(data_list$Log)=='lat_stop']       <- 'Latitude2'
		data_list$Cruise[, Cruise := CruiseKey]
		#                 ADD info in  LOG level                        #
		# 2020-02-03: Removed bottom depth, as we need to decide whether to include this or not, given its arbitrary interpretation for different frequencies:
		#data_list$Beam$BottomDepth<-rowMeans(cbind(data_list$Beam$min_bot_depth,data_list$Beam$max_bot_depth),na.rm = TRUE)
		#tmp2 <- data_list$Beam[,c('LogKey','BeamKey','BottomDepth','upper_integrator_depth')]
		# See note 2020-04-29:
		tmp2 <- data_list$Beam[,c('LogKey','BeamKey', 'upper_integrator_depth')]
		data_list$Log <- merge(data_list$Log,tmp2,by='LogKey')
		data_list$Log[, EDSU := paste(data_list$Cruise$CruiseKey, LogKey, sep='/')]
		# Add DateTime as POSIXct
		#data_list$Log[, DateTime:= paste0(gsub(' ','T',start_time),'.000Z')]
		StoxTimeZone <- getRstoxDataDefinitions("StoxTimeZone")
		data_list$Log[, DateTime:= as.POSIXct(start_time, tz = StoxTimeZone)]
		data_list$Log$LogOrigin <- "start"
		data_list$Log$LogOrigin2 <- "end"
		data_list$Log$LogDuration <- as.numeric(
			as.POSIXct(data_list$Log$stop_time, tz = StoxTimeZone) - 
				as.POSIXct(data_list$Log$start_time, tz = StoxTimeZone), 
			units ="secs"
		# Add NA as BottomDepth, since bottom depth in NMDEchosounder1 is defined as a start and stop value per frequency, and not one single value per Log, as in ICESAcoustic and as intended in StoxAcoustic. We choose to set these as NA and rather wait for any requests on the BottomDepth, which will call for a decision on how to interpret the bottom depth information in NMDEchosounder1 (confronting LSSS etc.):
		data_list$Log$BottomDepth <- NA_real_
		#                       RENAME Frequency level                  #
		names(data_list$Beam)[names(data_list$Beam)=='freq'] <- 'Frequency'
		# Frequency should be double, whereas this is integer (!) in NMDEchosounder:
		data_list$Cruise$Frequency <- as.double(data_list$Cruise$Frequency)
		data_list$Beam$Beam <- data_list$Beam$BeamKey
		#                       RENAME AcousticCatecory level           #
		data_list$AcousticCategory$AcousticCategory <- data_list$AcousticCategory$AcousticCategoryKey
		#                       RENAME ChannelReference level           #
		data_list$ChannelReference$ChannelReference <- data_list$ChannelReference$ChannelReferenceKey
		data_list$ChannelReference$ChannelReferenceType <- data_list$ChannelReference$type
		data_list$ChannelReference$ChannelReferenceDepth <- ifelse(data_list$ChannelReference$ChannelReferenceType == "P", 0, NA_real_) # Hard coded to the surface for pelagic channels ("P") of the LUF20, and NA for bottom channels ("B"):
		data_list$ChannelReference$ChannelReferenceTilt <- ifelse(data_list$ChannelReference$ChannelReferenceType == "P", 180, 0) # Hard coded to vertically downwards for pelagic channels ("P") of the LUF20, and vertically upwards for bottom channels ("B"):
		#                RENAME NASC level                              #
		names(data_list$NASC)[names(data_list$NASC)=='sa'] <- 'NASC'
		# This should not be a number but an ID, thus character:
		data_list$NASC$Channel <- as.character(data_list$NASC$ch)
		#                Adding depth to list                           #
		#This info is not avaliable in nmd echosounder, and is hacked here
		#     - Do stuff to the bottom mode
		#temp <- merge(data_list$Beam[,c('upper_integrator_depth','LogKey')],data_list$Log[,c('pel_ch_thickness','LogKey')],by='LogKey')
		data_list$NASC <- merge(data_list$NASC, data_list$Log[,c('upper_integrator_depth','pel_ch_thickness','LogKey','BeamKey')],by=c('LogKey','BeamKey'))
		data_list$NASC$MinChannelRange <- data_list$NASC$pel_ch_thickness * (as.integer(data_list$NASC$ch) - 1)
		data_list$NASC$MaxChannelRange <- data_list$NASC$pel_ch_thickness * as.integer(data_list$NASC$ch)
		#Fiks upper integration depth for pelagic
		#Denne maa Dobbelsjekkes
		# Temporary change class of the Longitude2 and Latitude2 to double, due to error in the xsd:
		data_list$Log$Latitude2 <- as.double(data_list$Log$Latitude2)
		data_list$Log$Longitude2 <- as.double(data_list$Log$Longitude2)
		# Description: protocol to convert ICESacoustic to StoxAcoustic #
		#                       RENAME general level                    #
		names(data_list)[names(data_list)=='Data']<- 'NASC'
		#         Fiks to correct time format, and add to key           #
		data_list$Log[, LogKey:= paste0(gsub(' ','T',Time),'.000Z')]
		data_list$Log[, EDSU:= paste(LocalID,LogKey,sep='/')]
		#                   MAKE other general level                    #
		tmp <- merge(data_list$Sample,data_list$NASC)
		tmp <- merge(tmp,data_list$Log[,c('Distance','Time','LogKey','Origin')],by='Distance')
		# Category can be in either EchoType of SaCategory
		tmp[, AcousticCategory:=ifelse(is.na(SaCategory), EchoType, SaCategory)]
		#apply beam level, and add Beam key to all
		tmp_beam<-merge(tmp,data_list$Instrument, by='ID')
		# Sanity check, we can't have missing instrument records/linkage
		if(nrow(tmp_beam) == 0) {
			stop("StoxAcoustic: There is something wrong in the instrument records (input format: ICES Acoustic)")
		# Multiply by 1000 to get the frequency into Hz and not kHz as specified in the ICESAcoustic:
		tmp_beam$Frequency <- 1000 * tmp_beam$Frequency
		#tmp_beam$BeamKey <- tmp_beam$Frequency
		# Changed on 2020-10-16 to only use the ID:
		#tmp_beam$BeamKey <- paste(tmp_beam$Frequency, tmp_beam$ID, sep = '/')
		tmp_beam$BeamKey <- tmp_beam$ID
		tmp_beam$Beam <- tmp_beam$BeamKey
		tmp$BeamKey <- tmp_beam$BeamKey
		data_list$Beam <- unique(tmp_beam[,!c('NASC','ChannelDepthUpper', 'ChannelDepthLower', 'AcousticCategory','Type','Unit','SvThreshold', 'SaCategory')])
		#apply acoustic catecory, and add Key to all
		data_list$AcousticCategory <- tmp
		data_list$AcousticCategory$AcousticCategoryKey <- tmp$AcousticCategory
		tmp$AcousticCategoryKey<- tmp$AcousticCategory
		# Get only unique lines:
		data_list$AcousticCategory <- unique(data_list$AcousticCategory[,!c('NASC','ChannelDepthUpper', 'ChannelDepthLower', 'Type','Unit','SvThreshold', 'SaCategory')])
		#Apply channel, and apply key to all
		tmp$ChannelReferenceType <- 'P'
		tmp$ChannelReferenceKey <- tmp$ChannelReferenceType
		# Note: This is different from transducer depth, which is available in the Instrument table:
		tmp$ChannelReferenceDepth <- ifelse(tmp$ChannelReferenceType == "P", 0, NA_real_) # Hard coded to the surface for pelagic channels ("P") of the LUF20, and NA for bottom channels ("B"):
		#tmp$ChannelReferenceTilt <- ifelse(tmp$ChannelReferenceType == "P", 180, 0) # Hard coded to vertically downwards for pelagic channels ("P") of the LUF20, and vertically upwards for bottom channels ("B"):
		# Added on 2020-12-09:
		# Parse the tilt from the elevation angle in Instrument$TransducerOrientation:
		getBeamTiltAngle <- function(x) {
			# Check code words:
			if(grepl("downwards", tolower(x))) {
				tiltAngle <- 180
			else if(grepl("upward", tolower(x))) {
				tiltAngle <- 0
			else {
				# Remove trailing string "elevation":
				elevationAngle <- gsub(
				# Remoev non-numeric:
				elevationAngle <- gsub(
					"[^[:digit:]., ]", 
				)#  Remove all from first space and on:
				elevationAngle <- strsplit(elevationAngle, " ", fixed = TRUE)[[1]][1]
				elevationAngle <- as.numeric(elevationAngle)
				tiltAngle <- 180 - elevationAngle
		ChannelReferenceTiltTable <- data_list$Instrument[, .(ChannelReferenceTilt = getBeamTiltAngle(TransducerOrientation)), by = "ID"]
		tmp <- merge(tmp, ChannelReferenceTiltTable, by.x = "BeamKey", by.y = "ID")
		data_list$ChannelReference <- tmp
		# Get only unique lines:
		data_list$ChannelReference <- unique(data_list$ChannelReference[,!c('NASC','ChannelDepthUpper', 'ChannelDepthLower', 'Type','Unit','SvThreshold', 'SaCategory')])
		#Apply channel, and apply key to all
		tmp$NASCKey <- paste(tmp$ChannelDepthUpper, tmp$ChannelDepthLower, sep = '/')
		# Use the upper and lower channel depth as channel ID (changed on 2021-03-24):
		#tmp$Channel <- NA
		tmp[, Channel := paste(ChannelDepthUpper, ChannelDepthLower, sep = "_")]
		data_list$NASC <- tmp
		#                       RENAME variables                        #
		names(data_list$Cruise)[names(data_list$Cruise)=='platform'] <- 'Platform'
		names(data_list$Log)[names(data_list$Log)=='Longitude'] <- 'Longitude'
		names(data_list$Log)[names(data_list$Log)=='Latitude'] <- 'Latitude'
		names(data_list$Log)[names(data_list$Log)=='LongitudeStop'] <- 'Longitude2'
		names(data_list$Log)[names(data_list$Log)=='LatitudeStop'] <- 'Latitude2'
		#names(data_list$Log)[names(data_list$Log)=='BottomDepth'] <- 'BottomDepth'
		names(data_list$Log)[names(data_list$Log)=='Distance'] <- 'Log'
		names(data_list$Log)[names(data_list$Log)=='Time'] <- 'DateTime'
		names(data_list$Log)[names(data_list$Log)=='Origin'] <- 'LogOrigin'
		names(data_list$NASC)[names(data_list$NASC)=='ChannelDepthUpper'] <- 'MinChannelRange'
		names(data_list$NASC)[names(data_list$NASC)=='ChannelDepthLower'] <- 'MaxChannelRange'
		#add integration distance
		data_list$Log<-merge(data_list$Log,data_list$Beam[,c('PingAxisInterval','LogKey')], all.x = TRUE)
		names(data_list$Log)[names(data_list$Log)=='PingAxisInterval'] <- 'LogDistance'
		# The LogOrigin2 should be NA until it gets incorporated in the ICESAcoustic format:
		#data_list$Log$LogOrigin2 <- "end"
		data_list$Log$LogOrigin2 <- NA_character_
		data_list$Log$LogDuration <- NA_real_
		####Bugfiks since StopLat and lon do not exist yet
		data_list$Log$Longitude2 <- NA_real_
		data_list$Log$Latitude2 <- NA_real_
		# Convert to POSIX.ct:
		data_list$Log[, DateTime := as.POSIXct_ICESAcoustic(DateTime)]
		# Remove duplicates in Log and Beam
		data_list$Log <- unique(data_list$Log)
		data_list$Beam <- unique(data_list$Beam)
		# Interpret the LogOrigin and LogOrigin2 as "start", "middle" or "end":
		interpretLogOrigin <- function(x) {
			if(!is.na(x[1])) {
				sub("AC_LogOrigin_", "", x)
			else {
		data_list$Log$LogOrigin <- interpretLogOrigin(data_list$Log$LogOrigin)
		data_list$Log$LogOrigin2 <- interpretLogOrigin(data_list$Log$LogOrigin2)
		#        Add cruice key to all list                             #
		data_list$Cruise[, CruiseKey:= LocalID]
		data_list$Log[, CruiseKey:= LocalID]
		data_list$Beam[, CruiseKey:= LocalID]
		data_list$AcousticCategory[, CruiseKey:= LocalID]
		data_list$ChannelReference[, CruiseKey:= LocalID]
		data_list$NASC[, CruiseKey:= LocalID]
		data_list$Cruise[, Cruise := CruiseKey]
	#add effective log distance
	data_list$Log$EffectiveLogDistance <- data_list$Log$LogDistance
	#                REMOVE undefined stoxacoustic variables        #
	data_list$Cruise<-data_list$Cruise[, c('CruiseKey', 'Cruise', 'Platform')]
	# 2020-02-03: Removed BottomDepth, which is mandatory:
	data_list$Log <- data_list$Log[, c('CruiseKey', 'LogKey', 'Log', 'EDSU', 'DateTime', 'Longitude', 'Latitude', 'LogOrigin', 'Longitude2', 'Latitude2', 'LogOrigin2', 'LogDistance', 'LogDuration', 'EffectiveLogDistance', 'BottomDepth')]
	#data_list$Log <- data_list$Log[, c('CruiseKey', 'LogKey', 'Log', 'EDSU', 'DateTime', 'Longitude', 'Latitude', 'LogOrigin', 'Longitude2', 'Latitude2', 'LogOrigin2', 'LogDistance', 'LogDuration', 'EffectiveLogDistance')]
	data_list$Beam <- data_list$Beam[,c('CruiseKey', 'LogKey', 'BeamKey', 'Beam', 'Frequency')]
	data_list$AcousticCategory <- data_list$AcousticCategory[,c('CruiseKey', 'LogKey', 'BeamKey', 'AcousticCategoryKey', 'AcousticCategory')]
	data_list$ChannelReference <- data_list$ChannelReference[,c('CruiseKey', 'LogKey', 'BeamKey', 'AcousticCategoryKey', 'ChannelReferenceKey', 'ChannelReferenceType', 'ChannelReferenceDepth', 'ChannelReferenceTilt')]
	data_list$NASC <- data_list$NASC[,c('CruiseKey', 'LogKey', 'BeamKey', 'AcousticCategoryKey', 'ChannelReferenceKey', 'NASCKey', 'Channel', 'MaxChannelRange', 'MinChannelRange', 'NASC')]
	# The following is a hack added on 2020-04-29 by Holmin to remove duplicate rows in Log, which were added due to the merging of log and frequency at the comment "# See note 2020-04-29:". The frequency info contains upper_interpret_depth which is needed to generate the channels in the NASC table. Previously the merge was important also for adding BottomDepth, which is stored in each frequency. However, the BottomDepth is now set to NA for NMDAcoustic. The StoxAcoustic funciton should be revised to avoid the following line (e.g., by not merging to Log but rather merging the pel_ch_thickness into the Beam):
	data_list$Log <- unique(data_list$Log)
	tablesToReturn <- c('Cruise','Log','Beam','AcousticCategory','ChannelReference','NASC')
	# Apply translations defined in the table 'vocabulary':
	if(length(data_list$vocabulary)) {
		vocabulary <- findVariablesMathcinigVocabulary(
			vocabulary = data_list$vocabulary, 
			data = data_list[tablesToReturn]
		# Uniqueify since some columns (keys) are present in several tables:
		vocabulary <- unique(vocabulary)
		data_list[tablesToReturn] <- translateVariables(
			data = data_list[tablesToReturn], 
			Translation = vocabulary, 
			translate.keys = TRUE

as.POSIXct_ICESAcoustic <- function(x) {
	StoxTimeZone <- getRstoxDataDefinitions("StoxTimeZone")
	# Try the two allowed time formats of the ICESAcoustic:
	allowedTimeFormatsICESAcousticSansSeconds <- c(
		"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"
	allowedTimeFormatsICESAcoustic <- c(
		paste0(allowedTimeFormatsICESAcousticSansSeconds, ":%OS")
	areNotNAs <- !is.na(x)
	DateTime <- NULL
	for(format in allowedTimeFormatsICESAcoustic) {
		if(!length(DateTime) || !all(!is.na(DateTime[areNotNAs]))) {
			DateTime <- as.POSIXct(x, tz = StoxTimeZone, format = format)

#' Merge StoxAcousticData
#' @param StoxAcousticData A list of StoX acoustic data (StoX data type \code{\link{StoxAcousticData}}).
#' @param TargetTable The name of the table up until which to merge (the default "NASC" implies merging all tables)
#' @return An object of StoX data type \code{\link{MergeStoxAcousticData}}.
#' @export
MergeStoxAcoustic <- function(StoxAcousticData, TargetTable = "NASC") {
	# Get the tables to merge:
	StoxAcousticDataTableNames <- names(StoxAcousticData)
	if(! TargetTable %in% StoxAcousticDataTableNames) {
		stop("TargetTable must be one of ", paste(StoxAcousticDataTableNames, collapse = ", "))
	tableNames <- StoxAcousticDataTableNames[seq_len(which(StoxAcousticDataTableNames == TargetTable))]
	# Merge:
	mergeDataTables(StoxAcousticData, tableNames = tableNames, output.only.last = TRUE, all = TRUE)

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RstoxData documentation built on July 17, 2021, 5:08 p.m.