
Defines functions read_arena

Documented in read_arena

#' Read an arena description.
#' The user will normally not need to call this function directly. Use
#' \code{\link{read_experiment}} instead.
#' Every path must be accompanied by a description of the "arena". This
#' description includes arena size, goal coordinates etc.{} and is unique for
#' every combination of these (i.e. a different arena description file is
#' required for goal reversal trials).
#' The \code{type} parameter specifies the type of experiment. Current options
#' are \code{mwm} (for Morris water maze), \code{barnes} (Barnes maze),
#' \code{oft} (open field test), \code{nor} (novel object recognition task) and
#' \code{apa} (active place avoidance, also known as the carousel maze). For the
#' water maze, Barnes maze and APA, the pool/arena and goal platforms/holes are
#' restricted to being circular (the square platforms sometimes used for MWM are
#' approximated by a circle of a diameter equal to the width of the square. This
#' is because the rotational orientation of square platforms is seldom recorded
#' (the behaviour of the package regarding this detail may be changed in future
#' versions).
#' This function does not need to be explicitly called if
#' \code{\link{read_experiment}} is being used (in that case, specify the arena
#' file names in the column "_Arena").
#' Quadrants are defined such that the goal is centred around the north
#' quadrant. Note that this means that the quadrant assignment will change in
#' the case of a goal reversal experiment. This simplifies the experiment set-up
#' considerably without imposing restrictions on more complex (e.g. multiple
#' reversal) study designs.
#' @param filename A file specifying the arena.
#' @param description A data.frame containing parameters specifying the arena.
#'   If supplied, the \code{filename} argument will be ignored. This is intended
#'   for internal use only and can be ignored.
#' @return An \code{rtrack_arena} object containing a representation of the
#'   arena, which can be passed to \code{\link{read_path}}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{read_path}}, and also \code{\link{read_experiment}} for
#'   processing many tracks at once.
#' @examples
#' require(Rtrack)
#' arena_description <- system.file("extdata", "Arena.txt", package = "Rtrack")
#' arena <- read_arena(arena_description)
#' @importFrom utils read.delim
#' @importFrom tools file_path_sans_ext
#' @importFrom terra vect erase intersect buffer wrap
#' @export
read_arena = function(filename, description = NULL){
		description.mat = tryCatch(
			utils::read.delim(filename, header = F, sep = "=", strip.white = T, comment.char = "#", stringsAsFactors = F),
			error = function(e) stop(paste0("Cannot open file '", filename, "'. Is the path to this file correct?"))
		description = as.data.frame(t(description.mat[, 2]), stringsAsFactors = F)
		objects = which(description.mat[, 1] == "object")
		if(length(objects) > 1) description.mat[objects, 1] = paste0(description.mat[objects, 1], 1:length(objects))
		colnames(description) = make.names(description.mat[, 1], unique = T)
		rownames(description) = "value"
	# Generic checks. Other experiment type-specific checks are done by each  experiment type block below.
	missing.required = setdiff(c("type", "time.units", "arena.bounds"), colnames(description))
	if(length(missing.required) == 1){
		stop(paste0("One or more arena description files are missing the parameter '", missing.required[1], "'."))
	}else if(length(missing.required) > 1){
		stop(paste0("One or more arena description files are missing the following parameters: '", paste(missing.required, collapse = "', '"), "'."))

	# Convert time.units info into seconds.
	if(description$time.units == "us" | description$time.units == "micros"){
		description$time.units = 1e6
	}else if(description$time.units == "ms"){
		description$time.units = 1000
	}else if(description$time.units == "s"){
		description$time.units = 1
	}else if(description$time.units == "min"){
		description$time.units = 1 / 60
	}else if(description$time.units == "h"){
		description$time.units = 1 / 3600
	}else if(description$time.units == "d"){
		description$time.units = 1 / 86400
	}else if(description$time.units == "y"){
		description$time.units = 1 / 31536000
		x = eval(parse(text = description$time.units))
			description$time.units = x
			stop("The 'time.units' parameter is not valid. Please check the documentation for creating the arena file.")
	id = ifelse(!is.null(description$name), description$name, tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(filename)))
	arena = NULL
	if(description$type == "mwm"){
		## ----- MWM -----
		raw.pool = unlist(strsplit(description$arena.bounds, "\\s+"))
		if(raw.pool[1] != "circle") stop("The water maze pool must be circular.")
		raw.goal = rep(NA, 4)
		if(!is.null(description$goal)) raw.goal = unlist(strsplit(description$goal, "\\s+"))
		raw.old.goal = rep(NA, 4)
		if(!is.null(description$old.goal)) raw.old.goal = unlist(strsplit(description$old.goal, "\\s+"))
		if(is.null(description$goal) & is.null(description$old.goal)) stop("At least one of 'goal' or 'old.goal' must be provided in the arena description.")
		# Pool dimensions are normalised using 'correction' values. Zero-centred and with a radius of 1.
		# (Paths are normalised to match).
		correction = list(
			t = as.numeric(description$time.units),
			x = as.numeric(raw.pool[2]),
			y =  as.numeric(raw.pool[3]),
			r = as.numeric(raw.pool[4]),
			a = c(as.numeric(description$angle), 0)[1]
		pool = list(x = 0, y = 0, radius = 1, shape = "circle") # Defined as unit size.
				goal = list(
				shape = as.character(raw.goal[1]),
				x = (as.numeric(raw.goal[2]) - correction$x) / correction$r, 
				y = (as.numeric(raw.goal[3]) - correction$y) / correction$r, 
				radius = as.numeric(raw.goal[4]) / correction$r
			if(correction$a != 0){
				spun = spin(goal$x, goal$y, deg2rad(correction$a))
				goal$x = spun$x
				goal$y = spun$y
			old.goal = list(
				shape = as.character(raw.old.goal[1]),
				x = (as.numeric(raw.old.goal[2]) - correction$x) / correction$r, 
				y = (as.numeric(raw.old.goal[3]) - correction$y) / correction$r, 
				radius = as.numeric(raw.old.goal[4]) / correction$r
			if(correction$a != 0){
				spun = spin(old.goal$x, old.goal$y, deg2rad(correction$a))
				old.goal$x = spun$x
				old.goal$y = spun$y

		# Annulus is ring defined by goal bounds.
		wall.radius = pool$radius * 0.8 # Wall zone width is 10 % of pool diameter.
		annulus.outer.radius = NULL
		annulus.inner.radius = NULL
			goal.centre.radius = sqrt(goal$x ^ 2 + goal$y ^ 2)
			annulus.outer.radius = goal.centre.radius + goal$radius
			annulus.inner.radius = goal.centre.radius - goal$radius
		}else if(!is.null(description$old.goal)){
			goal.centre.radius = sqrt(old.goal$x ^ 2 + old.goal$y ^ 2) # ...the annulus is defined on the old goal.
			annulus.outer.radius = goal.centre.radius + old.goal$radius
			annulus.inner.radius = goal.centre.radius - old.goal$radius
		wall = list(x = 0, y = 0, outer.radius = pool$radius, inner.radius = wall.radius, shape = "circle")
		far.wall = list(x = 0, y = 0, outer.radius = wall$inner.radius, inner.radius = annulus.outer.radius, shape = "circle")
		annulus = list(x = 0, y = 0, outer.radius = annulus.outer.radius, inner.radius = annulus.inner.radius, shape = "circle")
		arena = list(id = id, type = as.character(description$type), description = description, correction = correction, pool = pool)
		if(!is.null(description$goal)) arena$goal = goal
		if(!is.null(description$old.goal)) arena$old.goal = old.goal

		# Create polygons representing arena components.
		arena$zones = list()
		arena$zones$pool = terra::vect(circle(pool$x, pool$y, pool$radius), type = "polygons", crs = "local")
		arena$zones$wall = terra::erase(
			terra::vect(circle(wall$x, wall$y, wall$outer.radius), type = "polygons", crs = "local"),
			terra::vect(circle(wall$x, wall$y, wall$inner.radius), type = "polygons", crs = "local")
		arena$zones$far.wall = terra::erase(
			terra::vect(circle(far.wall$x, far.wall$y, far.wall$outer.radius), type = "polygons", crs = "local"),
			terra::vect(circle(far.wall$x, far.wall$y, far.wall$inner.radius), type = "polygons", crs = "local")
		arena$zones$annulus = terra::erase(
			terra::vect(circle(annulus$x, annulus$y, annulus$outer.radius), type = "polygons", crs = "local"),
			terra::vect(circle(annulus$x, annulus$y, annulus$inner.radius), type = "polygons", crs = "local")
			arena$zones$goal = terra::vect(circle(goal$x, goal$y, goal$radius), type = "polygons", crs = "local")
			arena$zones$old.goal = terra::vect(circle(old.goal$x, old.goal$y, old.goal$radius), type = "polygons", crs = "local")
		# Quadrants are defined such that goal (or old goal if goal absent) is in centre of north quadrant.
		goal.angle = NA
		if(!is.null(description$goal)) goal.angle = atan(goal$x / goal$y)
		if(!is.null(description$old.goal)) goal.angle = atan(old.goal$x / old.goal$y)
		if(is.na(goal.angle)) goal.angle = 0 # Can happen if goal is exactly in centre of arena and no old goal present.
		n.point = c(x = sin(goal.angle - pi * 0.25), y = cos(goal.angle - pi * 0.25))
		e.point = c(x = sin(goal.angle + pi * 0.25), y = cos(goal.angle + pi * 0.25))
		s.point = c(x = sin(goal.angle + pi * 0.75), y = cos(goal.angle + pi * 0.75))
		w.point = c(x = sin(goal.angle - pi * 0.75), y = cos(goal.angle - pi * 0.75))
		arena$zones$n.quadrant = terra::intersect(arena$zones$pool, terra::vect(cbind(x = c(0, n.point["x"], e.point["x"] + n.point["x"], e.point["x"], 0), y = c(0, n.point["y"], e.point["y"] + n.point["y"], e.point["y"], 0)), type = "polygons", crs = "local"))
		arena$zones$e.quadrant = terra::intersect(arena$zones$pool, terra::vect(cbind(x = c(0, e.point["x"], s.point["x"] + e.point["x"], s.point["x"], 0), y = c(0, e.point["y"], s.point["y"] + e.point["y"], s.point["y"], 0)), type = "polygons", crs = "local"))
		arena$zones$s.quadrant = terra::intersect(arena$zones$pool, terra::vect(cbind(x = c(0, s.point["x"], w.point["x"] + s.point["x"], w.point["x"], 0), y = c(0, s.point["y"], w.point["y"] + s.point["y"], w.point["y"], 0)), type = "polygons", crs = "local"))
		arena$zones$w.quadrant = terra::intersect(arena$zones$pool, terra::vect(cbind(x = c(0, w.point["x"], n.point["x"] + w.point["x"], n.point["x"], 0), y = c(0, w.point["y"], n.point["y"] + w.point["y"], n.point["y"], 0)), type = "polygons", crs = "local"))
	}else	if(description$type == "barnes"){
		## ----- Barnes maze -----
		raw.field = unlist(strsplit(description$arena.bounds, "\\s+"))
		if(raw.field[1] != "circle") stop("The Barnes maze arena must be circular.")
		raw.goal = rep(NA, 4)
		if(!is.null(description$goal)) raw.goal = unlist(strsplit(description$goal, "\\s+"))
		raw.old.goal = rep(NA, 4)
		if(!is.null(description$old.goal)) raw.old.goal = unlist(strsplit(description$old.goal, "\\s+"))
		if(all(is.na(raw.goal)) & all(is.na(raw.old.goal))) stop("At least one of 'goal' or 'old.goal' must be provided in the arena description.")
		hole.definitions = description[, grep("^hole[^s]?", colnames(description))]
		n.holes = 0
			n.holes = ncol(hole.definitions)
			if(!is.null(description$holes)) warning("Only use the 'holes' OR the 'hole' parameter. Both are present, so the individual 'hole' definitions will be used (and the 'holes' definition will be ignored).")
		}else{ # No hole defined. Use the autogenerate function.
				n.holes = as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(description$holes, "\\s+"))[1]) # The number of holes to generate.
				stop("The holes must be defined. Use either the 'hole' keyword to define each hole, or the 'holes' parameter to autogenerate them based on the position of one hole.")

		# Arena dimensions are normalised using 'correction' values. Zero-centred and with a radius of 1.
		# (Paths are normalised to match).
		correction = list(
			t = as.numeric(description$time.units),
			x = as.numeric(raw.field[2]),
			y =  as.numeric(raw.field[3]),
			r = as.numeric(raw.field[4]),
			a = c(as.numeric(description$angle), 0)[1],
			e = list(
				n.holes = as.numeric(n.holes)
		# The region 'field' is renamed to 'arena' in zones list below
		field = list(x = 0, y = 0, radius = 1, shape = "circle") # Defined as unit size.
		if(!is.null(description$goal)) {
			goal = list(
				shape = as.character(raw.goal[1]),
				x = (as.numeric(raw.goal[2]) - correction$x) / correction$r, 
				y = (as.numeric(raw.goal[3]) - correction$y) / correction$r, 
				radius = as.numeric(raw.goal[4]) / correction$r
			if(correction$a != 0){
				spun = spin(goal$x, goal$y, deg2rad(correction$a))
				goal$x = spun$x
				goal$y = spun$y
		if(!is.null(description$old.goal)) {
			old.goal = list(
				shape = as.character(raw.old.goal[1]),
				x = (as.numeric(raw.old.goal[2]) - correction$x) / correction$r, 
				y = (as.numeric(raw.old.goal[3]) - correction$y) / correction$r, 
				radius = as.numeric(raw.old.goal[4]) / correction$r
			if(correction$a != 0){
				spun = spin(goal$x, goal$y, deg2rad(correction$a))
				goal$x = spun$x
				goal$y = spun$y
		centre.radius = field$radius * 0.2 # Centre zone radius is 10 % of arena diameter.
		# Set up holes.
		hole.centre.x = rep(NA, n.holes)
		hole.centre.y = rep(NA, n.holes)
		hole.radius = rep(NA, n.holes)
		if(!is.null(dim(hole.definitions))){ # Holes are individually defined.
			for(i in seq_along(hole.definitions)){
				def = unlist(strsplit(hole.definitions[, i], "\\s+"))
				hole.centre.x[i] = (as.numeric(def[2]) - correction$x) / correction$r
				hole.centre.y[i] = (as.numeric(def[3]) - correction$y) / correction$r
				hole.radius[i] = as.numeric(def[4]) / correction$r
				if(correction$a != 0){
					spun = spin(hole.centre.x[i], hole.centre.y[i], deg2rad(correction$a))
					hole.centre.x[i] = spun$x
					hole.centre.y[i] = spun$y
		}else{ # 'n.holes' equally-spaced holes need to be generated.
			def = unlist(strsplit(description$holes, "\\s+"))[-1]
			hole.centre.x = (as.numeric(def[2]) - correction$x) / correction$r
			hole.centre.y = (as.numeric(def[3]) - correction$y) / correction$r
			hole.radius = as.numeric(def[4]) / correction$r
			hole.centre.angle = pi / 2 - atan2(hole.centre.y, hole.centre.x) # Shift 0 to the top of the vertical.
			hole.centre.radius = sqrt(hole.centre.x ^ 2 + hole.centre.y ^ 2)
			# Calculate centres of holes.
			hole.centre.angles = hole.centre.angle + ((2 * pi) / n.holes) * (seq_len(n.holes) - 1)
			hole.centre.x = hole.centre.radius * sin(hole.centre.angles)
			hole.centre.y = hole.centre.radius * cos(hole.centre.angles)
			hole.radius = rep(hole.radius, n.holes)
			if(correction$a != 0){
				spun = spin(hole.centre.x[i], hole.centre.y[i], deg2rad(correction$a))
				hole.centre.x[i] = spun$x
				hole.centre.y[i] = spun$y
		# The annulus is a ring centred on the arena centre and containing  all holes plus a 5 % buffer either side (clipped by the arena bounds of course).
		hole.centre.radius = sqrt(hole.centre.x ^ 2 + hole.centre.y ^ 2)
		annulus.outer.radius = max(hole.centre.radius) + (max(hole.radius) + field$radius * 0.05)
		annulus.inner.radius = min(hole.centre.radius) - (max(hole.radius) + field$radius * 0.05)
		centre = list(x = 0, y = 0, radius = centre.radius, shape = "circle")
		annulus = list(x = 0, y = 0, outer.radius = annulus.outer.radius, inner.radius = annulus.inner.radius, shape = "circle")
		arena = list(id = id, type = as.character(description$type), description = description, correction = correction, arena = field)
		if(!is.null(description$goal)) arena$goal = goal
		if(!is.null(description$old.goal)) arena$old.goal = old.goal
		# Create polygons representing arena components
		arena$zones = list()
		arena$zones$arena = terra::vect(circle(field$x, field$y, field$radius), type = "polygons", crs = "local")
		arena$zones$centre = terra::vect(circle(centre$x, centre$y, centre$radius), type = "polygons", crs = "local")
		arena$zones$annulus = terra::intersect(
				terra::vect(circle(annulus$x, annulus$y, annulus$outer.radius), type = "polygons", crs = "local"),
				terra::vect(circle(annulus$x, annulus$y, annulus$inner.radius), type = "polygons", crs = "local")
			arena$zones$arena # Clip to arena extent.
		# The 'vicinity' buffer is added because animals do not _enter_ the holes, but rather investigate from the edge and centre-of-mass tracking will place them outside the actual target.
			arena$zones$goal = terra::vect(circle(goal$x, goal$y, goal$radius), type = "polygons", crs = "local")
			arena$zones$goal.vicinity = terra::buffer(arena$zones$goal, 0.05, quadsegs = 90)
			arena$zones$old.goal = terra::vect(circle(old.goal$x, old.goal$y, old.goal$radius), type = "polygons", crs = "local")
			arena$zones$old.goal.vicinity = terra::buffer(arena$zones$old.goal, 0.05, quadsegs = 90)
		# Add individual holes (for counting unique visits) and then combine with the arena.
		holes = setNames(lapply(seq_len(n.holes), function(n){
			terra::vect(circle(hole.centre.x[n], hole.centre.y[n], hole.radius[n]), type = "polygons", crs = "local")
		}), paste0("hole_", seq_len(n.holes)))
		# Add separate vicinities.
		hole.vicinities = setNames(lapply(seq_len(n.holes), function(n){
			terra::buffer(holes[[n]], 0.05, quadsegs = 90)
		}), paste0("hole_", seq_len(n.holes), "_vicinity"))
		arena$zones = c(arena$zones, holes, hole.vicinities)
		arena$zones$hole.vicinity = terra::buffer(Reduce(terra::union, holes), 0.05, quadsegs = 90)
		# Add special zones for goal-adjacent holes.
			adjacency.to.goal = order(sqrt((hole.centre.x - goal$x) ^ 2 + (hole.centre.y - goal$y) ^ 2), decreasing = FALSE)
			arena$zones$goal.adjacent = terra::union(arena$zones$hole.vicinity[adjacency.to.goal[2]], arena$zones$hole.vicinity[adjacency.to.goal[3]]) # Most adjacent is goal itself.
			adjacency.to.old.goal = order(sqrt((hole.centre.x - old.goal$x) ^ 2 + (hole.centre.y - old.goal$y) ^ 2), decreasing = FALSE)
			arena$zones$old.goal.adjacent = terra::union(arena$zones$hole.vicinity[adjacency.to.old.goal[2]], arena$zones$hole.vicinity[adjacency.to.old.goal[3]]) # Most adjacent is goal itself.
		# Quadrants are defined such that goal (or old goal if goal absent) is in centre of the north quadrant.
		goal.angle = NA
		if(!is.null(description$goal)) goal.angle = atan(goal$x / goal$y)
		if(!is.null(description$old.goal)) goal.angle = atan(old.goal$x / old.goal$y)
		if(is.na(goal.angle)) goal.angle = 0 # Can happen if goal is exactly in centre of arena and no old goal present.
		n.point = c(x = sin(goal.angle - pi * 0.25), y = cos(goal.angle - pi * 0.25))
		e.point = c(x = sin(goal.angle + pi * 0.25), y = cos(goal.angle + pi * 0.25))
		s.point = c(x = sin(goal.angle + pi * 0.75), y = cos(goal.angle + pi * 0.75))
		w.point = c(x = sin(goal.angle - pi * 0.75), y = cos(goal.angle - pi * 0.75))
		arena$zones$n.quadrant = terra::intersect(arena$zones$arena, terra::vect(cbind(x = c(0, n.point["x"], e.point["x"] + n.point["x"], e.point["x"], 0), y = c(0, n.point["y"], e.point["y"] + n.point["y"], e.point["y"], 0)), type = "polygons", crs = "local"))
		arena$zones$e.quadrant = terra::intersect(arena$zones$arena, terra::vect(cbind(x = c(0, e.point["x"], s.point["x"] + e.point["x"], s.point["x"], 0), y = c(0, e.point["y"], s.point["y"] + e.point["y"], s.point["y"], 0)), type = "polygons", crs = "local"))
		arena$zones$s.quadrant = terra::intersect(arena$zones$arena, terra::vect(cbind(x = c(0, s.point["x"], w.point["x"] + s.point["x"], w.point["x"], 0), y = c(0, s.point["y"], w.point["y"] + s.point["y"], w.point["y"], 0)), type = "polygons", crs = "local"))
		arena$zones$w.quadrant = terra::intersect(arena$zones$arena, terra::vect(cbind(x = c(0, w.point["x"], n.point["x"] + w.point["x"], n.point["x"], 0), y = c(0, w.point["y"], n.point["y"] + w.point["y"], n.point["y"], 0)), type = "polygons", crs = "local"))
	}else	if(description$type == "oft"){
		## ----- OFT -----
		raw.field = unlist(strsplit(description$arena.bounds, "\\s+"))
		if(raw.field[1] != "square") stop("The open field arena must be square.")
		# Coordinates will be converted into a consistent square polygon.
		raw.coordinates = NULL
		if(raw.field[1] == "square"){
			if(length(raw.field) == 4){
				raw.coordinates = square(raw.field[2], raw.field[3], raw.field[4])
				transform.model = standardise_square(raw.coordinates)
			}else if(length(raw.field) == 5){
				raw.coordinates = square(raw.field[2], raw.field[3], raw.field[4], raw.field[5])
				transform.model = standardise_square(raw.coordinates)
			}else if(length(raw.field) == 9){
				raw.coordinates = square(raw.field[2], raw.field[3], raw.field[4], raw.field[5], raw.field[6], raw.field[7], raw.field[8], raw.field[9])
				transform.model = standardise_square(raw.coordinates)
				stop("The arena definition is incorrect. Please check the manual for the accepted formats.")
			stop("Only square or rectangular arenas are supported at this stage.")
		# (Paths are normalised to match).
		correction = list(
			t = as.numeric(description$time.units),
			x1 = raw.coordinates[1, "x"],
			y1 = raw.coordinates[1, "y"],
			x2 = raw.coordinates[2, "x"],
			y2 = raw.coordinates[2, "y"],
			x3 = raw.coordinates[3, "x"],
			y3 = raw.coordinates[3, "y"],
			x4 = raw.coordinates[4, "x"],
			y4 = raw.coordinates[4, "y"],
			r = standardised_radius_square(raw.coordinates),
			a = c(as.numeric(description$angle), 0)[1],
			model = transform.model
		field = list(x = 0, y = 0, radius = 1, shape = "square") # Defined as unit size ('radius' is 1/2 width)

		# Define zones
		arena = list(id = id, type = as.character(description$type), description = description, correction = correction, field = field)
		centre.radius = field$radius * 0.2 # Centre zone width is 20 % of arena width.
		wall.radius = field$radius * 0.6 # Wall zone width is 20 % of arena width.
		wall = list(x = 0, y = 0, outer.radius = field$radius, inner.radius = wall.radius, shape = "square")
		corner.centre = 1 - ((1 - wall.radius) / 2)
		corner_topleft = list(x = -corner.centre, y = corner.centre, radius = 1 - corner.centre, shape = "square")
		corner_topright = list(x = corner.centre, y = corner.centre, radius = 1 - corner.centre, shape = "square")
		corner_bottomright = list(x = corner.centre, y = -corner.centre, radius = 1 - corner.centre, shape = "square")
		corner_bottomleft = list(x = -corner.centre, y = -corner.centre, radius = 1 - corner.centre, shape = "square")

		# Create polygons representing arena components.
		arena$zones = list()
		arena$zones$field = terra::vect(square(field$x, field$y, field$radius), type = "polygons", crs = "local")
		arena$zones$centre = terra::vect(square(wall$x, wall$y, centre.radius), type = "polygons", crs = "local")
		arena$zones$wall = terra::erase(
			terra::vect(square(wall$x, wall$y, wall$outer.radius), type = "polygons", crs = "local"),
			terra::vect(square(wall$x, wall$y, wall$inner.radius), type = "polygons", crs = "local")
		corner_topleft = terra::vect(square(corner_topleft$x, corner_topleft$y, corner_topleft$radius), type = "polygons", crs = "local")
		corner_topright = terra::vect(square(corner_topright$x, corner_topright$y, corner_topright$radius), type = "polygons", crs = "local")
		corner_bottomright = terra::vect(square(corner_bottomright$x, corner_bottomright$y, corner_bottomright$radius), type = "polygons", crs = "local")
		corner_bottomleft = terra::vect(square(corner_bottomleft$x, corner_bottomleft$y, corner_bottomleft$radius), type = "polygons", crs = "local")
		arena$zones$corner = rbind(corner_topleft, corner_topright, corner_bottomright, corner_bottomleft)
	}else	if(description$type == "nor"){
		## ----- NOR -----
		raw.field = unlist(strsplit(description$arena.bounds, "\\s+"))
		if(raw.field[1] != "square") stop("The novel object recognition task arena must be square.")
		# Coordinates will be converted into a consistent square polygon.
		raw.coordinates = square(raw.field[2], raw.field[3], raw.field[4], raw.field[5], raw.field[6], raw.field[7], raw.field[8], raw.field[9])
		transform.model = standardise_square(raw.coordinates)
		# (Paths are normalised to match).
		correction = list(
			t = as.numeric(description$time.units),
			x1 = raw.coordinates[1, "x"],
			y1 = raw.coordinates[1, "y"],
			x2 = raw.coordinates[2, "x"],
			y2 = raw.coordinates[2, "y"],
			x3 = raw.coordinates[3, "x"],
			y3 = raw.coordinates[3, "y"],
			x4 = raw.coordinates[4, "x"],
			y4 = raw.coordinates[4, "y"],
			r = standardised_radius_square(raw.coordinates),
			a = c(as.numeric(description$angle), 0)[1],
			model = transform.model
		field = list(x = 0, y = 0, radius = 1, shape = "square") # Defined as unit size ('radius' is 1/2 width)

		# Objects
		object.1.is.novel = object.2.is.novel = FALSE
		count.object.1 = sum(!is.null(description$object.1), (!is.null(description$novel.object.1)) * 2)
		if(count.object.1 == 0){
			stop(paste0("At least one of 'object.1' or 'novel.object.1' must be specified. Please check the arena file '", filename, "'."))
		}else if(count.object.1 == 1){ # Old object.
			raw.object.1 = unlist(strsplit(description$object.1, "\\s+"))
			object.1.coordinates = unlist(c(square_transform(as.numeric(raw.object.1[2]), as.numeric(raw.object.1[3]), transform.model),
			square_transform(as.numeric(raw.object.1[4]), as.numeric(raw.object.1[5]), transform.model),
			square_transform(as.numeric(raw.object.1[6]), as.numeric(raw.object.1[7]), transform.model),
			square_transform(as.numeric(raw.object.1[8]), as.numeric(raw.object.1[9]), transform.model)))
		}else if(count.object.1 == 2){ # New object.
			raw.object.1 = unlist(strsplit(description$novel.object.1, "\\s+"))
			object.1.coordinates = unlist(c(square_transform(as.numeric(raw.object.1[2]), as.numeric(raw.object.1[3]), transform.model),
			square_transform(as.numeric(raw.object.1[4]), as.numeric(raw.object.1[5]), transform.model),
			square_transform(as.numeric(raw.object.1[6]), as.numeric(raw.object.1[7]), transform.model),
			square_transform(as.numeric(raw.object.1[8]), as.numeric(raw.object.1[9]), transform.model)))
			object.1.is.novel = TRUE
		}else if(count.object.1 == 3){
			stop(paste0("Only one of 'object.1' or 'novel.object.1' may be specified. Please check the arena file '", filename, "'."))
		count.object.2 = sum(!is.null(description$object.2), (!is.null(description$novel.object.2)) * 2)
		if(count.object.2 == 0){
			stop(paste0("At least one of 'object.2' or 'novel.object.2' must be specified. Please check the arena file '", filename, "'."))
		}else if(count.object.2 == 1){ # Old object.
			raw.object.2 = unlist(strsplit(description$object.2, "\\s+"))
			object.2.coordinates = unlist(c(square_transform(as.numeric(raw.object.2[2]), as.numeric(raw.object.2[3]), transform.model),
			square_transform(as.numeric(raw.object.2[4]), as.numeric(raw.object.2[5]), transform.model),
			square_transform(as.numeric(raw.object.2[6]), as.numeric(raw.object.2[7]), transform.model),
			square_transform(as.numeric(raw.object.2[8]), as.numeric(raw.object.2[9]), transform.model)))
		}else if(count.object.2 == 2){ # New object.
			raw.object.2 = unlist(strsplit(description$novel.object.2, "\\s+"))
			object.2.coordinates = unlist(c(square_transform(as.numeric(raw.object.2[2]), as.numeric(raw.object.2[3]), transform.model),
			square_transform(as.numeric(raw.object.2[4]), as.numeric(raw.object.2[5]), transform.model),
			square_transform(as.numeric(raw.object.2[6]), as.numeric(raw.object.2[7]), transform.model),
			square_transform(as.numeric(raw.object.2[8]), as.numeric(raw.object.2[9]), transform.model)))
			object.2.is.novel = TRUE
		}else if(count.object.2 == 3){
			stop(paste0("Only one of 'object.2' or 'novel.object.2' may be specified. Please check the arena file '", filename, "'."))
		# Define zones
		arena = list(id = id, type = as.character(description$type), description = description, correction = correction, field = field)
		wall.radius = field$radius * 0.6 # Wall zone width is 20 % of arena width.
		wall = list(x = 0, y = 0, outer.radius = field$radius, inner.radius = wall.radius, shape = "square")
		corner.centre = 1 - ((1 - wall.radius) / 2)
		corner_topleft = list(x = -corner.centre, y = corner.centre, radius = 1 - corner.centre, shape = "square")
		corner_topright = list(x = corner.centre, y = corner.centre, radius = 1 - corner.centre, shape = "square")
		corner_bottomright = list(x = corner.centre, y = -corner.centre, radius = 1 - corner.centre, shape = "square")
		corner_bottomleft = list(x = -corner.centre, y = -corner.centre, radius = 1 - corner.centre, shape = "square")
		object.vicinity.width = field$radius * 0.2 # Half width of wall zone.
		# Create polygons representing arena components.
		arena$zones = list()
		arena$zones$field = terra::vect(square(field$x, field$y, field$radius), type = "polygons", crs = "local")
		arena$zones$wall = terra::erase(
			terra::vect(square(wall$x, wall$y, wall$outer.radius), type = "polygons", crs = "local"),
			terra::vect(square(wall$x, wall$y, wall$inner.radius), type = "polygons", crs = "local")
		corner_topleft = terra::vect(square(corner_topleft$x, corner_topleft$y, corner_topleft$radius), type = "polygons", crs = "local")
		corner_topright = terra::vect(square(corner_topright$x, corner_topright$y, corner_topright$radius), type = "polygons", crs = "local")
		corner_bottomright = terra::vect(square(corner_bottomright$x, corner_bottomright$y, corner_bottomright$radius), type = "polygons", crs = "local")
		corner_bottomleft = terra::vect(square(corner_bottomleft$x, corner_bottomleft$y, corner_bottomleft$radius), type = "polygons", crs = "local")
		arena$zones$corner = rbind(corner_topleft, corner_topright, corner_bottomright, corner_bottomleft)
		if(raw.object.1[1] == "square"){
			if(length(raw.object.1) == 4) object.1.coordinates[3] = as.numeric(raw.object.1[4]) / correction$r # Drop in radius if required.
			arena$zones$object.1 = terra::vect(square(object.1.coordinates[1], object.1.coordinates[2], object.1.coordinates[3], object.1.coordinates[4], object.1.coordinates[5], object.1.coordinates[6], object.1.coordinates[7], object.1.coordinates[8]), type = "polygons", crs = "local")
		}else if(raw.object.1[1] == "circle"){
			arena$zones$object.1 = terra::vect(circle(
				x = object.1.coordinates["x"], 
				y = object.1.coordinates["y"], 
				radius = as.numeric(raw.object.1[4]) / correction$r
			), type = "polygons", crs = "local")
		if(raw.object.2[1] == "square"){
			if(length(raw.object.2) == 4) object.2.coordinates[3] = as.numeric(raw.object.2[4]) / correction$r # Drop in radius if required.
			arena$zones$object.2 = terra::vect(square(object.2.coordinates[1], object.2.coordinates[2], object.2.coordinates[3], object.2.coordinates[4], object.2.coordinates[5], object.2.coordinates[6], object.2.coordinates[7], object.2.coordinates[8]), type = "polygons", crs = "local")
		}else if(raw.object.2[1] == "circle"){
			arena$zones$object.2 = terra::vect(circle(
				x = object.2.coordinates["x"], 
				y = object.2.coordinates["y"], 
				radius = as.numeric(raw.object.2[4]) / correction$r
			), type = "polygons", crs = "local")
		# Test that object zones are valid. If not, then the following operations can crash R.
		if(!is.na(sum(range(terra::ext(arena$zones$object.1)))) & !is.na(sum(range(terra::ext(arena$zones$object.2))))){
			## Create a region surrounding the objects
			object.1.vicinity = terra::buffer(arena$zones$object.1, object.vicinity.width, quadsegs = 90)
			object.2.vicinity = terra::buffer(arena$zones$object.2, object.vicinity.width, quadsegs = 90)
			# Erase any overlap between the object buffers and clip to field.
			arena$zones$object.1.vicinity =  terra::intersect(
			arena$zones$object.2.vicinity =  terra::intersect(
			zone.names = setNames(, names(arena$zones))
			if(!is.null(arena$zones$novel.object.1)) zone.names[c("object.1", "object.1.vicinity")] = c("novel.object.1", "novel.object.1.vicinity")
			if(!is.null(arena$zones$novel.object.2)) zone.names[c("object.2", "object.2.vicinity")] = c("novel.object.2", "novel.object.2.vicinity")
			stop("The objects are not correctly entered in the arena description file. Please check the documentation carefully.")
		# Create a new zone including all/any objects.
		arena$zones$object = terra::union(object.1.vicinity, object.2.vicinity)
		arena$zones$object.vicinity = terra::buffer(arena$zones$object, object.vicinity.width, quadsegs = 90)
		# Create a new zone including all/any novel objects. This may be empty.
		if(object.1.is.novel | object.2.is.novel){
			arena$zones$novel.object = switch(
				object.1.is.novel + (object.2.is.novel * 2), 
				terra::union(object.1.vicinity, object.2.vicinity)
			arena$zones$novel.object.vicinity = terra::buffer(arena$zones$novel.object, object.vicinity.width, quadsegs = 90)
		arena$novel$object.1 = object.1.is.novel
		arena$novel$object.2 = object.2.is.novel
	}else	if(description$type == "apa"){
		## ----- APA -----
		raw.arena = unlist(strsplit(description$arena.bounds, "\\s+"))
		if(raw.arena[1] != "circle") stop("The active place avoidance arena must be circular.")
		raw.aversive.zone = rep(NA, 4)
		if(!is.null(description$aversive.zone)) raw.aversive.zone = unlist(strsplit(description$aversive.zone, "\\s+"))
		raw.old.aversive.zone = rep(NA, 4)
		if(!is.null(description$old.aversive.zone)) raw.old.aversive.zone = unlist(strsplit(description$old.aversive.zone, "\\s+"))
		if(all(is.na(raw.aversive.zone)) & all(is.na(raw.old.aversive.zone))) stop("At least one of 'aversive.zone' or 'old.aversive.zone' must be provided in the arena description.")
		raw.reference.rotation = unlist(strsplit(description$arena.rotation, "\\s+"))
		# Arena dimensions are normalised using 'correction' values. Zero-centred and with a radius of 1
		# (Paths are normalised to match)
		correction = list(
			t = as.numeric(description$time.units),
			x = as.numeric(raw.arena[2]),
			y =  as.numeric(raw.arena[3]),
			r = as.numeric(raw.arena[4]),
			a = c(as.numeric(description$angle), 0)[1],
			e = list(
				arena.rotation = as.numeric(raw.reference.rotation)
		# The region 'field' is renamed to 'arena' in zones list below
		field = list(x = 0, y = 0, radius = 1, shape = "circle") # Defined as unit size.
		centre.radius = field$radius * 0.2 # Centre zone width is 20 % of arena diameter.
		centre = list(x = 0, y = 0, radius = centre.radius, shape = "circle")
		wall.radius = field$radius * 0.6 # Wall zone width is 20 % of arena diameter.
		wall = list(x = 0, y = 0, outer.radius = field$radius, inner.radius = wall.radius, shape = "circle")
		aversive.centre = as.numeric(raw.aversive.zone[2])
		aversive.width = as.numeric(raw.aversive.zone[3])
		aversive.zone = list(
			shape = as.character(raw.aversive.zone[1]),
			x = 0, 
			y = 0, 
			start.radius = ifelse(length(raw.aversive.zone) == 5, as.numeric(raw.aversive.zone[4]) / correction$r, 0),
			end.radius = ifelse(length(raw.aversive.zone) == 5, as.numeric(raw.aversive.zone[5]) / correction$r, 1),
			start.angle = (aversive.centre - (aversive.width / 2)) %% 360,
			end.angle = (aversive.centre + (aversive.width / 2)) %% 360
		old.aversive.zone = list(
			shape = as.character(raw.old.aversive.zone[1]),
			x = 0, 
			y = 0, 
			start.radius = ifelse(length(raw.old.aversive.zone) == 5, as.numeric(raw.old.aversive.zone[4]) / correction$r, 0),
			end.radius = ifelse(length(raw.old.aversive.zone) == 5, as.numeric(raw.old.aversive.zone[5]) / correction$r, 1),
			start.angle = as.numeric(raw.old.aversive.zone[2]),
			end.angle = as.numeric(raw.old.aversive.zone[3])
		# Define zones
		arena = list(id = id, type = as.character(description$type), description = description, correction = correction, arena = field, centre = centre, wall = wall)
		if(!is.null(description$aversive.zone)) arena$aversive.zone = aversive.zone
		if(!is.null(description$old.aversive.zone)) arena$old.aversive.zone = old.aversive.zone

		# Build aversive sector from components
		centre.theta = deg2rad(aversive.zone$start.angle - 90)
		corner.theta = deg2rad(aversive.zone$start.angle)
		pre.sqcentre = c(x = sin(centre.theta), y = cos(centre.theta)) * aversive.zone$end.radius + c(aversive.zone$x, aversive.zone$y) 
		pre.sqcorner = c(x = sin(corner.theta), y = cos(corner.theta)) * aversive.zone$end.radius + c(aversive.zone$x, aversive.zone$y)
		# Square blocking arena after sector
		centre.theta = deg2rad(aversive.zone$end.angle + 90)
		corner.theta = deg2rad(aversive.zone$end.angle)
		post.sqcentre = c(x = sin(centre.theta), y = cos(centre.theta)) * aversive.zone$end.radius + c(aversive.zone$x, aversive.zone$y)
		post.sqcorner = c(x = sin(corner.theta), y = cos(corner.theta)) * aversive.zone$end.radius + c(aversive.zone$x, aversive.zone$y)

		# Build old aversive sector from components
		centre.theta = deg2rad(old.aversive.zone$start.angle - 90)
		corner.theta = deg2rad(old.aversive.zone$start.angle)
		old.pre.sqcentre = c(x = sin(centre.theta), y = cos(centre.theta)) * old.aversive.zone$end.radius + c(old.aversive.zone$x, old.aversive.zone$y) 
		old.pre.sqcorner = c(x = sin(corner.theta), y = cos(corner.theta)) * old.aversive.zone$end.radius + c(old.aversive.zone$x, old.aversive.zone$y)
		# Square blocking arena after sector
		centre.theta = deg2rad(old.aversive.zone$end.angle + 90)
		corner.theta = deg2rad(old.aversive.zone$end.angle)
		old.post.sqcentre = c(x = sin(centre.theta), y = cos(centre.theta)) * old.aversive.zone$end.radius + c(old.aversive.zone$x, old.aversive.zone$y)
		old.post.sqcorner = c(x = sin(corner.theta), y = cos(corner.theta)) * old.aversive.zone$end.radius + c(old.aversive.zone$x, old.aversive.zone$y)
		# Create polygons representing arena components
		arena$zones = list()
		arena$zones$arena = terra::vect(circle(field$x, field$y, field$radius), type = "polygons", crs = "local")
		arena$zones$centre = terra::vect(circle(centre$x, centre$y, centre$radius), type = "polygons", crs = "local")
		arena$zones$wall = terra::erase(
			terra::vect(circle(wall$x, wall$y, wall$outer.radius), type = "polygons", crs = "local"),
			terra::vect(circle(wall$x, wall$y, wall$inner.radius), type = "polygons", crs = "local")
			negative.pre = terra::vect(square(pre.sqcentre['x'], pre.sqcentre['y'], pre.sqcorner['x'], pre.sqcorner['y']), type = "polygons", crs = "local") # Square blocking arena before sector
			negative.post = terra::vect(square(post.sqcentre['x'], post.sqcentre['y'], post.sqcorner['x'], post.sqcorner['y']), type = "polygons", crs = "local") # Square blocking arena after sector
			negative.inner = terra::vect(circle(aversive.zone$x, aversive.zone$y, aversive.zone$start.radius), type = "polygons", crs = "local") # Inner circle
	    negative.outer = terra::vect(circle(aversive.zone$x, aversive.zone$y, aversive.zone$end.radius), type = "polygons", crs = "local") # Outer circle
			arena$zones$aversive.zone = terra::intersect(
					rbind(negative.pre, negative.post)
				terra::erase(negative.outer, negative.inner)
			negative.pre = terra::vect(square(old.pre.sqcentre['x'], old.pre.sqcentre['y'], old.pre.sqcorner['x'], old.pre.sqcorner['y']), type = "polygons", crs = "local") # Square blocking arena before sector
			negative.post = terra::vect(square(old.post.sqcentre['x'], old.post.sqcentre['y'], old.post.sqcorner['x'], old.post.sqcorner['y']), type = "polygons", crs = "local") # Square blocking arena after sector
			negative.inner = terra::vect(circle(old.aversive.zone$x, old.aversive.zone$y, old.aversive.zone$start.radius), type = "polygons", crs = "local") # Inner circle
			negative.outer = terra::vect(circle(old.aversive.zone$x, old.aversive.zone$y, old.aversive.zone$end.radius), type = "polygons", crs = "local") # Outer circle
			arena$zones$old.aversive.zone = terra::intersect(
					rbind(negative.pre, negative.post)
				terra::erase(negative.outer, negative.inner)
		# Quadrants are defined such that the centre of the aversive zone is in centre of the north quadrant (by definition straight upwards on the page).
		aversive.zone.angle = deg2rad((aversive.zone$start.angle %% 360 + aversive.zone$end.angle %% 360) / 2)
		if(is.na(aversive.zone.angle)) aversive.zone.angle = deg2rad((old.aversive.zone$start.angle %% 360 + old.aversive.zone$end.angle %% 360) / 2)
		n.point = c(x = sin(aversive.zone.angle - pi * 0.25), y = cos(aversive.zone.angle - pi * 0.25))
		e.point = c(x = sin(aversive.zone.angle + pi * 0.25), y = cos(aversive.zone.angle + pi * 0.25))
		s.point = c(x = sin(aversive.zone.angle + pi * 0.75), y = cos(aversive.zone.angle + pi * 0.75))
		w.point = c(x = sin(aversive.zone.angle - pi * 0.75), y = cos(aversive.zone.angle - pi * 0.75))
		arena$zones$n.quadrant = terra::intersect(arena$zones$arena, terra::vect(cbind(x = c(0, n.point["x"], e.point["x"] + n.point["x"], e.point["x"], 0), y = c(0, n.point["y"], e.point["y"] + n.point["y"], e.point["y"], 0)), type = "polygons", crs = "local"))
		arena$zones$e.quadrant = terra::intersect(arena$zones$arena, terra::vect(cbind(x = c(0, e.point["x"], s.point["x"] + e.point["x"], s.point["x"], 0), y = c(0, e.point["y"], s.point["y"] + e.point["y"], s.point["y"], 0)), type = "polygons", crs = "local"))
		arena$zones$s.quadrant = terra::intersect(arena$zones$arena, terra::vect(cbind(x = c(0, s.point["x"], w.point["x"] + s.point["x"], w.point["x"], 0), y = c(0, s.point["y"], w.point["y"] + s.point["y"], w.point["y"], 0)), type = "polygons", crs = "local"))
		arena$zones$w.quadrant = terra::intersect(arena$zones$arena, terra::vect(cbind(x = c(0, w.point["x"], n.point["x"] + w.point["x"], n.point["x"], 0), y = c(0, w.point["y"], n.point["y"] + w.point["y"], n.point["y"], 0)), type = "polygons", crs = "local"))
		stop("The arena file '", filename, "' does not have a valid 'type' definition.")

	# Serialise terra objects to enable parallelisation.
	arena$zones = lapply(arena$zones, terra::wrap)

	class(arena) = "rtrack_arena"


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